HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-22, Page 3Sports -And. One Thing.
or Another.
In times of rising prices and food
shortages, a writer enjoys one
great advantage over his fellow
citizens. If he has nothing else to
exercise his teeth on, he can always
eat his own words; , althoughwe
wouldn't really . recommend the
custom as either very nourishing or
even 'satisfying.
This is by of saying thatwe
fhld it necessary to take back some-
thing we' wrote; and at the'. same
time 'tender apologies to an athlete
whom wehave been cruelly wrong-
ing in the ,past. Like practically'
every sports -cobbler on the Contin-
ent, we havebeen poking fun at
the pretensions of Primo Carner'a.
as a wrestler! and even hinting that
his adversaries must be taking
great care in their handling of the
Ambling Alp, for 'fear that some
night he would snap in two.
* . bk
Now we learn, of good author-
ity, that such jibes *ere entirely
uncalled-for,. Paying a visit recent-
ly to these parts was our old friend
Ivan Mikailof, the man who did
more to make large sections of On-
tario wrestling -conscious than any
other individual, and ane who
knows what he is talking to. When
we hinted. that Mr. Carnera must
require a good deal of protection
in his bouts, Mikailoff scouted the
idea. "You are all wet," he told us.
"Dat Carnera was a wrestler for
five ten years before he ever went
into dart crazy boxing racket. He
can wrestle like nobady's • business,
and don't need anybody to carry
him or protect him whatsoever-"
al * . 0
.So our humble apologies to Car-
nera for the foul wrongs we have
been doing him in the past. We
are glad to hear that his wrestling
activities are paying him around
two thousand dollars a week, — and
that he's actually getting the dough
- which is a lot more than he did,
in spite of the big gates he drew,'
hen' mixed up with what Itlikail-
off terms. "dal crazy boxing
* * *
tary E.rpert is a man who can assure
the public, with a perfectly straight
face. that the atomic bomb has made
navies, armies and air forces obsolete
and then, with ins, as straight a
fare, solemnly recommend that we
should' spend doable what we are
doing adding to oar military
It is some time since we saw a
hockey game in the fair city of
Montreal; but they tell us that
there is an atmosphere of gloom
down 'around The Forum that you
could easily cut with a knife. For
years Les Canadiens have been top
dogs 11i pro Hockey; and even when
the Maple Leafs knocked them
loose from the Stanley Cup last
spring their loyal supporters put it
down as more or less of a fluke.
iaL ,it's funny what a difference
just a few months can make, es-
pecially in sport. At this moment
the. Frenchmen are Seriously
threatening to drop out of the bot-
tom of the league - and only the
weakness of the Chicago Black
Hawks' inner -guard keeps the
llontrealers out of the cellar. Now,
with Toe Blake — one of their
few remaining spark pulgs — out
of it indefinitely, their plight is a
sorry one — in fact a man' selling
crying towels would probably find
a ready and highly profitable mark-
et down there, especially among
the French-Canadian rooters, who
really take their hockey seriously
and their losses the hard way.
And a gent by the name of Bou-
cher must be having many a quiet
chuckle to himself. You will recall
the jeers and sneers which greated
Frankie's prediction, at the start
of the season, that the Montrealers
wouldn't make the playoffs, Well
- -in their first eight games this
season, Canadiens have emerged
with just exactly four points one
win and two ties — making it seem
as though maybe Mr. Boucher
wasn't,'as far off the beam as some
of us hoo laughed at his "screwey"
s *
flirt( arciybe you've heard the one
about the fruit and vegetable dealer
1011o' was recently observed closing
his establishment for the night. A,
friend who Was looking •on, noticed
something unusual in the dealer's ac-
tions and questioned hip,. `It's all
right," was the reply. "The way
things are these days I put elle cab'
bage ill the register, and 'cave the
cash in Ihr 7c'indola,"
0' '0 4:
11acketcei's — sure -thing artists
— have always been with us; in
fact we think it was Kipling who
once surmised that the real secret
of Cheops' pyramid was probably
that "the contractor did, Cheops
out of several inillions." Now, on
the authority of a recent magazine
article, • we learn that even the
sacred game of BINGO isn't free
,from the gcntt'y wlio always dike
to have an ace in t'he hole.
it seems thin tl'Icrc are two fav-
iui'itc methods of taking tlic el -
A Substitute for the Dog Team? -The Eskimo in the above
picture looks rather modern, seated at the wheel of an up-to-
date tractor. But in many ways these people still follow the
same customs which have prevailed in Arctic regions for cen-
turies. Life among the Eskimos—and the work the Canadian
Government is doing to help them—is strikingly pictured in
the National Film Board movie "Eskimo Summer".
`Eskimo Summer"
It would probably surprise a great
many people to learn that quite a few
of our so-called "modern" inventions
and gadgets are really old—and cen-
turies old at that. Take our heating,
for instance. Now this is supposed to
be the acme of modernity. But, if
you care to look at "Eskimo Sum-
mer:" a National Film Board film.
dealing with the Eskimo of Canada's
eastern Arctic region, you will see
that oil heating has been used by •
these peoples for countless centuries.
And, even further, the Eskimo use
oil for lighting as well.
In case you're interested in using
oil -a la Eskimo—you first take a
stone and grind and polish it until
you have converted it into a:,shallow,
open dish. Next you gather dried
moss and fashion it into a wick.
which you place in your dish. Then,
you obtain some whale oil, which you
pour into the dish around your wick.
And there you are, all set, not only
to heat your igloo (or skin tent in
the summer time), but to light it as
Ancient and Modern
",Eskimo Summer" also brings to
light and contrasts the ancient and
modern in present day Eskimo life.
Alongside the stone whale -oil lamp
you will often see a primus stove;
. again, the neighbour of the man who
uses a primitive fish trap will prob-
ably be using a white mans net; and,
in matters of transportation, diesel -
powered fishing boats will be seen
pulled up on shore alongside the old
fashioned buoyant skin kayaks.
Staff of Life
Summer time in the eastern arctic
is a short but busy season. The bitter
cold of winter is never far from
mind, and the men and women work
feverishly to lay in a supply of food
'for the lean months of blizzard and
isolation. The menfolk and the older
boys are constantly busy, trapping
and spearing fish, and hunting carr
bou, white whale, polar bear, seal.
and walrus. The women are kept just
as busy, drying the fish as fast as
the men catch them. Another of their
jobs—and how many' of "their white
cousins would envy them? -is press-
ing out oil from the whale blubber
emelt of chance out of BINGO,
In one of these, the players come
to the game carrying a supply of
little numbers exactly resembling
those used on the official cards.
As the numbers are called by the
operator of the game, they simply
paste the proper ones on their
cards until they have a whole row
of winners. The checking is gen-
erally done so hastily that the sub-
stitutions are seldom noted,
'k .* 4<..
In the other plan, the connivance
of the checker is necessary. The
racketeer hollers "Bingo" then the
checker simply comes over and calls
off — not the numbers actually on
the racketeer's card, but winning
ones which lie has memorised as the
game was progressing. There are
other schemes too - - ifs fact the
author of the article says that when
any mean. — or woman either — wins
too consistently at .BINGO, the
chances are that there's dirty work
. at the crossroads.And so another
illusion is shattered! You're not '
even safe at a Church entertainment.
It's Expected
Clerk (to manager of store):
"When I sold that lamp why did'
you want me' t� bill him extra for
the shade, electric . cord, and a
Manager: "Obi, he's our local
automobile dealer.":
with a 'ulu" knife, to provide the
winter's fuel.
The mighty whale, indeed, is in
many ways a staff of life to the east-
ern Eskimo, To catch a whale is a
communal effort, and it is logical that
the community should share its bene-
fits. The "corpse" is evenly divided
between all the families participating
in, the hunt, and each section is then
put to various uses. Food and oil.
come from the blubber, as we have
mentioned, but if you are looking for
an extra special delicacy, there is
nothing more enjoyable than a juicy
wedge of the whale's skin—at least,
so the Eskimo say.
An Annual Event
Perhaps the isolation 'of the Eskimo
from the rest of the world makes
them such cheerful, jolly fellows
when they do manage to come into.
contact with other human beings.
Such occasions are rare, but art look-
ed forward to eagerly for months
ahead. One such occasion is the an-
nual arrival of the Hudson's Bay
Company ship the ("Nascopie"—
the ship that made ' this
trip . for so many years — was
unfortunately wrecked in the
fall of 1947). In the film we see the
"Nascopie" stopping at every settle-
ment along the coast. The men
aboard her, R.C.C.M., doctors, mis-
sionaries and traders—are all as
eager to see the Eskimo as the
Eskimo are to see them. As the ship
lands, the Eslcimo come forward, and
work manfully unloading the lumber,
gasoline and traders' supplies. The
R.C.M.P. and doctors check on
health, take out the sick and injured,
and learn of new problems anddiffi-
culties which have arisen in the lives
of these copper -skinned natives.
Yearly Shopping Spree
The visit to the trading post is an-
other occasion for cheer and excite-
ment. Furs are exchanged for wood-
en sticks, worth fifty cents each, and
these sticks are regarded as money.
With the sticks the Eskimo buy their
supplies of rifles, ammunition, traps,
tea, flour, sugar, clothing, matches,
and even toys for the children.
All in all the Eskimo are seen to be
a resourceful and self-reliant people,
who have made their homes in what
is possibly the most rugged and for-
bidding, region in the world. Far
from being dull, they 'have shown
surprising ability in mastering the
arts of the white man. "Eskimo
Summer" gives an interesting colour
picture of these people, and includes
an animated map showing the precise
location of their territory in Can-
ada's eastern arctic. The film is
now being shown on the rural circ-
uit film programmes in Ontario
Hard Times
"These sausages you sent me are
meat at one end and bread -crumbs
at the other," said Mrs. Andrews,
"Yes,'madam," replied the but-
cher; "in these hard times it is
d'tficult to make both ends meat."
Learn to Parachute
Starting in Reverse
It has- been pointed out that start-
ing at the bottom and working up
is a pretty good rule, unless theun-
dertakiag is that of digging 'a well.
Parachuting might quite: reasonably
be classed as another trade or pro-
fession which is impractical to
"learn from the ground up," says a
science writer in the Christian Sci-
ence Monitor.
However, it is quite possible to
start a parachute jump from ground
level and without the aid of any
type of aircraft or balloon.
To overcome one of the principal
hazards attendant on novice (and.
other) parachute jumps from heights
—the question of whether or not
the 'chute will open properly after
the leap into space—a device has
been worked out whereby the para-
chutist. starts his jump' from good
old Mother Earth.
The novice dons his parachute and
harness and stands on a grilled plat-
form. Under the grill a powerful
motor -driven' fan springs into action,.
sending up a powerful vertical blast
of air. The current fills the para-
chute and as the cloth mushrooms
out above the student's head, he
feels himself jerked off his feet and
into the air.
* * *
Up and, up he goes until his weight
exactly counterbalances the force of
the vertical column of air,where-
upon the student b,egins his descent
just as though he had stepped from
a - plane. He learns the tricks of
handling a parachute, working the
shroud lines to jockey for a perfect
landing, getting .his training .with
virtually all of the hazards of the
more familiar kind of parachute
jumping eliminated.
Foreign Trade
Suppose we decided to forget all
about this headache of foreign
trade, as some misguided people
suggest, and try to live within
ourselves, what would it mean?
asks The Financial Post.
H. V. Lush, president of. the Ca-
nadian Exportcrr Association, an-
swered that question very plainly
recently. With no importing or
exporting, he said, immediately
784,000 Canadians would lose their
jobs and wage and salary earn-
ings would shrink $30,000,000
That would be the direct loss.
What would be the effect of such
a blow on all other industries, oth-
er jobs and other payrolls can only.
be imagined.
PILES -Mo dor" medical alt -
once hfo overcome all•
ments formerly thought
.Imposelbie. Piles were consideredone
of them, That's nonsense today. The
new PrItone treatment has proven It-
self In thousands of the moat stub-
born cases.. It gets results because
It goes direct to the Internal cause.
Your first bottle (a liquid taken by
mouth) ebows you thedlrferenee, or
that price refunded at once. All
modern Drugglete.
2,000 Dee. Destroys brush, tree
stump e. unwanted
grass, splits Mita,
dteinfecte, char. wood,
heato iron, melts Lead
and tar and hap hun-
dreds of othcl uses
for all seasons.
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Ifoti <S..� • •;tit �lr;,` . .
Fes!>-�a �s �
quick, sure
relief in coughs,
throat irrita•
Classified Advertising
AN OFFER to, every Inventor -Leet of muse•
• None and full laformatlon sent free. The
Ramsay Co„ 'Registered' Patent Attorneys 878
Book Street, Ottawa..
BABY- o01one
Good Advice! Every 'Mineral.. of Rheeim&UI
Paine or N'eurltle 0hould` try Dixon'.*
Remedy, Munroe Drug - Store, 859 Fibrils,
Ottawa, Poatpald 81,70...'
Dollar trial package. Box 20. Toronto L
England Want 80 million dozen eggs from
Canada in 1848. The price starting tate
to January will bo 5e per dozen higher than
1947 Spring prices. Pall prices beginning
September Tat will be Sligo a dozen above
Present Fallprloesand will continue until
January 81,'104.9, Year in and year.. oUt
there hat been money in -Poultry and 1948
will be no exception. Start 77lth good chlek0,.
We have boos supplying that kind: for 24
years, Free Cataloeue and Pricellst.
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited,
Fergus, On tarfo.
010 Rock Farm Chicks are etlil the beat.
bet enthe tarm because they lay plenty
nt big eggs end make a good profit. They,
are etrons liveable cheeks' sired by high egg
record mules. Discount on early orders.
write today Tot free calendar and. price Ilat.
Big Reck Farm. Wille Roches, Out
Baby Ct,Ieko — Barred- Rocks, mixedand
Hybrid Barred hocks --New r3ampahlrea.
Mixed $13.00' per 100—also 8 other breeds:
Goddard Chick Pratche,'loo, Britannia Heights,.
Poultrykee0ero—you know the goodmarkete.
are with. you. Don't leave your chlclt
buying t111 the. last minute. We've dayolde
and started for prompt ellipmont, Bray
Hatchery, 130 John N.,. -Hamilton, Ont.
Sronkton Poultry Chlcke —. You buy baby
,, chicks for ono reason, To receive divi-
dends On your Investment. YOU musI be cer-
tain where your money ie invested. We offer
you baby, chicks from a Poultry Farm with
every breeder pullorum tested and government
banded. Take advantage of our early Oho
count. Write for our 1048 catalogue and
prlc0 81.0. Monlcton -Poultry Farms, Kennon,
All popular breeds are offered by Top Notch
Chick Sale.. Get your order 1n early—
right now—for a profitable 1048 season. All
Top Notch Chleke are from Government.
Approved high -productive stock, Top Notch
Customers come back year after year. An
order now protects you' against possible price
rite, gine you (711 benefit 51 any Pelee 4120
before delivery and seamen you of getting tfte
breed you want . nn the MY you want them.
Send far catalogue and - prlcellet.
Top Notch Chick Sales,
Guelph, Ontario.,
HAVE 507.1 anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to usfor information. We arca
glad to answer your questions, Department
H. Parker'e Dye Works Elmlted 707 Yonne
Street. Toronto, Ontario.
Pests and Service. Bert 0 Kennedy & Son,
419 College Sl. Toronto
JOHNSON iron Roree engines. 96 M.P. 901.46
1.54 H.P. 570.00. Immediate delivery. Cur-
rey Bulmer. Eglinton & Bathurst, Toronto,
Very choice. Light amber honey, good Mote
Ing quality, 70 Ib. can. 818.60 F.0.13,
Fergus, Ont. Fred W. Krouse. Fergus, Ont,
DORSET horn ewes. lambs. yearlings, 2 Yre.
Canada's beet breeding. J. Leigh. 9
Heath SI. W. Toronto. Ont..
5 Lbs. FINE QUILT PCS. $1.39
Colorful assortment, prettiest deafens. Guar-
anteed washable cotton prints, broadcloth,
atuoning o'Ilk Quilting patches, assorted sizes,
making attractive quilts, Preferred selec-
tion, 71.00 (20 lbs. 86.29) "FREE": 10 aunt
deetgns: Neodleea Thread. Remittance with
order. Delivery extra.
Washable Cotton Print., Broadcloth, Plgeea,
etc. 10" to 80" width, Llnen1 nte"sur0-
meats, Postage 30c.
Station H, Dept. 4, Montreal,
1'h to 0 horsepower. Garden Plows, *Diem.
Cultivator., Sickle Mowers, etc. Write:
Manufacturers — Supplier..
BartnnvIlle (Hamilton), Ontario.
Doberman Puppies—Sired by Champion Goe-
the von 6lannerhetm. Show prospects for
approved homes. Particulare on request.
Tannenwald Kennels, 69 Yorkville Ave..
Toronto. Midway 3297,
1001 sale In Sudbury. Ontario. One of Sud-
bury's leading and most :prosperous taxi
business with eight new ears and all modern
oquinine:it, Beat location to city with a
largo garage and service station, $30,000
can or payment. can be arranged. Write
George Appleby, 149 Edward Ave., Sudbury.
MOST efficient "Spiral-Pltck" enowpinne
Propellers and eklle, 16 years experience,
J Regent. Tndnore, Sask.
TRANSFOR91ER etatton for sale complete,
con0lonng of 3,1.00 K.V.A. Ferranti 2,300/
676 voltei 2 76 X.V.A. Ferranti 2,300/110-
230 volts: 2 3711 X.V.A. Ferranti 1,100/
110-220 volts: X nil breaker, 11,000 volts,
400 amps, panel mounted. Box 2, 73 Adel-
aide IV., Toronto.
Selling' Load' Broke Hor.ea, goad sloe, March
delivery. Would take to district where
needed. Write. W. Hummel, Mantario, .Sade,
For Sale: Pnwcr MachInery Chain Saw,
//lightly used, very good condition, ft%
H.P. Price. 5260 delivered. Joseph Byrne,
Woodatoe, Ontario.
DACIISITUNDS, Black and tat. Registered
Champion bred stock, hired. C. Altmann,
44 Filbert Street, Iiltchener, Ontario.
TANKS, 10,000 gale. Immediate delivery,
Also other sizes on bend. R. St. Germain,
0778 St, Lawrence Blvd., Montreal, Que.
70 TONS Wiled hay, 820 rel. ton, F.O.B.
Brinson. B. J'. Saver, Irot/min, Ont.
Pony band- mill with 64" whcola, 4"4" face,
2-6" band saws, band setting grinding and
tension machine, small carriage, 96'
trnelta, 11,700 8060,00 cash, as le, Walkerton.
ADp1Y Emden -& Grose Furniture Co. Ltd.,.
Walkerton, Otempl ,
Chow -Chow napper, 0 weeks, registered.
Mrs, O, Upfold, RR2, Watnl'leet, Ont,
"7111000" DREAM SEPARATOR'S --
Whether you need spare parte, a pourer drive,
or a new cream separator, they are avail•
able at your local VIKING dealer. lire supply
a frictionclutch pulley with all our eleetrio
drives and a low stand with our electric
machines. See your Viking dealer or write
10 u0,
100-722 Notre -Dame West,• .
LEARN Han'dresetng the Roberteen method,
Information on request regardins Messes,
Robertson's. Halydresetng Academy, 187 Ave.
nue Road,. Toronto.
Pep hp, Take BC &B, Tonle Tablets for leer
vitality, nervop0 and general debltlty. 600
'tend 71,00 at druggfets, or C.C,4&B., 2 Date
St., Hamilton. Ont,
Ifo Important—Every eufforor of Rhepmatlo.
Pains or Neuritis should • try Dixon'.
Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 836 Eight,
Ottawa. Poatpald 81.0e,
Great Opportbnity Learn
Pleasant dignified profeoelon, 'good wages
thousands euccesoful Marvel graduates.
Ameriee'e greatest system, Illustrated eats-
atslogos free. Write er Calf
8611. Glom ` St. W„ i'orontc
Branches 44 Kins. 8t.; Hampton
& 74 Rideau Street,:- Ottawa.
Sarnia General Hospital
School of Nursing
Otters a general course in nursing.
meeting the reaulremento of
the Ontario -Department
of Health
Age Limit — 18-86 Yoara
Monthly Allowance: 525.00 -after
completion of preliminary term
Maintenance- and Tavtbo0ka Provided
Next Claes Will Be Admitted
February 10, 1048
SPARE or full-time money -making. Learn to
make candy at home and earn as You
learn; correspondence course. National 1,1.•
0titllto of Confectionery ling'd. Delorlmler
Box 162, Montreal, Que.
MEN & WOMEN—"SELL" the NEW sensa-
ensestional BOOK on BIBLE PROPHECY. ,For
these who are EARNESTLY seeking more
scriptures. Unusual truths .brought to Ilght,
ANSWERS 7nun1 BTBLE aeriptures you have
always wanted to know. About 100 eagee.
size Gx0 Inches. This ad can't tell alt The
/gory. never a book before like ft. Good
commission to live wire AGENTS, Satlorae-
tion Guaranteed. Price 01.25. Order now.
WVrlte R. DYE, 1308 West 981, Street, Loa
Angeles 15, California.
PETHERSTONAt1GI1 & Company Patent
Snitchers Eelobliohed 1890, 1.4 King Weer,
Toronto. Booklet of Information n remelt.
LON1807,110' Romantic Correspendeee Ung•
aline contains, 010800, descriptfene, tee,
With addresses 60c. One year 02 World
Federattcn Club, Parkervtew, Snsh.
"111..IJAH COMING Before Ohrlat", wonder -
2a1 book free Megiddo Mission, Rochester
LI, N.Y.
"Know Thyself" Professor Edwin, aortal
counsellor, liminess adviser. Solve your
problems. 207 College, Toronto. ICingndale
Lonesome? Watt romance and marriage?
Our large magazine lists ladies and -gentle-
men of n11 type0 and ages, with photographs,
des'nrlptlone, etc, 100 a may. C. C. Club.
Department 2, Box 128, Calgary, Alberta.
WANTED for general duty '1n shOY-ftva
bed hospital, with full maintenance and
well equtoped nurse's residence. Salary
$126.00 per month. Apply Supt„ Lady 1005o
Hospital, Cochrane, Ont.
Two For One Sole
Only $1.49
Sturdy, beautifully turned Cigar-
ette Lighter and All -Wool Army
Muffler. Lighter alone well worth
$L95. BOTH sent Postpaid for
only $1;49.
Box 47—Station B, Hamilton, Ont.
ISSUE 4-1948
POP—A Boner