HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-03-25, Page 3Paints Scenes With Spray Gun Fred Lawrence of Barrie is pictured with one of his works of art, 'done entirely with the power spray gun he is holding. He has done scores of murals for • •.business places in Ontario. The type of paint Lawrence uses dries almost instantly. Sports — And Just who was the original inventor of the "mass interference" play in hockey is a matter of controversy. But whoever it was, there might dome a time when he bitterly regrets * having done so. For with more and more of our pro. teams adopting this play in tight spots, we fully expect to see a real Battle Royal break out some evening, ending up with a few fractured skulls or even worse. * * * When playoff time rolls around, and winning or losing a game really means something—possibly a differ- ence of a thousand dollars or so per man—tempers are liable to run con- siderably hotter than during a regu- lar season. Nor do we know of any- thing more liable to make a player "see red" than having a game, which looked to be safely tucked away in the bag, tied up and perhaps eventu- ally lost by means bf such tactics. * t, The idea of the play, of course, is basically simple. You have a faceoff in enemy territory, bench your goal - tender, and play six men up. Five of these aren't supposed to pay any puck, but each to attention to the p nark an opponent and as soon as the face-off is made to take him out of the play, just like running inter- ference ahead of the ball -carrier in American football. Yotir sixth plan then—if everything soes well—has l-1as the defending goalie more or less at his mercy. • * * From the comparative safety of a seat tip among the spectators, it's a rather interesting play to watch, andproductive roliuctil'c of considerable ex - ...44W citemenl. And perhaps this is all that really counts, from a Promoter's standpoint. Personally, we have just two objections to it. For ,Number One, it isn't Hockey. And for Number Two, it's likely eventually to produce fatalities. Some enraged defender will cut loose with a swing which will really connect, And if some of those sante Promoters will recall days when they went 'about in fear,and trembling lest "Ace" Bailey shouldn't recover and what, that might mean to their game! - we think tlley'Il probably do away with such tactics• before it's too late sr * * Still, lest you. aright imagine we look with distaste on everything mod- ern, lust because it is new, toe might break down and admit' thatbarkin The old days things happened in Hockey which. weren't strictly "ac- cording to The Boolt", and which you don't hear about nowadays. Re - rent power blackouts nanny places have been experiencing recall a Ger taint Ontario to.ett which. we needn't identify more closely than to soy it was one of the hottest hockey centres in the entire Province. e e 5, There, token the home team badly needed a score,' and one of its players was just taking dead ails on goal, it was rumored that the. electric lights had ti peculiar habit of blinking off, theft on again. This "blackout" pos: sibly didn't last for more thaw a .fpUt-second—just long enough for the -defending goal -fender to lose sight of the Mack. rad.._ it was every sUs- pected that one df the home tease's officials, who .sat riglst alongside the. switch that co)arolled ;the lights of the rink, salglst have had something to do with this pheonosnen.ou. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamental Trees, Shrubs - Evergreens hoses Perennials, Glade St Cannes Large & Complete Stock of All Lon ding Varieties 600 Ante 'Under Oulttvntion T See our cull Agent or 'lVre{. for .Lice Ontnlogue & Punting. Guide pp H PRuuJeOMMD & BOAS LTi)„ 8E4T'PSVI]iL79, =Ontario, One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS C A Sixbit Critic")' • But, so far as we remember, noth- ing was ever proved. Maybe, after all, it was no snore than mere coinci- dence. * * * Branch Rickey, of the Brooklyn Dodger s, now contends that his fellow -magnates attempted to "gang up" and keep •dark•skfnned Jackie Robinson from playing in organized baseball. They, of course, deny that anything of the sort ever happened. And no platter who is right, the story got considerable space in the papers —which, coming right at a time when really 'live' baseball news was scarce, probably wasn't exactly distasteful to either Mr. Rickey or the others. * * * Everybody knows there was plenty of opposition to Robinson's being allowed to play. This wasn't because he was the first person of his race • to make the grade. He was by no means that. It was rather because he frankly admitted to being a Negro —even took pride in it—instead of allowing himself to be put away as a "Cuban", a "Mexican'. or even as an "Indian", as had been the quaint; baseball custom In the past. * * * What actually matters is the fact that Robinson finally got his chance managed to keep his temper in spite of great provocation—and made good. From now on, in baseball at least, it's going to be impossible to draw any "color line" — although there might come a day, as has hap- pened in the boxing game, when white athletes will regret that it was ever wiped out. With colored boys doing so !tell in so inany lines of sport, the wonder grows why so few show enough aptitude -for -hockey to scale the heights!. rdere�ew&ea1 O Tad 0 a Y for THE CANADIAN NATIONAL ortsnieiis ow O O THE COLISEUM- o EXHIBITION GROUNDS, TORONTO Saturday, MARCH 13 to Saturday, MARCH 20 inclusive Yes, it's the first Canadian National Sportsmen's Show and it means thrills, fun, and entertainment for the entire family. There's Sharkey the famous trained seal, bad- minton—log roiling—retrieving dogs—high diving, by casting—archery and many other thrilling acts. Plus Huge exhibition of sports, travel and conservation dis- plays with the latest and finest in sporting equipment. Everybody will enjoy the Eskimo and Indian villages, the dog show and the big conservation display with live game, animals and fish. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY • el Te, THE CANADIANA IOnNGraund R Tw,onta5 SHOW, ^ 1,, The Coliseum, 1 Deer sirs, 1 O 1 Money Ord r•1 1 eirlosed find Cheque far S Plea,. send ms...... Rase vd0' /..: Seal d,,...• e1 1 �Erthe. ADI end data (h MENS lav or 1 `• for the CANADIAN NATIONAL SP00$1.00 S SHOW 1 1 Prices, Arent' Phis GeneralsAdminolns totCrineumaAdulb 50er Chlldr ni25c i 1 Sponsored in the Sabha inlerestby THE TORONTO ANGLER; AND HUNTERS' ASSOCIATION INC w a� �. �,, 1 a�a w�X�-53�'�x•'a�W�.`. ,' ox •,:,.a\;;„' et ;Ws,.:1 S..�.. `i....1'S' 't�,C t • Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticides, Eleotrlo- Vaud Controllers Souse and Barn Paint, hoof Coatings, etc. Dealers wanted. Write Ware') Gress.. & 011 Limited, Toronto, -. - INCREASE YOUR INCOME Excellent opportunity for alert, - Intelligent man to distribute high quality products . in tOls district, Blue Brand 'Products, 7307 Alexandra Street, Montreal... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to °yore Inventor—List of Seven. thine and full Information sent tree, The Romany Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys 770 Bank .Street, Ottawa, - RAW FURS 31u0krat and Beaver are In good. demand. For top price* andprompt returns ship your raw fern to Alan Tamen, Lindsay; Ont.. BABY CHICHI!, DON'T Worry, good markets willbe there fon what your poultry cin produce. You might se well .get the beet markets. with February -March cheek., We've: started and loyoids right now. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N, Hamilton, Ont. Four -Week -Old Pullets Two, three, four week and older pullet. February hatched, Start with early hatched thicket and get the high prices for eggs next Summer and early Fall. Large TM White Leghorn, andseven. other Muter breeds, Send for price list, Management Guide and catalogue and book your order now, Lakeview Poultry Farm Exeter Ontario 12 4c Hurondale Chicks 1272c All Breeder. blood tested, banded. and in- epeoted and backed by high pedigreed found- ation stock. Sussex x New Hemp,. Stock x New Bdmp„ Barred Rocks, New Hames mixed 1243c, pullets 26e, Light Sussex Mix- ed 140, pullets 270. Large 1000 Leghorn mixed 122e, pullets 36a. Allheavy breed cockerels 4c. Medium breed 10. 11.00 per 100 •down balance C.O.D. Order from and enclose this ad. Hurondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario RAISING CHICKS? Special price for March, April—heavy breed cockerels, 4c, medium weight hybrid eookerele, 50, Leghorn cock - orals,. 10. Seventeen years hatching chicks for satisfied ou0tomere. Live arrival guar- anteed. Get full information, Frank Edwards, Watford, Ont. Rock Cockerels FOR February and March,' our Barred Roche are tact teathering and bred forllvea- ability and fast growth, Hanes Poultry Farm, Jersoyville: Ont. BABY Chicks from an '11:0,0, Breeding .Farm hatchery, It coats no more to buy the beat, Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for - prlOe est. Blenheim Hatchery, Blenheim, Ont, Lakeview Chicks for 1948 from a real laying and breeding plant, over 10,000 breeders inspected. banded and blood tested.. Many customer. have had years of continuous success with Lakeview Chicks. This c•eer 1t may be even more Important to buy the beet. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mallard of Parkhill, Ontario, have had 16 consecu- tive years of continuous success with Lake- view Chicks, Why can't You 100? Start your chicles early. There will be a shortage of eggs next Fail and prices are bound to be higher. Send for large Illustrated catalogue and Poultry Management Guido with big early order discounts. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros, Exeter, Ont. BLACK AUSTRALORPS R. O. P, Sired. Hatching Eggs, day old chicks, DONLEY POULTRY FARM ROUTE 6, LONDON, ONT. EARLY 0111010, pay beet because: (1) Th0Y Vet into Production when egg prices are highest, September, October and November, (2)They when the e t Y et Into production g P on - teed ratio is most favorable. Statisticsgrat con- leten 1 show a favorable feeding ratio in of e tY P e e telt .months get more eggs then, (9) Most. Commcrclol poultrymen always buy early hatched Woks, No matter whether you are raising chickens for the eggs they will pro- duce or t0 .ell as broilers or roasters on the dressed poultry market. you can macre more n s money It your laying are from quick ma- turing heave laying ancestry. Tv addle. aro. We nave been freehatehingcat .good chicks for 2 f4 years. send for tree catalogue. Day old andTw started It H. her s Limited Femme, Owedmo Chide Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BARRED. Rock pullets 513,00 per 100. Rede, Sussex, and cross breeds, same price. Big Husky bloodtested cheeks elree be' 25-300 egg cockerels write today for prlcellst and free calendar. 010 Rook Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, IT'S HENS In the nests that pay the bills. Your success In the poultry Mutineers de- portee on the duality of the chlcke you buy not on the .quantity. Because the eons and daughters of every family are Judged be their father's and mothers, It stands to reason that good breeding and good blood fines must be present 11 chicks are to be- come quality 'producers. You cannot expect high egg laying qualltles in your pulleta un- less you have high producing parents. It is only from a .train of layers having high egg. laying. •recordn behind them that high produdng pullets come from. We offer you. Me . kind of clicks. We have 12 popular pure breed. and 1t hybrid crosses to choose from, day old, two.and three weelc old chicks and older pullets. Freecatalogue. Ton Notch Chicle Sales, Guelph. Ontario, .INVESTIGATE Before you phtre rms. *1,1uk order, Today me never before Itpnye to buy quality. Galn- forth's' Ohldcs have been the choice of par - Coulee poultryman for 11 years. Send for our free catalogue and price list today, The earlier you start your chicks, the more pro- fits they will make for you. Wo have Barred :Rocks, NevlIImnpshires, Light. Sages, White Leghorn., L. Sussex x N, Name„ B. Rook x N. Hemp„ and N. Ramp, x B. Rock—all approved chicks from pullerum tented breeders. Write to Galn- forth's Hatchery, Box 18017, Trenton, On- tario. Preducers of good baby chicks sine 1027, BABY CHICK BUYERS Be sure that you order the taunt number of chicks thio season. We are certain that Profits will be made by producers who :get started on the. right track. eionkton Poultry. Farm le a 0avernment approved farm. Our clacks • are healthy, vigorous. have fast de- velopment and the necessary breeding for. high egg production. llrrito for our cata- logue and price list. Monirtmi Poultry Farms, Monkton, :Ontario, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. Inc? Write to un for Information We are glad to answer your questions .Department H. Parker's Dye Werke Llmtled '01 Taper Street, Toronto, Ontario VO2 SALE T SERMIT Janet{.,, for sale. lirooA breasted beans* Larkey pointe Candler Hat9hery approved, New incubators, Hreeders govern - meat banded and pullerum tree.No reactors for Iwo year.. Poults from eggs 'gathered ma our owefarms. We select for vigor and, meat typo, Send for folders. McKinley & Z0eColl: Lambton Turkey Hatchery. R,R, I, Forest, Ont, BEST quality No, 1 pasteurized honey, 1$ tine. 4 ib, for 811,70, The Henderson Apiaries, Box 96, Carleton Place, Ontario. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service, Serf E Kennedy & Bon, .410 College 6t. Toronto. - PIANOS SOLD — BUDGET PLAN 15% DOWN eighteenmonths to pay, All pianosare completely factory reconditioned, refinished, tuned' like new. We have ■ very large ¢election of varloue makes, Write to- day for further Information on terms- and plane in stock. Furniture Sales Co0Denae 151A King Street West, Toronto, CRAIGIELEA White Holland Poulto! We sell Doulte that live and grow Into fine sturdy mature birds for the retailer who wants plenty of 10 to 12 lb, dress d females, and 15 to. 18 ib, tome. which are moat In line with prevailing weight demands. This breed le naturally heavy tay- era and less euecepttble to leg and Joint diseases, We have had our breeding flock Government inspected.- banded and blood test- ed without a single reactor. Place your order early to Insure bookie* Cr¢igldeo Turkey Ranch, Water0own, Ont. - Broad -Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults Reserve your order for 1948. We turned down -orders' for 10,000 Poults last sowon. Poults all hatched to brand now special tur- key incubators, all turkeys (no chicks). We expect there will be more money In turkeys In 1048 than 1947 as it is likely feed prices' will be 000000r next eummer when the new crop comes along. Send ter turkey manage- ment' guide and price list end book your order for 1048. Lakeview Turkey Ranch Exeter Ontario GUNS, ammunition, expert repairing. re• blains, high clams fishing tackle, Ted Man- orek Sporting Goode, 820 Ottawa St. N., Hamilton. BATTERY-OPERATED Radio Set for sale. Deforest Crossley Corona model, 8 tubes, specially equipped with Romaeo Eliminator for us with either storage battery or dry cella. New coot over 0800. Make otter. A fine and Meting gift. Box 151. 78 Adelaide W„ Toronto. TURKEY Poults, Broad Breasted Brame Breeders and Hatchery under Gov. regula- tions. Write for Information. Ivan Mullen, Addison, Ontario. Seeds that are dependable for Garden Lavern, Market Gardeners; Write for our tree eat- alogue. Ontario Seed Company, Waterloo, Ontario, Four Good Buys TRUCKING BUSINESS which Include,{ V5 largo trucks recently overhauled with P C License for ovary kind of haulage. Steady work and a money maker, 100 -ACRE FARM, hydro, alomo to village 0004 building., bush. A bargain 80,000, 100 -ACRE. FARM and brick house, good buildings, hydro, bush, on highway. Price $4.600, 00 -ACRE FARM, dose to highway, barn and drivosbed, hen house, good house, Price 00,000. FARMS, all sizes, priced to sell, If Interested write: J. C. LONG, Real Estate Broker, Brusselo, Ont. BUILDING 28' x 42' ALUMINUM, NEVER need. painting. Erected in 80 man hours, Immediate delivery. Br- uin, Sohn A, Neat° Sales Co.. 21 Jowle Street, Toronto, PINUPS FOR MEN M E ONLY LY If you are 21 .years ofst, a you may obtain Y 7 our unretouched superb photographs' of modelgorgeous tome dollar and sePlease al module at one dollar Der set, Pieasa .tato Age. European n Ph a oto Services, 51 AdelaideToronto St. E., To nto MONEY MAKING businessVilla n a hear 1 B N0. 7 highway, complete water Dower Saw Mill, House and Garage on property. Also 100 acre farm. Apply Harold Marshall, Lyn. out. ARMY FOLDING TABLES Good used condition. Offered at a price far below cost, alae 72” x 80" x 30". Suit- able for parties, banquet., clubs, ehlppins and other 00eful Dummies. To clear $8 00 each, F.O,B, Toronto. C.O.D. or send Money Order. Advise rail or transport when ordering, E, BLUESTONE, 40 Cecil- Street, Toronto. Adelaide 2778, CHERRY LOGS Boman for cash. Write Boa 304, Ferave, Ont. CANVAS TARPAULINS Surplus, 0' x 8'—brass grommets, Uses: Mack and implement covers, Drop cloths. Sun and Wino Breaks, 68.00 each, add 116e shipping' charge. By-products, 03 Ontario St., Toronto. COTTON TOWELS Bleached, from flour and sugar bags, hem- med, 17" x 34" per doe, 81,40; 2 dozen 14.00: 6 doz. 810,00, add 26c shipping charge. By -Products, 90 Ontario St., Toronto. POR SALE ADJUSTABLE leather cartridge belts, *8.96 calibre shell* excellent workmanohlp, $8.0. Marathon dealer, 1840 Gerrard East, Ter- REGISTERED eo- REGISTERED Alaska, Max, - Cartier ilea Beaver Oats; CERTIFIED Beacon, and Bever Oats, and Montcalm Barley: 0078- MEROIAL No. 1 and No, 3 Oartier, Max, Beaver, Alaska, Vloland, Banner and Vie - tory Oate: Galore, Barbell and 0.A.C, it Barley;- COMMERCIAL No 1 O,A.C. 161 Peas, 51ANN'S Mill Ltd;: Exeter, Ontario.. - FARM 100 acres riot cloy -loam, 100 acres' hardwood bush, good building.. With er Stthout .tock g.nd hnplementn. James Stewart,-Mngnetawmt, Ont. GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL novel., Writs - for new list of 78 titles at 91.80 each Montreal Cbristtan Supply House, 1016 St-' Antoine Street, Montreal 8, COCICSHUTT No, 7, 6 -ft, 7 in. Combine. alightly abed, noparate motor, Scour - clean, cmnbinatlon grain bin and bagger, was turned in on a salt -propelled, I. S. Eby & Son, Stevenevllle, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL quality .aisle. for every buyer. breeding, 00 ipanien or livestock.' Sensible Prices. ICelmgrove Kennels, Ormstoun, Que, 10 ,1" Joliette Chopper, 15" Elmira roller ttnd armed lack all mounted on truck. Also rubber -tired buggy, 4 new tires,' Allan Ituepfer, ATllll:ml,, Ont. . FOR SALE—Registered No, 1 Ajax Oats, germination sse4, yielded 00 bu. per act` 1¢st year. Also registered 82lolsteto Bull. 14 mos, old, Orval M0Oulre, Amtlerotburg, 0nt. 010OLTL A John Deere Tractor in Al condi- tion complete with power lift. cultivator ftglns, 11" rubber. John Deere pickup baler good condltton, two horse anrbtg tooth cul- tivator. Alvin Laramie, Arner, Ont. FARMIERS; Supplied wholesale No. 1 Apple Trees 81.00. Cherry, rear, Strawberries. Raspberrfee and all nursery stock at corre.- Pending low prices. Free Catalogue. Mny- faam Nurseries, Galt, Ont. TO CLEAR, die eight -pound pails amber stoney, 810.50; 70 pounds, 514.60. - Herbert Herrin, Attestor, Ont. HAIRDRESSERS I 1 1 1 dozen Needs, Mantles and rods, new, reg.. Mar price $35.00 dozen, Special $26,00 dozen. 2 dozen Duradene clamps and rods, new, regular price 010.00 dozen, 2 down le for. 110,00. 6 pair Nestle heaters, new, reg- ular 920.00 pair. Special $14.00 pair. Thomas Mansfield, Dietrlbutor, 41-48 8115* Willson St„ Hamilton, Ontario, OATS, BARLEY, CORN "Yon reap what you sow, so sow the bent.'" We have your seed requirements for the 1946 crop year, !feting all popular varletlee of Oats, Barley and our own 0003,11 Canada Hybrid Seed Corn. Choose from registered certified or commercial No, 1 In nearly ell below varieties, Barley—Montcalm, O.A.C. 21; Oats—Beacon, Beaver, Max, Erban: Corn -646, 808, 681, 850, 876, Our owe grown seed stocks nye supplemented by toed. selected crops fulfilling grade requirement* and our standards. Get our prices before you buy, Place your order with confidence but Place it now. Write Immediately for price list. Alex M. Stewart & Son, A1lea Crate, Ontario. FOR SALE, immediate delivery, one new • John Deere traotor, 310dol D. Price 81,480. will eel! for 15,160. Apply Walden Motor bales, Calumet, Que. THE B001C for every bonze, eight hundred household helps. Two dollars, poet paid. Order C.O.D. or write Zeleit Vertlleb, Engle - bort, Ont. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Roberteoo method Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Landow, 187 Ave- nue Road, Toronto, MEDICAL DON'T WAIT—Every sufferer of Rheumat. lc Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. BOWMAN'S Rub, an effective remedy tar sinus trouble, flu, swollen glands, bronchitis, weak eyes, swollen throat. Address 560 Queen St. W„ Toronto. Price 02.00. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurlti, ghouls! try Dixon'. Remedy, u • ore Drug Store,83_ Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 01,00. PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solleitors, Established 1800, 14 King West, Toronto Book let of information n request. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING Before Child •S wonder• fel book tree Megiddo Mission, Roohe.ter 11, N.Y. STAMPS 00 all kinds bought, pal 80 dents per 100 for u0ed Ellzabetbe. Barehlna Brantford, Ont, 137 MONEY -MAKING plane, also formulae eatable products. Descriptive Ilteretuza FREE, Elyte Company, 145 Queen West. Ottawa. Y ASTROLO - G Palmistry, nto, it,, Just north of Queen St„ Toronto, WANTED WANTED, farm to rent with .tock and machinery. Can give good references. A. Gain, A.R. 7, Laclute, Que. RABBITS WANTED Young does. Roberts, 381 Bartlett Ave., Toronto, HELP WANTED REGISTERED NURSES FOR • GENERAL DUTY—Living conditlose and salary good. Hospitalization Dt.*. ADDIy superintendent, Brome-Mlezi.quot kine Hospital, Sweetsburg, Que. ISSUE 10-1945 .. ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH CIGARETTE roaAce0 Quite Safe The ' spinster, who insisted on calling legs, limbs, asked her maid whether she had given the canary its morning bath. "Yes, miss," responded the girl, "you may conte in now:" A COSY HOME is cosier still when you serve Max- well House Coffee. So deli- ,cious it satisfies'couilroleteiy. Expert blending . assures yofl sof ee that's famous for, smopt)'t} mellow flavor. MUTT AND JEFF—This Could Be Called Dinner A La Lustig By BUDD FISHER THE TROUBLE IG — 'You, DONT SHOW WELL, CALL HER UP! ASK HER To HELLO,ENCEE,HONEY! 0.14! I'LL BE OVER HOW OHA LIKE TO ^ w . �,' e, }' A ' YOUR GIRL,ENNEE WII,.AT. ENOUGH SHOULD HAVE DINNER WITH YOU! ,; Ac s1X O'CLoCK.' •HAVE DINNER WITH ME AND TELL YOUR ®n, t _ \�. ; v I ATTENTION! `j DO? < ,,, , 014, MOTHER NOT TO TONIGHT? ; - oo'! ti ':• ,D .., I, TO JEFF! LOVE HAVE HASH, 4!'I 1 tbidt, l . •.� tem , n /f r X It, , Ya/,' te',� � .. 1\ re {I l�1'� ., d (?Y ' .� :,.`"�� �3. f/':1r)sI ;i//dpj�4 Ct . \ trl�. fe:' Ilii . ' +fit C M ' �'J I w a�t'.o- i , ,r_ N ,l r • s I� I I } I) , � ,fit ) _ ,6. oj�"yayrP rl 3, r �.: ma -,w :;l�A .�[� �, qtr, '� � tk.. ., ,12�i,�=-. .,