HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-05-06, Page 3( • a's''<3avj Province Protects Motorists' Tires -The sel f -described vehicle above spends the summer cruising Ontario's Major highways, removing the metal. flotsam that often plays hob with motor car tires. Consisting of two ,electro -Magnets, powered by a motor in the body of the truck, the swinging beams at the rear pick up everything from nails to scythe blades. Driver's biggest problem is stopping to answer questions of curious U.S. tourists. Sports - And._ One Thing or Another - By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sisbit Critic") In the course of a fanning ses- sion with a great former athlete the other day, the matter of color in. sports -skin color, that is -happen- ed to conte up. "etre used to draw the line because of personal pre- judice and the idea that we whites are naturally a superior race," he said with a doleful shake of .the head. "Now it begins to' look as if we'll have to draw it all over again, simply because those colored boys are getting too good for us," * * it We had just been reading the news that, out in Lawrence, Kan- sas, two igug-standing 'world re- cords -the e - cords the 120 yard high hurdles and the shot putt -had just been shattered, both by colored athletes. * * * The one notable -almost glaring -exception is the sport of hockey, where the colored boys just don't seem able to climb up to the upper branches with any degree of suc- cess. Of course this is probably because of lack of natural aptitude for "the world's fastest sport". * * e' Long - standing timidity of big league baseball stagnates to include negroes in their lineups -include then frankly as negroes, we mean ' -was due principally to their fear of unfavorable reaction in the more southerly cities of those loops. Brooklyn's experience last year with Jackie Robinson did a for to kill that fear; and what happened during Dodgers' recent Spring training jaunt should just about finish the job: * * *. With both Robinson and Roy Cafupanells as advertised attrac- tions, The Bums played seven ex- hibitions in Asheville, Dallas, Fort Worth, Oklahoma City and Tulsa -all cities that had never before seen negroes competing with whites on a ball. field, and all places where race feeling is supposed to run fair= • ly high. And although the recep- tion the two colored boys received from the "white "rooting sections was nothing to rave about, in base- ball actions speak louder thaii words; and the record-breaking 63 thousand customers who paid to see those games will probably do more to convince the moguls than all the talk about "freedom and equality" ' ever spouted since the 'days of Abraham Lincoln, * * * This being the time of year when all sports writers peek into the tea- leaves and call the pennant -winners, why should we try and fracture such a long-established custom? It has the advantage of filling a cer- tain amount ,of space in a fairly dull periodof sport; and if we call them wrong, nobody will remember who we picked anyway. Naturally, if by some miracle we happen to pick them right, we can always re- mind you of the fact when Autumn rolls around. * * * Anyway, for no particular reason, we don't believe that either the Brooklyn Dodgers or the New York Yankees will be back with an encore of their last season's performance. In fact we wouldn't be too greatly surprised to see the next World Series an all - Boston affair -with the Braves and the Red Sox fighting it not for all the glory and mighty little dough, see- ing that Beantown seating capacity is much below that of places like the Yahkee Stadium. * * * There have been many remark- able performers in sport; but one of the most remarkable of all time is a party most of us hardly ever hear about. When a man who was old enough to be a machine -gunner in World War One is still suffi- ciently good to defend, with ease, his championship title in one of the toughest and most exacting of all games, he must he a wonder in- deed. That man is a little Basque gentleman named Pierre Etche- baster, and the game is the ancient and regal sport known as court tennis. * * * One expert 'describes it as "the. absolute of games" - one which calls for stamina, courage and dar- ing, for the alertness of chess, the skill of billiards, the generalship of polo and the speed of hockey. It's played indoors on a court 110 X 38 feet. The net, in center, is 5 feet high at the ends, sloping to s feet at the middle. The court is cluttered up with "hazards" quite foreign to lawn tennis; and the ball is made from strips of cloth wound so tightly together that 'many players have been stunned by a, fast rebound coming off the walls and connecting 'with the noggin. * * * Because of the cost of the' courts, it's a wealthy man's game; and be- cause of lack of room for many spectators, comparatively few ever see it played. But it's no game for a weakling, as anybody who has ever tried it will attest. And for a man like Etchebaster-at the age of 64 -still to be without a rival in a game he's ruled for more than 20 years, stamps him as one of the marvels of sport. Just the other' day he turned back the challenger and amateur title-holder, Ogden Phipps, seven sets to two; .and he did it with such ease that now they're saying the only person with a chance of catching up with Pierre is an old .party carrying a scythe, sometimes known as The Grim Reaper". ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH. 95 CitARETTE roarteo Mother Earth Puts on Weight The earth is either putting on weight, or else packs a whole lot more poundage than anybody ever suspected. Take a deep breath and We'll give you the latest and most exact figures. It's 6,620 trillion tons. Or if you'd rather have it alt in figures, just write down 6,620 and then start snaking zeros. There should be eighteen of them, after the 6,620, when you're done. _ That's right-6,620,000:000,000,- 000,0000000 ight-6,620,000;000,000;000,000,000 tons. No wonder the old lady seems to be rather weary at times! For centuries scientists have been trying to establish the exact weight of the earth. In 1793 Lord Caven- dish trade the first determination and devised the method, which with many modifications, was used in the latest tests made at Washington by the Bureau of Standards. But the newest method is a great im- provement even over the one used at the last test, in 1330; and as a result there has been a large correc- tion in the figure of this globe's weight -hundreds upon hundreds of millions of pounds being added to the estimates. These experiments have not been carried on just out of idle curiosity, either. Actually, this information is imtnenscly important in many fields of scientific work -to astronomers, astro-physicists, just plain physic- ists as well as many others engaged in basic research. That's Different A French valet, violently opposed to capitalism, •spent most of his spare time attending Communist meetings. Ilis employer didn't ap- prove but was tolerant, for the man was an unusually efficient servant. But then the valet suddenly stopped going to the meetings. Asked for an explanation, he said: "At the last meeting I attended it was prov- ed that if all the wealth in the country were divided equally the share of each p erson would be 2000 francs." So what?" asked his employer. "Well," replied the valet, "I have 5000 Frances.' Have You Noticed? Lots of fellows know a good thing the moment the other fellow sees it first. Here's Speedy Relief for Tender, Aching, Burning Feet Your feet may b0 so swollen and In- flamed that you think you can't go an- other sten. Year shoes fatly feel as if they are cutting right Into the flesh. You feel slok,all over withpain and torture: you'd give anything to get relief. ' Two or three apptloations of Moono'e Emerald. 011 and In n few minutes the pain and soreness disappears. No matter how dieonnraged you' have been, if your have not tried .Emerald 011 then Sen have some- thing to learn. Ask for a bottle today at geed drug stores all over Canada. ISSUE 18 1948 Classified Advertising AGENTS' WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticides,Eleotria Pence Oontrellers, House and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings,- etc.. Deal- ers wanted, , Writo Warco Grease & 011 LImi• tad, Toronto. BABY CHICKS. MIDAT and other staple shortages maybo a reality. That's: when . eggs and poultryfill In, You'll - find good markets. Immediate delivery chicks, and started. Ask, for bar- gain list, Bray Hatchery, 130 John North,. Hamilton. -40/z-Heavy Breed Cockerels -Sc - Sussex,. Sussex. x New Hamp. New .Nampa. prompt delivery: 6c. After April 20th; 6,,,s. .May let to May 1000: 00. Rhode Island Reds 41tae, Rock x Leghorn and Sussex x Leghorn Sc, Leghorns. 1e. Fast leathering Rocks and Bock x Now Hamas to May Oth 60. May 1-1060: Te. To receive these specials enclose this ad with order. All prtces 0u1Ject to change w,llthout notice. HURO:WALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont. MAIKE bigger meat and egg .profits with Hollywood leghorns, They are as large as most heavy breeds. These Real big, lep- combed beauties are backed by 30 years breeding for every quality you need for lop poultry pompe - Chamblonship livability to. out chick and layer losses. Guaranteedegg breeding for big, white, •premium. eggs. 800111 a big leghorn for more meat. bast Uniform growth for quickest of ..all broilers. 010(ee' these big prolt makers once and you will raise them always. Write for prioellut and free calendar. Big Rock Farm. Mille Roches, Ontario. STARTED cluck bargains: while they last. 2 -week-old- Barred Rocks, Now Hampshire x Barrett Rook, Light Sussex x Barred Rook, .New Hampshire x Light Sussex--non-sexed 20.06,. mullets 32:96, cockerels 10,45. White Leghorns Barred Rock x - White Leghorns, Austro White -pullets 31,92. 151nck Minorca x White Leghorn pullets 36.96. New Hamp- tttires-non-sexed 20.46, pullets 34,96, cocker- els 9.45, Assorted Breeds 1.00 per hundred less. Throe -week-old add 5.00 per hundred. 7 - week -old pullets -Now Hampshires 60.96. 8 - week -old -Black Austrelo'n pullets 61.95. 5 - week -old Barred Rocks 47.95. :Day 01d cock- erels Barred Roclm, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Light Sussex. Light Sussex x New Hampshire:, -Black Auatralorps 4,46, New N0mpehlres 3.46. Assorted heavies 2.96. Prompt delivery. Free catalogue.' Tweddlo Chick Hatcheries Limited; Puglia. Ontario. DON'T miss these started chick bargains. Immediate delivery. Pullets: 2 weeks 015 - White Leghorn, White Leghorn x Barred Rock, Light Sussex x' White Leghorn. 34.95. Blacic Minorca x White Leghorn 30.96, New Hampshire., White Rocks, Light Sussex 33.95, Barred- Rodes, New Hanmshlre xi Barred Rock, Light Susoex x Barred Rooks, 31.96. Assorted Breeds 1.00 per hundred' less. Also non -sexed and cockerels at bargain price.. 6 -week-old pullet. Black Auatralorps 49,95. White Rocks, Barred Rocks, .38.95. 4 -week- old: New HamDsblres, White Rocks, 46.96.. Barred hocks 44.96. Day-old cockerels: Barred Rocks, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Light Sussex x Barred- Rook, Light Sussex, Light Sussex x New Hama:Mires 4.45. New,Hamp- shires 3.45. Assorted heavies 2.95. Send for complete'let of bargain.. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. WHEN other people ace cutting down or otoying out of the chicken business that is a good time to buy your usual number. We look for the beet egg and poultry prima this Fall and Winter that we hove had for some time.. Prospects look bright for a .good crop. which will mean lower feed prtces. Just the combination that will make you those extra dollars. Wo can give you prompt delivery on all the popular breeds, day-old, started chicks, and older pullets eight weeks to laying, It you haven't received ohr 1948 catalogue send for It to -day, it' is free, Twaddle Click Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario, BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS All double blood tested, bandedantiinspected. Many customers have had years of continuous summit. with Lakeview chicks, You can too. Prom John Coles, Gravonhurat, Ontario - "Many thanks for fine shipment. I have 100% livability." "Wonderful success, 76 to 80% production with your Sussex." reports Arthur Aryore, Osgoode, Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total olflelc hatchings down 60% from year ago. Feed prices wit be lower and egg prices higher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports show cockerels started to date down 70 to 80% from year ago. 3.4 Ib, broiler. are selling for 36 to 400 Ib live weight. The margin of profit is greater than over. PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lakeview chicks weekly. We can give prompt delivery in most breeds. Give 2nd choice of breed, 1f poesi0lo. Breeds available Sussex, Sussex x N. Hames., B. Rock x Hams., Barred Rocks. N. Hamps.. Rhode Leland Reds, Largo typo W. Leghorns, Rock x Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn, N. Hamp. x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wits. Get a head start with started pullets or hook order for future delivery 3 weeks to ready to lay. It looks like ft will be impossible to buy we11-started pullets later on. All older pullets raised on 11e0 00000 under Ideal conditions, HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available weekly. Send for special low prlees on largo orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There Is good -money !n raising Capons. Sell for es 'much per Ib. es turkeys. 85 to 400 per Ib. albs now. Send for large. 111uetratod catalogue and man- agement book and weekly spedal list of day old, started pullet. and capons, LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY THERE are thousands of hone being shinned to the United States each week, there 119.0 been 40 to 60 percent lees chicks hatched to date, The proepeots for a oplondld crop look good. Don't you think We is the year to 51l your brooder house. Don't bo wishing and not cashing in next fall and winter when egg and poultry prime will be the best we have had for some time. Send for our new 1948 catalogue Just off the prowl We can give Prompt delivery on day old and started chlol:a, alsoolder pullets eight weeks to laying. Top Netoh Chick -8aios, Guelph, Ontario, 12%c - Hurondale•Chicks - 121/,,c AOL Breeders double-bloodtested and banded, bacicod by high pedigreed foundation stock. Many customers report Best chinks I ever bad, and prices so reasonable". "The chicks I had froln you have douo 'enlendidly" reports James Wright, Owen Sound. Pure Sussex mixed:' 340: Sussex x New Hamp, Rock x New Hamp, Barred Rook and New Hamm mixed: 11%e; pullet.: 24e, Rook x Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn, New Hamp x Leghorn to MIay 20th: mixed; 140, pullets: 270. cockerels: 2o. After May 20th, .Mixed 1245c, Pullets 24e. Large type White Leghorn Pullets 24c, mixed 126.0. Fast Feathering Rock and Rodlt. x New Hama cockerels 60 to May 1st; Sussex z New Hamp and Broad Breasted New SeamD cockerels to May 1st: 6140. May 1 - 0010: 6e. Ansorted Mixed ehlclke 31c, assorted pullets: _23c. Assorted heavy cockerels, 50 when available. All prices subject to change without notice. 100% Live Delivery to Your .Station. 61.00. per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. Order from and mole. this ad. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. LONDON, Ontario. BABY CHICKS FREE! 100 HEAVY -BREED • COCKERELS with every order of 100 pullets, Large Type White -Leghorn pullets 928,60, New Hamm,. $28.00." To receive thin 09eclal' enclose thle ad With your order. HURONDALE CHICK; HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. FREE: 100 Heavy. Breed Cockerels With every order 01 100 pullets. Large . typo White Leghorn pullets 928-50, New Nampa: 928.00, To .receive this medal enclose this ad with your order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOUanything needs dyeing or clean. Ing? Write to 'usfor information. Weare glad to answer your questions. Department 14, Parker's Dye Werke Limited- 791 Yong, Street, Toronto, Ontario. P9IR 0A1.B HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts end Service. Berl B ftonnody & Son. 919 College St., Toronto BROAD -BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS 1100 SMALL WHITES and 11110AI). BREASTED BRONZE x SMALL WHITEN and SIIALL B.10.18.'9. THIS looks the year to make real money in turkeys, Send for our Turkey Guide and tot- ter to =get all the details. There le a good American market and demand. The duty Is down 2 cent. per 1b Feed prices are going down. Quotations for May delivery for grain are down 513.00 to 517,00 per ton. Ameri- can Breeder docks are down 40.60 per cent, Pout „production will be away down. 11 le expected that Canadian poults will be shipped to U,S.A 07 Slay or before at good prices. Plan to .raise poultel This 111 the year: Book Your order nowt Bis discounts for 49011 delivery. Send for Tut•Icey Management Guide and circular which tells all h6o111 profits, prevention of disease. and rearing methods. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE • NEW pot -typo Queen 011 Burning Brooder stove., new 520.00 or 537.00 delivered to your station. Act avidity. while they last. Subject to change without notice. To receive this bargain price enclose this ad with your order. Also ILO091 HEATERS as low as 982.00 and New Pot -Type QUEEN RANGE OIL BURN- ERS, 945.90 while they last! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO' YEAR-OLD Raspberry plants, Latham and Taylor Varieties 50 each. Improved Senator Dunlop strawberry plants 92,00 hundred, Riverview Gardens, Kitchener, Ontario, BEAGLE Pupa from Field Trial Champion stock, ready to Main, elan trained doge. J. J. Farmer, Suite 100. 202 Queen 8t. Ottawa, Ont, ENSILAGE Harvester. McCormick Deering No. 5. Hardly used, perfect condition. Ely - !ere Chaude. Para, Rag'd., Pont Rouge, Que, ONE AND TWO' ROW JOHN DEp1R8 POTA- TO PLANTERS IN STOCK NOW. W. F. MCKENZIE CO., DISTRIBUTORS SINCE 1966. PHONE 26, LEAMINGTON, ONT. HARDY 2 -year Latham Raspberry canes, $6.00 per hundred, Premier Strawberries 92,00 per hundred. •-A, CrOwle, R.R. 1. Ialing- ton, Ont. PEAS -Government Regietored No, 1 Chancel- lor and OAC 181. /abutted supply'. Sealed In two bushel bags; 94.60 bo,. W. A. Price, 55 St. Thomas 51.„ Toronto, 'Randolph 6141. BEMIS ONE AND. TWO -ROW HORSE AND TRACTOR -DRAWN TOBACCO AND TOM- ATO. E70., TRANSPLANTERS AVAILABLE NOW. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR W. P. 56011ENZIE CO„ DISTRIBUTORS SINCE 1866. PHONE 20, LEAMINGTON. ONTARIO. 1 13.0. OLETRAC Overhead Shovel and Anglo - dozer. need 5 months, New condition. Harndon & King, Contractors, Grafton, Ont. Phone 37. BUILDERS' Supplies available, immediately. Nails - Cast -Iron Boll-plpe and FittinKa. Pumbing fixtures and electrical appllanoee. Send stamp for circular, Economy Distribu- tors, Ipngston, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, guaranteed males, 6 wooke old- C.O.D. 919. Canary singers, carefully chosen for color and song. 915. C.O.D. Groom Pet Supplies, 999 Blom W.. Toronto. Ont. H1 -POWERED Rifles -Write for descriptive folder. and prices. SCOPE SALES CO.. 320 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. WISCONSIN AIR COOLED GASOLINE ENGINES Delivery from stock, 2 - AO h.p. REPAIRS AND PARTS Distribution required In certain territories. CONSOLIDATED ENGINES & MACHINERY COMPANY New Toronto Ontario LATHAM raspberry canes, 16:00 per hundred, Gordon Bridgman, R.R. 2, Postfach, Ont, SENATOR Dunlop strawberry Plante, woll rooted, heaviest producers. hundred 91.60, thousand 98. Order early. Percy Yarrow, ROvte 6, Trenton. Ont. PRIZE winners, Blank cocker spaniel Stud, Proven bitches, Puppies. Reasonable. Durn- ford Kennels, 625 Peol St., Woodstock, Ont. EAT HONEY, Nature's finest sweet. we will supply a case of 18 four -pound cans of de- licious fine flavored clover honey for only 910.00. Order today While thio bargain price lasts. BIS' Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. MACHINERY NOW 111 STOCK. Beatty deep and shallow well armours systems, deep well Hand Pampa, and Pump. Jaolce, Air Compressors, all eine. both stationary and portable. Complete line of woodworking machinery, Electric Motors, all sizes In 26 and 60 cycle. Portable Electric Welders, 100 amu. chpaclty. Write for prices and descriptive literature to: 8Ulgrom Electric Limited 79 King Street Wast o Hamilton. Ontario ROOFING - SIDING Bargain - 5I111 Ends --Factory Seconds 210. Ib Asphalt Shingle. $4.76 8q, 126 Ib. Asphalt Shingles 2,06 sq. Colouro-Green, Red, Blue, Black, Green Blend. Bed Blend. gig96 thickSq. Brick Siding, Red or Red Blend $8. Smooth Rolled Roofing 46 lb, $1.65, 66 lb, 92.10. Rock faced 90 1b, Roofing 12,06 8a, Rod. Green & Black. F.O.B. Hamilton. These aro real vanes at the above prices. Order Now, Stock limited, ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. HAMILTON ONTARIO ART HALLIWELL AUTO WRECKERS ALL PARTS Thoroughly guaranteed, wrecked and catalogu- ed. Slipped whin no mistakes anywhere. Mali orders a enecialty. Ail correspondence an- swored dally. No part too hard In net. Try our fast and accurate service. We clean, re. pair, or 000000 any make of rndlator. Glans. Installed while you wait, Lakeside 4438, 1406 Blom St. W„ Toronto, Oratorio, Write Wlrc Phoma wort -SALE'. RING -NECK Pheasant :Eggs -$2.00.;;. per set- ting. E. Whitmore, Edouley, Ontario, FARMS for sale In this district, 225 mules from Prince Rupe,1, on the C.N.R.. !gee, Write J. J. Woteon,-:SmiLSere,. I3.11, (LIVER Standard'. "70"; John Deere Model H; Oliver" lto,v Crop "80"; General Row - - Crop; Massey -Barris 101. Junior; Massey - Harris 101, Super; Massey -Harris (Wallace). The above tractors are 1n excellent mechani- cal condition aind look like new, Bateman Motors Limited, Belleville, Ont. Phone 2851. COMtMERCIAL grower of Strawberries since 1921. Severdl varieties, Request attractive prices. nail Bower. liemptvllle, NO. -1 AMBE1y honey, twelve four 1b. cans 012.00, [nixed Gladtolue, 30 blahs for $1.00. postpaid, 1V, Downes, Route 9, London, Out, HIGH PRICES - USED BAGS Minimum quantity 000 bags, 41 -rite WESTERN BAO & BURLAP COMPANY 87. Front Street East Toronto. Ont. DEPENDABLE Electric Motors, 50-25 - cyclo, Generators, Transformers, Storage Tunics, Pumpe, Swit- ches, Compressors, New or used guaranteed. R. SPRATT AND COMPANY, 1$13 Eglinton Ave. W.. Toronto. WEED control with chemicals Is easy, railer effective and economical with use of Hon - son onrayors and eitemlcala, Write ,100 1n - formation to George While & Sons Company Limited, London, Ontario. n HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Rube:la00 0101000. Information on request regarding do.eeo, Robertson's Huirdrosatng Academy. 137 Ave. nue Read, Toronto. 01 Enl ('Al 'WANTED - Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy- Mdoro'e Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91.00. F1LU1T Juices: The principal ingredients in Dixon's Remedy - for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Po0tnaid $1,00, OPPORTUNITIES FOR 11'1111 EN BE A HAIRDRESSER 2017' CANADA'S LEADING 5014001 Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified pretension, good wages. thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest system. Illustrated cat. rogue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAHLDRESSINO SCHOOLS' 368 Stour St, W„ Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. - OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME SPARE or full-time money -making. Learn to make candy at home- and earn asyou learn: correspondence course. National tnotltute of Confectionary Reg'd, Delorlmlar P.O., nos 162, Montreal, Quo, PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH 5, Company, Patent Solicitors, Established 1890. 14 King Went. Toronto, 800111et Of information on request. PHOTOGRAPHY SEND your films to our new plant tor muter - named quality. Our sparkling glossy prints w111 plea.o you. 6 or 0 exposure sotto Hoc postpaid, reprints 03c ea. 36 for 91, Gamma Photo Centre, Box 71. Chaplenu, Ontario, FREE enlargement with roll 300, or' with 10 reprinto 860. Include this ad. Art Photo, Box 178, Station B, Montreal. REPAIRS FUR COATS REMODELLED Old coats made like new by master furrier, Free Ineored storage on repairs and remodels, Write for Information. Uptown Fure, 569 Tonga St„ Toronto, WANTED WANTEDI 515.00 paid for Winchester 1894 and Marlin 1893 (only) rifles with worn-out barrels. The Gun Shop. 76 Ward. Port Hope. Ontario. WANTEDI Muskrat are In good demand, Icor hop prices and prompt returns ship your raw furs to: Alan Rotten, Lindsay Ont. BARLEY GROWERS WANTED to produce registered Montoalm seed barley on contract. Seed supplied and a premium over Winnipeg market for the crop at harvest, O- H. Snyder, phone 013W. Lyndon, Ont. HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Hou0okeoper to live In, permanent pos10190 adults only. Apply We. Bert Weir,. 761 Richmond St., London, Ont. WANTED Four (4) General duty nurses. Also night supervleer (11-7), Attractive .eatery with I9 - crease after ono year's aervicu. Felt main- tenance provided. Apply the Director of Nursing, Welland' County General Hospital. Welland. Ontario. TWO PROTESTANT teachers wanted for town- ehlp achool area No. 2, Black River. enrol- ment in No, 8 0chool 13, grades 1 to 8, enrolment In No, 5 :school 13, grades 1 to 8. Salary In each school 01,600. Duties. to com- mence In September, Mr. George E. Gray, Sec.-Treas., Townohlp school area. No. 2, Black River, Hatheson. Ontario. WANTED: Registered Nurses for General Duty. 80 -bed H00Plta1 8 hre. Duty. Apply Superintendent St. Joseph's Hospital, Kenorn.. Ontario. PROTESTANT teachere wanted for Township School Area of Kennebec. Stale qualifica- tions', name ,of Last Inspector andsalary expected. DUTIES to commence Sept, 1, 1948. ADDIS' J. E. Hughes, Soo,-Treas., Arden, Ont. COOK General, age 30-45 required for two adults and one rehoolglrt, Lake Simeon, In Bummer, travelling south In winter, High- est wage., private room. new home, other help kept. .Apply by letter, 7 Forest Woad, Toronto. INEZ7EVE Brings quick relief. G egeolese, fast -drying, no strong odor. Largo, eeonomteal sire, 65o POP -Slim Chance -4.4"/ 4 tanirnit4 er rhe Od19yvtllecto, ha.) By J. MILLAR WATT 0 I EXPECT WELL AV'1i� �NDa � rEMT(*,. -r GC • 00 Y 01