HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-04-29, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS BRUCEFIELD Joseph Greer and Son; "Maple Lane Fain" have moved this week. to their farm on t11e outskirts of Mitchell '(formerly owned by. -Henry Lawrence) having s`tld their-' farm near Brucefield to D'Arty Rathwell of Clinton, who has moved into the Greer farm at Brucefield. Last week at S.S. No. 3 Tucker - smith, half the boy's and girls were out Of school with the measles, A little baby girl has come to brighten the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Mac 'Chesney. Next Sunday, May 2nd, the Young Peoples' Union will hold their anni- versary services at eleven in the morning and half past seven in the evening. The guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. R. C. Chalmers, associate secretary of the Board of Evangel- ism and Social Service of The Unit- ed Church of Canada. LONDESBORO Mr. and M1s, C. Wallace and Children of Goderich twp., and Mr, and Mrs. Bean and family of Col- borne, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Addison. 1Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox and two children, Harlock, visited on Sunday - with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Shobbrook, Mrs. Wesley Beacom spent Sun- day at the home of her daughter: Mrs. Joe Lyon. Miss Mary Ellen Prest and two girl friends, Mitchell, visited at the, folnlcr's home on Sunday. Mrs. Elisabeth Lyon was taken to Victoria Hospital on Sunday for treatment. Mr. Willows Mountain returned to his hone on Monday having been a patient in Clinton Community Hos- pital for the past seven weeks suf- fering from a broken leg near the hip. New Items for Spring Include: EARRINGS FOBS NECKLETS SCARF RINGS BRACELETS BARRETTES BROOCHES "Dew Drop" and "Swirl" are just two of Coro's attractive "20 Grand" earring selection priced at $1.00 plus tax SAVAUGE'S Jewellery, Watches, Fine China Expert Watch Repairing PHONE 194. SEAFORTH Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest spent Monday at Mi'. E. J. Crawfor'd'e, Mr. and MTs.. John Fingland re- turned to their home last week hav- ing spent the past seven months at the home of their daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Grierson, Sunderland. NORTH McKILLOP Mrs. George Underwood of Toron- to spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Thornton and Mr, Geo, Underwood. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Glanville, Mr. and _Mrs. Clifford Thorntdn and family, Brussels, 'spelt Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward Regale. itir. and Mrs. Louis Thornton and Billie and Mrs. Jennie Thornton of. Mitchell spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton. ,Mrs. Jerrie Thornton is staying this week with Mrs. Joseph Thornton Miss Wilma McNicol of Kitchener spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Olive McNichol. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie - Glanville and family of Hensall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Glanville. Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Regele, Pearl and Lloyd spent Friday evening. with Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh. We are sorry to say Mrs. Joseph Smith is under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. We are pleased to say Mrs. Leon- ard Leeming is able to be up and around again after her recent illness tTS1MPLE AS A'BCJ. WE CAN GIVE YOUR STEEL -WHEELED TRACTOR MORE P -U -L -L CHANGE OBER NOW TO cooD$rEAR Sure -G/'/`7 TRACTOR TIRES The Goodyear change -over method makes it easy to switch from sluggish steelwheels to hard-working, comfortable riding Sure -Grips. With Sure -Grips your tractor will do more work ... in less time ... on less fuel. Sure - Grips pull better in any soil ... give super- traction. Call us today ... or drop in and ask about the time -saving Goodyear change -over plan. SEAFORTH MOTORS SEAFORTH, O,NT. PHONE 141 AI" MIZE!) GOOD.,v EAS ldEALER BORN MILLS—At ea3Hospital,. , 2Mr. and Mrs. Malolm Mills, Seaforth, a daughter CHESNEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Chesney, Minefield, a daughter ZIETSMA—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 23rd, to Mr.. and. Mrs. Ulba gielema, 1111.3 Seaforth, a son LANE—At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 20; to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 3, Lane, a. son MOORE—At Scott Memorial. Hospital, on April 26, to Mr. and. Mrs,. John Moore, Sen - forth. 0 daughter KO HLER--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 27th, to Mr. and .Mrs. Ebner Koehler, Brodhegen, tt son GORWILL—At Scott Memo'iol Hospital, on April 27th, to Dr, and Mrs, John Go rwill, Seaforth, a daughter PI%YCE--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pryee, Sea - forth, a daughter FOR SALE Young Durham cow and calf. Just fresh- ened. P. 0, LI'r")'LE, Srnfortli. NOTICE Lawn Mowers sharpened. Phone 318 J. GORDON ILEBER, Seaforth FOR SALE 6 chunks of pigs 11 welts old. Apply to The News Office FOR SALE 1 Tricotene Suit color loganberry wine, size 14. Apply at News Office •FOR SALE ' 600 pullets, out in shelters, heavy breeds.; ModelTr;; some eeadfew god sows.ood 21" tires and tubes, HARVEY s Me ILWAIN, phone 862x23 . FOR SALE Choice Durham cow 5 yea's old, heavy milker, due May 20, Purebred Hereford bull 14 months old; also some young grass cattle. Wm. T. LIV.INGSTON, 847x31 AT FINNIGAN'S RED SHIELD APPEAL We heartily endbrse the Salvation Army drive fol' funds. It may interest you to know that in the war years the Salvation Army huts (Sally Ann) were the only service hostels where service men pould sleep when broke, NeW Dates, 2 Ib. , ..39c New Rice, 2 Ib, 39c New Prunes, 2 Ib. .., .. , .. 39c New Figs, 2 lb. 390 ATTENTION FARMLRS-Mangel and Turnip Seed—also the best in Seed Potatoes, W. J. FINNIGAN 8 SON cva,rs,,t,t4 err .� e,... x•-: CARD OF THANKS hir. hillier Adams and Verna wish to thank their frlends and neighbors for many gets- of kindness and sympathy in their bereavement. PASTURE I have room for n few head of cattle, preferably year-olds. JOHN MtGAVIN, 002.42 FOR SALE 1 new 11 disc fertilizer drill withgrass seed attachment, Fete,. 1 -0 -furrow .. plow packer. JOHN BACH, Phone 17, Seaforth, FOR SALE 4 -wheeled trailer for sale, GEORGE HOL- LAND, Dublin. ' FOR SALE Two car garage. double sliding doors, °or negated iron construction. Three -furrow Cockshutt tractor plow, in good condition. DALY S GARAGE ofused Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND name Household Effects. At South half of Lot 11, Con. 8. Morris Twp., 11/4 miles north of Blyth, 214 east, on-Wedneeday, May 12, al 1 P.M. DST. HORSES—Black team weighing 1600 lbs; driving mare, work single or double. CATTLE—Grey cos '3 years, due Sept. 16; grey heifer 4 years, due Sept. 20; red cow 8 years, due Oct. 1 ; red cow 6 years, due Oc, 25; Hereford cow heifer 3 year's, due Oct. 17: red heifer 3 years, due Oat. 18; Hereford cow 7 years, due Nov, 15; red cow 8 years, milk- ing; grey cow 8 years, freshened; one heifer rising 2 years: 1 heifer rising 1 year; 4 steer's rising 1 year; 5 spring calves IMPLEMENTS- .M -H 6 ft. binder in good shape; M -H spreader No. 5; M.H. hay loner, d shape; is6ae disc fertilizer drill 13 hoe (like new) ;' land . roller; scuffler; Oliver riding plow; 2 walk- ing plows; set of Diamond harrows, 4 sec- tion; disk 13 -tooth cultivator; Chatham fan- ning mill; MeC: D. cream separator; set sleighs & bunks; steel tired. wagon ; 16 ft. hay rack.; wagon box; 10 ft. hay rake; bag truck ; hay fork & slings; Portland cutter; top buggy ; light wagon; 2 pole tongues ; wheel barrow; block & tackle; fence stretcher. 2000 Ib set of 'scales. Grain -200 bus. mixed, oats; 3.5 bus. wheat. Gravel box'; quantity of 1' lumber quantity 2" lumber; Saskewan robe large size; grain bags; set brass mounted harness; 2 sets plow harness; set single har- ness ; at• -neva; forks, shovels and other articles. Some Household Effects. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms cash P. J. 'KELLY, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Bator about 26 ft. square. This barn is all lined with tongued & grooved lumber. CHESTER LEE FOR SALE Monarch 3 -burner Coal Oil Stove, good as new, with oven. Phone 70 Dublin PASTURE I have Pasture for a limited number of cattle. 301021 McORATH, phone 47-16 Dublin FOR SALE 2 carpet rugs in a-1 condition, size 9x0, 0x12, 1 Orthaphonic Viotrola with extra tone and good recol'ds, walnut cabinet. MRS. ORVILLE DALE. N. Main street USED FACTORY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE One five -horsepower Electric Motor, 3 phase,' 220. volts ; fifty feet line shaft and hangers for some; also pulleys and used belting. One square water tank. Apply SEAb'ORTH CREAMERY, phone 80, Seaforth EXECUTOR'S SALE OF IHOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS. On Huron St., in the 'town of .Seaforth, Estate of the late hire. D. Regale, on Friday, May 7th, nt 1 pan. Westinghouse electric refrigerator; Beath• elootrle washing machine: electric radio ; 2 steel beds complete With springs and met- ttesses : 2 dressers ,• sash stand ; writing disk; dining room table & six chairs; side- board ; rocking chair (leather) & '2 odd chairs ; 2 day beds (with mattress) ; end table; Snell table: sewing cabinet wardrobe; standing lamp; victrola & records ; 2 bed lights; heater with pipes; range with pipessewing =wh- ine ; chire; coal oil stove with oven kitchen table; kitchen cupboard ; hat reek electric iron ;. -2 electric toasters; cutlery; 2 mirrors; quilts. blankets etc. ; table cloths and towels, etc. • dishes; clocks; cooking utensils; glasses, etc.,' buffalo robe; tools: quilting frame; 2 storm windows; lawn mower ; about 14 ton -nut cool; trunk, quilt box, 3 small windows, steel, drum; shovels, etc„ numerouaother articles. Terms cash FRED REEVES, Executor H. Jackson„Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS— At At -Lot 22.: Con. 5. cKillop 14 miles north of Seaforth and r/ mile east, on Tues- day. May 11, at 1 pan. sharp: r & 6. HORSES—Roan Belgian geldings, CATTLE— Shorthorn he'd registerdd and fully accredited. Herd Bull Cedar Lnne Pivot -282698- 3 yea•° old. 10 heifers and. 6 cows with calves at foot, and five bred heifers. These cattle trace from ninfond Marquis,sWalsh- as Brown Daleyma Model, Walsh - ford Paymaster, Rosewood Standard. Detailed list available. Some chunks of pigs weighing about '50 )b IMPLEMENTS—Ford Ferguson tractor en rubber with starter, overhauled in. 1047.: disc. Belt stiff-tooth ands parkin pluglow dee tandem International 13 run disc fertiliser drill ; manure spreader, hay -loader with drop head, side -delivery rake, mover 6 ft. cut; walking plow; Massey -Harris 7 ft. cut binder (nearly. new) ; 13 run disc drill with fetilator; dump Peke; land I turnip o Flat wlkinroller; plow 7DeLaval cramsep- arator with electric motor; steel tired wagon with sliding hay rack ; bench sleighs withflat rack; chicken feeders and 4 shelters; 3 hp,. Wagner electric motor with starter and safety witch and 30 ft. of conduit. 1/3 hp. motor. Coleman grain roller; cutting box; grain bags, tools and articles too numerous to mention found about the farm. Harness—Set of breech- ing harness (nearly new), and odd collas. Household Effects -2 beds, springs, settee. combination china cabinet .and writing desk, 2 leather couches. bed couch, chairs, rocking chairs, kitchen range, cupboard, dresser, desk. an Edison phonograph, 2 lawn mowers, and other articles too numerous to mention, No reserve as the Farm is rented and everything will he .gold. Terms cash. Fred W. Ahrens and A. B. Brvbocher & Son, Auctioneers N. R. DORRANCE, Proprietor Clearing Auction Sale , PARM, FARM STOCK & IMPLBMENTS— At Lot 22, Con. 17, Goderich Twp. on Bose Line 2 miles north oClinton, on Friday, Niay 7, at 12.30 p.m. f (05T): .HORSES—Bay mare 6 yoa.rs ; brown mare. aged ; grey mare, 10 years old CATTLE—Holstein mw, 4 years, due time of se.10; Holstein cow, 6 years, due time of sole.; Holstein cow 7 years, due time of sale; Guernsey heifer, 3 years, due Apr. 28; Hol- stein x Guernsey heifer, 2 years, recently freshened; Holstein x Guernsey heifer. 3 yrs.. tretently freshened; d• Guernsey a Ayrshire co s 5 Years recently freshened; Guernsey x Ayr- shire r - shire cow, 7 years, recently fresh ; Holstein cow. 7 years. fresh ; Ayrshire cow, 10 years, fresh; Ayrshire cow. 6 years, fresh; Guern- sey cow, 8 years, fresh; Guernsey cow, 5 yrs, fresh; Guernsey heifer, 4 years fresh-; 2 Guernsey heifers, 2 years, fresh, All tie above 00105 & :heifers which have freshened have donne 'so within the last month. 4 Holstein x Guernsey heifers 1 yr. & 2 yrs. old ; Guern- sey heifer 1 year.. Hereford bull (registered) 1 year. 4 heifer calves; 1 bull calf • IMPLEMENTS—International L' 14 Vermeil tractor (in a-1 condition) NI -11 2 -furrow tractor plow; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; M -H binder, 7 ft. cut: 71-H mower, 6 ft. cut; M -H manure spreader (nearly new) Cock- shutt 15 disc drill; Oliver 2 row snuffler; Maxwell hay loader; Renfrew, cream separ- ator, 750 lb cap. (nearly new) ; Holland electric brooder; rubber tire wagon (600 x 16 tires); gravel box and flat rack; 2 -wheel trailer & stock rack (600x16 tires) ; farm wagon; set of sloop sleighs (nearly new) ; 10 ft. hay rake; 3 section harrows, 12 plate in - throw disc; walking plow; gang plow,; single snuffler; circular saw & frame; hay car & fork; sling chain and .sling ropes ; 150 ft. of, hay rope; colony house; pulleys. forks, shov- els, logging chains, milk pails, other articles. Harness—Set of breeching harness, collars.. FARM -At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid (10 not sold previous to sale date) the Farm, 160 acres of good clay loam with 25 acres of bush. Bank barn 36x78; cement silo; 11/, storey frame house with full' basement and furnace. I•Iytlro and water pressure system in house & barn. Terms --On chattels. cash. On farm 10% down, .balance in 30 days, HURON MUROH, Proprietor • Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1948 ,1n,a,n a, e,1,, 1111,, 111111,. CROOKED HEELS LOOK TERRIBLE Keep them straight and save W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE. REPAIR WOOL WANTED ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE I -I M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W & 3J ISICSSCSINIMMiNSVICSSIMICSSWPC NOTICE Having been appointed Corn Borer Inspector for the Nath part 00 Huron. County, 1 urgently request all growers of Corn, which includes garden plots as well. as Field Corn, to hive° all refuse of corn either burned or hurled before the 211014 DAY 00 MAY. Penalties are provided for. the non- compliance with the Plant Disease Act. THOS. DOUGHERTY Corn Borer Inspector NNSSIZifileaCNNSMCNNSIMMICSSO FOR SALE An Angus bull 16 months old, can, be reg- istered. Also 230 bus. Royal flax seed. JOHN THOMP,SON, phone S33r31, Sodforth _ BOX 3 tntrraI rrniri AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention 1-10spital -Bed Flowers for all Occasions Office Residence. 43 18 FOR SALE Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, 11 -disc, 1, good shape,. W. HAUGH. 655x23 Seaforth cent Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK.. MACHINERY & Household Effects. At Lot 45, Con, 2, Tuekeramith, one mile east of Clinton Radio Station,' on Mon- day, May 3r11. at 1 pm. HORSES — 1 team general purpose 6 & 6 yearn old, weighing 1400. 1b, well matched. CATTLE]—Durham cow 4 years old, fresh in Jan.; Durham cow 6 years old, -freshened: In April; Durham cow 4 years old, due Sept. calf. 6 months old: 2 small calves. PIGS—i, sow with litter; sow bred Ma. 15 Y sow bred Mar. 10 POULTRY -75 .hybrid hens. GRAIN -200' bus. oats; feed beans; 30 bus. wheat; quantity bran & shorts` MACHINERY --Renfrew cream separator ; milk palls, set of sleighs, rubber tire top buggy, cutter, scuffler, stone boat, pig crate, 2 barrels. sap pan, 60 buckets & spites, sugar kettle; buffalo robe; 5 cords wood; -quantity 1” tumbe ; forks; ', r shovels, ol2 in. plank &tedar railsd., range shelter. Household Effects—Large size Duo Therm oil burner, used one. season, Princess Pat range, large fire box for coal or wood; 3 burner Coleman gas stove & oven 8 piece dining room suite; bedroom suite Congoleum rug 9x12, new; Congoleum rug 9x15; rocking chair; drop aide couch with mattress; ward- robe, churn. new mattress, gas iron. gas lamp, gas lantern, 2 large cellar tables, wash mach- ine, lawn mower, fire extinguisher, sealers. crocks, eta - Terms cash. ALBERT PEPPER, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk Income Tax Returns • Income Tax Returns made up. Phone for appointment — Mansell 8806, Dublin 141.72, THOS. D. WREN, Cromarty Rill FOR SALE Tao -furrow Plemy adjustable tractor plow, Practically new. ALLAN ARMSTRONG, phone }lensed 87 r 2 FOR SALE Shorthorn bulls, serviceable age. herd fully accredited. STEWART DALE, phone 21.847 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SJIAFO'RTH, ONT. A11 kinds o1' Insurance risks effect. ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. FOR SALE One York hog. 1 year old. JOHN TURNER, phone 614-21 Clinton FOR SALE 1 Jersey dress, '1 brown jacket, 1 plaid skirt, 1 two-piece dress. See at,GILLESPIE'S SMALL ACREAGE Modern two storey home, three-piece bath, hard & softwater, pressure system, wired for electric stove; good cement barn 20x40. about 111 acre land situated one block from No. 8 highway at Dublin. Apply A. DANTZER, Dublin, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Lot 20, Con,. 9, Hullott, hydro available. M. M. LLOYD. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, 0, W. Leonhardt, :Brod- hegen; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seafoh.-.- Directors—Robt, Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seafot'th. RRS ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm E. T. Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth ; J. H. McEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. RR2 Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher,Dublin J. F. ?meter, 13rodhagen: George A. Watt, Blyth 'Parties desirous to client insurance or transact other business. will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the•. above named officers addressed to their respective post offices FOR SALE Collie' pups, 11 weeks old ; also a horse and some young cattle. Apply JOHN CALWILL, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 628 r 32 FOR SALE Raspberry canes and strawberry plants for sale. Parona 668 1,35. J. S. BARRY, Eg'dvlle FOR SALE. Quantity of mixed Seed, made up of Tim othy, Alfalfa and Yellow Blossom, Also a quantity of Yellow Blossom sed. THOS. J. ADAMS; phone 14 on 667 Seaforth central FARM FOR SALE -W'4 Lot 34, all lot 35, Con. 9, McKillop Tp., containing 100 acres. Bank barn. frame house, garage and driving shed, drilled well. and windmill ; 25 acres of land ready for sed.. SAM PETHICI0, RR1 Seaforth FOR SALE Rubber tired wagon with good flat hayrack, tires in first class shape; 3 -furrow disc plow; also, team of brood mares, 5 and 6 years old. ALFRED BUCHANAN, lot 7, con. 7, Hallett, or phone 841 r 4 MEN WANTED 835. to 860. A WEEK! Your own business; 'No boss, no timeclock, independence I The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle 1s needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital—write to -day for FREE information FAMILEC — 1600 Delorimier, MONTREAL, Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. On Wed- Beaattie's, tlrat May farm west soft J. Seaforth on: Huron road. 1 aged general purpose mare. 1 Hereford- cow, ,fresh ; 1 light roan 00w, fresh; 1 roan cow. fresh ; 1 light roan cow due in June; 1 dark roan cow due in Oct.; 1 red cow due in July; 2i heifer lheifersi4i steed, due in Oct.; 5 year-olds; 6 cal 1 M.Hves. . Binder; 1 International hay loader; 1 International side delivery rake; 1' culti- vator; 1 mower; 11 -hoe fertilizer drill with grass seed attachment, 1 dump rake, disc and harrows, roller, fanning mill, platform scale,. 2 wagons, 1 gravel box, 2 flat racks ; set sling ropes, pig crate, root pulpen, ice plow, pikes, tongs, etc., ear tag pliers, Melotte cream separator, set sleighs, turnip sower, walking plow, neckyokes & whiffletrees, set double harness, electric fencer; chicken fattening crate, bleak & tackle, chicken shelters, some doors and frames, 8 wood chisels, pea hats vestere, quantity of Peeled cedar posts, grass seed sower, drainage scoops. & ditching pooh, work -bench & vise, sides for straw reek. quantity of 6" tile, material for arbor or summer house, lawn roller, hay knife. Other articles too numerous to mention,. Terms eaoh 3. WESLEY BEATTIE, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and -7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultationmay. be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W - MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.O. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. 11717. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth OR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate In 'Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye. and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At • Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 FOR SALE 1930 Model A ; also est of use Fleury - Bissell tractor: discs; Massey -Harris fertilizer drill. Would trade any of above on cattle or. pigs. Also 1.000 pullets, heavy breeds, al- most ready for shelters. For Rent by the. acre, a fertilizer spreader. can beused be horses or tractor, especially good for hay and pasture ground. Am wrecking a Model T car— ports for sale. HARVEY Men:WAIN, 852r23 FOR SALE Six-tuom house on George street, all newly decorated, good furnace and 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors downstairs. Good garage. about twolots of land. Phone 217 w Seaforth Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS. are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr.l Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 FOR SALE Stuccoed house, good basement. hydro. First. class shape in Egmondville. Prompt posses- sion. Modern Brick house, W. William St. Make' good investment. Prompt poseeseion. E. C. 'CHAMBERLAIN, Insurance Broker.. Seaforth. Ont. Phone Off. 349, Rea. 220 .TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Tenders for the Erection of Culverts Tenders will be received at. a Council meeting -be held' in the Township a e tag to nd ship H 11„ Stain,until e PiMonday, Mom 3rd, 1948,ulyfor the erection of the following °Ou]verta, Opposite Lot 6, Con. 8, approximately 83.2. cubic yards. Opposite Lot 80, Con. 9, approximately 105.6 cubic yards, Opposite Lot 10, Co;,. 5, approximately 72.8 cubic yards. Opposite. Lot 6, Con, 5, approxiMately 48.2. cubic yards. • Townshipsupplying the Steel and. Cement. Tenders to be submitted according to plans and specifications which may be obtained at .the office of the Road Superintendent.: A marked cheque of ten per, cent must accom- pany each tender.. Lowest or any tender hot ethesseriiy eceepted.' - TIiOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the TWP. of Hibbert VETERINARY BURGEONS 'J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. L. C. HALL, D.V.M., VS. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Personal attention by either Vet- erinarian when requested (if possible) Alvin W. Sillery • Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McDonnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber gods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price hat..6 samples 26c ; 24 samples 81.00. Mail - Order Dept.. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. • WANTED TO BUY All old horses and dead animals. If suitable for mink feed, will pay more than fertilizer prices—if not,will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at. once. GILBERT BROS., Mink Manch, Goderich. Phone collect 936r21, or 936r32, Goderich TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 3 p.m., May 1st, 1948, for the con- struction of approximately 600 lineal feetof cement sidewalk in the Village of Egmond- ville. The Township will supply cement and contractor .must furnish all other require- ments. A marked cheque in the amount.. of. 5100.00 must accompany each Tender, and Tenders must be sealed, plainly marked "Tender" and mailed to Township Clerk, E. P. Chesney. Seaforth, Ontario, and must' be at a rata per Lowest D Bayle cepte . est or any tender not necessarily accepted. 'For further particulars apply to Robt. Dalrymple, Road Supt„ Egmondville, Ont. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk of the Township of Tuckeremith FOR SALE • Modern brick duplex,on West William st. 1% story, frame dwelling„ new furnace, village of Egmondville, early possession. Modern 114 storeyframe dwelling insulated.. Goderich streest .east. Frame cottage. garage, South Main street. Immediate possession.. ` 1 storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Mein street, Seaforth.: Modern dwelling on Louisa, St., Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth , WANTED ire .y Live Poultry �, We will pay top Market Prices ARMSTRONG & SMITH ARTHUR, ONT. For quotations call Seaforth 279 J