HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-05-06, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1948 HENSALL The Chiselhurst Young Peoples' Society of the United itiChurch are sponsoring a play "Gran - pa's Twin Sister" presented by ' Elimville Young People,' in the Tatra hall, on Wednesday, May 12th at 8:30, proceeds for Community Re- creational Fund. The monthly. Evening Auxiliary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. D. Kyle on Monclay night, May 10th, Mrs. H. Hyde will assist the hostess. The study will be given by Mrs. Shortt, Mrs, R. Drysdale will present a missionary item, Mrs. W. Jones will coltribilte the devo- tional period. Members .are remind- ed to have ready an apron or a novelty in answer to the roll call, A. large Attendance is requested. The monthly meeting of the Hen - sail Institute takes place at the home of Mrs. Wm. Dinnin on Wed- nesday night, May 12th at 8:15 o- clock. An interesting program is be- ing arranged under 'the convener - ship of Mrs. A. E. Munn and Mrs. A. Kerslake. Roll call: a rule for being a good citizen. Members are also asked to arrange an exchange of bulbs. Rev. A. Hinton, of Kippen, will be the guest speaker. Plan to attend this meeting. Miss Goldie Cross R.N., of London spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross. Miss Jean Foster of London visit- ed over the weekend with her par- ents, M1•. and Mrs. A. Foster. Mrs. H. 0. Dayma'i, of London, was a weekend guest with Mrs Louis Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing of Ex- eter, were recent visitors with Mn and Mrs. Melvin Moir. Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and Carol returned home from a pleasant visit with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neeb, in Tavistock. Mrs. Don Evans and son `�t1 Waterloo spent the weekend the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Rankin of Thames Road. 'visited recently with Mr. and Mfrs. Glenn Bell. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Dell of London visited with the former's sister, Mrs. J. 1IeAllister, recently. Mr, and Mrs. Neck of Tavistock visited this week at the home their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. Miss Barbara Michie spent the weekend with relatives and friends in London. Mrs. Peppier of Hanover visited during the past week with her bro- ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mrs. Gadys Smith of Montreal is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Saundereock. 'Mrs. Geo. Hess visited during the past week with relatives in Detroit. Mrs. Sam Hey of Blake spent a few days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard, ' Mr. Walter McEwen of London, spent, the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McEwen. Mrs. Grace Echlin Richardson Bremnel., widow of Rev, William A. Bremner, former pastor of Bruce - field United Church,died suddenly at the home of her son-in-law and daughterMr. and Mrs. T. Colin West, 107 Elgin street, St. Thomas, Barn in Woodstock, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Richardson. She resided with her parents in Buxton until her marriage. During Mr. Bremner's years of ministry they resided' in Bracebridge, Ripley, St. Thomas, Go- bouvg, Brucefield and Seaforth. Mrs. Brenner has resided for the past five years at St. Thomas. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. T. Colin West, and Miss Edna C. Bremner; - a granddaughter, Miss Dorothy West. A service was held on Saturday at 2 p.m. Rev. E. W. Bre&rley, min- ister of First United Church, offici- ated. Following the service the cor- tege proceeded to Brucefield where interment took place in Baird's cem- etery. TUCKERSMiTH BRUCEFIELD A large number of Brucefield congregation attended the funeral service of the late Mrs. Bremner at the grave in Baird's cemetery, on Saturday afternoon. Burial service was conducted by Rev. Brearley of St. Thomas, assisted by Rev. Mr. Peters of McKillop. The services conducted by Rev. R. C. Chalmers Phd. D., of Toronto, at the Young Peoples' Union anniver- sary were very much appreciated, also the choir who were assisted by three former members, Mr. Ross Dilling, Miss Hazel Dilling and Mr. Walter McEwen, now of London. Mr. Ross Dilling and Miss Hazel Dilling of London, spent the week- end with friends in the village. Rev. R. C. Chalmers was guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott over the weekend. Mrs. (Rev.) Stanway, who still continues to be poorly was taken to Clinton Hospital; friends hope she will soon be restored to her usual health. VIM Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel, Mrs. Margaret Collins, Mies Ruth Moore of Mitchell and Glen Diegel. of Strat- In Stock' ford attended the nurse§ gradua- tion at London Monday evening of The best in Work Shirts. Also Overalls priced to sell. Mr, Wilfred Ahrens has pinches- Ruth Gollnitz of Mitchell, s Remember Finnigan's for your. Work Shoes—none better ed the Brodhagen garage from. Mr. than Orel) • Frank Dantzer and took possession . May 1st. Mr. Dantzer will remain Havin overstocked rn Isuit,we Have slashed the prices with him for the present. This will g be a Supertest station. for this ween -slid.' Oranges large'. & small. , Grapefruit, Messrs. Norman Wolfe, : Edward T3anail'as',-Sl)anish011ionS, Cucumbers Scherbarth were on a fishing trip to Colpoy's Bay over the week end and THE BEST IN SEED AND TABLE POTATOES brought Monne 'a good ,number ' of & SON h W. J. FINNIGAN Mice hs Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock and Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Herbert attended Niggsx a festival drama play presented in „ , ,,, n rm,.. St, joint's Lutheran Church, Water CARD OF THANKS t loo, on Tuesday. evening in which.. The tamiiy of the ]ate George 8. Ebetl4 the former's son, ,Mr. 'Robert Rock cleshe to thank the neighbors, relatives ,end. of Waterloo Seminar took art, friends for the many kind expressions of P sympathy extended them during their recent Miss Joy McNaughton of , Wilton bereavement. , Grove, who teaches piano and violin, bas started teaching at the home of Mr: and Mrs, Russell Sholdice every Saturday, with twelve pupils start- ing. There will be church service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Ascen- sion Thursday evening. Surprise Birthday Party On Friday, April 30th, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings held a birth- day party for Kenneth who was that day 12 years old. After coming home from school, as Ken entered the din- ing room where tables were set with place cards, the boys and girls flock- ed in by the hall door singing to the music played by Mrs. E. Snell, "Happy Birthday, dear Ken". Ken who did not know anything about the party really looked surprised. Including the teacher '(Mise Jervis) 29 boys and girls sat down at the 3 tables, boys at one table, girls at the second and smaller boys and girls at the Srd. They sang the bless- ing [Be,present at our table Lord). At the end of the supper ice cream we» served and each one given a small package wrapped in paper containing a shall trinket and iv verse ti, correspond which they each 1. as they opened the parcel, some of which caused a hit of fun. After sup- per was over for the boys and girls, several pictures were taken and they all either wrote .a verse or just signed their name in a school day grow n-upss and hla coof luple en hlle the babies, 11 in all had supper, the young folks played ball with the teacher as um- pire. Supper all over the chilie dren examined the gifts and sang he's a jolly 'good fellow" and gave Ken his slaps and bumps after which a program with Mrs. Snell at the piano. They had a nice lot of coal munity, singing, music on the piano by Doris Gibbings, song "Where have you been Billy boy" by June, Mary, and Richard Snell, and sing- ing by Joyce Hawkins and Gloria Nott, and a couple of comic readings by Mrs. Tont Burns, which was much enjoyed by the children, after which they played ball till almost dark. Mrs. George Garrett, who is 85 on her birthday, and is fond of children, was present at the party. BRODHAGEN Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ahrens on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs, Harold McNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. John McNaughtorh, Earl and Arthur, of Tuckersmith, Mr. and :VIPs. Albert Wolfe, Logan. Mr. Vincent Dittmer of Wingham, called on his uncle, Mr. Jack Prue - ter one day last week. Large mixed bouquets of 'flowers adorned the altar of St. Peter's Lu- theran of the atech oday Mrs11Emma in Emma Querengesser who passed away one year ago. NOTICE SUNDAY DELIVERY of Milk will commence Sun.day, May 9 FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS MAPLE LEAF DAIRY SEAFORTH HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson and Master Harold and Miss Marjorie Knox attended the birthday party for Renneth Gibbings at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings, Friday, April 30th. • Sunday being the first Sunday in May, Burns' Church Sunday School started again for the summer months and church service in the forenoon. Mr. Isaac Rapson spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Beacom. Mr, Archie Watt and his Western friend holidayed at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and'Mrs. Leo Watt, from last Thursday. His friend returned to Centralia on Sunday. Archie bas till Thursday of this week. :Hiss Jessie Watt was in London last week again about her leg• The cast that was on was taken off an another pelt on. They tell her it is doing alright. It is 1 year last Friday since it was,broken and wesincerely y hope it will soon be alright gir. Mr. and Mrs. ThomasIflox at thef f Lohdesbmro spent Monday home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Wnl, 'Knox. Mr. and Mrs. McNichol alittle daughter of near Walton spent Sun- day at the'honle' of Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. Knox. C. C. F. NOM I NATION CONVENTION HENSALL TOWN HALL Monday, May 10 8.30 P.M. Art Haas C.C.F. FARM ORGANIZER AND MEMBER OF PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE, TORONTO — (GUEST SPEAKER) SOMETHING'S WRONG ! ! Let's hear what you think it is ! Come and voice your opinion IN MEMORIAM BULLARD — In loving memory of a. dear Dither, who passed away it year ago. Sunday, MsY 9th, 1947 A dearer memory dearer than gold, Of a Dad whose worth can never to told. 110000 and smiling. always Loved aridrespected wherever be went. To a beautiful life came osud en end. He livedas he died, e —Sadly missed by Ida slaughter Iva (Mrs. George Eaton). X wish to thank all friends and relatives who r4membered me withcards and letters and other gifts and who helped other woYs duringmy illness. MBS.. W. HOW.' HELP WANTED Summer Waitresses wanted. Girls of neat appearance. for Snack Shop," Grand Bend; season May or June till Labor Day night; good wages nice living quarters overlooking lake, very seasonable workinghours; girls supervised; character references''recoil rd. Apply in own handwriting to: W. Eric McILROY, LAKEVIEW CASINO, Grand. Bend. Ont. - ..... HELP WANTED Assistant for "Snack Bar" kitchen, June to Labor Day. Apply to. W. ERIC WILROY, LAKEVIEW CASINO, Grand Bend, Ont. WANTED County of Huron Applications for the position of Caretaker for the Court House et Goderieh will be received until- 12 o'clock noon on Friday, May 21. Applicant to state age and quelific - dons, Salary 31600 per year. Please apply to the undersigned. N. W. MILLER County Cleric Goderieh FOR SALE 5 pigs 5 months old. FRANK MALONEY. George street, Seaforth FOR SALE Heintrman Pion° in good condition. MRS. ALEX STIRLING, George street Also a round dining table, solid oak. FOR SALE A colony house 12x12, painted whitegood flooring. all in good co HAWLEY, 1281 Seafm'th. Phone 834123 FOR SALE Studlrat couch, s ociNews Oftieeat used. Bargain. ADpy FOR SALE 1931. Model A Ford coach in good condition.. ROSS FORREST, RR2 Kippen. 03r11 Mensal) FOR SALE An ice refrigerator. takes it large block of ice. White deluxe finish outside, white porce- lain inside,like new, Used 0 short, time in good home. J. W. MODELAND, phone G60i'4 . FOR RENT 1115 acre grass farm, Lot 35, Con. 14, McKillop Township• Never Se falling opting creek, THOS. NASH, N CROOKED HEELS LOOK TERRIBLE Keep than). straight and save W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR BOA Tfrnwrat WOOL. WANTED ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone SW & 33 AMBULANCE. Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions' Office Residence. 43 18 EXECUTOR'S SALE LD 1i'URNISHINGS. , in the Town of Seaforth, e Mrs. D. Regale, on Friday,, electric refrigerator: Beatty machine; electric radio; 2 ete with springs and mnt- ers; wash stand; writing m table & six chairs Chairs;• side air (leather)end 2t odd esn mattress) ; all cabinet; wardrobe; standing records; 2 bed lights; header with pipes; sewing maeli- ve with oven ; kitchen tablet ; hat rack; mirrors eetric irouilts. cutlbry le cloths and towels, rte.. ; coking utensils; glasses, etc„ 1s; quilting frame; 2 storm. mower ;'about 1/, ton nut Itv box, 3 small numerous: windows,other ovals, eta., Terms cash REEVES, Executor uctioneer . g Auction Sale OF HOUSEMO On Huron St. Estate of the rat FOUND May 7th, at 1. p. 00 No. 8 Highway, east of Seaforth, a fold Westinghouse Inc table. Owner can have same by proving electric washing Property and paying for ad. Apply ANGUS tees tresses beds cores l 7:ENNEDY desk; dining we MOW ERS SHARPENED )hoard; rocking eh • 2 day beds (with table; sewing lamp; victrola & with pipes ; range Me; coal oil A° kitchen cupboard electric toasters ; blankets, etc.; tab NOTICE' ' dlebte; clocks; c Lawn Mowers sharpened. Phone 312 S. buffalo robe too CORDON ICLEBER, Seaforth. 'windocoal ; trunk, qdt steel drum; oh articles. FRED H. Jackson, A Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SIOA.FORTII, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect. ed at lowest rates in First -Class Oompanies. Lnvn mowers sharpened & renairod. JOHN DUCKLOW, phone .894 w. Royal Apartments FOR SALE 4 -wheeled trailer for sale. GEORGE HOI.- L.kN7), Dublin The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD' OFFICE — SEAFORTB, ONT. Officers—President; C, W. L•eonhardt, Elrod - lumen ; Vice Pres„ Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec.-Treas. & Manager. M. A. Reid, Seaforth' Directors—ltobt. Archibald. Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth ARB; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E J. Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth; J. If. MtEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Hervey Fuller, Goderieh RR2 Agents—John E. Pepper. Brucefield; R. F. McKorcher, Dublin; J. F, Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact ..other business. will be promptly' attended to by applications to any of the. above, named officers addressed to their respective post officesr FOR SALE Mixeil grain. CLARENCE MONTGOMERY, phone 841 r 31, Seaforth FOR SALE Quantity. of Gladiolus, in mixed colors, medium sizes, at 52 per hundred. Delivery charges hlielges a tra, MURR CliAYn T ND LL Brone12 - FOR SALE 'Hand crocheted late tablecloth size 10090, Wine Pram (Sunshine), cream trim with mud guards, excellent cdndttion. Apply at The News office • WANTED TO BUY Wanted to buy, Baby's Crib. Phone 66601 Seaforth central Auction Sale OF PROPERTY & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Egmondville, Saturday, e of. he village in t g May 16t11, at 1 P.m. 7 room frame House, stuccoed Hydro, water in house. Hardwood floors. Large gar- den. Good basement. House in exceptionally, good condition. 1 Quebec, heater cook stove; 1---3-burner' Perfection ail stove; 1 coal oil. heater; 1 brooder stove with brooder & pipes 1 break- fast table with theirs; 1 sideboard 2 exten- sion tables; 6 dining room chairs, clock, some small tables. 2 couches, 2 lawn mowers ; 1 bed & chest of drawers ; 1 bed & stand. elec- tric floor lamp; 1 daisy churn- No 3 & 1 small churn ; 1 wash boiler, other articles,. some garden tools; chemical toilet & pipes, 1 gal. thermo jug ; 2 gates; 1 lane gate & 1 smaller in iron. Quantity of dishes. Kitchen. utensils. Terms—Chattels cash. Property 10% down, balance 30 days. .TAMES WEBSTER, Proprietor Harold Jeskson, Auctioneer FOR 'SALE A felt mattress and a coil spring for a :A - led. In good condition. Apply 01 News Oalce FOR SALE Commodore Guelph cook stove, Ingood eon - lids La With ovenwithindicator. Whiterining oven and six c enamel h and silver trim. Will burn either coal or wood Reasonable. Also a child's commode chair. Apply to The News office FOR SALE Soap One Shorthorn bull, serviceable age, FALCONER, Stella? Phone Dublin shelters,816 AS, FOR SALE Three good work horses. cheap for quick sale ; also a few good sows; some 21 -inch tires tubes. ISARVEY Ma1LWAIN, phone 3 Clearii1 _ OF FARM 2, S STOCK 5353D McKillIMPLE2 f IMPLEMENTS— At no Lot I mile east, on Tues - north of 11,, Seaforth p.m.and . IA Tues- day, RS 11, 0. CATTLS--Shorthorn Belgian rheed registered$an 1 CATTLE Lane — fni11Y accredited.yarold.( 10Bl heifers1 and 9 cows w82090 Y Th¢ a calvea atfoot, from such five no(d heifers. as Brown Dale Model, Gainford Marquis, Walsh - ford Paymaster, Rosewood .Standard, Detailed_ list available. Some chunks of Pigs weighing about 80 ib IMPLEMENTS—Ford Fergusoner strlctor 00 rubber with starter, 47, Ford stiff -tooth cultivator, plow and tandem dine. Belt pulley and spark plugtire pump. International 13 (''un disc fertilizer drill manure spreader. hay -loader with drop bend, valkirtg plow;mower Ma B y -Harris 7ft, cutt bindecutr `(nearlY naw): plow.. 13 run disc drill with fertilator; dump rake; land roller; waffler; r ere0nl SAP - orator walking plow; steel tired wagon with with hay ; bench sleighs. with lint. with ; skiing hay rack rack; electric n feeders and 4 shelters; 3 hp. Wagnerr• electric motor with starter and safety switch and 30 'ft. of conduit. 1/3 hp. motor. Coleman grain roller; cutting box; grain hags, tools and articles too numerous to mention found about the farm. Harness—Set of breech- ing herness (nearly new), and odd collars. Household Effects --2' beds, springs, settee, combination china cabinet and writing desk, 2 leather couches, bed couch, chairs. rocking chairs, kitchen range, cupboard, dresser,:desk, en Edison phonograph, 2 lawn mowers, other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve as the Farm is rented and. everything will be sold, Terms cash. Fred W. Ahrens and A. B. 53r01103001' & Son, Auctioneers N. R. DORRANCE, Proprietor FOR SALE Bag truck. Sling chain with 3 ropes. Hay car like new with new rope. Set government. hog scales. Good summer kitchen stove. Que- bec stove with oven & reservoir'; Wire reel, etc. ROY RAU, Seaforth, near dour mill Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. At Lot 4, Con. mileTso south Hensel], ontThurs-. east y, and 14 at 1 1.m.. Thurs- day, May 13th, 1 1 wagon . rue erose. 1 cutter, 1. wagon (on. sleighs, , he, 1 hay rack, 2 bob sleighs, 2 wheel barrows, 1 saw log machine, 1 circular saw, 1 auto tractor, , radon plow, 1. disc plow, 1 r 1 t ' It frtel•, 1 •F cuV i 1 con cultivators, hartrow. 2 1 1 iron plow (drain) ; 1 disc cultivfund Packer;1 seed drill, 1 hay loader, 1 1. self binder, 1 manure loaead, 1 hay redder, 1 mower, 1 -fan- spngul1 seeder, 1 voier, 1 (scrap) ming mill, 1 trootDulpen, 1 straw cutter,. 2 grind stones; 1 cream separator, weigh Marne . scales; 1. hay fork (complete), 1 forge & anvil; 1 drill press; 1 bag truck; 2 metal drums; 3 oak barrels; 1 hedge din- ners. Terms cash. FRANK WOOD, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS— At Lot 14, Con. 2, Logan Tp, just north'ef Mitchell, '4 mile east of Supertest Gas Sta. tion on 23 Highway, Saturday, May 8th. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. HORSES— 2 Clyde mares 0 years old, weighing about 2600 Ibe. CATTLE -'Holstein cow, fresh, with calf by side; 1 Jersey cow, fresh one month. These cows am TB tested. HOGS—York sow with litter of 8 pigs; 1 York sow with litter of 9. 5 little pigs weaned POULTRY -2 ducks, 1 drake, Muecovys. '- IMPLEMENTSn�— Seed drill, truck wagon. nearly new; 24 wagon with wagon box; flat' hay rack nearly new; Mai cultivator; 8 we, harrows;„ disc harrow, inthrow scuffler; Fleury walking plow No. 21; cutting box 2 electric chick brooders; 1 wood rack ; 2 root. outliers ; 2 -wheel trailer with stock rack ; new wheel barrow; gravel box; hay fork, rope, pulley, Melotte cream separator, 650 1b cap.; gang plow, 2 -ferrety; work bench; lawn. mower; ladders; heater; milk pails; shovels; hoes; whiifletrees, and other articles. Harness —Set team harness, odd collars,. 2 horse blan- kets; 2 electric fencers. About 2 tons of Hay. No reserve as farm is sold, Terms gash. CHRP9" A, LEONHARDT, Proprietor Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer . NOTICE TO'5NSI5IP OF TUOKERSMITH Owing tonumerous complaints from resid- ents of the village of. Egmondville. that con- siderable damage is being done to ,gardens, flower beds, etc., by flogs running at large in the said village, the Council 'requests ,the co-operation of dog owners or harbourers in the village to keep their dogs either tie' up or under control at all times. It• web co- operation is not forthcoming it shall be necessary to ' take -action to control this menace. • E. P. 011ESNEY, Clerk Clearing Auction Sale FARM. FARM STOCK &IMPLEMENTS— At Lot 22, Con. 17, Goderieh Twp. on Base Line 2 miles north of Olinton, on Friday, May 7, at 12.30 pan. (DST); HORSES—Bay mare 6 years; brown mare aged; grey mare, 10 years old CATTLE—Holstein cow. 4 years, due time of sale; holstein cow, 6 years, due time of sale; Holstein cow 7 years, due time of Sale; Guernsey heifer, B years, due Apr. 28; Hol- stein x Guernsey heifer, 2 years, recently freshened; Holstein x Guernsey heifer, 3 yrs„ recently freshened; Guernsey x Ayrshire cow, 5 years, recently .freshened; Guernsey x Ayr- shire cow, 7 years, recently. fresh; Holstein cow, 7 years. fresh; Ayrshire cow. 10 years, fresh; Ayrshire cow, 8 years, fresh; Guern- sey cow, 8 years, fresh; Guernsey cow, b yrs, fresh; Guernsey heifer, 4 years, fresh; 2 Guernsey heifers, 2 yeast fresh. All, the above cows & ;heifers which have freshened have done- so within the last month. 4 Holstein x Guernsey heifers 1 30. & 2 yrs. old; Guern- sey heifer I year. Hereford bull ('registered) 1 year. 4 heifer calves; 1 bull calf IMPLEMENTS -International F 14 Farman tractor (in a-1 condition) ; Mai 2 -furrow 'tractor plow; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; 111-11 binder, 7 ft. cut ; M -H mower, 6 ft. eta; M -H manure spreader (nearly new); Cock- shutt 15 disc drill; Oliver 2 row scuffler; Maxwell hay loader; Renfrew cream separ- ator, 750 11) cap, (nearly new) . Holland electric brooder; rubber tire wagon' (600 .x 16 tires) ; gravel box and flat rack; 2 -wheel trailer & stock rack (600x56 tires); fern wagon ; set of sloop sleighs (nearly new) ; 10 ft, hay rake; 3 section harrows• 12 plate in - throw disc; walking plow; gang plow; single scuffler•; '.circular saw & frame, hay car & folk ; sling chain and sling ropes ; 150 it. of hay rope; colony house; pulleys forks,.shov els, logging chains, milk pails, other artieles Harness—Set of breeching harness, collars. FARM—At the same time and place there will be offeredfor sale, subject to reserve hid. Of not sold previousto sale date), the Farm, 160 acres of good clay loam with 25 acres of bush. Bank barn 36x78; cement Silo storey frame house with full basement end furnace. Hydro and water pressure system in house Si barn. Terma—On chattels cash. On farm 10% down, bolaoco in 30: days. HURON MUROl1, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND some Household Effects. At South half of Lot 11, Con. 8, Morris Twp., fr(4 mile's north of B1yth, 2r/a east, on Wednesday. May 12, ,it 1 P.M. DST. HORSES—Black team weighing 1500 Ib s; driving mere, work single or double. CATTLE—Grey cow 9 years, due Sept. 16 ; • rad cow 8 due Sept.20 , heifer 4 years, re he greye Oe. ears du co 5 Y u Oct. I • red w •s due Years, , ; 25; Hereford cow lei Oa years, due Oct. 17 red heifer 3 years, duea Oat. 18, Hereford cow. 7 years, due Nov. 15; red cow 8 years, milk- ing; grey cow 8 years, freshened: one heifer rising 2 years; 1 heifer rising 1 year; 4 steers: rising 1 year; 5 spring calves. IMPLEMESITS-M-H. 6 ft. binder in good. shape; M -H spreader No. 6; M.H. hay loader,' good shape: F&W mower, 6 ft cut; M00 -D, disc fertilizer drill 18 .hoe (like new) ; land' roller; waffler; Oliver riding plow; 2 walk- ing plows; set of Diamond harrows, 4 sec- tion ; ection; disk; 13 -tooth cultivator; Chatham fan- ning mill; McC: D. cream separator; set sleighs & bunks; steel tired wagon; 16 ft, hay rack ; wagon box ; 10 ft. hay rake ; beg truck; hay fork & slings; Portland cutter; top buggy ; light wagon. t 2 pole tongues; wheel barrow ; block & tackle; fence stretcher. 2000 1b set of 'scales. Groln-200 bus, mixed oats; 36 bus. wheat. Gravel box'; quantity of 1" lumber; quantity 2" lumber; Saekewan robe large size; grain bags; set brass mounted. harness; 2 sets plow harness; set Bingle har- ness; forks, shovels and other articles. Some Household Effects. No swerve as farm ,is sold.: Terms cash P. J. KELLY, Proprietor Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician. - Dr. P. L. Brady, •M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m„ and t, to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H Ross' office. Phone SW MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon - Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, .Ear, Hose qnd Throat Graduate in Medicine,Unlversity of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, I1locrefield'e Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng.. At Commercial Tiotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday In each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 LADIES: READ THISl Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 3, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAPORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable How Intal Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 VETERINARY SURGEONS J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. L. C. HALL, D.V.M., VS. Main St. Seaforth.- Phone 105 - � Personal attention by either Vet- erinarian wuen requested Of possible) Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber geode) mailed Postpaid 6i samplessi25c; 24d enveloeamplea 31 00.. with Malll-- Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. _ WANTED TO BUY All oldor e h s s and dead animals. It suitable for mink feed,will pay more than fertilizer prices --if no, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. ' GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch, Goderlch.. Phone collect 856r21, ,or 936112, Godecich FOR SALE Raspberry canes and strawberry plants for. sale. Phone 668 r 15. J. S. BARRY, Eb'dvlle • Unwanted hair removed. instantly from face, arms, lege,, with Flash Hair Remover.. Harm- less. -leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no ,questions asked.. Complete treatment 52 postpaid. (0.0.0.'s — Postage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept, 410) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, flue, NOTICE The Purebred Belgian Draft Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME —5249— Enrolment No. 8017. First Class. Form 1. The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion WINSTON V -E —29929— Enrolment No. 4583. Second Class, Form 2 The Purebred Perehe'ron Stallion REFINER 16280— Enrolment #k224, let class: Form I Route for 1948—Mon. & Tues., vicinity of Dungannon, Lucknow, Brussels, Blyth. Wed. & Thus., vicinity Seaforth. Clinton, Dublin. Friday & Sat., viciniy of Bingen, Hensall and Zurich. Terms $17 to insure, payable Mash 1st. 1949. 4T, J. McMICHAEL, Prop. and Manager Grade A—Premium No, 131. First Class Form L .Enrolment No. 4310 The Purebred Blnek Perchaeen Stallion ST. BLAIN MARQUIS Mon. -Tues. --Vicinity of Exeter and Lucan. Wed.-Thurs.--Vicinity of Dashwood, Zurich. Fri.-Sat.—Vicinity Seaforth and Dublin. Terms 82 down- $12 April 1st, 1940. Phone 88 0 24 ;Hensall; or 14 r 14 Dublin. WILLIAM OOtD, Prop. and Manager FOR SALE Stuccoed house, good basement, hydro, First class shape in Egmondville. Prompt posses- sion. Modern Brick house, W. William St. Make good investment. Prompt possession,' E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Insurance Broker,. Seaforth, Ont. - Phone " Off. 844, Res. 220 FOR SALE Modern brick duplex on West William st. 1' story, frame dwelling, new furnace, village of Egmondville, early possession. Modern 134 storey frame dwelling•insutatd. Goderieh streeat east. Frame cottage, garage, South Main Street. Immediate possession. 1 storey, frame asphalt shingle covered. en South Main street,' Seaforth. Modern' dwelling on Louiea St,,Seaforth. M, A. REID, Seaforth Income Tax Returns Income Tax, Returns made up. Phone for appointment — Hensel! 88r16. Dublin 14r12. TH0S. D. WREN. Cromarty 11111 WANTED LivePoultry We will pay top Market Prices ARMSTRONG & SMITH ARTHUR, ONT. For quotations call Seaforth 279J