HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-12-24, Page 8'PAGE E'I'GHT
''Phe massy ''friends of 'Mr. ' Alex.
Montt :are pleased to see him out
again anter his recent severe illness.
'Miss 'Jean B'onthron. of 'Gaelp'h: is
Spending the holidays at , her home.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Lad McEwau, ac-
comtpanied by Mrs, Prance'Farquhar
M.Mrs. 1, Fosteer, spent Thursday
in London,
IM'r. Harry Cook of 'Toronto is a
holiday visitor at his home here.
'Mrs. Roy IWe'bb'er and IN1rs. ,Toe
Hudson visited 'friends in London
last weele.
'Miss Margaret McLaren of Lon-
don is spending the Christmas holi-
days at her '• home there.
Miss Beryl Pfaff of 'London is a
holiday visitor with iter mother here.
Messrs. iHarry and !William Joynt
of 'Toronto University are spending
the holidays at their home.
,vIr. Gam 'Rennie assisted the choir
of the Seaforth Presbyterian 'Church
on Sunday evening,
-Miss Thelma 'Hudson of :London
spent the week end at her home here.
Mrs. George Case received word
last week 'from the west of the death
of her cousin, Mrs. Wm. '.McNaught-
Miss Flossie Foss visited :last week
with friends in 'London.
Mr, Wm. Moir of 'Huntsville visit-
ed friends in town last week.
The many friends of Mrs. T. C.
Joynt will he sorry to hear she is in
poor health these past .few days.
Mrs. R. Cudmore left recently 'for
;Toronto where she will spend the
winter with members of her family
in that city,
Mrs. W. J. Seed of 'Vancouver,
B.C., is visiting at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Richard Welsh,
Mfrs, Robert Bonthron has returned
home after a pleasant viist with
friends in London.
'Sacrament of the 'Lord's Supper
will be observed in the 'United Church
on Sunday, December 27th, it being
the last 'Sunday in the year.
Services in our 'local churches
were largely attended on .Sunday.
Christmas music and sermons were
The Sunday School and members
of St. 'Paul's Anglican .Church held
their annual Christmas entertainment
in the town hall on Monday evening
last. Chorus canols and recitations
were given and a three -act play, en-
titled, "The 'Love Gift," was present-
ed. This play is a religious mystery
play, featuring scenes from an early
Russian hamlet on Christmas eve
and was founded on the story of
"Why the Chimes Rang."
Mr. gas. Tapp of Montreal is
spending the holidays with his par-
ents. '
The cotn'tnunity Christmas tree put
on by the firemen was held oft Wed-
nesday afternoon. Addresses were
given by Reeve Geiger and the resi-
dent ministers sof the town and a pre-
sent was given to each child. The
Christmas tree this year is 'beautifully
decorated with various colottred
'Municipal matters are quiet in the
village, Nominations far reeve,
councillors, trustees and one public
utility commission will be held• on
Monday evening, December 28th.
There will most likely be a run for
the reeveship.
Miss Gladys Jarrott returned to her
home after visiting her aunts near
Mr. Maurice Farquhar returned to
his home in Hensel( after visiting his
Mr. B. Elder of Hensall is busy do-
ing some grinding in this vicinity.
Mr. Jonh Cochrane returned to his
nie after spending a few weeks in
uite a number are taking in the
01 entertainments in the schools.
Noble Holland and Mr. Wil-
rey made a business trip to
wn last week and brought
choice male silver fox. Mr,
has some pretty fine breed -
ler stock now.
Mr. Geo, Monk of Goderich town-
ship has moved onto the. Lindsay
property near Clinton.
Mr.and bns\
Noble Holland were
in last .ast week calling on Mr.
Duvail, fox rancher.
';14,4,4 1.,,,4
Wishing our many patrons a
Very Merry ehr st as
and a
Happy New Year
J. A. Westcott
'School Report. -•-The following 'are
results of the Christmas examination
of S.S, No. 2, Tuckersmith.
ISr. ItV,—(Gladys McKenzie S0%d,
Norma Hevenor 72, Ruth Watson 62,
Bruce MacGregor 59.
'Sr. III. Thelia Watson 80, Edna
isfae Dayman 72, Olive Smith 71, Do-
reen Cooper, 62, Dorothy Delta 60,
Bernard McLean 59, Ronald 'Mac-
Gregor 58.4, Mona Smith 51.
Jr. I'hI-(Edison McLean 65, Arth-
ur Field 56, Mildred Deitz 48.
ISr, II. Kathleen MacGregor 80,
Donald Dayman 69, Don •Cooper 67,
Blanche Watson 64, Ray 'Cooper 57,
Grace ;Schilbe and' Kenneth McKen-
zie (ties) 56.4, Robert Field 54.
Promoted from Sr. I. to Jr. Ir,—
Gwend'olyn "Cooper 79, Esther Day-
man 71, Marjorie Smith 70, Billie
Sproat and Willie Whitcombe (ties)
68, Kathleen Sc'hilbe 66.
Sr. Pr.--Jac•]c Deitz, Jean Sch'il'be,
Boddie Cooper and Joe McKenzie
Jr,iPr.—.Ronald 'Cadlwlelli, Eldred
Moffat, Idabel Watson.
'Best spellers in each class for No-
vember were: Sr. IV.—Gladys Mc-
Kenzie; Sr. II4.—Edna Mae Dayman,
Jr. IIIIL--Edison McLean; Sr. PI.—
Donald Day'nian, Sr. T.—Esther Day -
man. Best speller in school for No-
vember, Gladys McKenzie, Rest
spellers for December were: Sr. IV.—
Gladys McKenzie; Sr. IN.—Doreen
Cooper; Jr. I!I3.-4Edison MdLean;
Sr. I'I.--4Kathleen MacGregor; Sr. I.
—.Esther Dayman. Best spellers in
school for December were Doreen
Cooper and Kathleen MacGregor,
Number on moll 36, average attend-
ance for November 35.4.
Jean E. McKenzie, Teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Tebbutt, accompan-
ied by Mr, and Mrs. H. .McLachlan,
of Stanley, s'peu•t last Friday in 'Strat-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Levitt of In-
gersoll and Mrs. Robbins of Vaitder-
hilt, Mich, visited last Saturday, at
Thos. Coleman's.
The No. 6 school put on a fine
entertainment last Thursday night,
which was much en'jo'yed by all, and
Santa came in time to distri'bu'te the
presents off the tree.
Miss Greta Broadfoot and Miss Vi-
olet Tyndall were successful in p'as's-
ing the A,IL.CM. piano examinations
at London, with first class honours.
Miss Tyndall teaches in Egm:ondville
and Miss Broa'd'foot at Brucelfield.
The school report of S.S. No. 3,
Tuckersntith, based on the weekly
examinations for November and De-
Sr. I'V.—Mary Grace McCully 71,
Bobby Dalrymple 71, James M'Cnlly
70, W. D. Wilson 69, Arthur Wright
63, Beatrice Armstrong 55, Earl
Papple 54.
Jr. I'V.--'Annie ?apple 76, Mac
Wilson 68, Alice Wright 65, Delbert
Taylor 51.
Sr, Illir—Mayne Watson 75, Don-
ald MacDonald 68, Isabel Armstrong
Jr. Ii1I. — Elsie Robins 2, Grace
Dalrymple 69, Myrtle Papule 65, Mur-
iel Wright 65, Ivan Taylor 61, Ervin
Sillery 56,
11.-1Allan Hill 83, hazel Wilson
82, 'Preston 'Dallas 80, Bobby Watson
77, ,Morley 'Wright 71, Wesley Ham
70, Milton Taylor 58.
i.—(Lloyd !Papple 79, 'Arena 'Watson
76, 'Jahn C'alwtli 60
Pr. — iEtltel 'Wilson, Olive 'Papple,
'Freda F-Iill.
During ,November and ,December
Anna Watson had perfect marks in
daily spelling.
For 'November and 'December the
average attendance was 97.
M. McNaughton, Teacher.
The Family Herald and Weekly
Star have just announced a big British
Lion Puzzle Contest in 'Which a most
attractive list of prizes are offered for
calculating the total of the figures
forming a huge. Lion.
It consitutee a most interesting
game for every member of the Family
and added to this is a generous list of
cash to,varcls. Our readers may receive
copies of the Lion and full detail's by
addressing the Family Herald and
Weekly Star, Montreal.
Let us have the names of your visttorsl
Persistent 'Asthma. A most distress-
ing characteristic of this debilitating
disease, is the persistence with. 'which
recurring attacks come to sap away
strength and leave the sufferer in a
state of almost continual exhaustion.
No wiser precaution can ''be.taken 'than
that of keeping at hand a supply of
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma .Remedy,
famous as the most potent remedy far
eradicating the disease from the ten-
der air passages,
Last Sunday !being 'Ohristnt'as Gun-
'd'ay only one service was held, that
being in the morning, a large number
were present. The church was 'beau-
tifully decorated' 'with 'holly,' bell's,
streamers and .ainsela which 'always
adds beauty to any special service.
White gifts, large and small, of cloth-
ing for the needy in 4Saslcatche'wan
were brought and placed at the altar
rail during the service. This is the
second •collection of clothing from
this vicinity and has .been very gen-
erous indeed, 'The enusicwas in
keeping with the Christmas time and
all entered 'heartily into the spirit of
•tlte occasion. •
Mr. R. D. 'Hunter has ,been under,
the doctor's care. His friends hope
he :will soon regain his usual health.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Elford 'and fam-
ily visited near 'Welburn on :Sund'ay.
airs. Whiteford suffered a very
weak spell last week and has not
been very well since,
Mr. Waiter .Johns of Cornell Uni-
versity, 'N.Y., is home for vacation.
The following is the report of U,
S.S. 'No. 2, Hallett. for the month of
(De'cem'ber. The examinations were
held in the following subjects: Arith-
metic, !Reading, Geography, Spelling
and History; 6075 'being sufficient to.
Sr. II'V. - Jean 'Cornish 73.75%,.
Donna !Welsh 61;2%.
Jr. IV. — Kathleen Martin 65.2%
iHelen !Welsh 55%, Wilbert Levy 95.-
2%, Weldon Tyndall 54%, 'Ruth Ro-
zell 52%, 'Billy,.Jenkins 50%.
Sr. I'DI.—Delphine 1B'isback 72.75%;
Margaret Cornish 60:5%a, Jean IGlew
Jr. IIDI, —'Frank "Trewarth•a 90%,
Doris Tyndall 67%, Dennis IBis'back
62%, Lois 'Pat,quhar 60%, IHeien Ro-
zell 30%, IBiily ;Pullen (absent).
(Second ''Class (promoted' from
!First) --:Edward .East 91%, 'Murray
East 82.5%, 'Keith Tyndall 712.5%.
'Primer. --'Grant Bisback 90%, '.liar
jorie Bayley (absent).
Number of roll 22.
Average attendance 19.3.
Teacher, Amy M. E. Parsons.
Airplane Crashes.—There occurred
what Wright have been a fatal accident
on Wednesday last when an airplane,
piloted by Mr. Finlayson (Shorty) of
the London Flying Club, came to
grief on a farm about four miles
north of Clinton, on a farm owned
by Thomas Tighe. The plane had
beet\ at Kincardine where it was tak-
ing passengers up for rides. About
5 o'clock p.m. he left Kincardine for
London and while nearing the Tighe
farm was overtaken by dark. He flew
southward searching for a landing
place, nearly crashing right into the
house o•f Pat Reynolds. Finding no
place to land he turned northward,
followed the railroad track and began
to land in the Tighe field. He came
down and the landing wheels struck
in the soft, wet mud and the plane
turned completely over on top of
them. Finlayson succeeded in crawl-
ing out fro•ni the wreckage and at-
tempted to free his companion. The
Tighe Bros,, Jack and Bernard, rush-
ed to the scene anis freed the other
flyer, The plane was completely
'Misses Agnes and Margaret Carbert
and Earl Reynolds were visitors of
Mis's1 1'ar v
on Sunday.
M.r, Dom'imic Flynn had the mis-
fortune to get hit in the nose with an
axe whale helping his son Tom put
a jamb on a stable door. His many
friends hope hint a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Will Drew and her two
daughters motored to Stratford on'
Mon clay.
t1 dance will be held in St. Jos-
eph's hall, Clinton, on Tuesday; Dec-
ember 29th at tv.hich Arthur's Radio
orchestra w'ill supply the music.
Mr, W. Shanahan is visitin g
friends in Toronto this week.
VIr. 'Martin Reynold, his returned
home after a fortnight visit in Sea -
The large community tree which
was erected at Clinton, .was attended
by a large crowd and an enjoyable
time was had by the children.
Miss Agnes• :Morrison of the gravel
road is ;spending the weekend with
her aunt, Mrs. ]lanes Brown.
1Lrs Frank Hobson of St, Thomas
who spent the past Week visiting with.
friends in the neighborhood, has re-
turned home.
Mrs John Seotchmer underwent an
operation in Clinton hospital one day
last week.
-..Miss Susie Westlake motored to
-London on Saturday l'a'st.
iifr. Anthony Etue was the guest
of friends near Blaylfield one' night re-
The fallowing is a report of the
Christmas exams for S'S. NO. 4,
Stanley (south).-
V.—Anna Cleave 77, Mary Camp-
bell 77..
Jr, IIV.—Kenneth Etue 73, Asa
ISte'ekle 71, Mabel Ho'hner (ab'sen't).
tSr. I1III.-1Bertram •Carne 76, Rob-
ert Turner 65, Mary Snowden 52, Le-
nard Eltue 42.
Sr. Turner 78, Beulah',
'Dreher/lie 68, Jinneuy Cleave 59.
IJr. SIL -'Earl Etue 69, Delores Du-
c'h:arm•e 62, Velina Martin (absent),.
1st—Emma Martin.
Pr. --Dona Ducharme.
,Mrs, R. F. Scatohnier, Teacher:
'S.S. No. 14, Stanley Report for
Christmas.—Sr. TV. --Elmer . Hayter
68, ,Margaret Jones 63, Alex. MoB'nath.
57, 'Wesley Jones 51, Wilmer Jones
Special Christmas Prices
FRESH MIXED 'NUTS 2 pounds 29c
:Fresh Peanuts i pounds 29c
Mixed Candy
2 pounds 29c
I'13EX Blankets, per pair $189
' Purity Flour, per cwt,
Red 'P'atoi's 'Sugar, per cwt., $5.39
and Marcellin'
'Miss Dorothy R'abinson has
moved to the Royal Apart-
ments, second floor, where she
will continue to do finger -
waving and marcelling.
To make an appointment,
phone 306.
Price 50c each.
Dorothy Robinson
Jr. DV.=4Atidrey 'Cochrane 71, Har-
vey Hayter 63, Aubrey Farquhar 53,
Harold Jones, absent, •
Jr. BIL—Mary Farquhar 67, Kath-
leen Jones 64, George Clifton 47, Ma-
rion Kerslake 42.
I'I—Eric Switzer 46.
1.—Mervin .Hayter, Donald Switzer,
'Ernie 'Talbot, Kenneth McKenzie.
Pr.—(Eileen Hayter, Lois Rathweli,
:lean Speir, Mildred' Jones, Donald
McKenzie, Alvin Kerslake.
Number on roll 24. Average atten-
dance 22.
P. C. ?enfold, 'Teacher.
'The 'W, at. G. of 113d'ake 'Uni'ted
Ohuroh held 'their monthly meeting
in the church on 'Wednesday, Dec.
161h. There was a' goad attendance of
the members. 'The meeting was op-
ened by singing 'hymn 387, after
which 'Miss Mary Johnston led in
'prayer. Miss Maribei' (Carnia read the
IScrip'ture lesson front ;P's'alm 26.
;Hymm483 was sung, the minutes of
the last !meeting .were read -and atdopt-
ed, and the roll was then 'called. Th•e
topic was taken by Mrs, W. 3,
Tough and 'Mrs. Pother gave a very
interesting reading. 'Rev, o71r. (Poul
ter then took (the .chair 'for the election
.of officers: Pres'iden't Miss Alberta
Finlay; 1st Vice 'President — 'Mrs. J.
A. Manson; '2nd ViceJ3Vfrs. T. 'Dins-
more; Secretary - (Miss .Jean 'Hey;'
Treasurer -Mrs, W. Cathie; [Strang-
er's secretary—.Mrs. R. 'N. Dou'gl'as;
'Missionary secretary Mrs. R. Mc -
Brides Home helpers' secretary —
M'iss :\'I'ary Johnston;;' 'Press secret-
ary —'Miss IM'aribe•l Carrie; \Su'pply
secretary--Mrs.IE.! E. Clark. YHynn
494 was sung and Rev. Mr. Poulter
clo'sed with prayer. A lunch was
served and all enjoyed a socia'b'le time
Miss Marianne Steckle left this
week ,for Waterloo where she is go-
ing to visit Ther sister, Mrs. B. Mar-
lir. Mervyn Keys, who has been
a'ttendin'g University at London, has
returned to his home on Babylon for
the holidays,
Also Mr. Stewart Keys, who is at-
tending University at Toronto is
home for the holidays.
'Londes'boro United Church Sdm'diay.
School will hold their annual Christ-
mas Tree and Entertainment on'
• at 8 p.m.
In the Community Hall '
Good program o'f drills, choruses, a
couple of slhort Christmas plays.
Conte and spend an evening with the
children. JAdmission: Adults 25c,
Children 10c. Charles Stewart, Sup-
erintendent; Mrs. A. Austin, Secre-
There will be offered for sale by
public au'c'tion the 'House and Lot
with good Driving 'Shed and Stable
and also the 'Household *Furniture of
the 'late !Samuel Woodman in 'Lon-
Wednesday, December 30Th, 1931
at tone o'clock.
For the purpose of administrating
the estate the above mentioned effects
will be sold for Cash subject to .a re-
served bid. See sale bills.
James Woodm'an
George 'H. Elliott, ,Jennie Riddell
Auctioneer. Executors..
Mr, and Mrs, George Lilley and
'Mr. Calvin Dawson of Seaforth spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Db!w s!on.
Miss Helen Anderson and Miss
'Grace Rabins'on olf, Clinton Colleg-
iate are spending the holidays at their
ohmes in Stanley.
(There will be no meeting this week
of the Goshen and Blake VPS. A
New Year service will be held at the
(Blake 'Churc'h on Wednesday even-
ing, December 30th.
$5.00 cash and snore, for just a
few hours of your 'spare time,
We fur'iis'h everything. Write`
at once. The Magic Salesman
Dept. 63, 'loom 906, 'Ne'w Wel
lingtot} 'Bldg. 'Toronto.
The Passport to Health
0 c
arbar Shoo
Now open to Public. Alleys refinished and now in first-class
A prize on every sheet. Special Prizes
every Monday,
e 't,. i i, t rpt ''t, n 9 l,u..,fa f i" " r;ATi�+�fi, a y�WillisDundas, PC.
Eggs, per doz. ..... ...22c -35c
Potatoes, per bag .30c
Butter, per lb, _ 20c
IHlogs, per 'cwt. ..$4.25-$4:75
Frame House, good size, on Jamiestreet, two. lots electric 'lights, towel
water, etc. 'immediate 'possession,.
Recently vacated by' Mrs. 'George
Cook. Ap'p'ly to 1E. L. BOX.
'Responsi'b'le man to handle popular
complete. line of Farm Implements in
Seaforth vicinity. Address reply to.
J. W. HOWiE, Goderich, Ont. 52.
Make 122 Chr'ist'mas Gifts. Save
money by buy'ing from the Jackson
Studio, Seafonth.
Rooms to rent cheap. Apply to the
Jackson Studio, Seaforth.
Comfortable Cottage situate no
East Goderic'h Street, Seaforth, form-
erly occupied by Mrs. Clara '3Ie-
C•luslney Crowley.
Immediate possession can be given-.
For further particulars apply to R. S.
HAYS. Seaforth, Ont.
NOTICE.All books must be returned to the
Public Library on or before' Dec. 24th.Greta T'h:ontpson, librarian.
Quebec cook:stove, good' condition.
Used about 2 years, J. M. DIO'YILLE,
R;R.2, Dublin, Lot 27, Con. 2, Hifi!-.
bert: 52
NOTICEIMr, R. E. Bttight has secured the
agency 'far "REGENT"t7Tadc-to-
lvI''e'asore Clo'the's. Surprisingly goad
materials, all one price, $24.00. Terms
strictly dash. Phone 265. 52-
CREAM SEPARATOR.You can get a nice one at b,
bargain, 650 Lbs. c'a'pacity, just used
sl'i'ghtly, at one-third of the new price
if you act quick. Call in at Geo. Fer-
guson's Hardware for demonstration
today. L
.Durham grade cow, due to freshen
in January. Apply at Mr1K•iilo;p Maustc
Notice is hereby given that the
Town Scales will be closed for repairs
trotn Dec. 28, 1931, to Jan'y 2, 1932.
'Citizens are warned to provide them-
selves with coal •to carry therm
over. said week as no weighing will be
done. By - order,
52 Chairman, Public Utility Corn_
The annual meeting of the ratepay-.
ens of the Township of 1%T'aI{i14a(i far
'the purpose 011 nominating a Reeve
and four
Councillors for the year 1932
will be held
on Monday, December.
,28th, 19311, at Winthrop Hall.
'Nominations will be received' be=
, tween the hours of one.and two ce-:.
, clocic in the afternoon.
Should an .election be necessary a.
poll will be heli. on Monday, the four
1 th d•ay of January, 1932, at the fai-
t rowing places:
{ I (Poli open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.t}m„.
.Poli No. 1JJames C'arlin's Houe,'
, lot 10, con. 5. Thos. Moylan,
'Maloney, P.C.
No. 2—Jos. Ihogg's House, lot
25, con. 4. • John M'eD'owell,
Mrt. Geo. Eaton, P.C.
(Poll No. 3—Jos, !Smith's House. lot
)10, con, 12. John Leeming, DR.O.,
iigohn 'Murray, P.C.
Poll No. 4 -School I-Tousc No. 7,
I'Lat 26, con, 12. William Somerville,
D. 1V''•
JOff-IiN 1•IcN'A'I'',
Return'in'g Office