HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-03-11, Page 8THE SFAFORTH NEWS
.14Irs, Lee of London spent the
weekend with her sister and brother-
in-law, Mi. and Mrs: Geo, Thomp-
Hiss Mildred Forrest ' R.N. of
Brantford, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. For-
Miss :Barbara Michie spent the
weekend .with relatives and 'friends
in London,
_Mrs. James Morris of Godericli
visited recently with her sisters,
Mrs, E. Chipchase and Mrs. F. Adair
Rev, P. A. Ferguson attended
Presbytery meeting in Wingham, on
Mr. Lee I'Iedden spent the week-
end with relatives in Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley visited
recently with relatives .in Goder'ich,
Miss Jean Foster of London,
spent the weekend with her parents
Mn, and Mrs. A. Foster.
Mrs. Edna Corbett visited during
the mast week with her son-in-law
and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wes.
W. M. S.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society of the
United Church was held in the
schoolroom at 3, p.m. on Thursday
with the president, Mrs. W. B. Cross
presiding. The hymn "When I sur-
vey the Wondrous Cross" followed
by the Lord's Prayer" in unison.
The scripture, Rev. 22 was read by
Mrs. E. L. Mickle, after which Ml's.
E. Geiger led in prayer. Mrs. W.
Carlisle gave 'a splendid paper on
stewardship. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and
adopted. Arrangements were made
to park a bale in May or June. Mrs.
E. Geiger and Mrs. E. McQueen were
appointed as delegates to the Pres-
th. ,Trial. Twenty members answered
he roll call bypaying their fees.
The offering was taken and Mrs.
Frwr! Appleby favoured with a piano
The study book chapter follow-
] '' was shown what work had
en done in translating the Bible
•he languages which we now
It took 20 years for one elan to
a• the Bible printed so that Tndi-
'•ould read and understand it.
Tb meeting closed by singing
"C'o,v. let us sing of a wonderful
Love" and the lrizpah Benediction.
The March meeting of the K.E.
W.I. was held at the home of Mrs.
William Doig, on Thursday, March
4. Mrs. J. Sinclair as co -hostess.
There was a good attendance and
the President Mrs. W. Kyle presid-
ed. The meeting opened with the In-
stitute Ode followed by the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The roll call was
answered by naming a factor which
would induce young people to stay
on the farm. The plain answers
stressed were to have more modern
conveniences and farm machinery
and equipment to make the work
easier and hours a little shorter; to
let young people have something of
their own or a share in something
on the farm, as they should not be
expected to stay at home and work
for nothing; better farm prices and
a community centre for recreation.
• The District Annual which will be
held in Zurich this year was discus-
sed and it was decided at least ten
from our Institute would try to go.
The motto, "Nothing worth hav-
ing is easily won" was given by Mrs.
E. Jarrott in the absence of Mrs. E.
Whitehouse who is confined to her
home with the measles.
A very interesting paper o1 "Why
Young People leave the Farm" was
given by Mrs. W. H. McLean. Cur-
rent Events were given by Mrs. Wil-
mer Eroadfoot.
The banquet the Institute is cat-
ering to war discussed and menu.
planned and each group was assign-
ed a table.
The meeting closed by singing
"God Save The King" and a delici-
ous lunch was served by the lunch
committee. A vote of thanks • Was•
tendered Mrs. Doig for her hospital-
ity. Our community, night is.,;to . be
Friday, March 12, in Hensall Town
BORN -To • Dir. and Mrs.' James
Burdge r(nee •Kathleen Hey) .:at
Queen, Alexandra Hospital, Goder-
ich, 'on February 20, 1948, , :a
daughter, Mary Ellen.
BORN -to .Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Desch,
Stanley Township on • Goshen
Line N. on March 4th, 1948, a son..
Miss Marjory Hoffman of Zurich'
visited over the weekend with her
cousins Mr. 'and Mrs. Melvin El-
ott and.fainily.
Mr, Kenneth •Parke is out again
after having an attack of chicken
pox>. •
The well.drillers are • drilling a
well on the farm of Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Bancroft. Theymoved from
the farm of Mr. Lee 'Erb who hada
well confided recently.
Mr. Clemens Jeffrey has returned
from Kitchener where he has been
duringthe winter- months, engaged
in a shop in that city.
The scholars and teacher had two
days holidays owing to the blocked
roads last week, in the Blake school.
Mrs. Roy Lamont is holding the
March meeting. at her home on
Thursday afternoon 11th, at 2:30
p.m., her group being in charge of
the programme.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamlyn of London
visited their daughter and son-in-law
during the week.
Misses Emina and Alma Martin
are spending a few days with their
sister Mrs, Wm, Oescli.
Quilting is a common pastime for
some of the ladies in this vicinity.
Many were sorry to learn of the
fire which swept the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Johnston, in Thorn -
lo, Ont., . recently. Hugh was a
nephew of Miss Mary Ann Johnston,
a former resident of the Towm line.
Mr. Mose Erb is holding an auc-
tion sale on Wednesday, March 10,
at his farm on the Bronson Line,
south of Blake a mile or so.
The regular meeting of Stanley
Twp. Council was held in the Twp.
hall, Varna, on Monday, March 1,
at 1:30 p.m., all members of council
were present. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted as
read. The correspondence was read
and dealt with. Mr. George H. Beat-
ty interviewed the council regarding
sub -division of Part of lots 7 & 4
range M.L,R.W. The council concur-
red with his request. Mr. John Keys
interviewed the council in regards
to buying the portion of Con. 8 & 9'
lying between E'% of. lot 13 and W/
lot 14 B.R.N. The council agreed to
sell this portion of road providing it
could be legally done. The clerk was
instructed to call for tenders for the
crushing and hauling of 5000 cu.
yds. of gravel. The work to be com-
pleted by Sept. 30. By-law No. 5
providing rules governing the order
and proceedings of the council, the
conduct of its members and the call-
ing of meetings was given the neces-
sary readings and passed as finally
react. Moved by H. Coleman and se-
conded by C. Houston that by-law
No. 7, 1040 he rescinded, carried.
Moved by H. Taylor, seconded by H.
Coleman, that the clerk be instruct-
ed to call for tenders for a tractor,
and power mower, carried. Road
Voucher No. 3 for $1161..86 was
passed and ordered paid. General
Voucher No, 3 for 3372.61 was
passed and ordered paid. Council ad-
journed to meet April 5 at 1:30 p.m.
Fred S. Watson, Clerk
The Ftiendship Circle was post-
poned on Monday evening owing to
the snow blocked roads, and will be
held on Monday evening next March
15th. Crockinole will he played ante
a good attendance is hoped' for.
Auction Sale
& flay will. be held ort Lot`7, •Con. •12,
ersmith, 1n/ miles west et Clriselhurst, on
Thursday, March 25, at 1 o'clock, • •
HORSES -1 bay team, mares 0 and. 10 years
•CATTLE ei young Durham cows -2 cows
due ist week in April; 2 cows due end oi!
April; 2.cows due in May. 2 heifers due 16th
of June.'- Durham bull 2 years -old. 5 year
ling heifer, 9 yearling steers. PIGS -8 young
sows due end of May.
•2 doz. white Leghorn hens.
IMPLEMENTS - 1 M -H 6,ft. 'col binder;
M -H 5 ft. cut mower; 10 ft, rake; 11 hoe
drill with grass box; cultivator; disc borrows;
2 plows; 2 wagons;. muffler ;. 1 hay rack •
cutter; buggy; fanning mill ;,, sleighs; 1 set.
settles; 1- Set• double harness ; 1 set single har-
ness; 1 grindstone. Some stove wood,.
Quantity' of elm planks Grain bags; ',[,
dor chairs; 1 -eight -gal churn ; 1 washing
machine;. 1 bed„springs and mattr'oss 1 near-
ly new 0 -burner ell • stove; 1 settee horsehair
couch; 2 tables; 160 sealers and other smeller
Articles, 1034 Chevrolet coach, good tires, per-
fect condition, battery and heater.
TT,ay-0 tons mixed and 10 ton timothy hey.
Seed Grain -50' bust.. Bonner Oats; 500' bus,
mixed grain cleaned, suitable for seed,.
TERMS cash. No reserve as farm is .sold,'
JAMES TURNBULL, Proprletov'.
Harold' Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
11, Con. 11, Tp: of McKiltee, 654 miles north
,of St. Columan, or 6 miles east, then 114
north of Winthrop, on Wednesday, Mar. 24.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp
HORSES -1 black-Perdieron mare 7 years
old; 1 black Percheron gelding 6 years old.
CATTLE -28 head Durham, Hereford and
Polled Angussteers and heifers 2 years old.
weighing' from 800 to 1,000 lb. A real bunch
of good grass cattle. 7 Durham & Tiereford
steers and heifers rising 1 year old
IMPLEMENTS -M -IT,, binder• 6 ft. cut; 1
Deering mower 6 ft. cut Taco manue
spreader, nearly new; cultivator; dump rake;
3 sec. harrows • wagon; gravel box; Quebec
single furrow riding plow buggy; cutter;
hay rack; scales 2000 ib car ; fanning mill.
muffler, 4 'wheel traike,_ Renfrew eremn -sop.
Heelless -Set team harness. single harness,
odd collars, collar tops. Grain --About 5 tenm.
of hay, about 200 bus. Ajox seed oats ; 200
bus ,mixed grain, 30 bus, June seed peas.
Furniture -Stove with pipes, couch, 3 chairs,
forks, .:hovels, hoes and a host of other
articles. No reserve as farm is sold.
Terms cash.
Fret] W. Ahrens, Auctioneer
Auction Sale
Fee(1, at Lot 11, Stanley '1'1,., Bayfleld road
north ; 2 miles west of Varna, 01' 4 miles 0104
of Bayfield, on Thursday, March 25, et 1 p.re,
110I1000 -Clyde gelding 10 years old; Clyde
gelding 11 years old. CATTLE --Durham cow
6 yours old, freshened March 7; .Durham caw
6 years old, fresh Marclt 8; Durham cow
yam•. recently fresh; Durham cow, aged, due
March 10; Durham row 7 years, due- April :1.
Durban cow, 6 years, milking, bred again
Durham cow 8 years, milking, bred again
Durham cow, 0 yeas, milking, bred attain.
6 Durham steers, 050 to 700 Tb ; 2 yearling
heifers; -1 Durham calves, Shorthorn bull 1
year (papers available). These cattle are film
an original purebred herd, of choice quality.
PIGS ---15 chunks approx. 100 lb.
IMPLEMENTS -- 111-20 MeC.-D. tractor' on
rubber 15-1 condition) ; Oliver 2 furrow trim-
tor plow ; MeC -D. 2 section spring tooth har-
rows (new) ,• MTC: T), 1.5 disc fertiliser drill
with power lift & tractor hitch motley new) •
Massey Morris side del. rake; M -II binder 0
ft. cut; McC.-D, coat binder; McC.-D. manure
spreader ; M -H mower, 5 ft, cut; M -I1 2 -,ow
muffler: 4 section drag harrows t 2 drum steel
miler; rubber tire wagon (0.00x10 tires) ; flat
rack and gravel box; set of sloop sleighs;
electric feed cooker; Renftew electric cream
separator 660 ]b cap. (nearly new) ; electric
broader (300 chick capec(ty) ; colon; Immo
12'x20'; range shelter; wheel baaow :forks,
shovels, logging chains, sucks, etc. Harness -
Set of brass mounted breeching harness (new-
ly new) • set of plowing harness; horse col-
lars & bridles Grain & Feed -50 bus. of
Galore Harley (suitable for seed) ; .quantity of
mixer! grain ; 050002. 1 ton mixed hay baled.
FARM -- At same time and place there
will be offered for sate, subject to reserve btd
If not sold movious to sale date. the -Farm
ooneivting of 105 00100 of choice (day loam,
11•', tory brick house, an L-shatied bank barn
14' x 70' and 36' x 48'; also another
here 34'x56'; a never failing supply of wets!.
(2 spring creeks). A pressure system; hydro
throughout the buildings. TERMS ---On chat-
tels cash, On farm 10%, on date of rade and
balance in 80' days.
GORDON HILL, Proprietor
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer
Auction Sale
FARM 5'1'OCK. & IMPLEMENTS --Will be.
held at. lot 24, on McKillop boundary ] rnlle'.
mot of Walton on. Monday, Mar, 15. 1.30 pm
HORSES --One good working more about
1500 lb, week single o' double.
CATTLE -2 heifers 2 years old, 1 heifer
rising one year; 1 heifer mit' 3 months old;
I heifer calf 2 months old:. Pigs-. 7 chunks,
.IMPLEMENTS -4 M -I5 binder 7 ft. cut;
international hay loader (good condition) ;
1 fertiliser seed drill with grass seed box
(geed condition) ; 1 Brantford ]newer 5 ft cut;
1 Deering mower 5 ft. cut; 1-12-phd:0.dlse;.
1 Peter Hamilton cultivator; 1 ke-H menuru
spreader; 1 -10n4,-foot dump rake; 1 Quebec
sulky plow; 1 welkioo plow; 4 section dia-
mond harrows; 1 land packer, 1 goon farm
wagon, 16 ft. hay crack, 1. 011nton fanning
mill: 1 Renfrew creat separator; 1 set sloop
sleighs with rack; 2,000 1b scales grindstone;
1 work bench ; 1 good vice; turnip sower; set
Mr. Frank Wilson: and Walker Family wish
to "extend their heartfelt appreciation to the
friends and pelghbors, especially' Rev... A,
Lane and Rev. 0, R. Stanway, for expres-
stens of sympathy, and beautiful floral trib-
utes. Also dose .who so kindly loaned their
oars orhelped inr0ny way. - -
Mrs. Charles Corlett and family would 11110
to acknowledge with- grateful appreciation to
all their neighbors and friends for their great
help and kindness duung Mr. Corlett'sill-
ness and bereavement; also to Dr. C. Myers.
I would like to thank my many friends and
neighbors for the lovely cards and flowers,
fruit turd ether kindness 'received by me- dor-
ing'my recent illness in Seett Memorial, Sea-
forth, They-]vere- very much appreciated,
double harness; 22" 'colla 20" toiler ; 3-3"
1,15005 for door Jambs ;2-2" beech plank.
10 bu. red clover, 7 I n, Alaska; 10 by.
Large quentily..'of good Hay. Other. small
articles. Terms'' dash
Harold.. Jackson, Auctioneer
Clearing Auction Sale
hold E1lects.-Lot 1, Con. 8 HRS, Tucker -
smith Tp. 5 miles south & east of Sea-
forth, Wed:, Meech 17, at 12 o'clock sharp.
CATTLE Choice Durham Cattle-Pur2bred
Durham bull 2 years; 1 cow Clue Mar, 16; 1
COW 'due Man, 28; 2 cows due.. Apr, 17;, 1 cow
due Apr.- 18: 1 cow due Apr, 21. '2 -,3 -year-
old heifer recently fresh ; 8. cows recently
fresh.' 3 fat steers 1.,150 Ib ; 5 steers rising
2 years; 8 heifers rising 2 yesre • 11. heifers
& steers 1 year; 6 young calves. Hay & Grain.
-15 tons choice mixed Hay; 200 bus. 0 -fav
Barley; 300 bus. mixed Grain. This grain is
suitable for seed,
IMPLEMENTS -G. F. Model Minneapolis
Moline tractor, 55 hp, on rubber, starter &
lights. 36-50 Goodison separator, gratin
thrower. cutte •. water - Pump, on rubber.
M -1110% -inch grain grinder & speed jack;
100 ft.. drive bell, 7 inch ; 140 ft. 7 inch drive
belt (good) 200 ft. of cable 2 large steel
pulleys, rubber tired wagon; M -H mamro
spreader, 32 ft. extension ladder ; M -I1 hay
loader; fanning mill; 16 ft.. sliding flat hey
rack; Universal mincing machlne;' 1 double.
unit (practically new) • 1035 Chevrolet truck;
1',d tostock ruck (good condition); 4 fur-
row International tractor plow "(rubber tires),
1041.- stiff tooth cultivator: dislr harrow
!fore carriage); h'I-H bean muffler & puller;.
Coelcshutt side rake; MH binder, 7 ft, (new');
sulky rake, turnip chill ,-drum steel • roller 0
ft.; International -6-ft. . mower; riding blow,
walking plow ; 13 -disc Coekshutt fertiliser
drill: pea harvester; 5.sections of harrows;
single muffler; buggy, cutter; barrels; power
lave mower; double blocks; 0000,0ut say;
woven Pence stretcher; 'Screw jack; extetiofon
blower; coda; posts quantity .lumber, plank.
1 set 2,000 Ib melee; 1 set 240 '1'b scales
Machine Shop Equipment -Forge -120 Ib
anvil ; 5 1't, bed turnip lathe; 3 -jay chuck;
blacksmith pentice don ; eatery .stand ; ab'
compressor & motor; 1. hp motor'; other' Meek -
smith equipmeul. Electric fencer, forks,
shovels, crow hors, mole of all kinds, etc.
POULTRY -110 hybrid hens, .Susses & N.
Tramps; .colony house T0:;12 (new); 4 rain
shelters (new) feeders & drinkera; Waster
electric brooder 0066 cepooity)-; quantity of
household .effects including a McClary Pnedo'n
range. Terms ensh.
CECIL MARBLY, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson. Auctioneer
Clearing 'Auction Sale
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: -At Lot 12, Con. 6,
Tuckersmith Twp., 2'y0 miles south and le
mile west of Setaerib,. Friday, March 12, 01
12 o'610016 slral'p, - '
HORSES -'ream. blue roan geldings 6 & 7
years old. CATTLE -Red cow 5 yearn old,
fresh. 4 weeks ; roan cow 10 years, fesh ; red
cow, 3 years, fresh 4 weeks; red cow, 3 years,
fresh 2 weeks; roan eon 6 years, fresh 1
weeks; grey cow, fresh• 3 months, 3 years old.
6 small calves, 8 steers 2 year old, weighing
approxi 800 Ib. 6 yearling steers, 2 helfe's
1 year old, 'SHEEP -12 well bred Oxford
ewes due to Iamb. around fleet of Mee; 1
Lelcentel• ram 3 years old,
PIG5 - 4 Tamworth, soy due April 16,
earrylug - 8rd litter, 1 Tamworth sow due Aar,
08, carrying 3rd litter, 33 chunks 100-150 Iti
IMPLEMENTS.- One standard 81 M-11.
tractor almost new .on rubber, starter, lights.
One 2 -furrow Fleury tractor plow (new) ; 2
section International drag harrows, new; one
large size New Idea manure spreader good 00
new. M -H binder 7 foot cut; 11 ..hoe M -H
fertilizer drill ; rubber tire wagon; one steel.
wagon; 1 still tooth cultivator; hay tuck;.
05-7-1 hay loader; International bean scuffle).
& puller (new) M -Ii side rake; M -H clump
rake; riding plow; Deering mower ti foot cut;
walling plow; Deering. binder- 7 foot eut; 4 -
section harrows; sloop sleighs; trailer with
stock reek; stole boat, pig crate. set seeles
1000 11,0 root pulite', oleetrie fencer, grain
grinder• Sap pan, 10 new 550 buckets. tiny
fork, slings & ropes; set double harness.
Colony house. 2 shelters, colony stove.
Block & tackle, cross cut saw 0190).•112 ft,
extension ladder, 'some 1" piping. Number of
used brick, Grain bugs, fanning nil]l. Nees
Yokes, double trees. Quantity plank, wheel
barrow, allbrooder stove, Hay & Grain
12 toe mixed hay, 100 bus. Alisks Oats; 200
bus. mixed grain. G141l11 suitable for seed.
Some feed beans,
Hotasehold Effects- 6 dining room chairs,
writing desk, washing machine & wringer,
kitchen copbou'd, coal oil stove & oven, gas
lantern.. 2house doors, Terms cash,
No reserve- as the farm is sold.
MRS. CASEY WAY, Prop. Auctioneer, H,
Jackson, Clerk, E. P. Chesney,
by .Lotto Dempsey
Of course, quite a few air force
personnel got their faces smashed
in crack-ups. But a girl . , . well,
girls have a very special feeling
about their faces. And when they
brought the tall slender WD cor-
poral into hospital -one of the
eight of twenty-seven left alive
out of a flight that crashed between
Vancouver and Prince Rupert -
she was about the most unrecog-
nizable Airwoman still breathing
in this country.
They flew Helen -and Mary, an-
other WD with a badly burned
back -to Toronto's Christie Street
Military Hospital, for skin grafts
and burn treatment. A Red Cross
worker told me she'd never forget
it. The Red Cross room is in the
heart of the wards, next door to
the room those girls had.
For weeks workers just tiptoed in.
and out on their rounds -writing
Ietters, supplying .stamps, cigar-
ettes and chocolate bars to the
'No Visitors'
One operation followed another
Through the weary months in which
doctors built a new face for Helen
and treated Mary's back. The
girls became great friends with the
Red Cross workers. But they
didn't Want to meet people from
the 'outside', right then. Even
when the 'No Visitors' sign went
down and Air Force boys and
other vet. patients wheel -chaired
and crutch -tapped in, they were
still shy about seeing 'just people'.
The Red Cross was different.
Those women in the deep blue
smocks were part of their own
submerged world of pain and ill-
ness, yet attached to the country
outside. They did the little things
the girls needed -feminine bits of
shopping, letters and messages,
planned small celebrations.
New Trades'
As the girls progressed, going from
one hospital to another for treat-
ment, the Red Cross was always
there. Supplying' ambulances, at
first -later, escorts to hockey
games, concerts, plays, Offering
quiet practical assistance whenever
1t was needed.
Today Helen and Mary are learn-
ing new trades. Helen can no
longer teach physical education or
model. Mary cannot continue her
typing, because of permanently
stiffened fingers. But while DVA
prepares them for their new lives,
the Red Cross still stands by as.
they do with all our Canadian
veterans in hospitals everywhere..
In proof that we, the people, have.
not forgotten.
Red -Cross Services include: Blood Transfusion, Outpost Hospi-
tals, Aid, to Sick and Disabled Veterans, Treatment for Crippled
Children, Disaster Relief; Nutrition Services, Flome Nursing
Courses, Swimming and Water Safety, etc..
The work of merely never
ends .. Givegenerously to
• This Week we were glancing through the writings .of Mary Baker
Eddy, a very great woman indeed, and yet she differs little from the
average house wife, She was self-reliant, proud, arrogant, rapid in
decision, unbending, shrewd, diplomatic and a good hater
This week at Binnigan's: Spy applesbargain prices
Rinso, Oxydol, Lux; Dreft, Vel, Ivory Soap, Sunlight.
Also Dates,' Figs, Prunes, Seedless Raisins, Shortening, Lard
Crisco•is still in short supply. Arrived this week
Shipment • Kleenex
All ear owners in the Township of Me,
Killen are requested net to park their care on
the roods of the Township during the winter.
Cars' that are left on the roads are -contrary
'to Highway Act., and are a detrimentto.
operations of snow plows, and after. March
12, 1945, please note.the provincial `Police
will take the necessary action to see that ears
are not left . on roads and prosecution may
follow. WM. T. MANEY, Road Supt.
A Collie pub. Male.. Apply Seaforth News.
- 1933 Chev. coupe, fair condition, good. tires..
GORDON WESTLAKE, RR .#3 Hayfield, Ont.
Phone 991'21 Hensall
13 York suckers 6'weeks old, KENNETH
STEWART.' phone. 835 r 2,
Two good calves. 1PRANIC REYNOLDS,
phone 667 r 33 Seaforth
A small Quebec range, first class shape.
Cheap. JACK PETHIOK, N. Will street.
Clearing Auction Sale
Con. 2, Stanley Tr'p., 1,4 west & 1 mile north
of Kipper, Thursday, March 18, at 1 p.m.
HORSES -1 Clyde gelding 18 years old; 1
Belgian gelding rising 4 years old. Black
matched Percheron 7 & 8. years old ..
CATTLE -All. choice Durham Cattle.
1 grey cow due March 30; 1 white cow due
Mar. 29; 1 red cow due Mar. 21: 1 white
coy due April S1 1 white cow due'Aur. 13;
1 red cow doe Apr. 30 ; 2 red -heifers fresh
2 months; 1 regi Durham bull 14 months old,
sired by Barrage Advance, dark red in color.
4 heifers rising 2 years old; 1 heifer calf
S months old. 'These are all •-choice Durham
cattle. PIGS -8 york'pigs 150 lb.
IMPLEMENTS -M-11 binder; International'
11 -hoe fertilizer drill ; CockshUtt manure
sPreoder (like new) ;. 14 -plate disc ha'row-
inthrow (like new) ; 4 section diamond bor-
rows; M -H bean scuffler & puller; MCC. -D.
teem scuffler; single, muffler;MeC. 0 ft.
mower; Coekshutt aide rake (new).; Coekshutt
push. bar hay loader (new); la ft..Deering
dump rake; 8- ft. Bisset ealta packer; wa)king
plow; M -II 2 -furrow gang plow; 1 trucic
wagon; 1 farm wagon 16 ft. flat rack with
sliding platform ;.1 set of sleighs& flat rack;
gravel -wheelbarrow; rubber tire buggy; cut-
ter; fanning mill; 2,000 Ib Renfrew scales;
Renfrew electric cream separator (new); saw
Pan & heaterBro
; 60 sap buckets. Broader house
10x12 (like new)..; 2 brooder coal stoves (one
new) hay fork rope Ise ft. Hay fork, sling
ropes & chaine extension ladder, barrels,
shovels, forks,-whiffletrees, neckyokes, etc.
Harness -1 set of breeching harness; 1 set
of backbend harness; plow harness & single
harness; 8 good horse collars. Hay & Grain
-A few tons of clover. hay; 250 bus. of Car-
tier oats suitable for seed. Quantity of
Household Effects. - Farm sold. Terms cash.:
STANLEY LOVE, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. •
Clearing •Auction Sale
Lot 29, Concession 12, McKillop Tp., 2 miles
south and 1 mile west of Walton ; or 8 miles'
north and 1 mile -west of Seaforth, on Wed.,
March 17, at 1 p.m. sharp.
HORSES -Team of geldings 0 and 11yeu•s
old, quiet, work either single or double.
CATTLE -Holstein cow 7 years due in
May; Holstein cow'. 6 years, due in March
Holstein' heifer 3 years, fresh, me.; Holstein
COW 6 years, dM, in March; Holstein cow, 7
years, due in May; Holstein cow, 10 years,
flue in Marc!,; Holstein caw 6 years, due in
March ; Holstein euro 5 years, fresh, .vac.;
Holstein cow 0 years, fresh ; Holstein cow,
6 years, fresh; Holstein cow 0. yea's, milldng,
due in October; Holstein cow, 0 years, due in
March: Holstein cow 6 years, due in March ;
Holstein heifer 2 years, due in April, vac. ;
Holstein,heifer• 2 years, bred it March, vac.:
Holstein heifer, 2 years old, due in May,
vac.; Holstein heifer, 2 year, due in April,
vac.; Holstein heifer, 2 years old, due. in
March, vac.; Holstein heifer, '2 years, due in
May, vac.; Holstein heifer.2 years old, due in
October, ' vac. 2 grass steers, 10 Polled
Angus X Holstein calves rising one year; 1
Holstein heifer calf, vac.; registered Polled
Angus bull 2 years old, some spring calves.
PIGS -16 chunks about 80 Ib ; 16 chunks
about 160 ]b, 2 sows due on May 17 and 18,.
One registered. York hog. •
IMPLEMENTS M -H 102 G. 8, Senior
trader with 13. Inch Firestone tires (like.
new) ; MaG-D. 3=furrow- sdjestable plow ;
McC,-D, double tractor disk; stiff tooth cul-
tivator; 19 dish McC l) fertilizer drill ; 51-14
drop head hay loader; M-Hside rake (new) •
McCormick mower, 5 ft, cut; ]Y1LH binder, 7
foot cut, with - almite fittings and oil bath
gear NI -11 No. '9 manure spreader (nearly
new)• Cockshutt 10% inch • grain grinder
(nearly new), 60 ft. 6"- rubber belt,' 6 sec-
tions harrows with long' and short stretchers,
one-horseMuffler, low wooden truck wagon,
hazy rade with half rack, set sloop sleighs,
cutter, set scales 1200 lb capacity;. Clinton
fanning mill; wejking plow; 7-80 Ib milk
can (new), Renfrew cream separator, 2 wood-
o0 water- troughs, Jamesway feel oilbrooder'
stove, colony house 10x12; 0 orange shelters;
Stewa't electric clippers; set of team harness
1027 Pontiac pane] truck, good running con-
dition, good tires; 1033.. V8 Ford coach with
reeondit;oned motor, and host of •other articles
Grain -About 150 Ws, of Ajnx oats -fit for
seed, about 100 bus, fall wheat. -
Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold.'
FRANIC KIRKBY, ,Proprietor.
Eduard W. Elliott and FredAhrens, Auc-
The following two parcels of laid belong-
ing to the Estate of the late Johanna Cronin
are offered for sale by tender. Written tenders
will be received at the office of McConnell &
Ilsys, Seaforth, for the prope'ties separately
until. Monday, M: rah 22, 1948. highest 01' any
other tender not . necessarily - accepted,
Teraina 10% cash with tender and balance
on closing 30 days after acceptance of tender.
FIRSTLY: Modern 5 -room stucco cottage
and lot on No, 8 highway. in. Village of St.
Colnmban, Bathroom and pressure system,
Telephone. Built new 12 years ago. Low
taxes. Near Church, school, stone and Pest
Office, Immediate possession.
SECONDLY; 100• acre grass farm.. Well
watered by maters] spring,., Lot 24, Third,
Concession, Idlbbert• 1r/. miles south of St,
Apply M000NNELL & HAYS, Seaforth,
Ontario, Solicitors for Estate
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of Hugh Dunlop. '
All persons having claims aga)nat the Estate
of Hugh Dunlop, late of the Town of Sea,
forth. in the County of Huron, Retired Farm-
er, deceased, who died 011 or about the 14/11
day of February,. 1948, are hereby notified to.
send in to the undersigned on or before the
3rd day of April, 1048, full' particulars of
their Claims. -
Immediately sifter the said last mentioned
dote, the assets of the said esirate will'. be dis-
tributed amongst the pm•tie0 entitled thereto,
having regard only, to clams of which the.
undersigned shall then have notice, to the
exclusionof all others, and' the 'undersigned
will not be liable to any person of. whose
claim .khe undersigned shall not - then .have
par noticefor
tat 9Se forth his or
of March, 1948,
McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors,
Women's Low Rubbers
Low, Heels
.65 pr;;
Women's Rubber Goloshes
Low Heel. Small sizes
1.25 pr.
Brooder Coal
Track Dublin
PHONE 36 r1.3
1 electric 7amesway, breeder stove, 500
chick capacity,used three year's. Price $30..
1 Jomestvoy coal brooder stove, used 1 year.
500 cap., 510. PETE MALONEY-or DENNIS
NOLAN. Phone 04 r 10 Dublin
Six good pigs about nine weeks old, FRANK
MALONEY, George street, Seaforth
Seed Grain, choice quality, Valor and Erbeur
oats, OAC No. 21 barley, This is exceptionally
well cleaned seed. reasonably priced. 008
ARCHIBALD, phone 665 r• 16 Seaforth,
Quantity of Galore seed 'barley, PEARSON
CHARTERS, phone 656 r 4
About 15 tons of good mixed Timothy and.
Alfalfa hay 1n barn.. ANGUS McKINNON,
RR#2, fame], Phone 657 r 33
One. General Electric Refrigerator, model,
D-686,- 8 months old, in new condition. Phone
Ll w Hensall
Jamesway electric brooders, oil 'brooders.
Peat moss. Kitchen sinks flat rim, also with
drain board; electric washer, gas washer. 1
new 114, gas engine air cooled, 1 slightly need
%hp gas engine. Electric motors,' A. E.
QUERENGESSER, Brodkin/tun.
Quantity of mixed Seed, made up of Tim-
otby, Alfalfa and Yellow Blossom. - 'Also • a
quantity of. Yellow Blossom seed. . THOS. J.
ADAMS, .phone 14 011 667,. Seaforth central
Large cook stove, Th goodcondition, warm -
Ing closet reservoir. large oven. Black with
neckel trim, priee $25. A colony house 15x16,
Phone 53 3
A quantity of Alaelca Oats, also some mixed
grain fit for med. HUGH GORDON.:& SON, °.
Phone 849 r 21, Seaforth.
Stenographer wishes position; one year's -.
experience typing and ahorthead. Apply. at
The News 0Oice.
Notice to teamsters and truckers, or anyone
gathering. ashes.. A Targe amount of elea,u
ashes or clay ineeded for filling. Handy -place
to dump, No rubbish, C. H. ADDIOOTT..
Goderich Street east.
40 aces .for grain crop and 76 acres in hay,
of my farm at Varna, Write DR, LLOYD
MOFFATT, London, Ont.
A drag saw outfit complete with motor,
track .and carriers. Also another: drag, saw
a out ec.GMOet07tractor-will' , 5(24M(tehi
Three purebred Hereford bulls, serviceable- •
age.. Apply to .TAMES NEILANS, Londesboro.'
Phone 846 r 31, Seaforth •
1 Massey -Harris cream separator used. 6
months, electric or ]nand 'attachment, 1 used
2 -horse cultivator, 1 used wagon, walking'
plow: Also Farm for sale, •Apply to MRS.
MARY JANE RAIL Zurich RR2, Ont. 7 mites
south Bayfield. Phone 98-6 Zurich,
Grade No. 1 Ajax Oats 51.50 per bu. Gradec
No; 1 Galore Barley 52 per bit, -Sacks free.
This is exceptionally good seed, 'Pdwe•
cleated, A. 13. BELL, TCippon RR2, Phone
93 r 2, Hensall
Clover seed and timothy •.seed. Apply SAM
BOLTON, Walton, Ont, RR1. Lot 5, Aon, 1l,
McKillop, ..
yreon]brooder, radio. Iron,
to CLARENCE REGrton five IME,
Phone Dublin 64 r 9 ,
One sap pan' 4'x2' ; also some Spy ap0lea,•
Phone Clinton 022-24. FRED McCLYMONT
12-24 Haft Pair tractor,in good shape; elm
200 bushels. choice Ajax ..oats, grown from
registered seed. HARRY NORRIS, Phone
658 r 4, Seaforth central. TCippon RR8,
2 Apartment, Solid Brick house, new Par -
nee with Fan, New Electric Wirings2 New. e
Pe.,. Bathrooms and 2 modern kitchens with.
built in cupboards Well situated, One apoet-
ment rented. Apply to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN,
Real Estate Bro]cer, Seaforth,
A quantity of Ajax Seed Oats, poo . and
clean; oleo Cartier oats and 6 -rowed' barley
mixed ; and a few bags of SPY apples. Apply
EARL LAWSON, .Phone 12 on 841. Seaforth..
1,01 20, Con. 7,• Ribbert,. 100 acres, Good
brick house, 2 bank balms, cement stabling,'
good water supple.
Apply W. D. Me1VER, Stare.
"100' acres situated on 2nd con. IIRS, lot 32,
opposite number 4 .school home. Sold with
farm equipment or without. Possession any
time, with terms,
0. L, SWITZER, 'Clinton R R 415,
100 acres grass farm, • Let 11, Con, 2, Me-
K)llop, 00 acres cleared and all tile drained; .
has been seeded for 8 or 10 years; 0 acres of
bush; has stable' 20x40. D. J. O'REILLY, RR6, 1'
Seaforth. 64 r 16 Dublin central.