HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-03-25, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 71, No. 13 he • Seaforth HURON COU NTY'8 L'EADI NG NEWSPAPER SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1948 $1 a year ANNUAL MEETING OF SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP. Seaforth Farmers' Co -Operative elected Robert McKercher, Frank Reynolds and James McIntosh to the Board of Directors at the an- nual meeting on Tuesday evening in the basement of Egmondville Church. Officers will be appointed at the next meeting of the Board. About 150 members and guests en- joyed a banquet served by the la- dies of the church. Guests included: the presidents and secretaries of neighboring co-operatives at Exeter, Hensall, Belgrave and Mitchell Mr. E. R. Hooey, government poultry- man for this district gave an address on poultry and care of eggs. The financial report showed a total busi- ness, of $267,000, an increase of ap- proximately $55,000 over last year. There are now 230 members, an in- crease during the year of fifty. RELIGIOUS DRAMA AT FIRST CHURCH On Easter Sunday evening at 7 o'clock the well-known religious drama entitled `The Lost Church' will be presented at First Presby- terian Church under the •direction of Mr. Robert E. Becktel. The pub- lic is cordially invited to be present. SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL The last social euchre and dance of the season sponsored by the Sea - forth Women's Institute was held in Cardno's Hall on Wednesday even- ing, March 17. There were 51 tables of euchre in play. The winners were first prize ladies, Mrs. W. D. Wilson, men Mr. J. T. Scott; lone hands, ladies, Mrs. Sam Storey, men, Mr. Barney Hildebrandt; consolation, ladies, Mrs. James Hay, men, Mr. R. M. Scott" Dancing followed with music by Harburn's Orchestra. The Institute wants. to thank all who helped make these socials so ' `4Irsuccessful. SYRUP COAL ALBERTA LUMP COAL for spring firing Some sizes of Anthracite on hand E. L. BOX PHONE 43 & 18 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister Easter Services. 10 "a.m„ Sunday School. 11 a.m., Subject "Jesus Christ is Risen to -day". Sr. and Jr. choirs will provide special Easter music. 7 p.m., Subject "The energizing power of the Risen Lord". The Easter in music and message. Senior and Junior choirs. A welcome to every worshipper Anglican March 28th Easter Day St. Thomas', Seaforth: 8 a.m., Holy Communion 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Holy •Communion 7 p.m., Evening Prayer St. Mary's, Dublin 3 p.m., Holy Communion. Rector: Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B:D. 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., "The Power of an. End- less Life". The • Salvation Army Lieut. E. J. Ivanyt .Special Easter Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School 3 p.ni. A11 boys and girls welcome Wednesday, 7' p.m. MISS JANE REID The death occurred in •Seaforth on Tuesday moaning of Miss Jane Reid. The deceased was the last surviving member of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and was born in Listowel. She was a tailoress by profession and lived for some time in Winnipeg and came- to Seaforth in 1942. The funeral will t ake place on Thursday, March, 25, at 2 p.m. from Whitney's Fun- eral Parlbrs. Rev. H. V. Workman of Northside United Church will of- ficiate. Interment will take place in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pall- bearers will be D. L. Reid, Dr. Bur- rows, Robt. •Scarlett, W. Stephenson, Wallace Ross, and M. McKellar. BRODHAGEN Mr. Chris W. Leonhardt attended a fire insurance convention in Toronto. Mrs: Alvin Rose returned to Point Edward after spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs, C. W. Leonhardt and Mr. Leonhardt. Mrs, Elizabeth Morenz spent a few days in Kitchener. Mr. John Meyer returned home from Stratford Hospital. Mrs, Henry Kleber Sr. returned to her home after spending the winter months with her daughter Mrs. Carl Mikel and Mr. Mikel near Sebringville A shower was tendered Mr. and Mrs, Fred Kistner by their Willow' Grove and Bornholm friends and they were presented with a studio couch. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and Audrey spent Sunday in Clinton with Mrs. Green's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ,Livermore. DR. BURROWS HONORED PRIOR TO DEPARTURE' At Northside 'United Church on Sunday there were several presenta- tions to Dr. P. J. Burrows prior to his departure from town where he has been a resident for the past 55 years. Dr. Burrows leaves -this weekend for London and he will accompany Rev. Mr. Foreman and Mr. Harvey on a trip to Florida, after which he will take up residence in Winnipeg. At Sunday School an address was read by the secretary, Francis Huis- ser, and June Snell presented a gift. The choir met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 'Stewart on Sunday evening, Mr. E. C. Chamberlain reading the address and Miss Abbie Seip presented Dr. Burrows with a hymnary inscribed in gold letters. After the morning service on Sun- day Mr. Sam Scott presented Dr. Burrows with a set of books on be- half of the congregation and Dr. Harburn read the following address: it was with -sone surprise and profound regret that as a congrega- tion we learned of your decision to change your place of residence out- side of our fellowship and church life. We therefore ask your pardon for infringing on your inmost feel- ings, that we niay in some tangible way express to you the love and re- spect cherished in the heart of every individual of our congregation, and to assure you that by your absence you will be missed to such a degree as to create a feeling of loss im- measurable. We are mindful of the fact that you have given to this church and to the congregations long passed on 55 years of continued membership and 51 years of service and leader- ship as an official. That we find it difficult to appreciate the debt of gratitude we owe you the splendid service rendered and the inspiration received through those many years of fellowship and guidance. We are also mindful of the sacri- fices you halve made for help and the good of our church, that we are im- pelled to make our sacrifice that you may enjoy a well earned rest from your labor here. Your inter- est in the Churchand all its activi- ties have been a labor of love, and we thank God that He has given you a full span of life, as well as health and strength to carry on with His work here, the work which was most close to your heart. On behalf of every individual of this congregation we ask you to ac- cept these books with the prayer that 'you may find help and inspira- tion in them and as you turn their pages, may they continue to hold fast the tie of our esteem and friendship- in the years to come. We pray that your sojourn in the beautiful and friendly city of Win- nipeg will be most happy and health- ful one, and we assure you that at any time you may visit the old church home you will find a most hearty and gladsome welcome. And may God's richest blessing and His love which passeth all understanding be with you and upon you while we are absent one from the other. Signed on behalf of the congrega- -tion: H. V. Workman, Minister, F. Harburn, Sec'y of Official Board. The Bible Class. presented hila with a watch chain, Dr. Burrows has been teacher of this class for a num- ber of years. DR. F. J. BURROWS Our teacher and our friend, we 'come to say How we regret that you must go away, • But we, your class, will ever thoughtful be, For precept and example all so°free. Even if you are away, away out there, We'll bridge the distance with, ,a prayer, And now we come, we could not let it pass, So please accept this token from your class. 'Tis just a little .chain, links made of gold, And may each link a Precious mem- ory hold Of Seaforth friends you leave be .hind today, Goodbye, good luck, God speed you. on your way. The address was composed by Mr. John Beattie and read by Mrs. Close and Mr. Jos. Scott presented the gift. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Angela Marie, youngest daughter of Mrs. W. Rowland, Dublin, and the late Patrick Rowland to Thomas Edilbert Gallant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallant, Windsor. The wedding to take place in Sacred' Heart Church, Windsor, on Satur- day, Apr. 3, 1948. ENGAGEMENT The 'engagement is announced of Helen Grace, youngest daughter of Mr. W. H. Dalrymple, Brucefield,. and the late Mrs. Dalrymple, to Ray- mond John, second son of. Mr. J. E. Pepper, Brucefiel.d and the late Mrs. Pepper. The wedding to take place early in April. PROPERTY CHANGE The frame cottage of Fred Eck - art on Goderich street east has been sold to Mr, Harry Steiner, of Tor- onto, with immediate possession, through the office of M. A. Reid. WATER WAS HIGH AT WINTHROP. Winthrop experienced the worst flood conditions in its history on Friday last. Around noon the water started rising rapidly and by 5 p.nn.. a raging torrent was rushing down through this hamlet, inundating the roads to such a depth that Mr. Ken- neth Betties was.seen earning up the highway in his canoe. The water continued rising so rapidly it soon became necessary for Mr. Betties to remove one entire family in his ca- noe to higher ground. Mr. Haas was kept busy towing cars through until he considered it unsafe to ven- ture with his truck. One motorist had a narrow escape when his car swerved off the highway and nearly overturned into the ditch. NIr. Robert McFarlane has sold his fine farm north of Winthrop to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pepper of Tuck- ersniith. Mr. McFarlane is having a sale April 1st. Mrs. M. Nichol, Mrs. Stan King and Mrs. Fletcher of Stratford at- tended the shower for Miss Berva Blanchard Friday evening at Harvey Dolmage's. The Helping Hand Mission Band will meet at the school room of the church on Saturday, March 27th at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Lorne Wilson of Tucker - smith spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. kobt. McClure and Mr. and Mrs. John McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dolmage at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Dol- mage's aunt, Mrs. Scheibe, at Zurich on Sunday. Miss Doris Broadfoot, London, spent a few days with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClure Miss Erma Broadfoot, Sundridge and Mr. John Broadfoot and Miss Mary called on their aunt Mrs. John McClure and Mr. McClure on Sun- day. On Friday evening March 12, Mrs. Harvey Dolmage assisted by Mrs. Will Dodds, Mrs. Allan Campbell and Mrs. Chambers, entertained Miss Berva Blanshard to a miscellaneous shower in honour of her corning marriage. :Progressive euchre was played during the evening, honors went to Mrs. M. Blanshard, lone hands, Mrs. R. C. Dodds, consolation, Miss Berva Blanshard. An address was read by Mrs. Les Dolmage. Shirley Dolmage and Bobby Campbell. drew in a prettily decorated wagon loaded with gifts and presented them to Berva who made a fitting reply.A delicious lunch was served. Mr. Arthur Henderson has sold his 100 -acre farm on the 7th line of Morris •to Mr. Joseph •Chapman, of Brussels, and is holding an auction sale on March 29th. Mr. Henderson has bought the 47 -acre McQuarrie farm in Grey twp., a mile east of Brussels. VARNA A Good Friday service will be held in Goshen United Church on Friday evening of this week. The syrup season promises to be short and sweet, though there is a keen demand for syrup. Miss Mary McClymont of Toronto spent the past week at her home here. The young people are busy prac- ticing their play which will be pre- sented in the near future. A canvass for the Red Cross will be made in the next week. Mrs. Ed. Chuter is spending a few days with friends in London. The many friends of Mrs. J. F. Smith will be pleased to know she has returned from Victoria Hospital much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Leone Elliott and little son of Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore and little son of Holmes- vill were guests at the Smith 'home on Sunday. Mrs. Jamieson and little son of Centralia are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. John McAsh entertained the Varna W. A. in her home on St. Patrick's day, March 17, with tweny ladies present. The meeting was opened by singing the theme song. The devotional was led by Miss Ra- 'chel Johnston. The hymn "At the Name of Jesus" was sung. The scrip- ture taken from John 20: 1-12 was read by Mrs. Alf. Johnston. Rachel Johnston read John 20: 20 followed. by thoughts on the lesson. Miss Hern led in prayer. Hymn "Come, we that love the Lord" • was sung. Mrs. Ear- nie McClinchey then took charge of the business. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and roll call •answered by "an Easter' thought". The treasurer reported that we had $310. in the•bank. The holiday envelopes which were used last year are to be distributed again this year. After the business a social time was enjoyed, including read- ings by Miss Hern ' entitled "The Storm Thrush" and by Mrs. Robt. Taylor, entitled "Dawn on the Irish Coast". Two contests proved very entertaining. Mrs. Alf Ings was win- ner of a Shamrock contest. Mrs. Anson Coleman, Mrs. W. J. John- ston, Mrs. Alf Johnston and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter, the winners of a Shamrock quartet. Mrs. Doris Reid played a piano solo. The meeting closed by repeating the W. A. prayer in unison. A dainty lunch was served • HENSALL The Wohelo Class of the Hensall United Church held a most success- ful •Crokinole and social on Tuesday evening. Prizewinners for crokinole INSTITUTE SPONSORS SPECIAL LECTURE There will be a lecture and dem- onstration on "Personality and Dress" in Exeter on Aprli, 1, and in Seaforth Library rooms on April 2, from the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is free to every woman and girl in the district who would care to come. Bring your own paper towels and cosmetics. A pot -luck dinner will be held at noon so bring something in this line too. Miss Nora Creyke of the Institute Branch of Toronto is the speaker. So everyone having 'a problem or wanting advice on makeup or dress come to this meeting. All will be made welcome. BAYFIELD On Friday evening last a very successful St. Patrick's social was held in the United Church under the auspices of the Women's Associa- tion. - A very fine programme was presented which consisted of songs, violin solos, skits, a short play and a fashion parade of brides, the dresses dating as far back as 1848, right up te a bride of the past year. Owing to the weather and the roads not all the dresses were able to be shown. Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie of Wind- sor spent the week end with Mrs. J. Richardson. Mrs. T. H. Mack is spending a few days in London this week. Mrs. Josephine- Robinson of Lon- don was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner over the week end. Easter Sunday services will be held in Trinity Anglican Church at 11 a.rn. on Sunday next, starting the services in the morning instead of the evening, On Wednesday evening last L.O.L. No. 24 held a successful euchre and donee in the town hall. Winners at euchre were: ladies first, Mrs. Mary Geminhard; consolation, Mrs. F. Telford; gentlemen's first, Mr. Jno. Deeves; consolation, A. Evans. Messrs. Reheny Larson and Geo. Heard of Meaford spent the week end at their homes in the village. Charles Guest left on Monday to join the crew of the C.S.L. "City of Toronto" at Windsor. Mrs. H. Lawson of Stratford moved to the village on Saturday, where she will snake her home in the future. Malcolm MacLeod left on Sunday for Sarnia. where he will rejoin his ship, '"Imperial Cobourg," for the season. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton and son of Hensall spent Sunday with Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Harold King and Mr. and Mrs. Harold • Atwood of Sarnia spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Parker: BLAKE Mr, Walter McBride of Exeter has sold his grass farm on the town line to aneighb'our, Mr. Baechler. Mr, and Mrs. M. Oesch of Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch, Goshen Line, one evening. Miss Bertha and Bobbie Finnigan of Blue Water Highway visited their grandmother, 'Mrs. Clarke, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Finlay and fancily vsiited Mr. and Mrs. E. Jarrott and Mr. James Jarrott at Hillsgreen. Miss Betty Parke is able to be at school again after having the chick- en pox. A special service will he held in the Blake Church, Wednesday even- ing prior to the communion service on the conning Sunday, March 28 at 2:30 p.m. The Goshen Church are holding a special Easter Service of song, Sun- day evening. The W.M.S. thankof- fering night. Mr. .and Mrs. Faber and fami- ly. of Kippen, visited their parents, also their brother and sister-in-law and family of the Goshen Line N. The road west of Blake by Mr. E. Deinnome since the rainstorm last Friday has made the road very bad and many have to go around some other way. .Several attended the sale of 1VIr.. Love near Kippen, on Thursday af- ternoon *Om this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Hamlyn of London, visited their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bancroft. The drillers on Mr. Bancroft's well have completed their work of nearly 300 feet and reached 7 or 20 feet of water which will add to their great need. were Miss Margaret Glenn and Mrs. Thos Kyle. The prize for the best box was won by Mrs. Jack Corbett. Holy Week Services will be held in the local churches as usual, Tues- day at 8 p.m. in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Rev. P. A. Ferguson, speak- er, Wednesday 8 p.m. in Hensall United Church, Rev. Langford, speaker, and Thursday, in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Rev. Hinton, Kippen, Speaker. • An enjoyable St. Patrick's social was held on Wednesday evening by "Tire aid of the Ladies' group" of Carmel Presbyterian Church. The schoolroom was decorated in keep- ing with St. Patrick's and presented a very fine appearance with its "new look". Mr's. Harry :Eloy was chairlady for the occasion, The pro - grain opened by singing Irish selec-, tions followed by two choruses "P11 take you home again Kathleen" and "Irish Lullaby" by Gladys and Mar- garet Moir, Joanne Johnston, Billie ANDREW 17 jewels 13750 DEBUTANTE 17 iewi's $4950 SAVAUGE'S Jeweler & Optometrist ' Opposite Poet Office Seaforth Fink, Donald MacLaren and Bobbie Baynham. Shirley Bell sang a solo entitled "Serenade of the Bells" ac- companied by Mrs. H. C. Bell at the piano. Mrs, Malcom Dougall favour- ed with a piano solo. Mrs. C. Ken- nedy and Mrs. A. Scholl sang two vocal duetts "Bendemeer's Stream" and "By the light of the Silvery Moon." Mrs. C, Forrest accompan- ist. Rev. P. A. Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson gave two humorous num- bers. Mr. Lawrence Baynham and Harry Hoy favoured with vocal du- etts. Contests were directed by Rev. Ferguson after which refreshments were served. Miss Nellie Carmichael of Exeter visited recently with her aunt Mrs, Bella Park. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacBeath, Ross and Douglass and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Donald were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hunkin, Thanes Road. Mrs. Laramie, celebrated her "80th birthday on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunn, it being the former's birthday as well, Miss Greta Lanunie and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie and Bobbie of Centralia, also attended, Mr. Clarence McNaughton, Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, Mrs. Glenn Bell visited last week in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. John Dunrcan, Mr. Jack Pebbles has returned home from convalescing in London, following his recent accident. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson visited in Goderich on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morris, Goderich. Mr. Morris•suffered a severe lacera- tion to his wrist last week and is con- fined to Goderich General Hospital. Mrs. A. Scruton passed at her home here Friday nite in her '73rd year following a lengthy illness. The former Mary Jane Coxworth, the de-. ceased was the widow of the late Al- fred •Scraton. Surviving are one ,son Harold .Scruton of Port Dover, and three daughters (Alma), Mrs. Bert Horton ,(Hensall) Mrs. Peter Mc- Naughton i(Mildredj Hensall, and Miss Joyce Scruton, Toronto. A private funeral service was held from the home on Monday, conduct- ed by Rev. R. A. Brook. The pall- bearers were Messrs Geo. Hess, Tinos. Welsh, Edgar.MaQueen, Peter McNaughton, Gordon Vickers and R. T. Shaddick. Interment in Hen - sal] Union Cemetery. The South Huron District has chosen the District conference "Per- sonality and .Dress" which will be held in Seaforth on Friday, Apr. 2nd from 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. Also in Exet- er, on Thursday, Apr. let from. 10 5.in to 4 p.m. Institute members de- sire to make it known that all in- terested women are welcome to at- tend. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Art Priestap, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leonhardt, Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Leonhardt, Mrs. George Mogk and Mrs, Johs, Amstein attended the funeral of Mrs, Levi Koch at Tavi- stock on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Manuel Beuermann, Ray and Wayne, and Mr. G. Mueller attended "'confirmation services at Grace Lutheran .Church, Mitchell, on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Don Barber and SIM, lee Anne of Guelph and Mr. and Mr's. Rudolph Thiel of Rather' -Glen, Ont., visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Hinz. • HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS "Easter's the time for remembering Row much we have meant through the year, And Easter's the time too, for sending Good wishes especially sincere, To hope that the day will he happy,' With Easter joys all the day through And to hope that the days through the future Will bring all Life's best things to an," * * * The Easter season has rolled around • once again and with it the spring season. Yes, spring offic- ially began at 11.57 a,m, Saturday and spring fever has already struck S.C.I. students. Everybody has it and instead of working everybody passes the time by thinking up ex- cuses for not working, Colds, also are prevalent throughout the school and some of the students can hardly talk above a whisper. * * * More than spring struck the ;iCl. during the latter part of last week when, on Friday, water rose to quite a depth in the basement and by 3.30 it had affected the boiler and the school rooms soon cooled down es the' fire went out. Over the week end the water level fell and so school re -opened Monday as usual, although the buses were a little late due to washouts on some of the side roads, * * 1 We had a few new students at S.C.I. last week but these were soon destroyed by some good strong traps. The new students were small and puny mice. When these victims were caught they were tied to a string and made good things for scaring the fairer sex. k * Talent last Friday morning was another pianist, Jean Mills, a fifth former. How about some vocal tal- ent for next Friday? * * ,, Mr. Dobson announced last week that the Goderich junior boys' bas- ketball team, who were the winners in the. Huron County League, were defeated by the London de LaSalle team in the WOSSA finals. The fin- al score was London 41, •Goderich 36. Goderich defeated Palmerston in the first set of basketball finals. * * * An excellent letter was received last week by Mr. M. Reid froma distressed and aged gentleman in occupied Germany. Mr. Fox read the letter to the students in assem- bly on Tuesday morning and the students then voted to snake a coll- ection before Easter holidays to send a parcel to this distressed re- ligious teacher and his family. * * * Due to the Easter holidays there will be no H.S. topics column next week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Markle and Brad- ley of Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Young of Strat- ford with Mr. and Mrs. George Diegel. Mrs. Wilfred Klinkman oil Elmira with her Sister MIs. Dalton Hinz and Mr. Hintz: Miss Martha Victor. of Philipsburg with relatives. The final farm forum meeting for this season was held: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green Monday evening with 20 in ;a,ttecidanee• Prog- ressive euchre was 'Played; the win- ners, Mrs. Geo. Mogk; Norman Benne- wies, first, Mrs. Dalton Hinz and Har- old Magic, consolation.