HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-04-22, Page 3English Aluminum House Erected in One Day -Featured exhibit at London's. Ideal Home Ex- hibition is this two-story pre -fabricated aluminum house. It can be assembled on a site in one day. Ground floor sections are built complete in every detail, including equipment, so that site work is limited to b olting them together. What Goes On In. The World By Norman' Blair Great Britain During the debate on civil de- fense, in which the question of be- ginning construction of defense shelters against, atomic bombing was discussed, Mrs. Leah Manning, Labor Member for Epping, made a speech which stunned the British ;House of Commons into silence. 'This is indeed a tortured gener- ation," said the 00 -year-old ex - schoolteacher. "Before we have drawn our breath after one war we are getting ready to fight the next. Before we have built the houses which were destroyed in the last war, we are beginning to think how we should build shelters to protect people from the next. It is a terrible conunentary on our tinges, and, how we can be expected to sit here and not feel any kind of emotion while we discuss such 'things, I do not know. Maybe the peen can do it, but I know the wo- • 1. jncn cannot." Mrs. Manning went on to Speak • of the "Iron Curtain" which has given place to a kind of sheet in a • shadow play across which both sides 'see a phantasmagoria of distorted, %horrible, grotesque people passing. "Someone has to tear down that sheet, and show people on both ,sides that we are all ordinary hu- man beings hating war and longing for peace." Meanwhile, British citizen's gen- erally were reassured by Premier Attlee's promise that the "purge" of Red sympathizers from vital civil service jobs will be conducted with the utmost fairness, and not he allowed to develop into a "witch hunt." Whenever possible, suspects • will not be dismissed but transfer- red to other jobs. "It is our inten- tion to do this with the greatest possible tenderness for the individ- 'ual, consistent with the security of the community," Attlee said. United States Although the chief topic in the United States is the corning Pres- idential nomination and election- ' and the unlikelihood of President Truman getting e i th er - there was considerable stir over reported export of war materials to Russia. In 1947 -against imports front Russia of hardly more than half that amount -the United States sent goods valued at 149 million to the Soviets. Included in this were ma- chine tools to the value of 23 million - electrical machinery 19 million -mining and pumping ma- chinery 17 million and so on. How- ever, even these amounts look small as compared with 1.946 ex- ports amounting' to 357, million. However, since March 1st, 13 American Russian and other ships have sailed for Soviet ports carry - Increased Interest In Canadian Uranium Stimulated interest. in the search ,for radioactive minerals, especially ,in British, Columbia and the Yukon, follows closely on the Canadian Gov- mining of uranium is on longer to be estate monopoly, The field is now wide .open for independent prospec- tors and private miningcompanies. Since 1943 the presence of such minerals in the Pacific Northwest hasc been known; but there was no incentive to mine them as the Gov- ernment had placed d rastic restric- tions on such operations. . From now on uranium m and similar minerals will have a high priority with prospectors as the Government has also stated that it will purchase . everything produced within the next five years. British Columbus mineral re- sources are more diversified than those of any other Province and it is believbd that if uranium is to be found in volume anywhere in Can- ada it will be there. In addition to gold and silver'ritish Columbia pro- duces huge quantities di lead and zinc, with one mine. alone producing 1Q different metals, including tin. ing food, machinery, scientific in- struments and rubber goods. Nine- teen more are scheduled to sail be- fore the end of April, In view of the world situation, this just doesn't make sense to sore people. As one Republican senator put it. "We certainly don't want to be in the position of arming a potential enemy." Scandinavia With negotiations going on in Moscow for a new 20 -year treaty of "friendship, cooperation and mu- tual assistance" between Finland, fear of a sudden Soviet coup con- tinues to grip the people of Nor- way, Sweden and Denmark. Inside Finland, native Commun- ists are said to be ready to lead their country down the same road already taken by Czechoslovakia; and the Soviet naval journal "Red Fleet" has ,already accused General Jung, chief of the Swedish war staff of planning to snake his army "an appendage of the American military machine" and of preparing to con- struct bases for United States planes and paratroops in Northern Sweden. Russian pressure on Norway also has a threatening note. The Russian official paper "Izvestia" claimed that Norway has agreed to esta- blishment ,-of American military bases both on the mainland, and on certain Arctic islands such as Spitz- bergen. Soviet designs on Scandinavia emphasize the vital role of the northern countries in an "Air Age" war. It was from Norway and Northern Finland that Hitler's Luftwaffe attacked allied convoys bound for Murmansk during World War Two• And even if the Russians still lack the atom bomb -as seems likely from latest reports -the same region and its outlying islands might give them highly useful radar and intercepter bases to protect Soviet territory should another con- flict break out within the next few years. Italy Although the tide seems to have turned definitely against the Com- munists in Italy -for the time being at least -the Reds have by no means given uphopes of carrying the all- important elections later this month. At one Italian port alone last monthno less than ten thousand tons of paper from Russia was re- ceived -all for the purpose of print- ing Communist pamphlets, placards and other propaganda. And Italian police report that seizures of hidden arms are running well ahead of those last year, when enough to equip a full army division were confiscated. It is also said that Communist "ac- tion squads" are organized and waiting orders in Northern Italy - all ready to take violent measures should the voting go against The Reds, Germany Western Germans received with joy and relief the news that the United States has eto present inten- tion of abandoning its share of the Berlin area. The decision to main- tain Arnsy control in Germany was reached only the night before Presi- dent `Truman announced it, it being felt that in view of the Russian at- titude, a shakeup in the United States zone should not be risked at this time. • As one commentator sees it, "this makes it clear that the Western Allies will leave Berlin only under pressure of military force -and if force is applied, Washington thinks it will be only incidental to a much broader Russian move. Force ap- plied in Berlin alone for the simple purpose of dislodging the Allies would entail too much risk of a. general conflagration." Under long-standing plans the United States Army Department bad been scheduled to hand Germ- any over to the State Department on July First, Now, it seems prob- able that the carrying -out of any such. plan is indefinitely postp•oned. Russia News of long line-ups waiting to buy food in Moscow would seem, )n the surface, to point to short- ages of essential supplies behind the Iron Curtain. But exncricnce(1 ob- servers say this is not the case at all. They point out that Russia has been stockpiling petroleums and wheat for more than two ygars-and that the food queues are not significant of a breakdown in distribution, but . to the Governlnent's deliberate policy of withholding 'supplies from the • people in order to still further in- crease emergency supplies of food. Bathing is forbidden among many of the inhabitants of Tibet. Classified Advertising 'AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticidal, Electric Fence Controllers, House and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, et% Deai- 'eec wanted, Write Warco Grease & 011 Limi- ted, Toronto, BUSINESS OITORTUNITIES AN OFFER. to every lncentor-List of inven- tions and full Information cent free, The Ramsey Co, Registered Potent Attorneys, 873 Bank Street, ,Ottawa, BABY CHICK8' BABY Chicks from an R.O.P. Breeding Farm. It pave to buy the best. White' Leghorn Pullets 260.- Heavy Breeds Mixed 15e, Pullets. 26e, Cox 6c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Blen- heim Hatchery Blenheim. OM. THIS is the year to raise poultry. Egg and meat prices will bo high this • year. Be.. sure and buy your ebleke from an established farm, All "clucks from our Caere are from Government approved and pullorum tested breeders.. Write for prices and catalogue, Monkton Poultry Farms, Moreton, Ont, • Official Advice An English lady who kept two' cows to provide milk' for her householduon occasions found that she had a surplus. Being conscien- tious by nature, she wrote to the Ministry of Food to ask how she could dispose of it. The answer she received was, "You should not draw so much milk from the cow.' 4 SAVE feet, save money on some of aur well - started chides, non -sexed pullets and noels- erels. Two and three week olds. Aleo limit- ed number of heavy breed cockerels and pul- lets, 4, 6 and 6 wefka. All popular breeds. Send for Special pries list. Twaddle Chide I-Iotchorles Limited, Fergus, Ontario. MAICE bigger meat and egg profits with Hollywood Interns. ' They are as large aft moat heavy breeds. These :Real big, ion - combed beauties are backed by 80 years breeding for every t entity you need for top poultry prollte - Championship livability to out chick and layer ioeoea. Guaranteed egg breeding for big. white, premium ossa. Really a -big leghorn for more meat, Fast Uniform growth for quickest of all broilers. Raise these big profit makers once and you will raise them always. Write for prinelist and free. calendar. 131g Rock Farm, Mille Roches. Ontario. YOU WILL mise the opportunity of a lite time If you don't .purchase your usualnum- ber of chicks this year. All prospects point to high egg and poultry prices this Fall, with lower feed -costs. If you want your thick. in a hurry we can supply yelu'wdl,b all popular pure breeder and hybrid ores: it -in day old, two- and tlu'ee-week' old. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Top Notch. Chink Sales, Guelph, Ontario. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS -4c Sussex, Sussex x N. "Tamps, 'prompt delivery 4c, After April 20th, 4',¢a. May 1st to May 10th 6c. Rhode Island Reds 80. Rocle x Leg• horn, and Sueeex x Leghorn 2c, Leghorn 10. Feet teathering Rooke. and Rock x New Hamp. to May 1st Oct. To receive these epeolaln en- close this ad with order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. CATCH up with some of our well -started chicks, two and three week old pulletet cockerels and non -sexed. Also limited number of four week old at bargain prices.. Send for special price list. Ton Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. ROCK COCKERELS 4c For April, our Barred Rocks are Last -feather - Ing and bred for Iivab111ty and fast growth. Hanes Poultry Farm. Jerseyvlllo. -Ontario. DON'T waft until 1949 to buy chicks. With the likelihood of high egg and poultry Prices this Fall and Winter and lower feed prlcee every farmer and :poultryman will be buying chicles In 1949. But to really cash in -this to the year to buy. Why? B000000 there has only been about 30% of the chicles hatched thle year and the supply of eggs and poultry will be short this Fall and winter, which will mean but one thing higher prices. The. prior to -day sot live hens Is 32 to 35 Conte per pound, wtih live broilers 86 to 40 cents a pound. Think It over, don't delay another day. The time to get 1n and buy spicks and make real money is when the other fellow is etay- 1ng out, . We can give prompt delivery on all the mender pure breeds and hybrid crosses. in day old, two- and three-week old, oleo Pullets eight weeks to toying. Send for new 1948 catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergne Ontario, HURONDALE CHICKS A11 breeders, double blood -tested and banded, backed by high pedigreed foundation stook, Many customers report beet chicks I over had. and prices so reasonable. "The Chicks I bad from you have done splendid," reports James Wright, Owen Sound. Pure Susoox mixed 140. Sussex x New Hamp;. Rock x New Hamn. mixed 121,50, pullets 24c. Rock x Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn. New 120 p. x Leghorn to May 20 mixed 14c. pullets 27a cockerels 10. After May 20 mixed 12%e, pullets 24c. Large Type White Leghorn pullets 24c, mixed 12%0 Fast feathering Rock and Rock x N. Hamp, cooltorele Ce to May 1st, Sussex, Sussex x N. Ramp. and Broad breasted New Halnp. rock- orel. to May 1st 4c, after May let 60. Assort- ed mixed ehiults lie, assorted pullete 23e. Assorted heavy cockerels 30 when avallnhle. All prices subject to change without notice. 100% live delivery to your xtation. 31.00 per 100 depoelL balance C.O.D. Order from and enclose thle ad. Rurondale Chick Hatchery, London, Ont. DON'T lose Ogg and poultry markets to others. Here 01' overseas. They've been built lip for Conadtan. poultry -keepers. Order now. and catch up quicker with Bray started pullets and cockerels. Quick shipment. Get special prices. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamil- ton. Ont. BABY onions FREE! 100 HEAVY -BREED COCKERELS lath every order of 100 .pullets, Large Type White Leghorn pullets $28,50, New Hampe. 52000. To receive this special enolooe this ad with, your order, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. DYEING AND o5.IDANINe HAVE YOU anything, needs dyeing or dean - Ins? Write to Us for Information. - We are glad to answer your questions.. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited' 701 "'ono Street. Toronto. Ontario. FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service. Bert E. Kennedy & Son, 419 College St., Toronto. BATTERY-OPERATED Radio Set tor.. gale, Deforest Crossley Corona model, 8 tubes, specially. equipped with Romeo Eliminator for tie With either storage battery or dry cells. New cost over -3000. Make offer, A fine and lasting gift. Boz 161. 78 Adelaide W„ Toronto. ,70IN our long list of satiated customers tor Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens and. Roses, etc, Order early, Free catalogue; A. G. Hull &'Son, Central Numeric., St. Catherine, Ontario, • BROAD -BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Also SMALL WIIITES and BROAD - BREASTED BRONZE IC SMALL WHITES and SMALL D.D.S.'S THIS looks the year to make real money in turkeys. Send for our Turkey Guido and let- ter to get all the details, There is a good American market and demand. The duty is down 2 conte per Ib. Feed nacos are going down. Quotations for May delivery for grain are down 313,00 to 317.00 per ton. Ameri- can Breeder flocks are down 40-60 per cent,. Pointproduction will be away down. It le expected that Canadian poulte will be ehlpoed to U.S.A. by May or before at good- prlcee. Plan to raise poultel Thin is the year) Bock your order nowt Big discounts for April delivery, Send 100 Turkey Management Guide and circular which telae all about smote. Prevention of disease, and rearing methods. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO MARKSMAN Thousand -Shot Air Rifles. Ex- pert construction. Shipped anywhere 06,05, Marathon Agency, 1240 Gerrard East, Tor. onto. Dealere write for Onotatione, CRAFT Supplies: Free Catalogue.. We stork a full line in the following crate: Shell. craft, Leatheroraft, Feltcraft, Beadoraft, Handyoraft Supply Company Peterborough, Ontario, FOR SALE, new D. John Deere Tractor, starter, lights, power take -off on 14" rubber. Late model 28.60 -white steel .mill Memel Feeder, clover attachment, like now. 26-42 Goodison Mill Clover .attachment, good run- ning order. Complete set. steel wheels for International Tractor. Steel rear whaele for 00 and 00 or 90 aliner Tractor. Albert Hous- ton, 60 Emma St., Chatham. Ont. Phone 2685M. FOR- SALE FOR SALE, - etavo- mill, conelstlag drum saw equaliser, two, saws, Studebaker' oar engine Ilneshaft direct drive Pulley belts, $975.00 F.O.B. Full- information, apply Wilfrid Campbell, MUICella,, Ontario.. LATHAM raspberry cans, $0.00 per hundred, Gordon Bridgman, R.R. 2, Pupllnch, Ont. BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW pot -type Queen 011 Burning Brooder stoves, new $20.00 or 931.00 delivered to yodr station. Act quickly, while they last. Subject to change without notice. To receive this bargain price enoloue this ad with your order. Also 100011 HEATERS a. low as 532.00 and New Pot -Type QUEEN RANGE OIL BURN- ERS, 946.00 while they last! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO. SHORT-WINDED HORSES A NoW and Wonderful Horse Remedy which quickly relieves heaves, coughs, apd strangles. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post paid. 51,00. It le Important to specify the ago and the weight of the horse. Write to T. L. Girard, Special - let in nil ailments of the Respiratory Organ, St. Feilelen CO3, Roborval, P,Q, b1AY 16130 Poults White Holland Broad breasted meat type. Breeders nrlze winners, pullorum true. Ern. Chester Baughman. Ayl- mer (West) R. 2. Ontario. .BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS -OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS d0yblo blood tested, banded and Inspected. Manrcustomers have had years of continuous 0000000, with Lakeview chicles. You can too. From ,John Coles, Gravenhurst, 'Ontarlo- 'Mang.; thanks Inc 1100 ehlnmont. I have 100% 'Nobility." 'Wonderful success, 76 to 80%Jo Production with 1001, Sussex," reports o e Arthur Amore, Oog od , Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total ollick hatchings down 60% from year ago. Feed prices wit be 10,000 and egg prices higher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports dhow cockerels started to date down 70 to 80% from year ago. 3-4 Ib, brollere are selling for 26 to 40e ib live weight. Tho margin of profit la greater than ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lakeview chicks weekly. We can give Prompt delivery In moat breeds. Give 2nd' choice of breed, if mutable. Breeds available Suesex, Sussex x N. ' Homes., B. Rock x Ramps., Barred Rocks, N. Hamp.., Rhode. Island Rede, Large type W. Leghorn, Rook x Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn, N. Hamp. x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. Get a head start with started pullets or book order for future delivery a weeks to ready to lay. It looks like It will be Impossible to buy well -started nullete later on. All older mullets raleed on free range under Ideal nonditlons. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available weekly. Send for spacial low prices on large orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There 1s good money 1n raising Capons. Sell for as much per Ib, ea turlceYe. 81 to 40c' per Ib. alive- now. Send for large Illustrated catalogue and man- agement book and weekly apeclal list of day 018,, started pullets and capons. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY YEAR-OLD Raspberry plants, .Latham and Taylor Varieties 50 each. Improved Senator Dunlop strawberry planta $2.00 hundred, Riverview Gardens, Kitchener. Ontario. BEAGLE Pups from Field Trial Champion stock, ready to train, also trained doge. 1, 1, Farmer. Suite 100, 202 .Queen St„ Ottawa, Ont. ENSILAGE Harvester. McCormick Deering No. 2, Hardly used, perfect condition. lily - hue Ckaudo Farm, Reg'd., Pont Rouget Que, ONE AND TWO ROW JOHN DEERE POTA- TO PLANTERS IN STOCK NOW. W. F. -0fdCENZIE CO., DISTRIBUTORS SINCE 1866. 'PHONE 26. LEAMINGTON, ONT, HARDY 2 -your Latham Raspberry canes, 86.00 per hundred, Premier Strawberries $2.00 per hundred. A. Crowle, R.R. t, Ming. ton, Ont,,, PEAS -Government Registered No. 1 Chancel- lor and OAC 181. Limned amply. Sealed In two bushel bags. 54.50 bu. W. A. Price, 22 St, Thomas St„ Toronto, Randolph 6141. BE71MIS . ONE AND TWO -ROW HORSE AND TRACTOR -DRAWN TOBACCO AND TOM- ATO. ETC., TRANSPLANTERS AVAILABLE NOW. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR W. 10. 120KENZIE CO„ DISTRIBUTORS SINCE 1850. PHONE 28, LEAMINGTON. ONTARIO. 1 B.D, CLETRAO Overhead Shovel and Angle - dozer, used 5 months. New condition, Hamden & King, Contractors, Grafton, Ont. Phone 37. BUILDERS' Supplies available immediately. Nails - Cast -Iron Doll-plpe and Fittings. Pumbing fixtures and electrical appliances. Send stamp for circular. .Economny Dlstrlbu- tors, Kingston, Ontario. III -POWERED Rifles -Write for descriptive foland prices. SCOPE SALES CO. 320 Queen en St„ Ottawa,Ont. HAIRDRE881100 LEARN Halydreeotng the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halydresaing Academy, 187 Ave- nue ve•nue': Road, 'Toronto. .. MEDIOAL 71 0 EXCELLENT. Realresultsafter taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatlo Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid .$1.00, 11?lONACAD for Eczema, the now match. e00 and efficacious ointment. By mall 60c. La'rranpe,North. Rogersville, N.B. PEOPLE ARE TALKING about the good- re- sults from tatting Dixon'e Remedy. for Rheu- matic Pains and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 886 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, FOR SALE, farm 160 acres, 9 bank barns, cement floors,steel stanchions, brick veneer nine room nou0e. Lake shore lots, two summer cottages. On edge of vllla6e 16 miles north of Parry Sound on North Bay highway, Apply Walter Scott, McI{ellar, Ont. FOR SALE. Tumblers, Hopers, Tipplers and Pit Games. Experienced breeder. Wilfrid bleCormick, s12 Seventh Street East, Corn- wall, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, guaranteed males, 6 weeks old. C.O.D. 018. Canary etagere, carefully chosen for color and song, 916. 0.0,D. Groom Pet Suppllee, 999 Bloor W., Toronto, Ont. ONE ALLIS-CHALMERS All -Crop 00 Com- bine, with straw spreader, extra sieves, side -up attachment. Ono steel constructed buck -rake, Merlin Suggltt, R. 2, Nestleton, Ontario. WVHITE Pekin duckling% breeders un to 9 lbs, First' hatch April 16th. Write for full information. Cecilia Shantz, R.R. 2, Kitch- ener, .Ont. MODEL C. thee on rubber, high compression motor In new condition. Albert Lorentz, St. Clemente, Ontario. WISCONSIN 15110 COOLED GASOLINE ENGINES Delivery from stock, 2 - 90 15.9. REPAIRS AND PARTS Dietrlbutton required in pertain territorial. CONSOLIDATED II NGINF00 MACHINERY COMPANY New Toronto Ontario OPPORTUNI'f1 Ey FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER MIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profeaelon, good pages, thousande successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest system. Illustrated cata- logue free. -Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Sloth St, W., Toronto Brannen: 44 King St., Hamilton. & 74 Rideau .Street, Ottawa, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME SPARE, or full-time money -making. Learn to make candy at home and earn no you learn; correspondence course. National antttute of Confectionary Reed, Delorlmler P.O„ Buz 162, Montreal,. Que, PATENTS FETHERBTONAUGH & Company, Patent Solicitors. Elotabllohed 1890, 14 King West, Toronto, .Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL "ELIJAI4 Coming Before Christ", wonderful book free Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, MY, PHOTOGRAPIi1 ELGIN Photos. Developing and 8 prints 20e Reprints080. Jumbos •060. Write for spec - Pals on Films, Enlargements, Mounts. Frame.. Box WI16. St, Thomas. Ont, 8END your films to our new plant for unsur- passed quality. Our sparkling glossy prints w111 please- you. 0 or R exposure rolls 300 postpaid, reprint. 03c ea. 36 for 51. Gamma Photo Centre, Box 71. Chnpleau, Ontario. REPAIRS FUR COATS REMODELLED Old coats made 111ce new by matter furrier. Free insured storage on repairs and remodels. Write for information. Uptown Furs. 659 Yonge St., Toronto. WANTED WANTED1 $16.00 paid for Winchester 1884 and Marlin 1833 (only) rides with worn-out barrels. The Gun Shop, 76 Ward, Port Hope, Ontario. WANTED - Outboard crankshaft. Lockwood Ch101. Write Renton, 83 Eardeourt Ave„ Toronto. Oliver 2221, WANTED: Muakrnt aro in good demand. For top prices and prompt returns ship your raw furs to; Alan James, Lindsay Ont. CHERRY LOGS Bought for cash. Write Boz 104, Forging Ont. . HELP 'WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper to live in, permanent position 8 adults only. Apply Mrs, Bert Weir, 781 Richmond St.. London, Ont. WANTED Four (4) General fluty nurses. Also night supervisor (11.7), Attractive salary with in - cream after one year's service. Full main- tenance provided. Apply the Director of Nursing, Welland County General Hospital, Welland, Ontario. - - WANTED, at once, reliable married man, pensioner or semi -retired,' to work on small farm. Separate living quarters: all conven- 100005; no milking. Must be used to horses. Lorne Cousins. Aurora, Ont, Let's Be Frank The Canadian Postmaster -Gener- al has just received ten cents as con- science money from a man who ad- mits having filled his fountain pen at Windsor Post Office, Ontario, at least once a week for the past twenty years. The note is signed "Honest Scot," and adds: "I sent only ten cents be- cause the ink was such poor stuff." --NOT- RAM S? Aro you going thru the functional `middle- age' period peculiar to women (88.52 yrs.)? Does this make you suffer from hot flashes: feel no nervous, high-strung, tired? Then no try Lydia E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Coma poundtorelieveeucheymptomel Pinkham's Compound also has what Doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S CDMIOUN SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASB trout FIRE and THIEVES, We have a sloe and type of Safe, or Cabinet, torcop purnoso. Vlelt us. or write ter orlooe• etc„ to Dent. W. t„t.&J.TAVUDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS. 140 Print St. E., 'lernnto Estnbiished 1018 HARNESS 8i COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Hainan Supplies. We sell our goods only througli, your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and no are our prlcee. We manufacture in our ta - tortes - Harness, Horse Col. lags, Sweat Pads, Horse B• ken', and Leather TravelElm.ng Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goode, and yon eat satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42' Wellington St. E., Torolato WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ISSUE 16 - 1948 MUTT AND -JEFF-It'll Work Even If You're Readin g A Book VORE114INGt WRING Wl'cn Atm coCT! WHEN I SIT STILL AND THEN GET OP. MY LEG CAYES 1ti I DUNN0! 1 AVT IT FEELS LIKE ALL PINS AND rip EI LE$ Ry MY 1 O oT! ON,' t1A_t`f , NOTNIO!' YOUR'fOoT FALLSASLEEA! By BUD FISHER • ' IIIIPdINlllb NthIIIIIIIN 1.