HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-12-31, Page 5'T.fi'URS•DAY, D'E'CEMBER 31, 1931
Resolved ! 'That as 'Canada's p'rosperi'ty .depends uponthe pros -
verity of her individual ,citizens, I will support, wherever possible,
individual enterprise in 19132Signed .....'This is a resolution
that maywall be adopted by every Canadian family and one of the
first places to practise it is in the buying offood products. Buy from
Superior Stores, Canada's 1'arge'at chain of independent nnere'hlan1s.
(Every manager is an owner, every owner a buyer of Canadian pre -
&lots. Stant today to make 1932 Canada's Year.
Items for week ending Jan. 6.
;CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES, 2's squat . , . .. per tinc�}s
'LIUXTOIILET SOAP „ ........ , . , 3 cakes
PREMSUiM TEA, l's in bags, with free cups and ��
saucers, plates or tea pots . , ........ per Ib.
CHOICE OHER'RIES 2'sgt ..... .... 2 tins 29 c
TODDY, "The Ideal Drink in Cold Weather" ... ,,, .......'8 oz. 31c
16 oz. 49c
'SlerJaren s Olives, No. 9 Stuffed per bottle 25c
':1rldLaren's Olives, No. 20 Plain per bottle 23c
'Tomato' Juice, l's 3 tins 25c
,Shredded Wheat Biscuits 2 pkgs. 23c
Pratees's Soap Flakes ...... ...... ......... .... ........ per pkg, 23c
Lawrason's Snowflake Ammonia 2 pkgs.' 15c
'IJawrason's Flusho ........ .......... .,. . per tin 23c
Durham Corn Starch, "The Yellow Package" each 9c
!Interlake Toilet Paper ..... . 3 roll's 23c
'Ingersoll Cream or ,Pimento Cheese 2 pkgs, 25c
.!Grieco l's per tin 27c
New Canadian Yet1'ow Cheese per lb. 18c
Fruits for Sal'ad's, 2'sgt. per tin 28c
Brillo, "Cleans, Sdours and Po'l'ishes in one operation" 2 pkgs. 25c
Cooking Figs 2 lbs. 19c
Acadia Codlfish per lb. 18c
•Sunera per pkg. 23c
!White Beans 3 lbs. 10c
per plug. lbc
2 lbs. 35c
2 ass, 25c
per lb. 19e
per ib. 19c
per box 89c
Pigs, 3 oz.
Mixed Nuts
Satin Mixed Candy
Chocolate Drops
French Creams
Saapertaste and Fron•tenac'Ohacola'tes, 3 bb. boxes
To Our Friends, Customers and Competitors, we wish you a
Happy, Prosperous New Year.
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Cream Cream 1
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values 'consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do, better—"Give us a trial.'?
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day .phone 67.
Mr. and' Mrs. Samuel Hanna were
guests" of Mr. and Mrs, .C. Weber at.
'ui ood'hans for 'Ohristm'as Day. a
Miss Mae Webster of 'To.ron+to.
spent several days at her home ir'
icK ll.op.
Mr. Frank Cudmore of T'oront'o
was a visitor at she home of his par-
ents,. Mr, anal Mrs. Wm. Cudmove,
Liver Christmas.
Ir. Lawrence Webster
of Kin
ton who was a holiday visitor with
Isis parents, Mr. mad Mas. Jahn Web
stets, left Thursday to spent .a few
slays in Toronto,
There is nomore, effective vermi-
fuge on the market than ili1Qer's
1Wornt Powders. They will not only
clear the stomach and, bowels of
worms, but will prove a very service-
able medicine for Ch'ild'ren in xegulat
lug t'he infantile system and main
aaicting ft in a healthycondition,
'There is nothing in their composition
•that will injure the most delioate s'to-
Macli when directions are . followed,
and they can be given to children in
the full assurance that they will utter -
1 s destroy, all .worms. '!
Mr. Frank Smale and Mir. Neil
'Smale, of Detroit spent several days
with their father, Mr. Thos. Smelt.
Miss Margaret Jordan o:f Windsor
!is visibin'g her aunt, Airs. Leo Por -
Dr. Clarkson and daughter of To-
ronto were Ch'ristm'as visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, D. Ferguson. '
Mrs. W. E, Butts has been spend-
ing the past week at Kippen owing to
the illness of her doughtier-in,law.
Mrs. W. E, Southgate S'r. left for
New Yoek on Thursday morning, ac-
companied by her daughter, Mrs.
Reg, W'ils'on of New York.
Miss Ethel McKay and Mr. Ranald
McKay of Toronto and Mr. arid Mrs,
H. Mason and Marion of Blyth were
holiday visitors with their mother.
:alias Dorothy Hutchis'an, of
C h ,
at at nes is spending the holidays
at the 'ho'me of her parents, ,.Mr, and
Mrs. F. D. Hatdhi•son.
Mr. Neil Bethune of Cleveland is
vi itin,
at his s hot„
during the e half -
da .
al r. Wim, Somerville of Toronto
spent the week-en'd. with his' Sisters,
Mrs, J. E. Whittaker and Miss Sorn-
Mr, Harry Puovi's and Mr. John
IRous'a i of Toronto. University visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs• Henry Hoggart dur-
ing the, week -end.
tains. J. R. H'abkirk, Mrs..Fdett and
daughter ,Mary and Mr. Arnold Hab-
kirk were Christina's visitors in To-
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Buchanan of
Walton were holiday visitors with
Mr. J. M. and Miss Robertson.
Mr, and Mrs. S. Gottschalk visited
relatives at Dashweadsonn ),Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Wan• Murdie and so
Kenneth; raid :Misses Isabel and El
abeth Murdie, all of Lueknaw, a
Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Wright ,o.f M
Kili'op, s'pen!t Christmas Day wi 33. 'Wlhite
Mr. Ernesit ,Edge, of Toronto, sp
•sdyeral days of the 'C'hrist'mas braid
wiith his father, Mr. H. Edge, a
Miss Jlosephiue Edge.
Mies K. Purdy, .of Toronto, was
Christmas visitor at the home of M
H. Edge and Miss Jiosephime.
Mr. J. Roy Morrison of Saskatoo
is sipending several weeks with
parents, Mr. and Mrs,. James Mor
son. Mr. Morrison made the 190
mile, journey by motor and found t
roads clear of siioiw except the fir
,eighty miles out of S si.atoon.
Mr:' A. M. Wdodley of Ridgewa
agent a few days at the home of M
and Mrs. John Cummings fast week
?:lir. W. Jas. Sims and son' Jam'
were Monday visitors with the fo
user's daugh'te'r, Mrs. Lorne Dssle.
Misses Margaret and Lorna Dai
are spending the.holid'ay's in Blyth.
'Christmas guests with Mr. an
_firs. S. Cu•dmore were Miss Blanch
ILig!h'tatvler, R.K., of Windsor, an
lier mother, Mrs. Ligh'tawier of 'Sea
forth, also Mrs. Mary Harvey an
her daughter, Miss Gliadys M. Hary
ey, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar
nofd Wes'tcatt and family, also Mrs
;Annie Wetscott of Seaforth.
Mr. Sam 'Cudmore is suffering from
a very sore eye which he receive
While splitting wood, a stick h'ittin
him in the eye.
.Mr. Will Pollard of Woodville f
spending the holidays with his par
eats, Mr. and Airs, ,Joshua Poldar:d
Mr. W. H. Little of Port Dove
was a holiday visitor with his father
33r. Andrew Little.
Mr. anid Mrs. George Seip and fa
mily s'penit Christmas at New Ham
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunt of Tarots
to are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Goveniock
and two daughters, Lois and Joan, of
)\Va'terford, spent Christmas at their
respective parents' homes, Mr. and
!Mrs. J. M. Go•venlock and .lir. and
3'frs. Will Sproat.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pevibt and baby
of Guelph, spent Christmas at Mrs.
Pevitt's aunts, Miss Margaret Henry.
Mr. and Mrs: Ed. MdGavin' of
!Windsor, sor
Mr. and _lies. Fred .lI'cIG'av-
1n of Detroit, motored here and spent
Christmas with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry MdGavin, in Tucker -
smith. S'arry to learn that Mrs. Mc -
Gavin. Sr. is still quite poorly.
'Dr. and Mrs. Glenfield, Wall'ace-
towtn, anal Miss Hazel Elcoat, spent
'Christm'as with their father, Ma, Wm
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Lcunon and
sons, Edward and Peter, of !Montreal,
'Mrs. Mahon and airs. Thorpe, of De-
troit, were Christmas visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. James Devereaux.
Mr. E. A. Phelan of Hamilton was
a vis'i'tor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J F. Daly.
'Mi'ss Ella Elder is spending this
.week in Toronto.
Mr. Dlave Reid of Kirkland Lake is
a holiday visitor at his home here.
Miss Jessie Charters of .Lansing,
Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Charters, "Milton Place,"
Mill Road.
!Skaters have. been enjoying the ice
on the recreation grounds this week,
and also at Beabtie's and Scott's.
blr. Fred Ja'cicson of Merri'ckville
is spending the holidays at his home.
Mr. Stanley Dunlop of Stratford,
spent ahridtnlas with Mr. and Mrs:
A. W. Dunlop.
'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Treble and
'Miss Mangaret Charmer of London,
.and Mr. Elroy B'rvwnlce of Toronto
spent the week end at the hone of
Mr. and Mrs. George Brownlee.
A Watch Night Service will be held
in Si. Thomas' Church on New \'ear'•s
Eve, the service commen'oing at 11.45
Mrs. Ii. Desborough left for North-
ville, Mich., last S'aturd'ay to resume
her duties it the sanitarium, alter
spending Christmas with her parents,
Ma. and Mrs. T s.
C. Eckart and her bro-
thers and sisters of this vicinity.
Miss Lydia Reid spent part of the
week at the home of Mr. ,and Af rs' W.
J. Biolcell.
Many t> friends of Chief W.G, Fee -
g t to learn that he will be con-
fined to his home for six weeks ' as
the result of his fall on the stairs fn
the town hall. The side of his head
anal bock were somewhat injured,
nvore than at first thought.
1Tw'o tran's'ients are reported as hav-
ing appeared at three or four houses
Saturday night and Sunday night, re-,
eciving money and meals several
times each evening.
WatsonMiss Belle lMsofPar ,
t Atbht
has been spending the,holidays at the
hoop of her father, Mr, James Walt
Mr.. Robert Muldrew of Brockville
is visi'tin'g his sister, Miss Muidre'w,
who has been seriously 111..
There are, amts•• roads we
HAVF,,.•std' catty. But ;eye-.
strAis{ needn'_ be one of
them. Is THAT a burden?
i'o doubt pf it. Al! day
very clay—eyestrain, i'f you
have it, drays' on your nerve
supply exc lively. •I,0 re-
tards you s y, surely, and
i maty e
ft Li nlin'a M111' -
Y t. g
iy. Unload. it. Let our ser-
vice cause you to see with
c anado rt.
Continued next week.
Thirteen men' departed for the Ken-
dra district unemployed relief wark
'from Seaforth C.N.R. station en the.
311.0 p.m. train Tuesday, bound for
'Toronto and alien North, Their catn'p
will be at Bonheur. Ten was
originally ahe quota 'for S'ea'fart'h but
three more filled vacancies elsewhere.
There was a crowd at the depot to
see them off, though there was only
short notice o'f their leaving, the men
having been examined by the
supervisor 'from Stratford and Dr. F.
J. 'Bnrro'ws on Monday ati'glat, Lug-
gage consisted of old grips ar a bun-
dle. Two or three ,were wearing
new Overalls and new high top
boots. 'Nearly all had magazines
strapped to their luggage. Only. a
.few ,of the .men 'took enough luggage
to weigh 'one half of the 150 pounds
'Permitted. Some 'tad skates tucked
inside their 'bundles and. fior the most
pant 'all looked as if just going to a
h'o'ckey game, but 'there were a few
tears in bidding "Goodbye" for the
The eaeares!t to an argument or •dis-
'tunbaace 'arose over whether they
would stay at the King Edward or
the Royal York hotels it in 'Toronto
over 'Tuesday night—a bit of good-
natured chaffing.
The majority of those going from
Seaforth are young men and only a
couple have been in the North ,coun-
try before.
It is understood Goderich and Mit-
chell each sent five melt and Clinton
Ali travelled together in the rear
coach of the train which was reserved
for them. Mayor Daly and .Warden
Beattie saw the men off at the sta-
1St. Marys. Stratford and Palmer-
ston also sent men in this con-
Those going from Seaforth were:
!Frank Knight, Fred Reeves, Norman
!N•ich'ol, Rhoderich MdLean, Thos.
•Hicknell, Cecil Adams, Lou Hicknell,
Harold :Hart, Orville Holmes, Norval
Bell, Russell Holmes, Jack Der -
ranee and Ro'bert Venus.
aft. . Floyd Higgins, superinten•den't
of the unemployment service bureau
at Stratford. and two assistants, were
here examining the applicants,
The sc,hool room of the Egmond-
viIie Church looked very beautiful on
Tuesdlay evening with its decorated
.Christmas trees and shaded lights,
when the Young Ladies' Bible Class
entertained the Young Men's Club
and the young people Of the congre-
gation who are 'at home for the vaca-
The `Christmas' idea was carried
out also in the decoration of the
banquet tables. Small 'Christmas
'trees, red candles, and red 'roses being
used, while the place cards were tiny
pine trees.
The 'guests were received by Mrs.
W. F. McMillan, Honorary . Presi-
dent; Miss Alice Thompson', Presi-
dent; Miss Rena McKenzie, Teacher,
and Miss Mabel Cameron.
As the company gathered, Miss
Violet Tyndall, A;L:C;M„ rendered
Let us protect you anywhere in
or the UnitedStates Stat s with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non. Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and.
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
.Phone, write or call—Night and'
Day Service
Phone 152
Office over Keating'.a Drug Store
suitable organ selections.
Over one ,hun'dted youing people etii=
joyed the splendid feas't 01 good
things provided. The program which
folllo'wed was of a very high order
,and will not soon be forgotten by
those privileged .bo hear it. .The ,Pres-
ident, Miss Alice Thomlps'on, made an
adani•rable toast mistress. After the
Toast to tate King, Miss Gladys Cole-
man proposed the Toast to 'Our
•Country.' Mr. Davis Moore respond-
eal. The Reverend Charles -Malcolm,
'AA., the minister, spoke to 'The
IChtirch,' our spiritual mother, The
'Sunday School' was proposed by
Miss Evalen'a Nott, and responded' to
by the Superin!tei'dent, _Mr. Arthur
Routledge. `Our Guests' was given
by Mist Rena McKenzie, and Mr..
Edwin• Chesney replied. Coupledi
'with the Toast to 'The Young Men''s
Club' were the names of Miss Marg-
aret Bro'adfoat anid Mr. Robert Tyii-
d'a11, secretary of the Club. Mr, Ken-
neth Jackson and 3f3s's Jean Smith
were responsible for the' Toast to
'Our Hostesses' and the reply, In
proposing the Toast to 'O'ur Task'
Miss Margaret Forrest gave a most
interesting description of Iiali'burton
'County, whereshe is teaching at pre-
sent, and incidentally doing a splen-
did bit of Sunday School work. Mr.
E. J. Smith, of Stratford, in reply,
apeakirsg from his experience:as a
business man, and a churchman, chal-
lenged the young men and women of
today bo a life Of high purpose.
During the evening, :blr. Charles
Boyd and Miss Jeanette 'Finnigan
sang very fine solos, Miss Vera Hud-
son gave a delightful reading, and
Miss I•va Nott accompanied the sing-
Miss Rena MacKenzie and the girls
who were in charge of the banquet
are to be heartily congratulated for
their ability in arranging and carry-
ing out so successfully every detail.
The aliases Bertha Hoggart, Estella
Murphy, Kathleen. .Beacom, Helen
:blcdEwin'g, !Olive Knox and. Jean
Stevens spent 'Friday afternoon of
last week at the home of Miss Mar-
jorie 'Colson, to make little bags and
'fill them 'for the small children who
attended !Sunday 'School. In all they
made ,and filled around 60.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parson and
Miss Olive Knox attended the School
Entertainment on !Monday afternoon
the 'school west of Blyth t11aere Ena
teaches. The •program was good, also
a tendance,
Mrs. Jennie Knox visited at the
home of her dangh'tsr, 'Mrs. 'Thos. Ap-
pidby, McKi1'Io.p, over the week -end.
Mr. Thos. A. 'Knox spent a few
days fast week at the home of his son,
Wm. and Mrs. 'Knox, of Grey. While
there they also attended a progres-
s'iv'e euchre and dance party at the
home of 'Mr. Buchanan.
Miss Lydia Reid, teacher at Har -
lack s'c'hool, held their' school enter-
tainment and Christmas tree Friday
afternoon of last week. There was a
good program and the attendance was
large. Miss Reid gave all the 'school
children a treat as usual, of candies,
nuts and oranges.
.Miss Mary Reid .of Parkhill is holi-
daying at the homes of her brothers,
Mr. AngusReid and Mr. iD'avid'Reid.
Mr. Leslie Reid, Audrey Knox and
Mr. and Mrs. !I. 'Rapson visited on
Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
A. W. ?Beacom.
'The Sunday 'School entertainment
and Ohris!tnras Tree of (Burns' United
:Church was held on Monday evening.
The programme was got up by the
four s'ch'ool teachers, Miss Lydia
Reid,'Miss rFerguson and the Misses
Mary and Olive Moon. The children
all did their parts well and teachers
and pupils deserve credit. There was
a large attendance and at the close of
the program, 'Rev. Mr. Forster pre-
sented the diplomas, seals and books,
alter which the 'Christmas tree was
unloaded, Mr. 'Tiros, 'Neilans acting as
Santa Ofaus.
Mr. 'Reg. Bali of Summerhill has
been cutting wood at the home o:f Mr.
A W. 'MciEwing.
'We wish to extend to all the com-
pliments of the season, and, Health,
Happiness and Prosperity throughout
the New Year.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph (Little and Mr.
Neil 'Montgohuery spent 'Christmas
with 'friends in 'Bel ave.
Mr. andr
M s. Fee -g. Bullard and
.spent !Christm'a's with Mr. and
'Mrs. John Armstrong of !London.
'.Mire. ,and Mrs. Kenny Bennett and
family Of 'Wlaiton, 'Mr, and 'Mrs. 'Fos-
ter 'Bennett and daughter Mona spent
Friday with )ir. and Mrs. George
'Mr. and Mrti. Frank Jolau•ston add
family spent Friday. saltai ,Mr and
Mgrs. Jahn Bolger of Walton.
Mrs. 'Mist, Velma and Vera spent
the e holidaY with
Mr. and 'Mrs.
Jackson of Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. 6ieo. W'heatleyr
!Bl'a'nche and !Elva of Constance, Spent
C'h'raaan1A;,..saith Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
A large crowd attended the nomin
%; tea � ,t04
To wish our many Clients
and Friends
and happy prosperity in
the coming year.
ation in Winthrop hall last Monday
afternoon. Those in the 'field for el-
ection en Mdnday are as foilowls:
Iteere, John Eckart, John Campbell;
;Coumciliers, 'Russel 'Dori -ante, Thos.
'McKay, J. O'Rourke, Hwgh {Alexan-
d'er'and Dan Regele.
Dana forget the dance in the hall
this Thursday eveniing,
33r. ITolan Bullard spent Christiatas
with Mr. Harold Smalldon of 'Walton.
.Mr. and firs. Adana ',Dodds of Lis-
towel spent Christmas with friends
Mr. 'Win, Robinson 'al London call-
ed on relatives east of the village on
Mr. Harold Smalldon and family' of
Walton spent Sunday with _Me. and
Mrs. George Eaton.
�Ir• 'Harold Snralldon and family
of Ci,ral•ton spent !Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. George 'Eaton.
Miss Isabel Eaton spent the weelc
end with Mr, and Mrs, Foster Ben-
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Tre'w'artha
spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs.
Harburn of 'Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewartha and
Bill spenit Christmas with Mr, and
Mrs. Zack McSpadden.
Mr. Nelson Govenlock of Water-
ford called on 'friends in the village
on Saturday.
3frs. Pryce and Nellie of Seaforth,
Mr. Ed. Pryce and Miss Annie Pryce
of Constance spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. George Pryce.
'Happy New Year to all!
Mr. Howard Leary of London
spent the Christmas holidays at his
Mr. 'Clarence Norris of Toronto
University is spending the holidays
under the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffry of De-
troit spent the Christmas week -end
with the former's parents, Mr. and
!firs. Wm. Jeffry.
,Hiss I. Cooper of Toronto and
Miss F. Cooper of Seaforth visited
their sister, 2Irs. F. Hambley over
the Christmas week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. IRobt. Livingstone,
!Hamilton, spent Christmas Day with
their parents.
!Mr. Fraser ,Oliver of Hamilton Un-
iversity is holidaying at his honi•e.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray, Toron-
to, are visiting with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Gray.
!After some lengthy arguments on
Monday the Council were all returned
by acclamation.
Mr. and Mrs. :Walter O'Brien of
]Flint, :spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, F. O'Brien.
Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Stewart spent
Christmas in Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson spent
the past week in Exeter with their
daughter, Mrs. C. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Golding of Strat-
ford, Mr. and Mrs. W. Golding of
'Seaforth called on their parents for a
w=hile Christmas Day.
Major and Mrs, \ioDon'ald olf
Stratford spent the Christmas week-
end with their daughter, airs. F. L.
3fiss Lucy Burke of London is
holidaying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Burke.
Protect the child from the ravages
of worms by using Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator. It is a standard
remedy, and years of use have en-
hanced its reputation.
Let us have the names of your visitors
The Old Year Ont
and the New 'Year 'in
of Wingham
atWW inI thio
P ..Mall..
Thurs., Dec. 31
A'dtmisdion : 'Gents 75c, Ladies free.
Lunch served