HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-01, Page 81:. T SP PORTIJ ,NEWS!. iNr LTHERE -ELECTION I61,HUIRON'? Observers believe a definite clue,". as to election intentions of the Ont- ario Government'. may be found' `in the decision of the government ;in respectto a by-election in Huron .to. 111 the vacancycreated by the death of Dr. Hobbs Taylor, Progressive Conservative member for 'this rid- ing. If a by-election is Balled it may be interpreted as the intention of the governmentto carry on for at least another year before going to the electors. There are some who forecast a provincial election in 3.948 as they review the activities of the Ontario Government during the past year. The forecasters conceded the Leg- islature will sit until some time after the middle of March and that the election date probably would- be in June. .,.11 tNOIla1:8 Cook 'Q� jl.'orQiitA libli(14 , . "at the home of•, heiti par en s M� and MIs i+t:.E Cook: Mr. ,and.1fi i Geo Walker are". g Chrstmas' nTr,Wit Wit' roa Self '• eweoni*tit Ml etgen a'}d daughter inlaW, Mr ,:=Louden,. PO,' giis.Donald alker, anl Son MrsVain, lw axil ia ghtex 0,1'k.-... and. AXa e;� e 1 T .eo Gould.:` ; r , . jo n Co'r'dan with Illi ` mother, .S coral 'Christmas SerulEes';i were =!�rs Q}etto J0 , $ A"Iiss Yyl'ean Costello, London, with :held. on Sunday in ''Mensal". '?Biped •het parents, Mr.. and,Mrsa' Dani Cos- alt ; Ghurch when Re,v It..:A Bioo}t.sp $ telco. on the theme 1.'he S.plrittita1 Dawn' . le. and Mrs.' Patrick Flanagan The evening service:"w11s a caddie.:„ ... l famil light service`' an whiekl m5 T11 s of y with Mr. and Mrs. Geo:: the Sunday;,; Seheol>i' presented their White, I(;inkora;' `its for they• '' a'?'. eQple of Eur- Ross and Thomas Mclvor, • Toren - eagle r all ope. The audd4forium :of the: church was ,'eautiful1 •decorated i The can- dles the; chew 'loft:ti ere lighted by Bill Elliott and 'Bbb'''. oweliffe, while the candles Orr the,communion table were-; lit by the ,• readers. ' The choir sang'' several." anthems, "The Ballad of Christmas", "Jesus of Bethlehem", °`Comfort 'ye my peo- ple' "Christ Whore Glory fills the. Sky". Special°,parts in the anthems Geraldine Ryan, 1 of Logan, Helen were taken by, Miss Florence Welsh, Flanagan, of Hibbert, and Angela Mrs. H. McEwen and Mrs. " Ffaffe, Q'Reilly, of Ellice, at their homes Mrs. R. Broderick, Miss Ruth Hess, here. 'Miss Mary- ,Goodwin, Mr. Harry Hor- ton, Mr. S. G. 'Rennie, Mr. Appleby. A'children's chorus from the Sunday School sang "Away In a Manger". The readers were Elaine Beer, "When the Angels sing", The Pro- phecy", read by Lloyd Buchanan, The angel visits Mary" read by Ryan.Costello, London, with Betty Armstrong; "The song of Mary l� ry", Shirley Chapman; 'The birth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cos - e Jesus", Jean McAllister; "The tello. Shepherd's Story", • Charles Fee; Mr. and Mr.MG Mrs. George n Burns "The Wise Men", Bob Rowcliffe. Galt, t r. aa d Mrs. DaLondon, Tho White Gifts were presented by -representatives of the Various class with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray. r• tendant Miss Annie McICleer, Detroit, with to,'wth.their parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Mclvor. Gerald Feeney, Kitchener, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Fee- ney. Martin Murray,. Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mur- ray, Misses Catherine Jordan of IGt- chener, Mary Evans, of Windsor, John O'Rourke of the Canadian west, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'O'Rourke. Mr. 'and. Mrs. Edwin O'Hearn, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. O'Hearn. Mr. and Mrs. Blood and son,- Jack, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick sea as called bthe supe , marry. Mr. Edison Forrest. "Keeping Christ- her sister, Mrs. Patrick Ryan. mas".was read -by Bill Elliott, "Rise Miss Theresa Ryan, Sarnia, with Unobtrusively, the two Czechs, in up 0 Men of God", Dorothy Mc- her sister, Mrs. Matthew Murraydthe last five years, have injected a Naughton. Rev. R. A. Brook spoke Miss Marie Krauskopf, on new word into the rural vocabulary briefly and the congregations' gifts and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf, in this district. That word is `flax." were received and dedicated. Tillsonburg, with Mrs. Catherine ;Ballooning from a few acres,' . the • Mr. Bruce Glenn of the (),A.G., Krauskopf., 1 area now under flax near Seaforth Guelph, is holidaying at the home Charles Krauskopf, Detroit, with totals an estimated ,000 acres. of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James "Almost half of our seed goes to '0 M.'Glenn. Krauskopf. 'Ireland every year," said Lechner. Fergus and Leonard Donnelly !The reason is that they have to keep Miss Helen Moir of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Law- with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. changing their seed every once in a Frank Donnelly. rence Barnham. while." Miss Mary Simpson with friends i Even during the war, when ex - in Toronto. ports were strictly controlled, the John Meagher, Goderich, with his Irish flax growers still got seed from parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher, 1the Seaforth Czechs. The. Allies, Miss Helen Ryan, Sarnia, with Mr. I with their war -time reasons for woo - and Mrs. Joseph Ryan. , ing the Irish, gave their heartiest Hunter, Elmville, Dec. 21, m his Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton blessings. 85th year following several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. William Staple- From its humble beginnings in illness. He was born at Chiselhurst ton. 11941, the Czechs have taken the` flax and farmed there 'most of, his life, Margaret Holland, Toronto, with industry in this town to lusty man - being a member of Chislehurst .Unit- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George I hood. Twenty-four hours a day, the ed Church. Surviving are two daug- Rolland big presses and separating machines iters, Mrs. ' Oliver Rowcliffe, Hen- Miss Ethelyn O'Hearn, Goderich, I whir in their sprawling Seaforth sail, Mrs. H. Hunter, Elimville; five with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. plant, and a ' neighboring smaller sons, Robert, Glenn. Lloyd, Hen-, O'Hearn. tw•orks in Mitchell. sail, Ross, Detroit, and Melvin, Port Martin and Victor Feeney, ICitch- In the two plants, more than 100 Dalhousie. A private funeral ser-' ener,and Lorne Feeney, Windsor, 1 employees work round the clock to vice will be held on Wednesday at with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. produce fibre flax seed, straw .for 1:20 p.m. from the Bonthron' Fun-' Martin Feeney. / paper, and oil flax for a wide vaii- eral Home, Hensall, Interment in Miss Angela Rowland, Windsor, TWO HURON'MEN PROVIDE FLAX FOR IRISH LINEN • By James E. Bowes in The Lon- don Free Press. So the Irish grow the finest linen in the world?` Well, shure and, begorra, they'll have to rack up a man-sized assist to a pair of Czech Canadians at Sea- forth who are producing the seed that produces the flax that produces the Irish linen. From, their flax works here, Egon Hesky and his manager, Louis Lech- ner, arrivals in this country from Czecho-Slovakia• just before the war, speed nearly 10,000 bushels of flax seed to the Emerald Isle an - Mr. John MacLean A well known district resident, John MacLean, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. ety of farm products. Hensall Union Cemetery. j with her mother, Mrs..- Winnifred 1 But it's on the summer rural land- ' A. reception will be held in the Rowland. scene that the Czecho-Slovakian na- Town hall, Hensall, on Friday, Dec. 1 Keith and Jack Kelly in Hamil- fives have worked the greatest 26th in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jim ton. Dennis Maloney, Toronto I change. In the Seaforth district Campbell (nee. Gwendolyn Cooper) with Peter Maloney and other re a, 2,100 lone, acres eskto flaxovvn more than tives. Up and down the highway bet- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Molyneauxween Seaforth and Mitchell, summer and Merlin with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.Iwinds ripple the flax in scores of Molyneaux,fields that once grew other crops. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter; More than 4,000 acres have been Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. Josephisown by individual farmers. who were married nn Toronto Saturday. The stores and all places of busi- ness in Hensall will close at 6 p.m. on New Year's Eve. New Books At Hensall Public Library Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Toronto, I "We buy the straw from. them," Fiction — The Bishop's Mantle, is spending this week at her home 1Lechner explained. "Even though Turnlittle fax had been grown previous- Davenpo; De Side—WestDowas Side, here. I1 this, you know, is the finest -flax Davenport; Deep Doorways, Dun- The pupils of Dublin and Logan Y, belle; Judgement Glen, Bird; Came public schools presented a concert atlandin the country." + a Cavalier, Keyes; There was a time, Zion Church, Friday evening under Like most of the men working for Caldwell; Friends and Loves, Mc- the direction of their teachers, Miss hint, Lechner had no previous know - Innes Heritage Perilous, Farnell; M. Ann's and Mrs. 0. Morrison, ledge of flax before he arrived in this country. Now, however, he is a walking encyclopedia on the subject, citing figures and spouting technical terms with the ease of a long-time university maths professor. WISHING -YOU Good Health, Good Luck, Good `Cheer. May each contribute: abundantly to your success and happiness in the New Year, E W. J. FINNIGAN O'lir " Hour of Nightfall, Brinig; Fresh Winds Blowing,. Campbell; Prides Way, Malloy;` The Money Man, Cost- ain; Silver Nutmeg, Lofts; Our Own Kind McSorley; 'Red Sun and Har- vest aivest Moop, " Champnevs; The Prince of ,Foxes, Shellabangex The Tin Flute, Roy; ' House Divided, Wil- liams; The ,Great Tide, Hall 'resp- ers in Vienna, Marshall; Dr Christ- ian's Office,- Knight; Penny Plain, Douglas; The Hermit rof Thunder King, Gregory; The Border Trump- et, Hayeox; Heart Broken, Melody, Norris; Honey Moon ,Wife, Provost; Duel in the Sun, Busch; General Duty Nurse, Handcock; Breath of Life, Baldwih; Death takes a Bow, Lockridge; The Unready Heart, Sherman; The Fifth Man, Coles; Toil of the Brave, Fletcher. Fiction— The Saint ton Guard, Charteris; There Was an Old Woman, Queen; Blood of the North, Hendryx; The Stolen Stallion, Brand; With. Spurs, Maur; Case of the Baited Hook, Gardner; Remembered Anger, Al- brand; The Hollow, Christie. Juven- ile Fiction—Haven for the Brave, Yates; Trapped in the Jungle, Wes- terman; Shikar and Safari, Mar- shall; Dickens' Stories about Child. ren, Merchant; Tales from Shakes- pear hakes pears, Lamb; Echoes from the North, Bugbee; The Mystery of the Everglades, Brazil; The Mad Cap of the School, Rutley; Nancy Finds Herself, Dougan; The Phantom Sub- marine, Westerman; The Talking 'Wire, Stevenson;The Doings of Hilda, Gerrard; Peggy Wayne, Sky Anderson; Young Robin Brand, Detective, Crofts; The Emperor's Bracelet Coles; Flint Spears, Jame; The Melany Family, Enright; Smo- ky, James; Bible Stories for Child- . ren, hild-.,ren, Hill; The Night Before Christ- mas, Moore; The Lively Little Rab- bit; Arianne;. Toys, Oswald; Hansel and Gretel, Grimm; The New House in the Forest, Mitchell; Canadian Tootliall: Edwards Treasure in Gas, posy, ' Hocigehooro r `'Anti Janet'$ Road; Dalgleish'; Susan and the But teibees,. Gel,,engia'ew; Three' Ponies and' Shannon, Thembsoni; Puzzle of tlie. Talking Monkey, ' Wadsworth `Along the. Way,; At Play, Hildrette; VonFielaon Russia and, the Rus- sians, Crahkshaw; As He Saw it, Roo'seieltq• Peace'. of Mind, Liebman; The Home Work Shop;' Adam Beck and.the the' •Ontario Hydro, Plewmait , /An Buchan, Buchan: Forced--Laa,'b lir Soviet !tussle, Da'ilin; Birds, floes and Flowers, `Dungan.. Earl Barker was chairman. Miss Leona Drauar, Reg. N., Kitchener, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drauar. Mr. and Mrs. C. Trott, Seaforth, with Mrs. M. Looby. Jack Horan, Kitchener, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Manley and. Kevin with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duffy Mo. and Mrs. John W. Britton, of Hibbert, marked their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary Sunday and were at home to friends and neighbors on the occasion. Members of the family were with their parents Monday for a family dinner,' Mrs. Britton, the farmer Helah Harris, is from Brandon Hills, Man- itoba, where the couple were marr- ied at the Methodist Church. They came to Ontario following their Ma- rriage to reside on the faint of Mr. Britton's father, lot 8, concession 2, Hibbert. They have three sons, Car- man, of Grandview, Manitoba; Her- bert, at home, and Vern, at Carman, Manitoba;' three daughters, Mrs. C. M. Hunter, London, Mrs. S. Kings- ley Salton and Mrs. Robert J. Keyes both of Mitchell; and fifteen grand- children. KIPPEN ' ' ► Isimmimmiminommilloor Card of Thanks Mrs. Casey Way.' brother and sister, wish to extend their sincere gratitude to relatives, neighbors and friends for kindness and sym- pathy shown to our sad bereavement of a dear husband and 'kind brother, Special thanks td pallbearers and; flower bearers and floral tributes and loan of cars. Sincere thanks to Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Mrs. Sohn McGregor, Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and Miss Anna Watson for duet and solo rendered, and also thinks to Dr. M. W. Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper at- tended the wedding of their daugh- ter in Toronto on Saturday last and spent a few days with friends in the city. Mr. Howard Clark has returned to Hamilton after a pleasant visit with friends in this vicinity. Mr, Wm. Sproat is spending his vacation with his parents. The Sunday School concert was a real success on Monday evening. Mr: Percy Sales has returned •home"',after spending the past sum- mer in: Saskatchewan. Auction Sale 02'I.ivestoek & Hay. 114 (rat and 1 mile. north Of Auburn,.' Tuesday, Jan. 0 at 1 p.m. Eight. cows, : some fresh, -and others -clue ,to freshen Feb. & Mar, 21.Duihain 91i6 Ilereford steera, 600 10 900 lbs. 5 Durham & "Heir ef0rd:hei- fers, 800 lbs. Eight other 'young 'Cattle, 25 pigs different sizes. 30 tons hay. 1.000-00.3nixed grain, 200 bur barley, Terms cash... CARL GOVI..l0P Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. IT IS VITAI. TO Card of Thanks I take this means to thank each and every one of the "Gang" on No. 8' highway for the nice warm sweater I received for Xmas, and also for the kind thought 'that went with it. It .was greatly appreciated. Wishing you all a.Happy and Prosperous New Year, Your Mail Courier, BEN RISING FOR SALE - Two calves—one Durham, one Hol- stein. Dale Nixon, phone 661r4. NOMINATION MEETING TOWNSHIP 00 TUCKERSMITH NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the nomination of candidates for the office of School Trustee for the years 1946 and 1949, will be held in School House #8, Egmondville, on Thursday, January 8, 1948, between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m„ AND IF NECESSARY, an - election to fill the above named office will be held on THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1948, at the following places and by the following officers: Polling Subdivision No. 1—Felkar's house. D.R.O., Harry Chesney ; Poll Clerk, Harold Finnigan. Polling Subdivision No. 2—S. S. No. 8: D.E.O., Roy McGeoch ; Poll . Clerk, Edward Brown. Polling Subdivision No. 3-- S. S. No. 4, D.R.O., Roy Brown; Poll Clerk, Frame Walters. - Polling Subdivision No. 4-S.S. No. 3. D.R.O., J. McIntosh; Poll Clerk, Norris Sillery. Polling Subdivision No. 5—S.S. No. 1 D.R.O., M. Traquair; Poll Clerk,. Glenn Bell. Polling Subdivision No. 6-5.S. No. 9 ; D.11.0.,- W. S. Broadfoot; Poll Clerk, Ivan Forsyth. Polls shall be, open from nine o'clock in the forenoon till live o'clock' in the afternoon E. P. CHESNEY, Returning Officer. Read about "American Kings." How would you like to be the king of a tropical island? The colorful story of, American citizens who fought, wooed and schemed to be- come kings will be one -r of many in- triguing features in The American 'Weekly, celebrated magazine with this Sunday's '(January 4)/issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. 0 - DICK'S GROCERY & SON ,r. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1..1948':; The • Season's 1 HOMP Greetings W. J. TSON SHOE ' JACK'S REPAIR BOLA ItttturFYl P ituv TEACHER WANTED The Stanley Township School Area requires n qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 14,- Stanley. School is fully equipped, just one mile off No. 4 highway. Applicants Please .state experience, qualifications and ,fame and address of last Inspector if ex- perienced: Salary $1600 per annum, duties to commence Jan. 5th, 1948. Apply to GEO. L. REID, Sec.-Treas., Varna, Ont. AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention' Hospital Bed Flowers forall occasions Office Residence 43 18 FOR SALE One acre of land in Logan Twp., part lot 23, con. 7, with a good brick house, six rooms, good stable suitable for small poultry farm; about .six miles from Mitchell. Apply at Thu New office. ' ' FOR SALE Choice Leaf Lettuce GREENHOUSE, Seaforthfor sale. BAKER'S Watson.'&; -Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST-,.SEAFORTH, .ONT. All kinds of :asurance risks effect--' ed at lowest' rates in First -Class. Companies, LOST A string of 3 -strand pearls lost on Main St., Seaforth on Saturday, Dec, 27. Phone 6681,32. MRS. THOS. RICHARDSON, Eg- mondville. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull 2 years old. JOE MELADY. Dublin. • LOST Diamond and signet ring on Main Street, Seaforth, on ,Wednesday, Dec. 1711. Finder please leave at NEWS OFFICE. Reward. FOR SALE Asphalt shingle covered dwelling, West William st. Seaforth, - furnace, immediate pos. Frame cottage, garage. South Main street. Immediate possession. Frame 'cottage:. with garage Goderieh et. East. Immediate possession, VA storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, on South Main street, Seaforth. Modern dwellipg on Louisa St., Seaforth, M. A. REID, Seaforth. FOUND Small marked beast strayed to Geo, Wheatley's farm. Phone 349r14, PERSONAL a Hygienic Supplies .. (rubber geode) mailed Postpaid in plain sealed envelope withrice list. 6 samples 25c; 24 esmples $1.00. Mall - Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. PIANO TUNING Have your piano tuned and repaired by an Expert, over 30 years' 'experience.' All work fully guaranteed and all repairs carried in stock. Apply Box 127, Seaforth Neiire, or write direct to OTTO - CHEVALIER, 297 North Mitton St., Sarnia; .Ont. - WANTED TO BUY Old horses and dead animals suitable for mink feeding. Will pay 2c a ib for horses and call and pick up same. Dead animals accord- ing to value. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect JACK GILBERT, 086-21 ; or FRED GILBERT, 996.82, Goderich. ELEC TRICITY Ofre Phenomenal growth in Ontario's productive activity creates an all-time record demand for electricity. Until new power stations, now under construction, can be completed PLEASE SAVE ALL THE ELECTRICITY YOU CAN. Do not use electric air heat-o+rs or grates. Switch off lights and appliances immediately they .are' not, needed. 547 THE.HYDRO-ELECTRIC,rP COMMISSION OF 010101 1_; elm* r111T SeaforthFarmers - Co -Op • erative M EGG GRADING STATION e1�Y 5 The. McKillop Mutual. Fire- Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, Ont,. Off leers President, F. McGregor, Clinton;. Vice 'President, C. W. Leonhardt,. Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and,„ Manager, M. A. Reid, -Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Frank, McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore,. Seaforth R R 3; Chris Leonhardt,. Bornholm; E. J. TreWartha, Clinton;, .: John L. Malone, Seafortk; J. : H. Malwing, Blyth RR 1; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich RR 2. ' Agents John E. Pepper, Bruceteld • . R, F.. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,. Brodhsgen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be - promptly attended to by applicatebe: to any of the above named officers.' addressed to their respective poet offices... We wish to thank . our customers for their patronage during thisour first year in -'business. Also for the increasing„ volume of egg business, that has made necessary the installing of another egg grading machine which has just been completed. With this extra : machine' and extra help we hope to be able to give you prompt service. We will be glad to wel- come new customers. Market your eggs the Co -Op way. We pay top prices W ishiax you all the'Co lisnent �'�' urap �' of the Season aft v e o� h Farmers Co -Operative erati e ' PRODUCE DEPT. CLARE KEITH, Mgr. PHONE 13, SEAFOR SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician.. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to..5 p.m„ and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation mays be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.O. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, Uniyersi z -alf of Toronto. Late Assistant New York '•y Ophthalmic and Aural Institute Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square' throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commeroial Hotel, Seaforth, ` third= Wednesday in each month from 2 to, 4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford: Telephone 267. USBORNE.& HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM. H. COATES Vice -Pres., - ANGUS SINCLAIIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... •Kirkton, R. E WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont, MILTON McCURDY .. KirKton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS. Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cir t•"-' r THOS. 6. BALLANTYNE, ,g'W�._ oodhani SECRETARY-TREASUTA-00• B, W. F. BEAVERS �-- Exeter SOLICITORS T4 Gladman & Cochran. Exeter Seaforth Monument w. Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any 'other time, or phone i 41 J. Exeter. . E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 G. A. WHITNEY - Funeral Director MAIrN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos,- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchelir' Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Vit(? VETERINARY SURGEONS J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S, L. C. HALL, D.V;M, VS. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Personal attention by either Vet- erinarian *nen requested (if possible) Alvin W. Sillery. Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc„ Patrick D. McConnell, H. 'Glenn Hayti, SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 • TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS„FOR TAXES The Town of •Seaforth County of Hurotl By -virtue, of • a warrant . issued by -the Mayor of theTown of, Seatorth, .under his hand and .the 'eeal.the said, co'poratlon bearing date -'the 22nd ,".lay ' dr- September, 1947, sale of lands"' in arrears of taxes,,. in the Town of Seaforth, ,will. be_ held in the .Town llal4 at the hour, of three e'cleek in, the afternoon on • the •Erni day -•of January, 1938, unless the taxes and coats are sootier laid. Noti4e, is hereby given that the ca Hof . ands for`sale for arrears of.taxes•was pub - ed in 'the •Ontarior Gazette un the: Foef'tls'r E "Uctolior, 194'9, .and that°dopies'of the list, may be had at.my :office. .., WILSON • N; 'Treaasurer` ' y'; i:'