HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-11-26, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1931, THE SEAPORTH NEWS. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. Marchandise''disp'layed in aur orderly ,manner to assist you in your selections is another example of the way in which the Superior Chain Store nialces more easy the ,pro'bbeens that confront the housewife. The fresh. and canned foods and other articles making up our stock=in 'tt'a.de are carefully grouped and pro!niinenitly priced for your con- venience, We know that you wrlll enjoy shopping alt a Superior Chant Store,. Remember, we de'l'iver. WE -SELL THE BEST FOR LESS. Items' for. Week 'Ending Dec: 2, 1931. 'SIN'GAPORE SLICED PIIN'EAPP.LE "A Real.,Bargain" per tin ` LUX TOILET SOAP "Your opportunity"... , , 3. cakes 19 c TIGER CATSUP, Large 26 oz, size "Special' Value" per bottle 15 c PEALS;. No. 3 Sieve,'No.• 2 size tins "Yonwill appreciate 'the quality" . .3 fort LARGE SIZE NEW SANTA C.LARA PRUNES,.. 2 lbs, 23 c Maxwell House Coffee l's /13c "Nationally known" ,((Special) Chateau Cheese, "I't spreads or slices" f4 Pb. 17c 1\'Panyflowers Toilet Soap • • , i 4 cakes 25c Reerin's- Malto Cream Biscuits (Special) ;per lb. 28c Maple Leaf Sockeye Saluron • 1's.. , .33c; %'s' 19c Clark's Spaghetti large tin 10c i 2 for 15c per tin 23c per pkg. 12c Sea King Lobsters.... .. ,,..r. , .. %'s..., ,190; 1/2.'s : 29c Interlake Toilet Tissue •3 railis 25c 'Hawes' Floor Wax, Paste.. .................1, .;...., ..1's 43c Hawes' Liquid Floor Wax .. .. Pints 55c Hawes' Lemon Oil targe bottle 23c Lawrason's Snolt,lflalce ,Ammonia B?lits'ho Benson's Corn Starch "FOR YOUR CHRI'STMAS CAKE" Australian Valencia Raisins 2 lbs'. 25c (New Ourrlants 2 lbs. 30c !Extra 'Quality Bleached Sultan • per ib, 23c ''Lennon Peel per lb. lBc per 'lb. 18c per ib. 25c ....,....;1 lb. fer 18c • 'bb. 14c • • lb. 17c ,,,.., per ib, 49c 'Orange Peel Citron Peel Cut Mixed ,Peel, ... , . , .,. ,t..I. • (Glace Cherries Pineap'p'le Rings ISheilled Almonds IShirriff's'Gaod Morning Marmalade, ..16 oz.... ,23c; 3'2 oz... 39c 'Family Blend Tea l' ilib, lh'ag 39c Pineapple Marmalade, 40 oz, per jar 35c (Shredded Wheat Biscuit, Pep, Post's Bran, 'Muffe'ts. 2 'pkgs. 25c IS.'OtS. Scouring Pads 'Small 14c large... , , 23c Mop Sticks .. ...,.:. , ... .each 19c ISunera, "'The VitaminCereal"•perk . 23c Layer Figs ... , ...... ,1 Ib 19c, Fray B'entos Corned Beg each;+,'17c Clothes Pins 4, ... . . per betel:* 1Oc ' '� 3 .doz.`10c '. Arctic Mints, a clear mint candy' p per lib, 19c Gum Drops, Honey •Mixed jellies . , ,I,...I. , , , , , .2 lbs, 25c Fresh Salted Blanched Peanuts '1 lb. 20c RossJ. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Cream Cream HIGHEST PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES. Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call in our cream drawer and, receive our services. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give usa trial." Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seafnrth,Ont,. C. A. BARBER. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING gator or Horse Equipment W j WALKER., holder of'Go- , ternment diploma and license. plewers Furnished. Night nr day phs,ne 67. -LONDESBORO. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCall :are spending ,this week with friends near gussets, Mr. and Mrs, IRolbt. Caldwell. were Sundly guests. of Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Caldiwelt of 'Wawanosli. • Mr. alit Mrs, Geo. A'iloon and Mr. and' Mrs. 'Wild Hamilton spent 'Sun- d'ay,;wi'eh Kirkton friend's.. Miss Gllew of Clinton was a guest of :Ml's H. Y•ungb'lut over the'wee•k-end. 34r Major Yunglbllut returned 'hone _Vlondlay-niglitt after attending the Ro- yal kat Stock Show in Toronto for :some days. idles Nett s the guest of .her daugh- ter, MesrS!tewens;:,o'f ,Seatfvrbh, this: week. 3iir. and Mrs: 'WTI lt ^f-f‘ti ndbuilg aiid` tanuly motored to Palmtersten on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rapson spent Sunday in our burg. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sisley and chil- dren were guests of the foriner's par- ents here on Sunday. 'Messrs. Alex. and Will Welds were in Toronto last Saturday. lltr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong were in Goderich Suiiday.. Miss E. Lyon and Mrs. Geo. Lyon, who haver been guests of Mrs. 'Sarivp- son of Palmerston for the last 'two 'weeks, returned to their hones on ISunday. The play given by two classes of the United Sunday School last Frktay, night was a decided success, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walsh and •family o'f near Betgrave visited with .Mr, and Mrs. Robert McCrea on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. B. Tyer ecan of Sea- . Korth, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs., Elsley on 'Sionday.' Mfrs, .Robert Scott spent Monday in lWiltghem. A pleasant medicine for children is Bother ;Graves' Worm Extennitrater, and rt is V l' e �t g.A5,9 { >r xa ms "..p.'.S, �'dae'�a�lsne�'tt^�i�.'ru�l`�lb �''. from the system. TOWN TOPICS Miss Margaret McKellar of Wes- tern University, Mr. anti. Mrs:: Mc- Kellar, Gordon and Isobel, spent ISturday with friends tri Cromarty, Mr, Y. ai: Ecka'r't book his bumper crop of red clover seed to Exeter this week bo have it recleaned: Mr. and Mrs, James A. Tufford of 13eanvsville were week -end visitors at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gillespie, James street. They were accompanied by Mrs. Gillespie, who has returned to taws after spending several weeps in •Beam'sv13le. Week end visitor s at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs. 'W!i'il'iam ,H.arrison were Mr. and Mrls.. Harold Rivers Rivers and son Don, Mrs. R. D. .Long, Misses Mar- ion and Mildred Oke, :AIF. Wm 'Bell and Mr. Daniel Refill, all of .Goderich. Mr, ,Chas. 'Muir . of the Goderich' Star, and Mr. 'Bert Adair af, T'oron'to, were in town 'Saturday morning to see the .'euboniaitic press set work in The News office. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reid and fam- ily, also Mr. and Mrs. George Sang- ster and family, all of Stratford s'pen't Sndby. !ay at the h•otne of Mr. J. Grim - Dr. Marion Dougall and children of 'Petro -14a were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie during the week. At the anniversary services of:Cro- ntarty Church on Sunday, Mrs. int• McKellar elf town assisted in the choir and rendered a delightful solo at the. evening service, Mr. Alonzo Matthews left iMond!ay to take a pos'itio'n as gang foreman on the 'Trans-C'aiada highway in Ken - ora district. He was accompanied• by A'rthur'.Farney, St. Marys, timekeeper, •\ffessrs. Charles Evans and Edward: Evans and Miss Violet Shedden, all of H'amil'ton, visited over the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans. Guests at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Hoggarth on Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Simla -tons, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Richmond and Miss Mary Hoggarth, Hensel, and Mr, and Mrs. Ivis'on, Kippers. Miss McLaughlin, Miss Trout and Miss McGregor are in London Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday this week writing their provincial nurses' examinations, 'Mus, Wm. McMichael is spending a few days in Woodstock. A supper and sale of work Of fancy goods, also candy* booth, will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 8th, by theladies of St.; Thomas' Churcii Guild, '" The News is ' indebted to Miss H. Isabel Graham for a h'andsoiue chap- book, "Ben Ons and the Christmas Carol," containing a number of her poems. Mrs. E. C. McClelland and Ann and ;Billy, o'f 'Toronto, are spending a week or 'two- with her •paretns, Col, and \Irs, R. S Hays. •, • 'The members of the 'Sunday Scheoi' of North Side United Ohurc'h'have be- gun preparing . for their • Christmas Tree and Entertainment to be held on the evening of Friday, Dec. 18th. Keep this date open. Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. Kerslake spent the week -end in Toronto. Mrs. A. D. Sutherland returned on Monday from Edmonton. • ,Mr. Gorden Ralph of Toronto is visiting his mother,' Mrs. Chas. Rolph. Miss Leila Best has returned to Toronto after visiting in town, HARLOCK Surprise Party and Presentation,— 'OM resentation;•Qn Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gib'bings had a very pleasant surprise, when a num- ber of young people of the neighbor- hood and vicinity, .gathered at their home to spend a sociable evening to- gether and present them with a beau- tiful buffet mirror, Just before start- ing the evening's amusements, Mr. Nevif Forbes entered the dining room and read the following address and the Messrs. Clareuice Bali and Antos_ Osbaliles'tan made the presentation: "November P7ltlt, 1931,1Dear Mt. and Mrs, Giblbinigs: We, the young people of the community, have gath- eyed at your home tonight to spend a social time and also to convey to yoti our best wishes as you begin life together. As true friends, it is our. desire to rejoice with you in this your hour of happiness and sunshine. We,' 'welcome you, Marie, into this neigh- borhood. We knialw you will look well oto the ways of your household, and .having been endowed by nature with e sunny disposition, Warren will al - way's rejoice in having wait so excel- lent a wife, We hope you will be as one in your duties and cares of life, 'May we ask you to accept this mir- ror nal for its material value bot that you may have something tangible to remind you from day to day of our. welcome to you and of this pleasant occasion. Signed, on behalf o$ Young ,People," .Mr. and Mrs. 'Gi'bbings replied in a DEDICATED TO BETTER VISION By TIIE SAVAUGE EYESIGHT SERVICE Seaforth. YOU CAN'T READ TO -DAY •VVlith the eyes you used to have. You remember '(town •you could ,once read the sm'al'lest print. Lately your reading. matter is held fur- ther from the eyes, and even ,then it looks sort of 'hazy, 111 you will drop in here some day we will show you how a modern eye service deals with such cases, Con'tinue'd next week, • hone of the bride's parents. The 'bride, unattended, looked lovely, at- tired in dainty blue crepe. Immediate- ly after the ceremony the gttests sat down to a wedding ;,breakfast. Later Mr, and Mrs. Sildery left by motor to. spend their honeymoon ;in Hamilton, The bride's travelling costume con- sisted o•f a tweed coat with hat and shoes to match. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm, 3rd concession of 'Usborne township. Among the guests. were Mr. and Mrs, (Henry Gorier, Auburn, gr'andparen'ts of the ,bride;, the bridegroom's parents, ,\Ir, and Mrs, Robert Sillery, his bro- ., ther, William. Siliery, Mr, and Mrs, Alex. 'Duncan, all of Exeter; Mr and Mrs; 'Will'iam !Gooier, Westfield; Ber- nice Ball, Air. and Airs. George (Beadle, H'ul'let't; Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Shepherd, ,Clinton. Mr. Henry Sanderson and Ernest attended a familygathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 'Forbes of 'Wal- ton on Wednesday. There were six Sisters and five brothers present and a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr, and Mrs. Ball of near 'Summer- hill and their family motored to Strat- ford last Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Risley spent last Sunday with relatives' in Londes'boro. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Brigham and Family of the 13th, spent last Sunday with: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams of I.andeslboro. We are glad to state that Mrs. filo. Brown of the 11,th concession is very much improved and was recently able bo visit her daughter, Airs, Trewin. We hope she may continue to im- prove. Mrs. George Moon and two daugh- ters of the 1'ath concession motored to Stratford Saturday, Mr. William Brigham of the gravel road, had Reeve and Mrs. Brigham of (Hanover visit them last Sabbath, also Mr. and Mrs. Daub of Brantford. Mrs. at. Hesk of the 8th concession has as her guest her sister, \2iss Ida Lyon o'f Landesboro. Mr. W. Manning of the kith con- cession recently visited his uncle, Mr. Morris of St. Thomas.. He was ac- companied by his mother, Mrs. Jos. Manning. suitable manner thanking their friends .for the lovely gift, also for the kind address, inviting :them all to visit thetiz again. Tlhe evening was very pleas- antly spent in progressive euchre and dancing. A dainty lunch was served by the young people at midnight. An- other interesting and pleasing feature of the occasion was that Mir, and Mrs. J. G. Gi'bbmgs had accidentally invit- ed ail the family to Nheir appar'tmenits that night to a fowl supper. Si it was a surprise all round and the house was all opened up and all enjoyed the surprise and pleasure.' IAlr.,Audrey'Knox'spen't part of last week at the .home of his brother, Wm, .Knox, in (Grey. Miss Mary Dickson of Seaforth spent :Sunday afternoon With her -fniends, 'the Misses lHe'len and ;Mar- jorie 'MolE'tving, Mrs. Ritchie and baby are getting along nicely. Miss. .Florence 'Watson, who is at present visiting' in the vicinity, visited on Saturday at, the home of .lir, and Mrs. A. W. Beacom, Airs. 'Knechtel' and 'tittle •2Iaxeen, Who have 'spent the last three months at .the home of the ,fornter'•s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert. 'Ferris, left for her 'home in' Saskatchewan last Thurs- ay. / d \Lr, Guy 'Leiper spent the week end with friends in 'Toronto, Messrs, John 'Leiper and iLsaac Rap- son enjoyed a pleasant motor trip to Mi'l'dmay 'Tue'sday .of la'st week, 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Watson visit- ed on Sunday at the ho'me of the for - user's 'brother, Mr, David Watson in \icKil'lop, We are sorry to hear of the death of •\Irs. J. T. Rogerson, which occurred this week. Mr. and'Mrs. I. Rapson were guests jlast Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and \Irs,-J. G. Gib'bings near. 101inbo n. Miss 'Lottie Jenkins visited at the home of her father and. brother one day Past week. HULLETT. iA pretty wedding took place on Sa- turday, .Nove'niber 22nd, at six -thirty o'clock when Laura May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gooier of Hill- crest Farm, south of Auburn, on bhe' ,Base Line, IHullett Township, be- came the bride .of Robert Edward Sid- iery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sil- lery of Exeter. The ceremony, .which was performed by Rev, T. W. Good-. will, pastor of Kntx Presbyterian Church, Auburn, took place at the CSI rutin a, i (ath, 3 Distinctive Greeting Cards with your name printed on them, priced from $1,00 per dozen up. Samples now on display: fin} "THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Auto-losur CE Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates II's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and -: at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances: All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 " . D. SuthorIand GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over K.eati'ng's Drug Store KIPPEN. Mr. 39T, M. Doig attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto last week and reports an ideal outing. 'Mr. Gilbert Jarrott of London spent the week end with his parents in the village. '-Miss Beatrice Cooper is spending a few weeks with her sister in Lansing, Mich. 'Several from the village attended the wedding reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Casey Way ,at their home in Tuckersniith recently and all re- port a grand time. McGregor and Oesch, our local but- chers, are doing a good business and giving their patrons the beat of satis- faction. Mr. and Mrs. Gascho of Zurich spent' Sunday with \:Ir. and Mrs, ,Win, MdGregor. Our local sports are busy at the wild geese and ducks and are hating fair success. Mr. Wm. Deitz is under the doctor's care with a severe attack of sciatica. Mr. Isaac Jarrett is improving slows- ly and able to do a little light work after his serious accident. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Church held their annual thankoffer in'g service, on Sunday last, Mrs. Griffith, returned missionary from Hon'an, China, gave a very interest- ing account of her work. The choir of St. Andrew's Church. tKippen, are presenting a concert in the church on Thursday, December `3rd, directed by Mr. W. R. Goulding, iAT.C.M., Exeter. The concert will oonsis't of choruses, solos, and other musical numbers, The Young People are having a congregational supper an Friday night. after which lantern slides on British Columbia will be presented. ERUCEFIELD. 'Narrow Escape. --When the car in Which they were d rit.ng w", struck k by a freight train at a crossing on the 'Guelph -Kitchener highway Thursday afternoon, Mr. William Chapman, the ,driver, Miss Lila Chapman of Guelph, and Mrs. Arthur Rutledge of Eg- matndtville, had a narrow escape from death. The machine was completely wrecked but the occu'pan'ts were only slightly injured. Mrs. Rutledge re- ceived a cut above the eye, requiring several stitches. The train consisted' of an engine and caboose, Mr. 'Lance Norris of Medical Cal - lege, Toronto, 'spent the week end at :the 'home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Nwrris, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan, (Betty and Boblrie,'left 'Friday morning for a visit with friends in 'Dundas and Toronto; they will also take in the Winter. IFai r, Mr. John Broadfont attended the Royal Fair last week. PAGE FIVE Don't forget the EUCHRE and OLD TIME D'ANICE. In Walker's Hall, Brucefield, on the evening of Fri., Dec. 4 Euchre at '8.30: Prizes will be given, tAd•nrission; gents 40c, ladles 20c (Good music Lunch provided Everybody welcome Miss Dorothy Broadfoot is in 'Tor- onto this week where She will attend the fair, 'Air. Thos, L. Gillespie of Toronto spent the week end at the home of his parent Mr, and Mrs, Neil G,il'le's pie, who motored back to Toronto with h'im to visit their family. Mr, and Mrs. Celtattd of Mount Fo- rest;•visited at the home of the lady's mother, Mrs. Stevens, last week. Miss Jessie Tough visited friends in the village last week, .:Airs. Elgie of Tuckersmith and Mrs, Helmer of Goderich visited friends in the village and vicinity last week. 'MTS. James Walker and son Jim, and Mrs. G. Watts of Clinton, visited friends in Mitchell this week. The fowl supper which was held last week proved a decided success. The auditorium and gallery were filled to capacity. The program which was put on by the Exeter choir under the leadership of Mr. Golding was excep- tionally good and was ,truth enjoyed. The proceeds amounted to aver $'300. 'lshe annual thankoffering meeting of the• Misson Band will be held an Friday at 8 p,tn. when slides will be shown o'1 Korea, to which the congre- gation is invited, 'Letter from the West,—The follow- ing is a letter received by Audrey Co-'chrane from \Irs, Munro, Frobisher, Sask„ expressing her thanks and ap- preciation to the ladies of 'Brucefield for clothing sent to that place: "Dear Audrey Cochrane, ---Just a few lines to et you knew we received your lovely baby set, cap, mitts and scarf, and to hank you so tnuch for them. I love poking at babies' things so just had o have a peek at them. When 2 saw what they were and how nice, I knew must find a home for them and where they would be taken care of nd appreciated. I have been in this ountry over thirty years, so know he people pretty well. I knew of a o'me where there was a new baby oy two weeks o'dd and the father died his spring. The mother now has five ttie ones, ranging from new baby to years, nate of them started to chool. The mother is a clean. tidy, hrifty woman and she lives away out the country. She was left without nythin'g, only I believe she is to get widow's allowance from the govern- ent. We are in a crop failure dis- ict Grain prices are very low, also utter, eggs were but have gone up 25c, flour is going tip fast. We re- ived a quantity of second --hand °thing which (speaking for people) e were very- thankful to get. Nov nber 14th• being a holiday in solute's, others took the opportunity to bring eir children in to be fitted out, some ry sad cases. 'I was so busy that y I scarcely had time to eat my eals, but I didn't mind, I was so ankftti to be able to give them warm othes. It is a work 'I love and only ish I was free to spend all my time it, but I do all my own 'housework d' have four children. We have itted ten quilts, most of them done my •house, some I pieced myself, to given away. A car load of eats me to some districts but not here. e were hoping we would get one, 1 nue from Ontario myself, but I nev- heard of these towns westward, nor ucefield, tt'here these parcels of ods came from. I was wishing at some of the ladies or people, who at these clothes would have sen eir nates; so I could have written ck and thanked them. Yours is the ly name I found. So if you have an portunity to let these people know, ase do . sn We \ llav have had beautiful ul ether till to -day. It is raw and d. We have h•ad no rain all fall, d no snow so far. Water is very rete in the country. Thanking you ce more, I remain, yours truly, Mrs. Bella Munro, '\V. M. Society Relief pply Secretary, Frobisher, S:ask, SPECIAL OPTICAL NOTDCE. Have your eyes examined by our well-known and painstaking specialist, Mr. Hu,ghs.on, formerly optical expert for gents, Toronto, and Henry Mor- gan & Co., Montreal. Over 30 years' experience; 20 years coming to Sea.- iorth. You are assured of the Best op- tical work to be obtained and at very moderate cost. We have all the late styles of frames and mountings, the best make and -our -prices are from $4:00 _tip. Tuesday wird -Wednesday, December 1st and 2nd. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth