HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-02-12, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1948 THE SEAFORTH NEWS D N C V in Cardno's Hal, SATURDAY, Ross Pearce & Admission I N G' t u Seaforth FEB. 14 His Music 50c VARNA Mr. Lloyd Keyes and M. Mrs. Harvey Keys motored to on Sunday last to attend funeral of Mrs. Reid. Miss Barbara McConnell and Margaret McClymont spent weekend in Toronto, eek tcl The Day of Prayer will be held the United Church on Friday of .ant Puron Ti.,t Mia+ the it thu week. viaomw . IRPLANE RIDES From the farm of Thos. Lane, Bayfield Rd.. For Long Trips phone 656 r 12 LOUIS LANE, Pilot , iss�s a . i Year On Them � '? - , .. . ,-ria..:>.y.. You Buy Chicks You Pin Your Hopes for 366 Days n Ali® ' Once Each THEREFORE BUY WISELY AND WELL --BUY THE BEST The Odds are in Your Favor When You Buy SCOTT'S R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCKS or Red X Rock Crossbreds Red X Sussex Crossbreds Sussex X Red Crossbrgds Remember! You are making your year's big investment. Buy wisely and well. Early orders get preferred delivery. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS PHONE 851 r 32 SEAFORTH Announcing A New Dry -Cleaning Service TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT We are pleased to announce the opening of an agency with BAILEY FLORISTS of Seaforth All Dry -Cleaning left in Bailey's Shop by Wed. Noon will be returned by Sat Noon Moth -Proofing ALL GARMENTS CLEANED BY BRADY'S ARE GUARAN- TEED MOTH -PROOF FOR 6 MONTHS BY THE U -SAN -o METHOD AT NO ADDI- TIONAL CHARGE Price List Lady's & Men's Suits.... 85 Plain Dresses 95 Skirts & Trousers 45 Hats cleaned & blocked.. 75 Top Coats 95 Other Prices & Information—Phone 393 Seaforth *PROVO THE SIGN OF QUALITY DRY-CLEANING SANITONE AND FINISHING FOR ALL YOUR siwtat CLOTHES Brady's Sanitone Cleaners . PLIANT & OFFICE Phone 136 ' MAIN ST, EXETER 7 , «Lumber" i- ON HAND— i 1 car of Cedar -2" x 4" to 12", and 3" x 4" to 12", lengths 8' to 22'. SPRUCE— In 1 and 2 inch, all widths and lengths, also a car of tongued and grooved spruce, 5, 6, 7, 8 inches wide. PEELED CEDAR POSTS— Straight and in good sizes CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES— i Dover White and Grey, Famous Johns -Manville siding. e i INSULATION— i Loose or by the carton.. — No. 1 Red Band Cedar Shingles. ' I i Considerable Reclaimed cedar shingles on hand . ; J i PLYWOOD— , d Vs' , 3-16", and 1/4" various sizes. ; t Beaverboard and Flexboard - Hardwall Plaster ; t Roll Roofing Lime ;` Asphalt Shingles ; tl • Reclaimed Sashes and Doors ; a Car of Rosedale Hard Lump Coal on the way 1 Seaforth Supply& Fuel Ltd. p .. , , ; "Where The• 13est Costs No' More Phone 47 Seaforth I , h TOWN TtYPIt S Miss Mildred McNichol of Stratford was a guest last week of Mr. and Mrs, R. H, Sproat. Mrs. Alex Casenrore, Hamilton, is visiting at the home of her brother Mr. Ed Mole. Miss Edna Eckert, London, spent the week end at the home of her par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. John Eckert. Miss Audrey Hall visited in London over the week end. Miss Dorothy Smith and Mr. Hud Smith, London, spent the week end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. Miss Olga Hoare has returned from Toronto. Miss Lois Harrison, R.N.,'of. Strat- ford General Hospital, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Harrison, Miss Geraldine Eckert, Chatham, and Mr. Con Eckert, Kitchener, spent the week end at their hone here. Miss Helen Devereaux, of London, spent the week end at the home of her parents, •Mr. and Mrs. John Devereaux. Miss Mae Clarice was in Kitchener over the week end. Miss Margaret McLaughlin visited last.. week with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McLaughlin, Dublin. Miss Margaret O'Reilly, Kitchener, spent the week end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, A. O'Reilly. Mrs. G. J. Connell has returned from Lansing, Mich., where she was visiting her sister' and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Whitman, for the past month. The Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge in- tend holding a baking sale and af- ternoon tea in •their lodge rooms on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 21st, pro- ceeds in aid of the hospital fund. CONSTANCE Mrs. Lloyd Medd and baby son re- turned home Monday from Clinton Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Dohnage and family spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Mellwain and family spent Saturday in Goderich. Mr. Wm. Dale was appointed dir- ector for the Clydesdale Breeders Association at the Convention held in Toronto, and was also appointed representative of the Western Fair and is to attend a meeting on Thursday, Feb. 12, in London. The Young People's class will hold a Valentine social evening on Fri- day evening, Feb. 13. All are wel- come. KIPPEN Friendship Circle Hold Valentine Box Social and Election of Officers The Friendship Circle met on Monday evening in the Sunday school room of St. Andrew's United Church with a real good attendance, The meeting was in charge of the east group, Mrs. Winston Workman presided and opened the meeting by singing hymn 568. The Lord's prayer was then repeated in unison. The scripture lesson, Psalm 121 was read by Mrs. Workman. Mr. E. Hayes then led in prayer. Rev. Mr. Hinton then conducted the election of of- ficers which resulted as follows: Pres,, Mrs. Winston Workman; vice- president, Arnold Gackstetter; Sec., Donald Bell; Treas., Mrs. Emerson Kyle; convener of the east side, Mrs. Carl McClinchey; convener of the west side, Mrs. Eldon Jarrett. A mu- sical prog'r'am followed with a piano instrumental by Miss Virginia Mc- Clinchey, Mr. E. Hayes favoured with the solo, "The Stranger of Gali- lee', and used for his encore a very appropriate number for Valentine, "K -K -Katie". A saxophone and piano Instrumental, "Beautiful Oliio" and "My Blue Heaven"were presented by Mr. and Mrs. Thompson—Mr. Thompson is with the R.C.A.F. at Clinton. A duet "Peggie O'Neil" was sung by Ann and Marie Sinclair — their encore was "Roses are Red". Contests were then conducted by Mrs. Winston Workman and Mrs. John Sinclair. The many beautifully decorated boxes were then drawn for by the boys and all showed signs of being very pleased with their selec- tions. The next meeting of the group will be held on Monday evening, Feb. 23rd with Mrs, Eldon Jarrott's group in charge. The meeting closed by singing "God Save The King". A lovely large basket of flowers was placed at the altar of St. And- rew's United Church here on Sunday in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell, by their family. Mr. and Mrs,. Alex McMurti-ie visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hyde in Hensel Mr. and Mrs..Harold Jones visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride of Blake. ' Many from here attended the skating frolic in Brucefield on Fri- day evening last, BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogk, Melvin and Audrey of Miinto, Manitoba, with many relatives. Mr. Roy Amstein of Kitchener vith his parents Mr, and Mrs. John Amstein. Miss Elsie Leake of Willow Grove with Miss Gwen Rock for the week - d. Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Hinz and {enneth attended the funeral 'of ohn Schmidt in Tavistock, on ayay afternoon. On Friday evening, neighbors `and. he Farm Forum group gathered at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Kistner, who were married recently. Mrs. Geo. Mogk read a very suitable ddress and Mrs, D. Hinz presented tem with. a large wall mirror and gold satin cushion. -Mr. and Mrs. {istner both made a fitting reply. The evening was spent in playing rogressive euchre. the winners were: Mrs. John G. Hinz Mr; John , Hinz; consolation, Mrs. Harold Mogh and Mr; Kenneth Hinz, after which a dainty lunch was served. Mid -week - 'enten services will be eld every Wednesday, evening at 8 clock in St- Peter's Lutheran Church during the Lenten season. The theme "The call of the Cross". i Ash Wednesday, Feb. llth. The call of the Cross is a call to repentance. Feb, 18th. The call of the Cross is a call to faith. Feb; 25th. The call off the Cross is a call to a more fervent. prayer life. Mar. 3rd. The call of the Cross is a call to greater love. Mar. 10th, The call of the Cross is a call to bear witness. Mar, 17th. 'The call of the Coss is a call to remember life's goal. The Ladies' .Md of St. Peter's Lutheran Church held its monthly meeting on Wed. afternoon with 21) members- in attendance. The topic "Is Lent worthwhile". The Bible stddy was the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesions. Following a brief busi- ness period conducted by the presi- dent, NIrs. Schultz, work was contin- ' ued on two quilts. Lunch was served, The Farm Forum 0101 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. W. Leonhardt on Monday evening with 25 present including the following visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogk, Melvin and Audrey of Minto, Manitoba, and Mr.. Rudolph Fischer of McI{illop. Mr. C. Leonhardt presided and Mr. Ross Leonhardt was the secretary for the discussion. After which progressive euchre was played, the prizes going to Mrs. Sholdice, Manuel Beuermann Mrs. Herb Mogk and Rudolph Fisch- er. A singsong was enjoyed. Refresh- ments and dainty lunch were served. The Forum will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann next Monday evening. BRUCEFIELD The W. A. of Brucefield United Church held its regular monthly meeting' on Feb. 3rd in the school room. There was a very good attend- ance and the roll call was answered by a valentine message. Mrs. W. McBeath was at the piano and Miss E. Bowey, president, was in charge of the meeting. The devotional was in charge of Mrs. A. McQueen, A short talk on Valentine Day was given by Mrs. W. Henry. After the singing of the second hymn the meeting was open for business, Mrs. Lorne Wilson, secretary, reading the minutes of the previous meeting. Among the items of business brought we for discussion was the serving of refreshments for the Ice Carnival to be held on Friday, Feb. 6. It was decided that the W.A. serve refreshments, giving the pro- ceeds to the rink committee. It was also decided that after the cup - hoards in the manse were built, that the walls be papered and the wood- work painted. There is to be a drive for membership for the W.A. The members from. Stanley and Tucker - smith will endeavour to increase the membership from their respective townships. Points will be given for attendance, answering the roll call etc. The roll call for March will be "Something Irish". In March at the regular meeting a tea -will be served in place .of cotton goods sale which previously had been held in this month. After the business meeting the .'programme committee enter- tained with some interesting con- tests and a social hour concluded the afternoon activities. BLAKE Mr, and NIrs. E. Faber and family of I{ippen and Mr. and Mrs, 1t'tlliam Oesch of the Goshen Line visited 1111'. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch on Sunday. We are Sorry to report iMTr. Asr Steckle is on the sick list. His 1118113, friends wish hint a speedy recovery. 121<, and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey spent a day in Goderioh. Mr, John Dinsmore of Saskatc:ho- watt, who has spent a t'ew tveelcs this winter with lits sister a11cl brother, left for Windsor to visit his tion enrnnte to his home in Saskatcritewan. Mr. Kenneth Parke and Air. .Tante:: Dinsmore were in Windsor this week end. and took in a hockey game it Detroit. Many took in the nomination meet• ing in Hensall Monday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. '1'. Dinsmore and Chios Emma and John Dinsmore visited Mrs. Douglas iu Clinton Hospital 01 Friday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. F. Bancroft were visit. ed by relatives from Parkhill dm'hcg the afternoon. Mrs. T. Dinsmore is having the Feb- ruary meeting in her hone Thursday afternoon. The ladies are also invited to the world's clay of prayer 111 111e Goshen Church on Friday afternoon. NIrs. H. Finlay and family visited in Hensall one afternoon. McKI LLOP Farm Forum #4, McI{illop, met at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dorrance, Tuesday evening, Feb. 10 With an attendance of 20. Russell Dortanice led in discussion of topic, "What price shall we ask?" Mrs. Dorrance, who was in charge of the recreation period, had contests and games which were much enjoyed by all, prizes being awarded the win- ners. Lunch was served. Next meet- ing will be held Monday, Feb. 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon People. DIED GARDEN — On Tuesday, Feb. 1.0, 1948, at her home, 99 Quebec ave., Toronto, Clarissa Hays, . widow or George F, S. Garden, 'Fmieral private. Interment Seaforth, Ont., Thu'sdsy, Feb. 12. Automotive Trade School An automotive trade school, to round out the apprentice training' programme for automotive mechan- ics in Ontario has been approved by the Ontario Minister of Labour and will open in the very near future, William D, Wells, Clinton, president of the Huron County Garage Opera- tors' Association, announced today. Explaining the purpose of the school, Mr. Wells stated that its oh Aninemesamaismentaimmonumaninsilms Tom Pryde's Committee Room Opposite Public Library If in doubt as to your place of voting, or any other information pertaining to Election Day, drop in or PHONE 71 Dealers, Farmers and Feeders The quality of EXCELLENCE FEEDS is known to be second to none at home and all through the Eastern Provinces Our special offer of $3.00 to $4.00 per ton reduction will continue for the month of February WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH FLOUR Our "Gold Star" Brand Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) Our "Excellence" Brand Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) GIVE THEM A, TRIAL — PRICES ARE RIGHT Markets are now reasonably low. Be Wise, Buy your Winter needs right now, Future supplies very uncertain Turgeon .Grain & Processed Feeds Telephone 354 Seaforth Feed Division of EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS LIMITED McKINL / Y'S Chick Hatcherp NEW HATCHERY BUILDING New Incubator doubles our capacity Operating under Government Approval Always a good place to buy Chicks. Now better than ever. . First batch January 23rd CONTACT US BEFORE YOU BUY J. E. MMcK LEY R. R.1, ZURICH PHONE HENSALL 97 r 11 wow Ammorammummi ject was to augment the training of Ontario, representing 3,000 mem- automobile apprentices in the Pro- bets. vince, and with this end in view, The school will provide a high the Garage Operators' Association standard of training for apprentices of Ontario had requested the Ont- recommended by the garage men. It ario Government to establish the will be located in Toronto and par - school. The plan had been endorsed tial expenses of board and lodging by 46 local branches throughout will be paid. Mr. Wells said, DARLING PAYS CASH Dead or Disabled Cows each $10.00 -- Horses, each $8.00. Hogs, each $3.00 ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION Small Animals Removed FRED PHONE COLLECT Seaforth 15 Exeter 235 Walkerton 135-r-6 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Chatham Ontario