HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-11-12, Page 4PAGE F'O1JR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
fa+`r*_^gharm-f+.ttiat r Orchestra
Labrin Serse.d,
Gents idea Ladies Fre
Ids. Kenneth J-acksan, of the Vet
erfaary College, Guelph, spent the
week end .,•i_,a his pareaa:s, Mr. 'and
Mrs. Ge:>rge Jackeaan.
Eds:h Et -13s F.ai London and
he- cousin Grate 1\-iLau and Mr.
H..r ala Souter of London, spent Sun-
da:,- a s Walton.
Mf.. and Mrs. Jos. Davidson of Lon-
ap+e t Sunday at the hone of Mr -
and Mrs. Joseph Bennett.
Mfr. Fred Glazier of Brussels was
the :guts: of Mr. Kenneth Jackson ov-
er the week end.
N.rt•.ce. - Will all those having
books b -longing to the Walton pub -
a library ? _ase leave the same at
Mr. McTaggart's barber shop not la-
te: than November 16. By order of
the Puh::e Library Board, Walton.
Death of Mrs. John Watt. — The
comnranity was shocked on Friday
nearaing last wheat i: was its.ertal that
Mr, Jahn Al Watt bat betn found
deal a: her here •where she hal ap-li
p r_,-_ , -_: nearly a whole J:e aay.,,
I_ „ _ ▪ _ A.,.a .nae her !nes-
ban -. the A .-kr".,wn shit ler arad
• .. passed .:way seatidenly ear:,-
orae. m_. -t. In her -_::a: health.
Mr-. War. __ r:' -ed :he L lies Giel
heir._.. The :text •"•.n"3 she -.vasl
hh k.
by ' - Garai. tree ..
Fir T_..:;fr. end If.
G ha:- . a ,.. -. .. 'h_ Teatek ...a. ...
W itta Mr. , _ ..,Drailtazen sat 7, r: Feid
matirnina at res.: zeal that :ha -r
H Ties
S er
• heel • Freer t a
_.. .et.= ez Titers: . ere
feathaa T t Muld-aa
e. she married t a M: \\ a::
aa -,._ "-lei .. ,e -. c ,car
Halleat -. the, ., _. '•..:
.r... • ,_r. '_lir.. \1i...
Daaaiaa. and
Mr Ge.rze
._-. 'air- \.a.t a as a
Charah. wi alt:r.. He-.
aa:ity wait the high es -
eat an r r: :h, ..1,m
„.ked "„ lite entire
c .e ._... __ net
+aban d
,e difficult _,
T-_ ..eel.. .. fi , a:e .,
• S_-
a -. . r P. e 4 -litre.. .
R i G. P a Yd
RF . if Catrmtiaaa. The -< -
b<c. v hiehsrs. Rabett
jetties Watt., \\ tam Stewaat, eare
jaek. a-. Fra.' afiller, Robert Raid.
-\ - -+'•leder M., A... He,w_.t. a w
aa M :airs .. were am >sg Close :rani
a i• slet 7,h e sae:.. -1 the untaa:.
Anaiversaay .e:-:.: es were held. :n
Bethel United Church on Sunday.
Rev. \V. J. Jelnis:on; of L,naeebore.
-.vas theeake ,f the eccasier.. and
his add._=sea were very t..:..g.
Special music ly the choir i c'"udi nn
a solo by Mrs. Lindsay n: Co•i a,Ce,
wad greatly appreciated. A splendid
concert was given on -Monday evenings
by talent fr.,m Belgrave, MM:Jnc:ief'
and Walton, after which a very deli-
elie ous lunch ova; served by the ladies
,; the church.
'Certain moebid, conditions must ex-
ist in the stomach and intestines to
encourage worms, and they well exist
as long as these morbid conditions
permit them to. To be rid of them and
pare the child suffering, use Miler's
orm Powders.
Come in and See
Our Neve and Used Cars
1 Am Agent For
Durant Cars & Rugby Trucks
Massey=l arris Machinery
and Repairs
i N
�i V
All Repairs and Labor Cash,
Death 'of Mrs. James Sims, -- The
death oreurred at Winghar hospital
on Thursday morning of an eememe_
resident in the person of Mrs. James
Sims,. Sr., following an 3'r>^ees of Se-
veral months. Her pas :-:g aeeply
felt by all valid knew her for :we
kindness and ability she so55esse ,
Ever since the death off her frit hus-
band and her ,ar:age an Mr. Sires
quite a sew years age, Site had beer..
▪ F `leas o; Blyth. She sc_-laugh-
ai J.«_ Ca'S:=5e:. a We.: .>:•r<rn
:de:: ,f Be:gree e. and was boar. :
E. Wawa:. sa sixty -:w3 ye_:_ ago.
Her nta-aden name :vas Mary Jardine
Campie:., she. ass . rled Be: -
,.a.= :, Mr_ James Taa:cer. who died
• years afhae.-_.r m,arriege _a.;
__ being B:o,h __r a fele yea,<
.e was ntantied. to Mr. Sims. who'
J:ede-tale': her about five yea._
a5-. Ta. a_.., ss.._re her. Mr Bev:
Tanker. z:maaste: _,f Blyth. and M.:.
Ja k Tasker. .e:.e; ng C.N.R. agent
Ca e' a
Returning home anarn
• e :ae,er place a few maraths
aga. Mese Sims saffeeed a szroke a.ad
more receatly was gal^ taken i
a.._." _.._ w- ..-> C::.,:rn ar.d \Viur
int hasp:ea:a. and pawed away at t
.._:k Th...s-iaJ m:_.....g. D,:r"ng
er late ,..less ahe. :vas cared for by
only cider. Mils Minnie Camp-
a. Be:grave. Four brethers ala.:
..a"^ her hasa, Mr. Harry Cam?-
. .,.:he homestead. near Beave.
MI . - Joseph and Haah Campae:•
0_>b•,_ and *Frankiie, I:fa:t:t-.,ia.
Rai f Carry Hickson,
Ora. The a s awhich h vatheld. at
ea !ate reaidente an Saturday. was
iaraely g_. -ills,. Rev. E. L \.de
• Queen e United Creerch
zenductei the servizes. aasiated
Rev ,erne \te'_:. The funeral _he.,{
ceeeee the Bran d -J^ cetnetery.
B_.grave where imeament s k a:ac_.
-,__:o:,_._- -re :g neg..o=-. Jaa.
J.H. R. Elliatt. A. Satia.ders.
,_r W. tt. David D :'tar and'
T. w3 z ors Friends -d"were
ir a. .:n and. Cantan.
.. Mir . R. J. Ca:I: ,_._ an:
ars Elizabeth
ells._ -, 5-:ne 2L_.-gen3Sngg
tinte Churtrizint
Waliazeharg frit:::.
❑,.yt L.O.L. :No. 963 -lei d
.... ,rvie . in the Anglican C^.ar:.,
n San .'terhm. Rev. Br:. Po-
-lehee-ed an inspiring alar_,-
,. - _ _._ ", Ma: aa t, the `Ginn-
:r:"- Pia:." The ?::ice -f,._." was.
._de by :'se B:yth Brass Ba_ad a:_..
!her= attenianae .ram
az. Be:.a._. L ",._-hra _:'. Aa-
Women's Institute.—The re alar
naanthiy meeting _ :he \V,rnan's I
. he:. fn Memo -a: Ha:: an
T a:. _ X sv ertt5er Sta. Pre = .
de .
Mrs. R. Richmond. presided. Mrs.
^:':changh. Mrs. Yoa g and Mrs.
Fa,v:e:: were app•,inte: a committee
: k after hale to be ,acked far :he
West on \\ c , \ .rye-nbee 13th.
A ?ler lid address was give". by Dr.
Ki:pateiak. I: eas ha -ch :ate: •:g
inetructive .or which he rece ted
e hearty J e d e sf the -r
."g. Throngh :he courtesy of Me'.
E. Aimee. de b r),arty excel"
t'•e -: 7 he J`: 3n he -d- at Ches-
:ey an Oct.29-21, was es and:leak
with :by MI... Co:c,ug:s. Rol, ca:. -vas
. ..e.ed by things :a beta_✓:k a. _,..
1a::'Jn a anthem :vas sang En c. -.Eng
The rr,ap in charge serve3 a
.,_-..y : ca,
aai., the members r the Women's
Institnle or anyone wishing .
e, a .
kine:l :ease second nand clothing- J.
a: 'Memorial Ra:: on Wednes
da'. Navemher 1.3. b be packed for
the West,
Rev. E. L. Ander>,n conducted
pre -Remembrance Day services on
Sunday hi the Queen street Church.
The large frame in which ch are endo
ed the phatographs photographsof ail the men er
:ed fr,m sail vicinity during the
war was placed before the pu:pit,
beautiful:y draped and surrounded by.
p-ppy wreaths.
Mr=. Thos. Beit who has been oc-
cupying part of the resdetelt ed the
:ate Mrs. Sims.. hatenda .spendink the
Winter With her son in Hamilton.
The eft:ovinia the scit'aool report
5.5, No. 5. Tuckersmiith, for the
months of Sectemeber and October.
Sr:. W -Ga is Gem:melt 75%. Ed-
na Macdonald 7.3. Harold Rice tv.
Jean Mtac&osa:d 59. Harald Chesney
4. Pala 3dinraths.
Jr. IV.—Edith Wallace %. Arth- 1 . .T, A. nta3er.'k. Dili:.r:on Dairy
nor Leybu:-ne 70, Dorothy Gemmel):
n-. Ro?rect Patrick z? Ethel. Chesney
Jr. all.—Grate Wallace 70%. - 5 ,;,Tse5 mantas. parti-
Sr. IL Warden Haney 76%. A aaaaa:r -aaaaaaaar. and N. ;ember. The
nc•td. Arth1haid 69. _a . t coring rooms
Ir. II. Jrkn O'ielEetd r 3%. raaat , ahanii - r _",:_ „e:i zs go below
IfeCa:rgtston 77. O_,rth:ha Maaederaalf t cireatnaaa F. and :he cheese should
64, MIs_ Wi iiasse 63. Mum? Ora _-nom -•e r ?hay. A fire in the
;lands fill. a:27=Z nx.,= t,eeo_ :be air drier and
I. Dana:d
War -ace 7S c. C._ae docs :he :se..._ he::e_ rinds while
Haney 76. Shirley Otd6eid 74. Pe t;:aa „aa.:•,z = eo:e:e temperatures.
son Chesney and Jack Patrick :5_
Pr. Jack Rice. very _Soo.: Ha_sr: A veeseeWe Bulletin.
Il:.Na _,•n a..: Rohe= intia:__e. Far:ere ec — : r membership e: S79, were organized in
_ . � .are e e and more
o:1 cue—K.:__ _ _ -- __.:lora ha: 1931. They are doing a splendid work,
N's—ms: 26. Average at- .:i:: c -e _ : ._. .c_ - ,__.r .
- � -r _ gaining the boys' interest,
tee. _ _r:the: _5,1: Or: e ,i'i:h :,.._ __- _ - No. b,5' n improving cultural prac-
251. u d~ ay the a' •r : e -e 7 pal:o group throughout.
-i.eMf• z. h.: Teathata C. This hulletta with satrelaa..sce Rea: strides hare been
The reale • __ Beef R. -az wilt ltaia%dame.azal citteatizsa many p?:a:a districts in re -
the.: :.--=-=ettiZZ _: iof sal:: hanction. :_ :ce „_ff_._s_ _ <sr• cen.r. yeses by :enlacing with standard
.. , d e:5W ec tom_ : a.:_.:es c '.sage percentage of the
currier^._= »_ use -of feral:M:.._ Much .--• •,. entible .a -.:Sea ;which were for-
a.._ _•_.. ,._- , been :teed __ sees. _a wel: as by focusing at -
e5_ reiethai :5 testing far lime and ler.._ :a -wee cos: per bushel, se -
:he need ad
lime unser various -'- ._..;_acne.
Practical farmers ailarel here a clear
al:ate:teat factara enteatitz_s:3 ..,e
Y, NOWIMd3ER 12, 1931
:iced dtaring the pas: week, but ant-
hartilnately too ;mama, heavies and ea -
finished hogs are ieachmded in the of-
fering, Fast„"` wheat is causing same
.earn tie• t. cin; ;made a ?hien-
.cr e sa`_ 4'iawtie this .calf. littray grow-
er z. e past -ting the fad wheat in an
�GrC „wwlr se'ttan.,, :'oesse of. the heavy
• .11
a sa*ay ::C a sox members a
Soya" sv'kR h...it^bs in (Ontario is 255—
a s..:xw anal it:teireseng
s x;a! .. tnM r l e t t Z',1 this crown-
rt•.5rsn tht Ain lb i +r-
Ssi Aaaikktql to
ride'. p t: _ tai e l dew less •i.oxlls by the
(-Pratte: 11t"5:: 1ut>:5er, Asesoc ah50m.
functions of the various ei'ertten6e t C
soil terwiity. This ;bulletin will be
seat: to any farmer free on application
t¢'+ O1AaC-
The Potato Situation.
In an effort to improve the present
potato situatiqn the Ontario Market.
"Eng Board has sent a letter to every
mayor in the towns and cities of On.
tarso surging the purchase of potatoes
_or relies work at the present bargain
prices. It is pointed out that many
nantn.caoae:ties wi'1, have to buy sup-
plies to feed unemployed this winter
add where this will be necessary much
money can be sated by taking advan-
tage of the very low figures. Prices
:he D'-, "iii a 4.3 u e ss tilt olaatera ape- STEP. an the way from 15c to 50c per
cu* is ,s`�i'1'a',Y.CL.ran3i ii " This bag Ms): now. Not only should im-
mediate purchasing be of very direct
value to rhe Relief Committee' buying
now, but iz is also stated, such pur-
chasing will have an indirect benefit
also, as this sort of thing should help
:he farmer and therefore the whole
c•snntry. The Ontario Marketing
Board still maintains there is no sur-
plus of potatoes in Ontario if we take
into consideration the fact that this
province normally imports. a couple of
thousand carloads every year.
tilsl^ensura‘ce • ,and
w-ai j ret eeteee zed 9th i
e nt' _ reL akonanetiaare a s axe :made ba-
the haera t`aer:::_.ada. Vat) boys swill alt
at :;.lir: 'count 'fair
z -r ars, c� D r.:•L e tae r -lay they will
ga._,_t'. zai ethe Deaaa•:4inee t ors Agri-
ere6t..,e and inning 5i55 tap elaye sell;
b. as a! e..: e , - eillreee the De-
$wattle t ±s e C¢attag During the
mi:ais.r:. nor. naLie attention - :o she
inset*.:reans-e o. 5.a':tar anima: adequate
:he miring or cheese
Potato Club Contest.
Teams of two club member each,
representing the Boys' Potato Clubs
in Ontario met in competition recent-
ly at O;A.1„ Guelph. The Middlesex
[Boys' Potato Club team was announc-
ed the winner, ,scarink'1028 points out
of a possible 1200. The runners-up
were the 'Wellington Boys' Potato
Club. All of the team members judged
and gave oral reasons on four classes
of potatoes and also answered ten
questions based on club work, grow-
ing and marketing of potatoes. A to-
tal of 26 Boys' Potato Clubs, with a
Gi11e pie's
Cleaners & Dyers
Manday 16,tat, at the
it:m: of 15:. F _e— Nhata
Mfr. add Ifee. I I-Ia±e:: and
Mr. _.r' • Erteze H -:.ac- a__
iamiaea saeac Swear- with Mf: and
Mfrs. R.__-_
__._ MI.-- R..___: NwA-a. ec -_ _• -
ed :'1 luetic_ -.. rieeedsec. They s'±'
side en Bert __._._g_ p:pleat
jest east ef :.._ t:•:wM.
If:. D • P w : ---•-=
s rr-:..s. steer.-
• eeeet a sew steel b_....:
.s._ a eek.
15:. and "weir, Nin. r_.ic Se-
aaent Sunday .v:_.. Me. enf.
t' Rege`e se! seed
Mrs. Ce.a::ee Eager: an_ .tits
frien .
Ile.Ifrs. Alex Staskonf
Caelinaated. .pert a '_ay with tate la.t-
teria parents. If:. and wf:s. C:"- "•'
Rege:e :as: were. -
Mir Har '-' Mb:Nab aeri ..._ eerie
yf Seape. 4acda:' = .:
u :a Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Keeel__.
If:. C -_ries. Engen:.. o .. - .__
:aid,,. tip with a very ..:.n_r:9 :
-tea:le- alright seiaire
The Proven Asthma R _isee
a_:h:r,a exited :here has been .._ iszk
f much z :a: ei reme±:es. au:
have hanved, _...rt lived and wc:
:es The ere:-g:..a•i^.g rep:._ ,. ._ ,f
Dia J. D. tie.: z _ Asthma �Remed
has give:: 11 a __ .n the field tai
t ed W re wwhie t ne v. e. can. ap-
proach, It hal 7.1e7,27 Seen 211she"_ 3y',
scnsa -_,a: meth:_s, 3u: has sir—ply!
gams _ effects s :e::e: and :ria .ng!,
new c•-aver:s.
* * * * * * * * * * ,
* (Furnished by Ontario Depart-
* ment of Agriculture.) *
* * * * * * * * * * *
T"peultry erep eve: Canada
this year is ::1:e:y :, '>e decidedly
short. The poultry which .Ares -
te the ineeeet this a,.. howe e . w .
probably show a high de ce of finish
because of the abundance 55 fee's
and most of :t ,w. _:: an a .las,_ ff
--:iiia glade_. Prize :s.,: be a 'i:;
ictal con:. a.:ing w ,":erne.
(,r , in the Thed- a d ' ie:
are : : y:55 •:me of the best +celery
c:35e ye gr,wn in :hat notes eel-
ery-prodnaing area. It is estimated
that three hundred car loads will be
shipped this year. Special .arrange-
ments have been made to - wasp a: t
the celery in special refrigera;,r cars
in order that buyer: may get it cri59
and fresh.
Weekly Crop Report.
Livestock men throughout Ontario
have benefi:ed by the open fall as
man* dairymen have been able to
carry their milking herds with consid-
erably less grain feeding than usual.
Ali livestock will go into reinter in
excellent condition. Cheese factories
report an increase in prod„iction over
last year. An increase in the numie:
of hogs going to market has been!
cured oy means of :;:ger yields as a
rest::: __ _..:proved practices. The Mid-
dlesex teat will compete with win-
ning Potato Club teams front other
fertility- ,? _oil 5d science :ear e _ provinces :n the national contests at
Sts s_.: deacaiptiaas ca the the Winder Fair.
Phone I96w, We call anddeliver
V. J. Cillcsrsie, Prop,
Protecting Berry Plants.
For the protection of raspberry
and et'r 'wherry plants against the
rigours of winter, the Dominion
II'orticuituriet has some valuable
reconvmendations; In the case of
raspbcrrleft ` he advises • that the
canes be bent down just before
winter sets s' in and held in place
by a little soil being placed on the
tips. Before bending the canes a
little soil should be removed from
one side ofthe hill and { the canes
collected in a bunch and pressed
down in the line of a row by meants
of a fork. When protected in this
way the canes will come through the
winter in good condition, while if not
protected they may be badly injured.
For the protection of strawberries,
after permanent frost has set in and
the ground is quite solid, the plants
should be covered with .a light coat-
ing of clean straw, that which will
not pack closely over the plants being
best. Marsh hay is good as it is free
from weed seeds. The mulch of this
type prevents alternate thawing and
freezing of the ground in ;the spring-
time and protects the plants in case
there is not sufficient snow', during the
winter. It also prevents heaving.
Where injury from spring frost is fre-
quent it is desirable to hold the plants
back as long as possible. • For this
purpose after the first heavy fall of
snow the snow may be covered with
straw or evergreen boughs,` which are
left on as long as possibfe• in the
spring. While plants will often come
through the winter without; protection
it is best not to take any risks..
The Last Asthma Attack may really
be the last one if prompt tmpasures are
taken. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma
Remedy wilt _safeguard you. 'Pt will
penetrate the smallest bronchial pas-
sage and bring about a healthy condi-
tion. It always relieves and its con-
tinued use often has a permanent ef-
fect. Why not get this long -famous
remedy to -day and commence its use?
Inhaled as s'mo'ke or vapor it is equal_
ly effective. 11,
This is the first time in radio history that the public
has been offered high class receiving sets—new—at
so near the actual cost of production. The saving is in
the selling, not in the making. This "SIMCOE" Mantel
model uses the new hi -mu and pentode tubes and is
equipped with a full dynamic speaker. You get the
utmost in selectivity, sensitivity and tone quality as
well a.s nnapproached VALUE. See and hear SONbRA
tomorrow—ask about Sonora's Factory -to -User plan.
Demonstrating Centre