HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-29, Page 3,ent)p;-. Sports•And One Thing' or Anther By FRANK MANN HARRIS "No more broadcasting or tele- vising of fights" is the latest edict of The British Boxing Board of Control —' a move bound to come in for plenty of criticism from vari- ous sources, especially those close to the business of Radio and Tele vision. Speaking personally — and as one more concerned with sport as a pastime than as chiefly a money -making racket we think !t -a move in • the proper direction. When sports broadcasting was in its infancy, we remember much dis- cussion as to what its general effect , would be, Those who argued that it would help to popularize sport, and increase interest, proudly point to the sell-out crowds at big league hockey and, baseball, championship fights and so on, saying that broad- casting did a great ,deal in making; them possible. * -* * Maybe they are tight, at that. Perhaps broadcasting did — and' does help fill places such as Madison Square Garden, Montreal Forum, Maple. Leaf Gardens; and the couple of millions of dollars Louis and VValcott are liable to draw a few months hence might not have been •possible without all the aerial ballyhooto make, folks more fight -conscious, and to wrap a mantle of. respectability around the boxing game. •* * * But what of the other side of the picture? Ask the small-town hockey manager how many potential dol- lars of revenue will fail to show up in the till should his scheduled game- happen to run into the com- bination of stormy weather and a night when Foster Hewitt is on the air' - or even only the latter. With the option of sitting' at home and listening to a couple of nationally known top-notchers tangle, or of going out and helping to support boxing in your -own community, which are you going to choose? For that matter, which is the healthier condition — a few million youngsters out playing baseball on their -own of an October afternoon, or crowded around radio sets list- ening to the doings of New York •Yankees and Brooklyn Dodgers? * * * With television looming larger and larger, the tendency will be even greater for the general public to con- centrate on star attractions, to the detriment of lesser sports events. More and more this will fend' toward our becoming a continent of sports- ', lookers, 'rather than sports -players. For a while this will be O.K. with those who control and profit from those bigger attractions — another ease of "the rich ;let richer and the poor get—children." .Blit there maybe s day coning when even titose who look on them as fine sources of re- venue might wish they hadn't com- mitted themselves so deeply to the ,Television and Radio people. Teat's why we say we think the move of the . B.B.B.C.',nightn't be such a bad thing after all. It may not be a case of "'rhe King is dead long live the King" — but if the King we are speaking of — last name Clancy - isn't quite a subject for the mortician as yet, even his closest friends and great,: est admirers, and he has plenty of both, must admit that the old flam- ing fire is in danger of dying down toniere embers. For countless spec- tators at a recent Toronto . hockey game received a terrific shock when a Boston player rudely pushed Re- feree Clancy roughly out of the way and received, in receipt, nothing more than a paiucd look of retnon• .trance. For there was a day anti not so long ago when "The King" didn't wait for any overt act before springing into instant and violent acion. We aren't quite sure, but we r who bink it was Chuck Con ache wl o first described Clancy as "the guy that started a -million fights — and has yet to win his first one," Any= way, we do cherish in • memory dozens ,of picures of Clancy in the very thickest part of a brawl and Conacher reaching out one of those huge paws to rescue his belligerent friend and teammate, - • * e ButnowClancy lets himself get pushed around without flinging a misconduct • let alone a right swing! Yes — the old fires must be dying down; or else when Presi- dent Clarence Campbell issues those letters of his, telling players and officials how they must all positively act like little gentlemen on every occasion, only the latter bother to read them, Maybe the present-day player, when he receives a letter that fails to request either a picture or an autograph, just tosses it in the waste -basket as not worthy of attention. Briefly Told A •ittle girl was told by her teacher to write a composition on 'Ants," She began: `'Ants are of two kinds — insects` and lady uncles." - , Off On a "Cross Country" Jaunt—Just 50 year s ago a Canadian editor, speaking of the "new" sort of skiing, said that "it couldn't compare w ith either snow -shoeing or tobogganing"- He little foresaw the day when it would become t he favorite winter sport of hundreds of thou- sands, and a means of attracting millions of tourist dollar* to Canada. In SKI SKILLS, the National Film Board has produced a fascinating moving picture of skiing in all its many pha ses. "Ski Skills" "Spills, Chills & Thrills" was the marquee slogan one theatre used last winter in describing "Ski Skills," a National Film Board film devoted to skiing in Canada, when the film played its over one hundred theatres across the Dominion. This year—again iii the approp- riate season—"Ski Skills" is being shown on the rural circuit film programmes in the counties of Ontario. Although it is a short film, it is unique in many ways. For instance, from looking at it, you would almost swear that the camera itself had mounted a pair of skis in order to obtain the "shots" of the skiers as they round- ed the breath -taking curves and made the heart -stopping leaps in the snows that cover Canada's ski hills from the Laurentians in the east to the Rockies in the west. In making a filen in lighter vein, the Film Board found, from its theatrical reception alone, that "Ski Skills" was definitely worth producing, But, of course, aud- ience reaction was not the chief reason the film was made• It was made because of the increasing im- portance of skiing. Indeed, even the most superficial research show- ed that, beyond a doubt, skiing is o the way to becoming the top- ranking participation sport in Can. ada. Hal: a Million Skiers Figures froin the Canadian Ama- teur Ski Association—a body which has 132 member clubs across the country—reveal 200,000 skiers in Quebec, 100,000 in Ontario, 50,000 in British Columbia, 25,000 in the Prairies and 15,000. in the Marit- imes. These figures, though, are only half the story. Every winter, thousands of American tourists swarm to Canada's ski country, and are there met by the 'ven greater thousands of Canadian skiers who do not belong to clubs. All told, it is estimated that skiing is now practised by well over half a mil- lion citizens of this country. "Ski Skills" opens with a typical winter scene: the loading up of the ski bus. The camera shows the keen laughing faces as the skiers board the buses and ride tct'ards the wintery slopes. It then shows the ski lodge, with its inviting interior, its blazing fire- place, and the merry talk of the New Tires Greatly Reduce Skidding Tires designed to cut down skid- ding by means of wire coils in the treads are rolling out of plants of several leading rubber companies. And for the driver using re- treads, tire engineers said, thous sands of tiny granules of abrasives are buried in the rubber to resist the ice when the brakes are clamp- ed on. Cautioning that the completely skidless tire has not been built, en- gineers said that none the less 'research already has produced tires that will greatly reduce skidding -one of the main causes of win- terthne mishaps. PTJ i ES-Olodonce has arn overcmedical est- ome ment'. formerly thought Impossible. Piles were coneldered one of them. That's nonsense today, The new Pyltone treatment has Droven it. sett In thousands of the moot stub- born oases It get■ result.. because It goes direct to the Internal cause, Your prat bottle (a Ilquld taken 10 mouth) chows you the difference. or. that price - refunded at ohm, All modern Drumlin's people who can barely wait to get unpacked and be off to the hills. Amateurs and Experts On the skiing hills themselves, the camera records' many types of skiing: trick skiing, spectacular skiing, some terrible skiing, and a good deal of down-to-earth ski- ing such as is performed by the ordinary lad or lass. For the experts, there are se- quences devoted to the skiing art as it is practised by Pierre Jalbert of Quebec City, and other such well-known professionals. Names like Valcartier, Ste. Anne, Mont Tremblant, Lac Beauport and Ste. Jovite — the famous ski .resorts of the Laurentians, - where alone there are 38 clubs — are brought to the screen for the benefit of all, and especially for those who have not yet visited these places. 'Ski Skills," however, is not ne- cessarily a filen for the profession- al. In fact a good part of it ports rays the average down-to-earth skier and his comerade , who flock in the thousands to the local hill- sides as long as there is enough snow to bear a blade, And finally — "Ski Skills" rel cords the grand finale of every s!'iing trip—whether this be at the exclusive club or in the modest home—the fireplace session in the evening, where merry chatter, songs, and yes, even the sonorous arguments - of the arm chair skiers, who debate the great problems of technique and style, while away the hours of dar'.ness and relaxation. °:te Wins A husband and wife could not speak to each other except in the deaf and dumb language. One night when the husband calve home rather late the wife let him have her raging anger, her fingers flying a mile a minute. Just as he raised his hand to answer her, she turned out the light. ISSUE 0-1048 Only One Cure For High Prices Screaming about high prices will not help us. Hard work and prayer are the only effective cures, accord- ing to the Financial Post. The world is short of goods and harvests and until that situation i5' corrected, gen- eral price levels cannot possibly re- cede. - Canada and the United States could, if they :desired, forget about the rest of the world. They could stop the flow of goods and food to Europe, sit back and revel in their own plenty. But such a callous course would soon bring its own reward. There can be no permanent peace, prosper. ity and happiness for North Ameri- ca until Europe is rebuilt. And Europe is very far from being rebuilt today. That continent is short of food, machinery, coal, steel, houses, transport, fertilizer and of almost everything else except trou- ble. It's going to be a long hard pull to put Europe on its feet and we might just as well face the fact that untilthat job is done we are going to be short of food and goods on this continent and prices are going to continue high. Our job in Canada and the Uni- ted States is to produce more in- dustrial goods and pray for good crops. With luck and hard work we can do much this year and next, without them the outlook is bleak. THERE'S ONE THING FOR illttA'DAC44T for MST,URE PR OLJ QED RELIEF Tnstantine /2 TABLETS FOR 250 For constant Smoking Pleasure ilffiL(/ S1P-0�1�fs'if @@ r: l.� � T" r ,u EXP Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AV .MII:ABPOB IN ' POUND TINS Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED An old established chick :hatchery wish18 agents In some dlstrlote. Liberal gA®mle- eton paid, Lner'eaao your income. {:'rite Bon No. 1, 78 Adelaide 51. 10'„ Toronto. OUn1\ESO 0A'0 onTONrrt38 AN OFFER to every Inventory -Lint of fuven- tlone and full information omit tame, The Ramsay Co., Roglatered Patent Attornoyt 978 Rank Street, Ottawa, SOUP TO NUTS Will buy for you, any )temyou need..` Ship collect, Write now stating exact needs, Box 8, 70 Adelaide W„ Toronto, BABY OHICRe READY PRINT.: LASSIFEn1 ADS Jan, al ORDER 1948 01/10los NOW Be sure and receive our special pries fiat on our chicks,,. the progeny of lteglotered and Pedigreed blood -tested Brc10050, Mixed. ehickle 13e and -up, pullets 250 and up. Write. todoy Goddard 'Chick Hatcheries,, Chatham, Ontario, el Branch. at Brttannla Heights, (Ottawa). Ontario. 020505LS THAT .ARE STRONGER, .EASIER' to rales, and lay better, from 4.000 high Production breeders. Leghorns, Rocks and Hybrids, Miller Poultry Farm, Clarkson, Ontario. Don't takea chance on westing feed with Door chicks this yam. Bo auraof ilio chicks you buy Buy balanced breeding, Tiny Top Notch Chiclrs=Get chicks that live. grow feet; maturequlokly intoheavy producers. Wo have the following pure breeder to choose from.. White Leghorns, Auronao, Black Minorcan, - Brown Leg1 orn% Barred Rocks, White Roolea, New Hampehlrea, Rhode Island Reds, White Wyandotted, Light Suttees. Black Australorpe, Jersey White Giants. Also 12 Hybrid crosses, Send fox Free Cala- Jostle and 1048- price., All chioke are from Government Approved Pullorum tested breed- ers,Top :Notch Chick Sales,. Guelph, Ontario, PTG ROck. Farm Chicks are atm teebeat bet on the farm because they Iay'plent, of bigeggs and make a good profit. They ars strong liveable chicks sired by high nag record males. Discount on early order% Write today for free calendar and pries 11R. Big Rock. Farm, Mills. Roches, Ont. 100 CHICKS raze With every- order of 100 pullet chicks a we eve 100 free heavy breed- chick% Barred Rook Pullets 325.06, White Reek Pullets 516,96.. White Leghorn Pullets 820,06, Brown Leghorn Pullets 028.95, Red -Rock Pullets $26.95, Les - horn -Rook Pullets 525.05. New Hampshire Puliete520.95. All chicks sold aro from blood tested stock. backedby high pedigreed. Mock. Alio get our .peolah . prloe. on Nixed 01110110 and Cockerels, 51.00 boobs your order. Balance C.O.D. Guaranteed delivery. Kent Hatchery,.. Chatham, Ontario. It pays to buy the kind of chicks that will live, grow and pay, You can't get beat result. and make money unison' the chick° YOU start are good chick°, with health. vigour and bred in. Capacity to grow fast and lay well. Good chick. aro the foundation of success with poultry, and for 14 years Twaddle Chick Hatcheries have bent every effort toward producing good chicks—healthy, vtgoroue, real growers" and real produ.nrs. Record. speak louder than word% Send for the Tweddle Catalogue and 1046 prioalst and read the results the farmers, 11ke yourself, have bad with Tweddle Chicks. 1346 looks like a good your, particularly for those rale - Ing early hatched chloks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. "THERE MUST BE A REASON" Why so many .lit :tied customers come back year after year for Gaintorth'a Chicks. With our careful selection of breeding stook acrd rigid inspection at hatching and eblpping times, the customer is ensured of nothing but good chicks. Extra Good because of our 21 years' experience in the bualnese. With teed costs increased 709 can't afford to gam- ble with chicks. By buying your. from an established firm, paying etrtcter attention to management than ever before, and con- stantly culling the laying hens it 1. poeetble to realize even lower production coats than rordwrly. All our breed= are government inspected, and pullorum clean—no reactor.. Barred Rocks, New Hamnshires, Whits Lea - borne, Light Sussex. B. Book. x N. Hamp., N. Hamp, x B. Rock, L. Sussex x N. Hamp, Write today for information on price, and our opeolal early order dlocount. Galnforth'■ Hatchery, Box 180W, Trenton. Ontario. Pro- ducora of good Baby Clicks tines 1967. We've dayold and started chtSko for prompt shipment. Or we'll take your order for later delivery. But—with good markets as- sured you'll want Brer Chicks—order them now. Bray Hatchery, 160 John N., Hampton. Ont. Danish Brown. Leghorns, Barred Rooks, Rhode Island Reda, All Government an - proved which moons Government fn000000rs Mapeot our brood flock. and hatchery and which assures you high quality chichi, Write for prices. Cochrane's Poultry Farm, R11150 - town, Ontario. 'Oxford" Approved Chick* live. lay and Day. They are the result° of twenty-two yearn of careful 0eleutton and brooding 1n 0,73,8. They have to be good, because we want the very best kind of chicks for our owe flootu vigorous and early maturing. We struts egg size and uniformity, Barred Rooks -Hames x Leghorn Creseb ede—R ok x Leg- horn Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co -Operative Produce Com - Pang, Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us' for Information. We are glad to angrier your 000,01one, Department H. Parker', Dye Works Limited. 791 nage Street. Toronto, Ontario, POA SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service. Bert E Kennedy ; Doe.. 410 College St Toronto, JOHNSON Iron Horse 550100,, % H,P. 051.45 1,34 11.P. 570.00. Immediate delivery. our. ray Bohner, Winton & Bathurst, Toronto, DORSET horn ewer, lambs, Pearlinse, i yea. Cannde's best breeding, J. Leigh, 9 Heath St. W., Toronto, Ont, 5 Lbs. FINE QUILT PCS. $1.39 Colorful assortment, prettiest dealt/Da Guar- anteed washable cotton prints, broadcloth, stunning eitlt scenting patches, assorted sizes, re-siting attractive quilts. Preferred selec- tion, 81.50 (20 lbs. 56.25) "1117000"; 16 aunt deelgns: Needles: Thread. Remittance with order. Delivery extra, 12 YDS. REMNANT PCS. $1.69 Broadcloth. PUMP, Washable 1 Cotton "551Prints, B 0 , etc, 10 ' l0 80 tvidfh, Lineal meawro- monta Postage 30c MONTREAL REMNANTS Station 02, Dont, 4, Montreal, Doberman Puppies—Sired by Champion Goe- the von blannerhelm, Show 200050010 for approved homes Particulars on request, Tann0mvatd Bonnets, 69 Yorkville Ave., Toronto, Midway 3207, GARDEN TRACTORS and ROTARY TILLERS 1't to 9 horaopower.. Garden Plewa 111101, Cultivators, Stehle Mower., etc. Write: UNIVERSAL TRACTORS LIMITED Manufacturers Su5plters. Bnrtonrllle (Irammton), Ontario, FOIL -SALE. TAXI BUSINESS For sate 1n Sudbury, Ontario, One of suer bury'. loading and moat proopornue tall buoinoee with eight new oars and alt modern ooulpment Beet 100ntton 110 01ty wltb a large garage and aorrien station 580,056 eadh or paymento can be arranged. Writ. George Appleby,148 004ward Axe., 8041585 Ontario. - TANKS, 10,000 gale Immediate delivery. Also other tlzos on hand, R. St, Gormain. 5778 St. Lawrence Blvd,., Montreal, Quo, 70 TONS baled hay', 520 per ton; Brinoton. B. T, Saver, Iroquois, Out, Registered .Collie puppies and Corker 8pa9- lole, buffs-' and blacks, good, healthy stook, melee and females priced to please. B. Flolda, R,30,-. 1. Sumnrer°town, Ont. SELLING 01l'l+'-extra stock English Angora rabbits. Fashion. Plato strain, pedigreed does and bucks.- 3untors and seniors. Your 0110005 to 0e0ure Al foundation stook, Rqa- sooabie. Disease-free. .Apply Ii. Farrant, 70 Centre St., Stratford, Ontario, AMBNR HONEY Very cholas. Light amber honey,: good Wm. ins 0 - ins Quality, 70 ib. , can. 015.50 F.O.A, Fergus, Ont. bred W. Krouse, Fannie, Ont TOY Shetland stallion pony, s. hands, 20 months old. M. J. Oelor, H.R. 1, .Loudon. Ontario. New Briggs & Stratton Air -Cooled gawllne engines, Assorted sloes. Write for Dee- orlptive Solders and prions. Scope Sales Co„ 826 Quern St., Ottawa, Ont. 11AI16DREs5INO LRAMs Hairdressing the Robertson method... information on request regarding Mamie.. Roberteen'e Hairdressing Academy, 157. Ave. nue Road,. Toronto. MEDICAL A TP.IA1.—Every sufferer of Rheum atte Paine or Neuritisshould try Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid'. 51,00: INTE8TINAL COMFORT, send now, 050 Driller trial package. Bos 26,Toronto I, Pep up, Take 01,C &R;..,l+oaio Tablets for low vitality, nervous an general debility. -365 and 51.00 at drugetetj,,":or-P.C,&B.. 0 DION St, Hamilton. Ont. - HAVE YOU HEARD about Dixon's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain- Remedy? It give rood results. Munro'. Drug Store, 886 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51,00. sst OPP4IRTUNIT/ES MIR WOMEN BE -A HAIRDRESSER 80IN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified prote501on, good wears thoveande successful Marvel graduate America's greatest. system. Illustrated cath loeue tree Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 855 Bloor St W.. Toronto Branches' 44 Ring St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND -WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME SPARE or full-time money -making. Learn to make candy at home and oars as soli learn; correspondence course. National fa- etltute of Confectionery Ret'd. Delorlmler P.O., Box 162, Montreal, Que. BECOME TELESRAPHEIL Commencing salary 0176 monthly. Blg de- mand, Learn at home with Belt -teaching machines. very practical career. Free folder desoribee. Write Caoean Syoteme, Toronto, PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors,- Established 1890, 14 Sing Wart, Toronto. Booklet of Information n request 9 PERSONA/. 1'ONESOME? Romania Corroepondece Mott ulna contain, photos, description.. 160. With addreseea 60e, One year 66. World Federation. Club, Parkervtew, Sask. "ELIJAH COMING Before Chrlet", wonder- ful hook tree Megiddo 0115etcn, Rochester 11, N.Y. "Know Thyself" Profarsor Edwin. social counsellor, buetneas advhoer. Solve soar Problems. 007 College. Toronto. KIngedale 1002. PHOTOGRAPHY Muskoka Photo, Service, Barloehan, Ont. Rolls developed and 5 prints 550, 11-19 prints 400. Work guaranteed. WANTED GENERAL STORE RANTED 00'e have a buyer for e. general eters or hard- ware bushiest. 1a w village. Or am.11 town la Ontario. He will pay all cash Up is 516,000. What have you to offer? Kindly write ?lugedes" lrt Weir SonRealtoro, .000Ddas Street, London, Ont. TRY kk pis LKREMClS It The Now Treatment for Athlete's Foot end relative .akin dicorias. $1.50 per Jar. EDWARD JEANNE & COMPANY 07 Yonge St. Toronto QUICKLY BREAKS COUGHING SPELL Fast Action of L.ymoiris Leaves Man Grateful I 'Thave need LYMOIDS for cough relief for moayyeare,"writeeoBmntfordronidoot, "end their quick notion aimed always relieves irri- tatten,"CnrryLYMOIDS always with Y l d lie not 00tinted medians? oiltLYMOIDS YMI 9 lu� brngletat rclioL't s, i4Y q C� throat tinkle, coughing and boareonese. Most stmt sell LYMOIDB, but if unobtainable, send 1012 ,% •c? Y. stamps or min. to LYMOIDS,119 Pearl St.,Toroata ®�. TRY ._. Lid POP—Crystal Clear By J. MILLAR WATT 1 HAVE A RARE.OL-D +..,-.17,A910 USEID C • By GEL7RGE WAS I•11NG'VON �' 1 Tt-tgre.,S WAS t -.O TI-11NG 11-1 V4ASHINGTOH'S --rl me. ! SUCH —PANT'S IT }^o0 • (` WHAT MAKES 60 R.P.RE. ' ' ' e^4 I° ; I, • P \ S rte .._,...: ... ... .'l /'L 1 l wapo -1 M Ga... .