HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-15, Page 1he Seaforth 11Tews
A by-election will be held Feb. 16
in Huron electoral district to 'fill the
goat in the Ontario Legislature left
vacant by the death last month of
Dr. R. Hobbs 'Taylor, Progressive Con-
servative, and some sources have re-
garded it as an indication there will
be no general election in the -province
this year.
Other observers say. if the Govern-
ment wins' this by-election, •a general
election might be called- later this
"Since this government" took office,
the people of Huron have been well
represented by Dr. Taylor, who was
one of the most effective and"consci-
entious members of the legislature,"
Premier Drew remarked in his state-
ment. "It is therefore desirable that a
by-election be held at the earliest
possible dateso that Huron may be
represented at the coming session of
the legislature."
It had been predicted that the see.
sion will start early in February, but
no official date has been set. The
House generally convenes about Six
weeks before Easter which is Mar. 21.
Inn the 1945 election Dr. Taylor
polled 7,081 votes, compared with
5,152 for Liberal candidate James Bal-
lantyne and 1,211 for J. B. Huckius,
C.C.F., and was re-elected:
Please place orders early
Deliveries less than 48 hours
not guaranteed.
PHONE 43 & 18.
Northside United Church
.10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. "Opening a.door of Hope"
7 p.m. "Hearts and Treasure's",
W elcdme . to these services.
First- Presbyterian Church
10 a.m.,The Sunday School
11 a.m. Public Worship: Dedica-
tion of the new Baptismal Font.
7 p.m. Public Worship: 'Lead
Us Not Into Temptation'.
Monday, January 26th at 8 p.m.
tion. All members are urged to at-
The annual meeting of the congrega-
Propose %4 -Mill County Rate . for
Hospitals.'- Town Council Starts.
Year's .:Business.
A letter from Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal proposing that the town council
endorse a request to Huron County
Councillor a 1/4 -mill levy for'hospital
grants was read to council at the
meeting held in the council chamber,
Monday evening, Council agreed to
the proposal.
Council also passed the necessary
bylaw appointing town' officials for
All members were present. Mayor
M. A. Reid presided,
Meeting opened with a short skirm-
ish about the court of revision. Coun
eillor Wallace Ross suggested five
'ratepayers be the court of revision'
Reeve Frank Sills made a motion
thatmembers of council act on the
court of revision es in the Bast:
Several councillors favored the mo-
tion, stating that council should as-
sume responsibility for tlne court
of revision. -
Councillor Beating asked if it would
be possible to get five ratepayers out-
side of the council to act as a court of
The motion was carried.
Mayor Reid: pointed out that in any
case citizens could appeal to the
judge from decisions of the court of
Councillor Christie inquired if it
would be necessary to sell bonds to
provide over $7,500 in cash required
for the purchase of the fire truck
Treasurer D. H. Wilson said the town
had sufficient cash onlnand at present.
Mayor Reid remarked that the
town's Victory bonds had depreciated
in value about $30 per •$1,000 -bond
this month,
Councillor Bev. Christie told coon.
oil that the structural steel for add-
ing Support to the fireball floor had
been delivered. It is new steel obtain.
ed through the kindness of Mr. Earl
Bell. The beams are in 20 foot
lengths. Six beams were purchased.
The price, $0.50 cwt., is the same as
council was quoted for used steel in
16 foot lengths, which would require
Councillor William Teall suggested
building cement piers or pillars in the
basement of the town ball and plac-
ing tour of the beams on them to sup-
port the floor in the flrehall. The
other two beans will be used for lin-
tels far the doorway which wiil be
over 14 feet wide.
Council authorized the property
committee to draw up specifications
for the .work and call for tenders.
Storage on the new truck is costing
$1 a day.'
The - property committee will also
look after retu'ranging the partitions
in the police room to give more space.
Councillor Close said the matter of
wood piled on a town street belonging
to John Regior lasil been turned over
t0 the solicitor for action.
Councillor Close said he had had
complaints that snow on the Main
street sidewalks was not shovelled off
Promptly opposite a few properties.
Council decided a bylaw could 110t be
passed for Main street only, Tlie
street committee Will look into this.
Mayor Reid said he had been asked
why the old fire truck had been taken
to recent fires instead of the new one.
Councillors: decided it was force of
habil as the old truck is still in the
firehall, The new truck is in Mel
Clarke's garage and readily, available.
Reeve Sills said it was time to re -
Lorin the lire brigade. He suggested
the brigade be cut down to 13 mem-
bers and each be paid $35 a year.
There are about. 20 members al pres-
ent. Mr. Sills thought council should
have direct authority over the bri-
gade. At present council has authority
only over the fire chief. The Reeve
said the town noW ]las expensive fire
equipmen t and should matte adequate
provision for its care and use.
Mayor Reid suggested .that the five
and water committee meet the fire-
men and discuss things.
Council wins informed the hydrants
were looked after by the street fore
man. Sometimes the snow 'plow ha,s
buried a hydrant under snow.
The town will setup a bookkeeping
system for road work, to obtain grants
Prone the Dept. oe Highways. The
street foreman will become the road
Councillor McMaster; 'Do.' not de-
signate hint (Road Superintendent;' o•
you lose the power to discharge him,''
The Scott Memorial Hospital Board
wrote to council proposing that ,See -
forth council suggest to Huron Coun-
ty council that a 1/: nii11 levy be made
by the county for hospital purposes.
The levy of Mmill by the county
on all property in the county would
raise :about $13,500-, which could be.
divided among the four hospitals in
the county on the basis of the number
of beds in each hospital.
Reeve Sills said he would lay the
Matter before the County council next
Week. 'I -le pointed 'oat that the munici-
palities in the south of the county
lately would oppose such a levy as
there is no hospital in the south of
the county.
Councillor McMaster said a levy by
the county would relieve the hospital
boards of the nnecessity'of begging for
grants from the municipalities Which
sent patients.
It was pointed out the grants of
$25,000 made to the various hospitals
for building expansion had been rais-
ed by a. %-mill levy.
There was, much discussion, about
indigent patients in the hospitals.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, .B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday •School.
11 0.111,, 'The Happy Life of the
Northside United Church W.M.S.
meeting was held:in the classroom of
the church on Thursday Jan. 8th
with a good attendance. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Lawson, opened the meet-
ing by reading a poem, "Faith"
followed by prayer. Rev. H. V.
Workman conducted the installation
of officers for the coming year. The
minutes of -.last meeting were read
by Mrs. Porteous, Reports were
given for the past year, all of which
were very good. A drive for clothing
will be, held in the near future for
- Europe and other countries.' The
worship service was conducted by
Mrs. Aikenhead, subject, "Bible for
India". Thosetaking part were Mrs.
Lawson, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Keine,
Mr's.' Storey, followed by prayer by
Miss Lawrence for the missionaries,
Miss Mary Martin, Miss Drummond
and Miss Paterson in India. Mrs.
Finlayson igave a reading "Let the
Think". -Mrs. Workman presided at
the organ. The meeting closed with
the "Benediction 1st Peter, 5th chap,
15-11by Mrs." Aikenhead.
The Executive of the Seaforth
Branch of the Canadian Red Cross
will be held in the Red Cross room
at Public Library on Friday
January 16 at 8 p.m. All members
are urged to be present as plans will
be made for the Annual Meeting of
the Society.
Councillor Dr: E. A. McMaster told
at Monday night's council meeting
that Children's Aid Society officials
had stated in Goderich on Monday
afternoon that there are not enough
babies coming to the Children's Shel-
ter to meet the requests to adopt
The following officers. employes
vvere appointed for the Town of Sea -
forth for 1948 by bylaw:
D. H. Wilson, town clerk and relief officer„
salary $1,000 per annum.
D. H Wilson, town treasurer, salary .0700:
William Amont, assessor, salary $860.
D'Orlean Sills,' fire brigade chief, $150,
Cummings. sanitary' inspectorweed in-
npe0to• and fruit tree inspector, $7' a month.
. J. ''Cumming, 'road foreman at a salary of
536.68, per month, and caretaker and street,
at a salary of 072,82 per -rst th.
MnCoru,cll & Hays, town. solicitors, $100,
Bnpck, Davis & Dunn,town auditors, $200,
T. mining, tax collectors
A. Bushie scavenger and poundkeeper, etc,
$125 a month,
• Dr. 0' Harliurp,_ member board' of, health,
S. Hanna and' R.'. Scarlett, fence viewers.
Janes Stetvart, member of public library
Thomas Pryde was the unanimous
choice ofthenominating convention
0 f Huron Riding Progressive Conserv:
tives in the town hall, Hensall on
Wednesday afternoon.
No other names were proposed.
The hall was filled to capacity and
bout fifty more were downstairs
mlable to gain admission.
Although the afternoon was very
tormy delegates were present from
very part of the riding.
The guest speaker was Hon, Geo.
H. Doucett, Minister of Highways for
Ontario, who spoke in place of Hon,
T. L. Kennedy, Minister or Ag•ricul-
ure, who was unable to be present
owing to illness.
Mr. Ebner D, Bell, riding president,
In February 1947 a new slate .of
officers was elected to relieve those
who carried on so faithfully during
the war years. The annual Member-
ship drive was held which amounted
to $51.94. With this money a num-
ber of necessary 'articles were
bought for the nursery. Some re-
decorating was also done. A number
of rooms were redecorated by the
former sponsor's. From this time un-
til early fall ladies from each church
formed a sewing committee and
mended and made new articles for
the hospital at the nurses residence
every Wednesday afternoon. In May
our main objective was Hospital
Day, With spring flowers arrayed
throughout the hospital and nurses
residence many people were taken
through the .hospital after which
they were entertained at a tea serv-
ed in the nurses residence. Many
gifts were received which were
gratefully acknowledged. During
July and August 00 meetings were
held. Work commencing again in
September the Aid served tea to the
graduating class of nurses aids,
Some of the members held bridges
in their homes, the proceeds amount-
ing to $11.50
In connection with the new wing
the Aid will furnish one private
rooni and buy a food conveyor.
The following treasurer's report
will show the financial standing.
Receipts .. • 708 49
Expenditures ..
Tuckersmith Municipal Council
comprised of Reeve Arthur Nichol-
icholson, Councillors Harold Jackson, J.
W.. Crich, William Rogerson and.
Roy Bell, held their inaugural meet-
ing' in the town hall, Seaforth, '071
Monday, Janui'ay 120. All mem-
bers subscribed to the oath of office
before the Clerk and Rev, A, W.
Gardiner was ,present and invoked
Divine guidance upon the delibera-
tions of the council throughout the
coating year,
The Clerk was instructed to order
subscriptions to the Municipal World
for Council and officials. Premium
on the grader insurance of 5126.05 ,
was paid to M. A. Reid, Agent. i
Robt. Dalrymple .was appointed Road
Superintendent "at' a wage of 70c
per hour and an allowance of 7c
per Toile for the use of his ear when
used' outside the township. Other
officials appointed were as follows:
Fence viewers, Alex. Broadfoot,
Wm. Workman, Robert McLean;
Poundkeepers, John Broadfoot, J.
Scott Cliff, Leslie Lawson, Melville
Traquair; Weed Inspector, W. S.
Broadfoot; Member Board of
Health, Harold Jackson; Sheep and
Poultry Valuators, Howard Crich,
Andrew Bell, Robert Tyndall; Mem-
ber to Clinton High School Board,
George Falconer.
Membership fee of $5.00 each was
paid to the Ontario Good Roads
Assoc., and the Association of Rural
Municipalities. Any members desir
ing to attend the conventions in
February will be allowed expenses.
Accounts passed wereas follows;
Fox bounty, $15.00: Municipal
World subscriptions, 516.15; Sta-
tionary and Printing, $45.11; Road
Accts., $290.94' Nomination Ex-
pense, $5.00; Salvation Army grant,
925.09; sundry, $5.00. Rate of pay
for labour was set at 60e per hour
for Bien, 80c per hour for man and
team for ordinary labour and $1.00
per hour for team and mower, The
next meeting of council will be held
Feb. 7th at 2. p.m. E. P. Chesney,
Balance in hank
McKillop Council met on Monday
for its first meeting of the year. All
menAiers were present: Reeve, Dan
Beuermann and Councillors James
T. 5rcOtt, Matt Murray, Frank Kirk-
by and Albert Siemon. The township
officials were re -appointed, being
the same as in 1947 with the follow-
ing exceptions; Councillor Frank
Kirkby to Board of Health; Patrol-
men, Eldon Kerr replaces Wm. Kerr
and Walter Somerville replaces Wm;
Somerville. Appointment of the as-
sessor was left to next meeting. The
requisition bylaw for $30,000 for
1948 roads was passed.
.John dos Passes says the moi hi the street
is address this to you,
reeks ago wee 0r•:llyd
for an expression of 04/311,11)11 MI 10 the feasi-
bility of immune a Community Centre in our
There are business omen on the Main
of Seaforth who would gladly x'ivo ane hun-
dred dollars to a cause that could prove Its
worthiness. We are of the opinion that there
Is 'too much at stake to he saisfied with 0
skatInh rink alone. There should be a Teen
Town, a Community Centre built on the ugl•i-
cultural grounds nod sponsored 110 eur vari-
ous service ot4.tnirstions.
The Legion liaslaid the matter aver for
bettor 'sailing Weather, claiming that building
costs are out of ell Proportion. But T would
draw their attention to the fact that to -div.
the price •of a suckling nig is ten dollars. In
three years it may be three dollar's. The
money is in the country now.
Again we cull on the Legion to lead the
way for theirs is the spirit of service, The
man who speaks of what the state owes him
will not serve. He will who speaks of whg
he owes the state.
- These are changing times. We doubt very
much If our school system is completely org-
anised bat they are trying 10 'better the sys-
tem. With the school area, we are educating,
boys back to the farm. The farmer sees life
through a lenge of gold. .Prospects never Ionic -
ed better for him than they do to -clay.
To the man in the' street we say yours ;s
n. great responsibility - weigh it well. Are
,you willing to give your time to petty ser,.
vices you detest or to work for minor -causes
without publicity? Will you he willing to
work for the common cause rather than for
your own reward ?
I smile when I hear people say it can't he
done. Before me I have a motto whfeh says,
A,tse and get thee hence for this is not Illy
rest." With complete en -operation from our
oapublicrBeal,-minded citizens we shall yet achieve
Councillor McMaster said the deficits
were caused •by the loss on indigent
Conncid passed a. resolution endors-
ing the proposal.
Permits granted were: Cleave Car-
ter, to operate taxi, and Jack Isellancl
to put up a sign over Main street.' Dr.
13. A. McMaster was granted a permit
for the Pdlace Rink operation,
The following connuittees or the
town council were appointed for 1048,
by the striking committee on Monday:
FINANCE J. E. Keating, W. '].'. Teal,
E A. Malaga,
PROPERTY -F. 5, Sails, W. A Ito, B F. �
STREET -E, H. Close, W. T. Teall, J. E. I..
RELIEF -F. S. 5111s, W. A. Ross, E. A.
FIRE & WATER -B. F.- C1111,tie, 1;. A:,.
PcMaster, W A, Ross,
COURT 01' ti18v1:SI0N - Mayor,. Reeve,
J. D, Keating, E. H. Close, B, F. Christie,
POLICL-blaynr, Reeve, W. T Teall, J, E.
PARKS -E. A. McMaster, E. I1. C7oea, W. T.
First named to be chairman.
The annual meeting of S. Thom-
as' Guild was held •on Tuesday of
this week at the hone of the presi-
dent, Mrs. Geo. .McGavin. Thirteen
members were present including one
new member Miss Cox, and one re-
turned member, Mrs. Deem. - The
president opened the meeting with
gospel reading for the first Sunday.
after Epiphany St. Luke 2, followed
by prayers for the New Year, ar, .for
the parish, and the lord's 'Prayer y er in
unison. Most encouraging report
were read from all canna -trees and
all objectives.for the year i•eing met
The following town acco0rnts were
passed by the finance committee al
meeting of the town council Monday
E, C. Chamberlain, court costs, 610; J. M.
Govenlock, court costs, 816;. 'McConnell &
Hays, a/c and fee, $105.65.
P. Reeves wages, $80; Receiver General of
Canadawages: , $84unemu0;Jolt. s, inR.s $22.68s, ; waH. Hged, 80.ggarth2.66,
E. Drager, wages, 610,20,
Jos. Burns acct„ $20.25; C. W. Carter, as
8330.75; Ropier Transport, sect .50: A.
Bushie stet, 816; W. H. Coleman, 5000, $12;.
Can. Nati Ry, sect, $6.78.
D. H. Wilson, salary, $130.92; John Cum-
ming, salary, $108; A. Bushle, salary, 0126;
Jno. A. Wilson, pension, 820.
Canadian Surety, Coy, bond, 620; British
Am. Assn•, Coy, new fire truck, 015.110; Gore
Dist. Ins. Coy, hall, $27; Dominion Fire Ins,
hall, 822.80.
Geo. D. Ferguson,, acct, $1.70; Blckle- 60o -
grave Ltd, stet, 87,868.60.
Rel: 800.78.
Bell iefTelephone Coy acct, $10.19; General
Accident Assur Co, workmen's cern», 6233,42:
M.. E, Clarke, sect, $99.90; Treas. of Ont-
ario, police 6340.26; S. Williams wages. $4,80
H. Hoggarth, wages, $0.00; L. Laiiute,
$7.20; E. B. Goethe, acct, $6.80; A. O'Leary,
sect, 210.20 ; J. Henderson, acct 80.80• 5.
Dolmage, acct, 622.40; Iierslnkes, ,001, $10..23:
E. W. Montgomery, Elect, $4.05,
Group No. 1 of the Woman's
Association of United Church held
their monthly meeting at the home
of Mrs. Seranti with an attendance
of 22. The meeting opened with
readints by the president, Mrs. Hog•
Barth, Mrs, Workman and Mrs.
Ellis. After business, a few games of
crokinole were played, lunch was
served and a social half hour was
spent. 4 vote of thanks was given
Mrs. Seranti.
with a balance of $154.81 Ind the
memorial window fund at *258.70.
The officers for 19:48 were elect-
ed by aeciannation and are as fol-
lows; Hon. pres., Mrs. C. Holmes:
pres., Mrs. G. McGavin; 1st vice -
Mrs. H. Colbert; 2nd vice. Mrs.
Mercer; see'y, Mrs: W. E. South-
gate; treas, Airs. Ada Reid; rep. to
Board of Management, Mrs. Reid
rep. to Hospital Aid, Mrs. Colbert.
After a hearty vote of thanks to the
hostess the meeting closed with the
dedication of the offertory and the
benediction. Refreshments were
Served and a social hour enjoyed by
the members.
The Presbytery of Huron -Mait-
land of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada has been called to meet at
Clinton on Wednesday, January 21,
The Presbytery will dal with a call
from the congregation of Knox
Church, Goderich, to the Rev, Ro-
bert G. MacMillan of Athelstan,
Quebec; and also with a call front
the congregation of Knox Church,
Teeswater, to the Rev. John Hard-
wick of Canopbellton, New Bruns-
The Seaforth Women's,"Institute
will meet on Friday evenitng, Jan. 16
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Goudie. This meeting will take the
form of a pot -luck supper. It for
all members, their husbands and
families. The supper is called for
7:30. Please bring your dishes, sil-
verwear and W.I. lunch cloths, The
menu is scalloped potatoes, cold
meat, pickles, salad and raisin pie.
The roll call is your favourite maga-
zine and' why. Mr. A. Copland will
give a .tells on his life in the North
country. This is a veli* interesting
talk and the men will enjoy it,. Come
and bring your "basket and enjoy a
pleasant evening. This meeting is
Publicity and Mrs, Raymond Nott is
The 37th wedding anniversary of
her parents was the day chosen by
Leona Mary Druar, R.N., Kitchener,
daughter of MIr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
Druar, Dublin, for her mar-
riage to Mr," Lloyd Steinberg,
son of the late John Steinberg
and Mrs. Neble, Kitchener. The eer-
emony was solemnized. by Rev. Dr.
Ffoulkes in St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, at 10 o'clock,' Saturday.
mother Francis Clare presided at
the organ, Misses Geraldine and
Alice Ryan sang, "Ave Maria" at
the signing of the register. The
bride given in marriage by her
father. sore a floor -length gowtl of
white satin with high neckline. long
pointed sleeves, fitted bodice, the
skirt endin-g' in a lona' train, her
finger-tip veil was held by a cornet
of white rosebuds. Her only jewel
lett' was a gold cross and chain of
her grandmother's, she cari•io,l a
bouquet of red roses.. The brides -
Maid was :Hiss Mary Sike, R.N. of
Carnia, She worea floor 101705t:h
• uv ca i
gown of Mauve satin and r t d net. "
F e
shoulder. length veil was held by
two mauve ealmttiOti<, she carr» ?
a bouquet of pink carnations; The
groom was attended by \1r. Benedict
Krist of Kitchener, A re epi ion was
hold at the horse of the bride's tar
mirk, The br'ide's table was centred
with a three tier wedding cake: The
waitresses were Miss Ursula Feen-
5', and Florence Moore. For tr'av'el-
ing the bride donned a green dress
trimmed in sequin, black coat and
black accessories. After a short
honeymoon eastward the couple 15171
reside in Kitchener. Guests were
present from Kitchener, Waterloo,
London, Sarnia, Dublin and sin --
rounding district,
Gordon Costello, London, with his
Parents Mr.. and Mrs.: Dan .Costello.
Hubert and Victor Feeney, Kiteli
ener, with their parents Mr, and
Mrs. Martin Feeney.
Mrs. 'Charles Malone and f5lrril5
returned to' their home after spend-
ing a Month in Kitchener. -
Mr, Harold Corman spent the
weekend in Hamilton.
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Mrs. Edgar Allan . were appointed
auditors for the year. The sum of
ten dollars was given to the flower
fund. At the conclusion of the meet-
ing lunch was served by the mem-
bers of the organ fund and a social
hour was enjoyed by all. '
The following are the officers for
1948: Pres. Miss Edith Bowey ; 1st
vice. Mrs. T. B. Baird: 2nd vice.
Mrs. Edgar Allan; rec. sec. Mrs.
Lorne Wilson; Pres. sec. Mrs: W.
Henry; treas. Mrs. W. McBeath;
Fin. Sec. Mrs. Hohner; manse corn.
Mrs, W. Moffatt, Mrs. Elgin Thom-
pson, Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Mrs.` Ham.
Church c0m, Mliss Ai. Swan, Mrs.
John Aikenhead Mrs. W. Pother-
ingham, Mrs. Saldon Rose; flower
con. lits. Gordon Elliott Mrs. Lind-
say Eric: n pi: last Mrs Alton John-
son, Mils. 7', t'B tib tis otional
leaders, Mrs. St to : } M"..
\Ir -
Queen: visiting con, 'Mt s11 tl a'1t
r'rlllertd D. Fethe-iie i,a+ Airs.
Day' -;an; 4roe1 rt t1'e - •
Scntt, Airs. o \10, etntt. Mrs . John -
sol: welt 2001. Nrs. .10sttlp.300.
;sirs, A Foote, Mrs. F. P'o;o' ge
Thp W. A. of the Unitn.rl Chnrrli
met in the schoolroom of the church
on the afternoon of Jan. 6, an
attendance of twenty-seven. 'Mrs.
Stanway led the devotional exer-
cises, the creed was repeated and
the roll callanswered •by-a,thought
for the new year. Hymn 870 was
sung and Mrs. Stanway led 'in pray-
er. The scripture lesson was from
John, chap. 8. Hymn 300 closed the.
devotional period. Mrs. Alton John-
4en was at the piano. The new pres-
ident, Miss Edyth Bowey took the
chair for the business meeting and
read an appropriate message for
the new year and asked for the eo-
operation of the Members • in' the
work of the W. A. The reports of
various committees for the past
year were given Sid adopted, It was
decided by a vote that the society
will work as a unit this year instead
of in groups as we have the past
four years. AIrs. Gordon Elliot and
The re"•ular meeting of the C. W.
1„ vv ;s hold with the pros., Mrs.
':-rphv in the chair. The meeting
opened with prayer. The minutes as
Pearl wore adopted A leiter, re C.
W. 1.,. bylaw was read, and' copy is
to lap sent for. The treas. report
showed a balance t»f $35.21. Ar-
ta:a-e'tents were made for a euchre
and donee on 'Jan. -„1st. The meet-
ing closed with prayer.
Lost Friday two basketball games were
played in the gym. The first vvtts between
Wioglram boys and Seaforh, and the second
was -between Wingham girls and Seafoth,.
In the first game Seaforth had a gond
margin over the Winghare boys, with, at the
end of the first half. Seaforth lending 28 to
8. The final score. read Seaforth 48, Wing
ham 10,
Oar girls -found it difficult to get, ahead of
ofi theft buth they
Seafoei•ll,edwasd aheadthe ,o'
o the
psi pts..
The final score- was Seaforth 28, Win100,
21. This is what we have been waiting for:
after only team to win -a basketball game
being our girls, who won Ian„exhibition game
hold, in the last term.
eM. m
The Executive and Minstrel Committees of
the Drama Society met - in the Agricultural
room last Thursday and arranged for n M3n-
strel Show. The first practice for this show
is to -night.
The following is a list of the personalities:
M.C., Ole Matt Mo, is Joe Lrnule 1 „'ln t
the end men, Rnatus and ,Sumba, ore Gorden
Wilson and Donald .Dale. •
The end women, Dinah 0111111 Susanna, are
1'sloy Bragger and Winifred: Wing,
Other personalities are:
Petunia, 1.e000. Stevens, Glodioly• -Ruth
Holloway; Aunt -Mona Caldwell,
Uncle-P'rm'eis Huiaser ; Policeman Dowtbi
Hillis and Ronald Sills;:. Bur clo • --- Harry
,r. •
The invitations, for the Ai Ilnnio .betap h,'kl
;Ian. 1011,, areto be -sent' out next 000ek,
Madeline. Wilson, hertd of the invitation
committee, has posted the list of names of
those being invited to. the At Home, in the
lower hill, Seine of the addresses are not
known, so all pupils are asked to kindly write
the address of any of the persons they lawny
beside their namdd.•
Flooding of tire rink at S, C. I. commenced
on Tuesday The weatherhas not been favor-
able enough fgr the flooding Since the sidings
were erected during the Christmas holidays.