The Seaforth News, 1931-10-15, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15„1931.
Su o�tc
Every Superior Store owner is co'natanlbly striving to increase the
%recess of his business. He realizes, the steady gro'wltth of trad.e he
desires can only be accomplished by his awn efforts. 'In patronizing a
Sup-erior Store ydu know that tie ambition and pride of .the man
who serves you is your rguaranitee of low p'ri'ces and the utmost in
S'teins for 1We'ek Envdinigr Oc'to'ber 21, 1931.
'OXYDOL, "The Perfect. Water Softener,' . , ...,..large pkg. 19c
Per Tut..., e7
PANSHINE, "A quick and: sanitary cleaner" ......... ....3 for
"Everybody likes Pork & Beans” ... , ....n3 tins 65 C
KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ....i........ . .... . pkgs. 25c
PEAS, No. 3 SIEVE, SIZE 2 TEENS' 3 for
25 c
iManyflowers Toilet Soap 4 cakes 25c
Oxo Culhes small, 13c; Large 25c
Borden's St. Charles Evaporated Milk,
ISlma•11,...3 for 19c- Tail....2 for 25c
Aylmer Crushed Pinea'pp'le, 2's Squat per tin 23c
Just .the thing for fruit salad"'.
Crown !Brand Corn Syrup, 2 lb, tin 17c; 5 ('b. tins.,....35c
""Try it on pan'cakes"
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour .. .. ...;per pkg, 18c
Wrench's Prepared Mustard, "For meats and fish" large b'o'ttle 14c
Rawntree's Chocolate Bars—Yorlc Milk and York Vert milk
Large .......'19c; ;Sm'a11 ,,.... 5c
Interlake Toilet Paper -r 1 , • 3 rolls• 25c
Royal York Tea, "Worthy of the 'Name • e/ 16.....28c; e, ..5'5c
Tuckett's Old ,Squire Ready Rubbed' Tobacco "'No Biite"..,..per tin. 15c
Tomato Juice , , per tin 10c
tId'eal S1Iver Cream -„p., ... each 23c
lBulk Cocoa—good' quality pen lb 15c
Liibt6y s Sauer Kraut; large rile y tins 25c
Mazda Electric 'Bulbs, 60 an'd. 40 watt, Frosted • each 25c
Royal York .Oaffee.. ......4 lb...,.. ...2Sc; 7 'lb. 49c
iShredded Wlieat Biscuit 2 pkgs. 25c
!Green Giant Pets, 2's .... ............ ....... ,per.tin 19c
Roman Meal . per pkg. 29c
!Cam'plbell's' Vegetable Soup 2tins 23c
VT -Tone, .... ......... ......... 8 oz..... 33c; 26 oz..... 53c
Asparagus. Cuttings, 2's • per tin 25c
Hotel Mushrooms, tall size per tent 25c
Pofn'oian'a Grape Fruit, 2's per ten 29c
Fly Coils .to hang up 14 for 10c
'Choice Rangoon Rice per Ib, Sc'
Long 'Handle Fancy Dust Pans i ..eaeh 19c
Premium Tea, Bl'ac'k or Mixed per lb. 59c
One 3 cup Teapot Free..
Leave us your order for your Winter Supply of Potatoes.
'Quality and Prices Right,
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Phone 77
Cream Cream
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services,
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial"
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evening'
Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont,
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go,
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
The regular 'meeting of the Eg-
:mond'vi1'te Y. P. Society was held in
the church on 'Tuesday evening. The
•meeting was opened by prayer by Mr,
Malcolm. The 'business was discussed
and the minutes of last Meeting were
read. The worship ' period opened
with hymn' "I Need Thee'' Every
Iflour." Marriott Wallace read' the
'Scripture lesson and Helen Thomp-
son gave ass inderestiksg theme dealing
with "Tlhe Angel olf; His Presence."
Margaret !Finnigan led 'in prayer and
byann, "I Ani Thine, 0 Lord." was
sung, The missionary study on Kor-
ea was taken by May Wallace, Hymn.
"Jesus Saves," ,was sung and the of-
fering was taken up. Mr, Malcolm
therm tools charge and an interesting
half hour was enjoyed- h -some the
nieeflag closed with rtbpf'i1'n palb ben,
edi c ti on.,
Egraonudville W.M.S. melt on 'Friday
alfbern'oon, Oct. 9th, in the sc'h'ool
room df the church. The meeting
opened with , the doxology followed
by the Lord's prayer. ,The ;Scripture
reading, Psa'lns 67, was given by Mrs.
D. MacLean. Mrs.` Allen read the :de-
vobionad• lealflet.James the /Silent Man,
followed) by the prayer : by . Mrs.
Jas. IStewart. 'Hy'tnn. 491 was them
sung followed by business discussions.
IIt was .decided- at this meeting •to
make speec'ial prayer for Miss 'Mus-
tard. The roll call! was 'followed by a
reaching by Mrs's Evalena Nott, en-
titled "The Church of the Lighted
(Lamps.” Hymn 446 was then sung.
Mrs. 'McMPillan :introduced the new
study book on Korea. Hymn 241 fol-
lowed bf the closing prayer by Mrs
Meal cot'rn.
The Duff's Church W. M. S. and
Ladies' Aid held their regular meeting
at she home of Mrs, Joseph Hogg,
lOOct 2nd. The afternoon was s'pen't' in
duilting.;IA short business. .meeting
was 'head to discuss sending •a bale of
chatting to the West, alter 'w'hi'ch
lunch' was served by the ladies.;-
adies.Anniversary sem/ides were held .int
Church, Oct. lllth, with a good'
'attend'an'ce., 'Rev. Mr. Poulter of
'Varna preached in the morning and
'Rev. M'r, Malcolm of Egmoitd'ville is.
.hie evening. 'Tlte services', were much
enjoyed b'y''h11. - -
Mr. W. II Little o'f Port Dover,
spent the holiday with 'hi`s father, Mr.
Andrew Little. •
Mr. E. Edge of Toronto .y spent
Thanksgiving with his father, 99v1r,,.IH,
'Edge and Miss Josopfeline. v
Rev. and Mrs. ID. J. Lane and' son
Donald of Goiierieh visited his: broth-
er, Rev. W. P.'Lan'e, on Thanksgiving
Rev. J. 13. Rhodes of Exeter .will be
'the preadher at the preparatory ser-
vice helkl in ',First Presibvtenian•c'hunch
on Friday night of this 'week, The
meeting will commence at 8 oholoc'Ic
end the regptlar catn'rn'un'iouservice
wall be held Sunday'm'ornmg, Octolb-
er 118th.
Miss IK. Purdy of -Toronto spent the
lweek end with Mr, PI. Edge and Mies
Miss Irwin,,ot Tiono'nito spent over
Thanks'givin'g .with her niece,. Mrs.
iW. P. Lane.
Mr. Will Pollard and friends of
'Wlaadiville were holiday visitors with
his parents, Mr. and _ Mrs. J:aahua
Mr. Leslie Kerr of Toronto was a
holidlay visitor at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.. James Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bates, G'ode
rich, and Dr. and Mrs. John Dickson,
'Toronto, were visiting friends in. town
on the holiday.
IMr, and Mrs. Sana H'annta acco'm-
p'atvie'd' by Mrs, 'Weber and daughter
of W'oodhlam, spent the week -end' in
Mr, J. C. Thomson of Edinburgh,
Scotland, left on Tuesriay for Toron-
to after spending a couple olf weeks
with his cousins, Mr. J. M. Robertson
and Miss Robertson. ,c
Mr. J. A. Wilson was a week end
visitor 'in Detroit.
Mr. and Mss. Hector .Hays arid
s'an Stanley, . Stratford, were. holiday
V'isito'rs in town, '
. Miss 'Helen Ament of London spent
the week -end at her home.
Mrs. James Sproat is spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Neilson
Gbvenlock in Waterford.
Mrs. C. R. Somerville and Miss
Ilanet Wilson of London were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson Thanks-
giving Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel-
land were Thanksgiving visitors with
the latter's mother, Mrs. A. E. Stark.
Mies Marjorie B'ickefl of Toronto
spent the week -end at her home.
(Miss Mamie Coulter and Miss Janet
Goveu'lock of Weston were guests of
Miss' Annie Govenlock over Thanks -
s. Banks Nelson will be the
preacher at the anniversary setvide of
(First Church on Sunday, Niovember
Sth, and will deliver a lecture.ifter the
fowl supper on the Monday n'igh't fol-
lowing. Please take note •af change
in date from INo'v. let to Nov. 8th.
Mr. and Mrs. !Sylvester Allen spent
Thanksgiving with friends at 'Brant-
Mins Olive Laidlaw of Boston' is
Visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Laidlaw.
Miss Florenice Jones and Miss Flor-
ence Lai'dllaw of Toronto were holi-
day visitors at the latter's home. Miss
Maude Laidlaw accompanied 'them to
Tordni'to for a short visit.
Mr. F. W. Jackson of Merri'ckvil'le
spent a few days at his home here.
'Miss Dorothy Hutcheson of St.
Catharines, Miss Hilda Ashton,. Mr.
George G. Hutchison, Mrs. Alice
Henderson, son Douglas and daugh-
ter Hetes, ca London, were Tivan'ks-
giving' guests at the houne of Mr, and
Mrs. F. D. Hut,clhison.
Mr. Sam J'acks'on and Miss Belle
Jackson were Tihanksgivimg visitors
with their sister, Mrs. Stevens,, .in Kit-
Mr. Wm. Patrick of Toronto was a
holiday visitor in town,
Miss Lillian Babb who was .con-
valelacing from a broken ankle. ,bone
at the bo -me of 'her sinner, Mrs. F. D.
Hutchison, returned to Mitchell Fri-
day last, ac'com'p'an'ied by Mr. Norval',
Babb, Mrs, Creorge Boyd an'd Mrs.
(Miss 'Gladys H'anvi!litbn of Toronto
is convalescing in the hospital atter.
undengaing an ope'ra'tion for a'ppend'i-
Mr, Walter Little, who has been
visiting his brother, Mr, Andrew
Little for some time, delt for his home
in WinniPe gonMonday.
Mr. and Mrs; Coats, London, and
Mr. and Mrs, Warren Ament and data,
gihter Finances, Detroit. were 'holiday
guests with Mr: and Mrs. Wm.
'Miss Belle Ballantyne has returned
,from St. Tihornas where she was the
guest of her . brother ,for a week or
Dr. and Mrs. Hodgins, Jack, .Morley
and Bernice of To onto' spent ' t
week -end and holiday wide Mrs. L. T.
Dr, and 'Mrs. W. J Charters of Des
Mo'in'es, I'o'wa were week -end guests
at .the Charters 'home. They came to.
visit their aunt, Mrs. Robt. Charters',
who hasn't had good health for some
time. Dr. Oharters ,abtended the den-
tal clinic, also delivered lectures on
"Pyorrhea" in the following places:
Detroit, Miele.; Peoria, Ill.; andMem-
That the. eyes in their needles
get smaller and smaller with .the
years. Once they could thread
the smalle's't needle with ease.
Naw they rook for the needle
with 'the largest eye. The •cor-
rect glasses waft overcome this
annoyance. We can equip these
ladies so they may again sew
(or read) with pleasure.
Continued next week.
phis, Tenn.
Mrs, F. J. B.urr'ows' returned this
'week after spending several weeks in
Mes, Hugh Wright spent several
days this week in London:
Mrs. Chas. P. Sills wT be at h'o'me
Thursday a'fternoo'n, .O -et. ?(2,nd, from
3 to 6.
'Miss Margaret ,Ferguson of the
Public School staff, Bayfield, and Mr.
Jack Ferguson, principal of the Public
'School, Port Robinson', were holiday
visi'bors:with. their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Ferguson,.
arr. and Mrs. O. W. Rhynas of Bur-
lington were guests of the Ta'tter's
brother, Mr. Wm, Fergusson and Mrs.
Mrs. Reinke and Mli'ss Toms .'were.
visiting their cousins 'in Mitchell laslt
•Mir. and Mrs, James Elsley of Lon-
desboro, arid Mra and Mrs.' Frank
'Cam'p'bell and daughter of Wawanosh
visited last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. B. Tyerman. F'
The many friends of Miss .Ord'ean
Berry of London were glad to hear
her recite over the radio last Wed-
nesday night.
Mr. Blob MdDonald, of Agincourt,
Oat., spent Thanksgiving with his
cousin, 'Miss ,Helen Lane.
'Mr. Well itdN:a'y of Duart spent
the holiday wide his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. jno. M'cN'ay, MdI{'i'llop.
Mrs. Jlohn Slproa't left o'n Satuday to
Visit relatives in Detroit.
Mr. Archie Scott is visiting in To-
ronto with his daughter, Mrs. G.
R Dive.
'Miss Gretta Ross of Weston was a
Visitor at the home of her paren'ts,
Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Ross, over the
week -end,
Miss Wlhitenvan who has been con -
v le cid
a s t
at the h rn `
g a e of Mr. and Mrs,
W. E. Hinchley for s'evera'l '•m'onths,
has returned' to Chicago.
Mies Pearl' Lawrence of London
was a holiday visitor in town,
Mrs. Foote and two children of
Fergus are guests of :Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Wilson.
Burns' United Church anniversary,
.Sunday, Oct. 1!8tlt, services at 1+1' a.m.
and 7.30. Special music by the choir.
Rev. W. J.. Mortimer, 'B.A., B.D, of.
Auburn, will be m charge.
'Miss Lavinia Knox, Mr. Robert Lei-
per, and Miss Agnes of 'Toronto hol-
idayed at their homes here.
Mr. 'an'd 'Mrs. Hugh MclEwin.g, of
London, visited ,at Mr. and Mr's. A.
W. 'MdEwing's Sunday, also ca'll'ing
an other friends.
We are pleased to know that Mr
Wm. •Knox, who undee'went an oper-
ation for appendicitis in Brussels a
few weeks ago is convalescing at the
!home of his pareiets, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Knox.
Pretty Wedding at Londesboro. —
A pretty Autumn wedding was sol-
emnized' at the Manse, Lom'desboro
on October 14, at 111 a,m. when Mary
0. (3llarie), only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 1. Rapson was united in mar-
riage to Warren H. Gi'blainigs, younger
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gib'bings:
The ceremiony. was performed by the
Rev. Mr. Forster, The bride looked
very attractive in a handsome gown
of black lace and chiffon velvet over
white crepe with hat and shoes to
match and white kid gloves and car-
ried ap'he'lia roses and fern. The
bride was attended by Edith F. jos-
ling who wore a dress of flowered
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing; your insurance and
at the newlow n n -t '
o arrff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid,'
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Suthorland
Office over K.eating'; Drug Store
crepe with sand trimaning and carried
pink carna'tion's and fern. The groom
was supported- by his cousin, George
W. Wright, After the ceremony they
'motored` to the' home of the bride's
parents where a sumptuous lunch
wedding dinner was served. only im-
mediate relatives .being present. The
dinnerwas served by two girl friends
o'f the bride, Marjorie Colson and Ka-
'th'leen Beacons, ass'i'sted by Mrs. F.
Little The dining room was pret-
tily decorated in pink and white, Later
in the afternbon the happy couple left
on a mo'tor trip to Kitchener, Cale-
donia, and Rochester, N.Y, For trav-
elling the bride wore a knitted suit of
sand and brawn- witli beret bo match
and wore brown shoes and hose and
,gleve4. The groom's gift to the bride
w'as a brawn leather travelling ,bag, to
bhe bridesmaid a sterling ail -ver neck-
lace and to the groomsman a sterling
'silver tie pin. On their return, Mr. and
Mrs. Gibbin'gs will reside on' the sixth
concession, Hallett.
Easson Ashton. — On Wednesday
September 30th, at the United Church
parsonage, Mitchell, Emma 'Grace
Ashton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
John Ashton of Tuckersrnith, became
the bride. of David Roy Easson, son
of Mr, and Mrs. David Batson of Go-
derach town'sh'ip. (Rev. A. E. Doan.
performed the ceremony; The bride
wore a charming brown trave1 tweed
crepe dress with fur, hat and shoes to
match, Miss Pea'rl Easson, sister of
the bridegroom, and Clifford Ashton,
the bride's 'brother, were the atten-
dants. Theidegroom's gift to the
bride was a white gold necklace set
with sapphire; to the best man, gold
cuff links. After a trip to Toronto;
and Niagara Falls, Mr. and 'Mrs. Eas-
son will 'resid'e on the groom's farm
in Goclericb townshiP.
'Mrs. Jas. Allan is spending .a few
'days 'with her friend, Mrs. •D, Mc-
Mrs. S. Elgie returned home last
;Saturday from Detroit where she has
been spending a few days with her
aunt, Mrs. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Groh and family of
Wiindsor spent a few days last week
With Mr. and Mrs. Russel] Coleman.
Mr. John Wood has engaged' with
Mr. David MOLean for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Levitt of Inger-
soll spent Thanksgiving at the home
of Thos. 'Coleman,
The Ladies' Aid 'met at Mrs. T.
Coleman's 'last Tuesday with a• goad
attendance, After the business part of
the meeting was over they spent the
afternoon c noon
u'i1 'n
after q .fig' ter which a
'dainty lunch wa's served.
Mr. Davis Moore of Toronto spent
the holiday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Moore.
Mr. Carl Topp, Miss Harriet Wea-
ver of,Buffalo spent bhe week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Elgie.
Mr. Kenneth Jackson, Mr. R.
Whitmore of Guelph spent the week
end with .the former's mother, Mrs, J.
Miss Thelma Elgie has. returned
'home after a visit with friends in Buf-
Mr. and Mrs Herb, Harlton and
family of Parkhill visited on Monday
with his sister, Mrs. j, Jackson,
Miss Vera Crozier underwent an an op-
enation in the Scout Memorial Hospi-
tal Friday last and is improving as
quickly as could be expected,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Charters of
Des Moines ,were visitors at the 'home
of Mrs. Root. Charters, Mill Road.
Mrs. G. T. MacKay' and family, of
London, and Mrs. McCloy and'.faniily.
of Egmsondvilie were visitors at ` the
'Home of Mrs. James McIntosh MI'on-
diay last.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron and
son E1 mer spent Thanksgiving with
Chatham friends,
Mr. and Mrs, Mae Carnnchan of
Detroit, were visitors over the week-
end at the home of Icdr. and Mrs.
Cecil Oke..
'Mrs, Alex. Ross, Mrs, Janet Ross
and Mrs,' Hastings of Wingh'ant `were
Thanksgiving 'visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicho!lsen.
Mr. Glen Taman is able to be up
after his l'on'g i'llne`ss.
Messrs, Basil Lane of Toronto and
James Mane of ` Brantford " spent'
their tubi;
g g with e r modher here
'Charles Malone of Windsor spent
the week -end wide his parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Buckley and fa-
mily and Mrs, Dan Buckley of Osh-
awa and Mary Buckley of Tbronito
spent the holiday with Fev. Father
Dantzer at St. Oolttmban..
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maloney and
family and Dennis Maloney 'have re-
turned to Detroit after visiting their
other, :Mrs. JMaloney.n Mialone •
Joseph Moylan of Kitchener was a
hoilidia'y visitor at his Nome here.
Miss Mary O'Sullivan of . Toronto
spent the week -end with her parents
'The C.W.L. lead a successful dance
on Fridiay evening Iasi Music was
seppliied by the Stratford Orchestra.
,Mr. Wm, Racho is having leis house
remodelled before ,winter sets in.
Clarence. Malone has, been laid up
Euchre &
Oct. 16th
under auspices of -
Seaford] Soft Ball Club
EUCHRE 8:30 . DANCE 11:30
' 50c Single Admission
W. Barber, Pres,
A. C. McCaubley, ,Sec.-Treas.
with a dislocated shoulder,
Misses Mildred, Gertrude and Ag-
nes McGrath spent Thanksgiving at
their home here.
(Helena Fa'lenery of St. Agatha
spent Thanks'giv,inig with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and, Mrs. Terry F1'att
,Miss Anne Dalton of Brantford'
slpenit the week end at her home in
Miss Mina Procter was the guest of
her aunt, Miss S. Barr over Thanks
Mr, and Mrs. Ward and babe of El-
mira, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
!Shedd'ick and family for ,Thanksgiv-
Miss Jennie Fimgland of Detroit
spent the week end with her uncle,
Mr. J. Fingland,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laking and
Misses Irene and Isabelle and Master..
Arnott of Alliston spent Thanksgiving
at the home of W. G. Ross.
Holiday guests with Mr. George
Barr were Mr. and Mrs. Ford King
and son Douglas, Mr. Murray Martin
of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. George '
King of Bayfield.
Misses Katie_ Govier and M. Stew- .
art of Toronto spent the week end
with their friend, Miss A'1'ice,Fingland.
Mr. aesd Mrs. Catell and son Rich
and and Mr. and Mrs. R. S eddic'k.
and son Lloyd are guests of Mr. and.
Mrs. (Richard Shed•dick.
Mo. anti Mrs. Stevens and babe are
visiting with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Pipe of Gaderich
spent Sunday 'wit'h Mr. and Mrs, ''R.
Yungblut. •
'Misses Hazel and Clarice Lee were
guests of Mrs. W. Trewin last Satur-
'alias O. Brigham of Walkerville
was home for the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake and family
of Exeter Sundayed with Mrs. H.
Lyen o3 the village,
Miss Annie Aiistone of Beechville
spent the -week end at the home oif
Mr, W. Griffiths.
Miss Brigham, Mrs. McCall; Mies .
Alice Fingiand and Mrs, W. Allen-
llemspent Friday last in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Gibson of Wroxeter
spent last Wednesday with Mrs.
'Nurse Moon returned to her home
after a week's visit with Mrs, J. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyons and sons
of Blyth Sundayed with the former's
mother here.
Miss L. Mains motored to Londnat
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elsley celebrated
their forty-fourth wedding annivers-
ary on Thanksgiving Day and are'
now spending a week or two with
their daughter at St. Mary's.
Mr. W. J. Tamblyn, B.A., B Paed.,
and family spent Thanksgiving at the.
home of Mr. Tamblyn's mother, Dur-
ing the trip arrangements were com-
pleted for a concert party of fifty
boys from the junior vocational
sc'hoo'l, Toronto, where Mr. Tamblyn
is Principal, to .give their program in
the community hall on Saturday, Nov,
7th, under the auspices of the Wo-
man's Association. On `Friday even-
ing, Nov, 6th, these boys are giving
their program i•n Goderich under the
auspices of the Victoria Home and
School Club.
Will be held in
Sunday,October I S
at 1'1 a,m. and 7:30 p.m,
REV. MR,'CUMrMINGS, of Walton,
in charge.
A Fowl Supper
'Will be held in the Chinch
Tuesday Evg., Oct, 20
Supper from 6 to 8 o'clock, after
wh{cle the 'Westfield Dramatic Club
will present their popular play,
AccOn'panied by Vocal. and Instru-
mentat music.
Admission 25c and 50c