The Seaforth News, 1931-09-24, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1931.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex.Alcllurtrie of
Toronto are spending, their vacation
visiting relatives in this district,
iivLiss Madeline Higgins, after a
pleasant visit with relatives in Ileti-
sall incl Clinton, has returned to To-
!Rev..,Mr. Parker of St- Paul's Ang-
lican Chu'rc'h hereoccupied the pulpit
olf •St. Thomas' Anglican Church, at
Seaforth on Sunday for the -annual
harvest home festiv'al.
Miss Margaret Slavin, after spend-
ing several weeks here, has returned
to London where she has a good pos-
.Rev. Dr. lhdllroy, pastor of the
'Carmel Presbyterian Church here had
charge o'fthe anorning service, Sun-
day at Seaforth Presbyterian church.
Quite a number took in the base -
hat Match on Saturday afternoon
wliisn Ingersoll and .Hensall teams
played an exhibition gvune, Hensall
;winnifng 1-0.
Messrs. Blonithron & Drysdale are
graving their furniture and hardware
',department painted arid redecor-
ated, making _many improvements.
ivLr. Jack Carmichael spent a few
drays last week with friends .in Hamil-
_Mrs. George McIntyre of Detroit
is visiting for a few weeks with her
friends in town.
Mr. Agdort Appleton of Landon
spent Last week visiting friends.
Mr. and -.'Mrs. A. J. Todd and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Corbett are spending
a few days visiting in Bad Axe, _Alich.
Mr, Laird Afickte spent Monday in
Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron
spent Sunday visiting 'friends in Kit-
Miss Nellie ;Carmichael of Exeter is
visiting for a few days at the home
of Mr, and Airs. Donald Parks.
.ldiss Beryl Pfaff of the. London
hoeing _school spent the week end at
her home trete.
Mrs. John llurdoek spent Sunday
at the hone of her sister, Mrs. John
E. Petty of Hay.
Services in the local churches were
well attended on Sunday last. 'In the
United Church Rev. Mr, Sincliair oc-
cupied the pulpit and special parts itt
the anthem were taken by Dr. Smil-
lie in the _morning and Miss Dora
Smith, Mr. Goodwin and Dr. Smillie
in the evening. In the Carmel Pres-
byterian Church Rev. Mr. Kane of
Seatfor•th having charge of the ser-
vites tit the morning. Rev, Mr. Mc -
troy was the preacher in the evening.
In St. Paul's Anglican Church the
'services were withdrawn .owing to
.harvest thanksgiving services at Staf-
fa, when the choir of St. Paul's as -
The Young People of the United
Church held their meeting OD Mon-
day evening with Mr. Walter Spen-
cer presiding. After the devotional
exercises an instrumental duet w'as
given by Misses Gladys Passmore and
Grace Brock. A very interesting ad-
dress was given by Ree. R. R. Con-
ner, of Kippen, after which a chorus
was given by a 'nimbler of girls ac-
companied by Misses Greta Laramie.
and Effie Bell on the guitars, and the
meeting closed with the Mi4ah ben-
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be observed in the United Church
on Sunday September 27th, at the
morning service and preparatory ser-
vices on Friday evening preceding.
Mrs. David Paisley and children
who have spent the past _month at
the home o e of the farmer's
Mrs. E Rennie, returned to their
home in l:fontreal last week.
Miss Lillian Steacy of Detroit is
spending a few days visiting with
friends in and around Hensall
Mrs. Sparrow of Paisley spent the
creek end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lad MciEwan.
/Mrs. Agnes Ross, who has been
'seriously illi at her hone on King
street, is improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming and
son Ross were visiting the latter's
parents, Mr, and :Mrs. 'William Mit-
chell of Carlingford.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Kintner arikil
son Robert and 'Mrs. John Kistner of,
Waterloo spent the week end under'
the parental roof.
Mr. Nelson and Jim Howe and Mrs.
Howe of Cromarty spent Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbeil spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Regele.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Johns and two
'childern of Lacan, visited at Mrs, J
Jlo'hns last Sunday.
_fr. 'Walter Johns, formerly of To-
ronto to University, left Monday for.
'Cornell University, New York.
Miss Bessie Bell of London visited
at her home one day last week.
+MIr- and Mrs, Lloyd Johns were in
Stratford last Saturday to visit the
latter's mother, who recently under-
went an operation there:
Septeni'ber, 1905,
Huron Boy Nominated.
Mr. J. Cowan, barrister, of S'arniay
and W'atford, was the unanimous
-choice of the East Lam+b'ton Liberal
convention. :Mr. Cowan is an old Hu-
ron county boy, a son of the bate
John Cowan of Ilclhidlop, and a bro-
ther of James Cowan, whose farms
adjoins the toven of Seaforth. Mr.
Cowan was a partner of the Pate
Judge' Lister, and has been for years
a highly successful lawyer.
Mr. -Thomas Murray of San Fran-
cisco, Cal-, is visiting Itis mother,
Mrs Franck Murray, and renewing old
friendships in token. Mr. Murray was
a former Seaforthite and one of the
fi'rs't members of the 33rd- Regiment
While Rev. Mr. Shaw of the Kip -
pen Circuit was attending to his
horse he found that the animal had
got its foot entangled with the tie
strap and in endeavoring to free it
the horse became exoited throwing
hien down, tramping his face and
body. Somehow he Managed to drag
himself out o'f the stall and reached
the house. Dr. Ferguson wad at
once summoned and did- aril in . his
power to relieve the sufferer, several
of wshose 'teet'h were broken out. The
warns sympathy of the community is.
extended to Mr, Shaw.
Rev. J. A. Hamilton, for over 12
years the popular pastor of Landes -
bora and Burris Presbyterian
churches, has accepted a call to Lea-
mington, subject to the call. of his
People and Presbytery. Mr. Ramat
ton has been a most faithful and zeal -
ons pastor, who is held in the highest
esteem, and his removal will be uni-
versally regretted.
On Monday the bylaw to loan
$5,0i00 for ten years without interest
to Mr. W. Kelehan to establish a
machine shop et Hensall was su'bmi't-
ted to the property owners and car-
ried by a goad majority -152 to 16.
A number of the .hustlers of the vil-
lage trent to work and there were
only two or three possible votes left
unpolled, two coming from Seaforth.
Beaverly came from Brantford
and Mr, Joseph Case, Toronto, to
--Hensall residenits were subjected
to a huge joke the other might. A
young lad awoke suddenly out of a
dream in which he saw his home
hunting. The glare of the electric
light confirmed the idea and running
out on the street with his brother
they raised the alar_, Before the
truth of the matter was discovered
the engine and hose re•ei were taken
out and the streets thronged with
excited people,
Residence Destroyed
Last Friday morning at about elev-
en &cloak fire brake out on the roof
of Mr. Ed. Jarman's house. I1 seems
that the occupan't's of the house were
not aware that it was burning until
Messrs Peck and T. Livingstone, who
were passing in a buggy, warned
them. Soon afterwards neighbors
came aver to help take out the furni-
ture, but in spite of all they could do
a large number of things were des-
troyed, especially those up stairs. In
about forty minutes after the fire was
discovered the building was a mass .of
flames,and at d nothing could be done.
Several of the most valuable things
were saved, however, including the
organ and large pieces of furniture,
but the loss will be heavy. The old
saying"Misfortunes never come sing-
ly," is applicable in this case for it is
only a few days ago that Mr. Jarman'
lost his wife.
Dr. F. W. Tweddle, who has had a
very successful dental business 'here
for some years past, has etsposed of
the same to Dr. ,'Hodgins of !S'arn'ia,
who takes possession this week. !It is
'Mr. 'r,weddle's intention to locate in
The McCann bridge just completed
by Messrs. Nagle & Looby 'w•itlm their
staff 61 efficient workmen, is a most
e-ttbstan.tial piece of architecture and
reflects great credit on our cement
contractors. Next week they leave for
Grey, where they have (taken some
arge contracts and when those are
completed, they commence work on
he new Skating rick at Seatotttb.
Healer Sherman.
"T-Tealer" Sherman and his work in
Seaforth has been .receiving the at-
tenitiott of the editors of the province
during the past couple of weeks.
Some of the writers discuss the Trigg"'
ter in a fair and reasonable trimmer,
while others have wi'.th•out any first
hand knowledge formed ' .the hasty
opinion that the '!Healer is a fakir.
A sweeping assertion 'that Sharman
is a fakir .and that he has purely and
simply humbugged the hundreds of
suffering hu'mani'ty who have sought
his healing hands is not in accordance
;with the facts. The people of this
district are not of the 'emotional sort,.
Measure Your Rooms
neither are they of the kind that pur-
sue new fads .and fancies. alt is
doubtful if a more conservative 'class
can 'be found anywhere in Canada,
and yet 's'c'ores of these c'ooI-headed,
calm, thoughtful citizens can be found
Who will testify to harping been help-
ed, or cured, by :Sharman. Probably
Sot one in twenty of the 'many cures
that have be -en attributed to him have
actually been made, nor has there
been, so far as can be as-certtained, one
single instance in .which he has 'ban-
ished consunvplti'on from the sufferer,
healed running sores and cancers and
removed or dispelled tumors. Yet the
fact remains that aside fro'ste all this
be has either cured and helped scores
suffering from rhetematism, or he has
convinced a large number that they
were not ;nearly as ill, or as bad'l'y
crippled, as they thought they were,
The healer came from; •Deloraine,
Ilan., vtihere he had been .a machinist
for nine years. "Some attribute his
mysterious power to hypnotism, and
recall other famous healers such as
Alexander, Do,wie and Prince Mich-
ael, all of whom became very wealthy,
'It is said that 'Sharman is raking in
the shekels at a tremendous rate.
Mr. John Brennan 'has finished his
contract in moving Mr. Bryan 0' -
'Tiara's house and Mr. O'Hara is
much pleased with the assistance giv-
en by the neighbors in getting the
work done so quickly, as he is again
enjoying the comfort of living in his
Own bane.
Quite a number from here attended
the funeral of the late MLTs. John Dou-
gherty of Logan last Saturday. ' 'The
remains were taken Sit. Brigid's
'C'hurch where requiem high Mass was
celebrated by Rev. Fr. Gaffney and
from thence to St. Patrick's•Cesntery,
Kinkora, where all that was mortal
was laid to test amongst a large' con-
course of friends. She is survived by
her husband and .one daughter, who is
married and one living at home. Her
d'e'ath came unexpectedly as she was
able to be up and around' as usual.
Some of the family were visitors in
our burg the Sunday previous to her
death. She took an attack of pneu-
monia and died on Thursday the 17th
inst. The bereaved 'Nave the sympathy
of the whole community in this their
hour of sad affliction..
Miss Helen Delaney, our tea ther..
has undertaken to teach a continua-
tion class and no doubt she will make
a success of it as she is a hustler and
has made a success of anything she
has undertaken.
Camilla Coyne of London is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Matthew
Miss Agnes 'M'clGrath of Hamburg
spent the week end at her home here,
IMr and Mrs. Peter O'Sullivan spent
Sunday 'with B'ay+field friends.
lstr. and Mrs. Terry Flannery at-
tended the 'Nigh-lPurcel;l wedding in
Seaforth on +Tuesday.
Olr, and Mrs.'Jain es'Carlin ,and'fam-
ily were London visitors one clay last
When Asthma 'Conten do not de-
spair. Turn at once to the 'help :ef-
fective—iDr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma
Remedy. This 'wonderful remedy will
give you the aid you peed so sorely.
Choking ceases, 'breathing becomes
natural and without effort. Others,
thousands of then., have suffered as
you suffer but have wisely turned to
this famous remedy and ceased to
suffer, 'Get a package this very day.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50e
Are Your Chimneys Safe?
While the good weather lasts,
have se put your chimneys in
good safe condition for winter.
\,Ve also do plastering, sidewdalk-
ing, etc. Expert workmanship at
reasonable cost.
R. Frost &Son
Ville Manufacturers and General
M Faint, Farm Stock, Imp'lements
and Household Effects. -Mt•, Harold
Dale has been instructedto sell by
public ,auction ,on N'% pt, lot 2, con. 6,
Hallett, on Wednesday, October 7th,
at 2 p.m:, the 'following:
2 horses, 1 wagon' and box, 1 set of
sleighs, 1 double harne'ss, 1 set single
harness, 1 plough, 1 set harrows, 1
cutter, 1 buggy, 1 seed drill, logging
cUain, whippletrees„ neckyoke,' 1
scythe, cow chains hay knife, scoop
s'h'ovel, ,grindstone, forks, 1 grass seed
sower, 1 get clippers, forks and shov-
els and numerous other articles.
Household Effects. — 1 'kitchen
stove, 1 heating stove, 1 box stove, 'I
White se -wing machine, , 1 cupb'o'ard,
chains, 2 leaf tables, 1 kettle, 2 oil
cans; couch, tsolbe, churn; step ladder,
2 axes, rake, pictures„ dishes, tables,
oil stove, stands, beds, dressers.
'Terns. — Cash. On Farne-10%.
down day of sale, bal'ance when deed
is got out.
J. 10. Govenloek, Inspector County
tHome; Harold Dale, Auctioneer.
Of. Farm Stock and Ineplenments•
Mr, 0. W. Reed has been instructed
to sell by public auction on South lot
3, concession 116, Hibbert, two mites
south of Dublin, on. Thursday, Oct,
1st, at 1.30 pm,, the following:
110orses-11 grey filly rising 3 years
old; 1 bay gelding rising 2 years old,
1 grey filly rising 2 years old, 1 suck-
ing colt, 1 aged grey mare.
'Cattle. ---1 Holstein cow, 5 years-o:d,
due Jan. 15; 1 Jersey cow 4 yrs., due
Jan. 7th; 1 Hereford calf, 1 Jersey.
calf, 25 hens.
Ilmp'lemen•s.—Masseys1Hanris bind-
inder, 6 foot cult; Massey Harris seed
drill; Cockshutt plow; 1 set harrows,
cultivator, new Taco .wagon, Melotte
separator, 200 gal. steel tank, "1 set
harness, automatic tile and brick cut-
ters, 5 wheel b'arro:'ws, 4,000 3 -inch
tile; 3,1000 31/.., -inch tide; 1„500 4 -inch
tile; 500 5 -inch tile; 15 to 20 tons of
soft coal.
'Grain and Roots. -715 bus. mixed
grain, 1'00 bus. barley, 150 bus. oats.
200 bus. bu'oldwlheat. A quantity of
potatoes and roosts, shovels, forks and
other articles too numerous to men-
Terms—All sums of $10.00 and un-
der, cash. Also grain, tile and coal,
cash. Over that amount ten nnn•tits'
credit will be given on approved joint
notes or 7% per annum discount for
'John VanID'orrensteyti, Mortgagee;
O. W. Reed, Auctioneer,
Of Farm Stock and Itmpliemeitts and
Household Effects. Tuesday, Sept-
ember 29th, Lot 12, Con. 4, Tucker -
militia at 1 o'clock p.m., the following:
'Horses -Heavy draft mare 12 years
old, draft mare 1a years, Agricultural
_are 6 years, Agricultural gelding, 3
years, :well broken.
'Oatitte.-1 Roan Shorthorn bull, 2
years old, sire, Max'vaiton Money-
bags '(111591123), dram,_ Mina's Daisy
(22051.3); 1, Durham cow, 8 years old,
to freshen in October, Durham cow,
4 years old, to freshen fn March;
(Durham cow, 5 yeans, to freshen in
April; 2 Durham cows, 6 years old,
newly freshened and supposed to be
in calf; 2 Durham cows, 4 years, sup-
posed to be in calf; black cow, part
Jersey; 9 years, to freshen in Novem-
ber Durh
am cow, t
o freshen •n Jan-
r m
nary; black cow, 7 years, to freshen in
January; Durham cow, 8 years, sup-
posed to be in calf; 2 steers, two years
old, fat; six fed calves, four calves,
Hogs, Poultry -Brood sow, due to
farrow N'ovem'ber '16; 13 chunks; 75
year-old Barred Rock hens, laying;
60 Barred Rock pullets.
'Implements.—Deering binder, daft.
cut, nearly new; McCormick mower,
6 -foot cut; AMassey-Harris _manure
spreader, McCormick rake, Massey -
Harris spring tooth cultivator; Mas-
sey Harris 13 disc seed d;rfll, lana) rol-
ler, -1McCorntick. disc, single furrow
riding plow, walking plow, gang plow,
corn cultivator, set 4 -section harrows,
scuffler, turnip seeder, Tudholpe &
Anderson wagon, wagon box, stock
rack, hay rack, set sloop sleighs with
logging hunk, -Portl'att t cutter, rirti,ber
tire too buggy, root nulper, fanning
mill, grindstone, set scales 2,009 lbs.
capacity, De/Laval cream separator
No. 12, hay fork rope, set double
breeching harness, set plow harness,
set single harness, 5-00 bus. mixed
grain, 100 bushels oats, a ,quantity of
!Furniture -5 piece living room
suite, sideboard, dining table, exten-
sion table, couch, kitchen cupboard,
,Lighter Dray high oven range with
reservoir' and water front, washing
machine, small tables, forks, shovels,
chains, grain bags, whiffletrees and
other articles too numerous to men-
Teraims—Grain and poultry, cash; all
suns of $10 and under, cash; over that
amount 12 months' credit allowed on
purchaser furnishing approved joint
notes, or 3% for cash on credit
amounts. The' whole will positively be
Live Poultry Wanted
We pay the Highest Prices.
We give you good weight.
We want your Live Poultry, delivered
at the store, Tuesday and Thursday
W• 411
'To close the estate of the late Hen-
ry Taylor, the frame cottage on Side'
Street must be sold. This is a choice
property and in good condition, elec-
tric lights, town water, furnace, bath
tub, garage. Itrspection by appoint-
lent, Possession on November lst.
A. D.'cutherland
'General Insurance, Real Estate, .Etc.
Phone 1512, Seaforth,` Ontario.
sold without reserve as the proprietor
has sold his farm.
IG. H. Elliott, Auctioneer; J• C..
Reinke, ,Clerk; J. D. Howatt, Proprie-
In loving memory of our dear little
baby Jean, who passed away Sept.
16, 1930. -
"Quickly and suddenly came the call,
Her sudden death surprised us all;
Dearer to memory than words can
The loss of one we loved so well.”
—Ever remembered by Mother and
+Fa'ther, Mr. and 'Mrs. William Kyle.
House and •tat on Highway adjoin-
ing' town of Seaforth, the 'property of
Elizabeth Scott. House is in good re-
pair, contains seven rooms, hard and
soft water, electric light. Apply to
JOSEPH SCOTT, R. R. 2, Seaforth.
Electric lights. In good repair.
Town 'water. Apply to IP. 0. Box 478,
Seaforth; or to The News Office. 39
Comfortable Cottage situate on
East Goderich Street, Seaforth, form
erly occupied by Mrs. Clara •M'c-'
Cluskey Crowley.
Imanediate possession can be given.
For further particulars apply to R. S.
HAYS. Seaforth, Ont. ,
(Buckwheat honey, at 4 cents per
lb., in your own containers.. J. C.
LA'IuNIG, Seaforth. 39.
Mr. J. R. Walker has opened, up a
new furniture store and undertaking
business in Clinton•• tin partnership
with biessrs. Sutter & Purdue, Hard-
ware Merchants, in that town. We
wish the new firm, Sutter, Purdue &
Walker, every success and are pleased
to add bIr Walker - ik continue
, will &till
to assist in Funeral Service wank of
here, 39 •
The funeral of Ida Tebbutt who
passed away Friday, at the home of
Mrs. Mabel Watt, Clinton, was held
from Ontario Street •United' Church
on Tuesday afternoon. She was taken
to Clinton hospital about April 1,
where she remained for two months,
seeming to be somewhat improved in
health. For some time she realized the
end was approaching and she bore
her illness with resignation, The late
Miss 'Tdlbbutt was born in Goderich
Township. Her ,parents were the late
Christopher Tebbutt and Jane .Okes,
neither of whom are now living. She
spent her whole life in the locality.
She was a constant and faithful'anemn-
ber of her church and was in in earl-
ier life an active worker in the Lea-
gue and a faithful teacher in the. Sun-
day school. She is survived by one
brother Christopher Tebbutt iof Al-
Persian Balm is magical in creating
alluring complexions. A little .gentle
rubbing and your skin is invigorated
and touched with the true beauty of
youth. ,Charmingly fragrant. Delight-
ful to itse..Cools and caresses the
skit. Relieves .all .roughness and chaf-
ing caused by weather conditions.
Tones and stinivates. .Eithances and
protects the loveliest complexion, Un-
rivalled as a perfect -aid to beauty and
d am opening a Shoe Repair
Shop hi the premises formerly
occupied by Mr. D. Fountain
All work neatly and promptly
done at a reasonable price.
We specialize in hand -made
Why Feed Boarders
? `�
No _tatter how good. yang
hens are you have some board-
ers. We are itt a position to di,
expert culling for a limited titer
and can offer highest market
prices for all kinds of poultry-
poultryGive •us' a ring and our truck
tv'ill' call.
Sunnyvale Poultry farm
Phone 137r3 Seaforth, Out
Having given up the bic'Cormien-
Deering Agency, have several Beet
used Cream Separators for sale at.,ct
right price. Also a lot of good saga
repairs for nearly all makes of faaiea.
implements. W. C. GON'EINEOM
Phone 146 r 5, Seaforth.
Children For
'The Huron County
Aid Society has five children for
-whom good. homes are sought.
'They ,are boys of six months, las
years, five years, and nine yens
and one girl of two years. ItIO
are bright and attractive -
Communications from) persona
.who would like to adolpt ora cn
More of these children should Iry
addressed to
Superintendent C.A,. Society
U N DEt , rttS 0 RIOnAi_
SUPERWS1011 OP 'hits.
N-C.KCit th.f"C.CAMADA,,
FO 1410S7 IAUT'T
(oUPoN epJ"(HlOoL s
To -DAY i C�7rrxtu
Plea.,re ,renal- in .iritic
about your bea.uty eouxre;r-
Hogs, 'per_ cwt
per lb, -.16c'
Eggs, per doz. 2Ic.
'Potatoes, per bag