HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-11-26, Page 4mismeausir ••I PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS. • THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers. THE ANNUAL BAZIA and Supper Of the 'St. George's Ladies' Guild, Walton. A.O.UJW. HALL, WALTON Wed., Dec, 2nd The Bazaar opens at 2 p.m. Supper served from 4 to 8 p.m. Supper 25c' Mrs. P. McTaggart Miss If. Driscoll President, Sec.-Treas. WALTON. Mr. and Mrs, 'Litt of !Windsor vis- ited the litter's sister, Mrs: R. Hoy, •and other 'friends, Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Bolton and David -and 'Miss Millie Duggan of Sealfonth spent ;Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. .3. Humphries. ' Mr. and Mrs, John McArthur of 'St. Marys were visiting the former's brother, .Mr. G. McArthur on Tues day. Mr. S. Forbes has installed a nen electric radio. Mrs. D. !Saltier and Mrs. Wes Glarl spent Saturday in ,Stratford. Mr. anad, Mrs. Watson of London are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett. Mr. W. J. Humphries and Mr, C. Bennett attended the credit men's meeting in Dublin on 'Thursday night and report a very pleasant evening, .Mies IBertie Parr of IBru•ssels vi's'ited friends in Walton and Mof(illop par of last week, Mr. Pete McTaggart has invested in a cobb'ler's outfit end is prepared to do all kinds of shoe repairing. Mr. and Mrs, George Butson, of :Staffa, spent last Friday .with relative in Walton. Wedding bel; will be ringing in 'Grey township this week when the Mach'an,Jacklin wedding takes place on Wednesday by' Rev. Mr.'Cumaning Mriss Alice Neil and Mrs. Reid o. Windsor spent several days over the week end tvith Mr, and Mrs. R. W Hoy. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Drager and Charlie spent the week end with his another, Mrs. C. Drager. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. Meehan. have moved back to the home of their daughter, lies. .R. Marks, after being in Brussels since last Spring. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Barrows o McKillop and the latter's mother, Mfrs.MoCutcheon, and her brother and uncle of .Brussels, were at Tor onto for two or three days over the week end, Mrs. Freeman Arxie and Miss Han nah •Rina of Woodham visited thei aunt. Mrs. William MdG'avin, recently Mr. Charles MoGavin, of 'Leadbury has been wearing a broad smile since the arrival of a baby dau'gh'ter. Mrs MIcG'at•in and baby are both doing well, at her bonne at Brussels. Mr, George Ross and daughter Vi- vian of Mitchell visited his sister, ',Nits. John Driscoll 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watson of Blyth, were guests on Sunday at the home GE ,Mr. and Mrs. William vFc- Gavin, Leadbury, On Friday evening the young people of Duff's Church held a very success- ful social in the school -room of the church. It was in the nature of a "hard times" social and everyone was requested to corse dressed for the oc- casion. Many laughable costumes were the result. A good program of music and contests took up the earlier part of the evening. Then the costumes were judged and Miss Mary Humphries won the first prize among the •ladies and .14r, Albert .Lydiatt won first prize among the men. A dainty lunch was served at the close, Proceeds were over $16.00. VARNA. ill Friday night a reception was held in the hall in honor of Mr, and Mrs. T. R. Consitt, when a very pleas- ant time was spent. Mrs. Potter of Detroit has return- ed home after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs, Campbell. Mr. Bratherton has moved his ef- fects to Mr. Mitchell's farm, Babylon line, Messrs, George and John Beatty, in, company with Mrs, Beatty and Miss Mossop, motored to Listowel Sunday to spend the day with the former's sister, Mrs. Wood's. Rev. F, H. Paull .of B!ayfie!d ex- . changed pulpits last Sunday with Rev. Wm, Hall, of Dungannon. !Several from this district took in the supper held in Brueeifield Friday night and report a good supper and prograr. 'We are pleased to ; eport Mrs. 'Mos - sop has recovered frons her recent illness. Let us have the names -of' your visitors BLYTH. Mr. and Mrs. ,Reg. Carter and fam- ily of Woodstock visited with Mrs. CCarter's sister,-rMrs, Isaac Snell on. 'Sunday. Mr, Gordon Cask of ,Cochrane call- ed on his sister, Mrs. Isaac Snell and brother, Mr. Jloseiph Cook, on Sunday. Mr. asci Mrs. James Morkim of Lu- •can, visited the latter's mother, Mos. (Elden Kelly, over the week end. Mr..and Mrs, Richard Newcombe of 'London visited over fheweek end at. the homes of -their cousins, Messrs. Ervine and -Robert Wallace and Frank IB'el'L 1The thankoffering meeting, of the McLean MLisslion Band was held in St, Andrew's Church on (Friday even- ing, Novemlber 20th,• with Rev, George Weir as chairman.- A good program was provided by the Mission Band and Dr. J. C. Ross was the\speaker and gave a splendid address on China, for which he received a very hearty vote of thanks, Home made candy was on sale; Mrs. Wb14iam Johnston is spending a week in Toronto with her daagh'ters, 'Mrs. 0. ,Johnston and Mrs. Alex. Fax Returned Home. -Mr. Wl'lliarn C. Herbison, brother of Mr's, W. H. Me - Elroy, arrived from North Dakota on Saturday after a thirty-eight year ab- sence from Huron county. Owing to the recent poor health of his wife's brother, Mr, Jack Connell of Clinton,. they 'decided to return to Clinton and sold their farm in North Dakota and after a short visit with Mr. Herbison'' eider brother at Minneapolis, wh'o •p'aid a visit to 'the old home on the IBlaylfteld Road last year, and a young- er brother, also in Dakota, they came East, but were unable to visit their daughter at Winnipeg. Mr. Herbi- son has ,been spending a few days in Blyth and remarks what a great im- provement has taken plaice. He also noted that there are about as inany gasoline .fi'll'ing sta'tion's on Queen Sit. as there used to be hotels, The Grand 'Trunk Railway ran through then, but net the C.P.R. Mrs. !B. ,Herrington returned Satur- day from Kingston where she has been visiting her sister, ,Block of new sidewalk, between the old evaporator at Hamilton avenue, to MCConn•ell Street has been built as a result of the grading on the highway, the work being done by Mr. A. Saun- ders. DUBLIN. Miss Anna Molyneaux of Kitchener spent the week end at the 'home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Moly- neaux. Miss Mary O'Connor, R.N., and Miss Halvary, R4N., of Highland (Park General Hospital, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Con- nor. 1'Irs. J. Ryan of Stratford spent Fri- day with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, O'- Rourke, vlr, and Mrs, Fred Saddler of Lan- dau attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wm, Hills. Miss Marie Benninger of Hamilton sp'en't the aveek end at her hone here. Mrs. Patrick Ryan, Jr., is visiting friends in Detroit, Mr. John McGrath shipped a fine carload of horses to Quebec on Satur- day. Miss Veronica McConnell sjient the week end with friends here. 'MLiss Ruth 'H'il'ls , has returned to Ottawa after attending the funeral of her father, the late William Hills. Hr, and Mrs. Fred Sadler and son of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey. Mr, and Mrs, James Sloan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney on iSunday. Death of Mr. William Hills, In the sudden death of Mr. William Hills, hardware merchant of Dublin, this district suffered the foss of one of its most capable business men. For some years Mr. Hills was also in the hard- ware business in Seaforth. His death, which occurred about 4.30 o'clock on Friday morning, was unexpected to all, as he had" been about the house as usual the evening before, though for some time he had been afflicted with heart trouble. Mr. H'il'ls was in his fifty-eighth year and was born' in Egiaiondv.11e, a son of the late Thom- as Hills, tvho for a great many years operated the, Egmondville waggon and carriage shop. As a young man he was bookkeeper for the Reid & Wilson hardware in Seaforth and lat- er under the partnership of McIntyre & Hills carried on the business in the same store, until going to Dublin twenty years ago, where he had been engaged in the business ever since. Mr, Mr, Hills was treasurer of the Town- ship ,of Hihbert for a number of years, He was married thirty years ago to his now bereft wife, formerly Miss Mary McLarty, of Stratford, tvho was teacher in the Eginonld'vjlle school. Mr. and Mrs, Hills resided an Victor- ia street, Seaforth, for a year or two before moving to Dublin. Beside's his widow, he• leaves ane son' and five daulg'hlters to mourn their loss,'°Rut'h, teaching school at Ottawa; Mrs. Geo, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1931.. Come in and See ,ur New and Used Cars I Am Agent For Durant Cars & Rugby Trucks Mass. a=Harris Machinery y y and Repair, JOHN ,. GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and' Labor Cash. Simhson;:of Sarnia; Flora, stenograph- er of Toronto; Maty, school of Edu'ca- tion, Toronto, and fear and Thomas at home. One brother and a sister, Mr. George Hillis, Egmaitdville,' and Mrs. Maria Cole, ' T'oronito, also sur- vive Mr. Hills. On Sunday after- noon the funeral took place from the residence in Dublin. A very large number Of friend's were present at the service. Rely. R. C. Capper, of Sh, Mary's Aoglic'an Church, Dulblin, of- ficiated. During the service tiwo sel- ections were beautifully rendered' :by silo Seaforth. Presbyterian' quartette, I•nternieitlt took place in the 'S'tage 'Cemetery, the pallbearers being Alex. (Darling, Frank McConnell, Joseph L'arner. William 'Stapleton, James 1Slhea, Ja'm'es Jo'r'dan, Nenae of the family at a distance were at home at ache time of their father's death, but cis KiansLopif 67 ;(,Latin), Frauvois Doyle 66 '(composition), !Gordian Dill 64 (oompastb1on), Nellie Doyle 64. ?4 carnpro'sition), Ursula 'Krauskopf 62' i(igeounebry), John McQuaid 61 (French), John O'Reilly 60 (Canad- ian history), Rose ,Me4ady 59 ('alge bra), Clare Gormley 56 '(co'mipbsli- ti'on),'"Irene O'Rourke 51 (d'rench'). Vincent Eckert'68 (Composition, alg- ebra), iLeota_Ryan .58 i(French, ge'am- etry), Monica Roache 157 (geotmetry, •e'henristry), Dorothy) Brennan •55 , I(Icoimlpasbion, Canadian history), Da - 1 niel McCarthy 50 (literature, geom- etry), Jahn Holland 61 (ge'oauetry, 'ad gelbra, Freach). , ,PornItI.-(Frances Delaney 62%, Eliwyn Morris 166, Arthur :Looby 67 (grammar), Agnes D''Oonn'or 62 (geo- metry), Matilda Dorrestyn 57 With 'Petit), Bertha Britton 59 (grammar, French), Cecelia Feeney 58 (algebra, z'oo'logy), Rita Sltapleton'517 (geometry arithmetic) Dlonobhy'Slteacy 56, Peggy O'Oon,n, 1 64 . ('gra'niimar, arithmetic, teonnebry. Form I. ---Mary Eckert 83, Dorothy Riley 81, Dorothy Dannelly 74, Rose Arnold 72%, Mary Walsh 68, Marjor- ie Byers 64, John Krauskopf 62 (alg- ebra, English comp.), Norman' O"Cott nor 59 (li'ter'ature, some.),' Chiari& IBenn '516 (botatty, algebra) tdoyid McCarthy S3 (botany, algebra, grain- mar, comp., literature), Margaret At- kinson 52 (history, comlp., algebra, li- terature), Michael Walsh 52 (Latin, algebra, icolmpasitian), M'arie Feeney 5'1'y . (botany, history, algebra), Clar- ence O'Reilly 50 (algebra, comp., li- terature), James Eckert 36 (Latin, algebra, grammar, botany, cohnposli- tion, French). were all present at the funeral as well as the following relatives: Mr. ` and Mrs, Jaime's MIc,L'artry, 'Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Whelan, St. Marys; Dona'l'd and Thomas Cole, and Miss Ria hills of Toronit'o; M,r, and) Mrs. Hugh (Burns, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. M'criCay, 'an'd Mr. and Mrs, Wilton Bolton, of Sit. Marys, The fallowing is tine report of the Dublin Continuation (School for Nov- ember. Percentages are given. The s'ulbject or, subjects in 'which stu'den'ts failed are in brackets after the name: Eileen Eckert 88, Blridget Delaney 82, Harry IvIcI.ver 80%, Jlack Mb4'yneaux 80, Genevieve McCarthy:80, Donald Benninger 69%, Veronica iMoly'neaux 6854, Irene Dlonnelly 66, John Mciiver 66, Agnes Coyne 7111 (composition), Elizabeth Carlin 68% (al'ge'bra), ,Fran - TRY Gillespire's Cleaners & Qyers WITH YOUR NEXT -ORDER Phone 196w. We call and deliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop. EXETER. 'The death toollc place in Exeter on, Nov. 246, of Richard Quinton at the age of 86 yelans. The deceased before canting to Exeter some ye'ans; ago was a successful farmer in Usiborne town- ship. He is survived by his nephew, rThantas Quinton, Of Slaivitslbury,- and two nieces, Mrs. Fred Eti4eringtm, • and Miss 'Margaret Quin'bam], The deathtook place on Nat. 23rd in Hay Tlo'wnslhip off John P,6liale in his 7lSth . year. The deceaiyed was.' twice married, his first' wie being nMabel Box. Three children I. survive, iFdgar 0. Penh ,le, Mrs. A 4thur J. (Fond, of Detroit, and Mrs., i Charles lLauff, of Deltroit. • He is also surviv- ed by his second wife, !formerly Phoebe J. 'Annear. W'mt Peii'hal'e, of )Exeter, and Thos. Penhale, !of Van- colnver, are brothers of the ldeceaseidll and there are two tgaif4bro4,hers, and two half -sniper's. r`t11_^71' j''•': (D'rives Asthma Before R. The smoke or, vapor from Dr. 3. D. Kel- logg's ellagg's A'sthm'a Remedy give's,: asthma ins chance to linger. I't eradicates the cause. Our experience with the relief giving remedy shows how actual and ,positive is the succor it gives. It is the result of long study and' ,expgrimeat and was not submitted to the. public until its maker's knew it wiould do itt' work well. GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA National Service Loan The Minister of Finance offers for public subscription $150,000,000 Dominion of .Canada 5% Bonds Bearing interest from 15th November, 1931, and offered in two matur- ities atureities (the choice of which is optional with the subscriber) as follows: 5 YEAR 5% BONDS, DUE 15th NOVEMBER, 1936 10 YEAR 5% BONDS, DUE 15th NOVEMBER, 1941 Principal payable without charge, in lawful money of Canada, at the'office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General of Canada at Ottawa or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, Saint John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Victoria. Interest payable half -yearly, 15th May and 15th November, in lawful money of Canada, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. Denominations: 5 YEAR BONDS $100, $500 and $1,000 10 YEAR BONDS $500 and $1,000 The proceeds of this loan will be used to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada The Loan is authorized underAct of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interestare a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. Bearer bonds with coupons will be issued in de- nominations of $100, $500 and $1,000 in the case of the 5 -year bonds and in denominations of $500 and $1,000 in the case of the 10.year bonds. These bonds may be registered as to principal. Fully registered bonds, the interest on which is pay- able direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be issued in denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $100,000. Pending preparation of the engraved definitive bonds, bearer interim certificates in denominationsof $100 (for they -year bonds only), $500, $1,000, $10,000 and $100,000, will be delivered on all allotments on subscriptions to this loan. Registration as to principal, or as to both principal and interest, will be effected when the interim certificates are exchanged for definitive bonds, on or about the 1st March,) 932. ISSUE PRICE • 5 Year BondS� 99% and accrued interest • 10 Year Bonds, 99 and accrued interest Payment to be made in full at time of application Subscription lists to the foregoing will open on 23rd November, 1951,.and will close on or before 12th December, 1931, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Subscriptions will be received and receipts issued by any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank and by recognized Dealers. Interim Certificates will be delivered through the bank or dealer designated by the subscriber in the applic. ation, upon surrender of the receipt. Let Your Dollars Serve Canada! DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE, Ottawa, 23rd November, 1931 �r- „ 1..