HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-04-08, Page 21Z'a1 • • • • • YOUR telephone operator ; • is always on 'the job ... you can depend on her to put • • • your calls through speedily, • efficiently and "with a smile • in her voice". • More telephones arc being. • added, more switchboards • installed, and more oyer- • ators trained to handle the • ever-growing volume deansso that you may continue to have the best telephone service at the lowest Cost. ' • THE BELL TELEPHONE • • • COMPANY OF CANADA �r ey A WANTED Live Poultry We will pay top Market Prices ARMSTRONG & SMITH ARTHUR, ONT. For quotations call Seaforth 279J Peat Moss Chick Starter Chick Grit Cane Molasses Cod Liver Oil Fertilizer and Grass Seed Carload of Wire and Steel Posts SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALSCASh WATCH' DAILY PAPERS'> TOR,;'CURRENT .PRICES' ll. PHONE SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 1 1 BAYFIELD Larson -Simpson At Centennial United Church, Sat- urday afternoon, Lits Mae, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Simpson, Metcalfe St., Windsor, became the bride of Clarence Edgar Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Larson of Bayfield. Dr. R. T. Richards presid- ed at the ceremony and the organist Mrs, Theodore Grey, played softly throughout the service. Spring flowers graced the Church for the bridal. The bride entering on the arm of her father, wore a white brocaded satin gown with' sweetheart neckline, long slim sleeves and full graceful skirt ex- tending to a train. A coronet head- dress held her full length veil and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Her only ornament. a string of pearls. 'rges Miss Dolores Simpson, of Wind- sor was her sister's maid of honor, wearing• a pink brcoade frock with bouffant double net skirt and match- ing headdress and gloves. She car- ried pink and white spring flowers in her colonial bouquet. Miss Betty Lou Larson of Bayfield, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid in an aqua taffeta frock with matching headdress and gloves and a colonial THE SEAFORTH NEWS spring bouquet. Glen Smith of Lon- don, was best man and the usher was Charles Reid of Varna. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs, Simpson wore black crepe with biack acces- sories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother chose graywith accessories in matching tones •and wore a pink corsage of pink roses. Following a reception in the Church the couple left on a wed- ding- trip to Eastern centres. For travelling the bride wore a gray suit, black accessories and a fuchsia top coat. Mr. and Mrs. Larson will reside in London on their return. BLAKE The teacher Miss A. Heinirich of Zurich, and scholars in the Blake atter spending the Easter holidays 'Miss Phyllis McBride, teacher in the Brucefield school, has returned after spendin gthe Easter holidays with her parents. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed on Sunday afternoon in the Blake Church, three young people taking their vows with the church at this service. Several took in the Baster cantata in the Goshen Church. Mr. and Mies. Hamlyn and daughter Miss Hope and Miss Kathleen Parris of London are holidaying with Mr. CASH for YOU OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD Fctrm Animals COWS— 7.00 HORSES—$' 6.00 HOGS OVER 300 LBS. - $, 2 r PER 100 LBS. ACCORDING TO. SIZE AND CONDITION Our Same Prompt, Efficient, Courteous Service SIMPLY PHONE COLLECT SEAFORTH 390-W MITCHELL 219 STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 44 WILLIAM STONE SONSL INGERSQLL,'ONTARIO • EMPLOYERS MUST OBTAIN NEW UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS All 1947-48 Unemployment Insurance Books expired on March 31st, 1948. New books will be issued by the National Employment Office to employers, but only when old books are completed and turned in to the Office. Employers are urged to exchange Unem- ployment Insurance Books immediately. Penalties are provided for failure to comply. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION 1 C. A. L. MURCHISON, Commissioner. CF if Co ,,S50ioncr. R. J. TALION, u.i.c..4 NOTICE TO ALL GROWERS OF BEETS, CARROTS, CABBAGE and PUMPKINS FOR PROCESSING IN ONTARIO The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board has received a request from growers of Beets, Carrots, Cabbage and Pumpkins that the provisions of the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Marketing -for -Processing Scheme be amended to include these additional crops. A mail vote by ballot of the growers primarily concerned has been arranged, so that the Board may determine if the growers making this request are fairly representative of all growers marketing these crops for processing. A Ballot, with return envelope, has been sent to all growers who sold beets, carrots, cabbage and pumpkins for processing in 1947: YOU ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO MARK YOUR BALLOTS FOR OR AGAINST THE SCHEME AND TO MAIL THEM AT ONCE IN THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED FOR THE PURPOSE: Vote as You Like -But Please Vete ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1948 and Mrs, Fred Bancroft. Miss Carol Oesch and Master Ken- neth Oesch of Kippen were holiday. ing for a few days with their grand- parents. Mr. Rudy, Oesch is spehding a few days in Michigan, having gone over with Mr• and Mrs. Menno Oesch. MEN WANTED M. to $60. A WEEK1 Your own business! No boos, no timeclock, independence I The leading line of Home Service Products C Fine cityand rural territories available.. A vehicle is needed for routes. If you have. selling ability and a email capital — write to -day for. FREE information — FAMILEX- — 1600 Dclorimier, MONTREAL: LADIES: READ THIS! Unwanted hair removed instantly from Tae , arms, legs, with Flash Hair Remover, Hann- less—leaves akin softand smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no questions asked. Complete treatment $2 postpaid;' Postage extra,) KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 410) Box 22, Station 5, Montreal, - Que. ARE YOU GETTING THE TAX DEDUCTIONS YOU ARE ENTITLED TO? The Farm Account Book and Income Tax Guide shows you how! How much can you deduct for depreciation on your tractor? Your automobile? A shed? What expenses can you deduct? There are 75 articles in common farm use plus a wide variety of deductible expenses for which depreciation can be charged—all listed in the new Farm Account Book. These legal deductions from your income are a big question at Income Tax Time and the answers to them and to dozens of other quer• tions are in this new Farm Account Book. A Record of Your Transactions and a Guide to Your Income Tax Return WHAT IT DOES—Keeps a clean record, helps you budget—and shows you whether you have made or lost money on your operations. Shows you, too, what your best lines are and where you may be farming at a loss. Saves you hours of time from book keeping. First ten pages are for your receipts—from sales of crops, seeds, livestock, poultry, dairy products and all other produce. Then come twelve pages of all farm expenses— you are reminded of items you might otherwise forget. Establish a basic herd, apply for the three -year -average plan, calculate your deprecia- tion item by item. These are money -savers for every farmer. They're all in the new Farm Account Book. DEDUCTIONS—Every farmer is entitled to deductions and he is expected by the department to take full advantage of his rights. The Farm Account Book tells you about many items in easy ques- tion -and -answer form. For instance— "What can I claim as expenses for repairs?" The answer is "any expense to keep a machine or a building in working order can be claimed." Altogether there are answers to 'over 60 questions. No one is required to pay more than his fair share 'of tax. Comments from Letters on the New Farm Account Book and Income Tax. Guide: "A long awaited step for the benefit and progress of our Canadian farmers". "Takes the kinks out of keeping farm records" . . . "Pleased to recom- mend this Account Book for farm people" . . "Record keeping in its simplest form—a real help" ... "Some- thing we have been needing for a long time". REMEMBER — HALF CULTIVATED LAND YIELDS A POOR CROP—HALF KEPT ACCOUNTS GIVE POOR RESULTS TOO If You Haven't Received Your Copy, Get It Now— FREE AT YOUR POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE (Taxation Division) After , 30 years .of 'Marketing my Wool the. C® -operative way, I yin convinced it is the best way FOR OVER 30 YEARS the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers — the wool growers' own organ- ization — have consistently brought in better re- turns to wool growers. Their proven skill and knowledge is your assurance of the best prices for your clip. AT SHEARING TIME — separate rejects and ship wool properly prepared for market." AND WE will make sure your clip receives CAREFUL WEIGHING RELIABLE GRADING PROMPT ATTENTION IN YOUR OWN INTERESTS ... do not reduce sheep flocks. Canada only produces a fraction of her requirements. Augment your flocks. 'Remer- ber only sheep -give you two cash returns - meat and wool. Canadian Mills prefer properly-propared, accurst • , graded Canadian woof. Your early shipmen • means early settlemet 33st Year of Service CANADIAN Ship via Freight or Truck COLLECT to the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Registered Warehouse No. 1, Weston, Ontario • Sacks and Twine on Request uaaasr;b°°¢'°'etmm+o.aw•nniusr..,.,.;r:+. Write for your free .copy of "The Canadian Wool Grower"— the growers' own bulletin of up-to-date information on wool. TORONTO CARLETON PLACE WESTON AFFILIATED ASSOCIATIONS IN EVERY PROVINCE w LIMITED LENNOXVIGLE REGINA