HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-15, Page 3Sports -And One Thing or Another By FRANti MANN HARRIS Coining away from an alleged hockey ,contest, played with absence of Christmas or any other sort of spirit dte ing the recent holiday sea- son, a veteran,oelooker at sport— who hadpeacefully snoozed through most of the final period—came out with a crack which we think worthy of repetition. a * "The difference' between a bad hockey game and a punk baseball game is this," he said. "In baseball, no matter how little the hired hands feel like pCaying, they know that they have to keep on until one side gets at least 27 of the other guys out. But in hockey, if the boys are feeling a little tired, they realize that as soon as the clock ticks off sixty 'minutes. they're through for the night" *. * We personally feel that there's a lot in what the said; and that the present-day custom ,of seldom if ever playing overtime, but settling for a split of the points at tlic end of the regulation hour, has done-tnoclern professional hockey more harm than 'anyy other single feature you could mention. If the hockeyists knew they had to play to a finish—or that no points would be awarded to either side in case of a tie --there would 'probably be a whole lot more real' action for the cash customers. !' * *.' Maybe you've already heard it; but We rather enjoyed this criticism. of ,American and Canadian radio tnade by a noted French conwienta tor. After being on this side of the Atlantic for smite months he wrote, I hear so much said and sung about LOVE on your air -leaves that T'm always expecting the announcer fo advise listeners to send in for free sot: pies,' * * *. "We have already written about the danger' of United States football-- and, ootball—and, to a. lesser degree, our Canadian variety—becoming nothing more Or less than outdoor basketball. If you happened to listen to the broadcast of the 'National League champion- ship game between Philadelphia Eagles and Chicago Cardinals, you'll probably realize what we men. * * * The Eagles have one of the finest forward passers in the game; and their attack was built around him to stich an extent that you might have thought that line -plunging, end-run- ning—any method of advancing the ball except through the air --had, been done away with. He attempted no less than 44 forwards in an hour's play, and even the fact that he com- pleted 27 of thorn for an average of better than.. 10 yards gain per pass, doesn't do away with the fact that it isn't football. Although neutral at the start, we were glad when Card- inals—sticking to a ground attack —finished on top. But the hold' football has on its devotees is `shown by the figures— more than thirty thousand paying al- most a Hundred and sixty thousand dollars to shiver through it, Chicago is by no means situated in the ban- ana belt; and sitting outdoors there for several hours on the 28th. of December isn't most people's idea of a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. Being slightly screwey isn't absolute- ly essential,for a football fan; stilt, it undoubtedly- helps. * * * During the Christmas season, an acquaintance of -ours made an assault on the poetic false which: we pass ofr't5 ''05 tcithattt continent; "Good Kind Wenceslaus went out. 04 the Feast of Stephen; So did I—lust like a light— Now the score is evert" * * * A shrutiny of National Hockey League figures at the year's end Is rather revealing—although just what it reveals we'll leave to our readers. Leading the loop in nulnber of .goals tallied we find—of all teams—the Chicago Black Hawks. Smallest scorers -with 26 less goals to their credit—are the Montreal Canadians. Even the Maple Leafs, sitting fairly comfortably on the top rung, were a couple of goals back of the Black Tfau-ks' nark. It is, of course, in the "goals against" column, that you find the real story. While Toric Erode had been forced to dig rubber out of the twine a etre 67 times, the unlucky wights condemned to servitude in the Chicago goal had been beaten for a total of 124 And while Canadians— taken on their offensive efforts— . show signs of. making Frankie Bouclier's prediction come true by dropping out of contention, Bill Dui.- nen urnen and the rest of their rear -guard are still mighty tough to beat; and so long as they are, the Fluttering Frenchmen can't he counted out. * * *. The moral would seem to be that You could take the old proverb "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches" and, simply by changing one word—"name" to "goaltender"---slake it fit the 'sport of hockey more closely than a 32 3we;.ter on n 38 torso, The (I.:m. Ly of population in some part i ni the Nile Valley is greater than any country in Europe, • It Didn't Look Like This Just A.Few Years Ago—What a little well-planned remodelling will do to even badly run-down farm properties is vividly portrayed in the National Film. Board picture "Farm Homes Beautiful" reviewedin the accompanying article. Above is an "after -taking" shot of one such. home. Farm Homes Beautiful The West's and Simpson's are two typical farm families' of Eastern Can- ada. During the depression, they ran into low prices for their produce, and hard times. There was no money to spare; the farm fences fell into disrepair, the buildings went without paint; and trees, shrubs and flowers were luxuries they .just couldn't afford. Today,, however, things are differ- ent. Conditions have improved the farmer's lot, and he can now pay some attention to these details, which, although they can hardly be said to increase the farmer's income, do help to beautify the farm home. In Natural Colors There are probably many farmers who would like to beautify their homes and grounds: but where do they go for suggestions? There are many manuals and pamphlets on the subject, but one can get a good, gen- eral idea of what can be done by seeing the improvements made by the 'West's and the Simpson's, in a files very recently, produced by the National Film Board for the Depart- ment of. Agriculture, entitled, "Farm Holmes Beautiful". "Farm HIomes Beautiful" is a twenty minute film, produced in natural colour lcodachromc. As it opens, you see a disappointing pan- ornla of a number of farms in east- ern Canada which have had to do' without repairs for many years. Trees and flowers are entirely absent, and the air of disrepair, engendered by broken fences and unpainted buildings scents to have led to gener- al untidiness and carelessness. These Farmers "Do Something" The camera moves on and finally comes to rest on the farms of the Simpsons and the Wests. These fami- lies have come to the conclusion that the time has come to "do something". The Simpson's decide first that their lawn has possibilities; at least, they decide that A lawn would have possi- bilities. They clear the space that can be used for this purpose, and they fertilize it. A flower border is dug and shrubs are planted around the house. Then, so that the family can appreciate the fine view they have created, they cut down a few of the trees that hindered their view—trees that had grown unsightly and un- wieldy. Next, since the house Is': brick, the Simpson's tear down an old wooden verhandah that was in tumbledown condition .and no longer served any useful purpose: it had been left standing because It had "al- ways been there". The West's tackle the job of beau- tify their home in' much the same manner. The materials they use come for the most part from their own farm property: Steps leading up to the doorway are made from stones hauled in front the fields. Cedars from the woottiot form the hedge— plus a few shrubs obtained from a nearby nursery. To finish the job around the house, a number of wood- en window flower boxes are painted brightly, to add freshness and colour, Around the other, side of the house, and old wire fence, which has long since outlived its purpose and is get- ting in everyone's way, is tort down and discarded—in a similar manner to an old, weather-beaten toolshed, which through the years has evolved PILES -Modern medical encu has overcome all - mesas formerly thought hnposalblc, Piles were considered one of thorn. -That's noneenee. today. Thr new Pyltone treatment has provenit melt in thommnds of the most stub• born cases. It gets melte because 1t goes direct to the Internal' cause Sour arae bottle' (a liquid .taken be mouth) skews You the difference, or that price refunded at once All modern Drusslets, into an tiesghtly junkhouse. 0 ' Small Cash Outlay Needed Many farmers might think that the changes necessary to improve the loolc of their farms and homes in-. volve extensive outlays of cash. But this is not necessarily so. A great deal of the success of such pro- grammes comes from using ordinary common sense and in laying out a plan beforehand. This way, lanes, fences and flower borders can be ar- ranged for the greatest convenience. Young trees can be used for back- grounds against the farmhouse, and can serve the purpose of concealing the foundations; if this is desired. Shrubs can help here too, because not. only do they improve the appearance of pathways, but they can also hide the necessary eyesores. A whole section of the film is de- voted to the decorative value of such flower bed favourites as lilacs, holly- hocks, daisies and iris. Sample lay- outs of flower beds are clearly shown,as well as overall plans show- ing the relations between such flower beds and the farmhouse and its trees and shrubs. To the farmers who might already have seen the film on the rural film circuits in Ontario this fall and winter, "Farm Homes Beautiful" has provided the germ of an Idea onfarm beautification — and some practical suggestions as well. The Whites Lead Popular belief that , the yellow races comprise the bulk of the earth's population has been debunk- ed. The "white" Caucasaid races h. ve a larger membership than have the Mongoloid and Negroid races together. The present day world's population of 2,500 million is about 52 per cent Caucasoid, 40 per cent Mongoloid and but eight per cent Negroid. Furthetinor , the "white" races rapidly are widening the gap. An- thropologists estimate that during the last 300 years, the Negroids have increased 100 per cent, while the Mongoloids have increased 200 per cent. But the extremely pro- lific "white" races have multiplied themselves 700 times! HAUCK FLAME GUN 2;000 Deg. Tease. Controlled heat quickly and easily Kills Weeds Destroys brash, tree a tamp e, unwanted grass, spirts rook., disinfect., chars wood, heats Iron, melts lead and tar and has hun- dred/ of other uees for all seasons. Free Cntiilog Various models avalleble from Winnipeg and+ Toronto. DEPT. 1V1, 'POST OFFICE BOX NO. 147. Winnipeg Manitoba Cicalae JITTER YOU'REA CUTE LITTLE BUB... .GEE,WEVE WASTED A. LOT. OF TIME -THINK O' THE PUN WE MISSED BY NOT MEETING IN KINDERGARTEN., Your Handwriting and You By Alex 131.,thio„ Writing Habits Many writers subconsciously write their every day habits into their writing. The writer with a quick temper has the habit of malting the letter "t" crosses with the finish of the stroke like the point of a weapon, as a dagger or spear. There are three excellent examples of this type of "t" shown in the illustration for you to study and recognize in your correspondence. When you go fishing you take along the type of hook you will need to catch the fish of the size and kind you are after. Likewise, the writer whose habits are to acquire things, to reach Out and grasp, to hang on to ideals and principals, will make hooks in the writing. as shown in the second illustration. Notice that there are three sizes of hooks— small, medium and large, indicating the extent to which the writer will exercise will power to obtain and acquire. The larger the hook. the more and the bigger are the things the writer desires to acquire. * * Domineering persons have a way of indicating that they wish to have their own way by making strokes heavier at the last than at the begin- ning. These strokes, when examined closely, take the shape and form of a club, something to use in getting others to bend to the writer's will. * * * The reader 'should keep in mind, however, that a very small portion of writing with one example of the above signs does not necessarily re- veal these characteristics, Several or many of the signs should be observed before a decision is made. When you see a number of these signs in one writing, you know the writer has formed the habit, but an occasional hook, pointed .or club like "5" bar may not be taken as a permanent feature of the writer's charcter, 4IZAt.,( Anyouc wishing a more complete analysis please send self-addressed stamped envelope to Boar B, roost 421, 73 Adelaide Si. li't'st, Toronto There is no charge' for this service, Double Insult The dentist, after long and futile efforts to collect a bill for the false teeth he had made for a patient, finally took •the matter to court. Facing the judge as one whose exasperation has reached its height, he said; "Not only did he refuse to pay nye, your honor, but he had the effrontery to gnash at Inc re peatedly with my teeth! ISSUE 2-1948 I'LL BET YOU WBRE A SMOOTHIE POUNDING ONATRIANGLE WITH A SAND SHOVEL, Classified Advertising ATTENTION FARMERS FOR BALE—Tractor Tires, . made o1 rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wbeele. $15.00 each, rear wheels; 87.60 eaeh front weeele. When ordering state diameterand width et wheels, National .Rubber Co: Ltd., 6 Wilt- shire Ave.. Toronto, -Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SAN OFFER to every inventor -Lief of them• trona and full Information hent free, Phe Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys 373 Bank Street, Ottawa. BABY CHICHI Year in and Year out, there's been money In poultry and. 1948 will be no exoeptlon.: Now 1e the • time to order Twaddle chlcke for big- ger profile In 1948... An order now, for the delivery, date you wish, enures you agalon delays in - delivery and rids of. price :rise, If priced drop, You get full advantage. And you Set only lope quality, live healthy ohicks from Twaddle Ceiclt Hatohcrles. Any: popular breed, sexed or non-sexed;all from Govern- ment Pullorum tested breeders, We -pre °electand oull all weakiinge before' delivery 7 guarantee 100% live.. delivery. Twaddle clacks ere fast growing, highly. profitable .birdie Plan an early !tartwith an early order. .Free catalogue and 1948 prlcellst, Twaddle Chick - Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, Baby Chieke —...Barred Rooke, mixed and Hybrid Barred Roeke—New Hampobiree, Mixed 818,00 per 100 — also 6. other breed*. Goddard Chick Hateherles, Britannia. Heights, Ont, BIG Rock Farm Chicks are still the best bet on the term because they lay plenty of big enc. and make a -good profit:. They are strong liveable chlcke mired by' high egg record melee, Dlecount on early orders. 'Write today forfree calendar and price list. Bis Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, The way to betterprofitInthe chicken Mud - nese is toorder Top Notch chicks now for 1048. An order now assures youofthe breed You. -want. on. the date you want them, and protect! you against poeelbieprice slue. If pricesdrop before delivery, you will get full benefit Top Notch emcke are healthy, husky birds from. Government Approved Pullorum tested stock Of good production and livability. Start right for a profitable 1848 with an early shipment of Top Notch chick., bred, selected and ehlp0ed by the most up-to-date methods; Live delivery guaranteed. Free catalogue and 1948 prioeltat, Top Notch. Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. BUY WAY'S CHICKS Lucky number with every order before January 155th. Folder, prices on request Way's Hatchery & Farms,- Stratford. Ont. Monkton Poultry. Chicks. — You buy baby chicks for one .reason. To receive divi- dends on your investment YOU must be cer- tain where your money is invested. We offer ybu baby chicks from e. Poultry Parra with every breeder pullerum tented and government banded. Take advantage of our early (Re- count. Write for our 1948 catalogue and Price 11,0. Monkton Poultry Parma, Tronirton, ont0.rlo, Poultrekoepers—itlook. as though markets are still good for all that can be produced, don't watt to order your chicks. We've eome da3olds and started, prompt shipment. Bray Hatchery', 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. DYEING ANP CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us tor Information. We are glad to answer your questions, Department R. Parker's Dye Worlw Limited. 701 Tonge. Street. Toronto. Ontario, FOR. SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service Berl E Kennedy & Son. 410 College -St. Toronto BATTERY operated Radio Sot for sale, De- forest Crossley Corona mode. s- tubes, specially equipped with Rommel:. Eliminator for use with either storage battery or dry 00114. New cost over 5300, Stake offer. A fine and lasCre Christmas gift Boa 161, 72. Adelaide It',, Toronto.. JOHNSON Iron Horse engines, 45 H,P. 86L40 • 1,34 H.P. 070.00. Immediate delivery. Cum Pry Balmer, Eglinton & Bathurst. Toronto AIRSEAL WALLBOARD Ideal for partitions, lining attics. chicken houses, beetle, et 1. Keeps out drafts and Insulates. Hoe many uses on the tarts, sample mailed on request. Present stock 4' x 8' x ?i" thick. only. Ile each. Minimum shipment 10 sheets, we pay freight to your station. Por use over Joint., Gummed Tape, 100 foot rolls 9' wide 20c each. ROBERT JONES LUMBER COMPANY IIAMILTON.ONT. Turkoss — Btvu1-Br0cote1 Br01100 Poults, Booking orders for Spring delivery. Also 0 few choice (lost -approved and blood -tested toms. Inunedinte delivery, 010.00,. .7. A. d4allltta, P01110afad P.O., Ont Registered German Shepherd Pape, healthy and beautiful, the price is reduced. Tho father Is champion. Apply B. Maslen Smith - 0111e, Ont. New Ford Tractor with lights, plow and snow plow cultivator, 6 -foot combineand saw marline. $"_.",00.00, Harvey- Retiree, Clifford, Ont. CAMBER HONEY Very ettolee, Light amber honey.. good keep- ing quality, 7e lb, can. 013.60 F.O.B. Fergus. Ont, Fred W. Krouse, Fergue, Ont, DORSET horn ewes, lambs, yearlings, 3 yrs, Canada's best. breeding. J. Leigh, 8 Heath S1. w . 'Toronto, Ont. "Calif\t CREAM SEPARATORS-~ Whether you need spare eerie, a power drive, or a new cream separator, they are avail- able at your 10051 VIKING dealer. 'We supply a friction dutch .pulley with all our electric drives and it lots stand with our electric machines. See your Viking .dealer or write to us. SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO. LIMITED 729.722 Notre -Dane 100:5, MONTREAL, OPE, NEW Briggs & Stratton Air -Cooled gasoline engines, 1ssOPted et no 1i'rIte for Dam orintive Folders] and prices.' Scope Sa1es. Co., 336 QuemtSt Ottawa Ont HAIRDRESSING _• _ � LEARN Hairdressing .the Robertson method, Information on request regarding classed. RObertson'o Hairdressing Academy, 187 Ave. nue Road, Toronto,. 515111( AI ]:teed this—Every al Cfurer 0C Rheumatic Patna or Nouritis should try Dixon's Remaly, Maud, Drug Store, 936 RIsIn. Ottawa. resinoid 01,00. INTES07NAL COMPORT, .cud stow, One Dollar trial package. Box ,26, Toronto 1. 1'LL ger you SATIN THE TEACHER'S LAP: MEDICAL Dixon's Remedy—For Neuritis and Rheumatic! Pains. Thousands flattefled. Munro'. Drug Store, 996 Elgin, ;Ottawa, Postpaid $1:00, Pep- up. Take C.0 &B, -Tonle Tablets for low ✓ itality, nervous and general debility. 603 and 01.00 et drugglote, or C.0;&E., 2 Duff Ht., Hamilton,: Ont. MISCELLANEOUS • Will you take in a boarder for $3 a day? Writer's Digest desires fo publish a list of places where. Tree -lance writers may "bole In" to finish a book or play. De ,yeti have room and, board to offer for $3 a day? If so tell- us about it. If we like your letter we will publish the facts 1n our monthly magazine, Writer'.. Digest, where they will be read by fraadenie writers, We have nothing to sell to you; no charge le maker no fee or billto send you. We ore perfarminga. service for our sub- scribers who are free-lance writers. Thanks to you if you care to. help. Write use WRITER'S DIGEST 22 -EAST' TWELFTH 5T. CINCINNATI 10, OHIO OPPORTUNITIES FOa WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING Sol:OOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdre,eing Pleaaant dignified profession, good wage. thou/sands suc0eeoful Marvel graduates America's greatest maths. Illuetrated eats. Iogue free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 568 Bloor St, W„ Toronto Branches 44 King S., Hamilton & 74 Rideno Street. Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solldtora. Established 1880, 14 Ring West. Toronto, Booklet. of Information' o reque,L PERSONAL LONESOME? Romantic Correepondece Maw eine contain., photon, descriptions!, 10e. With addressee 60c. One year 82. World Federation Club, Parkerview, Bast!, "ELIJAH COMING Before Christ", wonder. tui book free Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. WANTED WHITE HOLLAND Turkey Body Feathers wanted. Particulars on illustrated folder, K. P. Hollander, 707 Read Bldg., Montreal. Que. The French are believed to have been the first to use the balloon in warfare. QUICKLY BREAKS COUGHING SPELL Fast Action of Lymoids Leaves Man Grateful I 'Thee need LYMOIDS for cough relict for many yonte,"wrlteaa Brentloedresident, "nod their quick option almost always rclievm irri- tation." Curry LYMOIDo always with you. With Re ooneentrntod medicinal oils, LYMOIDS uau011y bring instant relief In threettlakle, coughing pad honrseneso. Mast storm sell LYMOIDS, but if unobtainable, send 10a in ltamre or coin to. s'to ant LYlrIOIDS;110Pessl9t.,Toronta La -1 TRY L • OOHS w V ,.111 INsr-A ..4'l lied Aritiesr Poster FUNNY... I DON'T REMEMBER, SATIN' THAT ve SUNDAE. i. I ISS GWAN, YOU PROBABLY HAD MODELING CLAY -IN YOUR HAIR;.