HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-03-11, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1948 THE SEAFORTH NEWS SUPERIOR WRIGHT'SSUSTORE FOR THURS. FRI. SAT., MAR. 11 —KRAFT DINNER' 19c AVL. VEG..S Lenten Dish1 Specials -12-13 OUP' 2 TINS GRAPE FRUIT JUICE E ssnsweetened 2 tins 1C TOMATO JUICE O2 TIN RLNSO with the new Solium FOR CLEANER WASH 2n, large pkg. (.a7 Cream Sandwich COOKIES 3�C FRESH-` 1 lb. GRAPE FRUIT, large size A REAL SPECIAL 25, 7 for HEINZ CATSUP ��C ,.• 1 bottle G we Dowers ' ART. WRIGHT.. Phone v7 ,,,,Cu Immo 1 111 lluun"nnninn„ n, num,,, lull a Iiuu, iuniuuue,u um, iiiii I iiiiii II iiiiiami lllll, unnnu 17c 10c SWIFT CLEANSER—Guaranteed to give results 2 for 25c LIPTON'S TEA J with the BrPlayer .is1 • 45c •yz Ib. ORANGES FOR JUICE 69C 3 DOS GINGER BREADS MIX ready to use • PKG 31. C C. W. L. EUCHRE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 AT 8.15 R -M.: in St. James Parish Hall Admission 25 Cents 'EVERYBODY WELCOME' ANNUAL.ST.,:PATRICK'S. DANCE ! COME WITH THE CROWD Loony's Hall, DUBLIN WEDNESDAY; MARCH 17 ROSS PEARCE & HIS ALL-STAR BAND Adm. 75c: ,Dancing -l0 to 1,15 Dant - forget Dance Easter Monday Nite & Easter Friday Nite ' ST. COLUMBAN C.W.L. Old Time St. Patrick's Dance MONDAY, MARCH 15 Delaney -McQuaid Orchestra Admission 50c DANCING ! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, MARCH 13 Ross Pearce & His Music Admission 50c ICSICIPMCSSIMIMMICIOVVOGSWgi MARCH 17 Last Social Evening of the W. 1. Series IN CARDNO'S HALL Euchre 8.35 p.m, Lunch served Euchre & Dance 50c Dance only 35c Harburn's Orchestra Sponsored by Seaforth W.I. Brunsdon Refrigeration Service LONDESBORO, ONT. SALES — SERVICE — INSTALLATIONS COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC MEL BRUNSDON PHONE BLYTH 25 r19 LOOK we have it PLYWOOD Large Stock 3/16" Birch 1,4" Birch Cedar & Basswood 3/" Birch Cedar and Fir Various Sizes TEN TEST SHEETING ROLL ROOFING .All Colors 12.111. Tarred Felt, Wax Paper, Building Paper ASPHALT SHINGLES All Colors #1-5X Cedar Shingles Cedar Grain siding shingles DOORS & SASH New and reclaimed Various sizes INSULATION Gyproc Rock Wool 2" and 3" Batts Loose and Granulated Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. Phone 47 'lWhere The Best Costs No More" Seaforth Ajax Seed Oats We have a limited quantity grown on our own, farm last year, from Certified Seed, which showed a yield of 90 bushels per acre when -threshed • Do not take a'Chance on pool' quality or musty, spoiled seed, You make your profits by sowing only the best money can buy Many a,.time I have looked into a fariser'S' grain drill, and nearly fell over with shock -to see what he was putting over 00 himself: Just for tlfe'sa,ke .of saving possibly: $1.50 per acre between sowing pigfeed arid; seeil grain, he Lost $25 and more per acre at harvest time.,* Our price}ls $1;50' per bus. in your sack. on 50 bus. & over f.o.b. Farm. •:B1.60 per bus. in your sacks for smaller lots Ph°ne J. E.-HUGILL & SONS, Clinton 616-34 ' .or ca11>t,,our'Fai•m 3 miles:west-of Seaforth on highway 8 c.J I . Ha1"½erpChse SC NEW • HATCHERY w'UILDING New Incubator doubles our capacity Operating :tinder 'G'overnment Approval Always a good place to buy Chicks. Now better than ever, lii'st hatch 'January 23rd CONTACT- US. BEFORE YOU BUY :" J. E. McKINLEY R. R.1, ZURICH' PHONE HENSALL 97 r 11 TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Wm. Oldfield and Miss Shirle Oldfield are' visiting 14ra.-.and Mr Edward Neubauer Niagara Falls, N.Y Miss Mary Ryan.'. and Mr. Fran Ryan, London spent the week end their ]some here, Mr. and' Mrs. Ross Murdie visite last week lin, Dublin with Mr. and Mr James Malcolm. Miss Marion Flanley, London, spen the week end with friends here, Mn Con Eckert, Kitchener, spell the .;week end at the - home of iii nibbler, Mrs, Joseph Eckert. 1VIs. and Mss Harvey Sparks . an Mrs Arthur Sparks, Southampton, anti Mrs.. Wmin , Sparks, Kincardine, wen visitors with. the lattell's ;brother lV;l Ed Mole, on Tuesday, .. Mrs. W. L *lite returned house from. the Clinton *Hospital last Sat- urclay, Mr, and Mrs. Ross- Gordon and Donna visited in Dublin last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm. Miss Eleanor Hudson, who is at- tending univesSity, a:t Toronto, spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Gardiner at the Manse, Mies Mayme Watson, R.N., of Strat ford General Hospital, with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. M. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and daughter Grace visited on Sun day with Mr, and Mrs. Orval Mc Clinclsey and family, Goshen line, Mrs. J. Miller, Staffa, is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Mrs. V. Bell and daughter, Toronto, visited at the ]some of Mrs. Earl Bell over the week end. Miss Ethel Roney, - Dublin, visited with her sister Mrs, John Bell.. , • Mr, and, Mrs. L. Leonhardt, Iiitcls- ener, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews. Mr, Hugh McLachlan and Mr, Thoe. Robinson visited recently with Rev. and Mrs. A. H. McKenzie at Islington. Mr. Pat Cleary, London, spent the week end at the manse of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Cleary.. Miss Helen Devereaux, London, spent the week Mid at the ]some of her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. Devereaux Mr. RahSavauge, Toronto, spent the week end at his'honse here. Mr. David Bolton spent the week end al. the home of his parents, Mr. Mrs. ' . L, Bolton. Mrs, James E. Jones spent lass week with her daughter Mrs- Lovett, at Mount Carmel. Mr. Elmer D. Bell, K.C., has been named a member of the Dominion executive of the Progressive Con- servative party, Mr, E. L. Box was re-elected a director of the Toronto Mutual Life Assurance Co, in Toronto last week, y EASTER :I is just around the corner Ic at1 So treat your hair with the d s.. d HAIRDRESSING SALON Phone 351 w best of care TIiY.. ZOTOZ COLD WAVE' Also i4lachioe and Machineless Permanents • MURIEL'S- „ un„n111111.11 iiiii 1111t11111111111!111111111,111111i11111i NEW SPRING WHEAT TO BE TESTED IN HURON Forty-five members of Huron County Holstein Breeders Associa- tion met in the Board room of the Agricultural Office at Clinton, on Thursday, March 4th;. at 8 p.m. Mr. Allen Betties, of Bayfield, Club Pre- - sident, presided at the Meeting and welcomed all present at the meeting, Mr. Byron G. Jenvey, of Inger- soll, was the speaker of the evening • and spoke on the subject, "Line Breeding of Dairy Cattle and Pro- gram to Ensure Its Success". Mr. Jenvey illustrated his talk by dia- grams, with observations of his years of experience in connection with breeding dairy cattle. Mr. J. Terry, of Lambeth, Fieldman for Western Ontario District, spoke briefly, stressing the health of herds in Huron County and Calfhood Vac- cination. He advised the Club Dir- ectors to proceed in setting up an- other Calf Club Program in 1948, similar to the one which was such a great success in 194'7 with the co- operation of the County Agricultural Representative. Mr. Jenvey was in- troduced to the meeting by Mr. Wil- lis VanEgmond, of. `Clinton, Past President of Huron Holstein Breed- ers Association, and was heartily thanked by Mr. Ross Marshall, of Kirkton, 1st Vice -President of the Club. - A feature of the' evening was a talk given by Mr. Percy Bell, of Stratford, and Mr. Morley Vermin, of Dublin, representatives from the Perth Club, who outlined regulations whereby Huron County Breeders can make use of the sires owned -by the Oxford Holstein Breeders Asso- ciation for Artificial Breeding, through the organization set up by the Perth Breeders Association. Directors of the Huron Associa- tion decided that some suitable form of recognition should be given to cows producing the top records in the County in 1948. A committee, composed of Mr, W. Hume, Clutton, of Goderich, and Mh'. Ross Marshall, of Kirkton, was set up to decide upon the months that will make up this production year and choose some suitable record. Mr, Allen Betties, the President, announced that Dr. Schofield, of the Ontario Veterinary College, would be guest speaker at the next meet- ing, which will be held in Clinton, on Tuesday, March 30th. The meet- ing concluded with lunch and a so- cial hour. Word has just been received from the Central Experimental Farm, at Ottawa, that Huron County will be allotted two bushels of the seed of the New Spring wheat, Cascade. This variety is quite resistant to stem rust and has proven an excellent yielder. It is a white, semi soft, beardless variety, }producing straw of good strength. It was hoped by the originators of this variety that it might prove to possess the quality desirable in the pastry trade, and would therefore, prove useful in years when soft winter wheats were in short supply. Mr. Harry Strang, of Hensall, President of the Huron County Crop Improvement Association, has been chosen to propagate this wheat in 1948, so that larger seed stock will be available to farmers in Huron County in the Spring of 1949. BRODHAGEN IVIr, Henry Meyer accompanied Mr. George Meyer back' to Dids- bury, AIb'erta. Mr. George Meyers spent a few weeks with relatives. Messrs. Frank Dantzer, Kenneth Hinz and- Albert Hinz spent the week end in Wallaceburg and Wind- sor. Master Calvin Diegel was success- ful in receiving honors in a recent music exams. He is a pupil of. Mrs. Burgess of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Tait and Dor- othy spent Sunday in Stratford. Dors. Alvin Rose of Point Edward is visiting with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt and Mr, Leonlsardt, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Byerman, Larry. and Dianne of Seaforth, with Mr, and Mrs. L. Hillebrecht on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Pryce, Stan- ley Byerman of Kitchener with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Byerman for the week• end. Mr. Albert Quereng'esser is spend- ing a few days in Toronto with his daughter, Mrs. John Arbuckle and. Mr. Arbuckle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk and Nancy spent Sunday with her smoth- er, Mrs. Jno. Brodhagen in Mitchell, Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk on Monday evening. The discussion. was presided over by Geo. Mogk,. with Mrs. Geo. Mogk as secretary. It was decided that underdrainage was the greatest problem faced in thi;,district.- Progressive euchre was then played, the winners being Mrs. John Amstein and Robert Amstein, first; Miss, A. McMillan and Ross Leonhar'dt, consolation; ladies lone hands, Mrs. Fred Fischer; mens most lone hands, Robert Amstein. The next meeting is to' be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fischer: KIPPEN W.M.S: Meet The: W.M.S. of .St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church here met on Wednesday afternoon at the hone of Mrs. W. Caldwell with a very good attend- ance. The President, Mrs. Robs.-El- gie, presided and opened the meet- ing by singing hymn 662. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The scripture lesson, Matt. 29: 1-11 was read by 1VIrs, Arnold Gackstetter, Mrs. Wnn, Alexander then gave a aeeture on literature.which was very interesting. Hymn No. 493 was then sung. Mrs. A. Johnson had charge of the study ,Which wa . tht.2nd chapter ,the breaking, the barrier of language and :dealt with thc+ trahs'ation of the Bible` into German English, and of the study character of Luther, A Bible quizz was conducted by Mrs. Elg'ie with 3 ladies from' the East side and 3 from the %West. taking Part. namely, Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mrs. Carl McClinchey and. Mrs. John Sin- clair, Mrs. R. Peck, Mrs, Harold Jenes and Mrs, A. Gackstetter, Hymn No. 876 was then sung. The ,Benediction was pronounced by Mrs. Elgie. A dainty ,lunch was served by Circle No. 2.' Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family visited on Sunday with the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Run- dle, in Clinton, Mr. Robt..Cooper who has spent the `past month in the sunny south, returned to his hone here on Sunday Miss Edith Lane of Varna spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones.. - BORN ROLLINS—On Murch 4, at Sarnia General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Rollins; (Margaret, Finnigan) a son—Terence Alan SALISBURY — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 5, to Mr. and NIrs. Frank Sails - bury. Seaforth, a daughter CRONIN — At Scott Memorial Hospital. on March 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Alphoasus Cronin, Si, Columban, a daughter HULLETT The Farm Forum of S.S. No, 1, Hullett, met at thel hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glazier on Monday ev- ening, with 16 members present. The subject was Do We Farm the Soil or Nline It? The remainder' of the evening was spent in Playing progressive euchre. The prize win- ners were ladies' lst, Mrs.-- Fergu- son; gents 1st Mr. Fred Pepper; la- dies' consolation, Mrs. Wm, Holland; gents, Mr. Win. holland. Lunch was served by the ' hostess. The • next meeting to .be. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Nott. : McKILLOP. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dale, Hallett, wish •to announce%the• engagement. of their only daughter l'TC1en•Manie, to Robert Harold Storey, son of Ml', end Mrs. J. H. Storey, Walton. The mar- riage will lar e playce-tine latter, part of -March. HENSALL Council Meeting. Regular meeting: of the Village Council was held on March 2nd at 8 p.m. in the Co;incil chamber with all members being present except Councillor R. IL Middleton. Minutes of the previous meeting read. Brown and Parke, that the .minutes be ad- opted as read, carried, F. Smalle- cornhe •appeared as a delegate from the connmisinity Park Board asking for the usual grant for park pur- poses. Jones and Brown, that we grant the usual 1 mill to the Park Board. for Park expenses, carried. Lee Heden reported re the snow re - HEAR 11llOell Park Report leo by PREMIER. GEORGE DREW "LANDS AND FORESTS FOR TOMORROW” FRIDAY, MARCH 12 CKNX 920 8 - 8.15 p. 8,7 moval from Ring St., also the insul- ation as completed on the hall, and the work with the catch -basins late- ly and repairing of the chairs, and stated that we had received two load of tile for the drain, also reported on condition of things at the -rink. Fire Chief, Ed. Fink and R. E. Shaddick appeared as delegates from the Fire Brigade requesting that the water be piped into the Fire hall for use in filling' the extinguishers,,also' some means for heating the water, and the following supplies,,1 ladder, 40 feet long, 3 smoke masks, gaso- line torch, 2 rubber coats, 3 pair firemen's rubber boots, 2 firemen's hats and a first-aid kit. The sugges- tion was also made that a fee per man per year or meeting attended be paid and stated there were 14 men on the brigade. Parke and Jones that we secure 1 electric pail heater, one 40 -foot aluminum ladder, 2 smoke masks, one gasoline torch, 2 coats, 2 pr. boots, 2 hats and 50 feet garden hose and a first-aid kit, carried. Parke and Brown, that we prepare a by-law setting the rate of pay for members of the Fixe Bri- gade as follows. $1.05 per meeting attended and 50 .,.cents per hour when on calls, carried. The Reeve and Clerk reported re the trip to Toronto and the meetings attended, alos the .information received at the Parliament buildings re the drain, also the formation of a school fair. Communications read as follows: County Registrar, Novaks, Ontario Association of Assessing Scott's Trapnest Strain Barred Rocks Crossbred Chicks Year after year, we're conscientiously improving the profit ability of our breeding flack, by the only sure method -- the sound application of the progeny test. Two modern breeding farms. - Order now to assure your choice of delivery dates. Scott Poultry Farms PHONE 851 r 32 SEAFORTH BARLEY ACREAGE WANTED A Limited Number of Acres to be Contracted for at Attractive Prices W. E. REID 87 J DASHWOOD or SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP PHONE 9 SEAFORTH De To-- alers, Farmers and - Feeders The quality of EXCELLENCE FEEDS is known to be second to none at home and all through the Eastern Provinces Our special offer of $3.00 to $4.00 per ton reduction will continue for the month of. March WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH, • FLOUR • 'Our ``Gold Star" Brand Top Patent. '"(AL'L PURPOSE FLOUR). Our •"Excellence" Brand Second Patent •'- •-(BREAD FLOUR) GIVE THEM' A 'TRIAL -- PRICES ARE RIGHT Markets aro noW s•easeuubly: low, Be Wise, Buy your Winn i- n",'ds right now, Future supplies very uncertain Telephone' 354' ' SeOtfontla; Feed Division of EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS LIMITED