HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-03-25, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1948 Auction Sale FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS — At south half o£ lot 12, Con: 7, Morris Twp., 114 miles north Brussels and 4 miles west, on Menday, March 29, et 1 p.m. HO1tSES-1 black mare 9 years 1 bay mare 18 years; 1 bay driving mare 9 years old, ggcod single or double. fresh '0 weeks. CON'S -1 red cow 7 years, with-. calf ; 1 grey cow 8 years, .freshens in May ; 1 red cow- and calf, fresh2 weeks'; 1 aged black cow. due June7; 1 aged black and white cow, due May 14.; 0 heifers coming 2 years : 2 steers coming 2. 6 yearling calves,, IMPLEMENTS -1 M-11 hay loader; 1 111 -11 manure spreader; 1 M-11 side rake cutting box ; 1 M -H seed drill ; 1 M -H .grain:. grinder, 9 inch 1 rubber belt 5 in. wide;. 1 -belt 3 in. wide; 1 bay knife; 1 root puller; rubber tired wagon .with rack; steel tired, wagon end 16 It. stock rack • Chatham fan- ning mill with bagger; steel tired' top buggy;. cutter's -1 Portland neatly new,; set double harness; get•.. single harness:; 3 wooden bar- rely; steel gal barrel; 3. horse collars. Household ,Effects — Coleman gas lamp;. Coleman gas lantern; Coleman gas iron; 2 coal oil laaterns'� 2. coai oil lamps; e coaloil stave with oven; coal oil heater; Good Cheer hanker, wood or coal; brooder stove; numerous ether articles. Terms cash. ARTHUR HENSDERSON, Peopeieter Harrold Jackson, Auctioneer Auction Sale FARM STOCK 0 9K SAroND nIM�PLEMER TS'- At Lot el, April 2,at 1 P.m.. HORES—Matched team blacks, 5 years; bay mare rising 8 years. CATTLE -Roan cow due Jane 12 ; roan cow due Sept,27; red cow due H eford cow due Oct. 30 ; cow due Julyuly 10; Holstein cow due time of sale; .roan cow due May 12; black cow fresh; red cow fresh; red heifer due June 30; red heifer due Sept. 16; red heifer due Sept. 8; red heifer due Sept. 10; 4 steers rising 2 years; 6 heifers 2 years; 6 yearlings; 7 calves; Shorthorn bull 14 months old. PIGS—Brood sow due May 1; brood sow- due Apr. 25; 8 chunks 175 lb ; 11 chunks 100 lb. Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS—Farmall H tractor on rub- ber equipped with huller and muffler; M.H binder, 7 ft.; Deering mower, 5 ft; 11 -hoe fertilizer drill: 16 (1901 drill; M -H manure spreader; Deering side rake, new; M -H dump rake; hay loader grindstone; lever harrows; e drum steel roller; tractor disc harrow; 5 section harrows; E furrow tractor Plow; walking plow; set sleighs; grain crusher; rubber tired wagon; steel tired scuiller; earthy; cutter: hay folk ; sling rupee; flat reek; set scales; set double harness; gravel box ; Deering Cream separator; extension ladder; electric brooder; gas drum; stone boat ; forks, shovels, hoes, whiffietrees, neck- -l.' chains. boxes, barrel. &e. en tons nkxed hue; 400 bushels mixed grain. Keelson eteme Terms cash. No reserve. b 0.4ORE eleBRI11E, Proprietor. Freek Taylor, Alvtn, Wolper, Auct's, wagon:; Bain 10w wagon; flat rack with slid- ing Platform. Stock rack:: Hog crates, Gravel, box' . stone boat; StenhQPe top buggy ; grass fork and rope; sling ropes; baga rrels cream seeder; chicken shelter;. sep- arator. No. 12 Detente separator, Nec1hovele,. chains,. wire stretcher, forks,hoes mrd numerous othernarticies. Number elm planks. Grain bag9 aa1s11 g sacks, Thresher's. hook. Harness—Ssu eat rubber ness; set back bend harness; moohted single harness; collar and collar tops. Horse blankets: Grain—About 100 Me suitable Alaska oats and 100 bu, mixed gra for seed... About 75 bu. b ityt bay,; mange's, w bushels seed beans. @- -nd turnips. Terms cash. Farm is sold, al Proprietor. R, oY.f MaaLARE Auctioneer. Harold Jackson, Auction Sale OF CHOICE DURHAM CATTLE. & Imple- ments. Monday, April 5 at 1 51.Ta. at Lot 15. Con,. 1, Tuc3eremith, l' toast eb Egmondvflle 3 tied 4 year old risingeeen years old 1 chestnut filly 4 sale ; roan Red cow. due to f180180a time f os car at cow with calf at foot; r 0' steers foot; fi Durham coidue inApril; yeatOald 1,000 1b (fat) ; 6 year -Ohl M -H sY. Itlfv 8n -fmerrowhe-1.s, mac plow,nernatio International; geld-flee TAME cash. Harold Jackson Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. Lot 28, Con. 11, 14141011 . on Wednesdays. April 7, at 1 o'clock.HORSBS _Brown mare wast of Winthrop. 9 years; blown mare 12 Years; brown gelding 12 years; team of roan colts, mare & horse, ruing twoE and 20 cowssars old. freshe ed 2 monts; CATTLE heifer freshened 1 month; 2 cows freshened cows to 1 month; dew freshened S months; f res e O of s2le 0200,cow onerin calfshen rl oag''d 2 heihers risingbuY Shorthorn bull 2 years ; 4 steer 2 years; 4 steers 1 yam•; 3 heifers 1. yeav: 4 sprang calves. PIGS—Sou' due April 28 ; 11 chunks 125 115 ; 12 chunks 176 lb. IMPLEMENTS—M-H binder 7 et. cut; NFH manure spreader: NI -11 hay loader drop head; International mower, 6 ft. cut; Internetiosss' side delivery rake; roller; set of disco; sting teeth cultivator; riding plough; plough; set of harrows ; seed drill; harrow cart; cutter; 2 wagons, steel tires; gravel box; I0 -ft. hay rack with half rack: mil i f sletihs withth flat rack;- Clintonfamine box; cream separator; stone boat; muffler, new; set of breeching harness; set of plough harness horsecollars; range Barrels,virstretchers, grind stone, gag 0 0 opies, :re elm lumber 2 and 1 Inc],. Fureifure Exte1sioir table, 6 chairs; bed- room relies spring -filled mnttt'ess; bedsteads set of springs; glace eupiloord 2I0 tib scales. FARMS --Lot 29, len acres. 5 acres of maple hush, w'eil dratined. _good frame house coveeed with asphalt shingle, L bank barns. Farm in avmrderful state of cultivation. LeC4 77 set','•, all in crass. Terms on chattels Cash. Terme en 00090/17 made known day of sale. STANLEY GARNHAM. Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E, P. Chesney. Clerk Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. At Lot 6 & 7, Con. 13. McKillop. 'r- miles north f- Dublin. then 1?:, west; Or 21: 800111 of Walton, then 5 miles east, on Friday, .13141 2nd., commencing at 12 o'clock sharp. HeRSES-1 Perchetron gelding 10 yens 1 eleeteut mare 11 years; Clyde mare 0 year's', (eye: gelding I years; a general purposes gohlings 10 and 11 years old, CATTLE—Durham cow due in April ; Dur- ham raw, fresh, with calf by side; Durham 1.w•, fresh, calf by side ; Durham cow due in Nay; clack cow due in Liar; black cow, fresh, sats byside; Durham cow, aged, go l ggrass- es.; Durham cow, £fresh, blue heifer due in May ; Durham heifer, due in May; Holstein heifer, due in May. 3 Durham steers and 6 heifers, rising 2 yea's; 6 Durham steers and heifers rising 1 yea'; 6 Pall calves. HOGS -6 Yorkshire sows due In May and June; 20 chunks 50 lbs; 11 chunks about 60 ib ; 24 chunks 175 Tbs; 1 Yorkshire boar 2 years old. IMPLEMENTS — McGe tractor 1V--30 on steel. as good as new; McCormick 0 ft. stiff • tooth cultivator, nearly new ; Me09) 3 -furrow tractor plow; 12" Beatty grain grinder; 12" Pape; corn blower with pipes; 24-36 Mildmay threshing machine with Schroeder elevator, nearly new ; 100 et. 7 -in, drive belt; McC-1) ft. binder nearly new; McCormick mower, 7 et.; 94-14 side rake; McC-1) dump rake; M-11 hay loader; steel laid troller; M11 corn cultivator; M -H 11 -hoe fertilizer seed drill; M,H 12-1800 seed drill with mess seed attach- ment•t; M -H cultivator; disc; 2 sets of 4 -sec. harrows; Taco manure %treader, nearly new; •feel wagon with wagon box ; truck wagon; hey rack with sliding rack; sleighs with flat. rack ; fanning mill ; Melotte cream separator, 7311 lb cap.; Renfrew cream separator with motor attachment, 000 Ib op.; harrow cant, bugler, cutter, walking plow, 1922 Plymouth sedan, gond shape, hoose clippers with sheet (Upping attachment. Forks, shovels, crosscut '0w'; post hole auger; Bubdox milk tester; gas stove with oven ; single furrow riding Plow; 2ee hp gas engine, Harness 2 sets double harness; single harness; odd collate. FARM -200 acres more or less, brick house,. beck kitchen, wood shed, furnace, bathroom, hank barn 00x120; straw bed 40x44; double deck hen house; cement flooring; drive shed 311851' ; gavage, 3 nerer-falling welle, lythe, near schen. church, Ile miles off county rd., 45 neves under cultivation, 10 acres fall wheat, 3n arms good bush, bal. grass. Farm offered subject to reserve bid. 10% day of sale, bal. in 30 days, or arrangement canbe made with the Proptitor. Terms or chattels, cash. No reserve as the Proprietor is giving un farming HENRY A. BENNEWIES, Proprietor. Fred W, Ahrens, Auctioneer FOR SALE 7 wheel trailer with 'stook rack, like ne WK. ANDERSON, Phone 844:25 Seaforth FOR SALE McCormick -Deering manure spreader, used PM years, like new. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, Seaforth FOR SALE Nine pigs eight weeds old. C, P VAN MIL, Roxboro FOR SALE A quantity of Cartier oats, containing some No -Barb barley, for seed. AUSTIN DEleTEIZ, phone Seaforth 860 r 14 FOR SALE A limited Quantity of power. cleaned. Aleike Seed, ..WILBER E. KEYES, Seaforth O56r11 Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCI{ & 'IMPLEMENTS. Satur- day, March 27-12.30 sharp. Lot 13, Con, 3, rd HORSES 1Geey northor4 Dublin, �bt'own mere 0 years; brown gelding 7 years; brown mare 9 year's old, Harness- 2 sets of back band harness; 1 set of single harness; horse collars CATTLE—Durham cow due Aug. 20; Dut•- bam cow due Aug. 25; 4 Durham cows due in .Sept.; 4 Durham cows recently fresh and bred again; 3 Durham steers 1,000 le ; 4 Durham steers rising 2 years; 2 Durham heifers rising 2 years; 8 Durham steers and. heifers t year; 6 Durham calves. -These Cattle P beayBswith 'reactors, PIGS-3chunkHEN51New Hampshire hens. Colony. house 5x10'..2 rain shelters. Brooder Hays l0 other poultry Galrequipe bar- ley; 150 bu. of Ajax oats; 175 bus. of Ajax oats & Galore barley mixed 1-3 barley & 2-3 Data. 2 ton 2-12-6 fertilizer ; 10 bags Katahaei notrdoes. All above mein cleaned and graded for seed, 10 bu. 0f timothy seed, 16 ton of mixed hay. IMPLEMENTS—Flp loader; binder, rake 11; M -H mower 6 ft. ; hae teddet'; grain drill; ki-II cultivator; 5 sect. ; 4 sect. & 3 sect. of diamond harrows; 3 -drum steel troller; International manure spreader; 4 -row potato sprayer; M -H corn acutfler; 2 single walking scuffles's; 1 potato plow ; 2 furrow riding plow ; 1 single riding plow ; 2 walking plows; 2 disc harrows, in & out- tlurow; tubber -tired wagon ; 2 farm wagons; set of bench sleighs and ruck; 16 ft. flat rack; gravel box; 4 -ladders; ,fanning mill; sled grain grader; 2,000 ih scales. Quantity of lumber & plank. Car and hay rope 175 ft.; slings; sling chain & hay fork. Cutter, 1 Tubber -tired buggy ; rubber -tired wheel barrow. Renfrew cream separator: Me - tette cream separator (never used). 1?_, hp gen engine. Int. 7 hp Int. gas engine, Pune) jack, power rip .saw, emery stone, iron ket- tles. etles, large eopper kettle; 2 cross cut saws; forks, shovels, logging .chains, whippletrees, nsckynkes, host of other articles. Terms sash LEO KRAUSKOPF. Proprietor Ilarold Jaekson & Joseph Ryan, Auct,'s Clearing Auction Sale ENTIRE HERD HIGH QUALITY Dai y ws and Heifers, Horses, Grain, linple- mente and Household Effects. On Lot 10, Con.. n, Hay Tp., Babylon Line, 174. miles east and .h., Mouth of ?.rick, int Wednesday, March 31, commencing at 1 p.m. sharp. HORSES — Matched team black Percheron eetdhigo rising 7 and 10 years; grey Perch- eros mare rising 8 years; roan Percheron mare rising 5 years. These are all good qual- ity horses averaging about 1500 Ib each. DAIRY CATTLE — Highly bred Holstein bull rising 2 years; Holstein cow 5 years old, due in April ; Holstein Cow 5 years, due ie Oetober; Holstein cow 4 years. due in Ante Dart Jersey an d w art Holstetn c 4 » o Mars. bred in February, with calf at fact Holstein cow 6 years, with calf at foot Holsten. cow 5 years, due at time of sale Holstein cow 5 year, bred Morels 10, with calf at foot; Holstein cow 4 year, vaccin- ated, fresh since March 10; Holstein heifer, aaecieated, fresh since March 8, with calf at foot; part Ayrshire and Jersey cow 4 years, due at time of sale; 2 Holstein heifers 2 Years. Inc in October; Holstein cow 5 years old, due end of May; part Durham and Hol- stein cow, 7 years, heavy with calf; Holstein heifer, 2 years, vaccinated, due in June; Holstein heifer, 2 years, vaccinated, with calf at foot; 2 Holstein keifere, vaccinated, bred in February ; 2 Holstein yearling heifers, vac - Heated: 5 Holstein heifer calves, vaccinated, Year old, This is a very choice herd. Hay and Grain—Quantity of mixed hay ; 50 bus. of mixed Galore Barley and Alaska seed grain ; 4 bus. mixed clover and timothy seed. IMPLEMENTS—Deering 11 -hoe drill ; New Ideal No. 10 spreader, like new; M -H side delivery rake; Male 12 -ft, steel rake; Cock - shut. 3 -horse cultivator; No. 21 M -H mower, 6103, cut; Oliver 2 -furrow tiding plow ; MeD. walking plow; 2 wheel trailer with stoek. rack; low steel tired wagon; 16 -ft. flat hay Trask; 1 -man sliding rack 4 section harrows; 1 -horse muffler, new ; M H 2-horsemuffler; light wagon light sleigh ; buggy ; euttor ; 9 rolls 14-11 snow fence; 6 rolls 14 -ft, fence for portable silo ; 2 electric fencers; 2 sets double harness ; brass mounted britohen har- ness; Stewartpower clipper. Dairy Equipm't Clean Easy milking machine with gas motor in first class condition ; Vlking cream eeper- ator 960 lb cap.; strainer peel, milk cans Qct, Household Effects -Empire kitchen range; Royal kitchen. ,range, both in good condition, ga-s stove; 4 -leaf exteslon table, etc, LEWIS "SCHRAG, Proprietor. Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer, FOR SALE Model A. ear 1930; withgood tires, good shape; also some goad sows. M -H fertilizer drill, 3 small s. ILWAIN,, phonerass 852 ,rst3 Seaforth HARv'Ey Mc - FOR SALE Available for immediate 'shipment:. Spring tooth lever. harrows.. Harrows: Roodmaster rubber tired wagon. Also alleeteel wagon with lubber tires. Mace Dealer,DONALD BUCHANAN, 850' r 26' Seaforth WANTED A limited number of cattle to pasture from' t0to 0. Apply lst.ROY YLAWSON shade, lots of nw FOR SALE BOALTON, /rushes of Phone 840dr 22 OUTS FOR SALE 8 pure bred Tamworth hogs, serviceable age. LESLIE PEPPER, Clinton 16-615 FOR SALE 14 weanlings, 7 weeks old. ANGUS BROWN RR3 Seaforth. Ph. Clinton 014r13 FOR SALE Blue cow due April 24. Holstein cow milk- ing good, bred February 5, ALDEN CR1CH, RR3 Seaforth. Phone Clinton 614-13 FOR SALE Quantity of mixed Seed, made up of Tim- othy,Alfalfa and Yellow Blossom, Also a quantity of Yellow Blossom seed. THOS. J. ADAMS, Phone 14 on 067, Seaforth central Auction Sale FOR SALE .Used Winghom cook stove with water front. Apply W, J, THOMPSON, Main street HOUSE FOR SALE Six roomed house and barn, in Seaforth, five WILLIAM land, Seaforth, FOR water. Apply to FOR SALE Kitchen range, all' white porcelain, and a six-piecebreakfast., suite, white with blank. WM. LEYBURNE,. phone 2832 Seaforth FOR SALE Golden Vine Seed Peas, 54 per bushel. In- ternationttl 13 hoe erten drill in excellent condition; steel tire farm wagon ; also clothes wringer. JOSEPH KALE, RIO Seaforth. Phone 40 r 10 Dublin FOR SALE Machinery and contents of machineshop, withequipment to sharpen lawn mowers. Power lawn mower- 25" cut. 1940 Ohev. spec- ial club coupe. LOUIS EBERHART, :Seaforth FOR SALE A Quantity of Ante oats, suitable for -seed. Some mixed .grain. Ajax oats and ,galore. barley suitable for seed. Price 53.50. a ow. N. R. DORR'ANOE, phone 989-21 Seafort1, 00 FARM STOCK, IMPLE&TENTS, Hay, Grain and Furniture. On Lot 10, Con. 0, Tp. of Logan, 201. miles north and 114 miles east of Mitchell, Wednesday Mar. 31, at 12 o'clock HORSES Two bay mares with .white Maces and 4 white legs,• 10 years old. 1 registered. 1 Percheron filly rasing 4 years, good workers CATTLE -30 head, 3 registered Hereford females and (read registered Shorthorns.' All have been TB tested with no reactors, and vaccinated for Bangs. Cows are bred to a Clenburn Fusilier bull, or calves at foot, 2 bulls, also 4 grades. HOGS — 40 head of purebred with worth swin1. e, sows due in May ; 6 -weeks old.1-2-year-old boar. Balance boars and sows 3 months to 6. months old. POULTRY—Geese, Embden, 1 matte and 3 females. Aylesbury ducks. 10 white rocks. 25 and 75 hybrid (Sussex x New Hamp•). Hay and Grain -20 tone of hay. 50 bus. OAC Barley. 35 bus. of Ajax Oats; 50 hue. Cartier and Barley mixed. This grain is grown from certified seed. IMPLEMENTS —M -H binder 0 foot cut; M -H haylooder; M -H side rake; M -1I mower, 514 foot cut. These implements are nearly new. Deering fertilizer 11 -disc drill; disc harrow; land roller; cultivator; plough; harrows; 1 new ball-bearing rubber -tire wagon; 1 eel -tire truck wagon, 1 -man roller hay rack; 2 gravel boxes; 2 Clinton fanning mile with motor attached; sleighs; flat rack; rubber -tire buggy; cutter; Melotte cream sep- arator, manure spreader, set of double har- ness; set of single harness; hay. fork .car; new rope and pulleys: 2 ladders; feed boxes; exhibition coops; pig crates; milk can; col- ony house 8'x12'; turnip seeder, chains, whlifletroes, lumber, cedar posts, other articles Furniture — Wood and coal range; electric raitgette, child's rolled top writing desk and chair, hall seat and mirror, copper boiler, extension table, wilton rug. buffalo robe, cocoa matting, Oliver typewriter ; 1 day bed; child's rs cash. No reserveaasl farm n older JAS. C. DOUGLAS, Proprietor. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. Auction Sale OF STOCK & IMPLEMENTS, Seed Grain & Hay will be held on Lot 7, Con. 12, Tuclt- esmith, ley miles west of Chiseihurst, on Thursday, March 25, at 1 o'clock, ]10310125-1 bay team mares 9 and ye ars CATTLE -6 young Durham cows -1 COMM d 1st v eek in April ; 2 cows due end of April; e. cows ham in l2 2 heifersduo 16th f Juna. Durham bull 2 Years old. 6 yeas., ling heifer. 0 yearling steers. PIGS -8 young sows due end of May. 2 doz. white Leghorn Ilene. IMPLEMENTS •— 1 M -H 11 ft. cut binder; M H 5 ft. cut mower; 10 ft. rake; 11 hoe drill with grass box; cultivator ; disc harrows; 2 plows; 2 wagons; scuffle:; 1 hay rack; cuter; buggy; fanning mill sleighs; 1 set scales; 1 set double hsrness; 1 set single har- ness ; 1 grindstone. Some stove wood. Qnentity of elm plonks, Grain bags-; -IJu r chairs 1 ei 1t- al churn ; washing machine; 1 red amino andm mattress; Inear- ly new 3 -burner oil stove 1 settee horsehair Much: 2 tables 150 sealers and other smaller articles. 1934 Chevrolet conch good tires, per - feet condition, battery and heater. Hay -6 tons mixed. and 10 ton timothy hay. Seed Grain -50 bus. Banner Oats; 500 bus.. mixed grain cleaned, suitable for seed. TERMS cash. No reserve as farm is sold, JAMES'TURNBULL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK AND, IMPLEMENTS,—Lot 8, Con, 1, Tuekersmith, half mile north of Hensall on No '4 highway, Friday, April 2 at 1 o'clock. HORSES—Black matched team Clydes. ris- iog 10 years; black Poreheron mare rising 0. CATTLE—Cow bred recently. Cow fresh. Cow due, April 16. Cow due April 21, Cow due May 12. Yearling steer. Young e01f 90 Bared Rock hens, IMPLEMENTS—M-II binder 6 ft.; Inter- national mower. 5 et' 11 -hoe fertiliser thin 811070 era90. 00oder anselment, 'M -H seeing tooth cultivator. Frost & Wood mac, Dome oak . Tiny ladder; Hay loader 8 rum steel roller. One -furrow Cockslett sulky plow. Walking' plow. 3 section. barrows. Itarrow cart Cockshutt bean cultivator with dims. Working scuftler, TIM bean puller.. M-76 701810 ", Fanning mill tvitiibagger attachment. Set Fettles.' WI'eel barrow;; set sloighs, low FOR SALE Seed Grain, choice quality, Valor and Er'ban oats, OAO No, 21 barley, This is exceptionally well cleaned seed, roasonahly priced. BOB ARCHIBALD, phone 655 r 16 Seaforth Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS.— AL MPLEMENTS.AL north half of Lot 26, McKillop. Twp•. 6 milesnorth of Seaforth, on County road,'. on Thursday, April 1st, at 1 p.m. HORSES—Bey horse 8 years old. Aged grey horse and mare weighing 1400 Ib, work single or double. CATTLE -2 Hereford heifers fresh in Feb- ruary. Hereford sow fresh in. March; Short- horn horthoran heifer due time of sale; Shorthorn cow due time of sale; Hereford cow due time of sale; Iiereford cow due in April; 3 heifers coming 2 years old; 3 steers coming 2 years; 5 year-old calves; 8 young calves. PIGS -1 sow due April 2. 1 sow due Ap 16,.. HENS -50 Barred Rook hens. MACHINERY—M0C.-Deerin0 tractor 10-20;. Cockshutt 2 -furrow ploy • 86-50 Decker blow- er, feeder & elevator extension pipes ; 7 ft. cut Deering binder; 6 ft. cut mower; 12 ft. McC. dump rake; Maxwell side rake; Cock- e • e droll sowed 9 crops , s P fertilizer shirt h 13 -ince £art cultivators; 12 £t 2F&w Mathew disc 1V1-11to ht walking drum roller plow; eel 8 P W st 6a dmg harrows, Cockhett manure spreader (lrke naw) rubber tire wagon bot & stock reek new) 2 farm wagons wagon rack,. gravel box cutting box, cutter; fanning mil), sleigh ; colony house 10x12; Collins electric brooder; 2incubators; 4 range shelters; snuffler; lawn mower; M -H spreader; 3 hp engine; electio fencer; cream separator (Mc - le, with motor); 2 oil drums; steel poets; drive belts; whiffle trees, forks etc, water tank. Harness. 400 bus. mixed grain; 100 bus. oats ; 25 bus. buckwheat ; 50 bus. wheat; 60 lb alfalfa & timothy seed. Furniture— 4 °hairs beds a Itchen table Furniture— Quebec a eat. k, Q heater,table, �altait•ti m Perfection oil .No churn, couch, etc. Terms Dash. No deserve, farm sold: ROBERT MoFARLANE, Proprietor. Harold Jackson,Auctioneer FOR SALE 2 Apartment, Solid- Brick house, new Fur - ase with Fan, New Electric Wiring, 2 New 3 Pc. Bathrooms and 2 modern kitchens with built in cupboards. Well situated. One apart- ment rented. Apply to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Real Estate Broker, Seaforth. FOR SALE Seed Grain. No. 1 commercial Ajax Oats 51.50 per bus. No. 1 commercial Galore barley $2 per bus. Sacks free. W. J. F BELL, Kippen CASh FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS WATCH DAILY PAPERS FOR CURRENT PRICES m RIND PHONE SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 'FOR SALE Bay gelding, rising four years old, Let 4, Con. 8, McKillop. FERGUS HORAN,. phone 2318 Dublin. -• FOR SALE Four -wheeled trailer, Apply to AUGUST DUOSIARME, phone 17 r 13 Dublin FOR SALE Quantity mixed grain. oats and barley. Would make goodfeedor seed. Also five head Durham cattle, four steers and one heifer, SEOORD. McBRIEN, phone 845r8 Seaforth WANTED TO BUY All old horses and 'dead animals.' If suitable for mink feed, will -Pe7 more than fertilizer prices—lf not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch, Goderiah. Phone collect FOR SALE 936021, or 9861.82, Godelich Model A Ford Coach 1981. Sealed beams, FOR SALE good tires, in good running condition. Apply 200 bus, of choice feed or seed Buckwheat. R. STEPHENSON, Varna.. Hensel! 71M1 ROBERT HULLEY, phone 881 r 16' ' AT FINNIGAN'S NOTHING IS GIVEN GRATIS Let youth be reminded that nothing is given gratis. We pay for knowledge with Tears; for love with Pain; for life with Death, Man haggles and barters with fate, and pays the Penalty because he must. IT'S SPRING— Mud is everywhere.on are needing Boots. or Shoes, If Y especially rubberboots, remember Finnigan's for Boys, Women's or Mens. -'ARRIVED THIS-WEEK—Shipment Dried Fruits, Seeded and Seedless Raisins, Fancy new Dates, Ride, Figs, .'Prunes 'Seed or Table Potatoes priced to sell" W. J: FINNIGAN & SON IN MEMORIAM LAVERY--In . loving memory of n dear hus- band and father, Robert Lavery, who passed elves+ March 28, 1945 His smiling way and pleasant face, Are a pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word fol' each, And diedbeloved by all. Some day, we know not when, We will clasp his hand in .the better lined Never to part again. . • —Always remembered by wife Janet and son .Milton. FOR SALE Boy's bicycle, parcel carrier, kick steed, new rear wheel and ere, - 525. DAVID BRADSHAW, phone 50 &Otte% FOR SALE MCCOrmicleDeering side delivery rake, in good condition, SCOTT MUFF FOR SALE Harley Davidson 74", year -35. In ood D condition. Apply L. . SLABK, FOR SALE Modern 134, storey frame dwelling insulated. Coderich etreest east. Frame cottage, garage, South Main street. immediate possession. 111 storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, Ott South Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. TT a 12 17711 Cenfn,'f1.- 1 1 Auction Sale On Tuesday, March 30th, 12 30 p.In, OF GRASS LAND—One hundred forty-five acres, Lot 7, East ee of lot 8, in second con., McKillop, 114 north, lee west from Dublin. Well fenced. Good drilled well. windmill. 75 aces two years seeded. TERMS given day of sale. MIKE MCGARTHY, Proprietor. Harold Jackson,•Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Peter Fitzpatfick All persons having claims against the Es- tate of Peter Fitzpatrick, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of Febru- ary, 1948, are hereby notified to Bend in to the undersigned on or before the Sth day of April, 1948, full particulars.' of their claims Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the pereee entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the 'ender - signed will not be liable 5o any person of whose claim tha undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 15th day of Marsh, 1048, McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Hugh Dunlop,. All persons having claims azalea the Estate of Hugh Dunlop, late of the Town of Sea - forth, in the County of Huron, Retired Partn- er, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of February, 1048, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 221 day of April, 1948, full particulars of thele claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said .estate will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned Anil then have notice, .to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable tc any -person of whose Heim the undersigned shall not then hove notice for the assets so distributed or 0ny part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 991 day of March, 1948. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the. Executors, MEN WANTED $35. to 560. A WEEK! Your own business! No boss, no, timeelock, independence 1 The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for routes. If sem have selling ability and asmall capital — write to -day. for FREE information — FAMILEX —1000 Delorimier, MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALE 110 -acre glass farm, part lot 36, con. 14. MoKil)op. Never -failing spring creek. Apply. to THOS. NASH, Seaforth RR6 100 aeres, lot 26, con, 10, Hibbert Tp.. lo- cated 2,h, miles west .of, Cromarty. Good brick house, 7 rooms, hard and soft water inside ; good large bank barn; cement stabling, water inside. Good henhouse and drive shed. Ail' under good •estate oe cultivation. 66 acres of grass. 114 miles from school. Write to MRS. THOMAS WQRDEN, " Seaforth P,O., or - in. person above Smith's Grocery Store 100 acres situated on.2nd con. HRS, lot 32, opposite number 4 school house. Sold with farm equipment or without. Possession any time, with terms. 0. L..:SWITZER, Clinton R R #5. IT SAVES TO REPAIR Shoes made like new W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR Everything Clear Ever We Musty Prices are Slashed Again DON'T MISS THESE VALUES .1.piiianuauon,nuluntil n0vuua Prices —at MEN'S ALL WOOL WORSTED AND TWEED SUiTS All wool suits in good weight to wear well and hold a press. Buy with con- fidence; they are cut to fit well, single or double breasted styles 20.00 up Men's Work Pants and Fine Trousers Hard wearing work pants, good look- ing dress trousers at sacrifice prices 2.25 up BOYS' SUITS $12.95 Big assortment of practical hard- wearing tweed in various colors and patterns. Single and double-breasted coat and two pairs longs. Size 28 to 34 Children's Brown Leather SCAMPERS Sizes 8-13, reg. 2.19 1.49 Women's Walking Shoes Black leather, strong soles and military heels, Sizes 4 to 9 2,39 SHOES for All the Family AT 1/2 PRICE OR LESS Buy Now at Sensational Savings Children's White .Boots 1.49 2.29 Built on natural last with plenty of room for growing feet. Sizes 8 to 10% Women's and Growing Girls' • LOAFERS Half price and less 2.39 - 2.98 Boys' Oxfords and Boots Good 100131ng hard wearing shoes for the active tad 1.9S up GIRLS' OXFORDS With leather soles and rubber heels Sizes 8-1034. 11-3 51.49 up Mien's Easter Shoes Reg. 7.96 for 2.98 - 3.98 4.76 Goodyear welted soles for extra hard wear, Black or Brown with leather or rubber heels. Sizes,6 to 10 in the group Green Front Dept. t. Stores -are Opposite Post Office Seaforth Lower Community Recreational Centre of Hensall and District THIS IS YOUR CENTRE FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT BOOST IT — PUT IT OVER THE TOP YOUR MONEY STAYS IN THE- COMMUNITY Think it Over! Let Your Donation Be Big Enough to Finish the Job LASTSCAMPAIGN FOR HRE$20,000 OBJECTIVE COMMITTEE: R. Drysdale, Secretary; Fred Bonthron, Treasurer T. 0, Joynt, R. H, Middleton, W. Spencer, L. Mickle