HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-02-26, Page 3$achelor and Hockey Bobby Boxers—Marlboros' Johnny Mc Cormack, leading scorer in the OHA senior race, has other worries besides bagging his quota of goals for Joe Pruneau 's team, They're obviously pleasant worries, however, as yeti might discover from this picture of Johnny instructing his S t. Mike's (U of T) hockey team. Left to right (front row. •t Vicky Boechler, Ann Malcolm, Betty Markle, the coach, Fran cis Conlin, Rita Bauer (sister of Bobby, ex -Boston Bruin;',' Helen. Martel, Babe Coughlin and Barbara Smith. Back row; Nancy Gates, Jean Rutherford and Mamie Flynn. Sports — And One Thing or Another One of our feminine readers --we might say that the lady is a violent supporter of the Montreal Canadiene and not feeling any too good about the state of the world at present — writes regarding, a certain well- known member of the Toronto Maple Leafs. "I understand that many years ago there used to be a song entitled AND BIG BAD BILL IS 'SWEET WILLIAM NOW'. 1 wonder if you could get a copy of it, and send it with my compliments to 'Bad Man' Ezlnirki, Ever since one of our boys gave hien a mild going. over hi Montreal 'Big Bad Bill' seems to have lost a lot of that much adver- tised fight of his—just another of the kind that loves to dish it out, but ca .'t take it!" * * Personally, we have no particular feeling either way regarding Mr. Ezinicki — or any other professional athlete, for that matter. There was a day vet= we could follow, with intense and even passionate interest, the progress --or lack of it --of some No. team. But that day is in the dim and distant past. It goes back to the time when a great Canadian Sports Editor—Francis Nelson, by name—gave us a little advice which really opened our eyes. We had been bewailing to Mr, Nelson the fact that "Our" team— df memory serves aright it•was the old Tecumseh's Lacrosse Team—was getting the worst of it from some hated rival, and appeared to be in great danger of losing its last chance for the Championship. * *. ''Don't worry about it too mucid' advised Mr. Nelson. "Just remem- ber Nds--if you Duel's to go into those dressing -rooms, right now at half- tiine, and switch the uniforms on Magazine "Facts" Need a Recheck I11 a recent issue FORTUNE — the magazine that sells for a dollar a copy and seldom mentions any- body low r down In the social scale than a millionaire — published tiontethi. g of a '`blart" at Canada, The :article, among other things, said that "in an even race Kansas wheat grower might put Canadian growers out of business" - the reason being that our farm research was so greatly behind that in "God's r anti'''". Canadians who pay any attention to this kind of thing are having a quiet smile tr themselves over such nonsense. According to the "Agricultural and Industrial Pro- gress in Canada" the world's wheat championship — decided annually ' at the Chicagn International Grain Show — has been won by Cana- • diens just 29 time out 'of 33 shows held since 1911. More. than that, all tour of the wins by sou -Canadians were on wheat from Montana — which lies along the Canadlan'bur- der; and the prize-winning grains Were all varieties either originated fn this country, or frain a dseendant Of :Canadian strains. It would stem as if FORTUNE, might do a tittle checking on its Much, -publicized •"fact- checking" staff. By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") those two teams, they'd probably be battling one another just as hard when they came on the field again." * * * Their he added something we have always remembered, and frequently quoted. "When you look at any pro- fessional sport, if you see a good game you've had your money's worth. If it's a poor game, even the fact that it might be for the champion- ship of the world doesn't make it any different. A m a t e u r athletes, playing strictly for the flat of it, have no obligation to think too much about the spectators but it's differ- ent with professionals, who if they put on a tame exhibition are cheat- ing those who make their living possible." * * * Here, we seem to have got slightly off the trail of Bill Efinlcki — and whether or not he's lost some of the battling spirit that,has characterized him for the past couple of seasons. Our personal feeling is just the same as it has always been—that Ezinicki is a colorful and potentially -great hockey player who was being exploit- ed, mostly by irresponsible sports writers, to his own great disadvan- tage. * * fe Billing Ezinicki as a "killer" and all that sort of tripe might help swell the box-office tally, and draw extra customers who came only io holler "Get Ezinicki" every time he stepped on the ice. That's very fine, /especial- ly for the type of "sports" promoter whose idea of the greatest game of the season is the one which broke the last attendance record. * * * But just suppose that Ezinicki— spurred to more intensive efforts by those hostile shouts, he being that type of athlete—should by some mis- chance injure an opponent really seriously, perhaps even fatally. In less time than it takes for you to read this, he finds himself suspend- ed, maybe banished for life. Inside a month all toe 'writers who hammered out so meaty greatly. needed columns front his doings —• to say nothing of the promoters who cashed in out his drawing -powers would have practically forgotten hint completely, or alnrtost so. If .Mr: Ezinicki has pulled, in his horns a trifle—is no longer letting himself be made the sacrificial goat for an entire club, wc think he has been very ,well advised. Coaches and Managers u'ho stress the "fighting qualities" of their teams have a lot to answer for. If the penalties fell as heavily on thein as on these ihcy incite to such prowess, maybe They toxo u'ouild "cool out." a (rifle.' * *• A week or so ago wewrote some- thing in praise of the British Boxing Pt7 EO(-ae has medical ail- ments has overcome 0.11• menta formerly tl>ought ImpoaeIble. Piles were considered one them. em. That's noanente Moony, The new. 0,1(one treatment hes proven it- self in thousands of the moat stub• horn ..lane. It gate results because It goes direct tothe internal cavae. Yourz ilmst bottle (a liquid taken by mouth) shown you the difference, - or that price refunded- at ones, Ali modern Drugglate. e Association for its action in curbing the broadcasting and televising of fights in future. John Lardner— son of the great and only Ring W. and himself a smart and thoughtful sports observer — a couple of days later wrote along the same line, and speaks about how the increasing popularity of television threatens the very life of sport, not only in Britain, but on this Continent as well. * * * "It appears," he says, "that the ,British fight fan is getting his enter- tainment practically everywhere but at the place where fighters are fight- ing and ticket sellers selling tickets. The boys (night be fighting at the bottom of the Suez Canal for all, they are drawing at the gate. The big shows are playing to peanuts, and the small shotes folding top." * * * Well, we can picture it as a very sweet thing indeed—to sit by your home television screen and, in a single Saturday afternoon, tune in and see a few innings of World Series Base- ball, some scraps of American and Canadian football, the finish of some of the most important horse races of the day, and various other items of the sort—all without the slightest exertion. If, you have the only tele- vision set in your vicinity and can charge the neighbors a small ad-, mission fee, it will be, even sweeter. But after a few years of it — just where the athletes are coming from, to 'keep things going, ie something we haven't yet been able to figure out. Hard Necessity The wearing of the kilt is be- coming more common in Scotland, not because of a revival of nation- alism, but because of a shortage of trousers. Streamlined Ski' Lighter and Faster Britain has produced a new, streamlined ski, said to be lighter and 10 per cent faster than any other. The new ski, likely to prove the surprise of the 194s Olympic win- ter games, is made of steel, plastic and wood, ,and may later be made unbreakable. It was tried out secretly on the Jungfrau glacier during the sunt - mer by James Palmer Thompkin- son, captain of the British old teals for the 'Olympic games. News of the invention is begin- ning to leak out among the other teams in Switzerland—and one of the new skis has disappeared mysteriously in the night. A Bright Idea FondMamma; "Wouldn't you like to give your hoop to that poor little boy who has no father?" Tommy: "Couldn't we give hint father, instead?" - WHY BE ENVIOUS - of other peoples' coffee when you can serve Maxwell House? It's the world's leading brand and it con. tains choice Latin-An'eri• can coffees for extra flavor. ITCH CHECKED ix a ✓Iffy -or Money Beck For quick relief from Itching caused by athlete's foot, sables, i enclee and otbflt ds�cooling,mre D. 12. D paasCHITfNGressel eytlaai1elms. Soothes, comforts and gal *Emcee Itching. Don't nutter. Ank you Md_oy fit D. D. D. PRESCRIPTIO ISSUE 6-1940 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH CIGARETTE TOBACCO Classified Advertising BUSINESS OPPORTUNvnLe A1•l OFFER to every inventor --Lin of Inves- ttons and.tun Information rent Wee. rhe Ramsay Co„ Registered Patent Attorneys 575 Bank Street. Ottawa,. BABY 01I06b ifonkton Poultry Cblrka You buy baby ohlok8 tor, one reason. ' TO receive divi- dends on your investment, you mud be on, talo where yourmoney, le.. invested. - We otter you baby chicks from a Poultry Farm, with every breeder puilorumID' tested- and government banded.' " Take advantage of our early. 61a count, Write tor.our 1846 catalogue and price (1at.. *Nekton Poultry Fartps, Moelet,n, Ontario. Four -Week -Old' Pullets Two, three, four Week and older - pullets February hatched. Start. with early hatched chicks and get the high prices for eggo next Summer and early Pall. Large. Type White - Leghorns andeven other popular breeds, Send for aloe list, Management 'Guide and catalogue and book 7000 order now. Lakeview Poultry Farm Exeter Ontario same 1840 DiflOR8 NOW' Be Sure and receive our special price It., on our chick, the progeny of Registered and Pedigreed blood -tested Breeders. Mixed chalks 13oand up, pullets 26c and Ile. Write today Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Chatham, Ontario, or 13raneb et Brtlann la Heights, (Ottawa), Ontario. Grow quality birds that Ilve and lay. If You are really Interested in high quality poultry you will not hesitate to get aome of our chinks this year, Now, more. than ever before,.. quality will play a very important. part 'in the poultry Mines.. The only tensible thing to do is put the best quality ohieke thatmoneycan buy into your -!looks this year. You'll begin to notice the dltCer- enee In about five month,' when your layers begin to produce. Remember Suet a few more eggs from .your -flock. during the ' time of high prices will return the added profits that make the difference' bewteen the average and highly aucceesful Investment, Send to -day for 0atalogue and - Mallet. Twaddle Chick, Hatchertee Limited, Fergua, Ontario.:. CHICKS THAT ARE STRONGER, EASIER toraise, and lay better, from 4,000 high Production breeders. Leghorns, Rooks and Hybrids. Miller Poultry Farnt, Clarkson, Ontario. - 12%c Hurondale Chicks 12yc All Breeders blood tested, banded, and In - needed and backed by high pedigreed found- ation stock. Sussex is New Hamp., Rook X New Hemp., Barred Rocks, Now Hamm mixed 1211n pullet. 260. Licht Sussex Mlx- ed. 14e, puflete t7o. Large type Leghorn. mixed 1239c, pullet. 010. All heavybreed cockerel. -4c, Medium breed 80, 61.00 per 100 down balance C.O.D. Order from and enclose this ad, Hurondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario BEEF and pork ori dill high. Moreover all tndleattone poiat towards oontlaued peen), him on all types of -moat, The alert poultry- man who wb01y Invest. in a (look 0! fast- growing chicks that will mature into broiler. and roasters Ina few short weeks atanda to melte an extremely handaome profit .this year. No matter whether you are raising ohlckn. for the .cgs they will produce or to all as broilers or reenters you ems make more money if your chicks are from euick- maturing, heavy -laying ancestry. De sure tobuy the kind of chicks that will live, grow rapidly, feather out early and put on lots of weight. They will return greeter profit on your Investment In lees lima Top Notch chicks will do .the above. Free cata- logue and prleelhtt. Top Notch 410ok Oates, Guelph, Ontario.. RING THE BELL with Schummer', Quality' Chtoka, govern- mentapprovod, R.0.0, Sired. Make no rob- take: Catalogue Free. Schummer'I Hatchery, Linwood, Ont. 100 onions FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks We give 100 tree heavy breed chicks Barred Rock Pullets 026.06, White Rock Pullets 538.86, White Leghorn Pullets 521.50, Brown Leghorn Pullets 528.118, Red -Rock Pullate 185.86, Leg- horn -Rook Pullets $10,56, New Hampshire Pullets 113,06. All chicke sold are from blood tented stook, backed by high pedigreed stock. Also get our areola! prtoe. on Mixed chicks and Cockerels, 01,00 books your order, Balance C.O.D. Guaranteed de1(verr• Kent Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. Damen Brown Lecher., Barred Roots Rhode intend Reda. All Government ap- proved which mean. Government IOspeotors inspect our brood flock. and hetobery and which 000000s you high quality chink.. Write for prices. Cochrane'. Poults' Farm, Ridge - town, Ontario. Oxford Approved Chtoka 1100, lay god peg. They are the results of twenty-two years of careful .election and breeding In, 0,13.0. They have to be good, because' we want the 0erY best kind of ehtcks for our own Hooka --big, vigorous and early maturing. We .trees egg sloe and uniformity. 'Barred Reeks —White Leghorns—Hama. x Rook Crossbreds Kamp k Leghorn Croeobreda—Rook x Leg- horn Crossbred., Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co -Operative Produce Com- pany, Limited, 484 Mein Street, woo4.tock, Ontario. AGAIN, a good poultry year for Canedtsn Producers .Early chicks am In production for the beat markets, We can rive prompt shipment of dayolds or darted if you've the equipment, Or we Almon you get prloell.t and place your order now before the later rusb, it you prefer later delivery. Central aeareet Hatchery, agent or Bret' Hatchery. 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. Lakeview Chicks for 1948 from a real laying and breeding plant, over 10,000 breeder, inspected, banded and blood tested. Many customers have had year. of conttauobe ammo with Lakeview Chicks. TM, year it rosy be even mote important to buy the beat. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Mallard of Parkhill. Ontario, .have 1100 16 consecu- tive yeosn of continuous 0000000 with Lake- view Chicks, Why can't you too? Start Thar chicks early, There• will be a shortage of eggs next Fell and prlcea aro bound to be hinter. Send for large illustrated catalogue and Poultry Management Guide with pl* early order discounts. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros. Exeter, Ont. 11YEl24O AND 01J1AN1N0 HAVE 1100 anything- needs dyeing or clean- ing/ Write to u0 for information. We are died to answer your questions. Department IL Pa4ter', Dye Works Limited 101 Songs Street, Toronto, Ontario.. FOR BALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service; Bert E Kennedy 30 Son. 419 College St. Toronto. REGISTERED Wire Fox Terrier Puppies 323. Also brood matrons. Westmont -Nova 150mtols, R00'4, Berwick, Nova Scotia, 310 .ACRES, going concern, three eoureea inaom0, Timber, Fatnn, 1300,00,•, 011 catch or pet'l Wade, balance each, immediate Doe - 0e0010» Write I0. C. Coupland. Golden, B.C. MO, 140,117. heavy Breed Cockerels, 0,001*l for Feb. 1011, and 23rd, 92.00.per 100. also nonaxed chicks and Minn at bargain nrloe0. Write today for pricollat and free calendo r: Rig Rock Pam, Mille Roches, int -FOR BALE GARDEN TRACTORS ROTARY TILLERS 11- to 8 horsepower. garden Plows, plena. Cultivators, Sickle Mowers, ata, Writs; UNIVERSAL TRACTORS LIMITED Manufacturers Suppliers. Bartonrille (Hamllton),; Ontario. 5 LBS. FINE QUILT PCS. $1.s5 Colorful assortment, Prettiest designs. Guaranteed washable, cotton,, prints. broad- cloth, stunning (silk Quilting patches, assorted sizes, making attractlye gulits. - Prefero'ed inanition, 11 10 (20' lbs. 06,20). FREE' It quilt denim; Needle.; Thread. Remittance with order, - DeIivery extra. 12 YDS. REMNANT PIECES $L60 Washable Cotton Prints, Broadcloth, Piques, etc, About 10" to 80" *ldtb. Linealroes. auremento. Postage 10c. ' MONTREAL REMNANTS Station H. Dept, 4, Montreal FOR BALE, one Automatic Oliver - Wlre-Tie Pickup Baler. geed one season,- LeRoy Coleman, R.R. 4, Blenheim, Ont. CHINCHILLA Ontario Chinchilla Ranchers, affiliated with Fur Parma, Dia, California, havean openl0e for as aggreesive man to start a Chinchilla ranch, with a0 opportunity on our sales state. Be your own boas. -Raise Chinchillaand work with one of the world's largest Chinchilla organizations. If you have the capital and can measure up to our require- ments, your future le assured. Write W. H. Pelham., 88 Delaware Ave., Hamilton, Ont. RE -NU -IT ATITO PAINT FACTORY-LI{E J013 FOR ONLY 84.06 Suet wipe It on with a powder. puff. Ames- ing new enamel goes on smoothly, given. permanent. glossy finish to your ear or truolc, Guaranteed two years, not to peel. - ohlp or fade. Nine beautiful colour!. maroon. bright red, dark blue, evergreen, desert tan. gunmetal gray,- ocean green, golden yellow, black. One quart Perot.; your oar. Send check or money order for 14,85 to ,Mceireea Corporation, Thorold; Ont... Broad -Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults Reserve your order for 1048. We turned down order. for 60,000 Poult, last season. Poults all hatched in brand new metal tur- key Incubators, all turkey. (no ehtcks). We expect there will be more money to turnout In 1048 than 1047 as it 10 likely feed prices will be cheaper next summer when the new crop comesalong. Bend for turkey manage- ment guide and price list and book your order for 1048. Lakeview Turkey Ranch Exeter Ontario FOR BALE, .hoe repair equipment and alma Paint . spraying machine, complete. I00050* Pete Labadie, Tilburg, Ont. BATTERY-OPERATED Radio Set for .ala Deforest Crossley Corona model, 5 tubes epee1001y equipped wftb Romano Eliminator for us .with either Mange battery or del ce11.. New cost over 1800. Make offer. A fine. and lasting gift. Box 161, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. CHOICE light amber h0n0y, case of six 8- Ib. pail., 818.20 F.O.B. Barrie. If fled station, Include freight charges to prepay shipment. Stanley R. Bang, Bayview Lodge Apiaries. Rawls, Ont. GERMAN shopherd pupa, registered, brei from abominate,beautifully mrke4. Write 7- Skeeter, 80 Campbell St„ Wheel - Pelt. Man. DARK Cornish Cockerel. and pullets 56.04 to 110.00 each, Geo. Fraser, R. 1, Dur- ham, Ont. CHERRY LOGS Bought for cash, Write .Boz 85, Ferris, Ont. Doberman Pupploe--Sired by ObamDlon Ooi- the von Mannerhelm, Show proepocte for approved Mace. Particular' on request. Tannenwald Kennels, 50 Yorkville Ave., Toronto, Midway 3107. TAXI BUSINESS For Bele in Sudbury, Ontario. Ono of Sud- bury's leading and moat prosperous tali beano. with eight new cert and all modern 0001Dme0t. Best location In city with a largo garage and service station. 830.000 o.Sh or payments oast be arranged. WrItb George Appleby, 149 Edward Ave„ Sudbury, Ontario. TANKS. 10,000 gala Immediate delivery. Also other dyes on hand. R, St. Gormata, 5778 84 Lawrence Blvd., Montreal, Que. 70 TONS baled hay, 820 per ton, F.O.B. Brindon, B. 3, Sayer, Imams, oat. 1.1A1RDRE881000 LEARN Hatrdreeetng the Robertson method. Information on reque.t regarding *lasse,. Robertaon'a Halydreadng Academy. 137 Ave. nue Road, Toronto. MEDICAL I'1"S 1XOELLENT, Real rebutts after tali - 1111C D1x0n'e Remedy for Rheumatts 001.11e 404 Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store. 806 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid *1.00. PEOPLE are talking about the good results from 1a1000 Dixon's Remedy for Rhea - maths Pains and Neuritis. Slunro'a Drug Store, 886 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 01.00. OPPORTUNITIES loOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halydreeelns Pleasant Mollified profession. good wares thou.ands auccesstul gravel graduate. America'. greatest system. illustrated eats, logue tree. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Bloor St. W,. Toronto Branch°. 44 Klee St„ Hamilton A 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME SPARE or full-time money -melting. Learn to make Dandy at home and earn as you learn; correspondence course. National In- stitute of Confectionery Reg'd. Delorimler P.O., Sox 162, Montreal, qua BECOME TELEGRAPH/di Commenotngg salary 5176 monthly. 81g de- mand.- . I.marn at home with self -totalling machines. Very practioai career. Free folder deneribea, Write Casson System, Toronto NEED immediate steady income? Sead 260 to Greene, 110 Oxford. Toronto, for book on tested mall businesses begun on shoe- string. PATENTS FETHERSTONAl1Gt'1 & Company • Patent Sollcitere. Fatebllahed 1880, 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information ti request, PERSONAL LONESOME? limtlattic. erresioodence Mag,. =Me contains, photos, descriptions. 100, With ad,reeses 50c. One year 88 World Federation 0105, Par11orview, Sask. "ELIJAH COMING Before Christ"'book free Megiddo 811,01on, Rochester 13, N,Y PfOTOORAt i!IY 41uolcoka Photo Service, Barlochan, Oat. Rolla developed and 8 prince 335, 11.15 ;nth ts. 40o. Work guaranteed. POP—None Worse *hairs W i i,;L the THE sIGE FOR. It • Y1►lg. 1_► X11L_:1=1►. By J. MILLAR WATT WE'VE COOT SOME AT HOME LiKE'tHAT•�� .,Mtt(TMY WIFEY DAR NtAD1E 1