HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1948-01-01, Page 7Sports -Aad One Mg
or Another
Along 'about this bine of year it
is customary, i1 sports -writing cir-
cles, to turn the thoughts backward
and recall the most outstanding er
ents of the twelve months just past.
This custom has twin advantages.
First, it permits a wr?ter to cooper
together, a column with the least
possible amount of brain -fag and
toil. Second -if he happened to call
the results of any such events cor-
rectly in advance -it allows him to
give himself a fcw friendly pats on
the back' and insert a few,"Didn't
we tell you so's."
We mightsay, however, that
this latter feature will be •largely
missing from the present mess of.
ranctonl recollections, About the
only winners we remember calling
were The Toronto Argonauts and
Joe Louis -and when'we'think of
what narrow squeaks both of them
- hacl, we aren't exactly taking any
deep bows. Oh, yes, we also said, •
before the Kiug's Plate, that hors-
es who had wintered in' the South
would have a great advantage over
those that hadn't -but that's a pre-
diction good for almost any -year,
although few of us think of ittill
too Late.
.., ;, *
Soto get into it without further.
ado, the .19.16-47 professional hock-
. ey season ended with the Canadians
proving themsel"es the best team
over a five-month period, and the
Maple Leafs showing they were su-
perior over a two - week_ stretch,
That the Toronto': team got far
greater glory and acclaim for their
brief burst of speed than the Mont-
realers did for their all -season su-
periority just goes to show, once
again, that virtue is its own best
reward, or some such. At the height
of the excitement some of the Big
League managers and coaches also
distinguished themselves by acting.
in a fashion that would get them
stood in a Corner at any well-run
- * *
The horse -racing picture was
chiefly notable for the severe shock
to the feelings of various race -track
'owners and managements on realiz-
ing that 'horse -owners actually
think that money should 'be a con-
sideration in the Sport of I(ings
-money for the horse -owners, not
the tracks, that is. For a while
there was even a threat that some
tracks would refuse to operate; but
wiser counsel (and perhaps a quick
look at previous years' profit
sheets) finally prevailed, and, the
Canadian racing season went on,
And on. And on.
•* * 4'
That such was the case undoub-
tedly proved a great thing for the
Improvement. of the Breed of
Thoroughbreds, which is the sole
purpose of horseracing. What strid-
es have been made in this direction
is shown by the fact that if you can
name three outstanding -or ev-
half-outstanding - Canadian
Ira. ughbreds uncovered during
t twelve months, it is two
mora. , tan we can.
Th * * *
"" �.a ye fireball season is mainly to
be reincinbcred for the meeting,
in the World's Series Classic, of
two of the most determined teams
since Abner Doubleday first in-
vented the sport. TheBrooklyn
Dodgers and New York Yankees
both apparently went into the ser,
les firmly determined tc let the
other fellow wviit; and their efforts
t,nvard this cud will not soon be
-forgotten. Ali`auacis of new re-
cords were established in this
series including one for the num-
ber of conn. rcint announcements
the sponsors were able to get .in
during a single genie 9 e e,
Lacrosse the best sport of them
all, continued to prove that it is
very hard to kill, in spite of the
elk cis of big -city promoters, and
sports-wtitcre, togive it the go-by.
Possibly the best comment we
Beard o11 the question of why mo-
dern young athletes fail to take to
lacrosse in large numbers, was the
rather bitter one of an old-timer.
"All these kids nowadays keep
thinking of the time when they'll
be great moving -picture stars," he
said, "and they just won't take a
'chance on getting that photogenic
beatify scarred upwitha lacrosse
5 • * *
rile football ,season is too rccetix
to require recalling in detail. After'.
t he Toronto Argotladtts - Winnipeg
Bombers` game was over practically .
every sports toriter and not a few
Editorial Pages made lengthy cow -
Just A Reminder -Of The "Good -Old Summe r Time" is this picture of young Canadians
having fun and at the same tune building strength in one Of our many supervised playgrounds
-a scene from the rational Film Board pictu re "Snail Fry" now showing in many rural
cormn pities.
Pity The Poor Stork
Maybe you just aren't interested
in statistics -or have become rather
tired of •the "masses of facts and
figures, surveys and polls that oc-
cupy so much space in our papers
and magazines today. - ..
Still, there's something awe-ittspir
ing in the statement that 200,000
-that's right, two hundred thousand
-new babies arrive in this weary
old world every 24 hours. And While -
we haven't had the tune to make a
personal check, we believe that the
figure given is so nearly correct as
"makes no hatter." -
Canada's share in the two hun-
dred thousand daily arrivals is sur-
veyed in a new film produced by
the National Film Board which is
at present being shown in neany
rural Ontario communities, After
much furrowing of the browit was
decided to entitle the film, "Small
Fry," for it deals with Canadian
children up to the ages of nine and
ten, as well as with new-born
One factor that is brought out
is the increasing.. amount of assis-
tance given our children from
sources outside the family. Fancily
Allowances is a recent example,
and in the film, you sec the various
forms 'this. takes. To most people
it is a cash proposition, btit to the
Indians and Eskimos of our far
north, it comes in the fortis of pat -
hurt and powdered milk, clothing
and canned totuatoes.
Nursery schools arc spreading
across Canada, and today kiddies
too yoking for kindergarten arc en-
couraged to attend thcge special
schools. Ip the film we sec the
Sunny -lea School, near Toronto,
where modern architecture has pro.
aided scores of healthful and help-
ful designs. The classrooms of this.
one-story' structure are each in a
wing by itself frith a door to the
outdoors, a "project" nook where
art, drama and games groups may
work nnitinderrd-and unhindering.,
Three walls of each classroom are
mostly window. The "blackboards"
are not black, but light in color and
easier on the pupil's eyes. Children
are taught to express themselves -
and who will object if this expres-
sion falces the forth of paint on;
paper instead of jam on the wall
paper and paint?
"Small Fry" also illustrates new
methods of teaching, Taking the
audience to a Montreal school, it
shows a juulor'class •being taught
languages by actual use rather than
by study er rote, In Drench, to
take an example, the pupils thetn-
selves construct a tiny grocery
store right in the classroom. Ac-
tual products are on' the shelves
and the b,idd; ; print placards in
French for advertising, telephone -
vicars about Iww nxsclt good .the:'
1'Vesteraiers' surprisingly fine show-
ing would do for the ,sport. Wile=
heartily agreeing, We. would merely
add that it didn't do the blood -pres-
sure of those sportsmen 'who had
wagered liberally on. the Argos a
,10x5' bit of good--attd you may take.
That from one in a position to know.
their orders to the grocer in
French and order in person at the
c . tatter, also in French. It makes
the language a function at once,
rather than just another study.
Health, of course, is not over-
looked. Despite the general state
of good health among our chil-
dren, the fact remains that epi -
denies,. light
deiies,.light ones like whooping
cough, and severe ones like scar-
let fever and polio - are atilt tak-
ing many lives every year. "Small
Fry" attempts to show, what has
been done, and to indicate what
still remains to be done, by par-
ents' schools and community or-
ganizations, to snake our children
fit for the future they will inherit.
Russians Buying
Livestock in Britain
Russian Agricultural experts now
in Britain, are buying livestock an a
large scale for replenishing herds in
the Soviet Union, Accompanied by
their London agent, they are paying
visits to many different parts of the
country to inspect representative
animals. Their purchases so far in-
clude cattle, sheep and pigs. Dairy
Shorthorn and Hereford heifers
have teen chosen while s. special
journey was made to Scotland to see
Shorthorn bulls of which a big
selection was made. Breeds of sheep
favored have been the Lincoln
Longwooi and Romney Marsh. Ae
far as pigs are concerned, the choice
has fallen on Large White.
As I stand here Looking out myjoyable sleigh -riding party we had
window on the threshold of a new at our last meeting. We obtained a
year, the scene is hardlywhat one, team and sleigh from a. local far -
would call p1- mcr- who drove us. About twenty-
easant to the five members left town at 8 o'clock
eye. Canada is for the country.. One sleigh was
hard -hit fluent- sufficient for us, since everyone was
iaity. Prices are not on it at the 'salve time. There
keeping the mi- were always some who were run'
ddle man down. ning behind, trying to catch up to
In Europe it is to the sleigh, while others were
much worse. No having a battle to get themseles
one welcomes out of the snow -filled dit-
in a new year ches. 'When we . arrived back at
without !loping tl at things may be the I'Iigll School, we looked like a
different. I suppose that during group of snowmen -and wotnen, tee. '
the past year, few of us as indlvidu The program committ,.e did not can-
als have suffered very much, but " clttde with a sleigh -ride, but r ar-
taking the country as a whole it ranged an in -door program as well.
Hasn't been so good. If we,,,stick Five groups were organized. each
t'ogetitrr and fight high prices, help choosing a song'tillc and acting it.
our fellow man and try to make The other groups had to guess the
Canada an even better place to titles. Sorry you conldti't-htrre beard
lit in - well, who knows, this tlient or seen the actions. The two
year may be different. chosen teams tied in the spelling
A Pleasant .Call contest which was followed by
We had a *-cry pleasant caller re- square dancing -although everyone -
Celitly, in the person of Bevtet'Iie Wil: did not know how to square dance
Son, our Teen -Town Reporter from. -they all enjoyed the attempt.
( 01110urue: Bev is a very pleasant Everyone worted up an ap-
girl to tallt to and is right on her petite for lunch tvaic`t consisted of
toes with the teen-age activities of stnhviches crke and ]tot cocoa. i1
(•olblurnc. It's a pleasure to 1)11(1 you haven't Maimed a sleigh -riding
our correspondents, and if any, of party yet, noir is the time. 1 -
you happ.,n to be in the vicinity, be would'i'1 miss them because they're
sure to damp in, 'However, the next really fun. - Cheerio
time we meet. levcrlic Wilson in - In Conclus:on
Colbournc, we hope to catch het' with With this 001811'n we e111 our first
Iter Bair in curlers and no make-up
on -.,then t'ce'll l'c-;(ven.
In Appreciation
1\'e wr,;tulct likc`•to;take this °Imes.
tuuity oC thanking .Manly E. 9lincr
'Coy his very nice letter and the swap'
graphed copy of the mentor'al edi-
tion of kis' late father's book. "jack
Miner and the Birds. This was
received following our recent story
on the visit we made to the san0111-
aty, kith a warm invitation to come
, back again -and we ,hope lo. .
Teen -Town Reporter's
Milverton - Eva Loney - Hello
folks? How is the weather ill your
town for sleigh -riding this year? It
seemsearly to have the amount of
snow in Milverton that we have but
I think the sooner winter comes 111a
better. I' ant sure that the Keen -
Teens" agree with dee after the en-
ve-r of writing 'l'ecn-Town Taptcs
It's !tree a Int of fun, and the hope
that on have e:1joccd reading it as
much as ltd have enjoyed writing it. .
Ontilnext week them --
PI 1t0Ocrn edical
' S neo I'na evercomb ali-
ments formerly thought
L,Ipo:•s Ste. Mien wore considered one
0f then, S'baL'a nonsense today. Tire
new I'illone treatment has proven it-
self 15 tamarinds of the moat stub-
born caeca: It gels result, bee0liee
Your first bottle (a liquid taken by
It 0010 ducat to the Internal cause,
mouth) allows you the difference, or
that price.. refunded, at one., All
modern Druggists, .
Classified Advertising^
Al"PENT1oN i'AI(tullep ,
VOR SAL); -Tractor `Tires, made ofrubber,
ktiltable for bolting' on Steel wheels, :115.011
each.' rearwheels; 81,00 molt. front wheels,
When ordering state diameter and width of
wheeler Notional Rubber Co, Ltd., '5 'Wilt-
shire Ave.,- Toronto, Oat,
AN OPFEIR to every Inventor -List of Meth.
bone and 1011 Information cent free, Phe
Aameay Co,.
Ottteglsterodawa Patent Attorneys 875:
Baric Street,
Da -00,10/0 that your buy goon, healthy
chlohe thin comma season. Ensure deliver/'
date byplacing your order now. All breeders
Government - banded and pultorum tested.
Write for our 1948 catalogue and price Ilei
MP 11i'I'Oh...ONTARRI(1.
today: is food. A hen 1a et111 about the best
manufacturer et food... Food 1a the thin line
that Is holding civilization together and iothe
most important factor in running world poli-
tica, Even though -Poultry feed is high. 1n
price,ralae the usual number of 0h1,kn 1n
1548. The profit. are bound to be there for
an Industry thatetanda near the top ere a
Producer of the world'. most important corn -
moats. Stay; in the Poultry Buetnese when
the In and outer le getting out. Send for free
catalogue and 1548 'price net. Also laying
pullets. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph"
BIG Rook Farm Chtcl,, era etlll. the user
bet on .the farm because they lay Irlonty
00 big oggs and make a good profit. They
are arena liveable Woke aired by high egg
record males. Discount on early orders,
Write today for tree calendar and prlee. list.
Big Rock Farm, Mliie Rachel, Ont.
Lucky number with every order before
January 15th. Folder, price. on request.
Way'. Hatchery & Farm., Stratford, Cat. ..
wE HAVE day old -and, started-ohlok, for
prompt shipment. Chick. for delivery next
month should be ordered now. Bray hatchery,
190 John N., Hamilton, Ont.
1848 THE TEAR OF opportunity for Poultry-
men regardtesa of the eat backs the pant
menthe, 1948 looks like a year of opportunity
for smart Poultrymen. It has always been a
tact that when the in andouter is going out,
(as ho le this year) Is the right time for the
emelt. Poultryman to stay in, History will
repeat Itself In 1818 regardle,a of whether
England want, more or les, eggs,. Mel we
eugreat the 1,11,010.0. 01 early chicks, they;
have always been and always will be the
moa profitable. Pros catalogue. Aho pullets
80 weeks to 28 'weeks. Tweddto Chick Hatch-
eries Limited, Ferree, Ontario.
HAVE YOU anything needs dyetno er, clean.
Mg? Write to ve for information,. We are
glad to answer your question, Department
H. Parker's Dye Works Limned. 191 rouge
Street, Toronto, Ontario,
1,011 SALK
Parte and Service, Bert E Kennedy -a Son,
415 College St, Toronto.
JOHNSON Iron horme engines; % H.P. 661.46
1.84 ILP, 970,00. Immediate 0,nver7. Cur-
urray Bulmer. Eglinton * Bathurst, Toronto,
RECORDS, brae catalogueof favorite hill-
billy and dance artiste. National Rader.
Ltd„ Dept, 0, 419' Portage Ave., Winnipeg,
Man. -
BATTERY operated Radio Set for sale, Do,
threat Crossley Corona model. s tube..
050,010212' equipped with Romeo ERmmator
for bee with either storage battery or dry
Delta, New cost over 3800.. Stake offer. A
Sino and lasting Christmas gift. Box 151, ?8
Adelaide W.. Toronto.
Fine wool knitting yarns 4-4 on. ot:elns, 61.85
pound, Fine botany wood diamond .peke,
fancy coiore -31.98 pair. Direct from our
woollen min. Money back guarantee..
Perla. Ontario.
LARGE eneter Lllybulbs e0Gll 78e 8 for 82.10.
Postpaid, Warr, notes enclosed. Kuyper'
Bulb,, Hutatc. B.C.
2eytw lirlsga dc: Stratton Air -Cooled CUOMO
engines. Assorted alter, " Write for Deo-
crlptive Folders and prices. Scope -Sales Co.,
326 Quern' St , Ottawa Ont,
Ideal for partitions, lining adios, thicken
haulms, barna, etc. Keeps out drafts and
Inaulatoc. tins many uses on the farm.
.ample mailed on request. Present stock 4'
x 8' x ?i" thick. only 72c each, Mlnlmom
shipment 10 sheath, we pay -weight to your
station. For use over. joint:, Gummed Tape,
150 foot robs 2" wide 22o eneh,
ffikvies: I'OO'remoMh-.lciri cedar outboard
hullo of proven .design. Clear 004.1. roe -
;naiad. Outatnnding appoaranee, workman-
ship, pee;ormanta. Narrow strip planking
01150 and dint, nailed on oak and elm
frame, full Ieltgth etrin:1, rano, five .toot
deck. four seats, brass and copper fastenings..
Complete with removable Moor, aeatbaoke and
hardware. Idem for any.purpaae. Initnediate
of Spring delivery. -Fall ordure stored grade
No ewipc tan: Dealers'- Inrinirtcs welcomed,
Wenn & Co„ Si, Williams, Ont,
7-3111L-TII'f'L-.PUREBR1:D C11LYII017ND6,
four months, from very fast parents. Males
8i 00, tdemnles 110.00, (not registered), II-
n'rinrdenn, 11,11054.' Ont
COCIt1115 5.tnn,i0S. 'to make room for
,40011110 littera must 0011 several high elks.
Mara, red nn4 buff Cori t nuncios tostty
Champion' aided. 8 to 11 minim, inim, both sexes,
1l terra . come ns -low an 825.00. Boulevard
1:7 uncle. Laraine, Que..
DON'T WAIT -Every oufferer of Rheumatic
Paine' or Neuritis should try Dlxon'o. 9to-
medy, Munro'o Drug Store, 885 <Elgin, Otter-
wa. Poolpald 11.00,
Dollar .trial package, Box 28,Toronto 1.
moHL'r RECOMMENDED -.Every. sufferer
of Rheumatic P,alna or Nouritla Should try
razon'o .Remedy... Munro's Drug Store, '886
Etgln, - Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified- profession,. 'goodwages
ihoueands eucoessful Marvel graduates
America'e greatest eyetem. Illustrated cote
Logue -tree, Write or Call
808 Inoor St. W„ Toronto
Branches 44KingSt., Hamilton
0. 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa
Become Stenographer Quickly through- ABC
elmpnaed shorthand, Free- folder Iles-
trates, Coogan Systema, .Dept. w., Toronto._
b'U1THt.RSTONAUO21 & Company Patent
Sollolloro. Established 1580, 14 King Weet,
Toronto, Booklet of -Information n reavost
LONESOME? Romantic, Correepondece Mag-
azine .contains, photos, deecripttone, 10a
With addressee 50c. - One year 82. World
Federation Club, Partcervlew, Soak.
' 'ELI0AH COMING Eofore Christ", . wonder-
ful book free.- Megiddo, Mission, Rochester
11,. N.Y. -
- Businesses Wanted
pc, you *flea to sell your business? We
ama,ualize in the selling of all type. of
Buetneeoeo and Buslneoe Properties,
We have 'clients waiting to,;tuy General
Stores, Hardware, Garage., Tourlet Reports.
Groceries, etc:, eta.
Contact tie immediately. You will be pleased
with the remit..
• Seale & Deering,
Business & Real Estate Rtokere
Mt College St.. Toronto. AIL. 87I8.
EGGS Wanted, Poultry farm white -eggs
preferred. High prices. Write. Player
Produce, 081 Oss1011(0 . Toronto..
WHITE 210L0AND Turkey Body- Feathers
wanted. Particular. on. Illustrated folder.
K. P. Hollander, 752 'Read Bldg., Montreal,
STAMP COLLECTION. largely Canada and
United -Stats., deterlbn. Box 157, 73 Ade-
laide W., Torontc,
Expert Electric wiring -anywhere, we don't
caret Write todaY. New Day Electric,
St. Thomas, Ont.
The Turks call the turkey the
"American bird" since its original
habitat was North America,
• Yon W111 Enla4114tosing 01
The St. Regis Hotel
• Evers Room With Tub Bath,
Shower and Telephone
EA Single, 53.50 and sw-
Double, 84.50. op
• Good Food. Dining and Dancing
Sherbourne at Carlton
Tel RA. 4195
FURNISHED - $1.50 up
ISSUE 51-1847
rrilr t aw