HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-12-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSALL. Wou THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1931. ' 'Mrs, Roy Ala.:aren has been confin- ed to her room dor the past week with. .a severe cold, • eir.. T. C. Joynt spent a coeple of 'days in Toronto last week on busi, nese, Messrs. Jack and Fred Stacey rind sister Miss Lillian of D.etroit were week -end visitors with relatives and friends in and around town. Miss Nellie Carmichael of Exeter was assisting Mr, Hemphill in the drug store last week during the ab- sence of Miss Ruby MelLaren, who was home on account of the illness of her sister-in-law; Mrs. Roy AldL'aren. Miss Grace Dick and Miss Agnes Fairbairn are visiting with friends in• Clinton., The Firemen held theirfirst dance, of the season in the Town Hall an Friday-eveniitg last. The music was supplied by the Welsh orchestra. There was a fair crowd present. 'The public and continuation schools are closed kr a few days this week owing to trouble with the heating sys- tem. The boiler has been leaking badly and is being patched', but a new boiler will rno'st likely have to be put in. Mr. T. C. Joynt has been confined to his room for the past few days ow- ing to a severe cold. His many friends hope to soon see hint in his usual health again. The many friends here of Mrs. An- drew Wright were sorry to learn of her death which occurrred in Seaforth on Thursday, Mrs. Wright was well known and highly respected here, having left here twelve years ago, fol- lowing the death of Mr. Wright. The funeral was held Saturday to Wood- land Cemetery, Mitchell. The village Firemen have their 'Christmas tree erected in front of the Town Hall and will have it nicely .de- corated in time for the arrival of, San- ta Claus. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper have moved into the house on Neil street which they rented from Mrs. Gordon and Mies AloKay of Kippen, who formerly lived here, but moved to Kippen again. Mr. Harold Scruton, Port Dover, visited over the week -end with his mother and sisters here. The W. AI. S. of the United Church held their meeting on Thursday last. There was good attendance and elec- tion of officers took place: President -Airs. C. A. McDonell; 1st Vice Pres. -Airs. Sinclair; Treasurer -Airs. C. Cook; Rec. Sec'y -- Miss Flossie Tose; Cor. Sec'y-Mrs, J. Elder; Missionary Monthly - Mrs. J. Mc- Donald; Press Sec'y-Mrs. :Verner; 'Pianist - Mrs. 'McQueen; Christian Stewardship and Finance secretaries Mrs. Carlile and Mrs. Coles; Stran- gers' Sec'y-Airs. Dougall; Flower secretaries - Mrs, Hess and Mrs. Drysdale; Home Helpers - Mrs. G. iHobkirk, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. A. Moir. Mr. and Airs. Geo. E. McIntyre of 'Detroit who have been visiting 'Mrs, AMcIntyre's mother, Mrs, Jas. Spark, have returned home. 'Mrs. Sparks re- turned with them and will spend some time in Detroit with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Blatchford have returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Ex- eter and surrounding country. Miss Myrtle Peart has returned af- ter visiting for a few days at her home near Staffa. Mr. Wm. Calwell of Washington 'State is here visiting with his mother, (Airs. '\\'m. Calwell and sister, Mrs. Alice Joynt, also other relatives and 'friends. Air. Calwell has been away front Hensall some thirty years and certainly sees some wonderful changes in .IiensalL during his ab- sence, Hensall Public School Report. -Sr, IV. -Annie Carlisle 84; George Pierce 82; Irene Steele 80; Kathryn Drys- dale 78; Bi11 -Glenn 75; Olive Brock 73; Dorothy McQueen 72; Mervyn Irrodgert 69; Myrtle Hudson 66; Olive 'Lentmon 65; Kenneth ,Manns 62; Har- old Bonthron 61; Margaret Kennings 57, Jr. IV. -Ronald Peck 79; Jean Fos- ter 718; Loretta Bell 74; Gladys Saun- dercock 73; ''Muriel Hoskins 70; Bob Drysdale 69; Ivan Kipfer 68; Dorothy ID'aters 63. Sr. PM -Irene Hoskins 78, Dave Sangster 75, Herbert Drummond 73, May Wolff 70, Margaret Shepherd 67, Nellie Free 66, Ruth Bell 64. Number an, roll 29, average attednauce 28. C. H. Blowes, Teacher. Sr, I'I'L-E. Kipfer 73, E. Saunder nock 70, M. Glenn 69, R. Passmore' 66, J. Simmons 58, K. Buchanan 53*, 'II. Willard 45e, G. Hodgert 41. Jr. 111'9.-M. Clark 73, J. Coles 71, E. McQueen 71, A, Pfaff 70*, B. I,Shep'herd 65, D. Sangster 61, Max Hudson 55.5, E. Peck 55*, L. Brock 53, N. Cook 51, G. Passmore 45, IRL---G, Sangster 62, H. Wolff 61, A. Twitchell 60, S. Twitchell 56, L. Hud- son 53, Billy Higgins 51, C. Kipfer 47, R. Foster 44. H. Willard, G. Hodgert, L. Brock, B. Shepherd missed earns u Tv tuber on nal 28, average attendance 27.-M. A. Ellis, Teacher, Jr, I.I.-Total 600. Carrie ,Joynt Owners and Prospective Owners of IL BU'NERS We wish to announce that we have stationed a truck in this vicinity to give you prompt and efficient delivery service of ERIE FURNACE AND STOVE OIL'S. Our oils 'are specially refined to suit all makes of burners, whether for furnace or stove. BURN ERIE FURNACE OIL IN YOUR FUR'NA'CE, BURN ERIE HI -TEST CLEAR STOVE O'IS. IIN YOUIR STOVE. TELEPHONE 125, CLINTON, or 247, EXE'TE'R, and our truck will call. Storage arranged. Erie Service Stations, Limited HEAD OFFICE: 'BELL TELEPHONE BUILDING, London. Quality merchandise, . and Service that Satisfies 66':' =498, Jim Campbell 487, Mary Good- win 446, June S'aundercock 445, Ron- ald Parker 391, Jack Shepherd 359, Billy Coles, 288, L. Seamon 2711, P. ILemmon 241, Carl Deters 163, Ho- ward Love, absent. 1st Class, total 400. --'Harold Koeh- ler 326, Donald Joynt 320, Emily,Hos- kins 319, Margaret Sangster 369, Nor- ris 3fcEwen 319, Bobby Hess 290, Marshall Van De Va1de, absent, Jim Clark 218, Raymond Higgins 202, Howard Smelt 202. Primer A. -Donald W'illert 208, Alpine 'McEwen 186, B.--'B'obby Sangster 225, Lois Mac - Laren 215, Bobby Cameron 205, Mil- dred Brock 195, Marion Drummond 190. C. -+Alvin Smale 170, Bobby Nicol. 174, George Otterbein, absent, -Annie Consitt, Teacher. HARLOCK The Ladies' Aid which was .held at the home of Airs. John ,Bealttie on 'Wednesday of last week was well at- tended. As it was 'Literary 'Meeting, a number of the ladies gave readings. All the officers were re-elected. A dainty hutch was served ,with Mrs. Si- mon McViftie and the 'Misses Jean and Agnes Hamilton assisting. Mrs, Thos. Knox visited for a few days last week at the home of her son Wm. and Mrs. Knox in Grey. Mr, \Vin. Leiper who is a'tten'ding Normal in Stratford spent the week- end, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leiper. 'A'lr, and Mrs, Thos. Knox, Messrs, James and. John Leiper, Mr. Peter Taylor, Mrs. Robert Beattie and M'r. Geo. Smith attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Rapson, Clinton. Quite a number from this conrntun- fty attended the funeral of Mr. Wm. McMillan on f1S'und'ay, 'Sincere sym- pathy is extended to Mr. Thos. Mc- Millan and Miss Margaret. .Miss Amy 'Parsons visited on Sun- day at the home of Mr. Alex. Mc - Ewing. Mrs, Wm, ,Rogerson and little Ken- neth of near Brucofield are visiting et the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Reid. Mr. and Mrs. I 'Rapson accompan- ied by Mr. fames Rapson, of Kitchen- er, Miss Nellie of Toronto, and Eva of Clinton, called on friends in Goderich and near Dunlop on Sunday after- noon. The death occurred on Tuesday, Dec. lst, of Mrs. Joitn Rapson, at her home in Clinton where she was nursed and cared for by her daughter, Miss Eva Rapson. After her ,marriage and until she and her husband retired to Clinton, she was a well known and highly esteemed resident of the tenth concession of Hullett, the 'farm now occupied by her youngest son.. Her, husband died six years ago. Former- ly Emma Osbeldeston, she was a daughter of the late ,Alexander Osb'al- deston, who was the first school teacher in Clinton. She was born in Goderich Township eighty-nine years ago. Her death came from, no dis- ease, but imply a breaking up of the system, Mrs, Rapson is survived by three sons and two daughters: Janes, of Kitchener; Isaac and' Albert of Hullett; Eva at home and 'Nellie in 'Toronto. A son, Rev. A. Rapson, died some years ago, and a daughter, Airs. 'W. L. Jamieson of Huliett, also pass- ed away a few years ago. One sister, Mrs. Ella Horton, the last of the fam Quality •Gifts at Real Savings Westcott's Jewelry Store LAMES' AND GENTS' WRIST WATCHES 16 Jewel Movement filly guaranteed $8.50 up We are showing the lates Diamond Rings Compacts Onyx, Initial and Emblem Rings Signet 'R'ings Silver Tea Set :A full line of Bulova Watches Ivory in all shades Store Open Evenings CLOCKS - SILVERWARE - CHINA At new Low Prices. A small deposit will reserve any article until Christman J. - GLASSWARE With purchases of $5.00 and over we give a wash-. able cushion free • Westcott DIAMONDS Phone 64. P eel ily, resides in Godericth. The funeral took place on Friday .from her late residence, North street, Clinton. the service commencing at staff past two. The services were conducted by the Rev. D. E. Foster, of Wesley -Willis United Church, The p'alhbearers were four nephews, Messrs. Geo. and James. Raitleby, Horace Horton and"Syd, Lansing, and two of the neighbors from Hullett, 36r. Peter. Taylor and, Mr. (Hugh Dundo'P, Ahnbng .the floral tributes was a beautiful wreath from the Department 'Public Highways, Toronto; one from the girls of 135 Lamb ave;, Toronbo; cine from Moose Lodge, Kitchener, and a beaultiful one from the neigh- bors, besides a number of lovely sprays. Among those present were fr'iend's front out-ofetown.from, Toron- to, London, Kitchener, Dunlop and Auburn, besides neighbors from the 'old home in Hullett, KIPPEN. Miss Etta Bell of London visited at the -home 'of her ,parents, Air, and Mrs. A, Bell. Mrs. Thos. Kyle is visiting at the home of her son Emerson; of our village. Mr. Orville Workmen, who far the past week has been visiting with his .brother Lloyd, in Oshawa, - and his, aunt, Mrs. James Reid, of • Toronto, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Johnston and daughter Rachael were visiting at the home of Mrs. John Workman this week. ' 'Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Mellis spent the week -end with the hatter's :oar- enits, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of near Wroxeter. Miss 'Frances Anderson is visiting in London this week. Mrs. Fred T'h'omlinson, who recent- ly underwent an operation in Clinton Hospital, has returned home and is feeling very much improved in health. We are glad to know that Mrs. Jatiies Mc'Cllymont who has been in bed With an attack of bronchitis, is able to 'be up again. :\'Ir. Wm. Deitz who is taking treat- ment from Dr. Atkinson its Goderich, is feeling much improved in health. Miss Mildred Workman spent a day. in Goderich bast week. Mr, Robert MacKenzie has taken a position with Mr. Westlake of Lum- ley Mr, and 'Mrs. Emerson Kyle spent Sunday, with friends in Blyth. Visitors at M'sCIynron't's over the week -end were Mrs. Vern. Terryberry and son Alvin of Clinton; Mr, and !Mrs. 1Rusenil Ge'ohegan and sots Gor- don and Junes, of London. The choir of St. .Andrew's United 'Ohurch, Kippen, held their concert on the evening of December 3rd, which was a splendid success and much cre- dit is due the choir, their leader, Mrs. J. B. MelLean and' W. R. Goulding, IA.P:C:M., of Exeter, who has been training them for some time. The opening number was by the choir, 'Oho -Mountain Stream by Wilson; '?And, piano solo, by W. R. Goulding, "Big Rock Candy Mountain" 3rd, 'Male Quartette, "End of the Day," by W5l'son, W. R. Goulding, J. B. !li'dLean, G. Maynard, A. B. Bell; 4th, Reading by Miss Ellis of Hensall, "The Parson at the 'hockey Meech, which was very humorous and de- lighted the listeners; 5th, Ladies trio, "Breezes olf Night," Mrs. Sproat, Mrs, J. Henderson, Miss I'vison 6t11, chorus by choir; 7th Ladies' quar- tette, "My Task," by Mrs. J. B. Mc- Lean, Miss Penfold, Airs. Butt, Mrs. IS.root, saxophone note solo,o Cims dereT1 ," by W. R. Goulding; 9th 'So'to, "rI Love a Little 'Cottage," by Mies jean Ivi- son; 1'0td, choir chorus, "The Lord Lioveth the Gates of Zion," Mr. G. ,\+faynard taking baritone solo; 13th, Male giiartettee 12, Reading, 'Miss IEilis, vocal duet, 1'Iessrs. Cutb•us'h and 'Goulding; ,choir c'h'orus, "God So ,Lav- ed the World," sax solo, ocdette'( "Just as iI Am," Airs. J. B. McLean, Mrs. E. Sproat, Miss- Penfvld, Mrs. E. Butt, W. R. Goulding, J. B,t M'cLeen, G. Maynard, A.' B. Bell. At the conclusion of the concert the (Session and. their wives entertained the choir and all taking part to a dainty luncheon which wee greatly appreciated. We are pleased to see Mrs. James 'Hayman is able to be out again, after leaving a,severe cold for several weeks.' Air, Teter McKenzie made a ,business trip to Toronto this week. Mrs, James Chesney has returned home, after spending a few weeks with her daughters, ''Irs. Thompson and 'Ai'rs. Harry Chesney, Miss Mary and Mr. Janes Mc - 'Naughton spent the week end at the home o'f their uncle, e[r. Ben Keys. of Stanley. \fr. William Sproat, Sr, is visiting his son, Dr. Sproat of Seaforth and other friends the .past couple of weeks. c Qnit a number from here attended commencement at Seaforth on Dec- ember 4th and thought it a great suc- cess. i The women who use it meet with success. They simply refuse to experiment with other flours -it's a waste of. time and money. Buy Your • PURITY FLOUR Here OUR GUARANTEE Goes With It --Order a Supply TODAY. Prices Cash only Schueider's Lard 2 pounds 19c Freak Pork for roast- o8 oe ling, per pound... .& . 40 10 Seedless Raisins 2 potherbs ,. 21c IN'ew Raisins, seeds C pounds, , .. .in 21c 42 inch Leather. dA- A9 'Top Rubbers °i!'ra'C'9 Purity 'Flour per cwt. 2.99 You save when you 'buy from WS Jo Finnigan 1 AUCTION SALE pi' Cows and Springer Heifers, at tot 60, Blayifield line, Goderich town- ship, five miles s'ou'th west of Clinton, en T'hursd'ay, December lath, at 1:30 sharp: 25 cows and heifers, Durham, Tolled Angus, Ayrshire and Holstein type. 3 fresh with c'al'f at foot, hal ance due in December, Jan. and Feb. This is an exceptionally good lot of stock and will be sold on the follow- ing ,terms Eight months' credit will 'be given on furnishing approved joint bankable paper, or a discount of 4 per cent, straight allowed for cash, Also a number of yearling steers and heif- ers .which will be sold by private sale. 'G. H. Elliott, Anc'tio.neer; A. E. Townshend, Prop. I81 MEMORIAM A,DAI1S.-.In' loving memory of Mrs. 1Henry Adams, who passed away 4 years ago, December 8th, 1927. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps her memory ever dear.. -Sadly missed' by Husband and Family, CHRISTMAS CONCERT SS. Aro. 3, Tuckersmith, School Christmas Concert, with songs, reci- tations, dialogues, etc„ and Christmas cantata will be held on Monday even- ing, Dec. 211'st, at 7.30 o'clock. HULLETT. Death of William McMillan: The sudden death from heart trouble Olt IW'illiam, McMillan, second son of Mr. Thomas '2dMllla'n, H.P., was a shock to a11. When his 'father palled him on. Friday morning be received no response and found him dead in bed. He had' done a full day's work on. Thursday and apparently retired in usual good health and he was noticed at one time during the night to be sleeping normally when one of the men oa'me home. A'Ir,McMillan, who was thirty-six years of age, was born on the homestead in Hullett. He is survived by his father and one sister, 263ss Margaret McMillan, of Toronto University, Deceased was of an amiable disp'osit'ion and was well known and highly respected. The. funeral was held from his home on Sunday afternoon to the place of in- terment in Maitland Bank Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. I 13. IC•aine, The funeral was one Of the largest ever held in this vicinity, The foll'o'wing were pallbearers: Ho- ward Armstrong, Etphriam Clarke, Walter Scott, Wnt. Mason, Edward Pryce, Ro4>t. Jlam'neson. a HOG SHIPMENTS. For week ending October 31, IBnuce,fiefd-Total hogs, 1!6;i select bacon 6, bacon 6, butchers .3, heavies 1. :Hensall--(Tota; hogs 388, select ba- con 141, bacon, 264, butchers 32, heav- ies 1, extra heavies 1, lights and feed- ers 2. • Walton -Total hogs 207, select ba- con 67, bacon 120, butchers 1S, heav- ies 2, extra heavies 1, fights and 'feeders 2. leteN'aught=Total hogs 6:1, select ba'con 22, bacon 30, butchers 5, heav- es4. 11-1-uron Co.' locals -Total hogs 2430, seine bacon 637, bacon 1'5844, butchers 1'59, heavies 25, lights and feeders 52. Huron County -Total hogs 6034, select bacon 1734, bacon 3650, butch- ers 492, heavies 80, extra heavies 2, lights and feeders 46, Coetanwood trees are fount scatter-. CARD O'F THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Andrew Wright wish to thank the many 'friends and neighbors for the kind ex- press'ion's of sympathy and floral trib- utes during their recent sad bereave- ment. CHRISTMAS TREE And Entertainment, SS. No. 6, Tluckersinieh, to be in the form of a cantata under the direction of S. G. Rennie, Thursday, Dec. 17th, at 8 p. m. Admission 25c and 10'c. WANTED. Responsible man to handle popular complete line of Farm Innplements is Seaforth vicinity. Address reply to 3. W. HHOWE, Goderich, ;Ont. 52. NOTICE. Chopping Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at Constance Price 7c for coarse and 8c for fine. GIRIAIHIAIM KIEIRR. 50. BULLS FOR SALE. 2 yrs. old Polled Angus bull, and 11 month old Angus bull calf. D. G Ma:oFABjLAINIE, Winthrop. 49 FOR SALE Frame House, good size, on Jarvis sbreet, two lots, electric lights, town water, etc. Immediate possession: Recently vacated by lies. George Cook. Apply to E. L. 'B'OX. TWELVE PHOTOS Make 12 Christmas Gifts. Save money by buying from the Jackson Studio, Seaforth. ROOMS TO 'RENT. Rooms to rent cheap. Apply to the Jackson Studio, Seaforth, CARETAKER 'WANTED ' A caretaker wanted for Egmond- ville United Church, duties to com- mence January list, '1932. Applica- tions to 'be received up to Dec. 22nd, 1931, stating salary. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN T. EILiGIIE, R:R, 2, Kippen, Sec. of Board of Stewards. 50 CIDER MILL This nidil will operate .four days a week. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- days and Fridays . Apple butter and cider. Lot 23, con, 6, Logan. FRIED. HIENINIPOK, Phone 620r31, Mitchell. CHEESE CASE FOR SALE. Fancy cheese case, selling at half price, Phone 1999., Clinton, FOR SALE Com'fortable Cottage situate ossa East Goderich Street, Seaforth, form- erly occupied by Mrs. Clara Asx Cluskey Crowley. Immediate pos'sess'ion. can be given - For further particulars apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. WOOD FOR SALE ,H'ar'dwood $4.50 a cord, delivered: Solt wood slabs, $2'50, delivered, T. J. RI'CH{AtRDSON, Phone 148 r 22., 50, NOTrCE Having purchased a pure bred' Yorkshire boar at the Hanril'ton Stock 'Fat+int, Cromarty, will ,he open for public service, Terme $1 cash, privil- ege to return if necessary. $1.50 if booked. HAROLD PIEINITFALE, Bayfield. ed in the southern parts of On'ta•ria, SEAFORTH MARKETS. 'Quebec, Manitoba, 'Saska tch swan, and Alberta. Black cottonwood, often re- e Er..g, perv o- s cn t . ferrel to as cottonwood, occurs only 'Butter, per lb. in the province of British Columbia. Eggs, per doz. Potatoes, per bag $4.2544.75 18c -20c ?2c -3:5c 30c