HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-04-29, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1948 ,rrtiu sir. A Ft: RT "t w Snowdon Bins„ Publishers • Existing regulations make it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 In United States cash. • You are required to turn in to your bank, for ex- change into Canadian money, any amount you have in excess of $10 in United States funds, without delay. THERE'S A REASON • The reason is that Canada must have the U.S. dollars spent here by tour- ists, in order to make them available for the payment of imported goods and ser- vices needed to keep pro- duction and employment at a high level. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD ; ROTTAWA WALTON The Play sponsored by Kirktoi's Y.P.A, "Grandpa's Twin Sisters," in Walton community hallwas a 'grand success, hall being crowded to capacity: All actors, actresses play- ed their palls real well. Play -was v s in aid of Bethel Church. W.A., McKil- lop. cKil- lo M• r. Thomas Haekwell is a patient in Scott's Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. Itir. and Mrs. Stewart Humphries in London on business. Miss Edith Hackwell of Stratford with her father, Joseph S. Backwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ritchie of Sea - forth, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ennis of Lon- don with Mr. 'and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Mr. Earl Coutts of the O.A.C. at Guelph, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Andie Coutts.' Mr. Robert Holland of London at his summer home on the 16th of Grey. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lawless of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lawless. Stewart Bryans of Guelph with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis visiting friends hi Brodhagen. Mr. and Mrs. John Hillebrecht of Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphries. Miss Janiet Simpson of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig. Death of Mrs. George Muldoon Mrs. George Muldoon of Brussels passed away on Wednesday, April 21st about 7 p.m. in the Wingham General Hospital. Mrs. Muldoon had been taken to the hospital about three weeks ago after a prolonged illness. Born in Tuckersmith town- ship in 1871 her maiden name was Eliza Matilda Sholdice and she was Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Shippers may obtain seeks and twine without charge by writing direct to CANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Ford Tract©r Owners We have received a ship- ment of Spring Tooth • Cultivators The McMahon 4- purpose Disc is a most amazing Implement CALL IN AND SEE IT AT Daly Motors Ford Monarch Dealer GYPROC We have a stock of board in 7, 8 & 9 ft. lengths ALS° Lime & Hardwall Plaster Barbed Wire In 80 Rd Spools $4.85 Staples, Brace Wire. SNOW FENCE, 100 ft. 12.00 GEM ELECTRIC FENCER 16.00 Aquella stops water leaks, dampness, seepage. Enough for a gal. $5.90. BUY A NEW IDEA FURNACE NOW. They are and will be scarce, See our Ex a Quality DAIRY PAIL, soldered completely $1.45 Geo. A.'Sills & Sons HARDWARE MERCHANTS Heating, Plumbing & Electrical Supplies a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. tin frock and carried a colonial bou- .Adam Sholdice, The family moved to quet. Mr. Bert Huey was grooms - Grey township, '1M miles north of man. Mr. and Mrs. Bell will reside Walton w]ien she was (quite young. at. Wallaceburg. George Muldoon, and for• the past 45 Miss .Violet McClymoint and Miss Mary MCAsh visited with the for- mer's' mother, 'Nil's. ' McClymont, Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie and Bobbie of Centralia visited his mo- ther and Mrs. rs. Lammie and Miss Greta Laramie. Zurich Minstrels composed of the members of the Lions. Club with a• cast of forty, presented their annual show in the town hall on Wednes- day evening sponsored by Hensall Chamber of Commerce. John Turk Rev. J. H. Kerr, of St. John's helm was interlocutor. The end men Church, Brussels officiating:Inter- wereMilton Oeseh Charles Thiel,1 ment was in Brussels cemetery. The Russell Grainger, Lloyd Etue, Ear l Youngblut, Ed. Gesello, soloists were Leroy O'Brien, Milton Oesoh, Ivan Youngblut,, Ed Deters, Bill Siebert, Orville Witmer, Alvin 'Walper, Mac Klopp, Victor Dinnin; accompanist, Mrs. Harry G. Hess. •Commencing .Sunday, May 2nd, Carmel Presbyterian Church will observe their centennial anniver- sary. It will be Children's and Young Peoples' Day. The Sabbath School will attend Divine Worship at 11 a.m. conducted by Rev. P. A. Fer- guson, assisted by Mr. George Tin- ney, Sabbath School Superintendent Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A., of Brampton, will conduct the evening service. Miss June Work of Brussels will be guest soloist. On Tuesday, May 4th at 6:30 p.m. the .Congregational Centennial Ban- quet will be held in the schoolroom She was married 48 years ago to SIr, years she was a.i•esident of Brussels, Mr. Muldoon died. three years ago in June. She was an active member of St, Jo'hn's Anglican Church, Brus- sels. Surviving.are two sisters, 7 , Mrs. Hannah IVIcLeod; of Alameda, Sask., and Mrs. Fanny McIntosh, of West Hope, North Dakota, who are r now the last survivors of the original family of nine children. The funeral was held from her residence on Saturday, April 24th; pallbearers were John Logan, Alex. Anderson, Lorne Eekmier, Will Mc- Cutcheon, Thos. Ellis, Harvey Bry- ans. Flora*esbearers: Harvey ,Mc- Cutcheon, Will McMurray, Will Mc- Spadden, Jos. Bewley, • Among those attending from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sholdice, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. John Sholdice, London,_ Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert Clark, Hensall, Miss Calder, Oakville, T. G. Ander- son, Listowel. HENSALL Rev. P. A. Ferguson and Mr. John Stewart attended the Synod meeting held in Chesley this week. Dr. Harry Joynt, Mr. Laird Joynt, of Toronto, and Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London, visited ' over the weekend with their mother, Mr's. of the Church. Alice' •Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Drysdale and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale spent a day last week in Toronto attending a dis- play in connection with their busi- ness. Miss Roberta Kirby visited re- cently with friends at Dashwood: Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Bryan visited last week With relatives in Toronto. Mr. Bruce Glenn of the 0.A.C. Guelph, is spending the vacation months at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn. -lir. and Mrs. Gus Voth and fain- ily of Detroit spent the weekend with Mrs. Voth's another, Mrs. Louis Simpson. Mr. T. C. Joynt is seriously ill at his home here with a heart attack. His many friends hope for ft speedy recovery. The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church will have the Executive of the Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. as their guests at their special meeting in connection with the Centennial of the Church on Thursday, May 6th at 3 p.m. The program will be present- ed by the guests and guest soloists will be from Seaforth and Exeter. Every lady of the congregation is cordially invited to be present at this. meeting. The Librarians who are attending the librarians course being held this month hi Clinton, with their instruc- tor, Miss Litts, of Toronto, visited Seaforth, Exeter and Hensall libra- ries on Thursday. The ladies of the local board served afternoon tea and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of THE KIDDIES SHOP MOVING EARLY IN MAY TO A NEW LOCATION NEXT DOOR TO REGENT THEATRE UNTIL MOVING DAY EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP WILL BE SOLD AT lar DISCOUNT The Kiddies Shop Queen's Hotel, Seaforth "•.:• n'• e J SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL 1 OPEN FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH Tao s,MnAan Tin PROGRAM FREE LUNCH DISPLAYS DEMONSTRATIONS DANCE Miss Mary Flanigan, Outstanding Violin Soloist, Guest Artist ADMISSION 30c aism30S11 THEATRE E SEAFORTH Now Playing "EAST SIDE OF. HEAVEN" with Bing Crosby — Joan nlondell .Mischa Auer.:, You'll net e bang out of Bi,ng's .:.,singing songs you can't forget,—And Sandy,. the lovable babe'. from Feathered Lane. MON. TUGS. WED: "THE UNFINISHED DANCE" with Margaret O'Briei,—Cyd Charisse—Karin Booth. M-G-M's,gorgeous toehn color 'drama of the ballet, A work of art for your pleasure In Technicolor NEXT THURS. PRI. SAT - DOUBLE FEATURE IN TECHNICOLOR "THE SHOCKING MISS PILGRIM" with Betty Grabble and Dick Haynes Delightful, breezy entertainment! Has tunes, color and smart comedy plus AND "KING OF THE WIRD HORSES" with Gail Patrick and Preston Foster COMING: "MY WILD IRISH ROSE" - ,In Technicolor with,DENNIS MORGAN — ANDREA ICING — GEORGE : O'BRIEN Mr. r.and - Ii VI Mrs. Louie Halle nee t b Boys and Girls, Makea were married on April 25, 1923, at Grace Lutheran Church parsonage,; Mitchell, by Rev, S. B. Eix. Mrs. Hillebrecht was the former Louise Gordner. The attendants were Miss Minnie Gordner, now Mrs. Ed.. Querengesser of Edmonton, Alberta, and -the late Charles Edgar Gies. They were also presented with a table lamp from their family and other gifts of silver were also re- ceived. They have a family of two daughters and one son, they are Mrs. Alfred Byerman (Melinda) of Seaforth, Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy (Nor- ma) of Brodhagen, and Edgar at home, and three grandchildren, Larry and Dianne Byerman, and Barbara Ann Hoegy. BRODHAGEN Mr. Glen Murdock of Underwood spent Sunday withhis brother, Mr. Ernie Murdock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas..,Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querenges- er and Susan of Waterloo with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Quer- engesser for the weekend. Quite a number of relatives from here attended the 25th wedding an- niversary celebration of Mr. and Mire, Norman Bode ( Gertrude Hinz t at their hone on Sunday. .Visitors at the home of Mr. and Iles. John L. Beannewies over the weekend were 11r. and Mrs. Ernie Hertzi Sharon and Joyce of Detroit: Mrs. Fred Scherbarth, Kenneth; Carl of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ben- newies, Marlene, Joan of Mitchell. .Mr. and Mrs. Frecl Miller of Wal- ton, with Mks. Sophia Bennewies, on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Don Markle, Bradly, of Woodstock with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Deigel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Querenges- ser of Riverside visited relatives over the Weekend. Rev. Mrs. Schultz and Mrs. Eliza- beth Morena spent a few days in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querenges- ser of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Mogh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eick mier were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jarmuth on Wednesday, it being the occasion of their 4th wed- ding anniversary. - Mr. Alt Jarmuth of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hensall celebrated their 40t)i'•'WVed- Jarmuth.• ding anniversary at their home with Mr. and rites. Ray Hart of London, ti arents M a family dinner. Those attending' the ri n her p r. and Mrs. L. celebration were their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and Diane their son and daug- hter-in-law :1'Ir. and Mrs. Donald Walker of Toronto Their daughter, RocE. Roy Aanstein of Kitchener spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and 'Mrs.. John Aanstein. The Luther League of our Church Miss Olive Walker, R.N., of the will present two one -act plays staff of Pampa Municipal Hospital,, namely "Sugar and Spice" and Florida, was unable to attend. Bell.Shaw— A pretty wedding was solemnized at the hone of Mrs. F. Shaw, Tur- nerville, when her daughter, Fran- ces Eileen, became the bride of. John A. Bell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell of Hensall. Rev, K. M. Wood of Grand Bend officiated. Miss Grace Shaw, sister of the bride, played the wedding music and Miss Ahna Bell, sister of the groban, was soloist. Given in marriage by her elder brother, Robert, the bride "Confessional" on Friday evening in the Church basement. One of these is to be presented at .the Drama Festival at Milverton. Word has been received by rela- tives of the death in Edmonton of Mrs. F. Riehett, the former Minnie Miller of Brodhagen. Silver Anniversary On Sunday evening relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hillebrecht and surprised them on the occasion of their 25th silver wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in playing games wore a gown of white bridal satin and at the midnight hour Mrs. Geo: with a net yoke, fitted bodice and Mogk read a very suitable address circular skirt. She wore a finger-tip and Mrs. Ed Fischer presented the veil and carried a white Bible topp- honored couple with a tri -light floor ed with roses. Miss Vivian MeGreg- lamp after which a dainty lunch was or, bridesmaid,, wore a pale blue sa- served. BARLEY ACREAGE WANTED A Limited Number of Acres to be Contracted for at Attractive Prices W. E. REID 87 J DASHW 00b or SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP PHONE 9 SEAFORTH "BELIEVE — AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED" BELIEVE WHAT Acts 16:31 1. LELIEVE That you are a sinner, and as such, hopelessly lost for uteritity 1tom. 3:23 2. BELIEVE that you are helpless to save yourself and so are in need of a Saviour. Titus 3:5 3. BELIEVE that CHRIST is the one and only Saviour that God hi His mercy has provided for our salvation, John 14:6 4. BELIEVE GOD'S WORD when it says CHRIST died for us—the. just for the unjust:. I Pet. 3:18 80 IN TRUE REPENTANCE TRUST AND ACCEPT CHRIST TO -DAY. LET YOUR sPRAYEIR BE "God be merciful unto me o .sinner and save me for CHRIST'S SAhIS" TUNE IN: Pilgrims Hour 7-7.30 (daylight saving) Sunday Evening Local -Station — CKLW Windsor Old-fashioned Revival Hour — rebroadcasts on many stations at various hours Chas. E. Fuller P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Peat Moss Chick Starter Chick Grit Cane Molasses Cod Liver Oil Fertilizer and Grass Seed Carload of 'Wire and Steel Posts SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 History Scrapbook Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit Times, bringing you .PUCK, The • Comic Weekly, presenting Dick's Adventures. Start a colorful history scrapbook as Dickbegins an excit- ing new' exploit with Captain John Smith at Jamestown. The new ad- venture will be fun and educational! Get Sunday's Detroit Times. 1 11 1 CASh FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS WATCH DAILY PAPERS FOR CURRENT PRICES PHONE SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 µ., 2a - m - .0> TOWN OF SEAFO/ TH PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving Time In accordance with request from the Merchants' Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, the Council has instructed me to declare Daylight Saving Time adopted for the Town of Seaforth during the period from April 26th at 2 a.m., to September 26th, at 2 a.m. inclusive, and respectfully request the citizens to observe same M. A. REID MAYOR GOD SAVE THE KING JZ Dealers, Bakers, Farmers & Feeders WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "GOLD STAR" Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "EXCELLENCE" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give them a trial -- Quality and Prices are right Excellence Feeds,. Calf Meal Pig Starter Chick Starter Hog Fattener Chick Grower Hog Grower Laying Mash Sow Ration Dairy Ration CELLENCE in 'lane and Quilt urge ram & Pr, cessed Telephone 354 Seaforth Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd.