HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-11-26, Page 23P•'AGE 'TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1911. • DUBLIN. Mils \Mary 'O'Connor, R. '\r., and Miss M. Ha!vary, RN. of Riighland. .Park tGeucral ;H•ospita1 'pent the week -end with .Ntr, and \+[t•s, Dan. O'- Connor, CHLSELHUR'ST. {The \,V.M7S. met in the school room ,olf the church with 15 membersand four .visitors present and' the president presiding. After' the opening exer- Wises, the roll was called and minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The devotional leaflet was read by MN. Cudnaore, • John, the )Ian of Temper. A hy'nni was sung and the topic, 'The Great Light,' taken from the study look, Korea, "Land of the Dawia," was taken up by \lrs. E. Kinsman; Mrs: J. M. Giem Mrs. R. McDonald, Miss Agnes Fairbairn, and Mrs. A. Buchanan, A solo was sung by Miss Pearl' Harris, "Jesus Still Remembers when the World Forgets." The second topic was "Peace—what am I doing about it," taken by \Its, J. Turnbull, Miss Doris Sararas, Miss Ella Chap- pel and Mrs. D. Chappel. Meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. The givings'this year have been splendid as we have already met our allocation. A letter was read from Mrs. Dennis. Barlow, Orkney, Sask., which had been received by Mr. Earl Kinsman, die having put his address in a keg of apples sent its the carload of fruit and. vegetables from Hensel:. She said her :allotment was the keg of apples, 4 head cabbage. 1 pumpkin, 1-3 sack turnip:, 1-3 sack beets. 1-3 sack beans. Mrs. Barlow expressed her apprecia- tion for rcceiviug this help. She said oonditione were bad as they had not had a crop for three years. owing to frost, hail and drought, Our Sunday services Wells back to the afternoon again, on Sunday, Nov, 22nd. Sunday ,cho'1 at 2 o'olock and brute:t at 3 o'clock, Th Rally day service: were held :a.: Sunday. lir. W. R. Kinsman eef Bir -ay, Sa-k.. arrived a,=sue again on Satur- day :as:, with ❑:,rsrc and cattle, Mrs. Enoch Parker is confined to her bed through illness. We hope for n speedy recovery. \Ir. and Mrs. G.,,T. \\-ren are its To- ritnta this week, MORRIS. Mr. and Mrs. John Granby, Mr. ;and Mrs, Tltoa, Sh.ebot:,n of Fe: grave and ilr. and Mrs. 'George Potter were tuests of Clarence and Mrs. Johnston Saturday evening. \Ir. and Mrs. Nels.,n Nieioiso:: and family visited -relatives at : ea- t ,n S t 'av W:1 Cu:Cuntthigharn spent Thur - lay evening with Mrs. Chas, Nichol - eon. Mr. and Mrs. John Granby went to \latl.,.a:e ..i Monday to see the for- mer't mother, Mrs. Frank Granby, w:: q:rt ... \lr. and airs. Leslie Fear Mary and Mabel. spent Friday evening at Mr. Chas. Nicholson'.. HENSALL. The residents of this village and the in.,. -eandina district were >hocked to :earn of tete death of Mrs. A:ex. Smith mho pas,ei away an Thursday even- ing in the Scott Men::ria Hospital Sia..:h. \[r,. Smith, whe stns in her Wawa: � sol health la week. eou3uc:- ..c... 1N...ate:: \fi.- re S tei,ty in Carmel Presbyter- siva:: , previ,nt. Tii:irsday vIce.. Sunday. She was take .` ad- de .:y .. . - ay ev a:td wasre- nawed ::v . 1:-spun:in met -.".7th 5:ere an operation for appendicitis •d t, i 1'er:r.sd. A seri as condition ,sere:, an i a i,'.a".t e c rn- o set i., from which :he pa - .i %vsa ,.,u.,:e ::y. Mre. :`.11.111, tis, ,::age w a. M:s Mary NV:iite Marshall. was 'r.,r:n in the ne:ghbarhaad of Kirkten. She was a v a :: men. ler of Cant:: Pres- erian church : active =tit t: elturah- e Site was ,a wetuan. ai stealingaro tor -,vith a e v r wh,eh ;sails her it 1 hy allc4knew her, and her untimely :a.ith or..' , leg sereee net toy- :, her immediate family out also nn.. alts:.les her .,alba.,: she :s eur,'.e1 by w, Stn.. Fl t i rr Detroit;F o atadent a: the Unive7aity of Western O. a::,.. L and +te lug r. Mix, R.N.. Omer. \I ich. BORN. MIG 1.111'\ 2 Rs nt Friday. lav, N t-etubc 15;11, ta Mr. and Mrs. • Charles Malaria, ,f Mehl.:op, a daughter (Francis Elizabeth-) `The Last Asthma Attack tnay really be. the last one if prompt measures are fakea. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will safeguard you, It will sir i ase the smallest bronchial pas- and as- a:d bring about a ilea:thy condi- tion. It always relieves and its con- tinued on-t nued tns=- often has a permanent ef- fect. Why not get this. ;aag-famous remedy to -day and commence its use? Inhaled as .smoke or vapor it is equal- ly effective. HURON NEWS. Returned Home. — Mrs, Thomas Baird, sr, of Brucefield, after spend- ing a month with her sister, Mrs. A. Gordon, of Sheppardton, returned last week, visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Wilson, of Goderich, for a few days. Had Motor Accident.—G. \V. Buch- anan, of \\'ingham, traveller for C. Lloyd & Son, has returned from the \f'aritimes, Mr, Buchanan met with a motor accident several weeks ago in which he was severely injured, and has been under die care of Dr. J. R. Lockhart. Wedding at Drysdale—A happy ma- trin:ott:al event was celebrated in St. Peter's R. C. Church, Drysdale. on November 16th. when Bev. Father Marchand united in holy wedlock Miss Rita Geoffrey, daughter of Mr. andMrs. George Geoffrey. of the Blue Water Highway, Stanley township, to Mr. John Barna:a, of Niagara Fa5!s. Gasoline Causes Fire.—Fire which originated its the base.ntent of R. G. Newton's hone at Gorrie early Satur- day Morning last, was due to an ex- plosion of a can of gaeitline being too near the Beat of the gasoline stave on tvhich he was preparing meat for the butcher shop. Fortunately, however, the fire was extinguished before any great damage was d't oe, Lucknow to Have Hotel—Mr. Ches- ter Lee af Goderieh. an exper ie:iced rotel manage,. has purchased the building formerly. occupied by then Family Theatre re r Lot kr. v and in- tends remodelling it at once. L tck- .. w has been :'t'i' cit an hotel ..ince tete Cain Haus: was hurnei over a year aro' a hall alt, Buried at. Brussels,—The death oc- curred at I,igerso : on Friday of \Cil. limn Eli.. father of \Irl. E. A. Mabee, Brasse:s, in his 88th year. He had been in failing health for some tittle. He was Born in Ireland, and had lived a short time at Brampton and then spent mast of his :ie at Brussel.. He crit to Itigersall seven years ago to :take his home with his daughter. The fallewing children arrive: \irs. E. A. Mabee, Inger-sol:: \Ir-. David Whit- ing-. Dat:dur ... Sas . Police :Magist- rate \V ,H. E:. , Medicine Hat. Alta., and Robert, ,f Vas:e:+uyer. Interment was made itt Brussels cemetery. Goderich Hockey Club Organizes.— \[.'t of :as: year's team is availai e and torp ,r three new players are rea .y :o take places on Goderich ho- ckey team, Officers have been e:e:tszi as follows: Honorary president, Judge T. \I. -C, to president. S. D. Croft: vice-, res en:. H. O. Stur ly: treas- urer. Wittiain Pis est, secretary. F. R. Darrow; manager. D. 11. O'Brien; a<- ... tart manager, D. I, Hi:. executive. Gee. MacE.san, P. Turner, 5., G. Base - den. G. L. Pars'+ns. F. E. Hibbert T. B Rev L. G 1 ,alt , C. Alliaen. Jas - eh Snyder. R. h;r: Turner, H2 \roe ,,,a.. Barns Burned,—The fir._ e liars Jasper B 'Wise}•, .,n P ley . side ras one mile fro,. 13.:srirh, was to- ta".ly Friday night with its tut C nh's:icr in the buck. stack is g,iven as the cause. In. :tin to, the stn crops and im- plements. s :np ment- a en pigs were d wed Mr. Pri:^..:y lite :. G-,.'.eriCh where he keepshis tore The fire alarm was vunded in Gaierich but ,e bri- gade is forhidien to lave ;own. -Tale large barn the farm of H? S.eiers Colt the 12th concession G e• Tawnahip, "one and one-half n....s seetheast B.:t-.e: was-bt'r.t- e l :n. the gr)und Friday night with :he i'srage. .e_ ,: clods, a:: the farm i:no'e:r.e0::. tw•, calves, a sig :said. a namber of hens. The loss ,s estimated a: ever S ,'1T,1, - covered in par a:Saeilal C,71 the bars an' $791 r t,, the H.•it'f k Mutual. The fire broke cut et abut eight ^kick, •when horses torted out ti water bolted into the. cow stable and 'rose: , lantern. Added to the sever - of this blow, is the fact that Mrs. Speirs is seriously i1!. McNeil Brothers Released. — The McNeil brothers, .Gilford and Harvey, were released froin the county jail on Monday last, Three times this year they had been tried on the charge of robbing 'the Bank of Nova Scotia at Brussels, and three times the jury had disagreed. The Attorney -General or- dered a stay of proceedings, which meant that there would not be a fourth trial, and the brothers were accord- ingly allowed their freedoms. They. were arrested November 7th, 1930, at Tecsw'ater, were confined in jail .at Walkerton For several weeks, and since early- in December last had been in the Goderieh jail. Gilford Mc\eii, stated his intention of returning to Detroit, and Harvey may also go to Detroit. They intended first, however, after spending a day or two in God- erich. to go to Toronto to sec their mother. Death of Mrs. John Armstrong.— The death occurred at Detroit on Sunday. November 15th, of Mary Ta- ckaberry, widow of the late John Artnstroeg. Deceased was a former resident of Goderich and of Ashfield taw::shi,t. She spent her early years i:t Ashfield and atter her marriage liv- ed for some time on a farm near Crewe and later in the Port Albert ::ei_hbor:».t:4. Then for a number of years site and her husband were resi- dents of Goderich, where Mr. Ar:n- tr.,cg had spent part •-1 the time with her daughter and sols at Detroit, coin- ing back t.. Gidericb in the summer. Site leaves a son end a daughler. Jo- seph Artn t. .,s and bits.. Ben Smith. heti: of Detroit. and three grandchil- dren. ra dcndress. Three sisters survive: Mrs, R \[eD.:uald, Kinloss tet ,stip, Mrs. Hugh Shields, and Mrs. Rabe:: Hasty of Dungannon. Funeral of Accident Victim.—The funeral 1 Mr ,Cee l Shipley, wits held on \Ianaday afternoon :as: from his home o:t the London Road and was largely attended. In'ermsttt was made in the C:ioton cemetery wherean in- fant brother was buried soave years a. •. Rev. F. G. Ferri!: o. C. ntoo :,.- htiated. The pallbearers were two of his cousins and four neighbors: Har- ald Crith, Carman Row•c:iffe, Elmer Lebeaa, Wilbur Nott, Harold Stan - bury and \`ictr Fa:cotter. There re - remains to atour:: the lees of a son and brother. :ti- patente, throe sister, G:aly;. Marion and \.'rma. and one hrother, Reginald. Friends .rout a distance in attendance at the funeral in.:hurled Mr. attd Mrs. I. M<Kay. Mr. ai:3 Mrs. li7otigai \1acolane l and \Ir. and Mrs. David McKay, hincardine: Mr. and \frs, Wellington Avis, Ed - :card Shipley and \Its. \IcSween, Ti- ve,tan, Mrs. Arthur Esp:ee:: ata s•_n and daughter, Port Elgin: \ir. and Mrs. :faint O'Brien and oats,. y, Mrs. Jas. Gardener and John Haooa, Kirk- tant Mr. and Mrs. James Shipley and son, \W, odhantt \frs. W. D: a::.i R Dann. Grano NI:. and \t s. E, R`wel fte Mr. a ' \1 L n : Res- :ffe, Mrs. W. R, t -1ff and M-. an Mrs. George Poi: tank, Exeter: 11:. and Mrs, Henry D oridge and fami'y. Misses Dora and Beatrice De:ori and \,-and Mrs. J :sena Wincheisea; Ta rna, and Fla,. Gee - :ling, Whalen; Mrand Mrs. Wilbert ;#atee Ms. Ezra Willard. Hard Denham and \Irl. Th?mas Mortey, i :bars,_. Sanitarium Opened.—Dr. Moir, of Hensa who f ,r seeeral yea : has been quietly ,leve ,p:Isg a country sanatorium e,pe a: ' for radian: treatments has now brought nos pans to fruition n and is opening an up-to- date , .p. a! ab,ttt a mile south of He::sa:: to be kootvr as the "Hurl,., Spr:ngs Sanar,.._.r.:" The haspita: he use; primarily for the giving of radius: treatments a• Dr. Mair rias been pee at z:ng it radium for the past ten years, being the pioneer ir. the use of radium in 1\e -tern On:arid. He has taken special courses in American hospitals and has treated patients tram ail parts of V,'e_`tern Ontario. He has treated 700 radium cases. In addition to the radium treatments provision has been made for all-ciaieses i of medical cases- but these must be treated by their own local doctor who may bring all minor surgery cases and medical cases there where they can be conveniently- attended by their own doctor near their own home. Dr. Moir only takes charge of cases re- ferred to him from other doctors. The highway it is expected w-il1 be . kept open alt winter, The sanatorium grounds comprise 200 acres of land, 100 acres on either side of tate high- way. The main building, which is a three-storey- brick, is situated an the east side of the highway on what was once known as the Bell farm. It is modern in every way and equipped with all modern conveniences. The basement contains the utility rooms, composed of kitchen, furnace and storerooms. leaving the upper floors for patients' quarters, these compris- ing in all 22 rooms, including a large sunt -room fitted with vita glass, labor- atory for radium and electric treat- ments and special rooms for hydro therapy. Mrs. Root, Paterson, Jr., is house matron. The rates for the rooms are $15, $20 and $2'5 per week, this also including nursing care. Move to Kingsbridge.—\tri and Mrs. J. 'Morrison and family from Markda:e are moving to Kingsbridge where they have purchased the farm of Mr.: and Mrs. Quigley. who a -e moving away-. \[rs. Morrison is a Kingebrdoge .girt, Half -Million Estate, -4 Winnipeg paper gives es par tiiculars o: the will of the:ate John A. Girt -in disposing of an estate ni $6)6 68,4 which, with the exception of t1'03 small legacies, is ii :r bis ed .,mon., surviving to crnbers of the family. The :ate Mr. Girvin was a can of the late David Girvin. of AShfie.d. :As a young mail he served his apprenticeship as a carpenter with the \{yore: in Goderich and left God- erich about fifty-five years ago to seek his fortune in the \Vest. His aafe, who survives. is a daughter of the late John Arthur of Goderich. The family is in Winnipeg. where \I-. Girvin :aid the foundation -,t his fortune as a buil- ding contractor. The value of the estate within the Province of Manitoba is placed at $568.315. BISHOP SEAGER HEADS DIOCESE OF HU4O'N, Rt. Rev, Charles Allen Seager, p:D:, I.Jord. Bishop of Ontar- io, Ps to be the fifth bishop of Huron. Very Rev. Dean Tucker; ad!ntuuis't- rater of the diocese since the death Of the arelibisiho!p, made' this ant rnoutreetnitilt slror!tiy alter ten o'clock VJed'nesday night last, atter :a select committee from the diocesan Syn-od had been in coulference with, Bishop Seager in the deanery for more than an hour. An annuity of $6,000 is to be paid the widows during her lifetime. crank H. and David• A. Girvin, sons, and their sisters, Mrs. Ada Bartram, Mrs. Hattie .Leonard and 3.Irs, May Paine, receive ;$10,000" each, 'TWO brothers of. the testator, James ,Girvin, of Wapella, Sask., and 'William Girvin, of Toronto, each receive $2,500, The Old Peo'ple's H.onte at Mid'd'le - church is. bequeathed $1;000 and the Children's Home, Winnipeg, $500, For each grandchild living on May 6, 1931, the date of Mr. Girvin's death, a trust fund of $1,900 is set aside for investment. The fund, with interest, will be paid over to the grandchildren as they reach the age of twenty-one years. 'After lfrs. Girvin's annual income and other charges have been deducted the balance of the revenue from the estate is to be divided equally each year among the fire son's and daugh- ters, 'Two years after the death of the testator, or at the death of Mrs. Girvin, afterthe expiration of thatperiod, the w'hole remaining estate is divided equally by the sons and daughters. Principal assets as listed include stocks and bonds, $131,51.7.78: real estate, $91;756; book de'bts, pro- missory notes and mortgages, $39,93'1; cash in bank and on hand, $26,310.15, and personal effects, $100. The late John ,A. Girvin was a son of, David Girvin, who with his brother, Charles and John Girvin settled in Ashfield and \Vaw'anosh in the early days of these townships. Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Tuckersntith is a second cousin of the deceased. "Teacher was going to give an ob- ject lesson. "Tommy," she said, lT'he tra•uslsltion •01 the bishop -elect of: Huron from hi's present diocese will likely be accomplished early in the New Year, and the induction ser - /vice is tentatively set for 'Jan, _6, the Feast of the Epiphany, on• which date St. Paul's Oalthedrail will he the scene of a notable gathering Of church dig- nitaries. lOn thie select committee were the dean, Canon Perkinls, A'rchdeacon Sage; E. S. Wigle, • K.C., diocesan chancellor, and Mr, ;Davis. Rt. Rev. Charles Alien Seager, was born itis Goderich, the son of Charles Seager,: for many years crown attorn-� ey of Huron County, who is still• resident of Goderioh. 1B!sh'op Seager was educated at the public schools and collegiate institute of nils native town and at Trinity Uui- versity, 'Toronto. (BAA., 1895; M.A., 1897). He was ordained a deacon in 1'896 and priest in 1896. His first change was St. Cyprian's Church, To- ronto, where he was rector from 1891 to 1911, when he accepted the rector- ship of All Saints', Vernon, B.C. In 19.12 he was appointed principal of St. Mark's Divinity. Hall, Vancouver, i where he remained until 1917, when he accepted the rectorship of St. Mat.. thew's, Toronto. In 19121 E he was ap- pointed provost of Trinity College To- ronto, and canon and chancellor of St. Alban's Cathed'ral, and in 1926 was elected bishop of the Diocese of On- tario to succeed Bishop Bidwell, who resigned and is now living in England, Bishop Seager is knoweil as a deep scholar and isan excellent administra- tor, He has been prominent in the forward movement of the Anglican Church since its start. He was married in 1905 to Miss Mary Lillian, daughter of the late Rev, C. W. Paters,on, of St. Cathar- ines. They have one son and three daughters. Bishop Seager's grandfather, the late Dr. Charles S. Seager, was a phy- sician and surgeon, who came to Can- ada in 1845 and did devoted and -ardu- ous pioneer work in his profession in the 1.Valsingharit and Houghton settle- ments of Norfolk County-, afterwards settling at Port Dover. \\ by does your father put up storm windows every. fall?" "Well," said Tommy, "Mother keeps at him un5il he finally gives in." "She: "J'atk, I was wrong to treat you the way I did, You'll forgive me, won't you for being angry with you all •Iast week?" He: "Sure! That's all night. 1. sav- ed 5112 while we weren't on speaking terms." The Proven Asthma Remedy. Since asthma existed there has been no lack of much heralded remedies, but they ha\'e proved short lived and :worth- Less. The ever-growing reputation of Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Asthma 'Remedy has given it a plate in the field 01 medicine which no other car, ap- proach. It has never been pushed thy sensational methods, but has simply gone on effecting relief and making new converts. Let us have the names of your visitor, Waat and For. Sale Ads., 3 times 50c Is The Time. To buy Ilousefurnish= ingsinEvery Line atthe lowest possible prices. e1ESTERFtELD SUITES 79.0° up Call in and see the Values at 1 One Beautiful Walnut Piano "Good as New" Walker's Furiiiture Store SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. 1