The Seaforth News, 1931-12-24, Page 1Above the . din of life's dis'cord'ant Isound, Piercing the clanaioro'f these, headlong drays The hinnan heart stirred to its depths profound "HURON eafort COUNTY'S LEADINGNEWSPAP E R Ca'tghes the strain on voices raise, I-.Ches•ongof Peace on earth, good -will to men That rang at night o'er distant Both- !chem, --Helen B, Anderson. WHOLE 'SERIES, VOL. 53, No. -52. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1931. Before you . purchase your 'Christmas candyvisit our store. 'Special 1 1'b. boxes..... ... . . 25c !Family pkgs, 1 lb. , ...... .35c 'Assorted chocolates, ib. boxes 50c 'Fancy boxes .........,60c up Christuimas Satin .Mixture 20e lb, 'Chocolate Caramels and Creams 'Mixed 25c lb. 'Humbugs, the best you can buy, ,with a RiE••AIL pep'per'mint flavor C LB'S, FOR Kandy, Canes and 'Novelties - ^� The Olympia' Confectionery and Restaurant Wishing all our customers a Merry Christmas and .a Happy New Year SALTED PEANUTS smelled, also of the better kind 25c ,Special, 2 lbs. FRESH BOASTED PEANUTS.- 9lbs. ... ............ 25c PRESERVED P1NEA'PP?)E, red, green and natural 60c lb. 'CLARK'S SOUPS, assorted, 3 for 25c ,CAMPBELL'S SOUPS, assorted 10c each or $1.10 per doz. CLUB HOUSE OLIVES, Queen 35' oz. bottles 39c FRESH BROKEN BISCUITS 3 lbs, 25c FRESH BLS'CUITS (very free from broken ones) .,9 lbs. 25c GREAT STAR FLOUR per cwt. 2.50 •This flour is made by our local millers, Wolvertons, .Since we have had it we'have sold more. of it than of all other brands com- bined on account of low price and ..good quality. In 100 lb. sacks only and every pound guaranteed. DAIRY BUTTER. --- Abundance of dairy butter at from 18c to 22c. PEED IVFOI.'AISSES, best quality at lowest price, and now is the time to feed it profitably, CORN, PEAS & TOMATOES 3 cans .,25c K flOECE MINCE MEAT 2 lbs. 25c DOIVLESTlC 'O2 ''ONS., . ,'13 lbs. 25c F. D. HUTCHISON Phone Phor Phood 166 . COAL-, QUALITY -SERVICE:` � PHONE : E L. BOXrs. HARLOCK The lIlarlock school, S.S. No. 6, lHulleut, ilueld their entertainment on Friday afternoon. Miss Lydia Reid, the teacher, and pupils put on an en- joyable program. Mr. Dan Stevens acted as chairman. A good crowd was present and thoroughly apprec- iated the program of dialogues, duets,. solos, and recitations, etc. ance The Old Year Out the New w Year hi to ARTHUR 5 -PIECE ORCHESTRA of , Wingham at Winthrop ball Thr.s9 it 0 31 1931 IAdnnission Cents 75e, Ladies free, Lunch served CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church. -Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, BA. Sunday, Dee. 97th, • fi a.m. Public 1Worslhip. Subject, "My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord." 2f30 p,m. 'Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m. -Public Worship. Subject, "Coming to the End." 'The 'Choir will render again the Christmas selecti'ons. 'Wishing all our ,'friend's a very Merry C'hristma's, and a .Happy and Prosperous New Year. - POSTAL IINFOR+MAT'ION There will be no delivery of mail of any kind on Christmas Day and - Ne'w Years Day. The lobby of the Post Office wi11 be closed all day, as on Sunday, but mails will be despatched as nsuai-C. P. Sills, PIM, ST. JAMES' ARTS CLUB, Mr. John ,Flannery was in charge of the mee'tin'g of St. James' Arts club on Thursday elvenfn'g, December 17. The guest' speaker of tire evening was Mayor J. F. Daly, who gave a splen- did talk on "The duties of munici'pal officers." This was followed by the business p'eriod, when a nu'm'ber of in- teresting subjects were brought up for discus's'ion, After the recreation, the meeting ,adjourned. The mem- bers brought dona'tion's of toys and clothing to bre given to needy ch'ild- r'en. CLIOIS!E SUCCESSFUL YEAR The Ladies' Aid of North Side Un- ited Church has just ciosed' a very successful year, with a 'b'alance on hand of $1,01`1.50. Following 'are the officers elected for the ensuing year: Hon, president, Mrs. J. Thompson; past president, Mrs. McGa'vin; •presi- dent, Mrs."Barrows; 1st vice presi- dent, Mrs. Barn; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Cliff;'record'ing secretary, Mrs. Archibald, corres. secretary, Mrs, Chapman; treasurer, Mrs. MclGavin; property committee convenors, Mrs. Consitt; flower committee convenor, Mrs. Frost; kitchen committee con- venor, k•Irst Stark; auditors, Mrs. Finlayson and Mrs. Glew, CHRIISTrMA''S CONCERT Northside United Church Sunday schooi pre'sen'ted their annual Christ- mas entertainment to a large and ap- propriate audience on Friday evening, December l'8th. After a few remarks by the chairman, Mr. F. S. S'avauge, superintendent of the Sunday school,, an entertaining program was given as hollows: Vilolin and, piano, Arthur Goldring and Helen Lane; hymn 598, :recitations by Erma Fletcher, Donald Woods, •.Maxine Lawr'en'ce, 'Norman Calvert and \Mar'jorie G'oldin'g solo, Patty Becheiy; recftati'ons, by H'el'en Thompson, Kenneth Reid, Margaret Dale, Helen,Hodgsou, Annie Woods, Jean Currie, Chorus, Wilma Hay, Lorna Dale, Norman Calvert, Patricia B'echely; piano duet, Muriel Finni- gall, Ethel Storey; duet, violin and guitar, Cameron and Reg. Rintbul the pantomime, "The Christ Story," presented by Miss Ferguson's class; solo, 'firs. Stewart and the cantata, "Cinderella's Christmas Party," by the junior and interniediate m'em'bers of the Sunday School, 'The charac- ters in the cantata were' Cinderella OH el en Chamberl'ain),' ,Prince Charm- ing' (1J.im Cluff), Fairy Godmother (Winnie Sitvauge), Jack Frost (Ca- meron Rintoul),• Master, of Ceremony (I=Iugh Oke), Fairy Starbright (Mar- garet Pethicic), Santa Claus, Fairies Health, Wealth and IIappiness (Hel- en Crich 'Reg. IRintoul and Dorothy Golding); knights; maids, footmen, Cinderella's Maids c1 Honor and the other distinguished guests. Santa Claus then rofficiated at the Christmas tree, distributing gifts, CHRISTIVIIAS REPORT Seaforth Public School. ':RIOIOM I. Sr. FV. --Honours, Alma Finnigan, Stewart Geddes, Ruth Cluff, Mary Holmes, D'orothy Hudson. Pass --'Glen Pinkney, 'I3elen Crich, Gordon NAdKeldar, Luella Montgom- ery. • 'Below Pass-IGarnet Free, Orville Shewfelt, George Pinder, ,Albsen,f-,Vau Be1.1, Margaret .Han- ley and Merle Hulley. - 'Jr. W. -Honours, Jack Drover. 'Pass, Howard Carroll, Merle Keat- ing, Alice Hudson, Viola Montgom- ery, Jim Guff, istary Dol'tnage, Rollie Stawaarlt, Gladys Holmes, Mac South- gate, . Edna Plant. (Below Pass, Marion' Moore, Helen Mackenzie, George 'Wels'h. P. B. Moffat, Teacher. - ROOM I1. Junior IV• -Pass, Lillian Reeves, Jim Elliott, Lenora Shtew'felt, Fern Dunlop, Leonel Ho'tham, Nellie Reeves. !B'elow Pass--Hughie Oke, Helen E'dler, Emerson Ritchie. !Senior' ITS. Honours, Alastair Wigg, Harold Free, Donald iVIciTav- ish. Pass, Jean Dun'gey, Donna Mole, David Grieve, Muriel Hudson, Janet Baker, Helen Chamberlain, Jean Dale, Mae Hodgson, Oban MccTav- ish, Mary Howes, Zetta Dunlop, Roy Oke. IBIe1ow - Pass-ID'avid Stewart, Bin Winsley, Harald' Calvert. 'Absent -Helen Cheoros. M. E. Turnbull, Teacher. ROOM IIiI, illoaours-Cleeta Dickson, Gene- vieve Hawkins, Dorothy, Praiser, Brace Wright, Viola Dolmage, Bob- bie' Barlow, Margaret McLeod. Pass -.Richard Box, Marion Ibbot- son, Carolyn Holmes, Grace 'Gillespie, Clara Dolmage Margaret Fletcher, Nelson • Hulley, Anna Dennis, Clay- ton Dennis, Allain Doll'mage, Floyd Pinkney, Jack Moore. 'Failed-1Leon'ore. Edler, Alina El- liott, iVlargaret Barlow, Roy Kerr, Jack Mellab, Charlie Woods. , Missed -examination' by sickness-- Doris ickness-Doris Hoff, Arthur Cameron, Helen Swan, May Seigrist, Arthur Jones. 33. M. Hartry. ROOM hV. iHonours-'L'ois 2vlcGavin, Donald Scott, Ploreiece Calvert, Ruth Joynt, Helen Moffat, Joe Smith, Earl Mont- gom'ery, Alex. Baker, Stuart ' Wigg, Tommy Wilbee, Marian Sclater, Jack Hanley. 'Pass, Ruth Fraiser, Barbara . Best, Helen' Fraiser, Mangaret Hudson, Jack Cameron, Doris Barlow, Frank Casson, Mary Wood. iBelow Pass - Alfred Seigrist, Mary Geddes, Dorothy Fletcher, Reg. Doi - mage, :Missed exams -.Muriel Cameron, Frank Golding, Stirling Habkirk, June Siegris't, ,M. M. Bell, Teacher. RO'O'M V. {Honours Lorne Ibbotson and Scott Kerr (equal), Lois Wright, Stanley Hill, Kenneth Southgate, Thelma Do'l'ma.ge, Jimmie Southgate, Kenneth Reid, J'ack Elllatt, Dorothy Howes, Islohel McKellar. Pass, Dorothy Taman, " Charlie Case, Clayton! ,Ritchie, Kathleen Holmes. Bel'o'w Pass -Reid Allen, Margaret Dale, Donald Wood, Helen Hodgson, Arthur, Fraiser. Missed • exams - Mildred Swan, Clarence Westcott, Le'o Oke, Vernon Hepf, Ross Green, Audrey McGavin, Evelyn Venus. E. H. ELDER, ROOM VVI. Primary Class Honours, Ahy- vann'e Moore, Harry Scott, Ross Montgomery,' Jean Corrie, Leslie Ritchie Billy Wilbee, Pass - Margaret 'Pethick,: (Erma Fletcher and Helen 'Thomson (equal), Kenneth Keating, Bert ,Barlcsv, Mar- garet .'Edtler, !Clarence Reeves, :Rich- ard Eisler, 'jack 'Praiser and tAn nis Dunlop .(equal). iBelow Pass. -'Albert Venus, Au'bry Baker, Petty- Dunlop, Jack ''.Taman, Ruth' Anderson. Missed 'Examinations--1Fergus''Bali, Lillian 'Southgate, Jean Swan. R S. Thompson, Teacher. VARNA. Che neany friends of Mrs. J, Mc - Ash are ple'ase'd to see her able' to be about again after her recent illness. The stork got ahead of Santa Claps' • Phone 84, • a, With just To -day left we olJ'er the following Suggestions for Gift Giving: 1 ..._....., ,..., ..., .................. `10111111118! Diamond Ring Condpacts FOR HER $25.00 up $1,00 " Crystal Necklets $1.00 .Bar Pins • '$1;00 " Wrist Watch, with bands to match $10.00 " Necklet and earring sets 00 " Solid Gold Necklets $.00 Solid Gold Rings V.00 " Pearl Necklets 3.00 Stationery Sets 1.'50 " Waterman Fountain Pen Sets 3J50=" Hand Bags, real leather . - .... .43.50 '' Pearl Tone & •Onyx Tone Toilet Sets 7.00 " Writing Sets, real leather $3.00 " Eclipse Fountain Pens $1.00 FOR HIM "" Wrist Watches $5,00 up ",if Pocket Watch $2.50 " Tie Piar....... ........... $1.50 :, 'Cuff Links 1.000 " mi Wrist Watch Band $1.00 " '- Signet Ring, heavy $5.00 4'_ Raised Initial Ring $10.00 " Cigarette Cases1.00 " :; Bill Folds ....... ..$1.00•"es 1,00 " n $3.50 " Travelling Sets, leather 5.00 " O Spe rat"Sets, leather 2.50 " q Lighters .75 " Fountain Pens Fountain Pen Sets FOR THE HOME Silver .Service, 3 pieces $3.50 up 4410 Day Clock $12,00 Mantel Clock $10.00 Kitchen Clocks $2,,50 Black Mantel Clock $7.00 Electric Lamps $3.00 23 piece Cabinet of Flatware 22.50 up Casseroles $5.00 up 94 -piece Dinner Set ...513.50 up Wall Pictures $1.00 up 43 -piece Dinner Set, a real,special at $4,50 Full line of Celebrated Mars and Duro Wat ches. The medium priced nationally known Montrose Watches. , See lour Ladies' 15 -Jewel Wrist Watch. Specially priced at $10.00, complete with fancy band. Christmas Greeting Cards. The prettiest line you've ever seen. Priced at 5c and IOc. Remembering the larger assortment of gifts at this store and also the same guarantee of sat- isfaction with every purchase' regardless of lower prices we feel sure you will be delighted to do your Christmas Shopping at this store. Wishing you most sincerely a Merry Christmas FRED. S. 'SAVAUGE The Gift Shop Opposite Post Office Seaforth Selections laid aside for Christmas Phone 194, Residence 10. Watch Repairing and brought a little baby girl to the 28th. honno orf Mr. and Mrs, Sherlock Mrs. E. MOAsh of London is visit - Keyes Saturday. ling her son, Mr, J. A'IcAsh, Many of our citizens are boasting of plucking daisies. violets, and let- tuce from their gardens, which is un- usual at this season of the year. A Christmas .enter tainnnent was held in our school Tuesday 'after- noon. There was a good 'turn'out and ottr teacher, Miss Cook and the pupils deserve; much credit for the splendid program which was much enjoyed, An at-home under the auspices of the Anglican Chin will be held -in ter, the hall on Alondj' night, December AMr.,and Alis. Albert Currie and fa- Boyd NORTH McKILLOP, Mrs. George Thornton,; who has been sick in bed, is improving as nice- by as can be expected. lI r. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton and ,[r, O. McNichol spent Sunday in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Teddy. Schaefer and AIr. and Mrs. John Kist- t-ily of \V'ing'ltam spent Sunday h'"itih the Patter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Crozier. and Mrs. John Crozier and fa- nnily spent Thursday evening with Mr, and 'llrs. George Brawn of ]Nail- lett. ., Mrs, Alex. \lunu.and Mary called on Mrs. George Thornton Sunday ev- ening. Dir.: and Mrs, John ILecnning spent Friday evening with 31r, 'Ed. and 'Miss Bessie Davidson. Mrs. Kate Leehning ie spending• ;Ogre Wianter,with .tier daughter, 'Mrs. Bella 1