The Seaforth News, 1948-02-19, Page 7Sports. And One Thing
of Another
So far as we can recall, few hock -
es, deals ever created such a stir, or
were the cause of such great dif-
ferences of opinion, as the big trade
between the Toronto Maple Leafs
. and the Chicago Black Hawks a few
weeks ago, And when the ex-To-
rontonians immediately started Per-
forming smartly in their new Chic-
ago uniforms, while Max Bentley
couldn't even seem to untrack him-
self as a member of the Leafs, there
was ,considerableloose talk to the
effect that the Toronto brass, for
once, had outsmarted itself.
At the time of the deal we com-
mented that, while Chicago •would
probably be strengthened by the
trade—(when , You start out flat
broke the worst you can get is an
even break)—we just couldn't seem
to see Conn Smythe taking any the
worst of it in a swap. The little
fellow who created Maple Leaf
Gardens, and who did more to turn
hockey into a big-time business than
any. other individual, has made
plenty of enemies. Some of his ac-
tions ' and methods—before the pas-
sing of time cooled him out a trifle—
were wide open to criticism; and
we, personalty, have never been a
member of the "Hallelujah" chorus
which. surrounded him.
13ut we have never made any sec-
ret of our opinion that, as a judge
of hockey timber—and also in will-
ingness to take a chance when neces-
sary—he is pretty much in a class by
himself. Now that the sinoke has
had time to clear away, we can size
up just what sort of a trade he made
with, Chicago better than when the
fire was hot. And we would say that
—on the form he has been showing
recently—Max Bentley was worth
everything given for him, and a
whole lot more.
Always a star, even when largely
surrounded by teammates who were
playing by ear and weren't very musi-
cal at that, Bentley sight now is
really something to watch. Barring
injuries, he is liable to put several
of the old records into the discard.
Like most old-titners it is our cus-
tom to bewail the scarcity of hockey
players who know anything to do
with a puck except get rid of it as
spedily as possible. We make a de-
cided exception in the case of Mr.
Bentley and would say that he would
have been a real standout in. any
hockey era. (Now, just watch him
go into a slump, just for spite I")
That old lady came to mind the
other day when, itt a mood of con-
templation or some such, we were
considerisg the state of the world.
Prom every quarter of the globe the
news was bad. Press and radio were
chockftd of tidings of gloom, The
11111L driveway was full of snow, and get-
ting fuller by the minute. Thett, like
a ray of sunshine, came a happy
thought. Supposing --instead of aft-
\ solutely refusing to enter the coming
Olympics—the Russians had decided
to send a tram. Imagine a close fin-
ish in the 100 -metre dash, for in,
stance, with an American and one of
The Stalin's boys hitting the tape as
a team—and 'officials from three or
four other nations expected to make
ate decision. Oh, brother, what a
picture to envision! The old lady
was dead right. Things are never
that bad that they couldn't be worse.
Getting back to hockey, we would
say that the next move due in that
great pastime—(long overdue, in the
opinion of tnany)—is one aitned at
giving the referees far greater pow-
er than they now seem to possess.
One of the greatest things that ever
happened to baseball was when the
magnates assured the umpires that
they were to be in sole charge, once
a game started, and—what is even
more itnportant—that their decisions
would be solidly backed up by the
•higher powers.
The spectale of players arguing
with, threatening and even attacking
officials; of coaches and manager
halting a game while they tell a ref.
eree what they think of him; and of
• protests being made on questions of
fact;—all these are far too common
for a sport that has grown to such
dimensions, and are strictly bush
league stuff.
The squawks over the robust plaY
of 13111 Ezinicki--and over the al-
leged custom of Maple Leaf players'
using wrestling tactics on defense—
are an example of what 1 mean.
Either Mr. Ezinicki uses foul tact-
ics—or he doesn't. The Toronto boys
use the clutch -and -grab system un
duly—or they don't. But ones to de-
cide on such matters are the officials
• put in charge of the games, and no-
body else. If they're not capable—get
some new officials, If they are cap-
able—put some stiffening in their‘
backbones. Or else in the spine of
the League President—who should
be in a position where he could tell
venous managers and coaches to be
have Menisci% es—or elsel
In the ancient Roman theatre,
actors wore symbolic colors: old
men, white; young men, purple;
parasites, ; courtesans, yellow,
. _ .
"•••:i',gisiiisteress •
c. if
Off ' . • 00r
Though They Look Contented There Are Plenty Of "Beefs"—This scene, from the National
Film Board picture "Quality Beef", shows a large number of western cattle, just after the
round -up, waiting to be graded into classes al ready well-fed enough to be ready for market,
and those requiring extra weeks of feeding before they can meet weight and quality require -
men ts.
Sea -Faring Folks
Are Devout Breed
Captain Angus Walters, famed
master of the racing schooner
Bluenose, hat been awarded $3,500
damages in a libel action against
Hearst Magazines, Inc. An article
in a Hearst publication said the
skipper had "cursed the Lord."
It's hard to imagine Captain Wal-
ters or any of his fellow towns-
men in the historic old Nova Sco-
tia cod port of Lunenburg curs-
ing the Lord, comments the Saint
John Telegraph -Journal,
People who battle the elements
for a living, and who know, when-
ever they sell, that death may be
waiting for them, laro a devout
'breed. The crews of Lunenburg's
schooners and trawlers and drag-
gers are tough, rugged men, be-
cause deep-sea fishing is a tough,
rugged occupation: • But, at the
same time, most of them are deep-
ly religious.
* * *
For the population of Lunen -
burg (around 8,000) the churches
are large and numerous. Sunday
finds them well-filled, even' though
it's the only day of the week most
fishmen have at home. The hymns
which are sung reflect the calling
and character of members of the
congregation. The favorite one
"0 hear us when we cry to Thee
Por those in peril on the sea , .."
Without in any way dramatizing
the role of the fisherman or the
dangers he faces in his daily work,
it may be said that there is hardly
a family in Lunenburg which has
not paid a toll of life to the storm -
tossed Atlantic.
* * *
nce a year everybody in Lun-
enburg assembles in Jubilee
Square, on a hillside overlooking
the town, for the seamen's memor-
ial service, There a clergymen
reads a list of those who have lost
• their lives at sea in the last twelve
months. Sometimes there have
been as many as 50 names. After
•they have heard the list the peo-
ple parade down to the waterfront
and pile flowers from their own
gardens on the deck of a schooner
which vatters the blossoms over
the fishing grounds. As the ves-
sel puts out of port the voices of
the 1,unenbis , follow it, raised in
the simple hymns of deep, strong
* *
:1n this community, Captain Web
tem has for years been the best-
known and perhaps the most popu-
lar citizen. His 13luenose, wide:
feated champion of the North At-
lantic Fishermen's Races, brought
Lunenburg world renown. The
captain, certainly, is no sissy—but
he just isn't the type to curse the
Lord and he naturally objected to
being accused of it.
PILES eMe"hear overcome
merit. formerly thought,
Impossible. Plies Were •considered ono
of them. That', honsestse today. The
new PI -Ilene treatment It,, proves it.
self In thausunde of the most stub-
born cases. It gets result. because
It cow direct to the Internal /mese.
Your first bottle (a liquid Milan bY
Mouth) shows you the difference, Or
that price refunded at once. All
modern Druggists
ISSUE 8-1E48
"Quality Beef"
How true is the saw that says,
"the customer is always right?"
Whatever you may think, there is
one butcher in Canada who thinks
that the old saying ls bunle—at least
when it comes to buying meat.
This butcher—who shall be natne-
less—appears in the opening scene of
-"Quality Beef", a new colour film
produced in 1947 by the National
Film Board for the federal Depart-
ment of Agriculture. The butcher
deplores the fact that nowadays very
few people seem to be able to tell a
good cut of beef when they see
• Butcher Explains
But our butcher, being the, con-
structive type, doesn't stop here. He
makes use of the film to illustrate
the points you should watch for to
ensure that your cut of beef is a good
one. Red and porous bone and pear-
ly coloured cartilage indicate that the
animal was young and tender;
thickly fleshed bones indicate good
breeding; and adequate—but not too
much—fat covering the outside of the
cut show that the animal had been
Here the film talces leave of the
knowing butcher and surveys the
Canadian cattle and meat packing in -
65th Season Ahead—Venerable
Connie Mack, just turned 85,
is looking forward to his 65th
year in baseball. The ancient
and active chief of the Phila-
delphia Athletics is shown
holding a "white elephant".
which became the Athletics'
symbol as a result of a remark
by John McGraw, who said in
1901 when the American Lea-
gue was about to begin its first
season: "And in Philadelphia,
Connie Mack has a white ele-
phant •on 'his hands", The A's
won nine pennants and five
world series.
dustries, showing how Canada has
developed and maintained a standard
of quality known throughout the
Starting with the cattle themselves,
there are scenes of the heeds most
commonly seen in this country: the
white-faced and very hardy. Here-
fords; the red, white and roan Short-
horns' and the black and hornless
Aberdeen Angus. The camera then
moves on to the Calgary Bull Sale,
where western Canadian cattlemen
hid for the highest prized sires to
maintain and improve the quality of
their herds.
Breed and Peed
But breeding nest be followed
through by good feeding, "Quality
Beef" then portrays the round up.
where the cattle, are inspected and
divided bite two classes: those well-
fed, enough for the market, and those
requiring a few extra weeks in the
feed lots to bring their weights up to
market standards..
It is interesting here to see the acti-
vities of the Junior Farm Clubs, the
Junior Beef Clubs and the Junior
Calf Clubs. It is important that our
young farmers carry on the traditions
of quality beef -raising, and these
clubs are doing a fine job in passing
on the principles of cattle breeding
and feeding.
In the butcher shops to -day, more
and more meat comes stamped with
red and blue marks. This is a sign
that the meat has passed through a
number of rigid inspections by gov-
ernment food inspectors, both before
and after slaughter, in the meat peek-
ing plants. A health stamp is placed
on every carcass free from disease,
and a second; or 'quality" shunt), is
put on soon after—red for choice
quality, and blue for good quality.
The stamp block is a rolling one, and .
it marks the meat at intervqls -111
along its length so that when the
meat is cut up into wholesale and re-
tail cuts, the buyer can see the qual-
ity stamp on every piece.
"Quality Beef", then, shows you
that marking and stamping will help
you determine the quality, of the meat
you see in your local butcher store.
But, just to refresh your memory,
the film ends witli the friendly but-
cher, who once more gives his criteria
for selecting a gond cut or I eel. for
your Stinclav
Coughs aro dangerous It neglected ...
Get Relief Usually... QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY
Bronchial Ease
05 ALT, Prtucciate 25e LO -3
Classified Advertising
AN OFFER to every leventor--Liet of ism-
• Dons and full information trent free. The
Ramsay o Registered Pa tear Attorney's 373
think sr' era CI to wa
1.1411Y miscue
rose SALE
FriG itoek Perm Chicks are etIll the beet
bet on the them because they lay Monti
01 his eggs and, nuthe a good [trent. They
aro atrong liveable °bloke aired by high egg
record maim, f)iscount on early order%
VVrite today for free enlentlar and price lint.
Big Roelr Farm, Mille Roches. Ont.
Have You ordered Your 050J01,07 Poultry
rangers who year ln and year out make a
good profit from their ehiekens invariably
make theta Marie early for the baby Malta
they will raise • It has been proven repeat-
edly by successful poultry raisers and Tsr
search atter:Mita ts that it nays to spend a
few cents mere per chick in order to get 60c
to a dolier more profit 000' bird front the
Pallets raised. Rey Top Notoh aualit7 ehteka
thio year. Send for catalogue and pricelist.
Top Noteh Chick Sales, Geelpir, Outerin.
Egg markete still call for Canadian eggs,
Don't wait till Mat minute to ordor chicks.
Right now we've chickstome started. Aek
for catalog, pricellet. Bray Hatchery, 230
John N., Hamilton, Ont,
Government approved, anyold and started.
Leghorne, Barred Rocka, Harm/shire.,
Hemp Rocks, Rock Flamm Pure gimes,
Sussex Haines. 21 day livability guarantee.
Catalogile, price,, 1348 Calender free. Stu.
erlor Hatchery, Linwood, onterio,
Monition Poultry Chleks You buy baby
chicks for one reason. To receive dill-
dende 00 your investment, you must be cer-
tain where your money is invested, we offer
you baby chicks from a Poultry Farm with
every breeder pullerum tested and government
beaded, Take advantage of our early div
count. Write for our 1048 catalogue and
Price lin. Menictan Poultr' Farms. Monkton,
Poultrykeeeere—lt leeks as though markets
are Mill good for all that can bo produced,
don't wait to order your nicks. We've creme
dayolda and started, prompt shipment. Bray
Hatchery. 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont.
An old established chick hatchery wisher'
agents in some Matelots. Liberal com-
mission paid. Increase your income. Write
Box No, 1, 79 Adelalde at. W.. Toronto,
Tear in and year cert there's beta money in
Poultry. With the high level of employment
in Canada we can confidently oxPeet paella!,
and eggs to continue in good demand through
1943, You can mush 10, lat. If you buy good
chicke 2nd, if you look after them. Tweddle
chicks are good chick.. (At least that'll what
our cuatomers tell us and they meet be right
as they've been bugles our Mares ter the
pant 24 yeara.) Plan an early start with an
early order. Free catalogue and 1348 price -
Het. Tweddle Chick Hateherles, Limited,
Fame, Ontario,
HAVE YOU earthing needs dyeing or clean -
Mg? Write to ue for information We are
glad ta answer your ratestionia. Department
11, Parker's Dee Werke Limited 791 Yonne
Street, Toronto, Ontario
Farm, 280 acres, good sugar bush, barn,
houne, steel ro0f, Men LY water, hydro
available 1043 Fred Hollingewerth. Athena
100 HMS clteteo all workable land, clay totem,
46 amen ploughed, now house, a driving
ahed end burn 46x00 in good repair. Wind-
mill, drilled well, water In barn, 210
miles from Fordwich oa ploughed roarL
Priced to sell. Ted Holland, Fordwieh, Ont.
Parts anti Service Berl E Kennedy & Son.
415 College St. Toronto
JOHNSON' Don Horse engines, Tal H.P. 361.45
1.34 H.P. 570.00 Immediate delivery. Cur.
rey Buttner. Figlinton & Batherst, Toronto
Very choice. Light amber honey, good 0009.
ins quality, 70 lb. can, 18.50 F.O.B.
Fergus, Ont. Fred Vir 'Cron's, Pergua, Ont.
00150113 born ewes, !ambit. yearlinge, 2 ire.
Canada's best breeding. T. Leigh, 1)
Heath St. W., Toronto, Ont,
5 Lbs, PINE QUILT PCS. $1.39
Colorful assortment, nattiest designs, Gear-
anteed washable cotton prints. broadcloth,
stunning silk elating natehee, assorted eines,
malting attractive quIlta, Preferred nice -
Mon. 01.60 (20 lbs. 06.20) "MEE": 15 oat
dedigne: Needles: Thread, Remittance with
order. Delivery extra,
Washable Colton Prints, Itroadaloth, Piques,
eta 10" to 30" whilb, Lineal meaeurc-
ments. Postage 30c.
Station H, Dept, 4. Montreal.
Complete linen of fine quality merchandise
at most reasonable prieee. We aell to
merchants only. Write for hue illustrated
Wholesale Catalogue. The Blrelmrd Co., 1340
at. Runes St, W., Montreal. Que,
GIANT CH raioma.LA 0010. A 370 BUCE
rabbits. Orville Woolman, R. 3, Sarnia,
154 to 9 horsepower. Garden Plower Dlevet
Cultivators, Sickle MOWerHy etc. Write:
Manufacturers — Reppllera.
(11amilten), Ontario.
Labrador netrlevers, Brittany Spaniel (fe-
male), all fully trained, • Iterrybluea.
Month, Gundoge trained. boarded, and
shown. Ithbort BlYth, ettreeteville Trahitot
& Boarding School, Streeteville, Ontario,
Doberman )?upplea—St,ed by Champion Goe-
the 'von Mannerheim. Show pronpecte for
aPProved home. Particulara on request.
Tannenwald Rennele, 00 'Yorkville Ave.,
'Permit°. Midway 8237,
LEARN Halrdreealng the Roberteon method.
Intormation 05 rarmeet regarding claseea.
Roberteon's EfaIrdrearans. Academy, 187 Amer
nue Road, Toronto.
Good A.dvicel Every eufferer of Rheumatic
Pains or Neuritla should try Dixon', Rem-
edy. Ittunro's Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa.
Postpaid 01.00.
Dreier trial package. Box 50, Toronto 5,
Pep up, Take C,C Tonle Tablets for Mfr
vitality, nervous and general debility. 60a
and (1,00 at dregglate, or C.C.&B.. 2 Duff
sa.., Hamilton. Ont,
IT'S IMPORTANT—Every sufferer of Rheu-
matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's
Ransecly. rifunro's Drug atore, 336 Eig0,.
Ottawa, Postpaid $1.5).
Orem Opportunity Learn
Pleasant thanleed proteseion, good wages
thousands aucceestui Marvel grndlin tea
America's greatest etymon Illuetrated MM.
10g1.10 free Write or Call
300 Blom. St W •tomato
Branchea 44 Bing St . Hamilton
& 74 Rideau Street Ottawa
PETESERSTON A UCH & romouny Pe tent
Stalcitara igatablished mot 14 King West.
Voronto Booklet of Informattan rt request.
LONE'SCAlle Romantic Carreetrirnigree Wag-
atiln. contains, Photos. desertptions 10c,
1.3it1, addresses 60e. One year S2 World
Federation Club, Parkerview. Sark
''510.7,5415 COMING Before Christ'merle7-
001 book free Megiddo Weston, Rochester
11, N.Y.
Willa'at HOLLAND Turltey Body Feethera
wanted, Particulars on illuetra led folder.
X. P. ETollander, 707 Read tiftlg Montreal,
'TN anted. Woman, young or maidlertatecTa
housekeeper for respectable farm lame
having modern conveniencen. Two earths.
Apply to II. 11, Baker, Maple, Out.
yon serve Maxwell Rouse
Coffee for breakfast. This
delicious blend contains
choke Latin-Ainerican cofo
fees specially selected to
give you ext, -a flavor.
Farmers Attention - Censers
your nearest H arn ess ihstp
about Staco Harness &mines
We sell our goods only the -team
your local Btaeo Leonel
Goods dealer. The goads ars
right, and SO sr( au) oneos
We manufacture in OUT tae
tories flatness Horse Col-
lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan-
kets, and Leather Travelling
Goods, Insist on Staco Warm
Trade Marked Goods. and pm
set satisfaetinn. eels hy
42 weinnetoo st. 51.. femme.
2.000 Dec.
Destroys Mahar, tree
O t u 10 00. unwonted
ernes, splits rocks,
disinfects, chars wood,
henna iron, melts lead
and tar and hue hun-
dreds at other tame
f or all etherom,
Toronto BY -
0111.4. {I'1, POST (minor, nee No, 747.
Winnipeg einnitobe Canada
00w0 .
wog. 60.0, -me
By Arthur Pointer