HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-04-29, Page 7Revolutionary Phonograph Plays Records Vertically—It is claimed that this newly developed phonograph pictured above will completely Revolutionize the playing of recorded music. Its most novel feature is that records are played in a vertical position. They are never turned or dropped. In addition, it holds 200 selections ready for instant playing and will automatically find any record in the library, plays either one or both sides and return it to storage without anyone's touching any of the recordings, pick-up arm or mechanism. The machine furnishes more than 14 hours of continuous music without ever repeating a single selection. A tinier starts it playng at any time desired and ends the program at a predetermined time. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbil Critic") Professional hockey players, and the newspaper writers whose task it is to report every move of these heroes on behalf of a palpitating pub- lic, frequently have a lot of idle time to kill between gashes and practise sessions. This is especially the case when a team is in some strange city for several clays on ac- count of a Stanley Cup series or some such. Some of them put in most of this spare time engaged in card games of a fairly mild innocuous variety. Others will wander Lut to see the sights of the town—although this particular pastime is said not to be nearly as popular as formerly, now that a player's moral and social be- havior is of almost as great interest to his employers as his scoring abil- ity. But the chief means of time - assassination is just to sit around and talk about—of all things!— hockey. # # * During such gab-fests somebody is almost bound to start picking All- time All-star teams; and some weird and wonderful combinations of past and present hockey standouts are „,evolved. One of those we best re- call was put together by a sports writer who shall remain nameless, but whose most strenuous feat of personal athletic endeavor was chalk- ing a pool -cue. * * * -,n this occasion everybody present was asked to jot down on a piece of „paper the names of his mythical All-Star team — the ide being, if we remember aright, that the one judged to have made the best selec- tion was to have the privilege of buying the next round. Of soda - pop, naturally. And when it came time to read them off it was dis- coverer that this chap had written down the following- Howie Mor- enz; "Drtch" Nighbor; Fred Tay-. ' Edie Shore; Lionel Conacher • — just the five names. "ley t1"iere," somebody yelled, "you've forgotten to pick out any goaltender." "Brother" was the un-, ruffled reply, "with a bunch like -that I'd do the goaltending myself — an : what's more I wouldn't even 'bother to put on pads! If the Hamilton Tigers should drop out of the Big Four—as seems to b, their present intention—a whole lot of old-time color will be hissing from that football' loop, 'and their action will be regretted, especially by those who remetnber them in the days of their greatness. Some of our earliest sports memories recall Aut- umn jaunts to the Ambitious City, and the roars of a football -crazy crowd yelling for the Tigers to "Eat 'Em "Raw." * * * But we suppose it's just another case of "When little boys play with big boys it's seldom the big fellows who get hurt" Upper -bracket foot- ball is strictly a dollar -and cents proposition nowadays—although this is hotly denied by some of those be- hind it—and Hamilton -just cannot 'hope to rake in sufficient money to 'put Tigers on a par with Argonauts and Alouettes in the search for tal- ent. * * • Ottawa is in a slightly different position—as it is rumored that down there in the shade of -Parliament Hill • there are always nice positions—" hours 12 to 1 with 60 minutes off for lunch"—for a hard-hitting middle -wing or tlect-:footed halfback, and that these help to make up for com- paratively small box-office receipts. * • • But of such matters we cannot speak with any authority. All we know for certain is that wi shall be sincerely sorry to see the Hamilton Tigers pass out of the League. Nor do we mind predicting that there will come a day when the other t will regret that they weren't just a trifle mors. generous in help- ing ease their financial load by cut- ting them in just a trifle deeper on away -from home gates. * * • The conditioning of athletes is a business for experts nowadays, as everybody knows. Meeting our old friend Bill IZelly-now an official on Ontario race tracks—the other day brought back memories 'of the only time we were ever attempted in an amateur way, to assist in such doings. * • • After several years absence from the saddle, Kelly had been asked to ride in a certain Steeplechase; and wishing to sweat off some of the ac- cumulated suet he invited us to spend the night at his house, then come out with him for an early morning run. "We'll get up at four in the morning, run about five miles, then Colne back and have breakfast." After what seemed like about 30 minutes in the hay the alarm went off; and with many groans and much mutual sympathy we donned sweaters and shorts and emerged into the cold grey dawn. Our path led- up along toward Riverdale Park; and as we passed the fire hall the clock bonged the half-hour. Looking up we saw that it was half -past three!. Some; body -we each blamed the other— had set the clock„for an hour early. * * 0 Nothing. daunted we plodded on, down the steep hill leading into The Parlc which—as some of yogi will no doubt recall—houses' Torofito's Zoo. After a few moments the path start- ed to lead upward, and breath seem- ed liarder to get. Cage after cage of animals we passed, but in nary a one of them cobld we notice a single sigh of life. f * • Suddenly Kelley pulled to a halt, a very serious expression on his face. "Over there," he said, pointing, "are the zebras. Over there a cageful of monkeys. In that cage, the lions. In that one, Heaven knows what. All dumb animals — yet all with sense enough to be sleeping their heads off, while we're out here running ourselves to death, Doesn't seem sensible, does it?" "It certainly doesn't," we panted in reply, "Let's go home and get back to bed." And since then all our participation in athletic conditioning has been strictly from the sidelines — and after the sun was well up in the skies too. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamental Trees, Shrubs Evargre,aad R&sdan ei ennlals, Large igelea of All LeaComplete nVart 600 dares under Cultivation Sea our Local Agent or Write for Free oo '}}IICatagl,Qogse & Planting Guide p 311AM5VILDLEO B le 6OESbn nrlti: INTMENT F3 -B'urn's, Sores, Cuts.'Etc Brazil Needs Many Canadian Products '')esplte BraziPs current shortage of dollar exchange, that country of- fers excellent market opportunities to the Canadian exporter. Canada's principal sales to Brazil consist of wheat and other grains, paper and paper products, and machinery. There are possibilities for expan- sion, particularly in the last group, in view of Brr -'I's great need aris- ing from increasing industrializa- tion and the necessity for replace- ment of obsolete machinery, which could not be effected clue to the scarcity f supplies during the war years. Perhaps Brazil's most urg- ent postwar requirements are for better transportation facilities, in- volving the purchase of ships, air- craft, locomotives and rolling stock, buses, trucks, passenger cars and spare parts. The latest list of essential imports, to which Brazil will give priority in the issue of foreign exchange, includes in ad- dition, agricultural machinery and implements, tools, metals, indus- tr::.l chemicals, pharmaceuticals and pigments. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE DELT? Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind Of Relief That Helps Make You Rarin' To Ge More than half of your digestion is done below the belt—in your 28 foot of bowels. So whon indigestion etrikee, try something that helps digestion inthe atomnch AND below the belt. What you may need is Carter's Little Liver Pias to give needed help to that "forgotten 28 feet" of bowels. Take one Carter's Little Livor Pill before and one after moats. Take them accordingto directions, Thdy help Wako up a larger ow of the a main digestive Juices in your stomach AND bowels —help you digest what you have eaten in Nature's own way. Then most folks get the kind of relief that makes you feel hotter from your head to your toee. Just be euro you get the genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills from your druggist -33o. ISSUE 17 — 1948 Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticides, Electric Fence Controller., House and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings. eta. Deal-. ers wanted. Write Warco Grease & 011 L1ml. to/ Toronto, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventor -Lint of laves- !lona and full. Information sent free. The Ramsay Co, Registered Patent Attorney., 873 Bank Street, Ottawa. BABY OHIOKS THIS 1e the year to rale, poultry. Egg and 'meat prices will be high thle year. Be sure : and buyyour chicks from an oetabllehed farm. All chick. from our farm are from Government approved and pulietom tested breeders. Write for price.. and catalogue. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ont, YOU'LL be sorry thle Fall and Whiter if you haven't 7001 .laying pen filled as usual and your usual number of cockerels. There's likely to be a shortage of eggs and poultry this Fall which means high prices. With prospects for a good crop with lower feed Prices, 1948 (not 19491 le the year to buy all the chicks you can properly handle. When your neighbours are cashing. in onthese good prices, don't you be the one wishing you had ogee and poultry to eelh The time to make. money In any endeavour le when there are not too mkny going into the 'business. With. 60% lees chinks hatched to date, definitely this le the year"to wish in" in the poultry busi- ness, We. can give aroma delivery on all. Popular breeds in des olds, two and three week old etarted chicks and older pullets eight weeke to laying. Be sure to sendfor our. 1048 catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited,. Fergus, Ontario. MAKE bigger meat and egg Profits with Hollywood leghorne. They are as large es most heavy breeds These Real big. lop• combed beauties are backed by 30 years breeding for every quality you need to top Poultry profits — Championshiplivability to cut chick and layer tonnes. Guaranteed egg breeding for big, white. premlum eggs. Really a big leghorn for more meat. Poet Uniform growth for qulckeet of all broilers. Itaiee these big .profit makers once and you will raise them always. Write for prloetlet and free calendar Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ontario, STARTED chick bargains while they last:.! week old: Pullets: Barred 'Rocks Light Sussex x Barred Rocks, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks 28.95, New Hampshire 28,96 Acoorted - Heavies 97.95. White Leghorn. Light Sussex x White Leghorn, White Rock x White Leghorn 35.96, Black Minorca x White Leghorn 41.96. Assorted Light Breeds 88.96, 8 week old 5.20 per hundred less. Also other breeds in non -sexed, pullets and cock- erel.. Day old cockerels: Barred Rock, New Hampshlres x Barred Rooke, Light Sussex, Light Sussex x New Hampulfit'ea 4,46, New Hampohli•es 2.45 Atsorted Heavies 2.96. Send for epecinl started prise list. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS -4c Sussex, Sussex x N Hamps prompt delivery 40. Alter April 20th, 43tuc. May let to 1,165 10th 50, Rhode Island Reda Sc, Rock x Leg horn, and Sussex x Leghorn 20, Leghorn, le. Feet feathering Rorke and Rook x Now Hamp. to May 1st Se. To receive these apodals en- close this ad with order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. HURONDALE CHICKS All breeder,, double blood -tested and banded, backed by high pedigreed 'foundation stock. Many customers report beet chicks I over had, and prices eo reasonable. "The chicks 1 had from you have done splendid," reports James Wright, Owen Sound. Pure Sussex mixed 14e, Sussex x New Hemp, Rock x New Hamp, mixed 1238o, pullets 24e, Rook x Leghorn, Rumex x Leghorn, New Hamp. x Leghorn to May 50 nixed 14e, pullets 27e. cockerels 2c. After May 20 mixed 12',e, pullets 84c.. Large Type White Leghorn. pullets 24c, mixed 12%c. Fast feathering Rock and Rook x N. Hemp. cockerels 60 to 'May 1st, Sussex, Simnel x N. Hanna and Broad browsed New Harm. cock- erels to May let 45, after May let 6c. Assort- ed mixed chicks 11c, assorted pullets 220, Assorted heavy cockerel. 3e when available. All price, subject to change without notice, 190% live delivery to 700r 'dation. 81,00 per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. Order from and enclose this ad. Hurondale Chlek Hatchery, London, Ont. BEFORE 7011 buy baby chtette this year, give a Little serious thought to the question of where to buy your baby chicks. Buying on price alone can very often prove a serious and costly mistake. The price tag on the chick. hoe no conneetlohe with 7001. future success and profit In the poultry business. Ite the chicks themeless that count and the breeding back of them, that you are buying. Tep Notch have been eupnlying good Govma- ment Approved chick. for 14 years. Prompt shipment on all popular breeds, day old. two or three week old, older pullets eight weeks to laying, Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. , BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS A11 double blood tested, 'handed and Inspected. Many customers have had years of continuous 0=0065, with Lakeview chicks. You can too, From John Coles, Gravenhurst, Ontario— "Many thank, for fine shipment. I have 100% livability." "Wonderful success 76 to 80% production with your Sussex." reports Arthur Amore. Qegaode. Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total chick hatchings down 60% from year ago. Feed prime wit be lower and egg prices higher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reportsshow cockerels started to date down 70 to 80% from year ago. 0.4 1b. broilers are selling for 86 to 400 111 live weight. The margin of Profit 1sgreater than over. PROMPT DELIVERY 60,000 Lakeview chlcke weekly. We can give Prompt delivery In most breeds. Give Ind eholee of breed, If pnesible. Breeds available. Sussex, Sussex s N. Hamra., B. Rock s Hamm, Barred Rooke, N. 5lamps., Rhode Island Rods, Large type W. Leghorn,, Rook x Leghorn, Sussex x- Leghorn, N, -Hamp. 2 Leghorn, STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. Get a head start with =ailed pullets or boolt orderfor future delivery 0 weeks to ready to lay. It loops like It will be lnidoeetble to buy well -started pullets later on. All older pullets raised on free range under Meal eonditiona. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousand, available weelcly. Send for •epulet tow prices on large orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There is good money 1n rattling Capone. Bell for an much per lb, an turkeys. 86 to 400. per lb. alive now. Send for large illustrated ootalogue and -man- agement book and weekly special list of day old, started pullets and capons, LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY FREE! 100 HEAVY -BREED COCKERELS with over. order of 100 pullets, Large TYPO. White Leghorn pullets 828.60, Neal Hamps. 828.00, To rooelve this special enclose this ad with your order, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. BABY OIHORB' BATCH Ye with some of these well -started ohlolse, two week old Pullets: Barred Rooks,- New Hampshire x Barred Rocks 88.86. Assorted 81. DC non -sexed 80.06, Assorted 10.46. Cockerels 10.45, Assorted 8.46. Pul- lets: White Leghorn, Barred Rook x White Leghorn, .Austra White 86.86, Black Minorca. x White Leghorn 88.95, Assorted 84.86. Three week old add 6.00 per hundred, 4 week old add 18:00 per hundred to above prices,' Alm other breeds, Send for special started pries list. Aeaorted day old heavy broad cockerels 2.95 per hundred, Barred Rocks 4,45,, New Hampshire, 8,46, Eros catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Forges, Ontario YOU L0001 'valuable markets with later chicks—you might au well catch the good ones—you' can,- especially with Braystarted pullets and 'cockerels. We bave them ready. to MID. Get epeolal prices. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING. HAVE YOU .anything: accede dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information We are glad to answer your lueatlone, Department H, Parker's .Dye Works Limited 791 Songs Street, Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service. Bart el Kennedy & 500- 418 College St., Toronto. BROAD -BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Also SMALL WHITES and BROAD - BREASTED BRONZE x SMALL WHITES: and SMALL B.B,B.'S THIS looks the year tomake real money In turkeys. Fiend for our Turkey Guide and let- ter to get all the details. There Ie a good American market and demand. The duty ie down 2 cents per ib. Feed prices are going_ doivn. Quotations for May deliveryfor grain are down 512,00 to $17:00 per ton. Amer'+ can Breeder Hooke are down 40-50 per gent, P001t- production .will be away down. It 1s. expected that Canadian mules will be &hipped to U:S.A by May or before at 5004 prices. Plan to raffle poults! Thin la the year! Book your order nowt Big discounts for April delivery. Send ler Turkey Management Guide and circular which tells all about profits, prevention of dlnease and rearing method. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO CRAFT Reunites: Pres Catalogue. We stork a full line In the following crafts: Shell. craft, Leathororaft, Feltcralt, Beederaft. Handyoraft Sunnis Company Peterborough. Ontario. FOR BALE, new D. John Deere Tractor, starter. lighhts power take -off on 14" rubber, Late model 25-50 whiteeteel mill Ehoraol Feeder, clover attachment, like new. 25-42 Go0dleon, 91111 Clover attachment. good run- ning order. Complete set stoel wheels for International Tractor. Steel rear wheels for 69 and 90 or 09 allner Tractor. Albert Iious- ton• 60 Emma St.. Chatham. (Int. Phone 2585hi. BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW pot -type Queen 011 Burning Brooder stoves, now 820.00 or 521.00 delivered to your Motion, Act quickly, while they last, Subject to change without notice. To receive thin bargain prim melees this ad with your order. Also ROOM HEATERS aa low fie $32.00 and New Pot -Type QUEEN RANGE OIL BURN- ERS, 545.00 while they lest! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO YEAR-OLD Raupberry plants, Latham and Taylor Varieties 6o sash, Improved Senator Dunlop strawberry plants 82,00 hundred, Riverview Gardens, Kitchener, Ontario. BEAGLE Pups from Field Trial Champion stock, ready to tratn, oleo trained dog.. J. J. Farmer. Suite 100, 205 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. ENSILAGE Harvester. McCormick Deering No. 2. Hardly used, perfect condition. Illy - fere Chaude Farm. Reg'd.. Pont Rouge, Que. ONE AND TWO ROW JOHN DEERE POTA- TO PLANTERS IN STOCK NOW. W. F. MOKENZIB CO., DISTRIBUTORS 'SINCE 1866, PHONE 26. LEAMINGTON, ONT. HARDY 2 -year Latham Raspberry canes, 56,09 per hundred, Premier Strawborrlee 52.00 per hundred. A. Crowle, R.R. 1. 001150 - ton, Ont. PEAS—Government Regletered No, 1 Chancel- lor and 0AC 181. Limited .u0015'. Sealed. In two bushel bags. 54.50 bu. W. A. Price, 12 St. Thomas St„ Toronto. Rno,lot',h 5141 BEMIS ONE AND TWO -ROW 11011.118 AND TRACTOR -DRAWN TOBACCO AND TOM- ATO, ETC.. TRANSPLANTERS AVAILABLE NOW.. ' SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR W. Ie. MCKENZIE CO., DISTRIBUTORS SINCE 1866. PHONE 20, LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO. 1 B.D. CLETRAC Overhead Shovel and Angle- doser, used 5 months, New condltlon. Hamden & King, Contractors, Grafton, Ont. Phone 87. BUILDERS' Sunnite. available tmmedtatoly. Nails — Cast -Iron Boil -pipe and Fittings. Pumbing fixtures and electrical appliances. Bend stamp for circular. Economy Dtetrlbu- tore. Kingston, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, guaranteed mates,. 0 weeks old. C.O.D. 518. Canary etagere, =irefully chosen for color and song, 015. C.O.D. Groom Pet Supplies, 000 Bloor W., Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE Hi -POWERED Rifles—Write for descriptive folders. and ''pr'leso, • SCOPE' BALES CO.,. 826. Queen Stg,ette .,,'Ont. '" WISCONSIN 'AIR COOLED GASOLINE ENGINES Delivery !rota- stock, 2 - 80 h,p.. REPAIRS AND PARTS Distribution required, In certain territories. CONSOLIDATED ENGINE5 & MACHINERY COMPANY. New Toronto Ontario: LATHAM raspberry canes, 50.00 per hundred, Gordon Bridgman, R.R. 2, PusPnch, Ont. REGISTERED Collie. priced to sell. One Elmhlll brood bitch, one 8t, Adrian proven Mud. William Pyo, Roseland, One, TEN ACRES Summer resort, village on R1.8 Lake. Suitable for Cabins, Store Garage, good cottage, barn, water, hydro, $6,000. Box 46, Harwood, Ont, 200 ACRES, Choice Stock and Grain Farm, a miles from City, 165 urea workable, 10 acres wood: water and hydro in house and barna Posseselon at once. Box 2, 223 18th Street, New Toronto. FOR SALE sr Rent, Meese factory wttb grocery store. ApbtY Med Beauparlant, 8t. Charles, :Ont. SENATOR Dunlop strawberry plants, well rooted, heaviest producers, hundred 51.50, thousand 58. Order early. Percy Yarrow, Route 8, Trenton, Ont. HA IRDR ESSI NG LEARN Halydreeains the Raberteon method. Information on request regarding clam.. Robertson's Hairdressing Academy. 187 -Ave. nue Road. Toronto. M EDICAI IT'S PROVEN—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine. or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro'& Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 81.00. MONACAD for Eczema, 50, new match- less and ellicadoug ointment By mall 60e. Lolrappe, North Rogersville, N.B. SATISFY Yourself—Every 8offerer of Rheu- matic Paine or Neuritte should try Dixon's, Remedy. 2funro'e Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. OPPORTUNITIES rola 710919.56 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 501100L Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleaeant dignified profession, good wages, thousand. successful Marvel graduates America's greatest system Illustrated cata- logue. free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Blom SL W„ Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Hamilton. & 74 Rideau ,Street. Ottawa. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME SPARE or full-time money -making. Lon.rn to make candy at home and earn as you learnt oorreepondence course. National Institute of Confectionary Reg'd. - Delorimier P.O., Box 162, Montreal, Que. PATENT!! FEl'HERSTONAUGH & Company, Patent Solicitors, Established 1890, 14 King Went, Toronto, Booklet of information on request PERSONAL "ELIJAH Coming Before .Christ", wonderful book tree. Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11, N.Y. PHOTOGRAPHY ELGIN Photos, Developing and 8 prints 80. Reprinte 03c, Jumbos .06c, Write for spro- iale on Films, Enlargemonte, Mount,, Frames. Box W116, Bt. Thomas, Ont, SEND your films to our new plant for unsur- passed quality. Our sparkling gloss.' =Into will please you. 0 or 8 exposure rolls 800 postpaid, reprints 03c ea, 85 for 51, Gamma Photo Centre, Box 11, Chapleau, Ontario. REPAIRS FUR COATS REMODELLED Old coats made like new by master furrier. Free Inured storage on repairs and remodels. Write for information. Uptown Fere, 510 Tonga St„ Toronto. WANTED WANTED! 115.00 paid for Winchester 1604 and Marlin 1055 (only) rifle' with wormout barrels. The Gun Shop, 78 Ward. Port Hops. Ontario. WANTED! Muehrat are in good demand. For too prlcee and prompt returns ship Your raw tura to: Alan James, Lindsey Ont. CHERRY LOGS Bought for cash, Write Box 504. Fergus, Ont, HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Bouaekeep,r to 1100 1n, permanent position 2 adults only. Apply Mrs. Bert Weir. 701 Richmond St, London, Ont. WANTED Four (4) General duty nurses. Also night supervisor (11-7). Attractive salary with he - cream after one year'. eorvleo. Pull main- tenance provided, Apply the Director of Nursing, Welland County General Hospital, Wetland, Ontario. For constant' Smoking rieai IarG ALSO AVAEL:AEILII IN 1 POOH THi MUTT AND JEFF—Little Jeff Can Get A Kick Out Of Anything aUST ASt<TNE BLACKSMITH FOR A Job! YoU CAN 'LEARN -114E TRADE! No, I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE BUT I CAN LEARN! NOvd, tCL NO►.DTHis RED Nei HORSESHOE. ON THE ANVIL AND WHEN I IMOD MY HEAD Yo T'P IT WMA H THr MMR! By BUD FISHER