HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-09-24, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros,, Publishers. "MUSIC" Marie Ryan !Teac'h'er of Piano and Theory— Pupils prepared for Toronto' Con- servatory of Music examinations. Phone 230 r 2, Seaforth. WALTON. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.. W. W. Hoy at present. Mrs. Wesley Clarke is visiting with friends in Stratford this week. Born,—On Sunday, September 1t3, 1931I,.'to Mr. and " Mrs. Frank Gill, McKillop, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke visited Sunday with friends at Walton. Mr. Wa'lia•ce Sh'oddice of Stratford is '.visiting his father, W. Sholdice. Mr. and Mas. J.. M. Morrison of the a N.R. staff, Toronto, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoy and other friends. Mr, and Mrs, F. Hackwell and chile ,dneh and Mrs. Ox'to'bey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Humphries, Mr, H. Shannon and' his father spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Luke 6perin of Moncrief, {Mss. Hugh Fulton has returned lfrom,a grand trip of nearly two weeks away, having gone from here to Mount Forest, from there to Dunham, then to Owen Sound, and to Meaford. Bee sister and brother-in-law- live near Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whitfield, Her nephew, Hugh Dou- gherty, lives in Me,aford, and Mrs. Fulton had tea with Mr. and Mrs. ;Dougherty. They were at Cape Rich, 'following the Georgian Bay. Mrs. ;Fulton used to live there and wenn to' school there. From there the party went back to Owen Sound and on to '\l-iarton where lire. Fulton also went to school when quite young. She found the old place where .they had lived. The party returned to Mrs. Fulton's sister's at Meaford the same night, having driven eighty miles that day- Mr. Fulton went too and they were on the road nearly every day. Lt is 25 years since Mrs. Fulton was up there and 42 since Mr. Fulton was .there and their friends were glad to see them again. The trip was 130 miles each way and the scenery magnificent. BLYTH. A joint meeting of the Women's Association, W.M:S, and Baby Band 'was held at the parsonage on Tuesday September 16th with a splendid at- 'tendance, Mrs, S, H. White had charge of the program part of the meeting and read the "Devotional Leaflet", Peter, the Man of Impulse, Then a solo, "Signal," by Mrs. N. R. Sanderson. Rev. E. L. Anderson of- fered prayer. Rall call was answered with a Scripture verse containing the word, "Joy-", then a trio by .Little ;Betty and Joan Anderson and Master dean Hiiborn, "Jesus Loves -iMe," was much enjoyed. Hymn 410 was sung. Good readings, "The Possibility of a +Baby Band." by Mrs. E. L, Anderson and airs, L. Hilborn, "The Herald Work" was taken on India. Life and !Darkness in India, by Mrs. J. 1•V. •'Milts and Tempera'nce by Mrs. Wm, 'Hesk; this was followed by a duet, "Scatter Joy and Gladness," by Mrs, H. McElroy and Margaret Johnston, The pres'ident of the W.M.S. conduct- ed the business part of the meeting, 'Delegates were appointed for the eon- 'fere.nce for the west section of Huron Presbyterial to be held at Dungannon Oetober Psth as follows: Mrs. C. E. Toll and Mrs. N. Garrett Letters were"read by Rev. Anderson and the president of \V IES. from the National Emergency Relief committee of our United Church, Saskatchewan being the province most seriously affected, A committee, namely, Mrs. S. G. Les- lie, Mrs. J. W. Mills, Mrs, C. Granby, ;-IMrs. J. W. Pette and Mrs. J. Col - dough,. were appointed to look after same Slymn 413 was sung. Mrs. Wightman closed the meeting with prayer. The group committee of the !W.1'f1S, served a 10 cent tea. Mr. D, D. Crittenden of St, Thomas was a week end visitor wish friends. While playing ball at school on Monday afternoon an unfortunate an- • eident occurred in which Ernie Rob- inson had his. Left arm broken at the e'bee- when he fell to the ground 'with anc,ther boy on top of hlim. Mr, and Mrs. McCormack of WY - 'outing, Mr, and Mrs Nelles Ander- son of Leamington, Mr, Blyth Ando • ersatz. and Miss Sadie Anderson of IWy-ondcing, were guests of their bro- • ther. Rev, F. L Anderson, over the week end, 'IMrs. Helen Anderson bLdCormiack assisted in the anniversary services in Queen Street Chu'rcle .on Sunday with tiwo very beautiful solos. B1'yt'h is Mrs MoCorm'ack''s, birthplace, her father Itav'.ng been pastor 'sere. THURSDAY, SEPT, 24, 1931. ■ Come in and See Our New and Used Cars ! Am Agent For Durant Carso& Rugby Trucks Masseyfilar e s Machinery and Repairs JOHN AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. Anderson's Bakery SEAFORTH Lowest prates consis'tent with Highest Quality Home of Buttermilk Scone Loaf A Real Treat Fresh Stock of Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies and Pastries always on hand. TRY OUR FAIR DAY SPECIAL Jellyrolls RASPBERRY, LEMON, CHOCOLATE, APRICOT T. ROY ANDERSON Phone 70. -iMe. Bob Co'll'i,nson of St. Pau Minn., arrived home on Friday on hi holidays. 'Mrs. Sims sr., who was taken last week to Clinton hospital to recover from her recent stroke, is improving and will convalesce there for five or six weeks. Morning and evening anniversary services were held in Queen Street !Church on Sunday. Dr. W. D. Wil- son of Toronto, preached inspirational e I, •Belgrave visited Mr. and Mrs. Clae- s ence Johnston Sunday afternoon.. addresses to large audiences. Th beautiful harvest decorations in the church for .which much credit is due to Mrs. C. Grasby, received consid- erable comment from the speaker and the congregations. The St. Andrew's 'Church withdrew evening worship anted the pastor, Rev. George Weir, as- sisted in the service of Queen street church. The anniversary offering was du excess of 5500. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McElroy return ed to Detroit for a few days with Mr, and ilrs, Bert McElroy, Who were week end visitors in Blyth. IiMr, Cruickshank of Toronto gave a very instructive and interesting lec- ture on bulbs, illustrated with slides; for the Horticultural Society. in the basement of St. Andrew's Church on 'Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hilbor'u, Miss Mil- dred Hi'lb'orn and Mrs. S. G. Leslie were London visiitors on .iMonday.. The marriage took place at the Queen street parsonage on Wednes- day, September 16th at noon, of Mrs, Mabel Johnston and bar, William Fer- guson, constable of Blyth. Rev. E. L. Anderson officiated, Mr. and Nims. Ferguson have taken the Brunsdon house and will occupy it on their re- turn the middle of this week from a trip to Toronto and several other places. Mr. and ifre. Will Yeo and daugh- ter Rita of Hei'mesw'ille, and 'Mr, and and .Mfrs, Lennus Yeo and son Bruce of 'Winnipeg. _Man., spent Thursday at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, John Yeo. Mrs. C. F. White who was visiting relatives' at Goderich and 'Holmesville returned with them, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hilborn, their son, Evan, and Miss Mildred H'ilborn, were 'London visitors Monday, 'Mr. and 'flys. Geo. Potter +were Sunday guests at the home of Mr,' John Yeo. i'fr, and IMrs. Chas, Nicholson, Vet- nn'a and Gordon, spent Monday even- ing at the home of *Mr. L. Fear. MORRIS Mrs. Chas. Nicholson and Velma spent the past week with Mrs. Clar- ence Johnston, Miss Mary Brown returned to 'Brampton after spending the past two weeks with her parents, John and IMrs, Brown, Vlr, and Mrs. Russel Bradshaw and children also Mr. and Mrs, John ,Riley, and Eileen and Helen of Jamestown. spent Sunday with John and Mrs. Grasby. ! Mrs. Nelson Nicholson, Leslie and. Norman visited at George Nicholson's. in McKillop Sunday afternoon, !Mrs, John Brown spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Nicholson, Gor- don and Velma, also 'Mr, Nelson Ni- ch.olson, visited' at Mr. R. Mc'Leod's of Ethel Sunday afte'rn,00n, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Sh'oebo'btom of HARLOCK Mrs.. Phillips of Toronto visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox Wednes- day of last week. liar, William Leiper of Stratford normal spent the week end at his home (tette.. Mc. and Mrs. A. W. McEwing at- tended the funeral of the late . Bert, Young of Sunshine on Wednesday. 101d doctor stork delivered a balby boy to Mr, and Mrs. George Pollard recently. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Pe- ter McDonald underwent an opera- tion in Clinton hospital last Friday. We hope she will have a speedy re- covery. Mr, and Mrs, Richard Armstrong and family of near Brussels, visited A. W. McEwing's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ritchie spent the week end with friends near Tees - water. We are- glad to hear'that Mrs, Ro- bert Ferris, who had the Misfortune to break her arm, is getting along nicely. We hope her arm will soon be o.k. again. CROMARTY. 'Mrs, Speare of the village is under the doctor's care. Miss Jessie Hodgert of Exeter is visiting relatives here. .Rev. and Mrs. Elder and family, of '3l'ilverton called on friends in the v'i'llage one day last week. Miss Gladys Hamilton had her ton- sils removed in Seaforth ;hospital lase week. Hoggarth Biros. have purchased' a new Plymouth car. Mr. Frank 'Bruce is ill with typhoid fever, EXETER FALL FAIR Fine weather greeted Exeter Fall 'Fair on Tuesday .and Wednesday of this week. The en't'ry was mac of the largest in the 'history of the fair, the indoor exhibit atone 'having over 1,400 en tries. GRAD\ AND SEEDS. Fall wheat, white, Mrs, Omar Cun- nitzghant, .Hilton T'ruenoner; fall wheat red, Mrs., 'H, 'A. Fuss, .VIilne Rader; spring wheat,, Mrs. 'Otter 'Cunning- ham, -Milne Rader; 6 -rowed barley, Mrs 44. 'A. (Fuss, Milne Rader; black oats, 'Clarence !M'aier; white oats, James 'Cottle, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; 'tim- othy seed, Ciarence Maier; .flax seed. `James 'Cottle; white 'beans, rJacob Bat- tler, Milne Rader; clover seed, 'Alvin Ceding, Clarence ilaier; grain in ear. Luther Reynolds, Mrs. F. Triebner: ensilage corn. F. Elleriitgton; large peas, James Cottle; small peas, Milne` Rader. IH'OIR'ii'CU'IJTUR1AL PRODUCTS.. .Winter apples, 'Mrs. F,. Triebner, Ohas, Aldworth; fall apples, Mrs, F Triebner,, Jas. McDonald; Mall apples any variety, Mrs. F. 'Triebner, A. J Willard,' Rhode Island Greetnings, •Cecil Rowe, Mrs. F. Triebner; North- ern 'S'pies, Mrs. 'Cl:ayton'Sints, F. Ell- erington; Roxboro Russets, Mrs.. F. Teichner, Herbert'Desjardine; Gold- en 'Russets, Hilton 'Truennner, Mrs 'F..Trsiebper; 'S�oitzitur•gs, 'E, J. Wil. 41ard, !F, 'Ellerinigton; Bald wins, 'Clar- ence Maier, Hilton True'rnnetr; We'slt- field Seek -no -.further, 'Frauh 'Triebner; Snow Apples, Hilton Tette muer, Chas AMdw orLh; Grat ensteins Freak 'T rielb Pei; Colverts, Hilton "lruemner; fat iPip'pins Frank Triebner; King o Tompkins Jas. McDonald, 'C1i for Hey tt ood; • Alexanders, FrankIT rieb ner, Philip Hern; Canadian Red, IHil ton' Truennuer, F. 'Elleriugt'on; 'Rib stone Pippins, Frank Triebner, Chas LAldworth; 'Wagnets, 'Hilton Trueni Dan an Dew ; Grimes G. Pippins 'Chas.. Aldtvorbh, Hilton Truelnner M'a'id'en's Blush Cecil Rowe, Fran Triebner; 'Bess Davis, Franck Triebner ;Luther (Reynolds; ;Ontario, Jacoi IB's tiler, Frank IT'Wealthy Robert'Sanders, F'ran'k Triebner .Duchess of Oldenburg, Mrs. Cunn iirgham, Jas, •MriDonia•ld; Blen'heu Pippins,'Frank Triebner,H'iito 'Truenuner; Teheran, Cecil Rowe, E. J ;Willard; St. L'a'w:rence, 'E, J, Wadlard F. Triebner: ('Pears.-lWiniter pears, James McDonald; Duchess of 'Anljioudliin'e, 101'55 ford Heywood,• James McDonald (Sheldon, Trielbner, Dan Dew 'Bureau Anjou, Jacob Battler, Jars .MdD'anald; 'B'artlett, Jas, McDonald Dan Dew.fPdanms,JCo.'s Golden Drop, Hilbo Truemner; Loimlbards, . Chas, Ald worth, Rob:!. Slanders; any variety o plutes, Philip Hern, Mrs.. 'Els'; Tlltotnt!pson; P'ond's' Seedling, 'Hill Truenvzer. (Gra'pes.—+Me'ore's Early, Mrs. 'Geo Churchill, W. II. Dearing; Niagara Clifford Heywood, Miss Whi't'e; 'Con cord, J. Grieve, Clifford Heywood Roger's No. 4, Wilder, Chas. Ald worth; Roger's No. 22, Salem, W. H Dearing; Wedden, W. H. Dearing. .Pe'ache's—Earay Crawford, Rhili Hern, Clifford Heywood; Late Craw .ford, Hilton Truennner. D:OIMIHSITII'C PIRODUIOTIS Honey, half g'all'on, Mrs Geo 'Chu'rch'ill; honey, .5 pounds, Mrs. G 'Churchill, Clarence Maier;. maple syr up, Mrs. Edgar Darling, Milne Rader White bread, Luther_ Reynolds, Mrs W. H. Dearing, thrown bread; Mrs IW, !H. Dearing, L: Reynolds; special Mrs,. W. H. Dearing; coffee cake, L Reynolds, Mrs.' W. T3. Dearing; ang el cake, .Mrs, Dlnnar Cunn'in'gham, M W. Doupe; light cake, Mrs. Clayto Sims, M. W. Doupe; dark cake, Mrs E. S. Steiner, M. W. D:ou�oe app' pie, Mrs. 'C. Sims, Mrs. E. S Steiner pie, M. W. Doupe, Mrs. C Sims ;lemon pie, Philip Hern, Mrs L. Rawcliffe; red currant jelly, 'Miss E„ R. Pym, Mrs. W. H. D'eariaeg apple jelly, Mrs, E. R. Pym, Mrs. W H. Dearing; berry jelly. blrs, L Rowcliffe; sour piddles, Mrs, E. 'S Steiner, Mrs. 0. Cunningham; swee pickles, Ma's, E. R. Perm, Mrs. 0 Cunningham; catsup, A. D'esjerdine Mrs. Jessie Jacques; canned rhu'b'arb Mrs. 0. Cunningham; canned ch'er- rie's, Mrs. W. 'H, Dearing, Neil Camp - .bell; cannned' raslpberries, Milne Rader Mrs, W. H. Dearing;. canned pears, 'Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Mrs. M. Garter; canned p'lain's, Alvin' IPy'm, Mrs, peaohes, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs, Carter; straw berries, .Mrs, Dear- ing, Mrs. Elsie Thompson; apples, es, W. Doupe, Mrs, Dearing; corn, Mrs. F'. Triebner, Wm, Hey; peas) Mrs, Dearing, Mrs.. 'Cunaningh'am; tomat- oes, Mrs, Steiner, Philip Hero; chick- en, Mrs. Dearing; lunch for two, Mrs. Cunningham,. Mrs. J. Jacques; cured ham, Mrs. H. A. !Fuss; assortment o'f cured meats, Mrs. H. A Fuss, Wm. Hey. Judge -'Mrs. Wiltia'm Consi'tt, "Hen - salt. DAIIRY PIRIOIDUC1yS 5 pounds butter, Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Mrs; J. O. Lurie; 10 pounds butter, Mrs. Cunningham,,Mrs. Carter; rolls,, Cecil Rowe, Mrs H. A. Fuss; table butter, Mrs. J, 0. Louie; creamery cutter, W. J, Veal. VEGlE'TIAi13ILF S American Wonder 'P'ot'atoes, Milne Rader, Beauty of Hebron, .W. H. Dearing; Empire State potatoes, M Rader; Carmen No. 1, Clarence Maier, New Yorkers, E. J. Willard, Milne ader; Irish Cobblers, Mrs. Van Camp and 2nd; Green Mountain, Mrs, VaanCantp, Milne Radar; early rose. r H. Dearing; Linc'o•lans, Milne Ra- er, E. J. Willard. Three varieties of otatoes, W. H. Dearing; blood beets. obt. Sa'nders, E. J. Willard; globe eets, Robt, 'Sanders, Clifford H.ey rood; sugar beets,'Alvin E. Peen; F. ileritigton; sugar beet mangolds, E. Willard, Clarence Maier; long nan'golds, I3. Truetnmer, .Robe. S'an ern; .globe nnangolds, W. H. Deering. Truenner; intermediates, Alvin ading, Rotbt. Sanders; early horn rrots, Robt., Sanders, Clifford' Hey- ood; Nantes, Mrs., 'VanlCanep, jo's- h Sutten; red .carrots, R. Sanders, F llerington; ,field carrots, E. J, Wil - rd, R. Sanders; sweet cern, C. Hey- ood, Mrs. W. Bowden; bantam corn IMrs. VaniCamp; wat•eenoclons, E. J Hied, Ohas, Aidwort'h; ou'nvpkins en Dew; Joseph Senior; squash, R riders, Clarence Maier; musk mel- s, 'Clarence Maier, Mrs. M. Carter: weed turnips, J'. Cottle, L. Reynolds• Y variety turnips, E. J. 'Willard - Maier, cauliflower, C Maier, R. angers; red onions, Chas. Ald'worbh' Sanders; yellow onions, R. Sand- ers, C. Aldwarth; Spanish onions R Slanders, C, Aldlwor'tii; tomatoes, W. H. Dearing, Dan De'w; celery, C. Ald- - Worth citrons Dr. Grieve, H True - 1 timer; citrons,Mips. VaniCemp, Mrs., E ;Carter; Hulbbard squash, J. Senior, J. d evecIDonald; table' squash, R. Sanders, IC. Maier; fall cab'b'age, R. Sanders, E. 3. Willard; winter calbbage, R. 1Sandens, Clifford Heywood; colae'e- tion of vegetables, R. Sanders, Clar-. ence Maier. judge—Richard 'Coates. MAsNiUIF1AICITUIRIEIS,' ETC,, Frani Pair blankets, Sou'theott Beo's., Jones & May; woollen yarn, `Milne b Rader,,Mrs. Darling; rag carpet, 'Mos, , rDarl ng, Mrs, E, Lawson; tailor cue- ; 'tom suit, W. W. Taman, Sou'thcott, Bros; cola, of goods, Jones & May, n 'Southcott Bros.; tailor's goods and n .furuis'hings, W. W. Tainan; Coll. of grocer'ies, Soulbhleoet Bios., Jones & 'May; boots and shoes, J'on'es & May, 1Sloultlre'ott Biros.; ladies' boons, Jones - & May, Soutthcott Bros.; gents' boots, - iS'out+hco'Ot Boos, Jones I& May. FIIINIE AIRITS Oil Paim'tinigs—Animals, ' Miss L. , Crank, Dr. Grieve, vegata'bles, . Miss , Grant, J. Triebner; marine, Miss Grant, Miss 'White; scene, Miss Grant n Miss;White; flowerss, Mists Grant, - 'Miss White; still life, Miss Grant, Dr. f Grieve. e 'Water 'Colors=Seascape, Miss on Grant, Miss White; flowers, Miss S. Fennell, Miss Grant; single work, Dr. Grieve, Dorothy Ry'rlh'matn; original study, M'is's Grant, Mr Fennell. i1Lis'cellan'eo'us•—pastel marine, Miss; ;! White, Mrs. G. Churchill; landscape,, Miss White; eharooel, Miss Grant;` • sepia, landscape. Miss Grant, Miss 'White; pencil drawing, Miss Grant, Vein Grace Aaaders'on, single' piece art - work, Miss Whike, Miss Grant; tool- ed leather, Miss' Frain; new craft, Miss White, Mits. Fuss; wood carv- Mrs., ing, Mrs. Fuss.; sealing wax display, , Miss W. Frain, Mrs.'.Fuss; artificial waxed flowers, W. H. Smith, M'rs. Clayton 'Sims; basketry, Mrs. Jessie Jacques, •Mrs. H. A. Fuss. Hand' ; Painted' China.—Painting, , 'Miss Grant, Dr. Grieve;realistic, 'Grace . Anderson, Miss Grant; lustre - ''wank, Miss Grant, Grace Anderson; tea set, Miss Grant, Mrs. Churchill. n .Pho'tograp'hy --Tinted snap shots.' IR. Sanders, Miss White; ph'otograp'hs, e Mrs. Churchill, photographs, Jos. Se- 'niar and '2nd; 'collec'ti'on of views, J. „ Senior and 2nd: Judge—JMiss N. J,. Dore, OUT FP I !• LO1W(ERS !Snapdragons, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Churchill; collection snapdragons,, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Dearing; asters, Dearing, Mrs. Heywood; asters, t pink, Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Dearing; , purple asters, Mrs, Dearing, Philip Herat,; comet collection asters, Mrs, , Dearing; 6 blooms white asters, Mrs. Churchill; mauve asters, Mrs. Dear- ing, Mrs. C'hurc'hill; purple asters, , Mrs. Freckldton, Mrs. Churchill; pink asters, Mrs, Heywood, Mrs. Church- ill; coxcombs, L. Reynolds, Mrs: G. !Heywood; coxcombs, feathered, Mrs. Dearing, Dan Dew; cosmos, single, L. Reynolds, dahlias, Mrs. Cunningham, 'Mrs. Heywood;' dahlias, cars. Hey- 'wood; dahlias, pompom, Mrs. Hey- wood, -Mrs. Elsie Thompson, collection of dahli'as, Mrs. Cunn- ingham; dianthus, Mrs. Heywood;' gladiolus, Mrs. Heywood; best three spikes, and other classes, Mrs. Hey- wood; Impatiens, Mrs. G. Freckleton; African marigolds, Mes. Dearing, L. Reynolds; French marig'old's, Mrs. Heywood, Cecil Rbw-e; phlox, Mrs, Dearing; perennial' phlox, Mrs. Hey- wood; double petunia, Luther Rey- nol'ds, Mrs. Deering; pansies, L Rey - maids, Mrs. Heywood; salvia, L Rey- nolds; Mrs. Cthunchill; s't'ocks, L. Rey- raol'ds, Mrs. G,' Hey,wo'od; sweet peas. IL. Reyn'old,s; verbenas, Mrs, Dearing Mrs. 'Heywood; zinnias, Philip He, da'h'lia flowered zinnias, Mrs. Hey\• wood; display zinnias, Mrs. Heywood,, Philip Hern; col'lecti'on, L. Reynolds, Mrs. Freckleton; collection perennial's Mrs- Heywood; bride's bouquet, cars' Deering, Mrs. Churchill; cut flowers basket Mrs, Heywood, P'hiiaig Hern; Ib and' bouquet, Mrs, -Gunning va:me novelty, Mrs. Heywood, L Reynolds, David Rowclfffe, Judge. LADIES' WOIRK ;Living Roam Aeoes'sories—ICenhre 'piece. W. H. Smith,, Mrs. Stephen ,Fennell; table scarf, W. H. Smith. ''Irs. Darling; erne.!, cus'hi'on, Mrs, /Darling, W. H. Snaith; cushion, fan- cy, W. H. Smith, Mrs, Fennell; card table cover, Mrs, Fennell, Mrs. Darl- ing, (Dining Roottt,—Buffet set, Mrs. -G Marriott, Mrs. Lawson; colored buf- fet set, Mrs. Darling, Wm, Hey; cen- ter piece, Mrs. Dar'l'ing, Mrs.. 'Mar- riott; tatted' center piece, 'E:restou'. Dearing, Mrs, E. S. Steiner; tray cloth's, Mrs. Darling, Mrs, Fuss lunch cloth and serviettes, bars. Elsie Thompson, W. H. Smith; . breakfast set, Mrs. Darling; Mrs. Bruce Rivers: tea cosy, 'Mrs, Darling, Mrs., Rivers; doilies, -Mrs. Marriott, bars, Darling; table mats, 'Mrs. Marriott, Mrs. Pres- ton' Dearing; dinner niaplein's,,Mrs, H. K. Hy'udmnan, Mrs, Freckleton. .Bedroom AccessoriestiEanrb, pillow cases,, Wm, Hey, Mrs. Darling; other. pylltdw cases, Mrs, Lawson, Mrs. Geo!, Ohunch.ill; pillow cases and sheet, Mrs 1 yl d p R b E J. 0 d H ca w ep E la w D S'a of s an C. Sa COY TRY t illespie's Cleaners & Dyers WITFI YOUR NEXT ORDER Phone I96w We call and deliver V. J. Gi'I.lesp'ue, Prop. Marriott, Mon.'Dlailinig; .guest towels; Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Stephen Fennell; bowels,' Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Rivers; bath towels, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs, ,Elsie Tdaonrpso:n; vaniity set, Ohas. Ald- w'orth, Mrs. L. Rowcliffc; d'ress'er scarf, Mrs, Ed. Latws'on, M'rs, Rolw Cliffe; b'auido'ir pillow, Mrs, Rivers Mrs, Darling; bedispnead, Mrs. Elsie IThonupsou, Mrs. Ohunohiil; beds spread, Mrs. Aldiwortdt, Mrs. 011ayltan 'Sines; curtains, Mrs. D'arlin'g, Mrs•. C'hurehiM, Kitchen—Tea towels, Wm. Hey, .Mrs, Steiner; pan' holders, 'Mrs. Fen - nee!, Ms's, Lawson; breakfast tach, Mrs. Fennell, Mrs, Lawson; curtains, Mrs, Fennell, .Ins. Darling. tDo'mesltio — Quilt, Milne Rader, Mrs. Jowcliffe; quilt., other, Philip .Herat, Mrs. 'Geo. • Link; comiforter, Philip Hern, Mrs, Darling; braided floor mat, M. - Rader, C. A'id'wbrtihG hooked floor mat, Mrs. MdAvoy, W. IH. Smith; crocheted floor mat, Phil- ip Hern, Ohas. All'dworth; men's work shirt, Mrs. E. R. Pym, Mrs, L'awsosa; knitted men's socks, Mrs. Geo, Mar- rio'tt, Mrs. Laaisoae; knitted metksy Mns. Lawson, Mrs. Darling; knitted sweater, " Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Churchill; kn'it'ted scarf, •Mrs. Situs,' Mks. Lslwsion. Ladies' and Children's wear.- 'Alp- ron, Mrs. Lawson, W. H. Smith; work apron, Mrs. Cunningham,' Mrs. Jacques; house- dress, .Mrs. E. R. Pym, W. H. Smith; night robe, Mrs. Clayton Sims, Win, Hey, underwear, Mrs. Edgar Darling, Mrs. Fuss; col- lar and cuff set, Mrs. Fuss; fancy work bag, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Edgar ;Darling; hantdlkerchiefs, Mrs. H. A. 'Fuss, Mrs. Fennell; knit indoor wrap- or rapor shawl, Mrs. Ed. Lawson, Mrs. Ri- vers, baby's dress, Mrs. Pym, Mrs: ILawnson; baby's jacket, Mrs, Darling. baby's carriage cover, Mrs. Darling, IMrs, Fennell, child's play dress,- Mrs. ;Pus's, Mrs Sims; knitted' costume, 'Mrs, Sims, Mrs. Lawson, ,:a -'-,1e tMiscell'anc'ou'g--Illtalian hem, • Mrs. Hynd'man, Mrs. Rivers; fine cut, ,Mrs. .i'Larrioitt, Mrs, Hyndm'an; fancy cro- chet, Mrs. 'Marriott, Mrs. Lawson; eyelet work Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Wm - Hey, fancy knitting Dr. Grieve, Mrs. 'Marriott; ta'ttin'g, Mrs, Frain, Mrs. 'Marriott; cross stitch, Mrs. Hyndsaian .Mrs. Marriott; bead work, Mrs. Geo. Ch'urchil'l, Mrs. Stephen F,eneell; rib- bon articles, Mrs, Churchill, M'Crs. Fennell; small novelties, Mrs, Jessie Jacques, Mrs. Marriott; repairing,. Mrs. Fennell, Mrs, Marriott. Judge—Mrs. N. A. 'Maclean, A1vin- ston, SCHOOL 013I'LDIRIEIN Vegetables.—+Green Mountain pota- toes„ F, Triebner, Msr, Van•Ca'mp; Irish Cobbler, J. Battler, Frank Trie- bner; Golden Bantam corn, C. Hey- wood, Mrs. VateCamp; any other corn F. E1l'erington, F. Triebner; long beets, J. B'atitler; other beets, F. Triebner, C. Heywood; tChautenay carrots, Mrs, V'anCamp, L. Reynolds; other carrots, Mrs, VanlC'anup, C. Heywood; ye'll'ow onions, F. Trieb- ner, Mrs. Cunningham; red onions, J. Blander; Dutch sets, Cecil Rowe, L. Reynolds; Swede turnips, J. Battler, parsnips, Mrs. VadC ni ; celery, L. Reynolds, C. Heywood; tomatoes, L. IReyn'olds, bars, Viaia Canvp; ' cabbage, J. B'attler,C, Heywood; table beat's, C. Hey woods F. Triebner; white beans, F. Triebner, :Mrs, J. 0. Love; ma•:agoldls, Mrs. 3d, W. Doupe, Mrs. VanlCannp, Cut Ftourer's--;Asters, L. Reynolds, C. Heywood; phlox, L. Reyni'old's, J. tB•attler; sweet peas, Cl'iff'ord Heywood 0asiturtium's, Luther Reygndld's, Cifif- ford Heywood; geranlu si, John Trielb- ner; bellsta'nvs, L. Reynolds; dandi'as, C. Heyw,o'od; gladioli, C. Heywood; collection of woods, ' L, Reynolds, J. .Triebner; leaves, L. Reynolds; insects, J. Battler, L. Reynolds; writing, J. A. Snell, Dorothy Smith; maps, F. Triebner, .Grains-\Vinter wheat, Herbert. „Des'as',line, F. Triebner; oats, F. Triebner, M. W. Delve; barley, Mrs. Cunningham, Luther Reyteotl'ds; best -4 ha• bread, AMrs, Cueniegol, lunch, Mrs. Jacques, Mrs. VenCa•m'p; plums, L. Reynolds; sasplberries, L, Reynolds, Mrs. Van'Camp; strawberries, L. Rey- noid's,Mrs, Lovie; apple pie, Mrs. Cunningham, 3strs. Lovie; best dress- ed doll, Mae Clarke, Jean Appleton; towels, 3,Battie,, Mrs. Lawson; ap- ron, Mrs, Jacques, pin cushion, Mrs. E. Lawson; crochet work, Mrs. Jac- ques, M s. Lawson; sewing, Mrs. 'Jacques; laundry bag, Mrs. Lawson, J. Tattler; socks, Mrs. Lawson;; paint- ing, M. Harness, pillow cases, Mrs. jecques; hammer handle, Mrs. Law- son, gate, F. Triebner, vegetable cold - J. 'Battler, judges—T. Coates, J. A. Stewart. J. '14. Grieve,