HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-15, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1948 THE SEAFORTH NEWS LIBERAL ASSOCIATION THE PROVINCIAL RIDING OF HURON Nomi-natingConvention TOWN HALL at HENSALL FRIDAY, JAN. 16 AT 2.30 P.M. for the purpose of selecting a candidate to contest the forthcoming Provincial by-election to be held in the riding. GUEST SPEAKERS will be Hon. Farquhar Oliver Leader of the Liberal Association for the Province of Ontario Robert McCubbin, M.P. Parliamentary Assistant to the Federal Minister of Agriculture ALBERT KALBFLEISCH, President W. L. WHYTE, Secretary EVERYBODY WELCOME — GOD SAVE THE KING Monster Euchre & Bridge TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 8 P.M. IN THE NEW WING OF SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Under auspices of Women's Hospital Aid ADMISSION 25c PRIZES LUNCH This is an opportunity to inspect the New Wing. Everyone Is Invited TOWL FOWL We are able to buy your fowl LIVE WEIGHT and pay you Top Prices for them. Those who are planning on culling their flocks call 13 so we can quote you prices. We want GOOD HEAVY BIRDS. Be sure and contact us before you sell your Fowl. Market your Eggs and Poultry through your local Co.op. Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative PHONE 13 PRODUCE DEPT. To Farmers and Feeders The demand for our EXCELLENCE FEEDS grows bigger every day. Farmers and feeders are showing such an appreciation for the quality, of our Feeds that we have decided to continue our Special Offer of special prices of $3.00 to $4.00 per ton reduction for the month of January. Bran, Feed Flour, Oats, Barley, Wheat_ whole or ground, available at market prices Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Telephone 354 Feed Division of EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS LIMITED Seaforth FREE 'vu,S 'l— NIMAL S OLD•DISAAELED OR DEAD CATTL • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALM Promptly and EFFIelenfly Removed Simply Phone Collect k ; MITCHELL 219 STRAT•FORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 WE DO THE REST i VIl1LLIA� STONE SONS LTD. GERSOLL� ONTARIO GERSOLL, TOWN TOPICS Mr, Jack Cleary, Sarnia, Is Visiting at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. R. Little, St. Cathar- ines, attended the funeral of Mrs. S. Pethick, Mr. C. W. Harvey, Atwood, ' spent the week encs with Mr. and Mrs, Roy McMane. Mr. Allan Ryan, Listowel, spent the week end at his home here. Miss Audrey Hall has returned from London after spending two weeks' holidays at her home there. Miss Jean McMaster, nurse -in -train- ing in the Hamilton General Hospital, spenttheweek end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. Mrs. D. M. Holloway has returned from Toronto after spending a week's vacation there. Mr. David Bolton, Waterloo, spent the week end at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Staples, Kitch- ener, visited last week with friends in town. Mrs. M. Taylor, Hensall, is visiting with her daughter and son-in-law,Mrs. M. Dale and Mr. Dale. Mrs. William Faulkner and daugh- ter, Galt, spent the week end at, the home of Miss Lillian Faulkner, Mrs. James Ryan, sister of Mr. Thomas Klein, died last Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. E. Gormley spent a week's holi- days in London visiting with relatives and friends. Miss` 'Geraldine Eckert, - Chatham, spent the week end at her home here. Miss Jane Reid is taking treat- ments in. Scott Memorial Hospital. .BORN EDLER—TO Mr. and Mrs. John Ed1er, Brus- sels, on Monday, Jan. 12, MORS, a daughter. BANNON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on on San. 10th., to Mr. and Mrs, Peter Bannon, Seaforth, a daughter. HOLLAND—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jail. 11, to Mr, and Mrs, John Holland, fa son, WINTHROP The "Helping Hand" Mission Bhnd held their annual meeting in the school -room of the church, Sat. Jan. 10th. The -scripture was read by Iris Byermann and Dorothy Cuthill led in prayer. The story "Fig Tree Village" was finished by Mrs. Hogg. The election of officers followed and were installed. The officers for 1948 are as follows: Pres. Betty Axtmann; vice-pres. Mac. Mont- gomery; treas. Donald Dodds; sec'y, Iris Byermann; press sec'y, Jimmie Axtmann. The meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavell, Winthrop, held their first meeting of the year on Wednesday, Jan. 7th in the church. The president, Mrs. Russell Bolton was in the chair. She was assisted by Mrs. Lewis Bolton, captain of Circle 2. Mrs, Frank Johnston was the pianist for the meeting. According to the reports presented the society has had one of the most successful years financi- ally in its history. The W.M.S. sent $290. to the Presbyterial treasurer which is a considerable increase over previous years. The meeting opened with hymn 662. Mrs, Rus- sell Bolton led the meeting in pray- er. A prayer service for Miss Peters. a missionary in China, was conduct- ed by Mrs. Robt, MacFarlane, The scripture lesson, psalm 57, was read by Mrs. Earl Hawley. The study was taken by Mrs. Robt. . MacFarlane. Roll call was answered by 21 mem- bers. During the business it was de- cided to combine our regular Feb- ruary meeting' with the World Day of Prayer and the combined meet- ing to be held on Friday, Feb. 13. Lunch was served by Circle 2 and a social half hour was enjoyed by all. DANCING! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Saturday, Jan. 17. Ross Pearce & His Music Admission 50c creation period was spent playing euchre and five -hundred, after which lunch was served. Next meeting to Pre - Lenten D -,A -N -C -E !. BOOBY'S HALL, DUBLIN FRIDAY, FEB 6 ROSS PEARCE AND HIS MUSIC' Dancing 10 to 1,15 Admission 50c —Also a DANCE MARCH 17— be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin. Hear Premier George Drew Thursday January 15 A Special Message to the Electors of HURON RIDING CKNX Thursday 6.30 p. CONSTANCE Miss Ferne Dexter spent the weekend with Miss Iloxie Ball and other friends at Goderich. The January meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held in the base- ment of the church on January 8th. Opened by singing hymn 502 and Lord's Prayer in unison. Slate of officers was brought in: Pres., Mrs. Wm. Britton; vice-pres., Mrs. Lorne Lawson; treas., Earl Lawson; sec'y, Mrs. Frank Riley; •ass't, sec'y, Nor- ma Dexter; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Jew- itt; asst, Mrs. Geo. Addison. The roll call was answered by paying fees. Mrs, Earl 'Lawson read the financial report which was very in- teresting. The annual meeting will be held in the church on Friday evening Jan. 16th, and it was moved by Mrs. Frank Riley, seconded by Mrs. Earl Lawson that we have sandwiches and tarts for lunch. A committee was formed, 'Mrs. Geo, Addison for the north line, Mrs. Earl Lawson for the west, and Mrs. Dave Millson for South and East to let the people know. Cards of thanks were read from Mrs. Medd. Mrs. Cook, and Frank Riley. Mrs. Frank Riley also thanked the Society for her gift as organist of the church. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Mont- gomery. Hymn Take my life and let it be" was . sung followed by Psalm ..!:r read in unison. Reading by 1VIr s. Dexter and Mrs' Riley played the closing hymn "In Christ there is no East or West". The following is the slate of of- ficers for the W.M S for 1948. President Mrs. Peter Lindsay; lst vice., MIs. C. Montgomery; 2nd vice„ Mrs W. Britton; 3rd vice.. Mrs. E. Lawson; sec. and press sec., Mrs. V. Dale assistant, Mrs. Jack Medd; treasurer, 11fis C. Dexter; recording sec., Mrs Peter Lindsay; literature, Mrs. A. Dexter; temper- ance sec., Mrs. E. Adams; stranger and friendship, Mrs. G. Addison; Mission Band leader, Mrs Dave Millson; assistant, Mrs. W. Jewitt; organist, Mrs. W. Jewitt; assistant, Mrs. F. Riley. HULLETT The ''Farm Forum" of. S.S. No. 1, Hullett, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Nott on Monday evening, January 12th with 16 members pre- sent. Subject for discussion was "The World is our Market." The re- AT ALL HOURS, in all kinds of weather, she's at her post. You count on her and she's proud of it. With switchboards busier than ever because of the many more telephones, hers is still "The Spirit of Ser- vice," More telephones are being added right along. Our constant aim is to provide more and better service ... always at the lowest possible cost ... to give greater value to every telephone user. THE SELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Answering Your Qnestions ABOUT IMPORT CONTROL Zi OST of the countries which are Canada's regular customers have not recovered sufficiently from the war to pay, in the normal way, for all the goods they need, despite extensive help from this and other countries. Nor are they able to send us enough of their goods to balance accounts—or to pay us in the kind of money which we, in Canada, can use to buy goods in other countries. At the same time, Canada has been buying more goods than ever before from the United States and other countries demanding U.S. dollars. This is because these goods were not obtainable elsewhere and because of demand pent-up during the war. Buying from the United States or U.S. dollar areas must, therefore, be temporarily reduced until our trading again becomes normal. To meet this emergency, purchase of goods and services or expenditures for travel, which must be paid for with U.S. dollars, are now subject to control. iF YOU ARE AN IMPORTER OF CONSUMER GOODS and wish to find out what goods are iI) prohibited, (2) subject to quota, or l3) unaffected by controls, see or write your nearest Collector of Customs and Excise. IF YOU WISH TO IMPORT GOODS SUBJECT TO QUOTA and wish to establish your quota authorization to import, or need special information, con- sult your nearest Collector of Customs and Excise. Quota application forms (E.C. 1) and instructions for completing them, are available at all Customs Offices. These applications must be filed with the Collector of Customs and Excise. IF YOU WISH INFORMATION ON THE AMOUNT OF YOUR QUOTA. After your application has been filed with your Collector of Customs and Excise, all correspondence about the establishment of quotas or cases of excep- tional hardship through import prohibitions should be directed to Emergency Import Control Division, Department of Finance, 490 Sussex Street, Ottawa. Quotas are issued on a quarterly basis and any unused portion may be carried over into the following quarter. IF YOU ARE AN IMPORTER OF PRODUCTION PARTS, STRUCTURAL STEEL, stone, machinery or other capital goods or automobiles, and wish to know the import restrictions in these classifications, write or see Emergency Import Control Division (Capital Goods), Department of Reconstruction and Supply, 385 Wellington Street, Ottawa, IF YOU INTEND TO TRAVEL OUTSIDE CANADA and wish to know about. foreign exchange available for this purpose, consult any bank or the Foreign Exchange Control Board of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Windsor, Vancouver, If you wish information about personal purchases of goods made during travel outside Canada, consult the nearest Collector of Customs and Excise before departure. IF YOU ARE A MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER OR RETAILER and wish information about excise taxes, or about the list of goods to which they apply, consult the nearest Collector of Customs and Excise. IF YOU NEED OTHER SOURCES OF IMPORTS consult the Foreign Trade Service, Department of Trade and Commerce (Import Division), Ottawa, regard- ing your supply problems arising from import quota restrictions. Through the Trade Commissioner Service, the Import Division is endeavouring to arrange increased supplies from the United Kingdom and other "non-scheduled" countries. IF YOU ARE A HOUSEWIFE and wish information on available alternate foods which have comparable nutritional values to those now prohibited or subject to quota, informational material which has been prepared by the Nutrition Division of the Department of National Health and Welfare may be secured from your Provincial Health Department or local health unit. The administration of these emergency import controls is the responsibility of various departments of the Government. The above information is given to aid Canadian citizens in complying with the new import control regulations with a minimum of incom venience in their business and personal affairs. CANADA taus 11.S.DO1U RS Minister of Finance • \\ 1. 13 54 1 1 i 4 y 4 a -4 . . . 4 4 4 . i 1 4 1 1 4 4 i ..