HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-02-12, Page 2THE SEAFORTH NEWS Hu•rn3' Y, Irl 0111IKRY 12,1•16 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 The Drew Government and TOM PRYDE Have Earned Your Support Drew Government has been good Government. The record speaks plainly. It is a record of getting things done—a record standing out in sharp contrast against the empty, unfulfilled promises of the Government of which Mr. Oliver was a member. On February 16 vote for TOM PRYDE and continued progessive Government by Premier George Drew. e — IIS - E — gm m MI M — MINII N N — — 11=1 M — — N ' — MI MN Drew Government Action Has: RAISED HURON'S EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS by lifting a huge load from taxation on farms and homes. Drew policies have achieved equality with the larger centres in educational opportunities for Huron's growing boys and girls: IMPROVED HURON'S ROADS The Government which TOM PRYDE will represent helped Huron's roads three times as much as did the Government represented by Mr. Oliver. The Drew Government has also extended Provincial aid to town and village roads; EXPANDED HURON'S HOSPITALS Drew Government maintenance grants to hospitals at Goderich, Clinton and Scaforth are more than double those of Oliver's Government. In addition, though no previous government had rendered any capital assistance to hospitals, the Drew Government has made grants for extension and new equipment totalling $75,000, of which a substantial part has already been paid; INCREASED WELFARE SERVICES When .Mr. Oliver was Minister of Public Welfare he did nothing to increase old age pensions. One of the first actions of rhe Drew Government was to add Provincial bonuses. RAISED RURAL LIVING STANDARDS Under legislation recommended and approved by farmers themselves, many provincial aids have been given to improve farm education, health and marketing. BROUGHT HYDRO POWER TO HURON FARMS Where the Government of which Mr: Oliver was a member added only a scattered few farms to Hydro service, the Drew program has brought hydro power to an average of 659 additional Huron farms each year. IMPROVED THE WORKINGMAN'S LIFE Holidays with pay, one day free in seven, and fair standard basic wages have been part of the achievement of Drew legislation. On February 16 VOTE for TOM PRYDE Progressive.Conserv,tive Keep HURON in the GOVERNMENT RANKS M _ _ _ MINN r _ _ _ — N _ I_ MI N _ The Huron Vote In 1945 Election iollowIug Is Ihu Vnie In Ihr' gonerrc.l provincial election In liel'on In 1045, which will be of Interest 2,,' aonlparl- son In the vote next Monday: SIv'',AFO RTH Ballantyne l(ucklns Taylor 1 73 11. 81 2. 73 4 106. 3 93 8 66 4 .. 75 5 49 5 47 12 71 6 .. 80 6 82 'Total . , 441 45 445 GO D' I'ItiCi'1 1 81 21 79 "2 ......,09 27 (32 d 64 38 116 4 27 54 36 5 70 83 92 (i 40 22 61 7 108 35 123 8 ..... 52 19 42 9 93 30 179 10 94 40 135 11 45 13 77 12 . . 68 27 102 Total 716 330 1,164 A. "P, 1 1 6 Totnl .. 7:1.7 840 1,170 16Xh.T14R i A 22 7 90 lylc4C1LT,O P 111 .. 11) 12 82 I'., 14'2 8 ,2A 30 1'2 180 '24 40 12 20 82 i0 :108 213 .,.4J c 11. 3A 87 18 06 3 ....... 104 9 1111 87 9 117 4 73 1.1 4. 17 4 66) ---- .---1 'foini 408 51 Total •• . . 194 7(1 689 STT 1 311414 .CLINTON 1 3!) 9 • 33 1 ,, 77 18 159 2 ... 82 6 64 2A 57 6 80 2 Tia 8 fit 20 63 13 8rr 4 77 88 92 3A 47 8 1.18 5 511 > 44, 311 .. 48 . 6 58 11 44 168 4 86 22 1413 7. 43 8 41 8 22 1 . 90 Total 368 73 (365 9 ... 82 10 115 A; P. 6 0 3 ... ___ Tet,il 37,1 78 658 'Total .... 458 93 768 III_ _ _ II_ _ — _ _ _ _ =IN _ M MINN MIN INN N MI III_ MIN NMI UM VIM ▪ INN (;OT)L111CH 't'WP. 1 . . 36 26 88 2 20 16 09 3 49 8 95 4 - 25 1 67 5 45 15 70 (t ...... , 28 48 focal .. 212 71 437 1 ENSA1T. IA 80 1 100 19 72 1 103 - Total 152 2 .203 HAY t 36 10 60 2 56 5 34 3A 81 25 46 30 .. 57 7 33 4 127 25 69 12 69 8 35 (1 47 7 140 7 4(i 2 22 8 68 5 32 Total .. 587 94 470 lWLL14'rT 81 26 76 6I 1. 47 3 45 1. 35 4 31 19 82 5 22 0 39 6 668 8 35 '7 110 6 72 Total ... , 418 ' 56. 880 46 25 52 82 82 287 STANLI4Y 1 46 3 2 68 5 4il 37 12 523 8 li 75 2 7 33 6 8 57 4 Total 373 48 TUCKERSI%'iITH 1 71 6 2 57 11 3 84 12 465 2 5 ........ 53 9 it -54 4 Total .. 384 4.4. USBORNII 1 33 11 2 21 17 3 47 7 4 58 0 5 23 3 6 1.0 7 7 30 6 Total 222 61 41 34 40 146 62 55 15 99 492 '66 62 41 61 70 44 344 76 75 51 67 112 80 107 568 Grand Total 4,940 1,044 6,911 Plurality for Taylor over his 'next opponent, 1,971. HURON SUMMARY Goderich 717 340 Exeter 194 76 C1Inton 374 73 Sc rlorth 441 • 45 Goderich Two. , 212 71. llcrrsaell 1.62 2 Hay 'Tap 587 94 Hollat Two,., 418 56 Mclillop Twp.' 408 51 Sl:rphen Two,.,458 93 Stanley Twp. . 373. 48 I'uciccrsmlth,Twp. 384 44 ! elmrnc TWp, . , 222 51 Total . , . 4 940 1,044 Plurality for Taylor ... , . 1,170 63)) 668 445 487 203 470 38(1' 287 768, 492 344 568 6,011 1,971. STANLEY The Stanley Township' Council held their regular meeting in the Twp. hall, Varna, Feb. 2nd at 2 pm. withh all members present. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and on motion by H. Coleman and C. Houston were adopted as read. The correspondence was red and dealt with. Mr. E. Munn and Mr. Ti. Dick of Hensall, interviewed - the Council regarding a grant to the 'Hensall Legion. A grant of $150.00 was made to this organization. Mov- ed by H. Coleman, seconded by A. McBride, that Logan drain voucher for0220.00 be passed and paid. Car- ried. Moved by H. Taylor, seconded by C. Houston, that all former mo- tions passed by previous councils in regards to Brucefied street lights be, rescinded. Carried. No action was taken on the communication from the Hydro -Electric Power Comm. of Ont. re instlaling street lights in the village of Brucefield at an esti- mated cost of $1738.00. Moved by. A. McBride, seconded by H. Coleman that the general voucher for $501.75. be passed and paid. Carried. Moved by 11. Coleman seconded by C. Hou- ston, that road vouclh�ter No. 2 for $1.332.84 be passed and naid. Car- ried. Counciladjourned to meet lWarch lit at 1:30 p.m. wwwwwwwwwwwviouvti Peat Moss Chick Starter Chick Grit Cane Molasses Cod Liver Oil *Fertili er and Grass Seed Carlo.id of Wire and SLeol Posts 'SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 lifiNVINVIIWIAAANWWWWVVW . st11 n Believe It or Not THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD `.`HOLY MEN OF GOD SPADE AS THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST." 11 Pet. 1:21 AND IT SAYS - - "Ye must he born again" John 3:7 "All have sinned" and ate in need of a Saviour. Room. 3:23` .'"Cbrist came into the world to save sinners: 1 Tim. 1:15 Come Unto Him and Receive Eternal Life TUNE IN: Pilgrims Hour 7-7.30 (daylight saving) Sunday Evening Local Station — CKLW Windsor Old-fashioned Revival Hour — rebroadcasts on many stations at various hours Chas. E. Fuller : P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 63, Calif. Cash For You Old, Disabled or Dead Farm Animals COWS—$10, HORSES—$3, HOGS (300 lb and over) —$3 per 100 lb at your farm, according to size and condition. Small animals — No Charge for removal Our same prompt, efficient, courteous service • Simply Phone Collect SEAFORTH 390-W MITCHELL 219 STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 WE DO THE REST WILLIAM STONE SONS. LTD. '.,4 INGERSOLL, ONTARIO