HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-03-18, Page 6"SALADli' TCA virAtr*H14:14, BY JA C K S O N• C O L E synopsis CHAPTER XXXI: In a gun duel in the Gold Creek saloon Valdez kills 'Train,. making the third cri- minal to meet justice. CHAPTER XXXII He was reeling as he turned into the alleyback of the building, mov- ing as quietly and hastily as he coulc toward the street where he had lett his mount. He stumbled, lurched against the clapboard wall, but recovered himself, When h,, got to the streak a swift glance told him that most of the men who had been in the saloon were heading for its doors. aldez darted across the street. His Bounded leg slowed him up, and by now his brain was reeling. "There he goes!" a man's voice bawled. "After him lc' Michael Vald .' wits were still about him sufficiently for him to realize his peril, and his gun spat flame over the heads of the infur- iated townspeople. In answer, bul- lets sliced the air around his sway- ing body. Then he was on the other side of the street, in the broad daylight, sliding down to- ward the creels and moving along to where he had left his horse. * * * He found El Cielo, but it was agony for him to pull himself into the saddle. Finally he made it, though, and settled down, steady- ing himself by the leather with quivering fingers. If he could make the trail he had a fair chance to lose his pur- suers, who even now were taking to their mounts. Otherwise . . . A hot stab of pain in his leg made him wince. El Cielo was pounding on, though as if aware it all was up to him now, and then Valdez heard the atones of the trail rattle under his Angel -wings, gay scallops, fresh ruffly'frills for your darling's spring party dress! Make Pattern 4775 again with puff - sleeves for play and school. Panties to match! This pattern, easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4775 comes in sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 takes 21/4 yds. 35 -in.; panties, 1 yd. S TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street, West, Toronto. . Print plainly S i Z E, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. ISSUE 12 — 1948 horse's hoofs. He urged his mount ou, putting as much distance as p"ssible between himself and the town, as speedily. as he could. He did not know how far he had ridden at full gallop when a black cloud shut down over his senses. One hand tightened on the reins while the other gripped the pommel of his saddle. The long shadows 'of approaching dusk 'heralded the end of a bad day for Michael Val- dez. But there was still room in his heart for exultation. That same day had seen the finish of one more. of the men against whom he had 'taken the vengeance trail. Only one more now—the "big boss!" But even his dulled brain told him that now there was more for him to do. For on his way to find the man he meant to get, there was a problem of wrong to others to b settled in this valley. And El Caballero Rojo was not a man.to shirk such a duty even for person- al gratification. Yet some instinct insistently said to him that the two trails of evil crossed, and that in running to earth the man re- sponsible for the tragedy here, he would find the man who had caused his own. He forced himself to rest for a time when he reached the safety of the hideout, He bound up his leg, finding to his satisfaction that the wound was more painful than serious. For in spite of his in- jury he soon found strength flow- ing back into his healthy body. And once more he was ready for what might come. Changing from his charro cloth- ing, and removing the black wig so that his own red -gold hair glinted from beneath the brightly decor- ated sombrero, he waited until dusk gave way to the thicker shad- ows of night. This night the moon was blanketed by as sinister and dark a cloud as his own thoughts of the mysterious "big boss" he stilt must find. Silently as a failing leaf, then, he moved on to the Alman farm—a doubled -over splotch of darkness himself, Arrived there, he skirted the remains of the shed, paused a moment beneath a giant tree, then strealced on again and flattened himself against the side of the modest house. Reaching the win- dow through which a light shone, he peered in. He saw a girl, young and pretty. Her face, stained with tears, was turned to the bed, where lay a young man whose face was as white as the sheet tucked under his chin. An older man stood at the bed- side, a man whose clothes showed that he, too, was a farmer. Michael Valdez glided around the house to the entrance. He thrust open the door and stood oh the treshold with the yellow lamplight full upon him —a redhaired apparition in velvet and glittering silver ornaments. * * : The .girl cried out in terror. The old man gaped like one seeing a ghost. From th,. pillow came a half -groan, half -cry, filled at once with hope and with fear. El Caballero Rojo stepped in and closed the door behind him. "There is nothing to fear," he said quietly. "You two"—he gestur- ed toward the girl and the old man —"stand over there, please," As they hesitantly obeyed, Val- dez walked to the bed, and from over the scarlet handkerchief he looked down at the pinched smile. on the, freckled face of red -beaded Straw Aldman. "You won't wear those Mex clothes and the red trappings again," Vadez said with gentle .firmness. "Stealing my brand is not so good." "But I—" "Si. You tried to throw a scare into men—likely the wrong ones, at that—who don't scare. You have nerve, boy—but you're not smart" "Will you—" (To Be Continued) Princess Margaret's Latest Portrait -Princess Margaret, young- est daughter of Britain's .King George and Queen Elizabeth, presents a regal appearance in her latest portrait She is wear- ing the finery and tate gown she more at her sister's wedding; Sunday School Lesson By Rev, R. Barclay Warren The Kingdom Of God Luke 4:10.20; Mark 4:26-29; Luke, 17:20-21; Romans 14:7. Golden Text—Thy Kingdom come: Thy will be done in earth, as It is in heaven.—Matthew 6:10. The candidate appealing to the electors states his platform. Jesus was not .seeking votes but on his first visit to his home town upon His entering His ministry, he en- unciated his platform. He read it from the prophecy of Isaiah and then said, "This day is this script- ure fulfilled in ,your ears." The politician frequently finds it impossible and impracticable to. ful- fi' all his 1 re-election pledges. But it was not so with Jesus. He read. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the' poor". Msrk records, "The common people heard him gladly". That He' was sent to heal the broken-hearted is evidenced by such acts as HN re - Your Handwriting and You Alex S.e Arnott Upward Writing Indicates Optimism Dear Mr. Arnott; "Pleasegive me the story of my handwriting accordingto your an- alysis, The general appearance of the writing is upward and this tells me that you are an optimist, a person who delights in making, a comebadk after being defeated. Those "lasso" downstrokes of the letter "y" show that you have a very persistent nature and, al- though it may take you a long time to get where you are going, you have the will to stick to it until you are satisfied that you have won your point. It is a very good sign that you will not admit defeat and, even though you know you have failed, you will not admit it as personal failure but will consider it as a temporary set hark. * * * You like plenty of variety in all that you do, and you are at your best when there is constant change of scenery. You enjoy pursuits which keep you on the move. Out- door work with opportunities to meet new and varied conditions would be most suitable for your type of personality, You are an idealist and would risk your personal well-being in order to live up to your ideals, This may cause you to support a cause far which you have, sympathy but which may not be based on sound judgment and facts. It would be to your advantage to keep in mind that realities, though some. times painful, will keep you out of scrapes. Our readers may receive an in- teresting and instructive personal' analysis .of their .handwriting by sending an example of wailing with 25 cents and a stamped, self-addres., sed envelope to Boar B, room 421, 73 Adelaide Si. West, Toronto. storing to the widow of Nein her son, and His words to the sick of the palsy, "Man, thy sins are for- given orgiven thee". He delivered those who were demon. possessed, He gave sight to the blind, He set at Iiberty those that were bruised. He invited the people to enter His kingdom of grace. It is significant that itt His reading from Isaiah he stopped just before the statement that he had come to proclaim "The day of vengeance of our God", Warnings of divine wrath and im- pending doom were more frequent in his later ministry. * e, 4t . The growth of Christ's kingdom is as mysterious as all growth. One missionary preached for seven years without seeing a convert. But the leaven of the word was working. Many were later born into the Kingdom. Th• Jews hoped that Jesus would overthrow the Roman power and take the throne of David, But Jesus pointed out the inwardness of the ICingdom. It does not con- sist in ceremonies. It is a spiritual kingdom. It is righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. We enter it by being born of the Spirit. Right living follows. Peace and joy are consequents of the change and accompany might liv ing. It is a way of happiness. There is also a future aspect and realization of the Kingdom in. wi.lch God's will is done.. Hence we are to pray, "Thy Kingdom come." LANNE HIRST I Don't Be Possessive— 'You'll ossessive'Youll Lose Friends One of the most common faults of young people is their instinct for possession, particularly among their friends. I t s foundation lies, of course, in jealousy; in our eagerness t o rate first with those we like, we . are apt to resent their af- fection for other people. T h e fault drives husbands and wives apart,causes bitter misunderstand- ing between good friends, That is why I urge teen-agers today to watch for this trait in themselves, and overcome it early, Boys resent it particularly. Next time you meet a nice boy whom you think you're going to enjoy know- ing, remember that before you came along he 'had other girl friends too. And it is not to be expected that he will neglect -them just because you're his social pic- ture now. Don't try to absorb all his time. Don't show you're disappointed that he doesn't immediately ask for a second date. Take it easy,- Your friendship will last longer. SHARE YOUR FRIENDS * And don't for heaven's sake, * try to monopolize him. Introduce * him to your group, and expect * that- he'll date one or more of * your girl friends too. Be gener- * ous. Boys admire good sports- * manship, and they know it when * they see it. •' * When your best girl friend * meets a new girl, she will want * to cultivate- her; to sound out her * opinions and her tastes. She will * want to meet her family. You * will see less of your friend for a * little while. Don't complain about * it. You be friendly with the girl * too, entertain her in your home. * Your girl friend will appreciate *r it, and will like you more for it; USE. TEEN YEARS WELL * Don't fear competition. Friend- * ship is founded on mutual ad- * miration and as long as you de- * serve friends you will hold thein. * Friendship, like love, has to be • * earned. It takes time, and often * demands the sacrifice of one's * personal pleasures, but it pays iu * deeper ties and wider popularity * among more girls, and boys, As * you spend more of yourself in * pleasing others, you bind them to MOUTHS WATER when the fragrance of Maxwell House fills the air. This wonderful blend of coffees is Radiant Roasted to develop to the full all its extra goodness. * you in loyalty and good will. The * word gets around, and it's good * news to everybody. You, most of *'all, will benefit. Play fair, and be -generous. That applies particularly to your friends. Anne Hirst is your friend, too, and she will help you through misunder- standings. .Write her at Box A, Room 421, 78 Adelaide St West, Toronto. In 1946 India and the United States cancelled all war debts srts- ing from lend-lease and-revetse lendlease between those two couns tries. A GOOD TIME is had by, all when you serve Max well House Coffee. It's blended by experts and Radiant Roasted for extra flavor—"Good to the Last Drop!" FThe St. Hegis:' Hotel tlb d TN b • Yoe W111. ante "tn•tne of ruuonrn • Evert Boom With Cub Bete. otter ao eo nae Single. 58.50 lied ua— Oonbte, 54.50 as • Good !rood niptut else 055,15. Nightly Sherhuurm' nt Carlton Tel. 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It's New Fleischrnann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast—the modern baking discovery that gives you delicious breads and rolls in quick baking time. No dashing off to the store at the last minute—just keep a supply of New Fieischmanta's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast handy in the cupboard. Use it as you need it. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME—get Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocer's.