HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-12-31, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Relatives in the village received .re-
ceived word on Tuesday of the death
of Mr. John 'Hickswhich occurred
suddenly at his home in Bearnsville
on Mtonday, afternoon. Mr. I.3hcics
was a son of the late Thomas and
.Mrs. Hicks of Chiselhnrst and spent
his early life there. He was a sch'o'ol
teacher • and taught at . Wyoming,
Stoney Creek and for the last twenty
five years has been principal of the
Beamaville public school. He also
owned and. Tmanaged a large fruit
farm at Behnvsville and also a poultry
farm, exhibiting. his prize stock at the
'big ex1hlib'ltions in Ontario, 4r, Hicks
has had heart trouble for some time
but had been able to carry on his
duties till IvLonday when he passed
away Vin his- (j?nd year,':''Besides hiis;
bereaved widolw he leaves f0 Mourn
two sons and three daughter's. The
funeraltook p'la'ce Thursday afternoon
to ' the B fam'svilde cemetery. Mr.
':Hicks' many friend's in He'n's'ald. and
Ohisel'hurst will be sorry to learn of
his death.
M. and Mrs. Albert Spencer" spent
the holidays with relatives in Toron-
Misses Edith and Lily McEw•an of
Kitchener are holidaying at the home
of their brother, Mr. John MdE'wan
of the London Road.
Mr. and Mrs: Laird Mickle ' visited
friends in Ridgetown last- week,
Miss N Maxwell of Whitby spent
the holidays With her sister, 14rs, J.
W. Peck,
Christmas visitors at the home of
Afr. and Mrs, J. W. Ortwein• .were
M:rr, and "Airs. A. Ontwein, of Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Ortwein and
son Lloyd of London and Miss M.
'Ortwein of Toronto.
Mrs, Talbot ct London is •visiting
with his sister, Mos. (Dr.) Collyer.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P, Devlin of Strat-
ford were Christmas visitors with Mr.
and Mfrs, Fred Corbett of Hay.
Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson of
London are visiting with friends in
London this week..
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Toron-
to are spending the holidays at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher.
Mrs. P. Fisher and daughter, Afiss
Eleanor, spent •Christanias with her
son-in-law- and daughter, Mr, and
Mrs. Moffatt at Brucefield.
Me's'srs. Ed. and Wilson Berry of
Windsor visited over the holidays
with their mother.
Miss Hazel Hudson spent the week
end with friends in Stratford.
vfr. and Mrs. Allan So'Idan were
holiday visitors at the former's
home here.
Christmas visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton were
Hisses Elva Bolton of Kitchener,.
Miss Victoria Bolton of Toronto and
'Misses Doris and Norma of London.
Mr, Harry Harmon of Mitchell
spent Christmas at his home here,
Miss Mae MdNtsughton of Toronto
spent ,the holidays with her parents,
Mr, and Hrs. D. HclNaugh'ton.
Messsr. Bill and Percy Gramm o•f.
Lansing, Mich., visited over the holi-
'day with their parents.
Misses Martha and Merle Carlile of
/London were Christmas visitors at
their hoine here.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. B•on'throrr of
Detroit visited for a few days with
Mrs. Robert Bonthron.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Kitchener
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Con-
rad Tiernan.
Miss Marie Beli of London is
spending the holidays at her home,
Mrs. M. Vair of ToTnto spent
'Christmas at the home of her moth-
er, Mrs. R. Bbnitdrron.
Miss Anna Ti:enaan of Dashwood
visited with Miss Mildred MlcDontiell
on Saturday. -
Miss Hannah Murray spent the
holiday at her home at Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Stratford
-spent the week end at .the home of
14tr, and Mrs. Geo. Brown.
'Christmas visitors at the home of
Mr. and Airs. Alex. Buchanan were
.Mfr. and Mos. John Buchanan of Lon-
don, vIis's Mary Buchanan, RIN., of
St. Thotmas, and Miss Margaret Bu-
chanan, RN., of Port Huron.
Miss .lf'ary MtclKCaig of Exeter spent
'Christmas at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wren of Toron-
to are spending the holidays visiting
relatives at Chiselih'urst.
Miss Alice D,ou'gail'l of London is
visiting at the home of her Lather and
mother, ,Mr, and Mrs. Wm Dougall.
An unusual Christmas visitor was.
seen on the lawn of Mrs. John. Mur-
dock on. Christmas Day, being a ro-
bin which evidently thought that the
weather in Hensall was as good as
the Sunny South.
The doll contest which has been
going for some weeks creating much
eecitehnrent and interest among the
.children ended on Christmas eve. The
final: standing was as follows: Lois
McLaren, Elaine Peck, Mary Good-
win; Ruth Hess, Gloria 'Twitchell,
Marion Drunt'nvon.d, Dorothy Hiillh- charm to every complexion. Indisipen-
day; Norma Cook Jean, Venner, Loisable
s to all dainty women. Especially
Moffatt, .Annie Carlile, (Cathleen recommended to make`. hands soft and
Jlotes, Dorothy Dlaters, .Patsy Mitch- white, Delicately fragrant. Preserves
.ei1, Eire McQueen. In addition to and enhances the lovelie's't complex -
the 1'S' prizes. Mr. Hemphill gave 10 ion. '
Wishing our nanny patrons a
Very Merry rsg, £ ,.
Happy New Ye ,ar
�y efi.
J1 Aa estcott
,additional prizes . to the following:
Elaine Thompson, Erna Weber, Bet-
ty Row c'liffe, Miargareit McGregor,.
Emily Hoskins,. Donin!al iMeEiwan,
Mary Clark, .Loretta. 13e111, • Evelyn
Corbett Madeline Vanlan'deylha'm,
.Services in the United .Church were
well attended on Sunday last with
the Rev, Arthur Sinclair occupying
the pulpit. I...the morning sacrament
sof the Lard's ,Supper was Observed
and solo pants in the anthem were ta-
ken by Miss 'Greta Laramie, Mrs.
Maude H:edden and Mr• W. 0. 'GIOI d -
win. In the evening solos were given
by Mrs. Maude Hedden and Mr. T..
iSberri''tt and a violin sola by Miss
Greta Lamlmie.
The Sunday School of the United
Church held their annual Christmas
entertainment an Wednesday evening
last in the basement of the church.
A good program was very ably given
by each class and at -the close of the
program Santa Claus appeared and
presented each and every scholar mirth
a gift.
Mr. Ed. McQueen was assisting in
Rannie's store during the holidays and
Mr. Charlie Cooper was helping Mr.
The nomination meeting to •nlom'in-.
ate candidates to fill the positions of
reeve, councillors, one public utility
and three school trustees, for the vil-
lage of Hensall for 1932, was held in
the town hall Monday eventing with
Jas, A. Paterson, village clerk, as pre-
siding officer, The .following were
For Reeve—Owen Geiger, Robert
-Cameron;•' 'For -(Councillors — Laird
Mickle, Won. Consitt, Robert Camer-
on, Walter 'Spencer, 'Geo. C. Petty,
David (Robinson, For 'Public Utilities
—Charles Moore i(acdl,); for 'School
Trustees — (Henry Horton (act),
Fred 'Mann's '(acel.)p A. 'L. Case
At the close of the ,nomination e
public meeting Was held, 'Mr. Pater-
son acting as chai'rm'an. 'Reeve !Geig-
er was 'first called on for an address
and .spoke on the work of !the Coun-
ty Council for the year and also the
work of the village council. He was
followed by different members • of the
old council and .the new nominees, af-
tef which Reeve Geiger made a reply.
'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Par]'mer of
+Windsor, spent the holidays with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. Harold Scruton of Port Dover,
was a Christmas visitor with his Mo-
ther here.
Miss Mattie Ellis is spending the
holidays with her sister at Guelph.
Mr. William Simpson, aocam!fvan-
ted by his mother of Detroit, spent
the week end at the home of Mrs, R.
Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Case spent
Christmas with relatives at Goderioh,
Miss Alnta Scruton ab .London
spent the holidays at her home.
'Ch'ristma's visitors at the home of
Mr. W, L. MdLaren were Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne MONanghton and chil-
dren of Cro'nanty, Mr. and Mrs. Alf
Hunkin and family of Farquhar, and
!Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Venner and chil-
dren of •C'hiselhurst.
The many friends of Me. Harry
'Howard will be pleased to hear he is
improving after his recent severe ill-
Mr. Sunt Rennie, accomlpanied by
his mother, spetat . the.holidays with
relatives in Detroit.
lar. and Mrs. Dougaid and children
of P:etrolia, spent the holiday with
(the d'octor's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Dougall.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beaver of 'Exeter
(spent the week end with relatives it
Born,—At the Clinton. hospital. on
(Monday, December 21st, to Mr. and
Mrs. W'm, S!olidlan, a son.'
.Persian Balm • preserves and en-
hances woman's natural heritage of
!beauty. For sheer feminine loveliness
it is unrivalled. 'Tones and rejuvenates
the skin, and makes • it exquisite in
texture. Delightful to use. Smooth
and velvety,, it imlpartsl a you'thf'ul'
Miss Levine. Knox of Toronto
spent Christmas and the week -end • at
'the•home of her parents, Mr, and
,Mrs. Thos. Knox, returning to To-
ronto 'Sunday ; evening.
(Mrs. Annie Elliott •sp•en't a, few days
with her daughter, -:Mrs, - Bert Allen,
returning to Blyth on Tuesday.
tMis's Ros'a'mond A'plpleby of Mc -
Kilian visited at the home of her
grandma, .Mrs. Jennie Knox, during
'the Christmas holidiays.
Among those who celebrated Christ-
mas by having gatherings of friends,
etc., were Mr, and Mrs. Simon Mc-
Vi'ttie, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knlox, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Ferris and Reece,
Mrs. Jennie Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Watt and Mr. and Mrs. I. Rapsonn
Mr. and Mts. Alex. Reid held their
Christmas gathering on Thursday as.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shepherd and
family were spending Christmas day
in Clinton:
,Mr, Wm. Ferris of Hayter, Alberta,
arrived home last Wednesday to
spend a short time visiting his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ferris and
other friends.
Master Jack McEwing visited his
friend, Master Eddy ;Bell, Wednesday
of last week.
Mr. Albert Knox of Macklin, S'ask.,
arrived in. Clinton Wednesday of last
week, where he will visile his mother,
Mrs, Wm. Knox and sister, Lily, also
.friends around Harlock, Landeslboro
and vicinity. He visited part of this
week at the home of his brother,
Mr. Thos. Knox, also his nephew,
Mr. Wm. Knox, of Grey, and calling
on other friends in this neighbor-
Miss Mary ,Reid returned to Park-
hill last Saturday.
:There was a big rabbit chase last
Saturday afternoon.
A good many from this neighbor-
hood attended the no'm'ination in
Loitdesboro on Monday.
Miss Lydia Reid spent part of the
Christmas holidays with her friend,
lletiss Marjorie Biokeli of Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs, James Scott and little
I'an of Toronto, motored up Christ-
mas day, having dinner at the noise
of the former's mother, Mrs. Scott of
IWingham having tea and spend'in'g
(remainder of day at the family re-
union at Mr. Simon MpcVittie's, re-
turning to Toronto on Sunday,
Miss Agnes and Mr. Robert Leiper
of Toronto spent the holidays at the
home of their parents, Mr. and burs,
James Leiper, also visiting other
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt held a
Christmas gathering on Wednesday
elf. last week and en'terta'ined Mr. and
Mrs. James 'Watt of Blyth, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo, Watt and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Piarsons and the _Misses
Amy and Esta Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armsitr'ong of
near Grimsby spent Christmas and
plart of the holidays at the home Of
'the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Moon,
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Lear and
family had Christmas dinner at Mr.
and Mrs, Stanley Ohellew'a at Blyth,
and tea at S. McVi•ttie's.
The following is the riep'ort of S.
S. No. 6, Hullett, .for the months of
iNovenvber and December.
;Sr. IIV.-lllbrry Rapson 79%, Ivin,
Shannon 64%.
Jr. i'V. Willie Taylor 76%, Ida
Leiper 68%.
Sr. IIIA. - Wilma ; Shepherd ' 91%,
Jim MoFwin'g SO%, Watson Reid
Jr. IIIIL-Gordon McGregor 68%. .
Sr. IVr.-Laura Leiper 74%.
Pr.—Alvin Nicholson.
!Ntumlber on roll, 10. Average at-
tendance for November 10. Average
for December 9.6. Pupils obtaining
most stars for perfect spelling �W61-
an'a Shepednrd and Harry Rapson.
Lydia L. Reid, Teacher.
For Reeve: John McNabb, F. Col-
lins, Robert Livingston, I, Keys, J.
For Deputy Reeve—Frank Collins,
Stewart MicQararrie, Thos. Doherty,
(Thos. MicDb'nad, Silas Johnston,
For Conned—Silas Johnston, Oliv-
er, Hemingway, Waiter Broadlfoo't, F.
Harrison, Oliver M.eiD'onald, Robert
McDonald, E. Collis, John Heu•ther.
To. the Electors of Seaforth.
Ladies and Gentlemeul: T am a
candidate for Reeve for 1193L and 1
respectfully ask for your vote and in-
fluence to secure n'iy election. As in
the past, nay motto is honest, econ-
omical administration of municipal
and county affairs. Wishing you all
the compliments of the season, I re-
main, •
Yours respectfully,
To the Electors of the Town of
Ladies and Gantlett:en!
111ciag a candidate for the position
of Reeve. for 1932, .I respectfully wish
to' solicit your vote and influence to
secure airy election: Wiis'hing, you ail
the comipiimen'ts of the season,
To the Ratepayers of the Township
of Hullett.
S have been n'ohninated for the posi-
tion of councillor for the year 1932.
+I'1 you believe I can help to conduct
the business of the township in a
creditable manner I would ask your
support on January 4th.
Tb the Ladies and Gentlemen of the
Town of Seaforth: I wish to thank
all the citizens for the splendid sup-
port given while a member of the
Te'wn Council, Wishing everyone the
compliments of the season and a
Happy and Prosperous New Year.
I -wish to take this opportunity
of thanking you for the honour
you have done me by placing me
in the position of Reeve of this
Township, and I appreciate the
splendid' spirit of co-operation
which was evidenced by the can-
didates who withdrew and made
an acclamation possible. There
never was a time when there was
More need for united effort on
the part of people than the pres-
ent, and I will do my utmost to
be worthy of the confidence you
have placed in me, and I ask for
your further assistance in carry
ang on the affairs of this Town-
Miss Evelyn -Whitlock of St. Tho-
mas visited set the home of her sister,
Mrs. Harry Ford, recently.
'-lir. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus of hear
iGhiselhurst, visited at Mr. William
(J'ohn's last Frirday.
M'is'ses Vera I•Ieywood of Mathe-
son and Lulu Hunter of Elsie visited
at their homes for the holidays.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon: Ford and
Peggy and Joan of Flint, Michigan,
visited at the Bonne of .the former's
brother, Mr, Harry Ford, lest Satur-
Mr. Stephens Pine had the •misfor-
tune to break his aria while cranking
anis car last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Johns and Mr, Sam
Johns of Exeter visited at the home
of Mr. Harry Johns last 'Saturday.
Mrs. White (Sr.), and Miss Grace
White of Chatham, visited at Rev.
White's re'cently
Several people from this vicinity
,were in Exeter last Sunday evening
attending a special Christmas service
in. James Street United Church.
'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and fanc-
ily visited at Mr, P. .Whitlo'ck's last
There passed away an Christmas
Day Rev, Rolbert Hutchison Fortes-
Ique Gairdner, late re'otor of T•rin'ity
'Church. Washington, Pla. The de-
ceased man was the eldest son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. James Gairdner a
prominent pioneer family of this vil-
lage. He -/received his early educa-
tion in Miontrea•1 and was a graduate
of Trinity allege, 'Toronto, and of
(Huron College, London, Ile was or-
dained to . the ministry of the Church
;of England in Grace Church, Brant-
ford, by the late Bishop IIellinulth of
!Huron, During his long service he
h'eid the following charges: Trinity
IOhunch, Niles; Grace Church, Grand
IRepids„ Mich., St. lld'artin's, Ohicago,
and 'Trinity Church, Washington, Pa.
iHe resigned from the last charge
'where he had h:een for over nine
years, in July of this year, owing to
ill -health, and came with his wife and
daughter to make his home at the fa-
mily re'sid'ence. Besides his widow,.
who before her marriage was Miss
(Gertrude Gaylord, of -Chicago, he is
survived by his. daughter, Elizabeth
Tudor, and two brothers, Dir, Thom-
as. Gairdner Waco, Neboaska, anis
John Tudor Gairdner of the village;
The funeral w'as held fabin the family.
residence on Monday afternoon and
'interment made in h'ayfield cemetery,
!the ser''vices being i,n', charge of Rey,
F. H. Paull, rector of Trin(ty
To all our friends we wish
Good health, happiness and
prosperity for 1932
Finger =Waving
and Marcelling
(Miss Dorothy Robinson has
moved to the Royal' Apart-
ments, second floor, where she
will continue to do finger -
waving and marcelling.
To make. an ` appointment,.
phone 306.
Price 50c each.
Dorothy Robinson
Rev. R. K. Love of St. Thomas
spent Christmas with Isis parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Love,
Mr. and Mrs, Grant Love of 'Lans-
ing, _Mich,, were guests at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love at the
Christmas season
Mrs. Clark of Detroit and Miss
Marf Hagan of London were guestsm
at the hoe of their brother, Mr.
Franck and sister Miss Dolly Hagan
at the 'Christmas season,
The Misses M'dAliisters of Hensall
spent Christmas with Mrs. S. Walker.
Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane
of Clinton spent the Christmas sea-
son with their sister, Mrs. Forrest,
and Mrs, Fuss.
_lir, and Mrs. A. Ashman and son
Douglas of Tiltsonburg were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ri-
chardson at the Christmas season.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Consitt of Hen-
sali were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, R. McAllister at the Christ-
mas season.
Mr. and Mrs: M. Elliott and fa'm'ily
and Mrs. Anderson and daughter
Miss Agnes of Centralia, were guests
at the hone of Mn, and Mrs, Jos.
Love at the Christm'a's season/
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and
son Bob'by of 'Walkerton were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S'te-
pihetns'gn at the Christmas season.
Mr. Dinnin, teacher in S. S. No. 7,
Stanley, spent the holiday! season
with hiss parents at Crotn'ar+ty.
;Miss Lettie Love is spending a few
days with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
John MrHwen Of Hensall.
Misses Helen Anderson of Clinton
'H.S. and Jeanette McAllister of Hen-
sall H. IS,. are spending the holiday
season at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Stephenson,
(Miss Gladys, and' Mr. and Mfrs. John
'Love were in 'Jordon recently.
Mr. Jas Ii!agan of Seaforth spent a
:few :days with his brother, Mr..bank
Mr. Wnt. Nichol, who spent his
holidays with friends in Woodstock,
(has ,ne.turned to resume his duties .with
Mr. Thos. McKay.
The municipal elections are on and
with the continuance of the fine wea-
ther and good roads all voters are
likely to use their franchise,
Mfr, C. Eclt'art and Mrs, C, P. Sills
Seaforth and (Mrs. Monica D(esb'or-
ough and little daughter Nellie of De-
' troit,
e-'.troit, were Christmasvisitors in our
'Mr, Fred !Eckert had a family re-`
union on Christmas dray.
Edward MIdGealih of St. Clements.
spent Christmas with his brother,
Mr. Martin :M'cQmaid of Toronto
.visited his brother, Joseph McQuaid
aver the Christmas holiday.
The ''following teachers are home
for th•e .holidays: !Mildred 'and Gert-
rude ,McGrath
erit-rude,'M'cGrath Of Waterloo; A'gnnes
IVIeGrath; of B!amburg, Margaret Me
(Grath, Ane Dalton and. James Lane
of Bratnford; Edith Miles of (Guel'p'h,
Thos. MI'oQuaid and Charles „Malone
of Windsor; Lucy Burke •oaf London,
Helena Flannery, of St. Agatha,
Miss :,Mary O'Sullivan' of Toronto
spent ',Christmas at her home here.
Basil and Mary Lane of Toronto
were hoarse over the week end.
Brother Francis of the •Present'a•tion
Brothers School in Montreal spent
iChris!trras with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John Dalton,
;The C. W. L 'held 'their Christmas
dance on Monday night, a large
crowd being in '. attendance. B'euer-
Eggs, per doz, ... ?2c 3Fcr
Potatoes, per bag 3fle
!Butter, per 1b. .. . , - Z0t
Hogs, per cwt. 42544:35
Frame House, good size, on Jarvis
street, two lots, electric 'lights, ti's
water, etc. Isnmed•iatte possession
Recently - vacated ` by Mr's. 'George-
Cook, Apply to E. L. BOX.
Rooms to°rent cheap. Apply tr the -
Jackson Studio, Seaforth.
Comtfortable Cottage situate en,
East Gbde'rich Street, Seaforth, 'form
erly occupied by Mrs. Clara 'Sfe
Cluskey Crowley.
Immediate possession: can be .gives.
For further particulars apply ..to ft. S. -
HAYS. Seaforth, Ont.
Quebec 'cook stove, good condi Tonne.
Used about 2 "years. J. M. D'OYL'1 ,,
R.R.2, Dublin. Lot 27, Con. 2, Hila--
bert. 5m
Mr. R. E. Bright has secured tEre.
agency far "REIGIRNIT" Mlade fa -
Measure Clothes. Surprisingly geed
materials, allone price, $24.00. Terms
strictly cash.Phone 265. 521
You can get a nice one at Ng
bargain, 650 lbs. capacity, just' used
slightly, at orae -third of the new prim
if you act quick. Call in at Geo_ Fer-
erguson's Hardware for demonstraesse
today. 1.
Durham grade cow, due to Freshen
in January. Apply at MdFllop Manse-
MansW. F. StM(ITiH
!Ellen -Smith, daughter of Mr. ascii
(Mrs. H. E. Smith, wishes to thlat&
all - her friends for assisting her Br
twinning second prize in the doll cur-
One Choice Durham cow, 7 -sears
old, due Jan. 4. WiMI. M. SPIROI 2r,,
Tile Yard, or Phone 136 •r. 2 Sew,
forth. 531
:March 1, 1932. Store now °conga
ied"by Thos. Dickson, Seed and Feed
Store. IApIp1.y E. L. 'BOX.
in their usual able 'manner.
'Joseph Moylan of ICi'tchener spene
the holiday with his parents, ]lir, and
Mrs, Thos. Moylan. '
We regret to state that itis. James
Evans is quite ill at :present. We trope
for a speedy recovery.
Mlrs. Reece of Detroit. visited Be=
parents, !Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Morris;
over Christmas.
Miss "Marie Flannery Of Toronto
s•pen't Christmas .at 'her 'Itome'here-
Dalin Police Village
Police Trustee—L. J. Looby, Dais
Co'stella, Geo. F. Holland.
Reeve -Joseph Nagle (acct).
,Councillors - John W, Hiacitue_.
Robert B'urch'ill, F. Alden, Wflr.vain
Kay (acct.).
For Reeve—Wm. ,D'aliing, reeve he
Iia3'1 has qualified. Jas: Douglas was
also nominated.
The first four named were council-
lors for 1'9311: G. Ahrens,C. Hunt,';,
iGiaffney, John Ritz, have qualified;
1Niew names, Ed. S'chenber:tic, Aug-
ust Rolm esilburg, Leo Lynch and. 111
iRceve—d. Wallace,. William 'Johns-
ton, 1P. Blainton,
Council—E. Lau ndy, George, 11'e'
(Nal:1, F. Bhinton, Henry. Hoover.
Bell, 'I, Wallace, F, Ho'lilynnan, A_ S.
'Radford, Orton Stubbs, R. D. Plnilpi.
School Tresltees—•J. S. CIherfe•:vc,Y
Wiitliatn Thnetlil, : J. Mains.
• Utility Coi sniisrc;ionn-,R. M. MCKaw