HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-29, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1948 THE SEAFORTH NEWS BORN -At Seotb Memorial klospital mi o NL. and Mrs, James Blaok, BRI t • SeaEol'ih, a daughter (Marilyn JOYee) I{LE(NL'h.LDT-At: Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan, 29, t0 Mr. end Mrs, Harold I{leinfeldt, Dublin, a son. in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, JAN. 31 Ross Pearce & His Music • Admission 50c Pre Lenten D -A -N -C- E ! LOOBY'S HALL, DUBLIN FRIDAY, FEB. 6 ROSS PEARCE AND HIS MUSIC Dancing 10 to 1.15 Admission 50c -Also a'DANCE MARCH 17 - Dance Dublin LOOBY'S HALL FRIDAY, JAN. 30 Norm Carnegie & His Band Dancing 10 to 1. Admission 50c DANCE ! DUBLIN PARISH HALL MONDAY, FEB. 2 RANCH BOYS ORCH. wowutoasioutmamovvvvwanew Peat Moss Chick Starter Chick Grit Cane Molasses Cod Liver Oil Fertilizer and Grass Seed Carload of Wire and Steel Posts SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 FILM AT EGMONDVILLE SCHOOL FRIDAY, JAN.. 30. AT 8.30 Sponsored by Tuckersmith Federation of Agriculture ADMISSION FREE EVERYBODY WELCOME LUMBER ON HAND - 1 car of Cedar -2" x 4" to 12", and 3"x 14" to 12". Lengths 8' to 22'. SPRUCE - in 1 and 2", all widths and lengths, also a car of tongued and grooved spruce, 5, 6, 7, and 8 inch wide. PEELED CEDAR POSTS - Straight and in good sizes. CEDAR -GRAIN SHINGLES - Dover White and Grey, Famous Johns -Manville siding. INSULATION - Loose or by the carton. Considerable reclaimed insulation. SHINGLES - No. 1 Red Band XXXXX'Cedar Shingles. Reclaimed -Cedar Shingles PLYWOOD- %a'", 3/15', and %4" in various sizes Beaverboard and Flexboard Hardwall Plaster Roll Roofing - Reclaimed. Sashes and Doors Lime Asphal£ Shingles ON HAND - Stove Coke - Alberta Nut. Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. PHONE 47 "Where the Best Costs No More" SEAFORTH TOWN TOPICS Mr. George Jackson has -td spend the winter in Hamilton, Ber- muda, Mr. Jackson made the trip by air, He reports Ole weather cold and wet to Bermuda, Mr, Jim Kelly was in Toronto over the week end. IIe is taking a week's vacation now. Mrs. Walter Klinkhamer has re- turned to Detroit after spending a week at the home of MT.'and Mrs. C. P, Sills. Mr. Walter Boswell, London, spent the week end at the borne of his par- ents 1rr. aiid Mrs. E, C. Boswell. Mrs, \Vinnifred Rowland, Dublin, visited with relatives and friends in town last week. Roland B, Stewart, ,BASc., electrical Engineer with the Bell Telephone Co, at Toronto; has been transferred to Peterborough, and will move there with his family this week. Mrs Edward Eicknieir, Logan Tp., died in Scott Memorial hospital last week, Miss Mary Ryan, London, spent the week end at her home here. Mr: and Tubs, Joseph Matthews al, tended the wedding' of their (laughter Elizabeth, to Mr, Lester Leonhard: Mr. Dennis. Maloney, London, client the week end with his mother, Mrs. Margaret Maloney, Mr. Dennis Walsh, Kitchener, spent the week end at bis home here. Once Each Year You Buy Chicks On Them You Pin Your Hopes for 366 Days THEREFORE BUY WISELY AND WELL --BUY THE BEST The Odds are in Your Favor When You Buy SCOTT'S R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCKS or Red X Rock Crossbreds Red X Sussex Crossbreds Sussex X Red Crossbreds Remember! You are making your year's big .investment. Buy wisely and well. Early orders get preferred delivery. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS PHONE 851 r 32 SEAFORTH Airplane Rides From the Farm of Thomas Lane, on Bayfield Road all this week For Long Trips phone 656 r 12 LOUIS LANE, Pilot On a heavy-duty fob, give me new Advance -Design CHEVROLET TRUCKS and here's a "load" of reasons why. Only Advance -Design CHEVROLET TRUCKS Have All These New and Finer Features:. * Cab that "breathes" * Floxi-Mounted cab * Uniweld, all -steel construction *Larger, more durable, fully adjust- able seat * 22% greater visibility *New, rear -corner windows * Stronger, new frames * Full -floating hypoid and spiral bevel rear axles * Specially designed hydraulic truck brakes * Vatve-In-Head 216, 235 and 248 engines * New, thorough sealing insulation * Standard cab - to axle -.length dimensions permitting, interchange of bodies - - *.. and MANY morel CT -148B Srt5 .<«...2X!T'" 3 k.x\ Brother, how these stronger, new frames stand-up! Wheelbases are longer, too, for better load distri- bution. And the brakes are exclusively designed for greater brake -lining contact! A PRODUCT OF ,c71) -e) /III' UI There's nothing like the cab that "breathes" for comfortl* It's cushioned on rubber-Flexi-Mounted -with 12 inches more foot room and eight inches more seating space. There's 22% greater visibility, too, they tell me. The seat is fully -adjustable. Man, this is it! 'Fresh air heating and ventilating system optional at extra cost, GENERAL MOTORS Here's a special, heavy- duty job and an extra- special truckl There's one mode for your special kind of job. Look -rear -corner windows! Now it's a cinch to back up without jack-knifing. Yes, sir, these trucks are 'brand new-reefly different with Advance -Design. And they're packed withpower in the world's most econ- omical engine for its size -- Chevrolet's Valve -in -Head engine. SEAFORTH MOTORS Listen to PROGRESSIVE -CONSERVATIVE Speakers on CKNX CJCS Wingham Stratford Mondays- 1.00 to 1.15 p.m. 12.45 to 1.00 p.m. Tuesdays- 7.15 to 7.30 p.m. 1,00 to 1.15 p.m. 1.15 to 1.30 p.m. 7.00 to 7.15 p.m. Wednesdays- 1.00 to 1.15 p.m. 12.45 to 1.00 p.m. 7.15 to 7.30 p.m. Thursdays- 1,00 to 1.15 p.m. 7.00 to 7.15 p.m. Fridays- 1.15 to 1.30.p.m. 12.45 to 1.00 p.m. 7.15 to 7.30 p.m. Saturday- 1.00 to 1.15 p.m. Vote for TOM PRYDE PROGRESSIVE -CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE And keep HURON in the GOVERNMENT Ranks Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fitzpatrick, Lon- don, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Fitz- patrick. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aldingtou and Margaret Rose, Varna, visited Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Aldington in town. Mr. Jerry Meir had the misfortune to break his wrist last week. He is an employee at Excellence Flour Mills. Miss Olga Hoare was unexpectedly called to her home in Toronto to at- tend the funeral of her father. KIPPEN EAST W. 1. EUCHRE -DANCE Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, FEB. 13 EUCHRE AT 8.30 SHARP Prizes ter Euchre. Rau's Orchestra 7/7 �Please provide lunch. 10th con- ' cession are conveners Don't Forget the St. Valentine's Supper, Northside -United Church, Wednesday, Feb. 11 faimmisrmimmomom If you are thinking of buying a NEW RADIO NOW IS THE TIME TO DO SO We have a number of Models, purchased before the increased tax, which we are selling at the old price. There is a possibility of further increases Look over our Models Now ON DISPLAY AT DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH To --- Dealers, Farmers and Feeders ' The quality of EXCELLENCE FEEDS is known to be second to none at home and all through the Eastern Provinces Our special offer of $3.00 to $4.00 per ton reduction will continue for the month of February WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH FLOUR Our "Gold Star" Brand Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) Our "Excellence" Brand Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) GIVE THEM A TRIAL - PRICES ARE RIGHT Markets are now reasonably low. Be Wise. Buy your Winter needs right now. Future supplies very uncertain Turgeon Grain & Processed .Feeds Telephone 354 Seaforth Feed Division of EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS LIMITED Drew Government Performance OA DS i,. In 1943 -the last year before the Drew Government took office -road subsidies to municipalities in HURON County totalled $133,878.42 Since the Drew Government took office: In 1946 $245,319.42 1947 $392,706.43 In addition -expenditures on King's Highways Construction and Maintenance were: In 1943 $350,000.00 1947 $525,000.00 Planned for 1948 $1,000,000.00 Vote for TOM . PRYDE (PROGRESSIVE -CONSERVATIVE) And keep HURON in the GOVERNMENT Rgnks.