HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-04-22, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1,948 THE SEAFORTH NEWS SUPERIOR c WRIGHT'S STORE specials Thurs. Fri. Sat., April 22-2324 Hillcrest Shortening 1 ib. 30c Sweetened Pudding Powders 4 for 21 c Apple & Raspberry Jam 4 lb pail 75c E. D.. Smith Catchup, bot. 24c Bulk Peanut Butter, i. lb 35c Aylmer Veg. Soup, 20 oz. tin 17c We Deliver ART. Soda Biscuits, 2 lb box 45c Sandwich Cookies, 1 lb 33c McCor'niick's Pig Bars 1 lb 39c Quaker Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. 29c Maple Leaf Cake Flour pkg. 30c Broken Pimento Olives • 16 oz. bottle 29c WRIGHT Phone 77 HENSALL Mr,. and Mrs. Carl Passmore and Norma and Mrs. Harris and Cecil spent a day at Lions Head recently. Mrs, Hannah Workman visited over the week enol at the home of her daughters, Mrs. Norman Stan - lake in Exeter and Mrs. H. Britton at Dublin. Mrs. Hilton Laing was hostess at her home in Exeter on Monday for the Arnold Circle Evening Auxil- iary. Miss Jean McQueen was co - hostess and the .president, Mrs. G. Bell, presided. Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and Car- ol are visiting with the fortner's pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Neeb in Ta- vistock. AN ECONOMICAL LIGHT GARDEN TRACTOR Come and see the CHOREMASTER You can use your own lawn mower with it as power, plow, cultivate, etc. CHOREMASTER $148.50, less attachments FRED HURST, Seaforth R.R.2 One Mile west of Seaforth (at the cairn) BARLEY A CREA GE WANTED A Limited Number of Acres to he Contracted for at Attractive Prices W. E. REID 87J DASHWOOD or SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP PHONE 9 SEAFORTH 1 1 TOWN TOPICS Miss Helen 'Smith, nuge2ih4 .ihinC in St. Joseph's Hospital, London; spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and•Mrs, E. Smith. " Mr. and Mrs. L. Leonhardt, Kitcli- ener, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews. Mr. Bud Sinith, London, is spending a week -With Itis' parents Mr, and•Mrs. C. M. Smith. Miss Helen Devereaux and Mr. Bob. Devereaux, London, spent 'the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Devereaux. Mr. and.Mrs. George Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Winchelsea. spent the Week end with Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin and Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Hotham Sr. Miss -Mary Ryan, London, is spend- ing a week at her home here. - Miss Mabel Campbell, Winthrop, is taking penicillin treatment in Scott Memorial Hospital, Miss Fergus Bell, London, spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Earl Bell. Mr. Ebner Fowler, Bluevale, recent- ly visited his sister Miss Florence Fowler. Miss Betty Bannon, Windsor, spent the week end with her mother. Mrs, John Eisler visited recently in Brodhagen with Mrs. M. Beuermanu. Mr. Charles Hays, London, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. R. S. Hays. Mr. David Bolton, Kitchener,. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earl. Centralia, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, John Earl. Mr. Neville McMillan, Milton, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. Donald Munn, London, spent the week end with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. Munn. iltr. and Mrs. E. Bennewies and fam- ily visited recently in Brodhagen with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bennewies. Mr. Stanley Barry, Kitchener, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Barry. Mrs. \'=trot, MacLaten returned on Saturday after spending two weeks in Harrisburg, Pa„ with her daughter. She was accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Rating of 'Blue Water highway. Mt'. and Mrs. Wm. Manley, Walton, Mr. Jerome Manley, London, Mrs. John Malone and (laughter Mary, St. Coiunthtut, and Mr, and Mrs, John Eckert visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Sills Sunday. They cele- brate, the 35th birthday of Mrs. Con, Eckert Sr. COME WITH THE CROWD TO DUBLIN Looby's Hall Thursday, April 29 Eric Scott, His Trumpet and His Orchestra, featuring Miss Joan Peckham, Vocalist Dancing 10.1.15 Admission .75c DANCING! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, APRIL 24 Ross Pearce & His Music Admission 50c WALTON Backward weather for seeding. Ivan Young of Port Huron was up over the week end visiting his fa- ther, Robert Young, Mr. Herb Traviss and Joseph Ry- an are driving new cars these days. There was a big crowd at the Cor- lett reception Sn community hall on Tuesday evening. Tuesday afternoon a bad storm with wine], hail and rain swept through the Walton section. Mr, John Bolger celebrated his 84th birthday last week. While not taking as active a part in the farm work as formerly, Mr. Bolger is en- joying good health and is proud that they have finished seeding now. -Mr. Bolger was born on the 2nd concession of McKillop, just east of the "mountain," and attended S.S. No. 4, McKillop, with Mr. J. M. Go- venlock of Seaforth. KIPPEN Mrs. Thomas Kay is spending a couple of weeks visiting with friends in Illinois state and Chicago. Mr. R. J. Cooper was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of his sister. Mr. Thomas Kyle is improving nicely after his recent accident. Grand Opening DANCE! Stratford Casino .Ballroom TADNESDAY,IAPRIL 28 PRESENTING Johnnie Downs and Orchestra Dancing every Wed., Fri. and Sat, ADMISSION 50c NEWLY DECORATED 10,000 SQ. FT. OP DANCE FLOOR ONTARIO'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BALLROOM SATURDAY DANCE— THE BOB TURNER BAND Gutta tfleNtaYa•••••,•=1..143:4:.'Y 4:14Nier amore people r4. 1..,- reotole ave... want A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS Official registration figures show that more Chevrolets have been bought than any other make of car for the total seventeen-year period dating from 1931 to 1948! True for years— and truer than ever today — with the advent of this newer, smarter, finer Chevrolet for 1948l Official registration figures prove that more people drive Chevrolets — and seven independent surveys prove that more people want Chevrolets — than any other make of car! The reason, of course, is more value. And now Chevrolet value is made all the more outstanding by the smart new styling, brilliant new colors, and even more luxuriously appointed interiors which have been added to all the other advantages of Chevrolet's famous BIG -CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST. Be sure to see the new 1948 Chevrolet, and you'll know why more people drive Chevrolets than any other make! Chevrolet's world's champion Valve -in - Mead engine gives unequalled perform. once with economy. It has the strongest ' record of performance of any .power - plant built today] Valve -in -Heade is found only in Chevrolet and costlier cars. _ I /CHEVROLET/ 1=1 - Tho record-breaking demand for new Chevrolets prompts us to suggest°That you keep your pres- ent car in good running condi- tion. Bring it to us for skilled service, now and at regular Inter- vals. See us for a thorough check up — today! You'll admire the tasteful new styling, the new color harm- onies, the new and richer upholstery and appointments which add so much to the enviable • Big -Car beauty of Chevrolet's Body by Fisher. Remember—this finest of bodies is available only on Chevrolet and more expensive cars. You'll find there isn't any ether car in its fleld that gives you the Big ;Car comfort of Chevrolet for 1948. To have such comfort, you •must have the Unitised Knee -Action Gliding Ride. And this fee. ture, too, is exclusive to Chevrolet and higher -priced cars. C•4488 CHEVROLET and ONLY CHEI/RO(ET IS FIRST! SEAFORTH MOTORS „I1111,Id 00000000 11 00000000000,ll 11111111 000000 1111111111111111111111111111,ll 1 oa111111 00000 111111111111 00000all„111111 th 11]]11111]„1„111,1„ BABY CHICKS 11111111111111111111 iii11„111111111,1111,11111111,111„11„1,1,,,,11111111111u11,,,1,111u,111 11111111111111,,,11,11 Due to high hatchability we will have a few surplus Chicks during the next three weeks. BARRED ROCKS ON MONDAY RED X ROCK CROSS ON THURSDAY May chick orders should be booked immediately as we are setting only for orders booked three weeks in advance. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS PHONE 851 r 32 SEAFORTH BRUCEFIELD CONSTANCE The services in Brucefield United .Church will begin on Daylight Sav- Mrs. Miller Adams is in Hamilton 'ng this Sunday, April 25th, hospital undergoing treatment. Seaforth Public -School Notice Parents wishing to enter pupils in Kindergarten in September, 1948, please communicate with the Principal, P. B. Moffat, by letter, before May 1st, stating date of birth and age of child. Children must be 5 years of age by Jan. 1st, 1949, to be accepted. • Signed on behalf of the Public School Board M. McKELLAR, Sec, SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH y:3o si�nDaHltnTmrniE PROGRAM FREE LUNCH DISPLAYS DEMONSTRATIONS DANCE Miss Mary Flanigan, Outstanding Violin Soloist, Guest Artist ADMISSION 30c LUMBER A SPECIAL BARGAIN • We still have on hand a quantity of the ieclainled siding and sheathing, 2a4's — ''alt's and B.C. timbers on hand. The price range is from $40 to $m15 Get it while it lasts If you are going to build we will gladly give you an estimate as to materials, prices, etc. Our materials are priced low for your benefit and our large variety of stock will fll any orders in lumber and building supplies. Lumber, Doors, Shingles, Sash, Siding, Lime, Plaster, Plywood, Masonite, Insulation. Ask for it: We have it. Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More” Phone 47 Seaforth BEAN GROWERS DO YOU KNOW TIIAT THIS YEAR BEAN GERMINATION IS LOWER THAN USUAL Last year we treated with a seed disinfectant a limited quantity of seed beans: the results wore so outstanding' that we want to make this service this season available to as many of our patrons as possible, WE SOLICIT YOUR CO-OPERATION BY CONTACTING OUR NEAREST ELEVATOR NOW, thus giving us time Lo arrange for adequate supplies of treated Registered and Certified seed. We will not treat seed unless ordered. as surplus treated seed cannot be used for other purposes. Play Safe and secure your requirements of reliable treated seed early, thus ensuring a good stand of disease free beans which will mature evenly into a high. yielding crop of quality beans. Limited quantities of Registered and Certified seed still availa.tile, your present seed can be exchanged at market price, Ask for partic- ulars about our contracts for Cranberry beans, more money with less weather ,risk at harvesting; REMEMBER GERMINATION IS LOW — DEPENDA"BLE SEED HAS NO SUBSTITUTE W. E. REID Dashwood, Ontario — Telephone 87-W Thedford, Ontario - Telephone 455