HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-03-04, Page 3More than 1500 displaced persons from Germany recently arrived in Canada to start new — and happier - lives with the help of the gover nment. On arrival, they are registered, given sheets and blankets, fed and bathed. Prospec tive employers must guarantee them a year's work at prevailing wages, living quarters and good working conditions. These pictures show some of the D.P.'.s at St. Paul l'Ermite, near Montreal. Above Jacic Frost gives them a cold reception as they wait outside the govern ment hostel to board busses for Montreal. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS C'A Sizbit Critic") Many columns have been written-- and ritten—and there has been even more "In- side dope" passing around—regard- ing what ails the once -mighty Cana - diens. "They're sore at Selke"; There's dissension between the players"; "They just won't give their best for Dick Irvin any more"—these are just a few of the pieces of gossip you hear whispered around by the wise -guy element that hangs about the fringes of every sport. * * 4t Well, we haven't had a great deal of personal contact with any of the Canadiens for the past few years; and our long-standing opinion of the value of "inside information" is that the more you have, the quicker you can go broke betting on it. From our most recent look at the Mont- realers in what plight be laughingly called "action" we would say there is no mystery at all about the lowly position they occupy. * * * When we were a lot younger, there used to be a ;somewhat ribald verse which was rather popular. It ran, as we recall, something as follows; "King David and King Solomon led merry, merry lives — i -Pith many, many lady friends and maty, maty wives --But when old age came over them, with many, many; qualms King Solomon wrote 'Proverbs' and King David wrote 'Tire Psalms.' * * * And that just about sizes up what's happened to Canadiens. The way hockey is played nowadays, once a guy's legs begin to go bad on him, you can ring down the curtain. Old age seems to have caught up with several key members of the once - Flying Frenchmen all at once, and they just can't stay along with the pace any more. We may be wrong of. course, but in our opinion it's as simple as that. She was a good old waggon but she done broke down"— and unless a miracle should happen, we feel you can count Canadiens out of it until a heap of rebuilding has been dome. That Extra Touch Into a busy telegraph office .a smiling matron bustled, seated her- self erself at a writing table, and, after much pencil -chewing, Produced' a mes- sage. Handing it in to the clerk, she asked as an afterthought: "Will it cost me anything to underscore the words: Perfectly lovely'?" "Not a cent madam," the cleric replied. Whereupon the cheerful lady re- called the ,message, drew a line under the two special words, and departed happily. Here, for no good reason, we are reminded of a crack the late mitt Rogers once pulled. It was during the first World War, and one even- ing Rogers was on the stage doing his monologue and rope -spinning act when suddenly a middle aged lady in the audience rose and shouted, "Why aren't you in the Army you big coward?" - Rogers raised his hand and quieted other members of the audience who Lucre telling the dame to sit down and shutirp, then asked her to repeat her question. "Why aren't you in uni- form?" she yelled. "For the very sante reason, my dear lady," Bill calmly replied, that you aren't in the Ziegfleld Follies. Physical dis- abilities!" * * * Down in Parliament somebody has come up with the bright suggestion that Canada should try to find some loophole in the amateur laws where- by' Barbara Ann Scott could be pro- vided with a University education, at public expense, and still retain her present status as a "simoti pure". This strikes us as about the dixriest idea that has evolved from that dir- ection in some time, which is saying quite a lot. * * * Barbara Ann Scott has already brought to Canada—and to herself— just about alt the honors there are in connection with figure skating. Anything else she does, from now on, is bound to be in the nature of an anti -climax; and neat time she mightn't be so lucky. For while she is undoubtedly tops in her graceful art — although some of those dis- gruntled rivals don't appear to think so - from all reports she didn't get any the worst of it in finding better ice conditions than• some of her corn- . petition did. * * * Then why—just for the purpose of preserving her "amateur status" — should Canada give her free educa- tion when, just by making one mo- tion picture, she could probably col- lect enough to take her through every university in the land? Why just to provide a grand box-office draw for some snobbish Skating Clubs that wouldn't give her a tumble if she'd finished second—should Miss Scott st9PSCRATCHING Relieve itch in a Jiffy I7/Relleve Melissa due to canon pimple., athl tab foot --end minor itch trouble, Uw cooling medicated D D D. Pena Iptlen - 8,`,1.41,,`"7 strength t air glVi iinnte eu itching qui my.35chint bottle rover 1/ It.or money back. Ask your druggist fel D.D.o. Prescription ISSUE 11-5048 refrain from following Sonja Henie's lead and collecting some real dough for herself? * * * No doubt many will recall all the anger and head -shaking there was in that same Miss Henie's native land when it was announced that she was turning pro. .But, had she refused to do so, what would she be now. Just another old-timer, hanging around the various skating meets, and with- out enough of that youthful zing and charm left to catch the judges' fancy any longer. Barbara Ann Scott should cash in, while the cashing's good, and tell anybody who tries to persuade her otherwise to go chase himself. * * * For the public—especially in plat- ters connected with sport —w has a shockingly short memory. Twenty years or so ago there was a young lady by the name of Gertrude Ederle who caused far more of a world sen- sation — by swimming She English Channel — than Barbara Ann Scott can ever hope to do. Wonder where Gertrude Ederle is now—and' if she ever thinks of those thronged streets of cheering thousands who once so wildly greeted her. "Three cheers are all very well, but when it comes to buying groceries they don't go nearly as far as three bucks" may be a cynical viewpoint. Still, it's not very far from being the truth, just the same. Fifty-fifty "Where have you been?" "Having my hair cut" "You know you can't have your hair cut in the firm's time," "Well, it grew in the firm's time, didn't it" "Not all of it"• "Well, I didn't have it all cut off " PARTICULAR ABOUT coffee? Then try Maxwell House. It contains choice Latin-American coffees. Expert Blending com- bines thein all in a superb Maxwell House blend that has extra flavor. "EVES" She &lied Te Losing interest—los- ing friends—she never went out any more—always too tired. 'Nerves", she thought—but it was her kidneys—the fil- ters of her blood— that needed attention. She used Dodd's Kidney Pills at once. The improved action of her kidneys helped to clear away blood impurities and excess acids. Fatigue, backache, headache, lack of energy dis- appeared. Dodd's Kidney Pills contain essential oils and medicinal ingredient' that act directly upon the kidneys—and help restore their normal action. 144 Dodd's Kidney Pills Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Inreotleldee, Electric Fence Controllers House and Barn Paint, Roof Coating', etc. Dealers wanted. Write Warco Grease & 011 Limited, Toronto.. An old ' eetabllohed chicly hatchery wishes agents In .some dl.trteto. Liberal eommise Mon paid, Increase your income, Write Box No. 1, 73 -Adelaide St, W,,Toronto, BUSINESS 111'PO1tTUNt't'IEl9 • ON OFFER to' every Inventor=Llet of 10000• [lone an0 full Information sent tree Phe nameny Io Reglatered Patent Attorney. r70 Rank Street Ottawa YOUR OWN BUSINESS - -Full or Spare- tlme. Start me home: Big cash profits eaatly made metallzing Baby Shoes, No Experience. Pow dollura :'start. you—Big Demand, Write OL013131 SALES, A-6 Suite 1102, 210 6th Avenue, Now York 10, New York, -- . BARI OHICRO Monkton Poultry (-Mirka — You .buy baby chicks tor. one reason, Tie receive div[• donde On yout Investment. you mutt be car tato where your money Is. invested 'We offer 701, baby chicks from a Poultry Farm with every breeder pullorum tented and government banded Take advantage of our early dia. count Write for our 1941 catalogue and Price Ila[ Plankton Poultry Parma, Monkton Ontario. Four -Week -Old Pullets Two, three, tour week and older pullet. February hatched. Start with early batched chicks and set the high- prices for eggs next Summer and early Fall Large Type White Loghorne and eleven other popular breads, Bend for price list, Management Guide and catalogue and. bookyour order now Lalceview Poultry Farm Exeter — Ontario 12%c Hurondale Chicks 12 4c All Breeder. blond tested, banded. and in- spected and backed by high pedigreed found- ation. stook. Sussex x New Hemp.. .Rock x New Hamp„ Barred Rocks, New Hamp. mixed 15I6e pullet. 56c. Light 8uoeex Mlz- ed 14c, pullets 27c. Large type Leghorn mixed 12410, pullet. 260, All heavy breed cockerel. 4c, Medium breed 2c, 81.00 per 100 down balance C.O.D. Order from and enclosetib ad. Hurondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario RING THE BELL with Schummer'. Quality Chicks. Govern- ment approved, R.O.P. Sired. Make no ml. - take. Catalogue Free. Schummer'a Hatchery, Linwood: Ont, RAISING CHICKS? Special price for March, April—heavy breed cockerels, 4o. medium weight hybrid -cockerels, 20. Leghorn cock- erels, lc. Seventeen years hatchingchicks for satisfied cuetomore. Live arrival guar- anteed. Get full Information, Frank Edwards, Watford, Ont, .BTG, Husky, Heavy Breed Cockerel°, special foe, Feb 10th and 28rd, 82.00 per 100. oleo non -sexed chicks and pullets at bargain prices Write today for prlcellet and free calendar. Sig Rock Farm, Mlle Roches. Ont, BEBE and pork are still high In price. More over all indication. point toward, continued premium prices on all type. of meet, The alert poultryman who wisely In- vests In a flock of fast growing chicks that will mature into broilers or roasters In a few short weeks stands to make an extremely handsome profit thio year. No matter whether you ars raising chickens for the sego they w111 produce or to sell as broilers or roasters on the dressed poultry marketa you can make mora money le your chicks are from quick maturing, heavy laying an- cestry. The loss time required for your ahleke to reach broiler size, roaster's or to start tw- ine the earlier you will begin to realize a return on your Investment. All Top. Notch chicks are from Government Approved Put - lomat tested breeders and are fast matur- ing. Tile year should be a good year to really cash In handsomely on your poultry. Free catalogue, Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. Rock Cockerels FOR February and March, our Barred Rocks aro fast feathering and bred for three - ability and feet growth. Hanes Poultry Farm, Teraeyvllle, Ont. BABY Chicks from an R,O,P, Breeding Farm Hatchery, It costa no more to buy the beet. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for Price list, Blenheim Hetehery, Blenheim, Ont. Lakeview Chicks for 1948 from a real laying and breeding plant, over 10.000 breeders Inspected, banded and blood tested. Many customers have had yearn of continuous success with Lakeview Chicks. Tble year It may be even more important to buy the beat. Sir, and Mrs. Norman Mollard of Parkhill, Ontario, have had 16 oon0ecu. live years Of continuous success With Lake- view Chicks. Why can't you tool Start your chicks early. There will be a shortage of eggs next Pall and prices are bound to be higher Send for largo Illustrated catalogue and Poultry Management Guide with big early order discounts. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros. Exeter, Ont., BLACK AUSTRALORPS R. O, P. Sired. Hatching Eggs, day old chicks, DONLEY POULTRY FARM ROUTE 6, LONDON, ONT. GET started chick. and dare on feed. We have them for Immediate or later 40llvery. But get your order In soon, It's possible fewer chicks may be -hatched this you:— some ,oultrl'koepm'n may be :Reappointed. Order now, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. CHICKS for .vert reoolre,oent of the poultry- man. Every poultry producer knows that You can make- more money if your chicks are from qulok maturing, heavy laying an - °entry and that ohlcke which make the fast - eat growth always are the ones that make the best egg record afterwards. We hove event 24 yearn In earn. t effort and thorough Program of rigid &electing and culling, de- veloping our breeds along the proper tines, Only outstanding andaunerlor typemaiaa and females that are culled and pullorumtested under Government Supervision are retained In our floclm for breeding, We have the following pure brands to alloe0e from: White Leghorns, Black Mlnorcas, An- cona.. Brown Leghorn., Barred Rock., White Rooke, New Hampehlreo, Rhode /stand Rode,. White Wyandotted, Light Sussex, Blaen Auetralorpe, Jersey White Giants, Also 12' hybrid pressen, Free catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatoherles Limited, Fergus, Ontario, DYEING AHD CLEANING HAVE 1015 anything neons dyeing or clean. Ing? Write to tut for Intorrnatfan. We are. glad toanswer your questions. Department H. Parker'.. Dye Works Limited 791 Ynnge Street, Toronto, .Ontario FOR BALE BEST Quality No. 1 pa.teurized honey, 1f tins 4 Ib, for ..811.76.': The Render:on. Apiaries, Hos 99. Carleton .Plane,, Ontario, TURKEY poulto for nate. Broad breasted bronze turkey point.,. Canadian Hatchery. approved..- New Incubator,, Breeden govern meat banded .and pullorum. free. No reactor for two years. Poult. from eggg gatheredonour own, farms. We select for vigor, and meat type,' Send' for folder. McKinlay & McColl, Lambton Turney Hatchery, R;R, 6, Forest, Ont - - PIANOS SOLD - BUDGET PLAN 30%. DOWN eighteen months to pay. All pianos are completely factory reaondltloned, refinished, tuned like new. We have a very large selection of various makes. Write to- day for further information on terms and plane In stock. Furniture Sales Company, 8213. !Gins Street Weot, Toronto, HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service Bert E Kennedy f Bon. 410 College 81 Toronto CRAIGIELEA White Rolland Poult.l We sell young that live and grow into tine sturdy mature . birds for the retailer who wants plenty of 10 to 13 Ib, dresr d female., and 16 to 18 Ib, tome, which are moat In line with prevailing weight domande, Thln breed I. naturally heavy lay- ers and lees mreceptlble to. leg and Joint diseases. We have bad our breeding nock Government Inspected; banded and blood test. ed without a single reactor. Place your order early to Insure booking Cralglelea Turkey Ranob, Waterdown, Ont, - 320 ACRES, going concern, three mimes Income, Timber Farm, Beaver, all each' or part trade. balance cash. Immediate pee- eeeslon Write pJ- C, Couptand, Golden, B.C. Broad -Breasted Bronze Turkey Poultn Reserve your order tor 1948, We turned down orders for 60.000 Poulbr last season. Poul[, all hatched In brand new special tun key Incubators, all turkeys (no chlcka) We expect there will be more money to turkey. in 1948 than 7947 a, It Is likely teed prices will be cheaper next eummer when the new crop comes along. Eland for turkey manage- ment gulch: and price Het and book your order for 1948. Lakeview Turkey Ranch Exeter Ontario GUNS, ammunition, expert repairing, re- bluing, hlgb clans fishing tackle, Ted Man orate Sporting Goods, 220 Ottawa 8t. N., Hamilton. BATTERY-OPHRATED Radio Bet for .ale. Deforest Crossley Corona model, 8 tube., eaecially equipped with Romaco Eliminator for tie with either storage battery or dry cells, New coat over 8300 6fake offer A fine and meting gift. Box 101, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto QHOICH light amber honey, case of Mx 8 - Ib. paha, 818.20 F.O.B. .Barrie. It flag station, Include freight chargee to prepay shipment. Stanley R. King, Bayvinw Lodge Apiaries, Barrie, Ont. CHERRY LOGS Bought for cash, Write Box 204, Fergus, Ont. TURKEY Po01ts, Broad Breasted Bronze Breeders and Hatchery tinder Gov regula- tions. Write for Information. !van Mullen. Addition, Ontario, Seeds that are dependable for Garden Lover. Market Gardeners: Write for our free eat - alone Ontnrin Seed Company Wnterioo. Ontar;ln VIKING" ()REAM SEPARATORS Whether you need spare parte, a power drive, or a new cream separator, they are avail- able at your local VIKING dealer. We aupol7' a friction clutch pulley with all our electric drives and a low stand with our electric machines, Sea ;'our Viking dealer or write to us, SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO, LT:KITED 720-723 Notre -Dame West, MONTREAL, QCE.. Four Good Buys TRUCKING BUSINESS whirl Includes 3 large trucks recently overhauled with P.C.V. License for every kind of haulage. Steady work and a money maker, 100 -ACRE 0ARM, hydro, close to village, good buildings, bush. A bargain 86,300. 100 -ACRE. FARM and brick house, good buildings, hydro, busk, on highway. Price 54,600. 60 -ACRE num, dose to highway, baro and drive:Med, ben house, good house, Price ;2,000. FAR612, all sloes, priced to sell, If Interested Write: 5, C. LONG, Real Estate Broker, Bruaeola, Ont, BUILDING 28' x 42' ALUMINUM, NEVER needs painting, Erected In 30 man hours, Immediate delivery, he sire John A. Neat' Sales CO., 21 Jarvis Street, Toronto. PINUPS FOR MEN ONLY ft you are 21 years of age you may obtain our unretouched euporb photographs of gorgeous - movie stare and young profesaloned models at one dollar per set, Plena, &tate 0110.European Photo Services, 51 Adelaide St. E., Toronto FUR BALE REGTSTHRED GERMAN Shepherd Pupplee from best Canadian and Amerloaa blood- lines. Males 560, Females 160,. For compote tonphlp plus protection, get a Gorman Shep- herd. Blithovea Kennels Reg'd, Strathroy, Ont. FOR SALE, Farm at Mulrklrle, 106 aures, building% or share cropper of Nome Burley Tobacco and general farming crops. Stat. wThohamas,t help 700 have: and It any eaulpment. H. 5.' McManus,. :Phono 68, 21,R, No, 4, at. MONEY MAKING buolness In Village near No. 7 highway, complete water power. Saw' Mill,. House and Garage- on property. Also 100 acre farm: ApnlY. Harold Mershon, Lyn. Qat. ARMY FOLDING TABLES Good need condition. Offered at a price tar below"cost, size 72" x 20" x 80". Suit- able for parties, banquets, Mahe, ohlpnlns and other useful purposes. To clear 96.00 each, F.O.B. Toronto. C.O.D. or send' Money Order. Advleo - rail or transport when ordering, H. BLUESTONE, 49 Cecil Street. Toronto, Adelaide 2773, $6,000 100 scree, the o -010,0 nn 00000,. loll good clay toll, hydro, 156 Kilos from soh lot, church, train & tine. 510nne61, Reid, _Reaboro. 19NGLTSH bulldog., regteterod Punplee, sroeva stock, Lakeland Kennels, H. 3. Gere, Bewdley, Ont. FOR one dollar I will nand you formula. tor MO of the best beaver ecent0 known; guaranteed or money back. Stanley Fuller. Whitney, Ont. AD,IIJSTABLE leather cartridge belts, 22.88 calibre shell!, excellent workme ohlp, ;3.60. Marathon Agency, 1340 Gerrard Met, Tor- onto. 0 EIGHT pound paste Amber honey, 613.00; 40 roundel can 118.50. Herbert Harris, Al- liston, Ont. NEW Bedsit&- Stratton -Air-Cooled gasoline enr;inea. Assorted sizes. Write for Des- criptive Folder. and prices. Scope Soler Co., 320. Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. SPLPIND7D oportnnity; we have for gale truck garden situated North Bay, Ontario: no competition; Immediate pos,eeslnn: down payment, 03,000. FOR dull particulars write Mre. Charles Beattie, real estate broker, Poetoffiee Box 72, North Bay, Ont, Se'RATEROY-P1T^'CTRIC Welding & Radiator Repair, Big trade In Johnson steamers, Alone and 0enn carry on, 4 acres on highway, modern 7 room brink house, new barn and hen huse. R. Searson, Realtor. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdresaing the Robertson method Information on reeueet regarding 05,000a Robertson's Ratrdrenelne Academy. 177 Ave nue Road. Toronto OIEUICAI PROVEN REMEDY — Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls should try Dixon's Remedy. Munroe Drug Store, 3311 Elgin, Ottawa. Pootpald 11.00. BOWMAN'S Rub, an etfeetlt'e remedy for atnue trouble, flu, swollen glands, bronehltle, weak wee, swollen throat.- Address .261 Queen St, W., Toronto, Price 82,00. 4 DON'T DELAY! Every eufterer ofRheum- atle Peine or Neuritis:Mould try Dlxon'e Remedy. Munro'. Drug Store, 336 IBgln, Ottawa. Poetpald ;1.00. OPPORTUNITIES: FOB WOMEN RE A HAIRDRESSER .0774 CANADA'S LEA DINO SCHOOL Grsnt OPpnrtonity Learn Fin tramming Pleasant dignified profession good wage. 'hnttsande auccessfu1 Marvel gra due fes America's greatest system tlttletrated cats IoR1IP free Write or .'all MARVEL Et A Tit11RESRTNG SCHOOLS 369 Blom St IV Toronto Branches 44. Ring St Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street Otto we OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN NEED immediate steady Income? send 260 to Green's, 116 Oxford. Toronto. for book nn tested mall boslneeses began on ewe string. PAT-F,NTB FETHERSTONAI'GH & Company Patent Sn'Irilnre Ealnhi'alre0 1690 14 1610. WPet, Pornnlo Booklet of tarot -mum n ..400.0 l'RRSONAI-- --- - — "ELLI AH COM7NQ Before Chris)', wonder. Cul book free Megiddo Mleeleo Rochester 11, N Y STAMPS of all kinds bought, pay 60 cent. Per 100 for used Elizabeth', Borehino, Brantford, Ont. 137 STONEY-MA.ICING plane, oleo formulae salable product.• Descriptive literature FREE Elyte Company, 146 Queen West, Oltawn. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED — 6IEN, WOMEN, -311.;n 826, to 860 weekly, Addreseing cards. Bond 100 to cover mailing. 1Ir6ITLLAN COMPANY. 6038 Washington Patkr Ct. Chicago 16. tumors. RF,Gi8TEItIOD NURSES FOR GENERAL DUTY—Llving condition. and eatery 8001. Hoepltallzatlon plan. Apply superintendent, Brome-Mlselequol Per- kins I3ospltal, Sweetsburg. Que. ii ti '7Ntee For constant Smoking Pleasure' zepta.4 mot 4.0/4. pONADS 'p0'RT VIE Tin* V; eWObac c+ri PORT" Cigarette Tobacco ?000 ALSO AVAILABL* IN 1 POUND TINS 'MUTT AND JEFF—And The Fish Jumped Right Back In The Water GH, MOTHER DEAR 48 COMING T,G VISIT US! I'LL HAVE TO ,MEET HER AT THE STATION!' I'LL HANG UP - ' WOi'1'l- THEY BE MOTHERS NEW SURPRISED To PICTURE �, _ SEE THIS! FIRST/ MoTHEo l:,COMESEE WHAT WE PUT OVERTHE MANTLE To REMIN US OFF You! By BUDD FISHER •