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Swdwlden Bros., Publishers.
Mrs. Hurley and Miss Burley of
Heidelberg sipent, the past week with
the' form'er''s .',tighter, Mrs, Chas.
Misses Ii'az,e1 and Winifred Mager
Of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie
Drager of Galt were Christmas visit
ions in Walton.
Mr. George Kirldby of Corbet spent
the 'holiday week with his parents,
Mr. and M.rs. H. Kiirkby.
Mise Vera Gardiner of Toronto Un'-
tversity, is spending the holiday at her
p'aren'ts, Mr,. and Mrs, 0?, Gardiner;
Miss Muriel Farquharson of Gode-
rich, spent Christmas with her par-
ents, M'r. and Mrs. Wm. Farquhar-
'Mrs. E, Britton of Londesboro is
spending a week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Love.
Miss Amy Love of Toronto spent
iehr,istmas with her :parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Love.
Mrs. W. W. Neal is not enjoying
the best of health at present, we are
sorry to hear.
IDr. H'ackwell and daughter Fyaith,
of Buffalo, N.Y.. came on Monday to
spend several days with his mother,
Mrs. Hackwel1 Sr., and his brothers.
Mr. Kenneth Smothers of Greenway
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Kirkby of this village.
The teachers and pupils of Walton
school put on a splendid Christmas
concert in the school on December
22nd. Quite a number of the parents
were out to hear the entertainment
which was exceedingly 'well rendered.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Miller and son
Clarence of Goderich spent Sunday
with Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods of Wal-
ton were visitors with the latter's
sister. Mrs. H. M. Patterson.
Mr. Charles Burlingg spent some
days with his son Lorne Burling, re-
turning home Monday.
)Jr..Joseph Nicholson visited his
aunt; Mrs. H. M. Patterson.
Mr. J. W. Mills is laid aside with a
carbuncle on the back of his neck.
We wish him a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Susan Lockhart is spending a
week with friends in 'Toronto.
Miss Hazel Petts of London spent
a few days with her parents, J. W.
and Mrs. Petts.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burnside of
'Goderich spenit Christmas with the
latter's mother, Mrs, J. Colclough.
Miss A. Macdonald visited friends
in Toronto.
Mr. Russell Armstrong of London
visited his mother. Mrs. Martin Arm-
Miss Ada Craig of Listowel was a
visitor with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Craig.
Mrs. Fingland of Walton, assisted
the choir of Queen Street United
Church on Sunday in the absence of
the choir leader, Irvine Wallace, who
is on the sick list,
Mrs. Charles Granby was called to
IChtitham oa Monday owing to the
sudden d.eath of her sister-in-law,
;Mrs. Harry Cade.
Miss A. M. Maines of Toronto was
'the guest of her parents, John: and
Mrs. Maines.
Rev. W. J. Maines and Mrs, Maines
of near Sarnia, were visitors with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Miss Cassie D'odcls and Mr. James
Dodo's spent Christmas at the home
of their sister, Mrs. Robertson and
Mr, Robertson of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig and .daugh-
terof Grand Bend are spending the
'holidays with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Craig also with
Mrs. Craig's brother, Mr. George
McNeil and sister, Mrs, William
Ha mm.
New Year service were held in
Queen St. United Church on Sunday.
evening. Appropriate sermons were
delivered by the minister, Rev. And-
erson. Mrs. Colin Fingland of Wal-
ton sang a beautiful solo, "The Holy.
City." Other selections were given by
the choir.
Messrs. Charles Stuart, Robert
Wallace and Wm, Bryant attended
the funeral of Mr. Finlay Lynn at
Fordwich on Monday, Mr. Lynn
was drowned on Christmas morning
while assisting in loosening boards in
the dam at the Fordiwich mill. The
funeral service was conducted by the
Orange Order of which deceased was
a member, about 100 Orangemen at-
tending the funeral.
• Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newcombe
.of tendon spent Stntday with their
cousin, virs. Ellen Wallace, and Mr,
:and Mrs. Irvine Wallace,
IDr.and Mrs. J. Hamilton of Dun
•gannon spent Christmas withtheir
daughter, Ura. Johnston and Eld-
;ridge Johnston. Other guests at the
;Johnston home were .lir. and Mrs.
Watt Hamilton and son of Lucknow,
Miss Grace Hamilton and Miss Gene-
vieve Hamilton of To'r'onto, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Gibson and MT, and• Mrs,
INlathlagiel Jto'h.aton,
Happy and Prosperous
New Year
to ally`
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
We wish our many Customers
and Friends
The Compliments of
the Season
With Happiness and Prosperity
for 1932
�Ao .
Chevrolet Sales and Service -
is retiring
a larger
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jenkins are: Mr. Harold Jenkins
Port Elgin, Mr. Gordon Jenkins of
and Mr. Gregor Fraser of
.school boards, for instance Seaforth
collegiate had granted increases to
members of staff this year while rural
teachers are being asked to take less,
'Difficulty of getting taxes paid when
due was touched an. Payment in twc
installments' would require further
.credit from the township, he believed
He favored allowing rebates for earl)
part payments made before June,
Weed cutting on roads was mentioned
from the audience. The speaker
thought if each farmer looleed after
the 80 rods in front of his farm it
would be a big help to the Township,
'The Township could look after the
.side roads, allowing 2 cents a nod.
'The next speaker was Mr. Win., M.
Doig, who was nominated for the
+Reeveship. Mr, Doig said he had beer
born and brought up in Tuckers'mith,
and had been a property owner since
he was eighteen years of age. He wig.
oroesly assailed a number of matters..
and expressed his views on county
matters as they have been conducted
at Goderich in the past. Following the
candidates for Reeve, several of those
nominated for Council spoke briefly
on municipal matters. The no'rnina-
tions' were: For Reeve — Wm. M,
(Doig, notninated by Hugh McMillan
and James Oameron;; Wm. R. Arch -
ibaid nominated' by Alex. Broadfoot
and Wm, Wiallace, For Council —
(Angus Brown nominated by Wm. Ir -
vine and Arthur Nicholson; Charles
rMacKay, nominated by Hugh Mc-
Millan and James A. Hay; Samuel
Whitmore, nominated by Gregor Mc -
Gregor and Albert Pepper; Matthew
Clark n'omin'ated by .M. Traquair and
(John A. Wiood; Ira johns, nominated
b34 Howard M. Crich and Amos
Townsend; ,Robert P. Watson, n'omin-
ated by Henry C. Zap'fe and Roger
Rice; Wm. Doig Jr., nominated by
Harry 'Tyndall and Wm. M. Sproat.
The meeting closed with the Nation -
al Anthem.
Carman Whitmore is improved and
able to be around again.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt and
John Martin and his sister Belle spent
Xmas at the home of their sister,
Mrs. H. MdLachdan and Mr, Me -
Lachman of Stanley.
Mrs, T. 'Coleman is on the sick flet.
Miss Margaret .Black is spending
the holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Black.
.Mr. Clayton .Martin of Englehart,
is spending the holidays with relat-
ives and friends in the vicinity,
Miss Gertrude Roberton returned
Toronto last Sunday after spend-
Christmas with her mother here,
Esther Jamieson of Toronto
spending her vacation with her
Mr. and Mrs, H. Moon are visiting
daughter, Mrs. Armstrong of
Mina Proctor returned home
visiting with her aunt, Mies Barr
the village.
H. I, Ruddell of Winnipeg is
a few weeks here the guest
her mother and brother.
and Mrs. Nott were Goderich
on Monday last.
Albert Knox and Will Fes.-
of Macklin, Sask„ are home on a
and Mrs, Ivan Ross and babe
to their home in Vineland
Monday last.
Wheeler of Belgrave spent
with her sister, Mrs. Mc-
and Mrs. Fingland and Miss
spent Christmas with Mr. and,
Frank Fi,ngland of Clinton.
are pleased to report Mr. C.
who has been under the doe
care for some time, is somewhat
Myrtle Grainger returned to
last Saturday after spending
holiday with her sisters here,
ratepayers of the
Ifiiled Walker's Hall at
to capacity on Monday af-
and followed proceedings
keen interest. TWO nominations
'Reeve, and seven nominations for
were made. Reeve Thompson
this year, Mr. R. J. Beatty
Egmondtville, chairman, .called on
members and then on the
for Reeve, whose remarks
closely followed by the audience.
Wm. Archibald reviewed items of
controlled by Council and
for which it only supplied
Rural councils should receive
share of motor car revenue
the Province, and should have
representation on .secondary
Wishing Everyone A
Happy and Prosperous
New Year
Sid. Dura e
Dry Cleaning and
:Vers, J. W. Smith of Sarnia, was a December, Those marked with an
'eek -end visitor with her sister, Mrs, asterisk were absentabsentfor examinations.
usseli Coleman, I Si, BV.—Olive Pryce 67,7; Allain
Miss Agnes Bro'adioat is spending Campbell 631; Oliver Pryce 62,2.
he holidays with her mother and l ;;Si ILII-HA,nnie Petthick 76,2.
a rather, at Brigden, Jr, IIV. — Muriel Dblma'ge 76,5;
Mr. (Davis ivnre of Toronto is (Helen (Blanchard 57.2; Harvey Dol -
spending the holiday with his parents'ttrege 514.9; Arthur McClure 42,5.
'n Tuckersmvith, I Jr.IIR.-Betty Bullard '82:7; dCath-
Messis, Arthur and Kenaneth Jack can S'h'annon 79,9; Ruth Campbell
soil of Flint and Guelph, are wisitiu•gI'.sfl,3,• 44Ruth Pe'thick,
thein mother, Mrs. J. Jackson. Pr.--1Gordon B7nn'chard, excellent.
Miss Betty Houston underwent an Best attendance for the year 1931,
appendicitis operatiian' in the 'hospital Harvey D'olrnalge absent 2 days in the
(Sunday morning. 'Her friends wish year.
(for a speedy recovery.
'Much credit is due to Miss Grieve,
teacher of S.S. No, 9, for the splen!di•d
concert- which was pr'esenited on ,Wed-
nesday evening, also for the dance
which followed the concert.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Cameroh and
son Elmer spent .Christmas at her
patents, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot of Bay-
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Wasmann and
sou Lawrence spent Christmas at the
hone of Mr. Jlames Cameron.
Mr. and Mns. Harry Collies and
family and Mr. and Mrs. R. McKen-
zie and family of Brucdfield, also Mr.
and Mrs: Moore and family spelat
'Christmas at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, A. Moore.
Mrs. Henry Peckeider of Lansing,
Mich., is home to spend the Christ-
mas vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Charters.
Mr. John McIntosh df Toronto
Un'iversi'ty spent the week end at the
home of his mother, Mrs, Jas. Mc-
Iiitosh, Mill Road. He left Tuesday
afternoon as a delegate to Buffalo.
Rev, Wm. Bell and Mrs. Bell all
Stratford were Christmas visitors at
the home of his sister, Mrs. jamas
Miss Louise Allen , of Hamilton is
visiting under the parental roof.
Mr. Robt. MdN•aughton df L'ond'on
is home for Christmas.
Mrs. George McCartney and son,
(Wilson, were visiting her niece, firs.
Albert Cardiff, who had a serious ac-
The following are the results of S.
S. No. 1, Tu'ckersmith, Christmas ex-
,Sr. IRT.JRieby Pfaff 78%, jack
'Traquair 74%, Helen Walker 69%,
Mildred Madge 63%.
Jr. SV.—'Agnes Fairbairn 79%.
tSr. IIII-'Ross Forest 75%, Ruby
Dalrymple 63%a, Bruce Volland 54%.
Sr. II,—.Hazel Dilling 92%, Mur-
ray Traquair 9S%, Roy Pepper 79%,
lEitbn Fairbairn 66%, 'Wilmer Dal-
rymple 54%
Sr. I,- .Margaret ICercher 79%.
Jr. I,—Arthur Traquair S1%a, Bloss
Pepp•er 69%,
[Highest marks in spelling and ar-
ithmetic were obtained by Agnes
1Fiairbairn, Hazel. Dining, Margaret
Kercher. Number on roll 16.
IC'ommnencing Sunday, January 3rd,
the ander of service le' the McKillop
churches; will ,be as follows: Winthrop
ISIS. 9:45 a.rn.; service 11 am. Beth-
el S.S. 2 p.m.; service 2:30 pan. Sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper will be
administered. Duff's, service 7:30 p.
m., subject, morning and evening,
"The Path af` Duty!'
Foilawndng is the report of S.G. No
4, :fid0illop, for November and Dec-
Sr. IRT.—Archie Smith 65%.
Jr. W.--iH'arvey Lamont 65%, Scott
Kerr 56%n.
Sr. VIII.—IA'nthur Henderson 94%,
George McClure 64%, .Ross Gordon
Jr. IIIiL—Al•ma ,Lawrence 73%, Hec-
tor Lamont 60%.
'Jr. IL—Lois Smith 95%, Lois Hen-
derson 74%.
'Sr. Pr.—Maxine Lawrence,
Jr Pr. -Clayton ,Heiser.
:School was open I92 days during
the year. Those having good atten-
dance were Hector Lamont I92 clays,
!Mina Lawrence 191, Arthur Hender-
son 189, Harvey Lamont 186.
' M. Wheatley, Teacher.
Following is the report of SJS. No.
6, I'cKiltop, for November and '.Dec-
,Sr. IV.-Maudie Sperling 75%, Ev-
elyn Hoegy 72%.
Jr. PV. -,Helen Elliott 7.6%, Vera
Duffy 75%, Glen Pryce 63%.
Sr. IlIIL--Leslie Pryce 83%, Gerald
O'Hara 74%,
Jr. IIhL—Rita Duffy 83%, Mary
Pryce and Marie Hoegy (equal) 73%,
Rita Ryan 70%, Beatrice Pryce 65%,
Hazel Sperling 64%, Everett Beur-
mann 62%p,
Sr, III. rubor Hoegy 80 , Aud-
rey Beurmann 79%, Bob Duffy 60%.
IJr, 11I, — .Louis Hoegy 75%, Leo
Ryan 73%, Billy Little 72%, Gordon
Beurmann 70%, Alwin Beurmann
I.-lIrene Connolly 83%.
Pr.—Jean Pryce, Rita Sloane, Mel -
'tin Beurmann,
iNum'ber on Roll 26. Average at-
tend'ance 2406.
Avona Dale, Teacher.
S.S. No, 10. —. 'Following is the re-
port for months of November and
Municipal nominatio'n's were held lar
the Tdwu'slhi:p hall, Vlar'nla, on Mon-
day, with the foi!lo'wing result, For
Reeve, Art Keyes, Wan, Douglas. For
Councillors—!John .E'tue, F. Stewart,
(Goldie Grraham, M. Hanley, Rolbit:
(Webster, Roy Lament, Webster Tur-
ner, Joe Greer and Fred Watson: •A
good 'crowd was in ."attendance and
much interest 'was shown in township
Mrs. Mary John.s'toin, who is 80
years of age, and has been living
alone in her home on Goshen Line,
Was found by her brother, Mr. Al-
bert MidClinohey last Thersrday
morning in ala unconscious condition,
having suffered a stroke the previous
night. At her adleanced age the
chances of her recovery are slight.
Miss Ellerin. MaClinchey also had a
slight stroke on Monday morning but
her condition is not serious and .we
hope for her speedy recovery,
Mr. Bert Dunn of Toronto spent
the week -end with Mr, and :firs. W.
J. Dawson.
The following is a report of the
!Christmas examinations ,held at S.S.
No. 4, North Stanley.
V.--tJohn Watson 63%, Beatrice
Houston 60%.
Sr. InT.--Keith Westlake 60%.
Jr. 1V.—jean Dunn 73%, Bert
Greer 71%, Stuart Wa'ts'on 68%, An-
toinette Rau 61%. r
Jr. iI:IS.=Jetunie Hunking a'5%,
Charlie Hunking 51%.
Sr. hL-83illy Armstrong 88%, Mel-
vin Greer', 84%, Gorden Westlake
b^2%n, Madge Houston 69%, Ethel
(Watson 64%, Wilfred Rau 44%.
iFirst—+Ilene Greer 95%, Andrew
Rau 83%, George Hunking 62%.
(Primer—Anthony Rau.
Best attendance—tKeith Westlake.
Best speller—Gordon Westlake, Il-
ene Greer, ;Billy Armstrong, Bert
'Greer, Stuart Watson, Madge Hous-
ton. Average attendance 17, no. on
roll 19.
Vina E. Hubert, Teacher.
Cleaners & Dyers
Phone 196, We call and deliver
The 'following is the report of U.
S. S. No, 12, Morris and Hullet't, for
the months of November and Decem-
!Sr. 2V.—Gerald 'Heffron 69.9%.
Sr. '1111I. — Katherine McDonald
Jr. IIII. -'Ivan Wightman 86.3%;
;Margaret Heffron 34%o, Edna Mc-
Donald 614:2%.
.Sr. 'hI.—HHarry Bryant 65.7%.
'Primer , — Isabelle McDonald
(good), Harry Bryant received the
spelling prize for the two months.
Edythe L. Storey, Teacher.
The Young •People of St. An-
drew's United Church are holding
their annual Watch Night service on
(Thursday night.
The W.M.S. meets next Wednes-
day at the home of Mrs. Isaac
Miss Etta. J'arrott of Toronto and
Mr. Gilbert Jarrett of London are
spending the holidays at home.
Miss 'Margaret Cooper of Toronto,
and Miss Grace Cooper of London
spent the holiday at hone.
Miss Grace Cooper who has been
visiting in Toronto, returned home
far Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. .Monteith spent
Christmas day in London with Mr.
?t•onteith's sister.
We are glad to hear little (Charlie
Dalrymple is improving after his op-
eration for appendicitis,
Mrs, T, •1v, Forsythe has been ill,.
and we hope she will soon be out
Mr, and Mrs Win. Ivison and Mr.
Henry and Miss Ivison spent Mott -
day inn Loudon.
lir. and .firs. Wesley French spent
the week -end in Seaforth.
,Miss Etta Bell is spending Christ-
mas holidays at her home.
Miss !Jessie Finlayson, who is
teaching near Belgrave', is home for
the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold-Hs;Imes of
Detroit are visiting with Mr, and
Mrs. R. T. Elgde and many friends in
this locality.
Mi, and Mrs, Jas. IVIcClymon•t are
visiting with friends in Chatham and
Municipal affairs are the topic of
the day in these parts and allure int-
erested in the outcome.
Mr. and Mrs, Grant Love of Lan-
sing, Mich., are spending a few days
with their parents in the village.
. Mr,.Wm, Dietz is imprQring slow-
V. J. Gillespie,. Prop,
iy after his recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAllister df
Edmonton, Alta., are spending a
month with friend's in thisi Vncftedty.
Mr. Glordon Wright of the CAC.,
Guelph, was a holiday visitor'with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jambe Wright.
Mr. Stanley Reid of, London spent
Oh•nisltin'as'w:iIli his father, Mr, C. H.
Reid. '
'Christmas visitors: Dr. McIE'wen of
(Detroit' and Mr, and Mrs. Hbimcs
and family of London were the guests
of Mr. John M•dEwea and Mus. Pear-.
son of Stanley. Mr. Alex. Addison
and Miss M. Aikenlhead of London,
visited' at the home of their parents.
Mr. Lance Norris of Totson'ta, Mr.
and' Mrs. West of St. Thom'a's; 'Mr. .4
ladle Mustard of Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. McQueen and -daughter,
of Sandusky, Michigan, visited' with -
friends in Clinton, Er1cefield and vi-
cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me- .
Queen and daughter attended' the
golden wedding anniversary of the
former's parents,' Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
Mr, Leonard Boyce and Mr. Alex.
Addison and Bins Margaret Aiken-
head are spending the Christmas holi-
days at horn,
Miss Anna Haugh who spent
'Christmas at her home here left
Tuesday to attend the S.VAM. con-
vention in Buffalo.
Mr, Jahn McIntosh, Mr. Lance
Norris, Mr. Carman and Miss Anila
Haugh and Miss Laura Swan spent
the holidays with their parents.
Mr. Webster McNaugthton off
Queen's University, and Mc. Robt.
and Miss Anna M.clNau'ghton Of Lon-
don are hone for the holidays.
'Mr. John tM:cdn'tosh, who spent the
week end at the home of his. mother,
is attending "The North American
S. V. Na. Convention" inn Buffalo.
Mr. and Stas, W. Ewald of Elkton,
Michigan, are spending the '`holidays
with, the latter's mother, Mrs: Louis
Hoegy, and brothers and friends in
the neighborhood.
Christmas passed off very quietly.
Some families attended the concert at
Ca'ven Church at Winthrop, and the
next evening in the school 'heuse No.
8, which was very good, acid was
much enjoyed by all that attended the
\ir. 'Charlie Regele took a business
trip to look after some property on
the boundary of Logan and F,llice,
where the lessee did nice keep up his
payments and the lease was cancelled
on Canada Co. property.
Mr. and MN. Ed. Regele and dau-
ghter (Shirley and Mrs. Jos. Thorn-
ton of North MCKill'op spent a few
hours with the former's parents on
(Saturday afternoon.
This is namivatfore day. There is
not much stir yet and we hope will
not be for Money is scarce this year to
have an election, and people ask: Will
new councillors do any .better. ? A.
change is not always the best,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Mw. Hoegy and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
W m Gross Of Hullett.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Eggert 'spent
Christmas with friends at W. Monk
ton and report the roads are fainly
good after the heavy rain.
The children, friends and neighbors
gathered at Mr. Henry Beuerinanss'a
on the 23rd instant to celebrate his
birthday and brought his a nice rock-
ing chair so that he may take a well
earned rest. We wish him ,many re-
turns of the clay.
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Doerr spent
Christmas with friends and relatives
at Gadsh'ill.
Nomination for Hullett council was
held in the community hall on Mon-
day with hall well filled with inter-
ested voters. Those nominiated' are
for Reeve, James Leiper and Mat-
thew Armstrong; for councillors, Mo-'
gridge, Forbes, Lawson, Knox and
Allen, ,
.Mi SA Alberta Snell, who spe nit se-
veral days •int Toronto, returned home.
Miss Vera, Watson of Goderich,
recently visited her panents, Mr, and
Mrs, Charlie io Watson of the tenth.
Miss Mary Woods of London vls-
ited her parents, lir, and Mrs. :Prank
Woods. of the 131th,
Mr, Art. Lyon of Kitchener spent
the holidays with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W. ,Lyon of the Gravel Road.
Messrs Eph. and Bent Gray are
spending the holidays with their pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. TGr7ay, '