HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-02-26, Page 4THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1948 WALTON Mrs. Walter Davidson has receiv- ed word from Provost,. AlbertF, of the death of her brother-in-law, James D. Farquharson, son of the late Daviel and Mrs. Farquharson and husband of - Isabelle Telfer, all former residentsof Walton locality. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Chapman and daughter of Morris are moving in April to the former Ralph MOVING PICTURES The Tuckersmith and McKillop Federations of Agriculture in collaboration with Seaforth Women's Institute Invite the general public to a r.imuw• rug of films veno out by the X uiounl Filet Board Feeling of Rejection—(Child Psychology) Hungry Minds—Conditions in Europe Klee Wyck—Story of Emily Carr, B.C. Artist For Home and Country—W.1. Golden Jubilee at Guelph in June, 1947 High School Auditorium, Wednesday, MARCH 3 - 8.30 p.m. Guest Artist's—Mrs. Frank Kling, Mr, J. T. Scott, Mrs. Robt. iC9c- Kercher NO ADMISSION CHAROF. SILVER COLLECTION IN AID OF THE APPEAL FOR CHILDREN FUND Nichol farm, con.- 10, McKillop, which he purchased recently' from Mr. Frank Kirkby. Mr. McNichol is moving to the former Kirkby f'artn, lot 29, con, 12. Wm, Bolton of Rochester,' N.Y.,. rs visiting at the home of his broth- es, Sam and Earl Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. Moody.Holland have G.ed to their new home in Blyth. r. Cameron Dennis of North -Bay isiling at the home of his brother and sister, Miss. Ethel . and E1o?er Dennis. .Hiss Edith Rockwell of Stratford ':'• h 1",er. father, Joseph S. Hacl:well Mr. Leo Watt and Mr, Orrin :Pak - of Harlofk with friends in the vil- lage. Mr, Ross Driscoll in Seaforth hos- n''tal for an operation. LONDESBORO lnhn Moon, h9, Rosemary Lane t`,rnnto real estate executive, died of a heart attack while working in his sister-in-law's garden 'in Phoenix, \tiz., where he was spending the winter. 1•le had left for there with his wile last December. 'He was past president of the St. Clair Horticultural society and held many trophies for itis prize flowers, One of his specialties was producing hybrid iris. 'Each new ouduct be <t would name ng peop. Bonlen in .Londesborough, Huron county, he was a' veteran of the crn„th African war. He had lived in Toronto since 1910. He was an ,carve member of Ward Six Progres- sive Conservative association, past president of the Forest Hill Soft- ball league, North Toronto Baseball association and the Huron Old Boys. He was a member of the Masons and -Mimeses Shrine, Forest Hill Veterans' association and Timothy Raton Memorial Church, where he formerly sang in' the choir as bari- tone soloist. He.was :le+'nro"1y in the Mendelssohn choir He is survived by his widow and one son, Jack. • STANLEY. :Phare passed away. in Port Huron, Mich., on Feb. 5, Isabella Keys, be - loped wife of the late Wni. J. Reid in her S6thyeal.. She was •a daug- hter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keys and was born and, spent her early life on the Uabylon Line, Stan- ley Township. In 1892' she was -mag-. vied to her late husband atid'weht to Avoca, Nlich.; to live: After het husband died in 192S 'she 'arid .her 'daughter Etta moved to Post .Martin where she has lived for past eighteen years. Besides her daughter' she is. survived b , -two sons,' Clarence et • Reid of Avoca and Robert L. Reid of lnclianapolis and two grandsons, also, by two brothers Amos and Ben- jamin Keys, and three sisters NITS, Mary Anderson, Mrs, Sam Hanna and Miss Sara Keys;.' all of Huron County. The funersoil"Was on Sunday Feb. $ from Down's. Funeral Home with Rev. Wm. C. Peliowe; First Methodist Minister _ of Port Huron, and Rev Arthur C. Dufenbacl ,. Yale 'Presbyterian .Church, officiating. In- terment was in Springhill_Cemetety. Pallbearers were Wm. T, "Reid, , J. Harland Patterson, Kenneth Keys, Fred L. Patterson, W. 'Bruce Keys, Levine T. Wilks, Dr. Ray Wilks. Those attending the funeral from this district were Mr: and..Mrs. Ben Keys and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keys of Brucefield. Mr. Lloyd Keys and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys of Var- na, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood and'daug- liter and Mrs. Mary Anderson of Goderieh We _t :' Rust Clear Everything At Our Selling Out Sale CLEARING MEN'S OVERCOATS 812.00 Buy now for next year BOYS' TWEED SUITS 2 pair of 'pants. Don't miss these $11.50 LADIES' Balbriggan BLOOMERS In pink and white. to clear 50c CHILD.REN'S PANTIES To clear 25e ' INFANTS' VESTS Tie -on style. Special 25c Prices —at MEN'S RUBBER RAIN COATS A necessity for spring wear Out they go $5.75 MEN'S SCAMPERS For dress and sportswear. Reg. 2.98 To Clear $2.00 CLEARANCE OF LADIES' SHOES Oxfords, Straps, Pumps and some loafers. Reg. 3.00, 3.95, 4.50 lines To clear $2.00 BOYS' LEATHER HI -CUT BOOTS' Reg. 5.25, 5.95. They must go at $4.00 BOYS, CHILDREN'S PLAIN OVERRUBBERS At a price that can't be beat 49c • BOYS' BUSHMAN'S $1,25 GOLOSHES To clear 99e pr Grein Front Dept. Stores Opposite Post Office Seaforth —are Lower i KIPPEN The W.M.S. of St. Andrews Unit- ed Church here held•,their February meeting in connection. with The'. World Day of Prayer at the horse of. Mrs. Harry Caldwell: There was a very good attendance. The World Day. of Prayer program. was fol.- lowed with..mrs. Robert Elgie pre - Special prayers were offered by Mrs. W.• Alexander, Mrs. Peck, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. Alex. McMur- tris, Mrs. Hinton, Mrs. Herbert Jones and Mrs. Thomas Kay. The scripture lesson was read 1 by Mrs. Hinton. A brief address was given 'by Mrs. Hobert' Elgie. A poem was giyon' 15yMrs. Winston Workman. MrTires beneElg'ie;diction was pronounced CROMARTY'' Thomas R. Wooden died in Sea - forth• m Hospital Sandal rnin • o g in his 76th year, Mr. Worden, who was a lifelong resident of con:- 10, Hib- bert Township, suffered a stroke three weeks ago. He -is survtved.,11y. his wife; a brother, Joseph Ward- en, and a sister, Mrs. J. M. Miller of Staffa. The funeral 'took place from his late hone on Tuesday aft- ternoon at 2:30 o'clock with inter - anent -in -Staffs cemetery. Hydro Users .. . You can avoid additional interruptions by voluntary saving in the use of hydro Seaforth's quota, as allotted by the H. ID. P. C., is 13,800 kilo -watt hours each 24-hour period. Despite co-operation of local industries who have reduced their working day by one hour, the hourly interruption in the case of Commercial users and the two-hour cutoff for Domestic' Con- sunl.ers, consumption in Seaforth continues to exceed the quota. Unless consumption is reduced, further interruptions must be ordered. YOU CAN SAVE BY Turning off all but one light in a room. Turning off appliances as soon as no longer required. Reduce wattage and number of bulbs . EXISTING INTERRUPTIONS WILL CONTINUE AS FOLLOWS: DOMESTIC—(Including certain Commercial users on domestic circuits) —Daily, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning FROM 9 A.M. to 10 A.M. FROM 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. COMMERCIAL—(Including certain Domestic consumers on Commercial circuits) — Daily, except Saturday and Sunday FROM 5 P.M. to 6 P.M. Save Hydro All Day Every Day REDUCE KILOWATT-HOURS Seaforth Public Utility Commission KIPPEN EAST The March meeting of the Kippen East W.I.•.will be held at the home. of -Mrs. William Doig. oir Thursday afternoon,.March 4th at 2 p:m. Mrs. Jack Sinclair will be the co -hostess: Roll call -is to be answered by a factor which would induce young people to stay on the farm. Program will be carried out according to the program sheet. This is our Canadian Industry and Agricultural meeting. Lunch convener is Mrs. Ross Chap- man. • MANLEY ' Mr. Jerome Manley: Victoria Hospi- tal, London, spent Saturday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan and fam- ily', Walton. with Ml'. and Mrs. P. J. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manley spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. l'ergus Kelly. Mr. and , Mrs, • Dan Manley, Frank and Elaine, of London. sliest Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Manley. To . Freshen the appearance of your car for Spring . WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OP Seat covers and floor mats Plastic Gloss polish 1.50 Special all -chrome wheel rings 11.95 set License plate brackets 65c and 75c DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH REO ENT SD IF A OR,TI3 Now Playing "THE ENCHANTED FOREST' r., TncHNICOLon ' The story is laid inn California fore 0, --with the Forest Folic sharing honors witl,�the.-humanWbIe'1(nll5sEDMUND LOWE AND BRENDA JOYCE ]CION, dlUES. Witt. "THEY WON'T BELIEVE ME" with SUSAN HAYWARD — ROBEEIT YOUNG F JAN00000R with FIe lived it lie that lad him from one disastrous love, to another Next'Thurs. Fri, Sat. ' "GUNFIGHTERS°In Cinicalor WITH RANDOLPH SCOTT AND BARBARA BR('TTON A superior Western with a good plot—ides a Null shore of Bement': emotional • entanglements • 0051100: Adult Entertainment 'FOREVER AMBER" Hi Technicolor With LINDA DARNEL( CORNEL WILDI. RICHARD GREEN',' nN.•w x..A,- ....YT,'Je 41, .EVER oD`s USI ESS , by, Many men make the :mistake of regarding themselves as completely self-contained. Actually, all of us depend to some degree on other people in order to make a living. In most jobs we are part of a large or small group of workers. Or else we deal with customers or some group requiring our services. And no matter how skilled a man may be as a worker, be cannot reach .maximum suc- cess unless he has harmonious relations with those with whom he works. This means being co-oper- ative and willing on the job. It means being interested in other people's •'ideas and methods .. and being toler- ant when they differ from yours. And it means being cheerful and friendly. Nobody loves the "lone - wolf type of operator. But the mean who is really"co-oper- ative builds goodwill' .in all l,,'. directions. And he learns more because he, is, receptive to good advice and ideas • from a Wide variety of sources. No wonder employ- ers prefer his kind! No won- der he meets with greater success! Life insurance is a co-opera- tive risk -sharing plan which enables people to provide against the uncertainties of life — a task generally impos- sible for the individual to ac- complish by himself. W-307 HEAR= "Queen's Park Report No: 6' by PREMIER GEORGE DREW !HIGHWAYS FOR. TOMORROW" FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 CKNX 920 8-8.15pm. Lenten Foods FRESH FROZEN FILLETS Cod Salmon Whitefish Haddock Sole Smoked Haddie FRESH FROZEN FISH Whitefish- Red Salmon Herring We carry a complete line of Fresh Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Strawberries Peaches Asparagus Cuttings Raspberries Beans Peas Asparagus Tips Whyte's Butcher Shop. Do You dant to Rent a ME? This notice is. directed to those fainilies, in need of housing accommodation and when com- pleted should be sent or mailed, plainly marked "Housing", to the Town Clerk, Seaforth, Nance Address What accommodation do you have at present?.. Why do you wish to change ? Give particulars'... What is the size of your family ? Give age and sex of children What size house 'do you require ? What rent can you afford to pay ? Are you employed ? Name of Employer Are you a veteran of world war II ? Length of service in world war II (Al Overseas (B) Canada CUT OUT AND USE •0