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The Seaforth News, 1948-04-08, Page 4
THE SEAFORTH NEWS BEAN GROWERS DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS YEAR BEAN GERMINATION IS LOWER THAN USUAL Last year we treated with a seed disinfectant a limited quantity of seed beans: the results were so outstanding that we want to :make this service this -season available to as many of our patrons as Possible. . WE SOLICIT YOUR CO-OPERATION BY CONTACTING OUR NEAREST ELEVATOR NOW, thus giving no tilne is arrange TOT adequate' supplies of treated Registered and. Certified seed. We will not treat seed unless ordered as surplus treated seed cannot be used for other purposes. Play Safe and secure your requirements of reliable treated seed early, thus ensuring a good stand of disease free beads which will mature evenly into a high yielding crop of quality beans. Limited quantities of Registered and Certified seed still available. your present seed can be exchanged at market price. Ask for partic- ulars about our contracts for Cranberry beans, niose money with less weather risk at harvesting. REIIEMI3ER GERMINATION IS LOW — DEPENDABLE SEED HAS NO SUBSTITUTE W. E. REID Telephone 87-W Telephone 455 Dashwood, Ontario Thedford, Ontario LUMBER A SPECIAL BARGAIN We still have on hand a quantity of the reclaimed siding and sheathing, 2x4's — 2R6's and B.C. timbers an Band. The price range is from $40 to $65 Get it while it lasts If yon are going to build we will gladly give you an estimate as to materials, prices, etc. Our materials are priced low for your benefit and otu' large variety of stock will fill any orders inlumber and building supplies. Lumber, Doors, Shingles, Sash, Siding, Lime, Plaster, Plywood, Masonite, Insulation. Ask for it: We have it. Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd, Phone 47 "Where The Best Costs No More" Seaforth SPRING -TIME FUELS Easy Starting -- Quick Heat -- Readily Relighted Olga Pocahontas nut size Alberta Lump Reading Hard Coal Briquettes Syrup Coal ©n hand nhone 43 E.L.B THE KIDDIES' SHOP VM ',Il TWO PEAS IN A. POD Aren't they a pair to be proud of ? Big and little sister have that new loon. GIRL'S COATS 7 — 10 YEARS $15.95 AND $16.95 GIRL'S COATS 3 — 6 X YEARS $7.85 TO $11.49 To look well, feel well and sleep well, buy light warm Blankets — $1.15 to $5.00 Satin covered Eiderdowns — $2.98 WALTON ing several stitches to close wounds. Mrs.'Frank Johnston is convalescing Miss Agnes Hislop of Prince Al at her home since her return from bert, Sask., at the home of Mr. and Scott Memorial Hospital on Saturday.. Mrs, W. J. Bennett. Mr. Edgar Bollinger and his son Charles returned to their home in Hamilton Saturday. Misses Edith and Bernice Hack - well of Stratford, with their father, Joseph S. I ackwell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkby and family have moved from their farm in McKillop to the village. Mr. and Mrs. Murray of Seaforth with Mrs. R. W. Hoy. Mr. Robert Holland of London with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cosby Ennis of London with :kir. and Mrs. Fred Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watt and Mar- garet of Blyth with W. C. and Mrs. Backwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett and Shirley in London. Mr. Lundy McKay has secured a position with the Dept. of Highways Mr. R. K. McFarlane had a very successful auction sale last week. They are moving into Oliver Pryce's house 1% miles east of Winthrop, Mr, Gordon nettles, London, spent the week end at his home. , BRUCEHELD Mr. Drew Swan underwent an op: eration in Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, LOGAN Logan Council Logan Council niet on April 5 with all members present. The Reeve presided. Minutes (and correspnod- ence read. The collector's roll was returned and accepted by Council. A drainage petition signed by Edward Osborn and others, Con. 12-13 & 14, lots 28 to 30, was ac - at Listowel. cepted. Council appointed W. G. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Frazer of I McGeorge to examine the arear and Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. M. report to Council, this drain being a branch to the N.W. drain. Alvin Hinz was instructed to clean out 20 rods (outlet for tile) on Gaffney drain branch at $1 rod; also to build a breakwall at end of tile drain, Council received 12 tend- ers on the North East drain: con- tract was awarded to Robert Nichol THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1948 aims REGENTTHEATRE SEAFORTH In Technicolor "GOOD NEWS" NOW PLAYING — with June Allyson — Peter Lawford - Joan McCracken 111..04/1givesus a youthful, tuneful, joyous idiot in the arm in the form of the gayest, brightest film you have seen in a long time. --"Good News" that is really worth cheering about MON. TUES.. WED. - DOUBLE FEATURE Adult Entertainment ,THE WEB" with Ella Raines—Edmond O'Brien. Vincent Price. A neatly -spun mystery yarn which proves the old adage about giving a man enough rope.. AND "BLONDIE'S HOLIDAY" Dagwood has money 10 burn.. while Blondic just burns MATINEE — Wednesday 2.20 P.M. Proceeds for Hospital Aid "BACHELOR'S DAUGHTERS"with Gail Russell— Adolph• Melijou - Claire Trevor Be'euro to see this 'Entertaining Comedy NEXT THUR.% FRI, SAT. IN COLOR "APACHE 11055,' • with Roy Rogers and 'Dale Evans. Yon will want to see the king of the cowboys with Trigger -the smartest horse in the movies 00111150: M. G. M.'s "SONG OP LOVE" with Paul Henried — Katharine Hepburn — Robert Walter A love story so beautiful it was set to music son at $11,200, work to begin as soon as water is low .enough for good operation. Council awarded' for crushing and hauling Viet rate) to Alex Hartung at 59c cubic yard. Clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the construction of a bridge, Lot, Con. 10-11, tenders to be considered at May 8 meeting of the council. Reeve Gaffney to consult with the solicitor on unem- ployment insurance of employees. Frazer. Mr. and Ma's. Herb Traviss, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sellers in Kitch- ener. Miss Doris Johnston of Blyth with Miss Ruth Ann Ennis. The girls softball club met at the ar- rangehome of for tthe 1948 iss season Bennett fol- lowing officers were elected: Nelson Marks, manager; Dan Welles, coach; Silas Johnston, sect.ttreas.; The club is holding a dance on Friday evening, April 9th, to secure finances for the coming season. BISSELL DISCS 7 & '8 Foot Available FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Hyde Bros. Hensall — Phone 128w Local Committee of Rebekahs and Odd Fellows of Seaforth present NORWICH BAND MINSTRELS IN AiD OF CANCER, POLIO AND T 13 FUND Cardna's Hail Fri., Apr. 9 Outstanding Minstrel Show of 51 Musicians !The Pick of 7 Church Choirs) 9 PIECE ORCHESTRA, CHORUSES, QUARTETTES, TRIOS, DUETS, AND SOLOS 4 of the Funniest End -men -- jokes a -plenty W. L. MANNING, R.M.T., C.B.A.—Producer and Director ALLAN GILMORE—Choral Director and Soloist JOHN MOORE—Interlocutor Adm. Adults 60c. Children 25c 8.30 p.m. sharp — Door Prize (Children's tickets will' be sold at door on night of concert) WINTHROP Rev. J. R. Peters attended the Temperance Federation ip Toronto last week. Mrs. Peters accompanied hint as far as Brampton where slie visited their daughter. The hours of service for Cavan Church will be: Sunday Schoo1.10.30, church service 11.45 a.ni., for the � year. Mr. William Somerville who spent thu winter visiting friends and rela- tives in 'Vancouver and other western cities, returned home last week. Miss Agnes Bi'oacifoot, R..N„ of Westminster Hospital, London, spent the week end with relatives here. Little David Haase had . the mis- fortune to fall down some steps at the mill and had his head cut, neeessital aee THE income of many Canadians will be increased this spring by— e The refund of the Compulsory Savings portion of their 1942 Income Tax. e The falling due each month of War Savings Certi- ficates. Invest in Canada Savings Bonds KEEP these funds on deposit with us until you have accumulated enough to purchase one or more Canada Savings Bonds in $50 or higher denominations. You can buy them through any branch of this Bank. THE ANADIAN BAfit OF CM SEAT'ORTH BRANCH, G. C. BRIGHTRALL, Manager E CE 165.8 SEAFORTH MOTOR PRODUCTS Yes,it's time to get ready for spring and sum- mer driving now. A winterized carmight soon cause trouble—so let us go over your car now -- for sprightly springtime performance, and zeal driving economy, too. We'll get rid of -trouble- making sludge ... replace too -thin lubricants with proper grades and give your car the thorough check it needs after rough winter driving. See us today! MOTORS clikirROL E • PON0LACa 614, nrn1L1A-r'oD ASSOCIATIOIV'tq It 'BV RV'PROVINCE