HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-15, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY15, 1948 HENSALL The January meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held M the United Church school -room on Mon- day night, Jan. 12, with the presi- dent Miss Michie in the chair, Theme song, New Year's Poem, read by the president. Hymn, "Standing at the Portal". Scripture reading,, Matt. 7: 13.29 was read by Mis's Margaret Glenn; reading, a New Year's message by Miss Michie; prayer, Miss Mary Goodwin; hymn "0 word -of God Incarnate", utes, roll call, payment of fees. The treasurer's report was given by Miss Margaret Glenn.. Miss Gladys Luk- er, chairman _ of the- nominating committee presented the 1948 slate of officers as. follows: Honorary president, Miss, NI. A. Ellis; pres. Mrs. E. Shortt; 1st vice. ;Miss Ann Tate; 2nd viee. Mrs. J. Corbett; See'y, Miss Gladys Luker; treas. Mrs• B. Kyle; press reporter, Mrs. Heiden; pianist, Miss Gladys Luker; social coram. Mrs. C. Passmore; friendship comm, Miss Gladys Luk- er; Mrs.. Shaddick, Mrs. Passmore, Miss Violet McClymont; :Steward- ship comm. Miss Violet McClymont. The study chapter from the study book "Great is the Company" was presented by Miss Ellis. A thank - you letter was read from Mrs. Ivan Kipfer, who also sent a Christmas card to the group. Miss Ellis ex- tended a vote of thanks to the re- tiring officers, A pleasing feature of the meeting was the presentation of Life Memberships to the two past Auxiliary Presidents, namely: Miss Barbara Michie and Mrs. B. Kyle, who made fitting replies. Miss Glad- ys Luker read the address and Mrs, Shortt made presentations. Hymn "Thou Whose Almighty Word" and the Mizpah Benediction concluded the meeting. Lunch was served at the close under the direction of the social comm. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer of Lu - can visited recently with relatives here. Mrs. Peter McKenzie of Seaforth was a recent visitor with her aunt Miss Hood, Miss Gladys Luker spent a few days -in London, during the past week. - Mrs. Tate of Owen Sound was a recent visitor with Miss Ann Tate, Mrs. Geiger returned home from a pleasant visit with her son-in-law a pleasant visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Spray, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomson were visited by relatives from London, over the weekend. Ross Corbett has been confined to his bed.;owing to illness, for the past week. Miss Mary Ann Hoggarth left last week fa:spend the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth in Tr ckersmith. The annual congregational meet- ing of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held in the school -room of the church on Friday, Jan. 1 6t at 8. p.m, Refreshments will be served at the close. •KIPPEN W.tvl.S. Elect Officers The W.M.S. held their first meet- ing of the year at the home of Mrs. John Sinclair, on Wed, afternoon, Jan. 7th with a good attendance. Sirs. Harry Caldwell presided and opened the meeting by singing hymn 11112, The minutes and roll -call were then taken with the text word "Love". The scripture lesson was rad by Mrs. Ernie Chipchase. Hymn 4i'4 was sung' and Mrs. Chipchase then ted in prayer. The business then followed and it was decided to aiae one cent eaeh month per per - can for the • Sunshine Committee. The officers for 19.45 were sworn Into office by Miss G, -ace Tremeer. Hon ares Mrs. Ernie Chipchase; n es Mrs. Robt. Fl„ie: let vice-pres Mr. Toin Kay. 2nd vire. Mrs. John S lair; 'rd vice, Mrs, Robt, Peck; h cite, M's. Joe McLellan; sec'y, ll John Anderson treas. Mrs. W. Mills: press sec'y, Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter; Missionary Monthly See'y, Mrs. Witi. Alexander; Baby i nu ll 1 tittigtt lllllll g llllllll 1111111ttRitttittligimttitlitT7stgtttittttumunnnug,wuu Opportunity 1948 chick customers are ordering Sexed pullets. This trend is province wide, due no doubt to the satisfactory -export egg contracts for 1948-49. It appears at this time, that cockerel chicks should be an excellent proposition for broilers or roasters. The strong upward swing In the poultry market during the last two weeks is due primarily to prices obtainable on the United' States market and to the reduction in the U.S. tariff on chicks and fowl that became affective on January lst: • Scott's heavy breed cockerel chicks, are priced at 4c for crossbred, and 5c each for Rocks. This small investment is your opportunity to. make money,'on poultry neat in 1948. Order Cockerel chicks for February and March, SCOTT POULTRY FARMS PHONE 851 r 32 'SEAFORTH llllllllllll 1111111111, 111111111111111 lllllll 11111un n,aaun lllllllllllllllllllll 1wu,Iniu nnruuunuunnu,,,na; Band Superintendent, Mrs. Harold Jones; Stranger's Sec'y, Mrs. Earl Sproat; Christian Stewardship Sec. Mrs. Hinton; Supply Secy; Mrs. Herbert Jones;; Supply Com•, Mrs. J. McLellan, Mrs: N, Long, Mrs. H. Damm and Mrs. A. Gackstetter; pianist, Mrs. Harold Jones; assist- ant, Mrs. John Sinclair; Sunshine Committee, Mrs. Workman and Mrs. Emerson Kyle. The meeting contin- ued with Mrs. John Sinclair playing a piano solo "Whispering Hope". Mrs. Hinton then read a letter from Mrs. Kirkby telling of her resigna- tion as Presbyterial Secretary of Christian Stewardship. Mrs, Harold Jones gave the study "Breaking the Barrier of languages" Hynin 263 was sung and the meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by Circle No. 3. Woman's Auxiliary Elects Officers The W.A. held a short business meeting at the conclusion of the W. M. S. on Wednesday afternoon at which the ladies .were told the treasurer had given the managers $500,00 for church expenses from their account of $1010.00. It was decided' to -"use the remainder for necessary. conveniences in the church kitchen. Mrs. Harry Caldwell read a poem of suggestions of arti- cles for each month for the bazaar. The officers elected for 1948 were as follows': Pres. Mrs. Allan John- son; 1st vice, Mrs. John Sinclair; 2ndvice. Mrs. E. Chipchase; 3rd vie:. . Mrs. Harold Jones; Sec,-treas. ;Vlrs, E. McBride; finance committee Mrs. R. Peck, Mrs, Emerson Kyle, Mrs. Bobbie MacGregor, Mrs. Har- ry Caldwell; press secretary, Mrs, A. • Gackstetter, , Little Ruth Amt Finch is holiday- ing with her - randparents Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson. Mr. and, Mrs. J. Anderson and Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Anderson spent Monday in London. Miss Doris Ferguson and Mr. Art Ashworth of Ilderton visited recent- ly with Mr. and A. Gackstetter, Mr. Thomas Coward, Alvin and Leon of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. MCKILLOP The regular meeting of the W.M. S. and W.A. of Duff's Church was held at the home 10 a of Mrs. I1 s. John Hills- bvecht, Thursday, Jan. 8th with Mrs. Wm. Shannon presiding. Prayer by Mrs. Finlay McNercher. Financial report of the W. M. S. was read by Mrs. John Hillebrecht, Mrs, Wm, Shannon read the program for the corning Year. Mrs. Geo. Campbell took over the meeting for the W. A. Mrs. Robert Hogg gave the financial report for the W.A. It was decided to have the hydro box again this year. A letter was read for relief of clothing for the 'European Count- ries. Mrs. Robert Campbell gave a New Year's reading. Mrs. lion, Stewart gave a reading. The study book was taken by Mrs. Gordon Papple, assisted by Mrs. Mac Scott, Mrs. Elden Kerr, Mrs. Ken Stewart and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Farm Forum No. 4 Square, Mc- Killop, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell on - Tuesday evening, Jan. 13, with an attendance of 27: The discussion, The World is our Market, was led by Mr. Robt. Campbell. A few games of bingo which were much enjoyed by all, were played, wtih useful prizes he. ing awarded by the hostess. Lunch was served and a social half hour was spent. -Next meeting will be held Monday, San. 19 at 8:30 p.m• at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Keys. BLAKE The January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. ?red Bancroft of W.M.S. on Thursday, Jan. 8th, 1948 with Miss Emma Dinsmore presid- ing. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer was offered by Rev. Miss Hern. The secretary gave a report and the roll was called with 9 being present. The business was taken of which 1947 reached its ob- jective with a balance in the trea- sury. The member's fees were paid in at this meeting. The topic was taken. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Douglas from the hospit- al for the plant the society sent her. The sleeting closed with a hymn and prayer. A. dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. John Dinsmore in visiting a few days in London. The roads are very icy at present. FOR SALE Viking Battery radio, good shone: Domin- ion piano, moil box, set of chimes. 830x23, Sanfo•tb, GEORGE DUNDAS. WORK WANTED Girl, age 18, wishes wok in torn. house- work or other work. Apply at The News. JANUARY SESSION OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron enmity Council will by held In the Council Chamber., Court House, Godorieh• commencing Tuesday. January 2011,, at 2 P.M. All 'eccounts, notices or deputations and other bu bne s requiring' the attention of Council should he in the halide of the. Coolly Clerknot later titan Saturday, January 17, 1549. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk $inderieb, Ontario SALVAGE WANTED iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags Highest Cash prices paid Louis Hildebrand WE WiLL PICK UP Want end For Sale Ade., 1 week 26c. AT FINNiGAN'S ARISE AND GET THEE HENCE St, Benedict, one of the world's great Captains of Industry, coined this phrase; "Arise anti get thea hence for this is not tray rest;' We suggest you pin this up beside the alarm clock. SATURDAY MORNING Canned Salmon & Canned Peas go on Sale Schnieder's Best Meats Breakfast Bacon, lb. 66c Back Bacon, -lb, 76c Guaranteed Potatoes 2 90 Choice Cooping Apples..3. 6 bus. W. J. FINNIGAN & SON Card of Thanks Mr. Sam Petid.k and family wish' to ex- press their appreciation for the many kind expressions of sympathy' during their be- reavement and for the beautiful .flowers, and to those: who loaned oars or helped. in 000 way, also to Rev. S. R. Peters. Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs, Angus. MaEinnon wish to 'thank all their friends and neighbors, the Seaforth C. W. L, and Lions Club for gift boxes received at Christmas, Card of Thanks Mrs. Warren Scbilbe- and family wish to extend their sincere gratitude to relatives, neighbors and friends for kindness and sym- pathy shown In our sad bereavement of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to pallbearers and flower bearers and for floral tributes and loan of ears.. Sincere thanks to Rev: A. Hinton and also thanks to Dr. Goddard. LOST Cat lost In vicinity of ,Sesforth to The News office. library,. tortoise shell frith -black spot on ince. Apply WANTED Would like one m• two invalid, or aged,. Persons at my home. Qualified to give pro- fessional nursing care. Box 144 Exeter; or phone. Exeter 161. FOR SALE 2 evening dresses, sire 18. MABEL CAM- ERON, e/o- Mrs. James Barton, Seaforth. Phone 007w. ROOM Comfortable furnished room. Board optional. Gentleman preferred. Apply at, ' The News, FOR SALE One set of sloop sleighs and one set of bench sleighs. WESLEY SEARLE, phone 184, Brusuela. Walton 55,9.5. Annual Meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society Will be held in the Carnegie Library on TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 at 8 p.m. Le Roy Brown, Guest Speaker Tenders Wanted 5.8. 1,15. "10,. MaKiltop• 12 cords of 12 or 14 inch hardwood, to be delivered J,5fore May 1, 1948. Tenders to be In by Match 1, 1948. JOIIN CAMPBELL, Sec.-Treas„ R.R.4, Walton. TENDERS WANTED Tenders For Wood For S.S. #12, Mclfiilop. 12 cords of 14 -Inch Hardwood, Beech o' Maple. Until Jan. 30th, MRS. JAMES HOGG, Sec.-Treas., R. R. 4, iVolton. I1 luu,1,au1eaa1 l,n,ann numuuun,nuuu unnunuu nn,a IT IS TIME TO THINK ABOUT FERTILIZER We think the wise man will order= early, and be assured of good Fertilizer. The In•it'e may jump any time. Freight rates will likely rise as in U. S. A. IVe have a earioocI of Fertil- izer rolling. BtiY NOW PAY MAY 1 WM. M. SPROAT PHONE 655-r-2 111 lo a l 11111 n g, a n u I llll o n 1,,, 0 U,,, 11111 r 11„111 U 1,1„a, a s n, a, ELEC T UUCP ' J IS PRECIOUS G -,..,+sae+ eri:7�aim4, o- _•.,dr5:., 4.a ;east•?Yb".,a Ladies, take advantage of this after Xmas clearance of Shoes. In spite of ever rising prices we have slash.. ed ours in half. Come early for a better selection of sizes, colors, styles. Sale starts Jan. 16; ends Jan. 31 NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON REDUCED MERCHANDISE Ladies' Cuban Heel tie in black and brown with perforations. To clear 1.67 pr. Ladies' Tie and Strap Shoes with low and Cuban heels in black, navy and brown. Broken lines To clear 1.00 pr. Ladies' one strap House Shoes in soft leather, low heels. To clear 89c pr. Ladies' Arch Support Shoes In kid leather in E, double E and triple E widths. To clear 2,75 pr. Ladies' & Growing Girls' Oxfords In Military and perforated styles In brown & black clearTo 2.25 Ladies' Pumps In black & brown, patent and - suede. Cuban, high heels. Clear 2.25 & 2,50 pr. Children's Rubbers. Get ready for sloppy spring weather, Stock up with this real saving. Sizes 4 to 13. To clear at 47c pr. Boys' •& Youths' Mackinaw Rubbers to clear.' Youths' sizes up to 13. To .cleer '1.10 Boys' sizes 1 to 5 To clear 1,39 Prices —at Youths' & Boys. One buckle overshoes with cash. mere tops. To clear at 50c pr. Ladies' fur trimmed velvet Overshoes, Black & Brown. Small sizes only. To clear 1.98 pr Men's wool ribbed Undershirts in all sizes from 3.6 to 46. Slightly soiled. Reg. 1.89. To clear 1.25 Ladies' Nightgowns --Good quality flannelette with long sleeves and fancy trim. Reg. 2.59 To clear 1,98 Ladies' Kerchiefs. Just the thing for these cold blustery clays. All wool with ski pattern, Reg. 2,79 To clear 1.86 All wool without pattern— Reg, 2,49 To clear 1.69 Wool & Rayon with pattern • Reg; 1.89 To clear 1.13 Men's Ties in a large' assortment of variogs colored stripes and paisleys. Half price, Reg. 1.08. To clear 50c Green Front Dept Stores Opposite Post Office Seaforth —are Lower Ontario's fast-growing industry and agriculture, demands more and more electricity. New power developments cannot be built fast enough to supply the immediate need. SAVE ELECTEMITY MAINTAO EMPLOYMENT a 217 TUE 'HYDRO EI CTRL& POW .¢-QKMIISSIO N, IOF Oi*T' HARNESS REPAIRED JANUARY AND FEBRUARY WOMEN'S DOMED GOLOSHES $1,25 pair .Small Sizes W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR Auction Sale Mr,Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction on- Lot 28, Con. Staley Twp., on Monday, -. January - 10 at. 1.30 o'clock, 13/4. miles west and miles north from Brucefield. 8 cows due to freshen .from Jan. 26 to April 11 young cattle rising 1 to 2 year's old, well bred, Shorthorns. Terms cash. JOHN 'A. McEWEN, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. HELP WANTED -- Men or Women' SPLENDID. OPPORTUNITY. Average 945.00 weekly for man or woman to supply more than 240. Parallax necessities to the People In year neighborhood. Write to -day for complete details of out. time -tested Alar for fast, easy. direct -to -customer sales, CATALOGUE FREE. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. FOR SALE 2 Shorthorn bulls, .serviceable age, grand- sons of Collynie Victor Royal imported. 0. L. SWITZER, Clinton, Ont. NOTICE Convalescent Nursing Home, modern con- veniences, practiea] nursing. Phone 384 Mit- chell. MRS. -HAROLD E. RUSTON, Mitchell. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 00 acres, beteg Lot 2, Con. 7. except north 20 acres of the East half of the said lot, in the Township of McKillop. On this property is erected n frame house 24 ft; x 20 ft Kitchen 21) ft. x 16 ft. A steel barn 40 ft. x 60 ft., and strawshed 20 ft. x 60 ft. Henhouse 20 ft. x 16 ft.. and garage. A drilled well, water in barn, 30 acres ploughed. balance In hay .0 grass. This farm is well drained and fenced and in good state of cultivation, bring situated l4 mile from county road. Hydro available. Apply to JOSEPH S. O'REILLY, Dublin, R,R.1, Ont, FOR SALE Asphalt shingle covered dwelling, West William et, Seaforth, furnace, immediate pos. Frame cottage, garage, South Main street. Immediate possession. Emma cottage with garage Goderioh 01, East. Immediate possession. 11/. storey. frame asphalt shingle covered. on South Main. street, Seaforth. Modern, dwelling an Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth. FOWL WANTED We are paying 25c for young Heavy Fowl, in flocks. No thin or sick fowl wanted. ISAAC HUDSON PHONE 168 SEAFORTH EVERYBODY'S �f �T-lnti VLJ SI,.�i. E S When playing many games, you get better results by "fol- lowing through And if you want to be successful, you will apply that principle to your job, too. This means doing a thorough job—seeing that you have done all you can do fo make it good before it leaves your hands. Doing so may involve only some very slight extra effort. Double-checking some measurements, for instance, may be a small matter. And your work won't be ap- parent. But it may save time and money—the price of errors. And sooner or later people will learn that they can depend on you. On the other hand, you may have to work hours overtime in order to follow through on some jobs. Or you may need to keep an eye on other operations which are not part of your job but have a bearing on it. However, if you're really ambitious, you'll willingly go to considerable lengths in order to make every job a really O.K. job! The modern life insurance agent not only brings the need for financial security to people's attention , , , he follows through by helping them plan a practical pro- gram that is adapted to the individual's requirements. W.277 BOX �triprtlrutcje AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office Residence 43 18 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST.; 'SEAFORTH, ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. HEAD OFFICE— SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President, F. MoGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. ,Leonhardt, Broduagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R, Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth R R3; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. MCEwing, Blyth R I;1; Hugh Alex. ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich RR 2. Agents John E. Pepper, Bruceiield; R. F. IVlcKerclrer, Dublin; T. F. Pr'ueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will ale promptly attended to by applicatiod6 to any of the above named officeten addressed to their respective pont offices. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon, Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 pan., and 7to 9 p.m, Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.fM.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor' to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Mooreileld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 pan. --53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM: H. COATES Exeter Vice•Pres., ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY , , Kirkton, R. 1 WM A. HAMILTON .. Cromarty JOHN McGRATHDublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY . Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY-TREA SUREit B. W. F: BEAVDRS Exeter SOLICITong Glailmn.n & C'ocilrane, Exeter Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your. convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 G, A, WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAF,ORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pitai Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 VETERINARY SURGEONS J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V,M., V.S. L. 0. HALL, D.V.M., VS, Main St. ' . Seaforth Phone 105 Personal attention by either Vet- erinarian when requested (if possible) Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) "mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept.. -T-94, Nov -Rubber Co., 13ox, 91, Hamilton, Ont. PIANO TUNING Have your piano tuned and repaired by an Expert over 30 years' experience, All work fully guaranteed and all. repairs carried in stock. Apply Box 127, Seaforth News, or write direct to OTTO CHEVALIER, 207 North Mitten St., 'Sarnia, Ont. 0000 FOR SERVICE TITOR9UGIIBRED Hog for service. This is the McKillop Bacon Hog Club boar, .and is a Government hog, is by a qualified sire and out of a qualified dam.. The sine neon grand eham- pbonshiphonors at the championship' York- shire Show, Erin, in 1945, The .dam qualified. in. A.R. with a score of 90, the third highest ;n Ontario in 1948, TERMS -91,60 cash, or ' $2 if booked. JAMES E. SLOAN, lot 10, eon. 7, 'McKillop