HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-04-22, Page 8re- ► THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1948, HENSALL Annual Meeting Hensall W.I.— The April meeting of Hensall In- stitute was held in the council cha- mber on April 14th, Mrs, A. D. Mc- Ewen and Mrs, P. Ferguson were hostesses. Mrs. Kerslake occupied the chair. Following the opening ex- ercises it was moved by Mrs. Orr and seconded by Mrs. Beer that the Institute forward to the Canadian Cancer Society the yearly donation of $25. Moved by Mrs. Geiger, sec- onded by Miss Lannnie, that we re- ceive further information re the films on cancer now available. The president read an interesting let- ter from Mrs. Poskitt, Snraith, York- shire, England. It was also disclosed that as a result of the 'shipment of foodstuffs packed by Mrs. Parke, Mrs. Sangster and Mrs. Kerslake, 5 boxes containing 80 lbs. were shipp- ed to Yorkshire, England, postage $11.50. Mrs. Kerslake outlined the recent district executives meeting held in the hall, stressing. District annual is to be held in Zurich Evan- gelical Church June 8th, 10 a.m.; Miss Greta Lammie is asked to play a violin number at same; each branch is asked for a donation of $2; Mrs. Elgie will give a toast to Canada. A war college in London, England, expressed thanks for sheets and pillow cases forwarded by the district branches. A. thank - you message was read from Mrs. Goddard; reports of standing com- mittees read by Mrs. J. McAllister, Mrs. A. E. Munn, Mrs. J. Paterson, Mrs. C. Forrest, Mrs. MacLaren, Mrs. Beer. The encouraging finan- cial report was read by Miss Gladys Luker. Mrs. Cook, nominating con- vener, presented the slate of offic- : President, Mrs. A. Kerslake; <t vice Mrs. A. E. Munn; 2nd vire, Dr. Margaret MacLean sec.-treas., Zliss Gladys Luker; asst., Mrs. R. F;aie, press reporter, Mrs. Redden; aneh directors, Mrs. Gross, Mrs. 'sdale. Mrs. W. Sangster pianist, M'ss, Greta Laramie: asst., M..' Flo- e Welsh. Card convenor, Mrs. ,-. Swale: district rep.. Mrs. A. Orr. ?fired by Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Hey bar the entire reports he approved. Mrs. Peer mentioned the Blue Cross hospitalization plan as accepted by +he members. The community build- ing project was discussed. Moved by' Mra. Beer and Mrs. Cook that the members pledge $100 plus whatever e•ctra they can make towards this project. Mention was made of hav- ing a social evening the latter part of May, on motion of Mrs. Sangster and Mrs. Devlin. Each member is to invite a guest. Mrs. Beer, Mrs. J. Paterson, Mrs. A. D. McEwen offer- ed to help make arrangements. An attractive exhibit featuredaprons made by members. Mrs. 'Shirray'dis- cussed the motto. Mrs. A. E. Munn gave an article on home -economics. Mrs, -Little, a former.member who has 'moved to Exeter, will receive a cup and saucer and an address. Mrs Kerslake conducted a quiz. Misses Audrey Walsh and 'Marlene Ritchie. gave vocal, duets. Mrs. Geiger ex- pressed thanks to all. Kip'fer-Jolly— A charming April bridal took place in the Pentecostal tabernacle, Exeter, on Saturday when the Rev. H. T. Kendrick united in marriage Jenny Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jolly, of Ex- eter, to Cecil Kipfer, youngest son of Ezra Kipfer of Hensall. Forsy- thia and daffodils fp'med a lovely, floral background for; the ceremony. Traditional wedding• music Was played by Miss GlacWs Luker " of Hensall, who also accompanied -the soloist, Mrs. T. Durand, before the ceremony, "Because," and "God Gave Me You," during the signing of the register. The attractive bride, given in marriage by her fa- ther, wore a graceful gown of white brocaded satin. Her finger-tip veil fell from a halo of orange blossoms and she carried a white Bible with streamers of satin ribbons and red roses. She wore three strands of pearls, enhancing the sweetheart neckline of her gown. Miss Irma Kipfer of Toronto, sister of the groom, attended as maid of honor and was costumed in pink muslin, while the bridesmaid, Miss Mary 'Kinsman of Chiselhnrst, wore blue. muslin. Both carried white Bibles, with sweetpeas and fern. The groom was attended by Norman Jolly of Exeter, brother of the bride, and the ushers were Harold Jolly of To- ronto, brother of the bride, and Iv- an Kipfer of Lucan, brother of the groom. Receiving the guests at her home, Mrs. ,Tolly wore silk jersey. Mrs. Kipfer assisted, wearing a two piece navy ensemble. Both wore corsages of •pink roses and sweet peas. For their wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride wore a grey suit with cap with accessories in red. A very enjoyable 'evening was spent on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Edna Corbett, when members of the immediate families gathered in. honor of the wedding annivers- aries of Mr. and Mrs. J. Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones. Progressive euchre was enjoyed by all, after which presentations of gifts were made to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett by Crreadge byPEd.eCorbett, while be- ingr. Norman Jones presented Mr. and Mrs. Wesley cones with a gift, the SUNDAY EVENING MUSICAL SERVICE NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Apr. 25 ,7p.m. DEDICATION OF THE NEW PIANO The new Piano recently purchased will be dedicated at this service Special SERVICE OF SONG BY THE CHURCH CHOIR ASSISTED BY THE JUNIOR CHOIR UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MISS M. TURNBULL EVERYONE WELCOME REV. H. V. WORKMAN MINISTER J. A. WESTCOTT JE W J!JLLER i Watches and Diamonds address being read by Mr. Wilmer Jones: Both couples expressed sin- cere thanks, after which refresh- ments were served. Dr. Norma Cook of Toronto spent the week end at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mrs. Harold Simpson of Exeter visited recently with Mrs. Melvin Moir. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Little spent the week end in 'Windsor. ATTENTION (BOYS OF TUCKER. SMITH AND EGMONDVILLE The Legion 'Ss planning to sponsor Juvenile Softball League. If you are between the ages of 12 to 17 years you may be eligible to play. Dipping into the honeycombs of the past, we find that this Com- munity has turned out winning teams. So let's go, fellows, give us your names. You'll get a play.chance Let's hear from theboys on the farm. Nand your names in tot GEORGE KRUSE, or BUZZ FINNIGAN. FOR SALE Farm in Township of Hibbert consisting of 125 acres In good state of cultivation with 2 never -failing. wells and a young .orchard; large L-shaped bank barn, 40x70, straw shed 30x60 and silo, Large seven room brick house. Must be sold to close estate. Apply MRS ANNIE FITZPATRICK, R.R. Dublin, Ontario. - LOST A whitewall tire cover, between home, and Scott Poultry Farm. on Wednesday morning. LEONARD STRONG, phone 655 r 21 SMALL ACREAGE' Modem two sterey home, three-piece bath, hard & soft water, pressure system, wired for electric acre land sit situaent ted a block from abouto. highway at Dublin. Apply A. DANTZER, Dublin, Ont. AT FINNIGAN'S ,, Kei-'io fSO-contains gets white clothes whiter, colors brighter, than brand new 59 c ATTENTION .FARMERS AND GARDENERS Have you purchased your SE'ED POTATOES yet. Remember. Finnigan's for Choice Seed. This week large pink Grapefruit -6 for 29c Stock up W. J. FINNIGAN '& SON NOTICE • In accordance with Section 208of the Election. Act, the undermentioned election ex- penses of .Thos, Prydo, Esq. are hereby pub- lished: 119..00 Hall Rent 418.00 Postage & Excise • 1650.04 Stat., Adv., Printing Candidate's travel exp. 160.00. 2428.30 W. E. SOUT'HGATE JR. Returning Officer s. FOR SALE 3 -burner Perfection coal oil stove, like new ; and a girl's blue crepe dress and .a blue chen- ille house coat, both size 11. ' Phone 125w FOR SALE Tricycle, medium size, - good •condition: NEIL BROADFOOT, Jarvis et. PASTURE T have pasture for a limited number of e'p��r PATRICK plenty 1mile south ofDublin FOR SALE Hereford bull, serviceable age, good ood ,uali ty.i PATRICK ,$AN, 1 mile south WANTED Wanted, a girl or middle-aged woman to do house -work either full time or part time. Ap- ply to Box G.Seaforth News. FOR SALE McCormick -Deering 13 -run disc fertilizer drill, in good shape, priced roasonalrly. LORNE COLEMAN, phone 76r12 Hensall ' Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK. MACHINERY & Household. Effects, At Lot 45, Con. 2, Tuckcrsmith,one mile east of Clinton Radio Station, on Mon- day, May 3rd, at 1 P.m. roSmgeneral ln6 yeald,weighing140b purpose iotchd. CATTLE—Durham cow 4 years old, fresh in Jan.; Durham cow 6 years old, freshened in April ; Durham cow 4 :years old, due Sept. calf, 6 months old; 2 small calves, PIGS -1 6osv with litter; sow bred Mar. 15 1 sow bred Mar. IO POULTRY -75 hybrid hens. GRAIN -200 bus. oats; feed beans; 30 bus. wheat • quantity bran & shorts MACHINERY'—Renfrew cream separator; milk pails, set of sleighs, rubber tire top i l p r, buggy cutter, scuffler, atone boat, pig crate, 2 barrels, sap pan, 60 buckets & miles, sugar kettle; buffalo robe; 6 cords wood quantity 1" lumber, 2 in. plank & cedar rails; forks; shovels, etc„ range shelter. Household Effects—Large size Duo Therm oil burner, used one season, Princess Pat range, large fire box for coal or wood; 3 burie r Coleman gas stove & oven 8 piece dining room stilt. bedroom suite Congoleum rug 9s12 new Congoleum rug 9x15 making chair drop side .couch with mattress ward robe, churn, new mattress, gas iron, gas lamp gas lantern, 2 large cellar tables, wash Mach- ine, lawn mower, fire extinguisher, sealers, crocks. ate, Terms rash. ALBERT PEPPER, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk DEMONSTRATION The Seaman Rotary Tiller ON THE FARM OF D. A. MOFFATT, HALF WAY BE- TWEEN KIPPEN AND BRUCEFIELD ON #4 HIGHWAY Tuesday, ApriI 27 AT 1.30 P.M. Sponsored by SEAFORTH MOTORS Chevrolet & Oldsmobile Massey -Harris Farm Equipment THE' TWO MODELS WILL BE SHOWN - THE POWER TAKE -OFF AND THE MOTORIZED FOR SALE A quantity of good clean timothy seed for sale. :STARK HAMILTON, Walton, phone. 41126 Brussels• FOR SALE Outside toilet, windows and window frames, doers. Box W, c/o The Seaforth News. FOUND A sum of money on Main street. .7011N McQUA1D, Dominion Bank. PASTURE TO RENT Have pasture for a few morecattle'; also 2 or 8 loads of ;.rood -hay cheap. Apply to ROY LAWSON WANTED Girlto do clerical work and probably some selling. Apply in writing; also state wage expected. Apply Box 127, The Seaforth News. FOR SALE Collie pups, 11 weeks old; also a. horse and some young cattle. Apply JOHN OALWILL, Bruee0eld, Phone Clinton 628 r 32 FOR SALE sale. Phone 668nrs15 and strawberry BARRY I Egda•lle FOR SALE Brick and frame house in Egmondville with garage 24x36, barn 50x32, garagefor a ear. All in good repair. ALEX LILLICO, Eg- mondville, opliosite Finnigsn's store. FOR SALE Six -tube Phileo car radio, built-in'':for 30. Dodge or Plymouth. JACK TAYLOR. phone 027 r 22, Clinton. FOR 'SALE A Westinghouse Gasoline Washing Mach- ine, good as new. White porcelain with black trim, Equipped with Johnson Iron 7•Iorse motor. PETER M¢COWAN, Seaforth RR1 PASTURE Wanted for pasture, around fifteen head of cattle. Phone 24 r 8 Dublin central -SAM REGELI4, RIM Walton FOR SALE STRONG, Walton, phoChevrolet ne. BruslHENRY6 r 'ARM- STRONG, FOR SALE A Toronto windmill, self oiler. 50 ft. tower ready to load. 1 range shelter 6 x 7, 1 electric brooder. WALTER BROADFOOT, phone 27 ring 10 Brussels HELP WANTED Girl wanted for general housework. Apply Box B. c/o The Seaforth News • FOR SALE Quantity of Timothy Seed. CHARLES LANEphone 656 r 12 -Seaforth FOR SALE Brumfield, residence of Mrs .5. O'Brien. Cottage„ Bain and r/ acre of land. Owner will he at residence Tuesday, April 27th, and Wednesday,,April 28th. ASHES WANTED Notice to teamsters and truckers, or anyone gathering ashes.A large amount of clean ashes or clay still wanted for filling. Handy Place- to dump, No. plaster err' brick oeast. ru - bish..C, H. ADDICOTT, Clearing Auction Sale • FARM STOCK & IMPLEM•ENTS.' On Wed- nesday, May 5, at 1 p.m., at J. Wdsley Beattie's, first farm west of Seaforth > on Huron road. 1 aged general purpose mare. 1. Hereford cow, fresh ; 1 light roar cow, fresh; 1 roan COW, fresh; 1 .light roan -cow due in June; 1 dark roan eow due in Oct.; 1 red cow due in July ; 2 red heifers in .calf, due in Oct.:; 5 year-olds; 1 heifer & 4 steers 6 calves. M.H. Binder ; 1 International hay loader ; 1 International. side delivery rake; 1 culti- vator; 1 mower; 1:C -hoe fertilizer ;1ri11 with' grass: seed attachment, 1 dump rake, disc and harrows, roller, tanning mill, platform scale, 2 wagons, 1 gravel box 2 flat racks; set sling ropes, pig crate, root pulper, No plow, pikes, tongs, etc., ear tag pliers, :Melotte cream separator, set sleighs, turnip sower, walking Plow, nockyokes & whiffletsees, set double: harness, electric fencer, chicken fattening• crate, bloelc & tackle, chicken shelters, some doors and frames, 8 wood chisels, pealiar-, venters, quantity ofpeeled cedar poste,.' Brass seed sower, drainage scoops & ditching spoon, wank -branch & vise, sides for straw reek. quantity.. of 0" tile, . material',for arboSor, summer house, lawn roller, bey knife. Other articles too numerous to mention.. Terms' cash J. WESLEY BEATTIE, Proprietor. ISarold Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE Raspberry canes and strawberry plants for sale. Phone 668:r 15. J. S. BARRY, Eg'dvllle FARM FOR SALE Lot 20, Con. 9, Mullett, hydro available. M. M. LLOYD. 25% off on the dollar of purchase of HARNESS AND HARDWARE - PRICED TO CLEAR W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR WOOL WANTED ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W & 3J BOX' iffutural tbrutty CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Eddie McBride wishes'. to thank all friends and relatives who so kindly remem- bered :her with cords, fruit, etc., during -•her recent illness. , AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office Residence 43 18 I wish to thank all who remembered me with flowers, fruit and cards, and the kindness shown me by the neighbors during my illness. MRS. HENRY WIETERSEN Mr. and 0Iis. Roy Vodden wish . to thank friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses shown them during their recent -bereavement.. They also wish to thank senders of floral trib- utes, cards and letters, with special thanks to Rev. Harold Snell, Elmer Snell, 7)r, Gorwill and Clare Reith. - IN MEMORIAM O'CONNOR—In loving memory of our dear father, Daniel O'Connor, who passed away. one year ago, April 28, 1947. One lonely year has passed away, Sipco our great sorrow. fell: The shock that we receivedthat dos We still remember well. He bade no one a last farewell, He said goodbye to none ; The heavenly gates were opened .wide,. A loving voice said, ,Come." AJight is fromour household gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A placeis vacant in our home Which never can be filled. —Ever .remembered by his wife, sons and daughters. FREEMAN—In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, "Mrs. Jesse Fineman, who departed this life one year ago, April 20th. The pearly gates were opened,. A gentle voice said, Come, And with farewells unspoken She gently entered home. —Sadly missed. by. Mother, Sisters rand Brother. HOWE—In loving memory of our dear father,: James Howe, who passed away, one year ago, April 21, 1947 Quickly and suddenly came the call sudden death surprised us all, 'Dearef• to memory than words can tell. • The loss of a father weloved so well, Nothing but memories as we journey on Longing for a smile from a loved OM gone. None knows the depths of our deep regret, But we remember when others forger,. —Fondly remembered by the family. PIPER -In loving memory of Mrs. William Piper, who died April 24, seven years ago "Days of sadness still come o'er us Tears in silence often flow, Our memory keeps you ever near us, Though you died seven years ago. A happy time we once enjoyed, HOW sweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness, The world can never 1111." —Sadly missed by daughter Violet Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM 'STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS— At Lot 48, Bayfield Road, Goderich Town- ship, one mile south of Clinton. on Friday, April 23, at 1 p.m. sharp: • HORSES—Clyde mare 10 years old : Clyde gelding ser old.(A good farm team) CATTLE—Jersey x Durham cow 6 years old, due time of sale Jersey x Durham cow 7 years old, due time of sale; Jersey x Durham cow 9 years old, due time of sale; Polled Angus cow 10 years old, due time of sale; Durnam cow 8 years old, freshened in December; Hereford heifer 3 years old, due. in May Durhamm cow (farrow) 4 Y ears old, milking; Durham cow farrow) 9 years old, w 8 years d Angus(farrow Pelle cow milking; 8 cols w farrow y • Holstein co td milking; o g 8 Years Hereford cow fRCCOw y a old, milking; Here old; Durham cow(farrow) 8 Years old.; 16 Polled - Angus and Durham steers weighing from 800 to 1080 The: 6spring calves. PIGS is chunkschoice ianPand 'in rox. 170glb condition) IMPLEMENTS—Fordson tractor, on rubber, with hydraulic lift, power take off, step-up gear and starker. (A-1 condition) ; Ferguson cultivator ; Ferguson 2 -furrow plow. M -H binder 7 ft. cut • (Ail. condition) ; M -H 11 -hoe fertilizer drill (A-1. condition); M -H mower 6 ft. cut (nearly new) ; McC-D. sidedelivery rake (nearly new) spring tooth cultivator; 14 plate out -throw drac, with short tongue and carriers; 4 section harrows; steel. drum roller; 10 ft, hay rake; rubber tire wagon (600 x 16 tires) ; steel tire wagon; 2 fiat racks (15 & 16 foot) ; set of sloop sleighs and flat rack; steel tire ton buggy; cutter; 1 furrow riding plow ; walking plow; 2000 ib scales; fanning mill ; root pulper• ; .6-100-11s milk cans; quantity of 2". plank; 40 cotton bags; 1100 sacks; forks, shovels and numerous other articles HARNESS -Set of back hand harness ; set of single harness; collars. Terms cash—No reserve NORMAN HOLLAND, Proprietor TSarold. Jackson, Edward W. Elliott, Auet's EXECUTORS SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS. On Huron St., in 01,0 Town of Seaforth,. Estate of the late Mrs. D. Regele, on Friday, May 7th at 1 p.m. Tun line of Household Effects including a practically new '6 ft. Westinghouse 'Refriger- ator. Terms cash. FRED BEEVES, .Executor • I•I. Jackson, Auctioneer Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTII, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class. Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod hegen ; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton p Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors—Robt. Archibald, Seaforth ; Frank • McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth •RR3 ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, ,Seaforth 1 J. H. McEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander. Walton i Harvey Fuller, Goderich RR2 Agents—Tobn E Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin ; 1. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices FOR SALE Quantity of mixed Seed, made up of Tim otby, Alfalfa and Yellow Blossom. Also 4. quantity of Yellow Blossom seed, : THOS, .1. .ADAMS, phone 14 on 667 Seaforth central' FARM FOR 'SALE Wj,t Lot 34, all lot 35, Con. 9, MOKillon, Tp., containing 100 acres. Bank barn,, frame house, garage and driving shed, drilled well and windmill; 26 acres of land ready for seed,. SAM PETHIOK, RR1 Seaforth FOR SALE Rubber tired wagon with good flat hayrack, tires in. first class shape ; 2 -furrow disc plow ;. also team of brood mares, 5 and 6 years old, ALFRED BUCHANAN, lot 7„con. 7, Mullett, or phone 841 r 4 • MEN' WANTED 535. to $60. A 'WEEK! .Your own l usiness l No .boss, ' no timeclock, independence I The leading line of .Home .Service Products! Fine pity and rural territories available. A vehiclel is needed for routes. If. you have selling ability and a small capital—write to -day for FREE information - FAMILRX — 1600 Del oilmrer MONTREAL. NPREAL. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon., Office Flours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 20 and 27. FOR SALE 1980 Model A; also set of used Fleury Bissell tractor discs; Massey-Harrisfertilizer drill. Would trade any of above on .cattle or pigs. Also 1,000 pullets,heavy breeds, al- most readyfor shelters. For Rent.- by the. acre, a fertilizer I11Z81 spreader, p can be u se d by 'horses or traCtores especially good for hay and pasture ground. Am wrecking T car— parts for sale. HARVEY McILWAIN,: 852r23 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON,,H.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye Ear, Nose and Threat Graduate in M.eilicine, University of Toronto.. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and - Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel; Seaforth, third Wednesday in each .mouth from 2 to 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 FOR SALE Six -room house on George street, all newly decorated, good furnace and 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors downstairs. Good - garage, about two lots of land. Phone 217 w Seaforth • FOR SALE Stuccoed house, good basement, hydro. First Mass shape in Egmondville. Prompt posses- sion. Modern Brick house, W. William St. Make. good investment. Prompt possession. E. 0, CHAMBERLAIN, Insu344ce Broker, Seaforth. Ont. Phone Off. 344, Res, 220 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBISRT Tenders for the Erection of Culverts Tenders will be received at at Council meeting to be held in the Township Hall, Stage, until. three P,M„ Monday, May 3rd, 1948, for the erection of the following Culverts. Opposite Lot 5, Con, 8, approximately 89.2 cubic yards. Opposite Lot 30, Con, 0, -approximately' 100,6 cubic yards, Opposite Lot 1.0, Con. 5, approximately 72,8 cubic yards, Opposite Lot .6, Con. 6, approximately. 43.2 cubic. t'a'ds. Townshipsupplying the Steel and Cement. Tenders tobe submitted according to plans and .specifications which' may be obtained at the office of the Road Superintendent. A marked cheque of ten per cent must .accom' pang each tender•. Lowest or any tender not pecessarily accepted. THOS. b. WREN. Clerk of the Twp of. Hibbert Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 3, Exeter, G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchel& Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 66 VETERINARY SURGEONS J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. L C. HALL, D.V.M., VS. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Personal attention by either Vet- erinarian when requested (if possible> Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. • Royal Apartments Phone, 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell; H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed. Postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6. samples 25c; 24• damples $1.00. Order Dept. Dept. T-74, ” Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. WANTED TO BUY All old - horses and dead animals. If suitable'' for mink feed, will pay more than. fertilizer prices—if not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone - at once. GILBERT BROS., Mink ,Ranch; Goderich. Phone collect 936r21, or 936r32, Goderich TENDERS. WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders will be received by the. undersigned up to 3 p.m., May .1st, 1948,:' few the con- struction of approximately 600 lineal feet of cement sidewalk in the Village of Egmond-. Mlle. The Township will supply cement and contractor must furnish all other 'require- menta A marked cheque ye a the amount mount of 0100.00 moat accompany each Tender. and Tenders nand be sealed Township marked. Tender" and waled to Township Cl otat E. P Chesney Seaforth, Ontario, and must` be at a rate per cubicyard,Lowest or any tender not necessarily .accepted. For further particulars apply. -to Robt. Dalrymple, Road Sup't„ Egmondville,Ont. E. P. CHIMNEY, Clerk of the Town sirof Tucker smith am ith FOR SALE Modern bricblduplex on West William st. 1r/3 .story, frame dwelling, new furnace: village of Egmondville. early possession. Modern 138 storey frame dwelling insulated, Goderich streest east. Frame cottage, garage. South Main street. Immediate possession. 1j, storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Main street, Seaforth. Modern -dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth,. M.. A, REID, Seaforth "PITTSTON" COAL 'Top quality Pennsylvania Anthracite' We have a few cars of this good! Coal (in Stove and Nut Size) (Coming along in May and June) ALSO A CAR or 'RIVERDALE' ALBERTA LUMP "From the Deep Seam, Mines" We are offering this, Coal for direct delivery from cars, and will give attention to orders received • Delivery Charges will be, deducted to Farmers hauling their own J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336