HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-12-31, Page 1f"man.'a;.,;r Take heed to the moments; For with them they bear Of gents the most precious, And diamonds rare; • HURON COUNTY'S ort L E A D I N ,G NEWSPAPER And onward, still onward, You glide from the shore, To that vast, bowedless ocean, Where time is no more. (WHOLE ,SERIE!S, VOL. .53, No. 53. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1931. Phone 84. ,Before You purchase your 'Ohltinstntas candy visit our store. ,Special 1 Ib. boxes • 25c Family -pkgs, 1 lb. 35c (Assorted chocolates, bb. boxes 50'c ;Fancy boxes • 60c up •Qhristittas Satin Mixture 20c lb. rdhccolate Caramels and Creams. Mixed ... 25c Ib. (Humbugs, the best you .can buy, with a RIEAIL peppermint flavor 25c � LBS, FOR JJJ Candy Canes and Novelties The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant A Happy and Prosperous New Year' WE WISH TO .ALL ;OIJR CU'S- T'OMERS AND TO THOSE 'WI -10 .ARE NOT OUR CUSTOMERS. Providence haws 'blessed us with a bountiful harvest, notwithstand- ing Which we are in the midst of an unusual depression caused by mismanagement of men in some manner. ,Let us be thankful to Providence for His 'goodness and endeavor to profit from this depression by getting brick to simpler living. F. D. HUTCHISON AXE INFLICTS DEEP CUT. While chopping wood blocks on ISlaturday, Mr. Arnold Case narrowly escaped the loss of his left ' hand when. one of the blocks slipped and the axe ,siiruck a slanting bilow near his wrist, cutting the tendons. The wound re- quired a number of stitches, but is VOW recovering satisfactorily. HOME AND SCHOOL. The Home and School Association' will hold its regular afternoon meet- ing in the Public School on Monday, January 4th, at 4 o'clock. A paper, "Why. Adolescence is Bard on par- en,ts," wi1R be read .by Mrs. J. A. 2,lunn. A splendid musical program has been prepared. Please be pres- ent. HURON ROAD WEST IMr. Stewart Ball Of 'Oshawa spent IOhristmias ' at his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. William (Ball. ;Miss Jessie ;Balli of Detroit spent Ryer vacation 'with her patens, Mr.. and Mrs. Wan. 'Ball. ,Mr. 'William 'Storey spent Christ- mas in 1Dungannon. Mr. Fred Cook met with :a painful 6ccideenit 'while helping Mr. 'Loins Tell* LI Ide'horni some tattle, getting his finger 'badly cut. !The dleltou•r bridge on Lon'd'on road neat Clinton was carried alway by -the flood .last !Wednesday, making it nee eas'ary to go around' by O'Brieai's sddero'ad. CHURCH, CARD. North Side United Chureh.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. • Sunday, Jan. 3'rd 1932. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Sa'bjject, "Kept:" 2,30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Subject, "The Royal Life." ;CHRISTMAS AT ST. THIOMIAS' A 'Christmas morning service was bald in St. Thomas' 'Church, Seaforth. At ,this. service a solo, "The Gift," w'as pleasingly sung by Mrs. J. A. Munn, On Sunday the services were of a 'Christmas character. An old English composition, "While Shepherds Watch My ;Flocks by ,Niglut, was sung during the morning service by a sextette composed of Mfrs. J. H. Best, Miss Pinkney, Mrs. Case, Miss Freeman, Mr. Edge and lir. Buffin. The 'Deus ,itiseratur" was Tendered by the choir at the evening service. "0 Conte ;All Ye Faithful," was also sung as an anthems, •with Mr. Roy Ruffin as soloist and trio by .Mrs. J. A. Case and Miss Freeman, contr- alto, Mr. H. Edge, bass and Mr. R. Boffin, tenor. Sermons appropriate to the season were preached at each servioe by the rector, Rev. J. F. Myers. CHRISTMAS EN,TERTAI'NMENT St. Thomas' Sunday School annual Christmas entertatininent was held in the ,parish hall an Wednesday even- ing,Decernber 23rd. A..ibountditfl sup- ••p.er was served as usual at 5.30 .p.m. At the opening of the evening's pro- gram, ,the rentor, Rev. iJ. F. Myers, addressed ,the audience. Every num- ber drew well -merited applause. The pno•grain was as follows: Lantern slides; "Little Red 'Riding Hood," and "Favorite Animals," a -carol 'by ,the !S.un'dly School; a cantata in. avhich twenty -(five of the younger members took part; piano solo, Jean Mangey; song, Nielson. and Robert ,'Stead rec- Ltatian, .Marion MoGavin; piano sola, IHazei 'Earle; recitations, .Shirley Old- Ifield, John Oldfield; pian' solo, John Oldfield; recitations, 'Margaret B'ar- lavv; Doris Barlow, ,Arthur Fkaser, Jimmie 'Brown, Bernice ,Brown; song, •"Arwlevaard Boys," dialogue, "Living the Christmas Spirit," by mentbens of Miss 1 inkney's ,class, Leona Hothan, dMary Holmes, Jean Dungey, ,Hazel Earle, Marion Moore, Qnalee Moore, Dorothy `,Fraser and Mary Johnston. Mr. Roy Boffin sang, 'a Golo albout Santa 1Chaus and ,that worthy .gentle;- man appeared to give a present and a stocking of candy; to each 'child. Prizes were given for ,attendance and Scripture reading' to Mary Johnston, a'b'sent two .Sundays, and M. Holmes. The program clo's'ed with the singing of the national ,anthem. BORN. I 'FaVNiEIDIY.-1In Tuckerstiith, on ,Sunday, Dlecenmber 206, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy, a son (Louis Joseph.) E. L. BOX Phone 43 Mayor and Council Elected by Acclamation Contest for Reeve Between John Grieve and Robert Smith, At 9 ,o'clock Tuesday night the fol- lowing had cmalified for municipal .01f - lice in Seaforth for 1932. Mayor -43, F. Daly (accl.) Reeve—john 'Grieve, Robert Smith, 1C'ot ncillbrs (accl,) Leonard, F. Bolton, Isaac Hudson, !Thomas J, IS'te'p'hens, William IW. Crosier, 1FIar- old iD. Dale, John H. Scott. The first three .councillors are Members of the last year's council. Pub. Utility 'Cann,—'W. 31..Golding. 'School TrrrsteesJN,orth Ward, R. Archibald, East ,Ward, C. Robles; (South Ward, 'R. J,oynit, Election in McKillop. (There will be an election in Mc- Killop for the 1932 Council. The fol- lowing names were placed in nomin- ation and will be before the electors: (For Reeve—+J'o'hn Campbell, John if. Eckert. For Council— Hugh Alexander, Russell Dorranlce, Thos. McKay, Jos- eph O'Rourke, Dan Regele. Acclamation in Tuckersmith. The following have been elected (Reeve and Councillors in Tucker - smith for 1932:, Reeve—Wm. R. Archibald. !Council—Angus Brown, Chas. Mac- Kay, Mat. Clark, Ira Johns. Acclamation in Hay Township. Reeve—.(accl.)—L. Rader. ;Council—(Accl.) —.A. hIelic'1, W. (Alexander, E. J. Walter, A. Du- charme. Election in Stanley. Nominations.—(For Reeve—William Douglas nominated by Wm. Carnie and A. A. Price; Art. P. Keyes, nom- inated by Francis Coleman and Bert Peck. For Council-aGloldie Graham, nominated by Ralph Stephenson and George Clarke; Jos. Greer, nominat- ed by Thos . Westlake' and, Robt. (Webster; Roy Lamont, nominated by John .Arm•sirong and Fred Wat- son; Webster Turner, nominated by Root. MdClinchey and Thos Reid; 'F. Stewart, nominated by Ed. Foster and Will Reid; H. M. Hanley, nom- inated by Fred Anderson and Arthur IW'il'tse; Robert Webster, nominated by Rdb't. MbC'hfnchey and Rabp'h Ste- phenson; Fred Wratslon, nominated 'by Roy Lamont and Nelson Reid.; John Eltue nominated by John Rath - well and Will Reid. There will be an election in Stan- ley for Reeve and C'ouncill'ors. John lEtue has retired from the list for 'Council. DOLL CONTEST WINNERS. ' 'The winners of the doll contest conducted 'by IKe'atings' Pharmacy, ending Christmas eve were as follows, there being 27 winners among the 53 entries, the first two prizes, doll houses, ,amid bhe remainder., dolls: Barbara Sproat, Helen Smith. Joanne McMillan, Patricia Bechely, Annie Wood, 'Jean Wright, Margaret McILeotl, Dorid Ferguson, Thelma IDalinage, Lenore ,Habki'rk, Mildred Attcheson, !Lorne Dale, Lois G.ove.n- lock, Wilma Hay, Grace Stead, Bar- bara Best, Marion Sclater, Phyllis 'Scott Betty M'o'ore, Geralda F.1ant- nlery; Cleta Dickeoi, Ruth Fraser, Peggy Willis, Fergus 'nen, Doris Eis- ler, Jean Swan, Ruth Anderson. iTihe votes were all close. KERR-KNO'WLES. Alt the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. NV.lSltronrac!h, Lytton blvd., the mar- riagewas solemnized of Mary Agnes, ylounlgest daughter of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Knowles and sister of Mrs. S'tronalch, to Mr. James Leslie Kerr, M.A., of Toronto, youngest son of Mr, ,and 'Mrs. Janes Kerr, Seaforth. !Rev: Dr. W. M. Kann,aw•in officiated. (Mrs. Frederick MdMacken played the wedding music and Mrs. Hamilton Cendinnin'g sang daring the signing off the register. Ifhe bride, given in marriage by her brother=iu-law, Mr. E. W. Stronach, w'as gowned in rose- wood face, made on long lines and fitted to the knees, where net insets gave added and graceful fullness. She wore a matching lace coat and carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses.'ulfiss ,Margaret Knowles, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing a Lanvin green chiffon frock with a velvet crush girdle in two other shades of green. I1 -ler bouquet was composed of Talisman roses. NOMINATION5EErfING. The non inat'v?'"�N'meetin;g held in stile town hall Monday evening was well attended) and a larges number than uncal were nominatc+l, nineteen. names being proposed for' council. Town Clerk J. A. Wilson was ap pointed chairman for the meeting at the close of nominations, and called tepon Mayor J., F. Daly, who reviewed the work of the council during the year, pointing out tIihat strict economy had been the rule in expenditures can - ;trolled by the council, and the tax rate had been lowered. One of the prob- lems to come before the new council 'would be a settlement with the Wol- verton Flour Mills, who . were new two years in arrears, a matter of $1900 a year. The Canada Furniture :Factory, although closed at present, is all clear as far as the town is con- cerned; the Bell Engine & Thresher Co. is in good shape, l'hey have paid thousands upon thousands of dollars in lieges in town, and the town has first class security; Avon Chests have askl the town for support, this mat- ter would conte before the new coun- cil. In closing Mayor Daly said he had gilt -en the .town's business the sante careful attention as his own, and would continue to do so if honored with a second term. Reeve J. W. Beattie said he had oc- cupied the Reeve's chair for eight years and this year he had been hon- ored with the position of Warden. The affairs of the town had been con- ducted in a bus'iness'like and harmon- ious' way and the county council work had also been satisfactory. He had found that much of the town's expen- diture was not within the control of the council, and -the sure was true of the county council The educational expense of the county council was heavy but not under their control, mudh of the highway expense the same, and the administration of jus- tice accounts were also very heavy and not in bhe control of the county council. The cost of the three McNeil trials had totalled over $3,000 An ap- peal had been made to the Depart- nten•t that some fees allowed were too heavy and relief had been promised. Mr. Beattie explained he had voted a'ga'inst the five per cent. reduction in salary for all county salaries, because he believed that some salaries could be reduced much more than five per cent. and others were scarcely being paid enough and a cut would be un- fair to these, ,Mr. Beattie said that the equalization of the county assess- ment would came up again at the county council next year, as it had to be revised every five years. The last time the committee, awing to a mis take, had been composed of - three rur- al members, instead of two rural and one urban members, and the town as- sessments had been boosted unfairly. (Subsequently a thirty per cent. reduc- tion from the committee's rating had been .secured for the towns. He had intended stepping aside this year but had received many urgent requests to stand as reeve again, and was there- fore as yet undecided. IMr. R. J. McMillan said he would not be its the ,field for office ,but wish- ed to lay before the electors the need for economy, and entered into a dis- cussion of Dominion, provincial and railway matters and superannuation figures. A protest was made from the audience that these subjects were not municipal. 81r. Robert Smith announced that be would be in the field for Reeve as he wished to step up from council or drop out, Mr. Isaac Hudson gave a brief out line of his work on the property com- mittee. Mr, Con Eckart said the large ex- penditures were not controlled by council. He also mentioned a propo- sal'•to let street work by tender to give aid a chance. Mr. Andrew Archibald said he was not seeking office and would not create an election. Mr. Jn'o. McKenzie thanked 'his mover and seconder, but said he was not in the field. Mr. Jno. H. Scott said he would ,only qualify if necessary to do s'o in order to make a council. Mr. W. W. Crosier said he had conte to Seaforth five years ago and liked the town. Ile'had had consid- erable municipal experience and had ,been a member of 'Norfolk county. council as' reeve of Windham. How- ever, everyone seemed s'atis'fied with the present council as there were no complaints at the nomination meeting which was the place for threshing out problem's, though one occasionally heard a criticism on the street. He had only one complaint and that was a mud -hole in front ,of his shop, which, he humorously warned, he would certainly fix if on the council EXTENDING our sin- cere thanks to all our friends and patrons of this store, and wish= all, most sincerely, a Happy and Prosperous New Year Fred. S. Savauge n.�in�a n.ru u�na�na�u�n�eo�--n n�a nen n�ua�a 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 MR. PND MRS. JAS. McQUEEN 1iW'ho celebrated their Golden Wedding at their home in Brucefteld I a on Decentber 33rd. next year. Mr. W. H. Golding spoke regarding the work of the Public Utilities, pointing out that the recent refund from surplus showed that everything was satisfactory in that department. Referring to municipal matters he mentioned that the tax arrears had been a serious prdblem in 'his time,. but that notwithstanding a special drive on back taxes recently, the fig- ure had grown front $5.000 to $1.0,0.00. The ,townships had even greater dif- ficulty and some solution would have to be found. Mr. Golding said he had recently been appointed to a commit- tee by the county council to make suggestions for revising the Municipal Act and from his experience there were several changes in the Act he believed necessary. !The following were nominated: For Mayor: J. F. Daly J. W. Beattie R. J. McMillan 1For Reeve: J. W. Beattie. •Rob;t. 3. McMillan IRabt. Smith 'John Grieve For Council: L, F. Bolton ,Robt. Smith Tinos, J. Stephens Isaac Hudson Andrew Archibald Con Eckart C. Holmes 'Cha's, Brodie John C. McKenzie Ross J. Sproat John Beattie . LRoht. Jacksoii Merton Reid • Ernest L. Box 'Geo. D. Ferguson John 11. Scott Win. W. Crosier Chas. Aberhart Harald D. Dale Public Utilities 'Commission: W. H. Golding. 5 [Public School Trustees: R. Archibald (!North Ward) ,Chas. Holmes (East Ward) Robert Joyuit (South Ward). WEEK OF PRAYER. Services wi1R be held next week: 'MI'onday, at 8 p.m., in the Anglican Church, speaker, Rev. I. B. Kaine .'Tues. everting in Egmonrdvil'le Un- ited Church, speaker, Rev. W. P Lane. Wednesday evening, in Noarith Side United Church, speaker, Rev. C. A. Malcolm. Thursday evening in First Presby- terian Church, speaker, .Rev. J. F. Myers. The public is cordially invited to this series of meetings. MRS. HENRY B. PEICKELLDER (NEE JEISSIE CHARTER'S) GRANTED DIVORCE (Mrs. Jessie Peckeld,er, of Lansing, Mich„ filed suit for bill of divorce against Henry B. Peckel:der on May 29th, 1931. The final decree was granted by Judge • L. Curr of Invghant, County Circuit Court, Lansing, Mich., ,Sept. 5th, 1931. The decree provided Mrs. Peckelder with a property set- tlement and alimony, also the privil- ege of taking back her maiden name. CHRISTMAS SERVICES In St• James' Church, Midnight 'Wass was celebrated by the pastor, Rev. E. F. Goetz, on Christmas eve. Christmas carols were sung by the choir for fifty minutes preceding bhe Midtti,ght Mass, During :the .offertory the "Adeste Fidelis" was rendered by the choir under the leadership of Mrs F. Devereaux, organist. The solo part was taken thy Mr. Frank Sills with violin obligato. The service was very inspiring. The Christmas music was repeated on the following Sunday t_ornin'g and evening. The altars were beautifully decorates with cut dowers and colored lights.