The Seaforth News, 1948-05-06, Page 4'l'%IE SEAFORTH NEWS TOM SEu'owrn NEWS n.. . Snowdon Bros., Publishers A Play Entitled "Maid of Money' will be presented in the Walton Community Hall FRIDAY, MAY 7 at 8,30 p.in. Presentedby the Walton Young -People's Union ADMISSION 25c AND 35c WALTON Mrs. J. H. Sellers, Morris, with relatives. Miss Mary Shortreed; R.N., with her mother, Mrs. W. Shortreed. Mr. Robert Holland has returned to London. Mr. and Mrs, Johnston, near Wingham, with her father, Mr, Ro- bert Shortreed and other relatives. DUBLIN Misses' Madeline and Reta Sloan of Stratford, spent the weekend at their home here, Miss Pat Dale of Stratford with her parents. Mrs. Janes Carlin, with friends in London. Miss Stella Johnson spent the weekend in Blyth. Miss Jean Costello, London, with friends here. Mr. Steve Johnson with friends in London and Windsor, MissBetty • Quihn of Walton spent Sunday • with. Miss Doreen Murray. Miss' Loreen Jordon, L'ondot; spent the weekend with her parents, Mr• and Mrs. Joe Moylan of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moylan. Miss Ethelyn O'Hearn, Goderich, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. O'Hearn. Mr. and Mrs. James Aekroyd and family, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs Joseph O'Rourke, Mrs, Reynolds, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jordan, Toron- to, with Mr, and Mrs. James Jordan. Misses Catherine and Dorothy, Jordan, Kitchener, with their mother Mrs. Loretta Jordan.. Misses Mary Margaret and Ther- esa Ryan, London, with their parents Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Ryan. VARNA Mrs. J. W. Johnston has returned home from spending three weeks with her son and daughter-in-law at. Wellington, Mr. .and Mrs. Perce Johnston; also. at Oshawa with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Dryden and sister, Mrs. R. S. Evans; also visited her daughter in. Toronto, and Mk. anti Mrs. Charles Adamson : and sister', Mrs. 1i. A. Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adamson and daughter Ann of. Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs., J. .W. Johnston and family. Mr's. Miller is remaining here for a couple of weeks before going " to her home in Leamington. Mr. James Reidfrom Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marshall and Mr. J. Northcot frolii Exeter spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and family. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. R. McBride and sev- eral members of the W.M.S. attend- ed the Huron Presbyterial at Sea - forth. Some attended the anniversary at Brucefield Church on Sunday from this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Desch were visit- ed by relatives from Crediton on Sunday. M. Lloyd Finnigan and baby son returned home from Clinton hospi- tal and her many friends will be wishing her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffery were visited on Sunday by friends from Goderich. The seeding is finished in this community and several aro getting ready for pasturing .their stock. HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW "THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION JUNE 7" SATURDAY • MAY 8th • 10.00 to 10.30 p.m. MONDAY • MAY 10th • 8.00 to 8.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY • MAY 12th • 1.15 to 1.45 p.m. May 6 (CBL -740); May 10 (CKNX-920) 10- 10.30 p.m.; May 12 (CJCS-1240) Vote PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 Published by the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1943 HURON PRESBYTERIAL MET IN SEAFORTH The Huron Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary Society held. their twenty-second annual meeting in Seaforth United Church, Tuesday,. April 27th, 1948, The President, Mrs. C. Tavenei• of Holinesville, presided at both morn- ing and afternoon sessions. The morning devotional service was led by Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Desjardine, "The Bible" being the worship theme. Mrs. B. F. Christie, Seaforth, broughtgreetings to the assembled W.M.S.''members and. friends and Miss Ethel Dennis, Bethel, replied to the address of welcome. Mrs. W. 3. Greer, Wingham, Cor- responding Secretary, took the roll call of the afternoon and evening auxiliaries and also gave her report, There are 58 afternoon, 7 evening and 2 new auxiliaries, with a total of 1395 annual 'members and 486 life members which is an increase of 28 for the year. Mrs. E. Hocking reported for the Mission Circles of which there are 5, and, these provide fine training for girls in missionary and temper- ance work. They also visit the sick and send parcels to Britain regu- larly. There are 42 Mission -Bands many holding their meetings on Sundays, and, with the help of the guide book, study peace, temperance and ' mis- sions. In the report for the 24 Baby bands, it is noted that money is not particularly stressed but contact and interest is kept with the mothers and the children who are future Mission Band members. The treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Sutter, Clinton, reported that in 1947, $16, 800.32' had been forwarded to the Branch treasurer, which is $600.00 above the allocation and an increase of $444.00 over 1946. The Supply Secretary, told of packing 2 bales valued at $239.75 and was pleased with the willing re- sponse and fine clothing sent in. One bale contained a complete outfit for an invalid lady and was sent to Sar- nia. The other contained children's clothing and Christmas parcels and was sent to the Indian School at Thamesville. Another bale valued at $135.00 was shipped to God's Lake, Man•, and also help was given to Chinese Relief. 21 Auxiliaries have an Associate Helpers department with a member- ship of 563 who contributed $885.- 83 to the funds during the year. The Temperance Secretary re- ported that 28 societies had some- thing about• temperance at every meeting, some only quarterly, and some gave one whole meeting to this topic.Threelnts to be 1. Totalessed in theseprograms are abstin- ence. 2. Women are urged to vote and take a prominent part in nation- al life. 3. A welcome should be given Ontario Election Act, 1937, R.S.O., Chapter 8, and Ontario Voters' List Act, 1937, Chapter 7. THE ONTARIO ELECTION, JUNE 7th, 1948 NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS TAKE NOTICE that the.sittings of the Revising Off leers for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the pending Election. of a member of the Legislative AseeMbly for each of the Electoral Districts of Huron -Bruce, and Huron, will be held for the respective munieipali ties in said Districts, at the following times and places, mentioned in the schedule lielow, with the names of the Clerk of the Revising Officer for Each _Municipality, and the last date for making complaints or appeals to the said Clerk. Municipality Grey Township Howick Township Wingham Town Brussels Village Mildmay Village Colborne Township , . . Carrick Township 1. wn hr o s p Huron Township Ripley Village Culross Township . , . , Teeswater Village Lucknow Village . • • Morris Township Kinloss Township , Turnberry Township , East Wawanosh Twp. Blyth Village Ashfield Township West Wawanosh Twp. Date of Sitting May 3rd " 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 14th 15th 17th 19th 18th 19th 19th 20th „ ,1, » „ „ 11 „ „ HURON -BRUCE BY HIS HONOUR JUDGE COSTELLO Places of Sitting Township Hall, Ethel Township Hall Gorrie Town Hall, Wingham ..... , Town Hall, Brussels J. A. Johnston's office, MMildntay Township Hall, Carlow J. A. Johnston's office, Mildmay Township Hall, Ripley Council Chambers, Ripley Town Hall, Teeswater , . Town Hall, Teeswater Town Hall, Lucknow . , ...... ,.• „ Township Hall, Morris Township Hall, Holyrood Township Hall, Biuevale Foresters' Hall, Belgrave Community Hall, Blyth Township, Hall, Ashfield .... Township Hall, West Wawanosh Time of Sitting Clerk of Revising Officer 10:00 a.m. J. 11. Fear, Ethel 10:00 a.m .Philip Durst, Wroxeter 10:00 a.m. .W. A. Galbraith, Wingham 3:30 p.m . .G. R. Campbell, Brussels 10:00 a.m ..J. A. Johnston, Mildmay 10:00 a,m, , ,Wm. Sallows, Goderich, R.R. 5 10:00 a,m...3. A. Johnston, Mildmay 3.30 p.m Donald McKay,..R.R., 3, Ripley 3:30 p.m . Gideon Ruttle, Ripley 10:00 a.m . J. S. McDonald, Teeswater 10:00 a,m. , .J. Good, Teeswater 4:00 p.m.. . J. E. Agnew,Lucknow 10:00 a.m.. ,George Martin, Brussels 10:00 a.m. —J. R. Lane, R.R. 2, Holyrood .. , 10.00 a.m...W. R. Cruikshank, Wingham 10:00 a,m...R. 11. Thompson, Belgrave, R.R. 1 8:00 p.rn—Bernard Hall, Blyth 3:00 p.m...C. E. McDonagh, Lucknow, R.R. 3 10:00 aan... Durnie. Phillips, Lucknow Last Day for Complaints Apr. 29th ” 30th May 1st 3rd 3rd 4th 6th '7th 8th 10th' 10th 10th 11th 13th 15th 14th 15th 15th 17th „ „ Municipality Date of Sitting Hay Township • , .... May 6th Hullet Township ” 7th McKillop Township Stanley Township Stephen Township . , . Tuckersmith Twp. • • . Usborne Township Seaforth Town Exeter Village Goderich Town Goderich Town Stephen, (RCAF Sta.] Tuckersmith Twp. (Ra- dio School ” 1Qih " 10th „ 3rd 5th 4th 11th 13th 12th 17th 20th 17th HURON BY HIS HONOUR JUDGE COSTELLO Places of Sitting Township Hall, Zurich Community Hall, Londesboro Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth Township Hall, Varna Township Hall, Crediton , , . . Cecil - Cecil Simpson's house, Brucefield Township Hall, Elimville Town Hall, Seaforth Village Hall, Exeter Court House, Goderich Court House, Goderich Township Hall. Crediton r_eeil Si'npenn's house, Brpcefield Last Day for Tiote of Sitting Clerk of Revising Officer Complaints 10:00 a.m. H. W. Brokenshire, Zurich May 3rd 3:80 p.m. :George Cowan, Londesboro " 3rd 3:30 p.m ,J. M. Eckert, Seaforth, 31.31. l " 6th 3:30 p.m. , .Fred Watson, R.R, 3, Bayfield Apr. 29th 3:30 p•m. • . F. W. Morloek, Crediton May 1st 3:30 p.m. —Edwin P. Chesney, Seaforth, R. 4 Apr. 30th 10:00 a.m...H. H. G. Strang, Hensall, R.R. 1 May 7th 3:30 p.m...D. H. Wilson, Seaforth " 18 h 10:00 a,m. . C. V. Pickard, Exeter „ 18th 8:00:p.m...S. H. Blake, Goderidh .• " 13th 8:00 p.m. .S. H. Blake, Goderich3:80 p.m. .F. W. Morloek, Crediton " 13th 3;80 p.m...E;dwin P. Chesney, Seaforth, R. 4 " 14th BY D. E. HOLMES, K.C. Goderich Town May 5th Court House, Goderich 10:80 a.m...5. H. Blake, Goderich May lst Goderich Town " 12th Court House, Goderich 10:30 a.m. .S. H. Blake, Goderich " 8th Hensall Village " Gth Town Hall, Hensall 10:00 a.m. .James A. Paterson, Hensall " 3rd Clinton Town " 19th Town Hall, Clinton ,,,10:30 a.m...M. T. Corless, Clinton ' 15th Clinton Town " 20th Town Hall, Clinton 8:00 p.m...M. T. Corless, Clinton " 17th Goderich Twp. ...... " 13th Miss S. Acheeon's res. Hnlniesvhie 10:30 a.m.. .R. G. Thompson, Clinton, R.R. 2 10th . _11l Times Mentioned Are Daylight Saving Time) All person' are called upon to examine the Voters' ers' I ists to c certeiu that their names are correctly entered therein, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the list to be so revised is Part I and III of the Voters' List prepared for the above mentioned municipalities. AND FURTHER TAKE \OTICF that any voter in a ni of the said municipalities who desires to that his name, > or the name of any Terson entitled to be entered on the aid list for -hat municipality has been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been e atered the een, may as above set out apply, complain or appeal to have his name or the name of any other person entered on or removed from the list. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form (in duplicate) signed by the complainant, and given to the Clerk of the Revising 0 Ulcer or left for him at his address as stated above. The lists of -voters may be seen at the office of the Clerks of the 'Revising Officer in each municipality as above, For further information write to Miss Evelyn A, Cooper, Box 98, Goderich, Clerk for the Election Board of the County of Huron. Dated at Goderich the 23rd day of April, A.D., 1948. T. M. COSTELLO Chairman for the Election Board of the County of Huron P T THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Showing Thur. Fri. Sat„ May 6.7.8 TWO PEATUIOES "THE SHOCIKIN'G MISS PILGRIM' ' with Belly Grabble add Dick Burma In Technicolor.'. Delightful, breezy entertainment; Iias' tunes,color ,& smart., comedy. ALSO-. , "ICING .OF WILD HORSES" Mon. Tues, Wed. May 10.11-12 DENNIS MORGAN GEORGE O'13'RIEN "My WILD IRISH ROSE" In Technicolor A song story ofrollicking Minstrel Days Ducked with Trish tunes Next Thum.. Fri. Set., May 13.14-16 NELSON EDDY ILONA MASSEY. "NORTH-WEST OUT POST" An exciting drama concerning a. Russian-aontrolled outpost in the 1530's filled with Music and Comedy Coming: "H ER 'HUSBAND'S AFFAIRS" strangers, especially those from other lands. The Seaforth. Mission Band gave, two musical selections and Mrs. M. Wiltse led in offertory prayer, after the report of the nominating committee Mrs. Colin Fingland closed the morning session with. prayer. In the 'afternoon the worship ser- vice was conducted by Mrs. Wilson, Brussels, and Mrs. McVittie, West- field. An impressive. "In Memoriam" service was conducted by Miss Annie Lawrence, Seaforth, for the members who had passed on during the year, with special tribute being paid to Miss Caroline Wellwood, a former Missionary to China, and also to Miss Lawr'enee's mother, who had been a faithful member of Seaforth Church. Mrs. R. McKercher rendered a lovely solo and Mrs. Workman in- troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Roger Self, Toronto, President of the Dominion Board of the Women's Missionary Society. Presbyterial Officers • Hon. Pres.—Mrs. Robert Nay, Fordwich; Past Pres., Mrs. C. Ta- vener, Holmesville; Pres., Mrs. Kirkby, Walton; 1st. Vice -Pres.,. Mrs. R. Lawson, Seaforth; 2nd. Vice -Pres., Mrs. W. McVittie, West• field; 3rd, Vice -Pres., Mrs. W. J. Moores. Belgrave; 4th Vice -Pres,, Mrs. Emory Desjardine, Grand Bend; Evening Auxiliary Sec., Mrs. C. Worsell, Goderich; Recording Secretary, Miss M. H. Milne, Blyth; Corresponding Sec., Mrs, W. J. Greer, Wingham; Treasurer, Mrs. 3. Sutter. Clinton; Christian Steward- ship, Sec., Mrs. Earl Mills, Walton; Mission Circle Sec., Mrs. E. Hocking, Cromarty; Mission Band Sec., 'Mrs, Wm. Johns, Exeter; C.G.LT. Sec., Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Wingham; Baby Band Sec., Mrs. K. Webster, Blyth; Community Friendship .Sec., Mrs. Penwarden, Centralia; Supply Secre- taries, Mrs. Wiltse, Mrs. Trewartha, Clinton; Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs. E. Toll, Blyth; Temperance Sec„ 'Mrs. R. Allen, Brucefield; Lit- erature Sec•, Mrs. J. Hillebreeht, Seaforth; Associate Helpers Sec., Miss G. Worthy, Goderich; Press Sec., Miss E. Johnston, Bluevale. ONTARIO MING PLAN FIFTY PER CENT REDUCTION OF DOWN PAYMENTS ON NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOWER COST HOUSES UNDER THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ACT (ONTARIO) The Province of Ontario will arrange for the loan of fifty per cent of the difference between the amount of the first mortgage and the sale price of a newly constructed t house, the Provincial advances not to ex- ceed $1,250.00 on any one house. The loan will be repayable on a twenty year amortization plan with interest at 3IA per cent per annum. Satisfactory evidence will be required that the amount of the first mortgage advance is a reasonable propor- tion of the value. Applicalienforms and all ecessary Information may be obtained from: THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT Room 4602, East Block, Queens Park, Toronto Ontario The Honourable Dana Porter, K.C. Minister Dealers, Bakers, armers.'& Feeders WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "GOLD STAR" Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "EXCELLENCE" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give them a trial -- Quality and Prices are right Excellence Feeds Calf Meal Chick Starter Chick Grower Pig Starter Hog Fattener Hog Grower Laying Mash Sow Ration Dairy Ration EXCELLENCE in Name and Quality rin eeds Seaforth Telephone 354 Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd.