HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-02-19, Page 13FEBRUARY..19, 1948 1111,,,,, , 1111,,,, „n,„ , „; ,,,,,, .nu,,,,n,nnu", , ,,,,, 1111 1111, 1111 WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR STORE HEINZ SOUP DEAL Feb.19-20-2l RAISINS• 1 BUY 3 TITINN RV 0EThur. Fri. Sat. ,1 b - 19c GET -: Lipton's Orange Label Pekoe Tea 1/2 ib pkg ;52 (And one ,pkg. of Lipton Noodle Soup Mix Free !) MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 ib bag 54c AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP 2 tins 17c ARROW PEAS NIAGARA TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. tins 2'FOR 25c 20 oz. tin -10c BULK PEANUT BUTTER Bab -O, 2 Lins 27c ..I lb. spec. 35c Chan Paste Floor Wax, 1 lb59c Hillcrest Shortenih, 1 lb. 30c Swift's Household Cleanser Choice Cooking Rice, 1b. 20c • .. t 2 tins 25c We Deliver ART. WRIGHT .Phone 77 t 11..111111n1111.11.111111111111111111111111 11 ,,,,,," „ tttttt 111111111111111111 ,,,,, 11111111111111111111. of Blyth, spent a few days recently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 1VI. Peek. THE SEAFORTH NEWS HARLOCK • Mr, Charles Parsons visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt, also attended the Harlock, school party on Friday night of last week. Mr. Arthur Colson took'Mr•s. Leo Watt and Jessie to London, on Mon- day. We wish to congratulate Mr. Bert Beacom on purchasing a new tractor and wish him every success. Mrs. Robert Watson spent one .af- ternoon last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family visited on Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs. J. Linden of Denfield. Quite a number attended the recep- tion and dance in Hensall town hall last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cooper (Norma Smith) newly- weds ewlyweds of Kippen. They were presented with a studio couch. Friendship Circle -will meet on Mon- day evening, Feb. 23, in the Sunday School room with Mrs. E. Jarrott's group in charge. The meeting will start promptly at 8.30 p.m. Mrs. Elliott and little son Ronald, Peat Moss Chick Starter Chick Grit Cane Molasses Cod Liver Oil Fertilizer and Grass Seed Carload of Wire and Steel Posts SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 Announcing A New CONSTANCE The W.M.S. and W.A.--of Con- stance Church met in the school- room chloil-room of the church on Friday, 13th to observe the World Day of Prayer, also holding their regular meeting. The president, Mrs. P. Lindsay, opened the meeting with thoughts on prayer. We then had the roll call answered by a verse oh prayer, next month to be answered by a thought on Easter. A brife bus- iness period followed. Mos. J. Riley offered her home 'for a quilting, proceeds•• to be for the W.M.S. ex- pense fund. The first two chapters of the study book were given by Mrs. Montgomery, who was appoint- ed to take charge of it for the rest of the year. An instrumental was given by Mrs. W. Jewitt, followed by silent prayer. Mrs. W. Britton and Mrs. Robert Lawson offered Prayer. Hymn "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire" was sun;. Mrs. E. Lawson thee read the scripture les- son taken from first Corinthians chapter 1, also a paper "Helping to- gether by prayer." Short readings on Brayer by Mrs. Lindsay. Hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus" was sung followed by prayer by Mrs. Montgomery. Mrs. Britton gave a talk entitled "Lord teach us to re- ceived and Mhe m offering s.L dsay closed the meeting with prayer. The Atomic Drink Science's newest boon to mankind, the Atomic Drink, is disclosed as a tasteless, colorless, odorless, dosage of radio -active iodine. See how it is conquering diffused toxic goiter by reading this revealing article in The American Weekly, famous magazine with this Sunday's (February 22) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. DRY-CLEANING SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT We are pleased to announce the opening of an agency with BAILEY FLORISTS of Seaforth All Dry -Cleaning left in Bailey's Shop by Wed. Noon will be returned by Sat. Noon Moth -Proofing ALL GARMENTS CLEANED BY BRADY'S ARE GUARAN- TEED MOTH -PROOF FOR 6 MONTHS BY THE U -SAN -O METHOD AT .NO ADDI- TIONAL CHARGE j Price List Lady's & Men's Suits.... 85 Plain Dresses 95 Skirts & Trousers 45 Hats cleaned & blocked., 75 Top Coats 95 Other Prices & Information—Phone 393 Seaforth THE SIGN OF QUALITY DRV•CLEANING AND FINISHING FOR ALL YOUR CLOTHES Brady's. Sanitone Cleaners Phone 136 MAIN ST., EXETER PLANT & o ICE viiv "Lumber ON HAND - 1 car of Cedar -2" x 4" Io 12", and 3" x 4" to 12", lengths 3' to 22'. SPRUCE— In 1 and 2 inch, all widths and lengths. also a car of tongued and grooved spruce, 5, 6. 7, 8 inches wide. PEELED CEDAR POSTS- - Straight and in good sizes CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES— Dover White and Grey, Famous Johns -Manville siding. INSULATION— Loose or by the carton. — No. 1 Red Band Ceclar Shingles. Considerable Reclaimed cedar shingles on hand PLY W OO p— %', 3.16, and 1,4" various sizes, Beaverboard and Flexboard Hardwall Plaster Roll Roofing Lime - Asphalt Shingles Reclaimed Sashes and Doors Car of Rosedale Hard Lump Coal on the way Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best. Costs No More" Phone 47 Seaforth TOWN TOPICS Mr, herald Lawrence was in Tor- onto on Saturday attending the -wed- ding of his nephew, Tully Moull. Miss Jean McMaster, nurse -ire training in the Hamilton General Hos. pital, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mr's. E. A. McMaster, Mrs, John flotham. Jr. and Bernard visited last week in Galt with her par. ants, Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Reilly. Mrs. G. MacDonald, Stratford, spent a few days last week with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mrs.. Ralph Mc- Faddin. and Mr, 1V1cFaddin. Mr. Lloyd Elliott, Stafia, has re- turned hone from the Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr. and NIrs. Scott Coffin, Toronto, and Miss Margaret McIver, Kitchener, were week end guests a1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver, Mrs. Thos. McKay, Galt, is visiting with her mother, Mrs: Con Eckert Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ti, E. Cornish attend- ed the Cornish -Agar wedding in Strat- ford last Saturday. Mrs." Thos. Christopher and Miss Anne Christopher, London, visited over 'the week end with Mrs. M. Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Laithewaite and children, Goderich, spent the week end with Mr. and 14Irs. 1 John Hotham Sr. Mr. Thos. Wordeu, Cromarty, who is suffering from a stroke, is in the Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr, John Stevens was best man at the Cornish -Agar wedding on Satur- day in Stratford. Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto spent the week end with her mother Mrs. W. ,F. McMillan. Mrs. W. J. Brady is visiting her son Dr. P. L. Brady for a week. Mrs. Robert P. Watson visited her sister Mrs. Babcock in Toronto, over the week end. Mrs. Lorne S. Webster was in Tor- onto over the week end to attend the wedding of her nephew Win. C. Moult. Mrs. E. A. McMaster and Mrs. M. McKellar sang lovely solos in First Presbyterian Church Sunday morning and evening. BORN POWELL—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Feb. 12, to IV[r, and Mrs. Ken- neth Powell, Sea forth, a daughter. ERICHSON—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Feb. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erichsol, Egmondville, a. 5011. KENNEDY—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Feb. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kennedy, Hensall, a daughter. DANCE! SAT, NIGHT in Cardno's Hall Saturday, Feb. 21 ROSS PEARCE & HIS MUSIC Admission 50c son led, in prayer. The topic from the study book entitled "Upon, This Foundation we build in Canada" was taken by Mrs, Roy MacLeren, The meeting closed by singing "The Day"Thou Gayest, Lord" and the. Lord's Prayer. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Wesley Coleman returned home from a visit at the horne of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and NIrs. Hugh Morenz aC Dashwood. The Girls' softball team are spon- soring a dance in the Town hall, Hensall, on Friday, February 27th. Music by Lionel Thornton's orchest- ra of London. Hensall Institute The regular Meeting of the Hen - salt Institute was held in the Coun- cil Chamber on Wed. night Feb. llth with a goodly attendance. Mrs. Kers- lake presided. After singing the Ode "Pack up your troubles" was sung. Minutes read, collection taken. Roll call was answered by naming an agricultural product suitable for shipment overseas. The president suggested that members offer col- lection of suitable items such as canned meat, rice, powdered milk, dried fruits etc., at the March meet- ing. During' the business period, Mrs. Kerslake expressed thanks to the group on behalf of Mrs. L. Mickle for the nice card received by Bill Mickle during his recent illness. The secretary reported that the Le- gion flag, the gift of the Institute members had been received on be- half of the Hensall Legion. Mrs. Beer then spoke on the "Blue Cross" Hospitalization plan and handed out literature on the same. Mrs. Beer in this connection offered to act as group leader and attend to collec- tion of fees etc., if this plan is de- cided on, The secretary read a lovely thank -you letter from Mrs. Cross re- ferring to her recent illness. Mem- bers are sending her a shower of Valentine cards. The March meeting will be held in the Council chamber. Roll call, a favorite musical composition and the composer. The motto will be taken by Miss Greta Laramie. On this occasion the Zurich Women's Institute as guests will provide the program. Social comm., Mrs. Beer, Mrs. G. Mousseau, Mrs. Parke, Mrs. Walks, Mrs. Corbett, Miss Lammie, Mrs. Elgie, Mrs. Norminton, Mrs. Goodwin. Mrs. Beer and Mrs. Mou- sseau will be hostesses. The high- light of the evening was the illus- trated views which followed: The Fur Trade, Farm Electrification, A musical film. These films, the pro- perty of the National Film Board were kindly loaned by the Exeter Lions' Club, Mr. J. Bowey was the demonstrator, Mrs. B. C. Edwards gave -an excellent motto entitled "He who plants a garden has a fu- ture, and he who has a future is a Iva". Mrs. Kerslake tendered tram to all, National Anthem sung, a dainty lunch served by the hostes- ses and the social committee brought the successful meeting to a close. A good representation was pre- sent from each church at the World's Day of Prayer service. The service was led by Mrs. _ =eiger, 1st vice-pres., in the absence of the President, Mrs. W. B. Cross, assist- ed by Mrs. C, Hudson. In the ab- sence of ,Mrs. Hannah Workman and NIrs, R. H. Middleton, Mrs. L. Sher - vitt presided at the piano. The hymns used were "Dear Lord and Fattier of Mankind", "Holy, Holy. Holy", "T love Thy Kingdom Lord", "There's a' Wideness in God's Mer- cy", "National Anthem". "Lead or, CONSTANCE The National Film Board will pre- sent pictures Friday afternoon, Feb. 20 at 2:30 in -the school at Con- stance. Saturday evening, Feb. 21st in the schoolroom of the Church at 8 :30. The young people will hold a social evening, Friday, Feb. 27th in the schoolroom of the Church. All welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and family and Mrs. Joe Riley were in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson of Brucefield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Les Naftel of Ham- ilton spent Sunday with the Stephen - sons. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams of Saltford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. Miss Helen Turner spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Law - 50n. Several from this neighborhood attended the funeral of Mr; Hugh Dunlop, on Monday. Sympathy of this community goes to the bereaved family. McKI LLOP Duff's W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Wm, Kerr on Fri- day, Feb. 13th, World Day of Pray- er being observed. There was a. good attendance of ladies at the meeting in charge of Mrs. Chester Hender- son and Mrs. Russell Dorrance. Prayers were given by different ladies. Mrs. Russell Dorrance gave a solo and a reading was given by Mrs. Russell Dorrance. Minute of si- lent prayer was observed in mem- ory of Mrs. Watson who was a mem- ber of the society. Mrs. Wm. Shan- non, president of the W.M.S. took the chair for business. Mr, Peters closed the meeting with prayer, and a social half hour spent. Lunch was served by the hostess and her help- ers. 0 King Eternal", "The Day Thou gayest Lord". The theme was "The Lord's Prayer". Those who led in prayer were Mrs. R. A. Brook, Mrs. P. A. Ferguson, Mrs, Geo. Arm- strong, Mos. B. C. Edwards, Mrs. Simpson, Miss Gladys Luker, Mrs. T. Lavender, Mrs, Geo. Walker. A brief address on "The Power of Prayer" was given by Miss M. A. Ellis, Mrs, Hugh McEwen sang a beautiful solo entitled "The Lord's Prayer" ac- c''olnpanied by Miss Gladys Luker at the piano. The offering received was dedicated forrelief in Europe and Asia, DUBLIN The funeral or 1\4m s. Frank Donnelly was herd on Wednesday morning with requiem mass at 15 o'clock in St. Patrick's C':hurcch, Dublin Mr?, Don- nelly was -killed 111 a mote( car accid- ent in Mitchell Saturday afternoon. She was formerly Gertrude Dalton, and lived in the township or Hibhert nearly all her life. She was 62 years of age. Besides her husband, who is in the Stratford Hospital suffering from injuries he received in the accid- ent, she is survived by one sister, Mrs. Frank Bruns, Dublin; four daughters, Catherine, Reg.N., Buffalo; Angela and Bernice, London, and Camilla (Mrs.,,ltowe) Stratford; five sons, Al- bert, Vancouver, B,C., Leonard, Kit- chener, Fergus of Toronto, and Eu- gene and Gerald at home. One sou Francis died 7 years ago. Internment was in St. Patrick's cemetery. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes officiated at the grave. Death claimed Peter Fitzpatrick at his borne on Monday when he suf- fered a heart attack from which he failed to rally. He was horn 60 years ago in the county of Simcoe. He moved to Hibbert Township 32 years ago. He was a member of St. Pat- rick's R. C. Church and of the Holy Name Society. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, both of De- , troit, two sons, Maurice of the Ameri- IN CARDNO S HALL can Army Overseas, and John at EUCHRE 8.15 I'.01. — LUNCH SERVED home. The funeral was held from Inas EUCHRE AND DANCE Ib late residence to St. Patrick's church DANCE ONLY - a5c tor requiem mass at 10 emetec, In ler- MUSLC BY 21ARRUIIN'S ORCHESTRA meat in the adjoining- 000sefery, Rev. Auspices of Seaforth Women's institute Dr. Ftoulkes officiating. Mrs. Dan O'Connor, before going to Miami, Florida, to reside. Home Baking Sale Home Made Candy Afternoon Tea 'Under the auspices of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge in aid of THE HOSPITAL FUND To be held In the Lodge Hall on SATURDAY, FEB. 21 Doors open at 3 p.m. J. N. Schneider Ltd. of Kitchener. are presenting a Technicolor Movie Film on the Processing of Meat AT Northside United Church MONDAY, FEB. 23rd AT 5 P.M. Some of their products will be served in the form of a buffet luncheon This is under the auspices of the Woman's Association EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION 25 Euchre & Dance SECOND LAST OF THE SEASON WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25 HENSALL BORN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday, Feb. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Kennedy (nee Irene Hoggasth) of Hensall, a daughter. Mr. E. L. Mickle visited recently with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle. in Ridgetown. Mrs. A. L. Case visited during the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid in London. Mr. Clarence Dilling who recent - 1v underwent an operation in Lon- don Hospital, was able to return home this week. This being ".Girl Guide Week" the Girl Guides in Hensall will attend service in a body in Carmel Presby- terian Church, on Sunday, Feb. 22 at 11 a.m. when Rev. P. A, Ferguson will conduct the service. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton returned home from Toronto where she visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan, Miss Helen and Glenn McNaughton. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson was hostess at her.home on Monday evening for the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary with Mrs. A. D. McEwen co -hostess. The president, Mrs. Glenn Bell pre- sided and opened the meeting with prayer after which hymn "We Love Thy Kingdom Lord" was sung. The 'rrinture, John 17: 17-24 was read by Mrs. H. Hay. The roll call was answered by the name of a Mission- ary. Mrs, H. C. Bell :favoured with a piano instrumental entitled "Love's Golden Star". "Lead on 0 Ring Eternal" was sing and Mrs. Fergu- wwwwwwwwwwwwww Can You Answer the $64 Question ?? Where do you go 10 buy drugs? That's right—to the drug store. Where do you go to buy furni- ture 7 Right again—to the fur- niture store. The $64 question is: Where do YOU buy your flowers ? Why not come to the Plower Shop and consult a Florist for all your floral needs. BAILEYS Florists ROYAL BLOCK Phone 393 Seaforth Nights, Sundays and holidays phone collect, Exeter 276 The Ladies' Guild of St. Mary's Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Dill on Thursday. The president, Mrs. Al- bert Rock, conducted the devotion period and business session. The la- dies spent the afternoon quilting. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and assistants. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Burns, Sar- nia, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns. Mrs. Joseph Nleladv, Mrs. Wilfred Maloney and Mrs. John Murray in Milwaukee. Miss Marie Krauskopf, London, with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Krauskop£. Mr. Charles Malone, Ingersoll, with Mrs. Malone and family. NIr. and Mrs. J. Conway spent last week visiting at the latter's mother, Radio Repairing BY TRAINED TECHNICIANS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS 90 DAY GUARANTEE ON ALL REPLACED PARTS Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded MERRILL Radio & Electric PHONE 313 CLINTON USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY . .Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L, HARRIS Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS Exeter SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter Dialers, alers, Farmers and Feeders The quality of EXCELLENCE FEEDS is known to be second to none at home and all through the Eastern Provinces Our special offer of $3.00 to $4.00 per ton reduction will continue for the month of February WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH FLOUR Our "Gold Star" Brand Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE ,FLOUR) Our "Excellence" Brand Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) GIVE THEM A TRiAL — PRICES ARE RIGHT are now reasonably low. Be Wise. Buy your Winter needs right now. Future supplies very uncertain Market Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Telephone 354 Seaforth Feed Division of EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS LIMITED DARLING PAYS CASH Dead or Disabled Cows each $10.00 -- Horses, each $8.00 Hogs, each $3.00 ACCORDING 9'O SIZE AND CONDITION Small Animals Removed FREE PHONE COLLECT Exeter 235 Walkerton 135-r-6 Seaforth 15 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Chatham .Ontario 1.