HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-11-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, -NOVEMBER 5, 1931. ok" Pati ♦2 µ� +„(rll.a:i air lY, SI il'+ _I. t '10 HENSALL. 11r. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford. have returned home after a very pleas- ant month's visit with friends in Windsor. Mr. Albert Spencer moved on Mon- day to the new home he recently built on King street 1HaI'iowe'en was celebrated in the village Saturday night, Groups of you jg people. dressed in comic cos- tumes, paraded the streets and visited the stores and homes and in most homes preparations were made to re- ceive them with plenty of candy, cake and fruit. No damage was done. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Albert Bell, on the 3rd concession of Stephen. Mr. Bell formerly lived on the Dr. Moir farm just south of Hensall and was well known here. Mrs. Thomas (Welsh and Miss Olive Bell were sis- ters of the deceased and Mr. William Bell ai the London Road a brother. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and daughter, accompanied by Mrs. -llauikinson, visited recently with IRev. and Mrs. Naylor of Listowel. Mrs. Gladwin Lavender visited for a few days fast week with relatives at Hillsgreen. • Mrs. Lou Simpson and daughter, .Hiss Mfae, returned to their home in Detroit after a pleasant visit with rel- atives here. \•Ir. Ernest Bates of Stratford vis- ited in town on M'ond'ay and also at- tended the funeral of the late Albert 03e11. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron has returned hone after a pleasant visit with her friends in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Callahan and daughterMargaret of Detroit and Miss Marjorie Cope of Detroit and Mrs. Hannah Calvin of Lebo, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbett of Hay and Mr. and Mrs. Roy MdLar en of Hensall on ,Monday, 1•fiss Martha Lamport of London visited friends in town on Saturday. Miss Alice Walker entertained the Arnold Mission Circle at her home on Wednesday evening and a very enjoyable evening was Spent. Rev, Mr. Goodwill of Blyth had charge of the services in the Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jinks visited friends in Attwood recently. Miss C. Schaefer of Palmerston is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs, George Scott, Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of Port Rowan visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E, Sheffer. She was accom- panied home by her mother who is not enjoying the best of health. Miss Mary Buchanan. R.N., of St, Thomas, spent a few days last week ' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Buchanan, Next .Sunday will be Young Peoples Day in the United Church when Rev. (Duncan McTavish of Exeter will preach in the morning and Rev. Mr. Stewart of Staffa in the evening. A special feature of the evening service will be a stale quartette. Aileen Jordan, James Jordan, Ange Donnelly, Earl Nagle, Veronica 0 Connor, Thomas Dorsey. First Class --Mary Dorsey, Ma Woods, Rita • Dorres'teyn, Franc Dillon, Louts Donnelly, Rose Klin !rammer, Ryan Jordan, Joseph Klin hammer, Edward Rowland, Primary — Billy Benn, Catheri Jordan, Mary Stapleton, MLarga ,Krauskop'f, Katharine Tyers, Heb Flanagan, Francis Evans, Josep Dorresteyn, Catharine Arnold, Be nice Donnelly, Rita 'Maloney, Phil IK1inkhammer, George Klinkhannne Agnes Feeney.- Death of Mrs. William Racho. Death claimed one of St. 00411,111,13211most highly esteemed residents o Saturday, Novem'be'r 31st, at 3.30 i the afternoon when Mrs. Williat Recto was called to her long a happy 'home after an illness of fin years. She Was a loving mother an sister to those she left behind he always ready to give a helping ha in need. She passed away very quick ly at the last from a heart attac but 'had suffered two paralytic stroke and had been confined to bed ,mut of the time during the five year Marion Darling was born 66 years ag 26th, in Edinburgh, Scot- land, daughter of James Darling an Catherine MacKinnon Darling, an her parents carte to Canada when sh was two years old, the 'ocean trip be ing made on the famous "Great East ern" which was .afterwards used fo laying the first permanent Atlanti cable. They lived for a few years a Stratford before coming to St. Col umban (then Irishtown), and settle on lot 7, concession 1, where she died Thi'r'ty-eight years ago she was mar ried to lir. Racho, the ceremony be ing performed by the late Rev. Mr Macdonald of Seaforth, and sevei years later Mr. and Mrs. Radho mov- ed to Blyth where they farmed' 200 acres in East Waw:anos'h bor 1'7 years When the Great War brake out their son James enlisted in the 181st bat- talion, and they returned to St. ColCol- umbia',l- uCol- umbia'where she had since lived. She was devotedly cared for by her sister, Miss Lizzie Darling. Surviving are her husband and two stns, :Harvey, of Dublin, and James of •Otterville, !Ont,, and five grandchildren; also awe bro- thers and two sisters: John Darling, St. Marys; Alex., of Dublin; Miss Lizzie Darling on the homestead, and Mrs. Ed. Litt of Stratford. The fun- eral took place on 'Monday aferon, Rev. Mr. Gibson of Mitchell Presby- terian church conducting the service, which was largely attended. The pallbearers were her two sons, ,Har- vey and James, and four nephews, Edwin and Alex. Litt and John and MCichael Darling. Interment was made in Mfatlandbank cemetery, Among those from a distance were Mrs, Racho and Mrs. Eclliiler and two daughters, and Mrs. Wes Hey, of New Hamburg; Mr. John .Darling, St. Marys; Mrs. Joseph Adair. Strat- ford, Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliams, St. Marys; Mr. and "Mrs. Norman B•y_ ers and children Of Otterville. 'Mrs. MI. Meagher and daughter Clara have returned to their home on Huron .highavay. For the 'Irak year they have 'been living at Marden. :Miss Mildred Murray has seemedseemedthe position of night operator at Dub- lin telephone office. We congratulate Mildred, Mrs, James Shea and son Junior returned to Windsor after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. John 'Flana- gan. Miss Anna Molyneaux was a week end visitor at her 'home here. Miss Helen Krauskopf cif London spent Sunday at the horse of her arents. la Slwitzer, Kenneth McKenzie, Pr,— '- Lots Rethiwel•J, Eileen Hayter, Jean Slpeir, Mildred Jones, Donald Mc- ry Kenzie. No. an roll 22. average at_ is tendance 20. ' k- P. C. Penfold, Teacher. k -Mr. and Mrs. Y. 1 Campbell and daughter Mary motored to Lucan on ne Saturday, • ret Miss Mildred Forrest of , Hensall en spent the week end with her friend, ii 'Miss 'Markel Cartiie. r- The Young People of Blake and ip ,Goshen spent a very enjoyable even - r, ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lamont on Friday of last week. Mr. Geo. Armstrong of Egtnon'd- 's wille risited last week with friends in n Stanley. o Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Lilley and Mr. n 'Calvin Dowson of .Seaforth spent nd 'Sunday with Mr. and 'Airs. W. J. e iDows'en, d The Young People of Blake and r; Goshen had a very successful Hal- dnlowe'en party at the hose of Mr. - Roy Lamont on Friday evening. k, Mr. Wilson Armstrong has not s been enjoying his usual good health h of late. He has sone serious throat s, trouble. go 'Mr. W. J. Dawson went to Sea - 'forth on Monday to receive treat d meats for a -troublesome carbuncle d 'which we hope he may soon get rid of. e Th•e sacranteiat of the Lord's Sup- - per will be observed in (Goshen, Blake and Varma 'Churches next Sunday. ✓ \'Liss Gladys Allan of Goderich vis- a ited her sister, Miss Mabel Calvert t last week, 'Miss Beatrice 'Gasch° spent the d week -end with her friend, .Diss Grace , (Robinson. Rev. E. A. Poulter, together with - the young people of Blake and 'Gosh- . en congregations, have organized a Young 'Peepfe's Society. The officers are as folio -n -s: President, Rev. W. O. Robinson; vice president, Elmore Keys; treasurer, Walter McBride; secretary, Margaret Robinson; organ- ist, Margaret 'McKinley; assistant, Emma _MdB'ride. The convenor of the Christian Fellowship cotnnri'ttee, Ed- ith McBride; of missions, Alberta Finley; of Christian citizenship, Ed- gar Smith; of literary, Olive Erratt, and of recreation, Margaret Douglas. DUBLIN. 'October report for St. Patrick's School, Dublin, !Sr. IV. (Honours), Ursula Flanag- an, Mary Mlolyneaux, Jack Benn, Afu- rel Looby. (Pas':) Genevieve Feen- ey, Lawrence Dillon, Margaret Dor- estyn, Leonard Nagle. Jr. IV Honours Kathleen Cummings James Delaney. (Pass) Mary Ce- nimo, Agnes Rowland, Albert Don- nelly. on- nelly. :Sr. I11, ('Honours), Charles Kraus - kepi, Teresa Krausko'.pf, Jack Jordan 'Camilla Donnelly, -Fergus Stapleton. (Pass), Marcella Dillon, James Cur- tin, Jack Flo.nagan F g Cum p er us - ntings, Jr. ].III. Mary Jordan, Loreen Loo- by Marie Arnold, Michael Feeney. (Dalton Burns, James Krauskopf, Louis Looby, Loretta Feeney, Rose (Feeney, Harry Cummings, Mary -Evans, Lucille McGrath. Second Crass. — •Louise Flan:agan,l Maragret Tyers, Joseph Benn, Ger- I ald Burns, William Maloney, Kath- leen Stapleton, Margaret Cummings,' STANLEY. 'Report of S. S. 14, Stanley, for Oc- tober. Sr. IV.—Margaret Jones 79, Elmer Hayter 71, Wesley Jones 60, Wilmer Jones 58, Alex. McIBeath 56. Jr. IV.—Audrey Cochrane 73, Harvey Hayter 72, Aubrey Farquhar 67, Har - ?Id Jones 60. Jr. I'IL—Mary Parana-; Aar 63, Kathleen Jones 60, 'George Clifton 59, IL --!Eric Switzer 55. I. Ernie Talbot, Mervin I-Payter, Donald HILLSGREEN i\Vedding bells are ringing merrily in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Rice of Forest Nook visited with friends in thio vicinity enroute to their house in California. Mr, and firs. Thos. Coleman of Seaforth, .lir, and Mrs. 'W. Carlisle of Hensall and Mrs. Troyer of Seefarth, Mrs, Anne rHudsen Sr. and A'Irs. Lo- gan of Hensall were recently visiting with Mrs. L. Troyer. Mrs. W. Love visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. A'IdRwen off Hen:s'all recently. Mrs, Walker is visiting relatives in Hamilton. The Misses McAllister of Hensall are spending a few days in this vic- inity. Mr. and Mrs. Peter .Kroft of Kitch- ener visi'te'd with Mr. and Mrs. Al'f. 'Reichert and other friends here re- cently. Mr. and Mrs, Orville Smith were. recent visitors with friends in Pet- rolia, !Mrs. Lavender and babe have re- turned to their home in Heneal:l. Miss Edith. Forrest of Hensall is spending a few days with' friends here, Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner and Miss Eileen spent a day in London recent - 1y. The W.M.S. ladies of the Hills - green Church attended. the l:{ippen ladies' meeting on Wednesday last. The annual chicken supper which Inas been held in the Hillsgreen Church for a number of years is withdrawn for this year. It is hoped everyone will remember the Young (People at their thank offering service. in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jarrott of Brigden were here Saturday, Mrs, L. Troyer returning with then for the winter Months, Rev: R. K. Love of St. Thomas was a recent visitor with his parents, Mr, and Mrs..•W.'L'ove. Mr. W, Jarrott and Miss Annie were 'recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, D. B. S'atxrders in London. Mfr, and Mrs. John Love and c-hi1- dren, accom'patied by Mrs. Jas. Love and 'Misses Anna and Agnes were in London recently. The . Sacrament Of the L'ord's Sup- per will be observed on Sunday, No- vember 16.t'h. Prepa'raltory services the Friday evening previous at 7 o'- clock., alias Doreen Reichert spent a few days in .Zurich recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Love and Miss Anna, Mr.. W. Love and Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Forrest, and Mr. J. ,B. For_ rest and family attended the funeral of a relative at Grand Bend recently. KIPPEN. The sacrament of the 'Lord's Sup- per will be observed an 'Sunday, Nov- ember 115Th at 111 a.m. Preparatory service will be held on Friday even- ing, • November 13th at 8:15 p.ni. The W.M.S.. are holding their an- nual birthday party in the choral] !Wednes'day afternoon. A pageant on Temperance is being presented and Miss Murray of Exeter is to speak. lir. and Mrs. William Ivison were in for'onto this week. Miss Jeanie 'Chesney and •Mrs. Har- ry Chesney attended a funeral in To- ronto 011 Saturday. Mrs. R. '. Elgie is spending a couple of weeks visiting with friend's in Detroit. Mrs. W. MI, Doig is confined to her moth with illness and all hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. \4'. Cooper spent the week end' with friends in Elant- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Detroit spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Coolper. Mr. Robert H!abkirk has returned to his home in Neepa'wa, Man„ after a very pleasant visit with friends in these parts. - Mr. J.•'B. McLean and Miss Gladys spent Saturday in London. Air. Arthur Anderson ,made a busi- ness trip ,to Toronto and brought back a load of stockers. Mr. W. C. Sproat is improving slowly but able to move around a little, McKILLOP. The following is the report of S.S. No. 10, McKillop, for the mouths of September and October, Sr, IV.— Olive Pryce 66.3%, Oliver Pryce 6'6.3%, ,Allan 'Campbell 60,1%. Sr. DII. —(Annie Pethick 70.2%. Jr. IIIT.— Muriel Dalinage 73,4%, Harvey Dol - mage 58.8%, Helen Blanchard 58.5%, Arthur McClure 49.6%. Jr. If.—R.ufk Pethick 87.3% Kathleen 'S'hannon 79.8%a, Betty Ballard' 718.11%, Rath Campbell 38.1%. .Pr.-•,Glord!on Baan - chard very good. No, on roll 13, av- erage attendance 11,7. (Tillie S'ttorey, Teaoher. The foll'ow'ing is the report' for September and October for 5;5. Nio, ?, 3fcfKiI ap, Class V.—Clifford Cul- bert 75%, James - McCiure 72%. Sr. :I'V.—Isab'el'' Andersen 83,6%, Verna Storey 83.5%, !Margaret McClure 74%r Jr. IV.—+Edith McMillan 712%, Eddie Storey 65%, Gertrude Walters 50%, Nelson MEcClure 44%n, Orville S't'orey absent. Sr, III.—Arthur An- derson 84%, Grace AMcMicltael 83%, •Elmer Scoot 82%, Alex. MIc'M'ic'hael 43%, Jr. 'PII,-.C'irarlie Storey 76%, !Bert McClure 75% Ruth Walters 72% II,—Clara Keller 92%, John Anderson 80%, Audrey Waters 66%, L -'Dor- othy McClure and Hazel Anderson (equal)' 94%, 'Charlie McMichael 68%, Elwood S't'orey 64%. Sr. Pr,— Eleanor Storey, excellent, Jr,' Pr,— Roy Keller, very good. No. on roll 26, average attendance 23;8. M. G. Sn.owd•oe, Teacher, Death of Mrs. John Hogg,—Mfrs. ;Margaret Hogg, for a shoat time a resident of the fifth concession, died its Wingham on Saturday. Her hus- band, t'he late John Hogg, lived on the T-Iogg homestead on the ,fifth con- cession, now Mr. J, Henderson's fare until a short time after ,his father's death, whe'n he married and moved to Where Quality Reigns Coleman's Cottage Rolls P4 c Red Ru'b'ber ]Boots 2.75 Ibex Blankets per pair 1..75 Coleman's ,Picnic Ham .Gc Black Rubber Boots 2.75 Man. Mom - per per cwt. 2.29 BUY IN EGMONDVILLE 43c For New Laid Extras FINNIGAN • V • AUCTION SALE Of 11arni Stock and Implements, at Lot 29, McKillop boundary,. half mile west of Walton, on Friday, Novem- ber. 1'3th, at -1 o'clock: IH'orses—1 team, 10 and 11 years old; 1 general purpose mare ll years old, will work either single or double. 'Cattle.-6cows, al'l supposed in calf, and 5 spring calves. ,Figs, -1 brood sone, due in January, 15 pigs about 19'5 fm pdennento—Pordson tractor and Plow; Massey -:Barris- cultivator and d'i'sc; Massey -Harris binder; M'c!Cor- ntic'k mower; MIa hay loader; MIc- Coranick rake, Cocksilrutt- 2-•fu•rrow riding plow; 31clCormi.ck manure spreader; 10=inch grinder, 14 -inch crusher; 1 steel tire buggy; 1 rubber tire buggy; 1 Portland cutter,-MIe'lotte cream separator, new. 'Terms --:All suns of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 6 months' credit on approved joint notes. Four per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Ed. Rowland, Prop.; Geo. II. El- liott, Auct. IWinrghant. 'She passed away in the Wing -ham General H'ospita'l on Satur- day evening. •The deceased wonion Whose maiden name wan Margaret Kelly, had been aiding for a ,number of years. She had been ,married twice. IHer late husband predeceased her 36 years ago. Surviving are. one son, John MacDonald, of Tisdale, Sask., by her tfirst husbtand; two daughters, Mrs, C. S. Millard, of Copper'c]ilf; Mrs. (Rev.) George Rogers, of lierrylleild, B!C,; by her second husband, also one bro- 'ther, Alex. Kelly, of Siwnift Current. 'TIhe burial took pl'a'ce from the resi- dence of John Kelly, Turnberry, on Tue'sd'ay afternoo net 2 o'clock. Inter- ntent was made in Win'gham cemet- ery. ,Following is the report of S.S. No. 4, MuKilloip, for Seplteinber and Oc- tober. Those .having perfect atten- dance for the two month's are .Scott Kerr, Harvey Lamont George ivlc- 'Oture, Arthur Henderson, Hector La- tnont, A'lm'a Lawrence, Lois Hender- son and Maxine La'wrence. Those marked with an asterisk have missed one or st'o're examinations: Sr. IV—s'**lArehie Smith 5'3%. IJr. IV.—(Harvey Lamont 68, Selotit Kerr 53. ISr. IIII.—]Arthur Henderson 80, George McClure 69, Ross Gordon 49. IJr. IIII:--Alnta Lawrence 69, 'Hec- tor Lamont 40. Jr. III—'Lois 'Smith 76, *(Lois Hen- derson 44. Sr. Pr—r\2axine Lawrence, good. Jr, Primer—Cdaylton Hu'isser, good. M. Wheatley, T•sa'oher: 'Bethel United Church anniversary will be held 'on Sunday, Nov. 8th, and a concert the fol'low'ing evening, Death of John L. Hulley. The death took place in Seaforth on Fri- day, October 30,tht of John Leonard illu'lley, aged 29 years and 5 months, Deceased had been •i•1'1 since a year ago and went to the hospital where he un- derwent an operation in June and a second operation was performed re- cently as a last eltotr to save his life, but he passed away on F'rid'ay even in'g. , He was born on lot 111, conces- sion 13, Af'aK6dlo'p, son of the late Aaron Hulley and Mrs. Halley. Be- sides his Mother who lived wi'tlt him, he is servivecl by one si's'ter, Mrs. Ro- bert Munn, of Waterloo, ansi seven brothers, Ilarvey, Lorne, Ro;ber't, J'alntes• and Gordon, of McKillop; !Aaron, Waldeck, 'Sask.; and Charles, of Brandon, Man, A sister, Mr;s. 1TT i- lra'm K'istner, predeceased !Minn nine years ago. The funeral took place from the residence of Iris bro't'her, Mr, Harvey Hulley, lot 14, concession 7, McKinley, or Monday afternoon to the Brussels' cecetery, Rev. W. F. Smith officiating. The pallbearers were Messrs. (T'a'mes Kerr, Jehn Kerr, William Harvey, George Wheatley, Albert S'ienon, Torrance Dundas. STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livingstone, 73'amilwon, spent the week end with the former's parents. Mrs. A, A, Coignhoun and Miss Mary Drown are in London attend- ing the ''Women's Institute conven- tion. H'AiLL'IDiAY. Storm, Windows Ready Glazed Storm Windows measured 'and put on . A,M: Prin g le SEAFORTH. PHONE 92. CIDER MILL This null will operate .four days - a' 'week. Tuesdays, W'ednesdays, Thurs- days - and Fridays. Apple butter and cider. Lot 23, con. 6, Logan, FRiED. !IIIENINIIIOK, Plhone d20r31, Mitchell.. FOR SALE Comfortable Cottage situate on East Goderich Street; Seaforth, .form- erly occupied by Mts. Clara 'Me- Cluskey Crowley. Immediate possession can be given. For further particulars apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. ROOMS TO RENT Electric light, 'town water. etc. Ap- ply to E. L. BOX. - WOOD FOR SALE - ;Hardwood $450' a cord, delivered. Soft wood slabs, $2150, delivered. T. J. RII HAIRIDSON, Phone 148 r 22. '50. WANTED. $600.00 for 3 or 4 years at 6% inter_ est. Farm as security. Write ,Bax C, 'The Seaforth News. , 4i4 FOR SALE (Brand .new, Overcoat for sale. Tailor made, size 40. Can be seen at W. H. Hunvphrey''s, ,R:R, 1. Seaforth, Lot 21, Con. 2, MdICilbop.' 46 TIRE LOST On Mondaynight, or Tuesday, be- tween Egmandai.11e .C'hur'ch and Alex. Wallace's or ow the Mill Road, prac- ticall'y new tire, tube and rim. Small reward for finder. JAMES WAL- LACE, Mane 1313 r '15, 46 U.F.O. ME+E,TING. The annual mee'tin'g of the United Farmers will .be held in the town hall, Seaforth, second Wednesday its No- vember at 8 o'clock. Election of of- ficers for the ensuing year will take (place, R. J. M'cls{lILLAN, Sec. COURT OF .REVIS'IONi Town of Seaforth ?he first sitting of the Court of Revision for hearing complaints ag- ainst the revised assessment Roll for 11931 as adopted by the Municipal .Council to be the rgll for 1939, will 'be ']rend on Monday, the I'6'th day of Nlovetnlber, 1:9311, at 8 oaloc'k p.m. in. athe'Counell Chamber, Seafontb, !Ratepayers interested will govern Com+plain'ts is now posted' up in my con iplla•ttlt's is now posted up in my oiflfi'ce, JINIO. A. - WIIL•SONN, Town Clerk. Sealforth, 0-e t. 311, 1931. 45 CARD OF THANKS The relatives of ,the late Airs. Wil- liam Raclin wish to thank the friends and neighlb'orsfor many kind acts anid sympathy daring their ':bereavement, and also for the loan of cars. IOAIRD OF THANKS Mrs. Aaron Holley and Family wish to thank .the neighbors and friends for the many kind expressions of sym- p'a'thy during their recent sad bereave - meat., SEAFORTH MARKETS. Hogs, per cwt. Bu'tter, .per lb, Eggs, per doz Potatoes, per bag„ . , . .. , , ..;30c The Women's Institute entertained Fullerton and Gond'': Ilistitute's on Wednesday last, An excellent pro- gram was furnished by the visitors after which• the local ladies served lu 11 ch. $4.751$5.25 20c 28c -38c