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National Service Loan
5 Year 5% Bonds - $100, $500 and $1,000
10 Year 5% Bonds - - $500 and $1,000
Subscriptions to this Loan will be received through all
branches of the Province of Ontario Savings Office
Head Office
- Parliament Buildings
'Mrs. Bertha Bell of Toronto .spent
the week -end with friends in town,
Miss Martha 'Carlyle of London
visited over the week -end at her home
Mr. and Airs. Letteau of Wallace -
burg visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Donald McKinnon.
]firs. M. McNichol orf Exeter visit-
ed friends in town this week.
Mr. lfilton Boyleof 'London: is
spending a few days at his home here.
Mr. Thos. Wren is spending a few
days in Toronto and while there is
taking in the Royal Winter Fair.
'Airs. Annie Henderson of Plattsvidle
is a visitor at the home of Mrs. John
Mr. and Mfrs. Ed. Fines of Clinton
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Laird Mickle..
Messrs. Harry Horton and 'Fred
Corbett of Hay are in Toronto this
week taking in the ;Royal Winter Fair.
Miss Elva Bolton of Kitchener vis-
ited over the week -end at her home
Mr. and sirs. Fred Corbett of Hay
were Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Roy McLaren.
Loyalty Saindlay was observed' in
the united Church on Sunday last.
Appropriate sermons were delivered
for the occasion and' special music
was rendered by the ehoir. Rev. Ar-
tJiur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and
in the morning Mr. Sam Rennie gave
a very pleasing solo. In the evening
Dr. ;Smillie took the solo parts in the
anthem, a duet was given by Mrs. G.
Hess and Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and a
male quartette by Dr, 'Stmildie and
Messrs. W. 10. Goodwin, W. Carlile
and S. Rennie.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mew of Gode-
rich spent Sunday visiting with Miss
Mattie Ellis.
Mr. John :McLaren of S'e'aforth vis-
ited on Wednesday at the home of his
brother, Mr, W. L. MdLaren.
Mrs. Jas. Coxworth of ,Strathroy is
visiting at the h'on'e of her daughter,
Mrs. A. Scruton.
Mr. William -liiew of Goder.'ich vis-
ited on Sunday with Mrs. John Mur-
The funeral of the latel4rs. Alex.
Smith took place from her late home
on Queen street on Sunday afternoon,
interment taking place in 'the Kinkton
'cemetery. Rev. Dr. McIlroy, pastor
of the Car'nie'I Presbyterian Church
and the Rev. Mr. Parker; rector of
the Anglican Church, had charge of
the services, -
'Miss Marie Bell of London is
spending a few days visiting her par-
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bell.
Mrs. jas. Eby of Colilingwood
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, J.
_Hiss Mary Stewart of Seaforth
visited for a few days this week with
friend's in town.
Messrs. Jahn Pasrsniore, George
Brock, George Foliick and Edgar
McQueen, left the first of the week
011 a hunting trip to Pike Bay.
:]Liss Beryl Pfaff of London spent
the week end at her.ho'me here.
Misses Ethel Murdock and Nellie
Carmichael visited :last week with
friends in Tonawanda, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo.' Reid of Chesley,
spent a feiw days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. J, W. Ortwein.
,Always keep D'ouglas' Egyptian Li-
niment at hand, ready to, being imme-
diate relief to burns, sores and felons.
Stops bleeding at once.iPrevents blood
poison'ing. ;Splendid for sore throat
and quinsy
Want and For Sale Ads;, 3 tines 50c
Miss Ruth Richardasn returned to
her home after spending a fe'w days
with her sister in Tildson•burg.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt have
moved to their new home in Hensel
and are getting nicely settled.
:Hiss Mary Hagan of London spent
the week end alt the home of her sis-
ter, Miss Dolly.
Mr. Alf Philp left Wednesday for
Toronto enroute to Montreal and will
sail from there to, his home in Lon-
don, England, the latter petit of this
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the recepttion in Varna on
Friday evening far Mr. and Mrrs. Rus-
sel Consitt.
Mr. Joe Hagan and Mrs. D. Nichol
of Hensall spent a day at the home
of MLr. 4V. Jarrott.
Mrs. M. Reichert and daughter,
Mliss Doreen, spent a day recently in
Mrs. Griffiths of Ronan, China,
gave a splendid address on her work
in that mission en Sunday last in bhe
Quite a number attended the funeral
of Miss K. Reichert on Tuesday af-
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith have
returned to their home after spending
a few days in Toronto with relatives.
Mrs, Neison Keys, who has spent
the past two weeks visiting her son,
Stewart, in Toronto, returned this
'week to her home on Babylon line.
'Liss Jean Turner of Seaforth spent
the week end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Keys and other friends in
A reception was held at the hall,
Varna, last Friday evening for the
bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Consitt. They were presented with
a niiscella,eous shower and a pleasant
evening was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Wren are
this past week visiting friends in To-
ronto and also taking in the Royal
Winter Fair.
Mr, and MIrs. Howard Wright mo-
tored to Toronto last week.
Miss Nellie Taylor of Seaforth
spent the week end at the home of her
parents, Mr. and irrs. William Tay-
Mr, Harvey Cameron and Mr. Rus-
sell Blackwell spent Sunday with
their friend, Mr, Edwin ,Taylor.
Mr. Fred Harburn and Mr. Paul
Boa are going to Toronto this week
to play horse shoes at the Royal Win-
ter Fair,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl MciClinchey
spent Sunday at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oswald.
Mr. Richard' Itin'snnan returned
home last week with a car load of
horses and tattle.
Mrs. John T. Rogerson.—The death
took place on Tuesday, November
24th, of Emily Bedford, wife. of John
T. Rogerson, in her 74th year, at the
home of her son-in-law, Mr. David
'Watson, MdKillop1 after are illin:ess
extending over six weeks. Besides her.
husband, one daughter, Mrs. David
Watson, survives. Mr. and Mrs. lelo-
gersron lived in HuJlett township for
a number of years. The funeral will
take place from the residence of Mr.
David Watson, lot 1.V, concession 18,
on Thursday, November 26th, service
at 2 p.m., to the place of interment in
Burns' Cemetery.
Min•, Henry Squires of Exeter spent
last (Saturday at the hone ' of his
granddaughter, Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw.
^Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilbert B'asnell and
daughter Roberta Of Toronto visited
at Mr. Wes. Johns over the week -end.
Master Laurie Stephens is recover-
ing from a nasty fall at school fast
week when'h'e streak his fate on bhe
cement work of the .school while play-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner and 1a-
tnily visited Mfrs. Heywood Sr. last
:Rev. Mr. White read a lebter orf
thanks from Rev. Mr. Whiteside of
Toronto for the shipment of fruit and
vegeta'b•Ies sent him recently.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Suhr and Miss
Lorena of Stratford spent Sunday
'with Mr. and Mrs. George Tuffin.
Mr. Lance Norris of Toronto spent
the week -end with friends.
The M,is'ses Verna Kleefeld't, And
.rey Dinnin, Vera Hamlbl'ey, Sylvia
Tuffin and Ada Speare were attend-
ing the Teacher Training Course be-
ing held in Wuodhani this week,
Mrs. F. Ooiquhoun and children of
Mlitc'heli are visiting with Mrs. R.
Mr. Russell Warden was in To-
ronto this week attending the Winter
One of the oldest and best known
residents in the person' of 'Samuel
Moore, died on Friday. He was born,
at Shallow (Lake in 1059 and had liv-
ed in ,Baytfield about 45 years, and also
at Oil Springs,' In August, 488'6, he
.was married at Clinton to Miss Kate
Sellers, and the surviving ine'mbers of
the (family of seven are: ,Bruce and
'Harry, of Baylfidld, JPearl and. Clara
of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Moore
was 'well known as an apiarist. Fqr 11
years deceased was a member of the
village council. He had been in fail-
ing health for the past two years. The
funeral was held from his late home.
to Babfield ;Cemetery, service being
conducted by the Rev. R, M. Gale,
Pastor of St. Andrew's United Church,
The pallbearers were H. R. MtdKay,
John Cameron, Frank Woods; E. R.
Weston, Don :Murray and Harry,„
Darrow. Two •brothers, John Moore,
of Toronto, and Robert Moore, and
family, of ,Shallow 'Lake, attended the
Mr. Geddes of ,Betgnave spent a few
days withhis daughter, Mrs, Joseph
Mr. John 'Bullard spent Sunday
with Mr, 'Ilareld Snralldon, of Wal-
Mrs, Foster Bennett and Mrs. Ro-
bert .Hogg and children spent Monday
afternoon with 'Alt. and Mir•s, Geo.
\4r and Mrs, Fergus Bullard and
2lr. and ltrs. Percy I.,itrtie spent Sat-
urday afternoon in 'Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Baxter of Ben -
miller and Mr. and _Mr's. Alain Dodds
of !Listowel spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Campbell.
The W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid will
meet at the home of Mrs, J. McClure
on Wednes'd'ay, December 2nd.
Persian Balm imparts a rare champ
and distinction to the woman who
uses it. Fragrant as a flower, delici-
ously cool to the skin, it always re-
sults in compl'exion's delightfully
young and lovely. Ind'i,spensalhle to
every dainty woman. As a powder
base for pid:y-textured skins or as a
beautifying lotion, it is unrivalled,
Tones and stimulates the skin. Rec-
ommended also to soften' and makc
the hands flawlessly white.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellicott of Heti-
fry n' spent Suud;ay afternoon with
141r. and Mrs Joseph Thornton.
Mr. .and ALTs, Edtw'ard Regele and
daughter Shirley spent Sunday with
,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell of
-firs. Bella Boyd and son John, also,
Mr. William Leming, spent Sunday
With Mr: and Mrs. ,Surlier of Born-
'Mrs. Ediw. Regele and daughter
Shirley spent Monday afternoon ;with
Mrs. 'Pete MdLau.ghlin,
Mrs. David Watson's mother is still
under the doctor's care. Vire hope for
a speedy recovery.
IA native S'c'otchrnan who enters a
restaurant far from his 'Bilis and hea-
ther is almost sure to, be, an amusing
fellow. Andra Ki'i ally,' the probes-
s•i.onal golf p'la'yer, who has pa'ss'ed
fifty years of his life on the famous
Unica at St. Andrews, 'Scotland, once
had to spend a few hours in London
in company with three other Scots.
The one thing that bothered them
was the price of the sli'p'per they ate,
Pointing to a bright, attractive look-
ing restaurant, B'en Sayers, wrh'o was
one of the party, said, "Let us go in
"They'll mak ye pay through the
nose in that brave place," the profes-
sional said.
But Ben (Sayers and Hugh were so
enthusiastic over the restaurant that
they offered to pay h'al'f of what the
supper might cost Davie Grant and
me. Since that se'enied fair we
agreed to risk eating there. 'Waiters
came and helped us off with our hats
and overcoats; a string band was
playing fancy music on a platform;
and finely dressed women and men
Were chatting and eating and drink-
"Andra,' Davie said to me, "ye
dinna see a sicht like that in St. An-
drews. It dazzles my verra een.
Them's bonnie women, but the men
look poor things."
"They'll make us pay for coming
here;" I said. "Lt'll post us a bonnie
penny afore we get out."
In fact I Wanted to go out there
and then, but the others stopped me;
we had a kind of .struggle, but at fast
We all settled down. The bill of fare
was printed in a language none of us
could -card,—daftili"ke thing it seemed
to me,—and we had to let the waiter
bring what he liked.' We had three or
four courses, but it was more like
picking than eating; there were a
small 'piece of ham, some pieces of
chitkeii, a cup of coffee and a slice
of bread. Then came the thunderbolt
T" had been waiting for 7s. 6d. each!
"All on one bill'" asked the waiter,
"Yes, that'll do," Sayers replied.
It amounted to thirty shillings.
"Just aboot bhe cost of the single
journey to St. A'ndrew's," .said tie prb-
"Give me three shillings, Davie,"
Sayers said to Grant, "and I'll pay for
your supper."
"No," said Davie; "I'll gie ye a
Hugh said the sane, thing to me,
and I replied as Davie had .done. "$t'dl
be a lesson to you to keep out of such
places," the professional added.
As the waiter was helping Davie on
with Iris coat he noticed that there
were no tips for him on the table.
"Don't forget the waiter, please," he
Davie turned on him with the most
solemn look ever seen on a man's
face. "Forget yet" he said. "I'll
never forget ye till my dyin' day; and
what's mair I'll never forgie ye."
O1 Farm' Stock and' Ianiple'ments,
43'otrsehold Effects and Furniture.
Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has re-
ceived instructions from the 'undersig-
ned to sell by public auction a't Lot 15,
Con. 4, Logan Township, taro miles
north of Mitchell on highway No. 23,
on Thursday, December 3rd, at 12:30
o'clock sharp, the following: Horses
—1 good bay mare 8 years, weighing
11,600 lbs. Hens.—About 100 good
young hen's and pullets., Implements
—'1 Massey -(Harris drill with cultiva-
tor attachment, 1 disc harrow, 1 three-
section harrow, 1 gang plow, 1 walk-
ing plow, 1 scuffl.er, 1, good wagon
with wagon box, gravel box, 1 set
sleighs with box, 1 cart, fanning nail',
scales 2,000 lb, cap.; hay rack, stook.
rack, top buggy, cutter, open buggy,
stone boat, pulper, cutting box, two
wheel barrows, pig crate, number of
h•arrels and feed boxes, sugar kettle,
milk can, several :idlers, wire strech
ers, scalding trough, about 20 single
cords of wood; washing machine, 2
vinegar barrels and vinegar, wash'
tubs, quantity of plank and, lumber.
'Ilarness--,Set of ehavy harness, set
of ploy," harness, set of heavy single
harness, sausage grinder, shotgun;
.Grain—Aboiut 25 bus, of barley, about
60 bus. of oats. Furniture -Exten-
sion table, glass cu'pboard, wardrobe,
'bureau, 3 good tables, dining room
chairs, kitchen chairs, several rockers,
several couches, picture racks, pic-
tures, kitchen sink, cook stove with
,E1 COM ends
Its Quality is well known.
Itis the most popular flour
used in our community.
We Guarantee Every Sack
you buy.
Order your supply from us.
;Purity ;Flour
per .ewt.....,..
Fresh iP'ork .fos
Roasting, per 18).
Back Bacon in the 19g.C
Piece per 1b._
Picnic IH'antls 14. c'
per`lpouand ..
Gunn's Oyster
Shell per cwt, .09
IBEX Blankets
large size per pair 1 a�
W. J. Finnigan
A right good three year colt, a
Massey-lH'arrin 9 -inch plate grinder.
almost new, and a heavy Bain wagon,
medium :height, in first class condi-
tion. Would consider cattle or hogs
in. exchange. Apply to F. BIBUCIE
MEDD, Lot 26, Con. '5, MaaKillop•,
2'=/ miles north of Seaforth, 48
Frame House, good size, on Jarvis
street, ,two lot's, electric lights, •town
waiter, etc, Imnmedia'te possession.
IRe'oently vacated by Mrs. 'George
,Cook. Apply to E. L. 'BOX.
Make 112 Christina• Gifts. Save
money by buying from the Jaolcson
;Studio, Seaforth.
Roams to rent cheap. Apply to the
!Jackson Studio, Seaforth.
A caretaker wanted for Eginond-
ville United Church, dutiesto com-
mence January lst, 11932. Applica-
tions to 'be received up to Dec. 22nd,
1931, stating salary. Th'e lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
JOHN T. FJLIGIIIE, R.R. 2, .Kip'pen,
Sec. of Board of Stewards.
The McKillop Oo.uncil will meet at
Workman's Hall, on Monday, Nov.
30th, 1931, at 10 aan., and at Seaforth,
on MPo'nday and Tuesday, December
14tH and 1'Sth. Monday meeting at
10 a.,ni. The collector will be at both
pipes, heater, 3 good beds, bed;ding,
pillonts, quilts, comforters, feather
ticks, quantity of. rag ,mats, blankets,
quantity of fruit, jars, several crocks
of apple 'butter, a full line of kitchen
utensils, fancy dishes, a quantity of
apples and potatoes. Whiffle'trees,
neckyokes, scythes, forks, spades; 'a
full line of mason and carpenter tools
and a host of articles boo nuntero.us
to mention, usually found about hou's'e
an dtfarrn. There will also be offered
for sale a lot in the town of Mitchell,
being olt No. 7, situated at the Bound
ary of Mitchell and township of Lo-
gan, 3 blocks east of highway No. 23,
with a good house and barn with '2
acres of land, Terris on lot will be
made known on day of sale, or apply
to the proprietor. Terris of Sale�All
sums of $10 anrd under, cash; over
that amount 10 months' credit will -be
given on furnishing approved 'joint
notes with bona fide property owners
as security, or a discount of 5'%
strai,gth off for cash on credit am-
ounts. No reserve as the proprietor
has sold his farm ,and ,giving top house
keeping. Auctioneer's decision 'final
its case of disputes. George Riehl,'
prop.; Fred W. Ahrens, acct.
TH,OMPSIO'N.— In Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Sunday, 'iNrov.'2'2, 1931,
to.lir. and Mrs. R. L. Thompson, a
son (s'til'lborn).
,Mr. and .lLrs, N. McCauley, .Brus-
sels, announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Frances /L.' Mar-
ion, to William Maris Cardiff, eld'es't
sort o1 Mr. and Mrs., L. "Cardiff, ,of
Grey Township, the marriage' to take•
Place quietly in St. Johns Church, in.
Ready Glazed Storm' Windows
measured and put on
A• �M Pr•ngle
,For week of No•v. 30 to Dec. 5tfz
Regular 7Sc
:One Week Only
Phone Pullman's Barber Shop, 12S ar
'house, 229.
'Chopping at Kinburn, 3 days ta.
week, Tuesday, Wednesday, 'Thins-
day. GRAHAM J. KEIRIR. 48.
About 3 cords of dry hardwood.
split ready for the stove. 1$4.00 z ecrxl,
delivered. HiU3,{PIHRIIES :&
Walton. 48.
This mill Will operate four days ,a
week. Tuesdays, Wedn'esd'ays, Mars=
days and Fridays. Apple butter ase
cider. Lot 23, con. 6, Logan. FRIED:.
HIEINiNIPOK, Phone 6120-31, Mitclrt1L
Fancy cheese case, selling at liaElr.
price: Phone 199. Clinton.
Comfortable Cottage situate o
Reit Goderichi Street; Seaforth, form-
erly occupied by ' Mrs. Clara MI&
Closkey Crowley.
Im,niediate possessioncan be exam.
For further particulars apply to L 5.
HAYS, Seaforth, Ont.
Electric light, town water. etc. Ap-,
ply to" E. L. 1310X.
Hardwood $4.'50 a cord, delivered_
Soft wood slabs, $250, delivered- T
3..RII'CHAIRDSObl, Phone 148 s 7^
' The' Huron County Council will
meet in the County Council Chamber,
Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock.
in the afternoon, Tuesday the 1st day
of December, 19311.
All accounts and petitions must he .
in the h'an,d's of the Clerk not: later
thaii Monday the 30th day of Nasseu>h
her to insure attention, and notices orf
'deputations or requests for hearing
'Should • be sent in previous . to the
'Council meeting.
GEO, W. HO)LMA,bi,
County Clerk-
Goderich, Nov. 10th, 1930.
Hogs, per cwt.
(Butter, per 1'b, ,...;,
Eggs, per doz. 28c #2c
;Potatoes, per bag