HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-03-11, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA No. 1 RECEIPTS 1947 Ba]anee of h n and J... let School. Area ...... ,: Victory Bonds. held bo Se11oo1 Area57 1 $2,950.00 Recd from Glenn. Bell, Sec. Treas, Rech]. from Wm. Ryle, Sec.-Treas. SS #2, bal. (fan. 1/47 Roo'B from Wilmer Broadfoot See,= Treas., SS #9, bal. Jan. 1/47 .Reed from 'Wilmer Broadfoot, See 07.99 1,100.32 1,060.97 1,050.12 Treas.,' SS #9, interest on school funds O.S. Dep. 55.70 SS 13, McKillop, tuition fees child- t area of Ino. Powell Jr 90,09 Demand Loans Bank of Commerce2,050.00 Province of Ontario, gen prov grant 5,993,29 Province of Ontario,agricultural rant 7 .& S pupils to Seaforth Cpllegiate Institute once a week 40.17 ' Tecei R Notal is 926,015.21 EXPENDITURE 1947 net of Mrs, Sara Simpson -$$ #1 $ 1406.79 Ml's. Esther Ross, SS #2 ,. • ;748:20 Tp, of Tuckersmlth, Sen school grant 4,800.00 Moa, Elizabeth J. Weber, SS #2., ' - 600.00 Tp, of Tuckersmith, trustee levy.... 4,301,16 Miss Helen Jervis, SS #4 ..,.. ]„223,10 Interest no Victbny Bonds 86.50 Mrs. Beryl Nicholson SS #5 1,361.80 Interest on school. funds 415,95 Mrs.. Elva Ells, SS #7,,. 1,377.06 Winston Workman, Sec treas. '5S Claence A. Trott, SS #8 1,706.80 #10, shape of ti'ana0otting grade - W. Spencer Jeffery, SS #0...,1,318,10 Miss Mairgaret Pougell, music super - #2 & 9 108.00 S G. Rennie, music super. 41 . 84.00 SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT HAVE ARRANGED FOR SpecialEv nine � of Education and Entertainment in School Auditorium Thurs.,-Mar. 25, 8.15 p.m. HEAR PROF. DRUMMOND Head of Economics Dept., O.A.C., Guelph Special Motion Pictures and other Entertainment THIS EVENING SHOULD BE OF INTEREST TO ALL FARMERS & MEMBERS OF FEDERATIONS OF AGRICUJLTURE Admission Free Your presence will guide the Board in sponsoring Adult night Classes during next term Amer Attnti 4. RE HOUSING QUESTIONAIRE 1. This form is NOT AN APPLICATION for rental 2. This form is only for survey purposes and persons sign- ing are under NO OBLIGATION IN ANY WAY 3. Your Council is anxious to know what houses are re- quired and desire all interested parties to complete forms immediately if you are interested in a renting 4. If homes are to be made available in 1948 complete this form AT ONCE. Extra forms available at LEGION or at CLERK'S OFFICE 1110011 ..... 1111111111 m,10,....1111111,.1111„111.1111111.111111111,,,,,, ,,111,1,111 m,. 11.11111111111111,1,.11111.1,11111.111111111 11,11,111111111111,1111111111111111111,11111111.11.1111111111111111111.,11111111,111....1111,1,11.11111.10.1111,.11,11111.1.1..111.,,11,11,11,11 Do You Want to Rent a HOME This notice is directed to those families in need of housing accommodation and when completed should be sent or mailed, plainly marked "Housing", to the Town Clerk, Seaforth, Ont. Name Address What accommodation do you have at present" Why do you wish to change. Give particulars What is the size of your family" Give age and sex of children What size house do you require" What rent can you afford to pay" Are you employed o Name of Employer Are you a veteran of world war 11 0 Length of service in world war II (A) Overseas (B) Canada Cut out and use 0123s. Gertrude Wendorf, music 109e0.' #4, 5, 7 and. 8 304,20 Iieceiver General of Canada, I. Tar 501 3l1 clod. Ontario Teachers Federation, tench- 31.00 era mem, lees • 510,932.95 Cost of Instructional Supplies: Mrs. Esther' Ross, general supplies $ 7.25 James me lads books a2 Jack Hood school ninnies, 6m. ein] 724 a p Alp. Mrs, Beryl.Nicholson, 6 general sup 2.49 Mrs Sara Simpson, general sup.. 2.92 Beattie Bros., general sup - 3.55 I hompson's Book Store, general sup 4.03 W. M. 950001, delivery, general sup 4750 Grolier Society, additions. to. Bk, of of Knowledge 0.90 Huron Co. Library Associabiot,. membership fee' - ;50.00 Canadian Nature, 7 sub 7.00 R. H. Middleton, general supplies 27.87 $ 1,329.91 Coat of Administration: Huron Expositor, ad. and printing $ 42.54 Clinton. News -Record, advertising., 4.75 London Free Press, advertising tea- cher wtd. 19,74 Globe and Mail„ ditto 38.71 Beacon -Herald, ditto 6.30 Seaforth News, advertising 15.10 Exchange on cheques 26.09 M. A. Reid, premium on Treasurer's bond 16.00 M. A. Reid, prem. on liab. &.accid- ent policy M. A. Campbell, membership fee Ont. Ed. Ase 10.00 C. W. Cooke, floral wreath 10.00 Mrs. Esther Ross, gift 10.00 Town. of Seaforth, use of hall, 2 meetings . 6.00 Ty. of Tucket•smith, audit fees.. 60.00 P. D. McConnell, legal services .10.50 Alex. Lillie°, convention expenses and tel. - 20.80 membership fee Ont Trustees Ass 0.00 Sas, McIntosh, convention expenses 0. E. A. 20.00 S. H. Whitmore, salary....... ., .300.00 Postage 18.00 mileage 62.90 telephone and supplies 4.02 152.18 $ ,.-846.50 Cost of Operation: Hydro. Electric Power Cont., hydro $ W. M. Spinet, cedes' kindling Walter Pepper, cedar kindling Regier's Transport, cedar kindling - 'J. H Scott 0,750 11 coal W. P Davidson9,610 lb cool V. D Falconer, 89,360 ii cont.. Caretaking, Clarence Dilling Carl McClincheY Walter Pepper, #4 Bert Hanot, ;?? Arthur McNaughton, #5 Fiera Brown, =- Carol Chesney, Inc. Forrest Estate. 47 Kenneth Carnochau, #. Iia'ry McLeod. #7 . Roderirli 5'IcLean, #0 Ohorles Eyre, 49 Jas Upshall, .50. 120.17 17.51) 4.011 4.011 48.87 9,.p0 792.10 730,02 250,10 180.00 1(13.2)' 13.75 13,^ 13.75 ^..nn 11)): 153.05 102.01 100.50 $ 2,335.17 Cost of Maintenance: Ed Fink, labor and material... ..... $ 000.0.1 Carl McClhtoltey, supplies 4.78 Seaforth Fuel and Supply Co„ mat- erial 43.70 Geo, 0. Ferguson, hardware and sup 43.12 Drysdale Hardware, supplies .14.811 Mrs. Sana Simpson, supplies 2.00 Ball Bros., supplies 2.05 Frena: Kling, labor and etaleriul7.90 Geo: A. Sills..& Sons, hardware 2.00 Harold Finlay', Harold Armstrong, paint contract 760.011 J. W. Modeland, wiring #7 school„ 268.00 Walter Pepper, labor and material 2,02 D. W. Sangster. labor 4.00 E. C. Nlekle, tuning piano & repairs 22.00 Crawford Simpson, labor and mate 103.65 A. Spencer & Sons. window screens 27,40 D. E. Kele, supplies 6,06 W. J. Finnigan, supplies.19.62 Seaforth Pharmacy, supplies 7.00 G. A. Wright, piano stool & repairs 6,25 Wilson McCartney, 28 yds. gravel21.00 Carl W. Draper. piano #9 150.00 McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co, insurance Premium 64.60 $ 2,298,77 Cost of Auxiliary Services; W. M. Sjnoet, trucking a 2,00 Mrs. Sara Simpson, supplies Reboot lunches 3,010 1 rnitk Kling, hot plate 7.50 W, D. Smith, supplies soh. lunches 7,0) W. J. Finnigan, ditto 25,02 Mrs. Jack Lee, entry Inc.'Goderich Musical Festival 12,755 Margaret Dougall, ditto 1.75 S. G. Ronnie, ditto .25 Frank Grieve, transporting Oracle 7 and 0 pupils to Seaforth Collegiate Institute for manual training, home economies 149,20 Scott Habkirk, ditto 260,00 Bennett's Dairy, milk school lunches 13,80 Baker's Greenhouse; window -boxes & flowers '17.00 Mrs, Esther Ross, Picnic expenses5.00 Helen Jervis. picnic cafenses .1.61 Mrs. Beryl. Nicholson, ditto & school fair 3.49 Seaforth Limns Club. donation re picnic 5,00' Maple Leaf Dairy, Picnic supplies 8.00 C. W. Ironsides, Picnic supplies 1,10 meas. Seaforth Agricultural Society, entry fee Fall Fair 70.00 Trees. Huron Go, Federation of Agri- cultuce, grants to filet showing,. 16.00 Stewart Bros,, supplies Fall Fair'2.00 Transportation costs Godericlt Musical Festival P. McNaughton • 9.00 John Watson 15.00 Ray Holmes 15.00 Rev. A, W. Gardiner 5,00 Win. Scetchmere - 0.00 Mrs. Wilbur Keyes 0.00 Mrs. Wilfred Coleman 0.00 Mrs. Edwin Chesney 0.00 Mrs, thank Storey'0.00 Mrs. Jack Sinclair 10.00 Mrs. Ross Chapman 5.00 Carl Moab nchey 5.00 Mrs. Wm, Rogerson 5.00 ,Mrs, Jas. Nott 10.00 Mrs. Warren Glbbings 10,00 Mrs. Wm. Peelle'. 6.00- Roy Peeper 5.00. Herman Crlch 0,00 Mrs, Arthur Nicholson 0.05 Mrs. Beryl Nicholson 10.00 Spencer Jeffery 40.00 $ 748.98 Fees paid to other sehoole: (leo. Falconer, refundof tc',n' a 20.400 0 .ah Bali, do 11'.53 Cee l Murray, do 22.96 Ernest Ross, do 20.05 Orval Cnops, do 22.06 A. E. Crozier 42.00. • Repayment of Tempen'a'v Loans340.31 Bank of Cmmuernc, prinrinal demand loans $ 2,856.00 Demand Loan interest to Nov, 0051, 10.14 $ 2,865.62 Recantfuintion Expondilite 1947 (Inst. of Tn to lei.en Stn D12.557 C.. t of Tn to eNo,nl Suspiios..... 1,70)) 51 Cost of \dmiu'•.I ration ' 046.50 rn;) of Plant. nnnnotinn 7,70 7.37 5120 of Plant Mnietennnee 2,0,00,77 Cosi of Amll al.' A crnade',.,.... 715.5^ Cc e of rnfu vl of tare" 00 MVO r it,,, in elber school • 140,11 (14-1 of Gernral Maintmtnnen 0)1,0.19,60 Tompnrary T.aano rep,aid 2,055.00 Inlnree paid on temporary keine 18.11 Tot 01 Dishurs^mints 521,000 89 'total Receipts 326,016.21 're' el Di shwrmnnenis 21.50'6)'.2. Parlance in bank Pee, 31/47 $ 5,114.3'. Victory Pleads 2,010.70 Tnlal Balance Dee, 31, 1947 8 77,554.70 Copy Of Auditors' Report, Tp. of Tuckersmith. 1947 10.17 Auditor's Report -School Area No. 1 • THURSDAY, MARCH 11,, 1948 _.. - raw: Tp. of Tuckersmith Gentlemen: We the undersigned Auditors herewith submit8 the Audit report t Foe School Area Nos 1,Township o1 Tuckersmith, for the Year ending December 31, 1567.We have made a thorough examination of all vouchers, bills. receipts, and books of the above mentioned 'School Area, and in our opinion, they are correct. Victory Bonds held by. the School Area amount to 32,800.00. CAPITAL BALANCE SHEET Assets School sites$ 550.00 Sebooi buildings . 61,295.00 School equipment 4, Fun nlshbngs 6,400,00 Capital Surplus 020,400.50 REVENUE AND" EXPENDITURE Revenue - Legislative Crbint (est) including superannuation $](1207:14 Township Levy • - 4,000.00 Section Levy 4,201.10 Interest on School Funds 41500 Imre rest. . 00 VictorBrands 05,00 F Tuition 1 eesn n let ( AC i( n' pupils) 9 1 1 ) l0 9 Bus transportation Pad by other school 40.17 • Total -Revenue $10,890.02 Exp end i to re Cost of Lnstructioa $11,366.05 Instructional Suppllec 1,309.91 Administration 085.50 School PlantOperation.. 2,252.19 School Platt Halnteaance• 2,208.77 Auxiliary Agencies 907.33 Total Expenditure 918,990.70 Operating Surplus 0 809.52 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Receipts Bank Balance Jan. 1. 1547 e 1,797.9e Schools 'entering Area Bonds Legislative Grant Township Levy Section Levy 2,21 11 2,250.00 9,017.e9 '4,800.00 4.201 131 • ENT THEATRE F SEAFORTH SEA O Now Playing ' "SLAVE GIRL". In Technicolor • WITH-YVONYNE DE CARLO AND, GEORGE BRENT ' For rib -tickling hysteria be sure to see this one -Full of excitement and thrills Mon. Tues, Wed. "MOSS ROSE" Double Feature with PEGGY CUMMINGS mid VICTOR MATURE This 20 fair game for the -Who Done It enthusiasts AND -"NORTHWEST OUTPOST" in color. With Joan Woodbury and Ab Steele A spectacle of fight and fitly and tense drama NEXT THURS. PRI. SAT. In Color DOUI3LE FEATURE "vxauANTE$ RETURN" with Jon Nail and Margaret' Lindsay • COMING -Adult Entertainment "NOCTURNE" with George Raft and Lynn But'i. AND- "THE BEST YEARS 0111. OUR LIVES" Interest. on School Funds Bus trcrospontnion paid by other h sn cols 40.17 Intereot on Victory Bondsls Ru 6 0 Tuition fees (,on-resltent 1 to til9) 1(10 Tempmart .Loans- 1 2,850.00 Total Receipts $29,465.21 Disbursements Cost of Instruction ,...$10,932.115 Instructional Supplies .. 1,1211.51 Administration ..... 048:611 School Plant: Operation.. 2,805.27 School Plant Maintenance 2,298.77 Auxiliary agencies 83919 Total Gen. Maintenance 818,032.69 Temporary Loan repaid Men Hlterest 2,868.14 412.95 Total Disbursements 21,500.83 Balance :to nest account 7,964.28 Total Balance & Disbursements 29, 4655.21 Insurance • Fire - $22,200.00 Weather 12,600.00 The United Nations Are Selling the Cheapest Life Insurance in the World ri You can buy it at any Bank in Canada Canada's share in the prem- ium is 10 million dollars. It is a meager amount for a thriv- ing country like ours when 'you consider it will Help in- sure the lives of 200 million starving European children. Picture if you can the small children of Seaforth scraping through garbage cans for any scraps that `will help keep their little bodies together. These starving . European children had nothing to do with the war but they can have a lot to do with the peace. Why should they think good of us if we stand idly by and let thein starve: Somewhere in Europe to -night a baby will die of starvation. The mother has had nothing but scraps and refuse to eat. How can she feed ,lel' baby 5 Would one day's wages c0,11e between you and 11115 life of your own or your neighbor's child These poor children need us now. In the years to conte we will need them. There are 2G countries participating in this appeal, each with a sep- arate quota. Canada's share is $10;000,000. This money will be spent in Canada on Canadian goods and will be distributed to European children under the United Nations' sponsorship. Go to Your Bank and Give Today THE UNITED NATIONS APPEAL FOR CHILDREN The space for this advertisement contributed by the Seaforth .Progressive Conservative ,Association Workmen's Compensation Policy #151.7557 5,950.00 Prem. 18.90 Pohlie Liability Policy #G.S. 0302 10,000.00 2 5 • Prem 72.57 anrer•'S B nes f poD.D 6 troo (Signed) - JAS. LOVE, Audltga ARTHUR FINLAYSON, Auditor. f3e&s you A'ss B.: Miss Browning knows how easy it is to forget she's on a party line .. . and that others maybe waiting. So she keeps a watchful eye on the clock - and limits the length of her calls. PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCH.ING■. ■ Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the same 1'Or you. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right-of-way to emergency calls. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Come to our Pardon Us For Pointing .. . But you won't see .prices like these again SELLING OUT SALE now! Everything is Sacrificed BOY'S TWEED SUITS 2 pair pants. Buy for school or best $11.50 TWEED TOPCOATS To clear only $7.50 To clear below cost- s:.w4' MEN'S ALL -RUBBER •RAINCOATS $5.75 MEN'S ALL -WOOL PULLOVERS Long sleeves, Reg, $44,50 To clear $2.98 LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES 2 to 6 years. Iieg, . $1.69. • 97c Men's Romeo SLIPPERS Only $2.25 Ladies' and Growing Girls Oxfords, Flack and Brown. To cleat' $1.98 Prices Gregia -at Opposite Post Office Men's High Quality HORSEHIDE WINDBREAKERS Reg. $19.95 One Lot of Shoes - BOYS' OXFORDS AND BOOTS LADIES' PUMPS AND SHOES • $1.98 CHILDREN'S SHOES, $i.39 CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' • RUBBERS, 49c BOY'S OXFORDS, Blacic L Brown To clear $1.98 BOYS' LEATHER BOOTS $2.49 Boys' Bushman Work RUBBERS To clear $1.25 e'. Stores -are Seaforth Lower 7�• Gell �.1 1 (4